Case Study: Dealing with a Broken Heart and Good Nutritional Needs

August 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by Protica Research

Case Study: Dealing with a Broken Heart and Good Nutritional Needs – Health – Nutrition

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Can you die from a broken heart? Technically, you cannot, but it may feel like it. A rare condition called broken heart syndrome strikes middle-aged to elderly women and can mimic the symptoms of a heart attack, including high blood pressure and an abnormal EKG. The patient will typically be brought to an emergency room and be put through the typical heart tests; however, within hours those same symptoms that brought her to the hospital will be gone and she will leave, completely healthy.

Broken heart syndrome is not a commonly known condition and is not often discussed or written about. It is not so much a physical condition as it an emotional one; however, it does cause real pain and feels every bit as real as a heart attack. The cause is extreme emotional situations, including intense fear, anxiety or physical stress. When this happens, alert hormones, called catecholamines, are flooded throughout the body’s system. These hormones make your entire body react – raising the blood pressure, causing chest pain, shortness of breath and other symptoms that can cause both patient and doctor to be convinced that it is a legitimate heart attack.

The condition, technically called stress cardiomyopathy, is temporary in most cases. The catecholamines in broken heart syndrome (BHS) are two to three times higher than the levels of an actual heart attack patient and seven to 34 times higher than what is considered a normal level. This condition is considered to be rare, is rarely fatal and does not cause any lasting damage to the heart. It rarely returns after the initial episode (Source: Agatston, MD 2010).

It happens to a lesser degree to most people. For instance, the pounding heart after a near miss car accident or when you hear a loud noise in the middle of the night are both examples of heart stress. Normal anxiety or stress can progress, however, and may end up resulting in broken heart syndrome.

Despite the fact that broken heart syndrome is rarely fatal, it is important that you never let yourself be lulled into a false sense of security. It is a very rare syndrome in the first place, and women’s heart attack symptoms are hard enough to recognize and are rarely treated in a timely manner, resulting in the woman’s death from her first heart attack. While pain or other symptoms can result from extreme shock or panic, it is also likely that you are in fact having a heart attack. If there is any chance at all that you are, or you are not 100 percent sure, it is best to go to the emergency room to be safe rather than sorry.

The most common sufferer of broken heart syndrome is the 60 year old woman – also the most common age for female heart disease sufferers. Men start seeing increased heart disease risk at age 45-50, while women’s increased risk starts later. Risk factors for heart disease include high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, smoking or living with a smoker, obesity (most particularly abdominal fat), sedentary lifestyle and insufficient estrogen (Source: Ammer 2005). Heredity and family history also play a role in assessing the risk factors for developing heart disease.

Learning to reduce those factors that can be changed and to deal with those that cannot is important. Diet and exercise are also important to include in a new healthy lifestyle. Using the DASH diet (fresh fruits and vegetables, reduced sodium and lean protein sources) is also very beneficial.

Exercise Suggestions

Before starting any exercise routine, it should be discussed with your doctor to make sure that you are healthy enough for physical activity and that you are selecting something that will be beneficial rather than harmful. For instance, a steady walk is a good exercise choice while trying to run a 5K on your first day out is not. Aim for enough movement to feel good but not so much that you are exhausted or too sore to move the next day. As you get more used to moving around, you can add more. Strength training is a good choice as well, and can protect women’s bones from osteoporosis.

A simple reduction in weight can help to protect the heart by lowering the blood pressure and the cholesterol level.

Eating Heart Healthy

Soy protein is one of the best proteins that can be added to the diet, improving overall cardiovascular health by lowering cholesterol levels and improving the blood pressure. Making sure that the diet is healthy and well-balanced is important, especially for those who are concerned about their cardiovascular health.

Broken heart syndrome is not fatal; however, if it happens more than a few times, it can increase the chance of having real heart damage build up.

Broken Heart Syndrome and Damaged Hearts: A Case Study

Wavelene was at the funeral of her youngest sister, a heart wrenching time in her life, when she got into a minor altercation with her niece and nephew over whose fault it was that Sherilyn died at the young age of 45. The conversation got ugly, and Wavelene ended up storming away in near hysterics. The service was touching and beautiful, but afterward the fight resumed exactly where it left off. By then, Sherilyn’s grieving children had enlisted a few more family members to take their side. Wavelene was trying to defend herself when she felt a horrifying pain in her chest. Convinced that she was having a heart attack, she asked her own children to take her to the emergency room. Once there, the usual tests were run – she did have extremely high blood pressure, and an echocardiogram showed that the apex of her heart (the upper section) was not moving, which is the classic sign of a coronary in progress. The ER staff was equally convinced that she was in the middle of a heart attack, and they called in a cardiologist as well as her own family physician.

Her doctor suggested a procedure to clear out the veins that he was sure were blocked, however, they soon found that she did not have any blockages at all and within a few hours, her blood pressure normalized and she felt fine. She was released from the hospital and went home, and the incident was not repeated.

To make sure that she remained in top health, Wavelene changed her diet, reducing the sodium and red meat that she was eating and adding Profect, a protein supplement from Protica. She also started exercising every other day with her doctor’s permission, including strength training and cardiovascular exercise. Because of this episode, her doctor has also suggested that she monitor her blood pressure at home on a regular basis and will review this information at her follow-up visits.

To protect her heart as much as she can, Wavelene continues to watch for the risk factors that she can control and tries to not get overly stressed over the ones that she cannot, including her own personal family health history.


Christine Ammer. The New A to Z of Women’s Health Fifth Edition Checkmark Books, Garden City New York 2005

Arthur Agatston, MD When the Heart Breaks Prevention Magazine April 2010

About the Author

About Protica Research ( Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm specializing in the development of dense nutrition in compact forms. Protica manufactures Profect (, IsoMetric (, Pediagro (, Fruitasia ( and many other brands in its GMP-certified, 250,000 square foot facility. Copyright – Protica

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About Protica Research ( Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm specializing in the development of dense nutrition in compact forms. Protica manufactures Profect (, IsoMetric (, Pediagro (, Fruitasia ( and many other brands in its GMP-certified, 250,000 square foot facility. Copyright – Protica

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For Stronger Heart, Workout with Gym Equipments

April 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Gym Workouts

Working Out on Gym Equipments helps a person to keep the calorie away and keeps the Heart healthy and Cholesterol free. There are various types of Gym Equipments which can help you burn your extra calories and keep away your heart from stress and cholesterol. You can choose Gym Equipments for yourself and plan a fitness regime. First you should take professional advice and your Doctor’s green signal to follow your work outs routine.

There are various types of Gym Equipments available in the market. They serve different purposes. Gym Equipments come as a part of Multi Gym, Home Gym and Commercial Gym etc. You can do a varied number of exercises using the Gym Equipments like aerobics, cardio vascular exercises, brisk walking, Spinning etc.

Aerobics is a form of gym exercise and is very useful in restoring the health of heart.

A large number of people perform aerobics either at their homes or at classes where they can learn this form of workout. There are various types of DVDs available in the market through which any one can learn aerobics at home. Doctors also suggest their patients, who escaped a heart attack or are suffering from any other form of heart disease, to do gym exercises like Aerobics and Brisk Walking on Treadmill on a regular basis. Those who do not get time to hit the gym or cannot afford gym facilities can access to other options. A multi purpose Home Gym can also solve your problem of the lack of time and interest. You can exercise in your personal Gym at your free time.

Gym Equipment machines have flooded the market places with various options and well-known for being extremely effective.

A large number of people are using these equipments so as to keep their heart in the best health conditions. The experts also suggest the first-time users of such machines to go through the great physical fitness articles to read on aerobics and other gym exercises. Proper learning of aerobics and cardio vascular exercises is important to get better results.

Apart from the aerobic Gym Equipment, one can also go for Domestic Bikes which is also very useful. The stationary bikes give you a chance to perform bicycling without actually hitting the roads and it will help you to burn more calories. It will also save your time without the fear of getting injured while actual cycling.

Cardio exercises help you to gain a better health and vitality. It also allows you to live a longer and fuller life. Having good gym equipment can make life easier, stress free and more enjoyable. A good gym workout can lead to lower body fat level; it simply means that you can be more fit and ready to do all your work by yourself.

There are many elements to a good gym workout the most important is work capacity. Work Capacity is essentially how much work you can do, and how hard/fast you can do it. The Cardio Exercises aim at improving your work capacity. Hence the Gym Equipments are highly effective and beneficial for all.

Gym Equipments Manufacturer-Syndicate Gym Industries is Gym Equipments manufacturer and Gym Equipment supplier in Punjab,India. We provide modern Gym Equipment for commercial & domestic applications.

Healthy living tips for maintaining a strong heart

April 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by Sharen Turney

The truth is that there are some healthy living tips that you need to always take into account if you want to do as much as possible to keep your heart healthy and strong. You should know that heart disease stands out as one of the main causes of death in USA today and this is usually caused by living a healthy lifestyle that is filled with time related demands and an attention that is linked to things that are damaging. Let us consider some highly important healthy living tips that you should always try to respect.

The number one healthy living tip that a specialist will offer is the fact that it is really important to have a properly balanced and nutritious diet. It is recommended to eat around 5 servings of vegetables and fruits daily because they are low in calories and they will include higher quantities of minerals, fibers and vitamins. Supplements need to be considered whenever you think that the diet has some nutrient lacks.

Whole grains are especially recommended for the heart as it helps in controlling cholesterol and blood pressure. These foods will be rich in fiber while also being low in fat and including vitamins. It has been scientifically proven that whole grains help out a lot in reducing diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease risks. Start the morning by a serving of oatmeal and include whole grain toast. The afternoon meal might include air popped popcorn or granola.

Make sure that you are always going to drink enough water. Every person will need a different quantity but if you feel that you are thirsty, it is already too late as the body is starting to get dehydrated. In addition, it is quite common to eat more than needed due to the fact that you believe that you are hungry when water is what is actually required. As the blood will get thicker due to lack of proper hydration, it can put a lot of strain on the heart and this can eventually lead to heart disease.

Another one of the important healthy living tips is the fact that you should regularly exercise. It is highly important for the heart to go through aerobic exercises. This includes dancing, walking, running and bike riding. You should always pick an exercise routine that you are going to enjoy due to the fact that it will help you to keep working out. Regular exercise helps out in controlling cholesterol number and blood pressure.

Out of all the healthy living tips that are important for the heart, the one that is usually neglected is the need to quit smoking. Make sure that you go to the doctor and that you ask for help so that you can stop smoking. Nicotine will increase the necessary blood quantity that is needed by your heart and this reduces vein flow to various body parts. In addition, carbon monoxide is going to eliminate some oxygen molecules from red blood cells. This will limit the quantity of oxygen that the heart will receive so you might end up with less than required. Make sure that you follow all these healthy living tips as your heart is going to be a lot stronger by doing so.

There are plenty of reasons to live a healthy lifestyle but make sure that you get the best information from a website that offers the most accurate and interesting healthy living tips to keep you in shape!

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Heart Rate Training Zones – On Improving Fitness

March 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Article by Gerald Flume

Want to improve your physical fitness, including your heart? Increase your physical stress. Of course there are right and wrong ways of doing this, but an analogy might get us started.

I. The benefits of (physical) stress for physical fitness

Tulip growers try to maximize the number of bulbs they grow per square meter or foot of available soil. But when the plants grow close together, they each tend to reduce the wind drag per plant among their neighbors at the same time that they all compete for the same square inches of sunlight as they grow upward. The result is thin stems, so thin that a mature plant cannot hold the flower and head upright by itself. So the tulip growers gently pass their extended arms over the tops of the growing plants to give the stems a little stress. Not enough to break them, but enough to stress them into growing thicker, stronger stems.

Humans tend to lose physical strength where there is too little physical stress or muscular exercise. One of the best ways to increase muscular strength and efficiency is known as interval training where intervals of more and less intense exercise and rest are interspersed. A core feature of interval training is switching between aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

II. Interval training builds strength and endurance

Anaerobic exercise is intense and brief. One’s heart is racing near its maximum and the muscles are burning glycogen in the presence of very little available oxygen (anaerobic means “no oxygen”). This is especially the kind of stress that “thickens the stem” in humans, or rather than stimulates the muscles to build up. Especially as people age, anaerobic exercise becomes increasingly important for maintaining physical strength and endurance.

But anaerobic exercise of course comes at a price, and here is where consultation with a doctor becomes critical for advice that may enable one to avoid injury or sometimes a heart attack, especially if a person has certain physical conditions or is on some kinds of medication. Know your reasonable limitations beforehand. And in all cases of anaerobic exercise, a price is the build up of lactic acid and other waste products in the muscles resulting in physical symptoms of pain and exhaustion.

Intervals of rest or lesser exercise then become necessary in order to flush out and oxidize the lactic acid in the blood stream and elsewhere. Aerobic exercise relies on “burning” oxygen along with “fuel” like carbohydrates. It is less intense than anaerobic exercise, and can be carried on for relatively longer periods of time.

Varying periods of rest have their own benefits in the process too, such as to rebuild and strengthen damaged muscle tissues with proper nutrition. And warm ups and cool down periods play into the regimen for things like muscle stretching and metabolic preparation. In interval training, periods of more and less intense exercise plus rest are repeated. This has proven more efficient and effective than prolonged aerobic exercise alone for many sports activities.

III. Interval training pegged to heart rate zones

One of the key means of measuring and progressing in interval training then becomes heart rate zones. Although these may at times be a bit fuzzy and variable around the edges, nonetheless heart rate zones can be a usefully pegged, for example, to anaerobic versus aerobic exercise periods or to rest or warm up versus aerobic exercise.

A heart rate within such-and-such beats per minute range should be maintained for so-many seconds or minutes for a given individual for a given section of interval exercises. As one moves in training from less fit to more, the ideal intervals of heavier exercise will increase and rest periods decrease or move farther apart. And again, where heart rate is measured, such as conveniently with technology, heart rate ranges defined as heart rates zones. Heart rate zones then identify or help identify levels of exercise, particularly aerobic versus anaerobic versus rest.

For a healthy person at least, heart rate zones are mapped out typically based on heart rate measured at rest (minimum beats per minute) and at very heavy exercise (maximum heart rate). The latter can become problematic especially where health concerns come into play, but in less precise fashion, can be taken as 220 minus age before the age of 30, with a beats per minute tappering off more slowly after age 30, especially for a healthy person. And there are other related or unrelated means as well.

To facilitate interval training “on the go” and improved physical fitness, heart rate monitors are wirelessly tied to GPS devices such as with the Garmin 210 that can warn of pre-programmed intervals and provide a display of heart rate, time, distance, direction, and other useful measures.

Healthy Heart, Healthy You

February 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Article by Fitness Together

Heart candies, heart shaped valentines and chocolate hearts are everywhere this time of year, but the heart that should be getting your undivided attention everyday is the one in your chest that works 24/7 to power your body and fuel your internal system. As the powerhouse of your body, the heart needs to run in tip-top shape for overall health and fitness. To celebrate National Heart Month this February, give your heart and body the gift of longevity and health by starting a heart healthy fitness regimen that focuses on metabolic cardiovascular exercises and combines muscle pumping strength workouts with healthy nutrition choices.Feel the Love with High Intensity, Heart Healthy Cardio

A strong heart drives a healthy body and metabolic cardiovascular training is the key to not only living a heart healthy lifestyle, but also to feel better, look better and perform better throughout your life. Although nutrition and strength training are important elements to physical fitness, you can’t rely solely on one or the other to achieve overall health and fitness well-being. A recent study from Duke University found that when compared with strength training alone, cardio exercise is the most efficient and effective way to lose the belly fat located deep within the abdominal cavity, which is the kind of fat that is the most damaging to your health and heart. Specifically, aerobic training burned 67 percent more calories in the study when compared to strength/resistance training.1

The first step to a healthy you is establishing a strong cardiovascular foundation to jumpstart your body’s metabolism, increase stamina and energize your body’s cells by pumping oxygen rich blood throughout your body. This leads to not only burning away excess fat, but lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, and reducing the risk of heart attack and cardiovascular disease. Studies show that high intensity metabolic training in particular is a leading force to reducing heart attack risk and improving physical fitness. In fact, a recent study from the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) found that three hours per week of vigorous exercise can cut a man’s risk of heart attack by 22 percent.2 High intensity cardio exercises can range from wind sprints to moving jump squats and plyometrics.Make Time for Heart Pumping Workouts

While cardio training is king to heart healthy fitness, strength training is an integral counterpart to attaining optimal health and fitness. Strength/resistance exercise allows for developing and maintaining muscular fitness, strength and lean body mass gains, as well as strengthening of connective tissues, increased bone mass and metabolic rate.

Heart healthy exercises that fuel your body with lasting benefits long after you’ve left the gym don’t have to eat up your entire day. As little as 15 minutes a day of metabolic cardio training, combined with 15 minutes of strength intervals, may be all you need. According to industry studies, 15 minutes of total body resistance training can elevate your resting energy and boost metabolism by 6 percent for up to 72 hours,3 and those who added intervals into their fitness routines for two weeks burned 36 percent more fat than those who stuck with traditional exercise routines.4 A 45-minute interval circuit workout that combines a handful of high impact cardio exercises, such as box squat jumps, mountain climbers and burpees, with total body strength exercises, such as weighted lunges with bicep curls and wall sits with shoulder presses, can quickly and effectively build your heart and body’s strength and endurance.Active Lifestyle, Active Heart

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), seven out of ten Americans don’t get enough physical activity on a daily basis. In today’s fast-paced, over scheduled world, carving out time for physical activity can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be if you focus on adding cardio elements into your workouts, as well as your everyday activities. The AHA recommend that healthy adults under the age of 65 engage in moderately intense cardio 30 minutes a day, five days a week or vigorously intense cardio 20 minutes a day, three times a week; paired with strength training exercises.5

Working out regularly with a professional trainer one-on-one or in a small group setting is a critical component to keeping your heart healthy and strong, but complementing your regularly scheduled total body workouts with cardio activities throughout your day also helps to promote a healthy and active lifestyle. The following simple tips will help you get a move on and add heart healthy activities into your daily lifestyle.

● Instead of wasting time searching for the closest parking spot, pull into the furthest spot away from the door and enjoy the extra walk to the building.

● Use the stairs at work and for appointments instead of the elevator.

● Walk or bike your kids to school and use two wheels (or feet) instead of your car when running neighborhood errands.

● Take a 10-minute activity break at work to stretch or take a quick walk.

● Walk to visit co-workers instead of sending an e-mail message.

● Instead of sedentary nights out to the movie theater, take your spouse or friends out for a night of dancing.Heart Healthy Nutrition

You will look better, feel better and perform better mentally and physically if you fuel your body with foods that are nutrient rich and support a strong cardiovascular system. Foods that enhance cardiovascular health can include Mediterranean type foods such as lean proteins, olive oils, dark leafy greens for a strong heart and blood vessels, whole grains and fiber such as oatmeal and brown rice. Researchers also have found evidence that the high levels of antioxidants found in spices with bold flavors such as cinnamon, rosemary, oregano, black pepper and garlic powder can reduce fat levels in your blood linked to heart problems by 30 percent.6

A healthy body and a healthy you start with a healthy heart. Adopting healthy lifestyle habits such as cardio exercises, strength conditioning and healthy eating will not only strengthen your body’s heart and lower your risk of disease, but it also will help you live your life looking, feeling and performing better. Certified personal trainers at Fitness Together are available today to help you get started on living a heart healthy lifestyle. Contact Fitness Together Santa Monica at 310-576-1508 to begin one-on-one personal training or group PACK training focused on a healthy heart and a healthy you. visit to learn more at

References[1] Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research: “The Effects of Competition and the Presence of an Audience on Weight Lifting Performance,” 2003.[2] Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research: January 2008 – Volume 22 – Issue 1 – pp 103-111.[3] University of Guelph; Journal of Applied Physiology, June 2007.

McGill S, Low Back Disorders: Evidence-Based Prevention and Rehabilitation, Human Kinetics, 2007 Baechle T and Earle R, editors, Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning, 3rd Edition, National Strength and Conditioning Association, Human Kinetics, 2008 Bryant C and Green D, editors, ACE Personal Trainer Manual, 4th Edition, American Council on Exercise, 2010 Bryant C and Green D, editors, ACE’s Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals, American Council on Exercise, 2010

Top Ten Healthy Heart exercises!

December 25, 2011 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Keeping your heart healthy should be at the top of your priority list each and everyday. But with our busy modern day lifestyles and hectic agendas, finding the time to work our tickers can sometimes prove difficult. The following exercise suggestions are great ways of working the heart, but be sure to not overdo it – You want to be feeling up for doing exercise the next day too!

Jogging makes for a great heart workout!

Here are the Healthy Hideout’s top 10 healthy heart exercises;

Surge walking – The next time you’re out for your daily brisk trot around the block, try incorporating short sharp surges into your route. By doing this, not does your body burn more calories, you’ll be conditioning yourself for walking at a faster pace for comfortably.
Spring clean every week – The effort that we take to give our homes that annuals spring clean each year, should be applied to every house tidy up we do. Go for the energetic clean! Don’t stick to just one floor at a time, make use of your homes stairs. They’re the best calorie burner after all!
The Stairs Game – Although this may not appeal to those with a busy schedule, set yourself the task of climbing a set of stairs every time you see them. It’s a free and easy way of getting an intensive burst of exercises each day
Go Swimming – A great scientific fact to remember – Water is 800 times denser than air. Even moving around in water with your head above the surface is an intensive workout for the body. Try starting with treading water, gradually moving yourself into a set of lengths and routines.
It’s time to Dance – Dancing burns an average of 500 calories per hour, using muscles you don’t normally exercise in the process. Some experts say that patients who regularly dance at a club or with friends have healthier hearts than those who don’t.
Run for the hills! – Walking, jogging or even riding a bike up a hill introduces the great resistance of gravity. Tackle some hills once or twice a week and be sure to lean forwards when walking to engage different types of muscles.
Follow the fittest – When exercising with friends who are fitter or faster than you, you’re forced out of your comfort zone.  This helps you to develop your fitness levels quicker, whilst working out with someone else ensures you actually keep to a regular routine.
The Great Outdoors – When walking on tougher terrains such as grass fields and rugged dirt track, your body works more muscles when compared to walking on pavement. Country walks are often prettier on the eye as well, so why not get out of the city this weekend?
Pre-programmed – If you already utilise electronic exercise equipment at your gym or at home, try to introduce yourself to the programs that have “inclined” routines. This will work your body and improve the strength of your heart.
Time for Sports – Make it your target this year to introduce a new physically active hobby. Casual sports such as tennis, badminton, swimming and even cycling force the heart to work intensively. They’re also a great way to catch up with friends and socialise throughout the working week.

What exercises do you incorporate into your weekly routine? Here at the Healthy Hideout, we’d love to hear any suggestions you have for great heart intensive ideas. Get in touch!


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