Stretches That Increase Height – Can Stretching Exercises Increase Height?

July 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Stretches That Increase Height

You have heard of surgeries to increase the length of your limbs to grow taller. But have you heard that you can easily increase your height just by doing some simple stretching exercises daily? It is true! In fact, it has been scientifically proven that stretching exercises increase height naturally, no matter what the person’s age is. So just when you thought you are done with getting taller…woohoo, you have got yourself a lifeline here, buddy!

Now this is certainly great news for us guys who have been troubled with a lack of height. The same problem that leads us to discrimination at work, being ridiculed by our friends, and sadly ignored by the opposite sex.

Stretching exercises have been found to help stimulate the body to produce a hormone that is responsible for the body growth. The human growth hormone, or HGH, is a microscopic protein substance that is produced by the pituitary gland after doing physical exercises. Stretches That Increase Height

Make no mistake – HGH does not directly make you grow taller. The HGH produced in your body system travels through your blood and stimulates the liver to produce a protein called insulin-like growth factor #1 (IGF-1). The latter is the one that helps the cartilage at the ends of your long bones to multiply and become thicker.

Do you get the picture now? Thicker cartilage = a few inches added to your height!

Not only do stretching exercises increase height by stimulating the production of HGH in your body, they help correct your posture too. More specifically, your spinal curvature. By doing specially designed stretching routines, you help to stretch and lengthen your spine and in the process, add a few more inches to your present height.

It may seem that this method to increase height is a little more time consuming. But the most important points you should take note are: it works, and compared to surgeries, are much less dangerous, painful, and expensive. Stretches That Increase Height

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Stamina InStride Adjustable Height Cycle

April 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Bikes

  • Rotating exercise cycle designed to be operated by the feet or hands
  • Height-adjustable for optimum floor or table-top positioning
  • Full range-of-motion workout with forward or reverse rotations
  • Adjustable tension to increase/decrease challenge
  • Folds for storage and transport; 90-day warranty

Product Description
Sit and pedal with your feet or your hands with the InStride® Adjustable Height Cycle. You get a simple, effective, low-impact cardio workout while strengthening legs, arms, shoulders and back. Also improves joint mobility. Adjustable height, and easily folds to take to the office to burn extra calories while performing regular daily
The Stamina InStride Adjustable Height Cycle is designed to help you get an effective, full range-of-motio… More >>

Stamina InStride Adjustable Height Cycle

Stretching Techniques to Grow Taller – Exercises to Increase Height

January 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Phillip Tom

Nobody is ever pleased with his or her present height. We all desire that we could increase in height a little bit than it is at present. This is most likely for the reason that being taller gives you a feeling of superiority and physical intimidation. It as well boosts confidence in men. And apart from men, however women who are tall are believed to be more sexually attractive than women who are short. Therefore it’s obvious that stretching techniques to grow taller must be a topic a lot of people are interested in knowing about.

There is a simple postulation in which the stretching techniques to grow taller is rooted in. It is assumed that you grow taller when you exert sufficient pressure on your bones and joints. For this reason, if you exert enough pressure on your joints and bones, they are going to grow, as a result making you increase in height.

Another thing to remember is that every person is not going to increase in height as they expect. Your genetics determines to some extent how tall you will become. However, stretching exercises can also help you grow taller.

Stretching Techniques to Help You Grow Taller

Despite the fact that growing taller may largely depend on your genes, it’s as well possible for you to stretch yourself to increase in height with a few inches. Therefore, why not take advantage of some stretching techniques to help you grow taller? This piece of writing reveals a number of the stretching techniques to grow taller.

Body Stretching ExercisesA very effective exercise for increasing height is hanging. You can just hang on a bar or go on the playing field where you are going to stumble on those monkey bars. You can just hang on the bar for about 30-40 seconds if you are really not interested in doing the monkey bars. You could as well attempt to twist your body from side to side at the same time as you are hanging.

Limb Stretching ExercisesOne of the most effective exercises to increase in height is the limb stretching exercises. Ensure that you stretch your limbs on a daily basis before you start your exercises, or immediately you wake up. Stretch the hamstrings, hands, chest, calves, back and thighs. Make it a point to stretch the entire limbs of your body.

Yoga Exercises:A number of the most effective growing taller techniques are given by the earliest Indian Yoga science. In my view, two yoga exercises are important and can help you grow taller. One of them is referred to as the Tadasana. In this Yoga exercise, you are required to face the wall while standing with your back, followed by lifting up the heel of your feet as high as possible. After that, stretch your hands up high to an extent you can and make sure that the whole of your body is stretched to an extent it can possibly reach. Maintain this pose for around 15-25 seconds and relax. You can do this exercise again for about 10 times.

The second one is called the Suryanamaskar (in image). This yoga exercise is a little bit different from the usual push-up. First, you take the normal push-up position. However, unlike the normal push-up, you do a curving crescent motion. Curve your body as you go down, and curve your body also as you lift yourself up. Ensure that all through the curving motion you stretch your body. Perform this stretching exercise in 2 sets of 8-10 reps. This is a very good stretching techniques to grow taller.

Other Unclassified Techniques to Grow TallerThere are other techniques to grow taller by doing stretching exercises. When riding a bike, you could raise the seat up by ½ – 1 inch beyond what is at ease for you. This is going to result to you stretching your limbs, if you want to pedal the bike. It’s better to try this exercise on an exercise bike, for the reason that the likelihood of accidents is lesser. Other effective stretching techniques to grow taller are swimming, jumping, kicking and skipping, which exert the sufficient pressure on the limbs, as a result making them grow. You are going to be astonished, but sleeping may as well aid you to turn out to be taller. This is for the reason that sleeping helps to relax and expand your back.

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