How to lose weight fast doing the weight loss exercises at home

April 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

Article by Rinkirawat10

Obesity is considered as the curse because it causes various health problems like heart attack, high blood pressure, strokes, diabetes, arthritis etc. Apart from causing these serious health issues, obesity is responsible for lowering the self-esteem of a person. Each one of us wants to remain fit and healthy. A properly planned healthy diet can help one to limit the intake of calories in the body. If some weight loss exercises can be done along with a proper diet plan, one can lose weight fast. Going to the gym or fitness centre to do workouts are not always appealing to people because of the busy schedule and at time due to money constraints. But one need not worry. One can do many weight loss exercises at home and no equipment will be needed for them.

One should remember that doing weight loss exercises alone might not be help to lose weight fast so a proper diet plan has to be followed to get the desired results. All types of fried and sugary foods have to be stopped. The beverage intake has to be limited. Green tea is very effective in losing weight. Include lots of fresh fruits and vegetable in the diet chart. One can have lemon juice along with honey 2-3 times in a day as it helps in burning of fat. Cabbage soup is also very effective in weight loss. Taking half a grape fruit daily before meals is very good for fat burning.

Cardiovascular exercise like swimming, running, cycling and dancing are good for burning fats of the body. One should do one of these exercises regularly.

1. Swimming- It keeps the body in shape as it helps in the movement of all body parts.2. Cycling- It is good for the lower parts of the body and keeps them in shape3. Walking- It is very good for burning extra body calories

Some lose weight fast exercises at home are-

1. Plank exercise- It is helpful as the person doing it has to maintain a difficult position for sometime2. Aerobics- Aerobics makes the whole body to work so it is a very good choice for burning body fat.3. Squatting- squatting can be done at home very easily. One can start doing it by sitting and standing from a chair.

One can follow some practices like walking down to the bus stop, climbing up the stair to ensure that the body is active enough.

Author in this article has conveyed information on lose weight fast. You can also get information on weight loss tips and weight loss exercises at home at our Onlymyhealth health care website.

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Ladies Can Now Follow An Effective Fitness Training Course At Their Home

April 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Article by Wendy Jane

You must wish to remain fit, but at the same time you do not find sufficient time to visit the gym? Or you desire to cut your gym costs? There is an option which can both help you save time and decrease the cost – make your own fitness training gym at your home? This will not only save you time, additionally, it save you money with time. Here

Bodyweight Workout System – Home Gym Workout Routine

April 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Gym Workouts

All of us want to have a body we can brag about. This is the reason why we use to attend or enroll ourselves to gym sessions and yoga classes. They teach us on how to do each workout routine properly to achieve what our goals are. Sad to say, not all of us are able to avail their services. But you have nothing to worry about. You can perform a home gym workout routine which you can perform even in the comfort of your own home.

Click Here For Bodyweight Workout System Instant Access Now!

The first thing you need to do is to find a room with enough space for your weight-training exercises. Look for a room with a controlled temperature; you definitely want to be comfortable while doing your workout.

Use professional safety equipment that you can incorporate in doing your workout. And one of the mistakes while doing a home gym exercise routines are the cutting corners and also the use of poor gym equipment.

Be careful when it comes to your equipment. Know how to use it correctly. After using it, return the weights to a safe place, cover your bench, bench press bars and weights to make last and preserve its attractiveness. Look for a way on how will you store each equipment when you are not using them.

One of the keys for your home training workout routine to be a success is to incorporate a weight training exercise. This will assist you to avoid on focusing at one particular muscle group. When you are at home, you dont have any trainer to help you set-up a workout plan so be careful when doing each exercise. Much better to do your research or ask a medical doctor to ensure that you will not experience side effects before and after doing your home gym workout routine.

Click Here For Bodyweight Workout System Instant Access Now!

This author writes about Bodyweight Training Exercises at Home Workout Routine For Men

Home Fitness Workouts – 4 Reason Why This Can Be Your Ticket to Getting in Shape Faster

April 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Hugo Guerreiro

Everybody wants to get in shape and I’m sure you’re probably one of them. You’ll find several options to exercise, and a lot of people choose fitness in your own home workout programs Let us face the facts, you would like to get fit rapidly, however, you most likely want some privacy and do not want anybody else seeing you while your huffing and puffing the pounds away Let’s be realistic, you want to condition your body quickly, however, you almost certainly want some privacy and don’t want anybody else seeing you while your huffing and puffing the pounds away

The question comes up, can you be successful at getting in shape quickly with home fitness workouts?

The answer is a definite yes if you take the necessary steps to make it happen. Here are some ways that you can make your home fitness workouts successful, so you can look and feel the way you’ve always wanted.

Create a plan and stick with it

This is the number one reason most people fail to follow through on home fitness workouts or any exercise plan for that matter. You have to take the time, sit down and decide what kind of workouts you’re going to do, when you’re going to do them and fill in as much detail as possible. If you start exercising without any real direction of what you’re trying to accomplish and how you’re going to do it, it becomes really easy to get distracted and give up altogether.

Take your home fitness workouts seriously

This goes along with creating your plan. You need to really ask yourself if you want to get into shape, have better health and lose the weight that you been wanting to lose for probably years now. As part of the plan, exercise must become as important as going to work, eating and anything else you do on a daily basis. If it comes down to watching TV or getting in your workout, what are you going to do?

You have to decide now how much you really want to get in shape. It might be hard in the beginning to be consistent. However, if you perform your workouts regularly over a month’s time, you’ll be in the habit of making it a part of your day. One good tip would be to write it down on your calendar or add it to the do list with the specific time and workout you’re going to do. This will force you to set time aside and plan for your workout.

Don’t think everything has to be perfect

One of the reasons why people get frustrated, skip their home fitness workouts and give up altogether, is because they think they need to do everything perfectly.

Don’t worry so much about how you’re doing your exercise, but just doing the best you can. Most people think they can do more than they really can. Just go ahead and be ready to modify what you do, so you can keep doing it consistently. For example, if you are performing a certain strength exercise as part of your home fitness workout and you find your using too much weight, it’s OK to stop, change the weight and continue to finish the exercise. Also, if you need a rest half way through the set for five to ten seconds, then take the rest.

The point trying to be made here is you do what you can to complete your workout. It’s more important to do the workouts with modifications than trying to force yourself to do something that could injure you or cause you to have to take more recovery days.

Workout as early in the day as possible

This simple tip, especially for home fitness workouts, can make or break your success in getting in shape. Try to schedule your exercise the first thing in the morning or as close to waking up as possible. For one, you’ll have the energy to exercise. Two, you won’t have any other distractions that might take you away from it. If you wait until later in the day, especially when you’re at home, you might find it hard to do it without being interrupted. Also, you might just be tired from the day and it becomes very easy to pass up your exercise for another day. If you get it out of the way first thing, you’ll feel better and you won’t feel the stress of having to get it done later.

In conclusion, home fitness workouts can work if you follow these tips and make your exercise a priority. If you do, you’ll be amazed at how fast you can get in shape and start feeling the way you’ve always wanted.

Get in shape Today don’t Waste a Day! visit and join our list to get a free ebook and participate in our free book giveaway

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The Benefits of Resistance Training you can get from Home

April 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Dave Fraser

Similar to using workout machines, or free weights resistance training benefits are the same, and possibly even better. If you’re using exercise bands for training then you have the unique benefit that resistance will increase as you push or pull your way through the exercise, not to mention how portable and cost effective they are. What about the health benefits of using resistance training? This article will explore what other benefits beyond cost and space savings resistance training bands can offer you.

Range of activities and Strength increase

When you exercise using resistance training you begin to develop longer muscles, and stronger bones. This doesn’t happen over night but little by little it offers you the benefit of of a stronger you. This will help even more as you grow with age, and it allows you to become stronger and withstand more strenuous outdoor or indoor activities.

Lower Body Fat Percentage

Like most exercise routines resistance training burns fat. By increasing your heart rate you burn more calories then when you’re just standing still. A second benefit and way to lose weight is that muscle on our bodies burns more calories then fat when we’re resting. As we develop more lean muscle on our body from the workouts we’re doing we’re also increasing the number of daily calories we’re able to burn while resting.

Self Confidence Booster

Of course a big benefit of resistance training, and why most people start working out in the first place is an improve personal appearance. Resistance training isn’t for bulking up, rather it’s a sculpting routine that will elongate and tone muscles. The legs, buttocks, abs and arms can all be firmly shaped and toned with resistance exercises. A better personal appearance can also help us feel better about ourselves and in other areas of our life.

If you’re not already using resistance training in your exercise routines you should be. It’s a fun and unique form of exercising that can be done from home without expensive equipment, or expensive gym memberships.

Want to get started with resistance training quickly? Consider trying the Bodylastics system. Our website has a detailed review on the set, as well as other articles on workout bands and training techniques.

More Resistance Training Band Articles

Home Gym Equipemnt : Effective or Not?

April 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Article by Nathalie Fiset

A home gym equipment can be very expensive especially if buy you the high-end class. Who would want to purchase a piece of equipment worth $ 1000 to $ 4000 without getting anything from it? Although a home gym can be constructed without having to spend a lot of money, there are multi-gyms that cost thousands of dollars. There must be some way to check the effectiveness of these items so that we can be sure that we are getting enough value for our money.

The best way to test the effectiveness of a multi-gym is by comparing its performance with the performance of the equipment that can be found on a real gym. A home gym is supposed to give you the same, if not better, result as a regular gym. Your home gym can be considered effective if it is able to do so. You may want to ask yourself the following questions to test if your home gym is effective.

Can I weight train alone in my home gym? If it is impossible to weight train without a spotter, your home gym does not serve its purpose well

Gym Equipment – Home Gym Equipment, Commercial Gym Equipment

April 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Gym Workouts

Fitness Equipment

These days fitness has become the buzzword worldwide. Everyone likes to look great, be in good shape, maintain proper body weight and remain healthy. However, people do not perform regular workouts due to busy work schedules, expensive gym memberships, remote gym locations, changing weather conditions etc. Yet, spending few minutes daily for exercising will keep you fit for life.

A broad variety of fitness equipments are available in the market, designed for specific purposes such as weight loss, muscle building, body trimming and improving general health. Nowadays, several companies manufacture state-of-the-art and top quality, home gym equipments as well as commercial gym equipments; that are sold in local shops and also in online stores at discounted prices.

Popular exercise equipments incorporate multiple features that train different parts of our body.

They include aerobic step, accessories, barbell, boxing equipment, cable attachment, crossfit equipment, dumbbell, exercise bike, elliptical cross trainer, inversion table, kettlebell, medicine ball, multi gym, power rack, rowing machine, spin bike, squat rack, strength equipment, trampoline, treadmill, vibration platform, weight bench, weight plate etc.

World Fitness is an Australian based online store of fitness equipments that provides gym equipments, weight loss gym equipments, equipments for cardio, strength training equipment including treadmill, bench, dumbbells, barbells, weight plates, multistation home gym and many more.

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Treatment For Herniated Disc In Lower Back- 5 Natural Home Remedies To Stop Pain and Swelling

March 31, 2012 by  
Filed under Lower Back Exercises

Article by Trish Cannone

Some of the most poignant voices are heard from people who suffer a herniated disc and treatment for herniated disc in lower back is very convoluted.

What Is A Herniated Disc?

Our spine is cushioned by tiny, mushy discs. The main job of these spongy discs is to absorb the shocks endured by our body. Herniated disc is a condition when our discs get damaged or ruptured. It mostly affects our lower back and sometimes the pain can be felt near the neck (cervical spine).

People who are entangled in jobs and sports which require heavy lifting, pushing, twisting are very likely to suffer from this disorder. And with surgeries offering very poor curative results, people are bound to embrace natural remedies.

The Best Natural Treatments:

1) Rest is regarded to be the most effective treatment for herniated disc in lower back. But sometimes, over resting may backfire as it can weaken the surrounding muscles. Therefore, light activities with some rest can bring great relief.

2) Ice or heat treatment can bring great comfort to the patient. Depending on what you are more comfortable with, either of them can be applied to the affected area. They help to numb the nerves, reduces swelling and soothes out the pain. Always remember not to keep both of the either packs on for too long. Apply it for ten minutes followed by a five minutes rest.

3) Back posture is known to be a very important factor for herniated disc since improper posture may exaggerate our condition. Find a relaxing position for rest and sleeping with small pillows can do wonders. Try to use a medium-firm bed with small pillow under your head and knees. Alternatively, sleeping flat on the floor can also bring relief but try not to sleep in one spot for too long.

4) Regular massaging with safflower seed oil, Ignatia and Naja oil with some menthol can bring relief to those who are suffering from herniated disc, as they have their own medicinal values.

– Menthol: Helps in increasing the blood flow and circulation at the affected area which speeds healing.

– Ignatia: Helps to calm the affected nerves which increases the blood flow and gives more mobility to our muscles.

– Naja: Works within the nerves to heal and mitigate pain.

5) Apart from all these home remedies in treatment for herniated disc in lower back ,we must note down a few important tips like:

– Staying at a healthy weight reduces a lot of load on our lower back.

– Always protect your back when you lift any item.

– Try to get mild but regular exercise.

– Avoid smoking.

Is There A Quick Yet Affordable Home Remedy?

The bottom line on herniated disc comes down to getting an appropriate treatment which grinds well without heavy expense and without any side effects. The natural remedies mentioned are very effective but they act slowly. But to our relief, studies conducted by a Health Institute has proven that a cream made from a combined mix of natural herbs like Belladonna, Naja, Lachesis Mutus, Ignatia, etc. has the ability to stop pain and swelling in a short period of time. Even better, it does not come with any side effects. It is a breakthrough which is by far one of the best treatment for herniated disc in lower back.

Want to stop pain and swelling using a clinically proven treatment for herniated disc in lower back that is made from natural herbs? Get more information at:

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Best Way To Do Sit Ups At Home

March 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Pull Ups

Article by Michel Deens

If you’re really serious about losing that belly bulge and going in for a toned, flatter stomach, there’s a good chance that you’ve already started doing exercises to help you get into shape. And there’s an even greater chance that you have started your regime by doing something like a hundred sit ups a day. But what is really the best way to do sit ups at home, without having to hoof it down to the gym that is?

Well, if you really want to get the best out of your workout, the best way to do sit ups at home is to not do any sit ups at all! That’s right, avoid doing sit ups as far as possible, and instead do something which is like a sit up, but which is slightly different. It’s called a crunch, but since many people tend to confuse one with the other, we shall continue to refer to them as sit ups.

So the best way to do sit ups at home is to do crunches, and to do crunches, you will find that you have to basically do half sit ups. Confusing? Not to worry, all will be explained. And to do so, we will first take a look at how we would normally perform a sit up.

The first step to do so, would be to lie face up on the floor, or any unyielding flat surface. You bend your knees and bring your legs in towards you, keeping your feet flat on the floor at all times. You would then place your hands behind your head, so that your head is lightly cushioned on them, and then you would begin your sit up by lifting your upper body away from the floor towards your knees, before going back down again.

This however, is not the best way for you to get toned abs. Instead, you would go in for a half sit up (a crunch), and the best way to do sit ups at home, like these that is, is to first get into the same position that you take to do a full sit up.

But instead of placing your hands behind your head, because it is all too easy to strain your neck muscles in this manner, you would instead either link your fingers lightly behind the head, or bring your arms in front of you held lightly over your chest.

Pick a spot on the ceiling directly above you, and focus on it to help you keep the proper form. Then you lift your upper body a few inches off the floor making sure that you are using only your abdominal muscles to help pull you up.

Don’t go all the way up, only about six inches or so off the floor will do, as long as you’re using the correct muscles perform this. Now that you know the best way to do sit ups at home, toner abs can become something more than a dream.

Author’s Sites: Family Health Guide, Alternative Medicines, Natural Herbal Medicines

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Avail Back Pain Treatment at Home

March 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by AMR Rave

Many people are having back pain without actually understanding how to get the thing treated. It is even possible that these individuals have already tried several treatment methods without any hope in sight. It is not so difficult to come by treatment; provided you know how to make your search.

If you search the internet today, you are sure to come by so many methods that can be used in taking care of your this. In case you have tried swallowing several pills prescribed by your doctor and you have still not gotten the acupressure mat that you seek, you should attempt making further search online.

One of the most helpful solutions to your back pain is acupressure. acupressure mat can give you that highly desired back pain relief. This treatment method can also be so helpful to the extent that it will give you the needed relief under few hours of using it. Some individuals have even referred to is as the best treatment method you can ever apply to your this. Aside acupressure, there are some herbal products that can also be useful in giving you that highly desired back pain relief. There are several herbal treatment researches ongoing on daily basis and several new products are being developed to counter any of the health problems that medical science can’t find solution to.

Back pain treatment that medical science can’t find solution to may be best treated using these herbal products. There is also no toxic substance in the herbal products that may have any contrary effect on you. They will give you the relief without any side effect whatsoever. Many of the other drugs however do come with one form of side effect or the other. It may be better and safer for your heath if you decide to make use of herbal products to get your treatment.

Many of the herbal products are so easy to apply to the extent that you can use them at home without any expert help. This is unlike what you get with many of the pills around. Some of the herbs are also so common to the extent that you can get them over the counter for treating your problems.


Several individuals have been looking into the use of acupressure mat for obtaining Back pain treatment and they had come to the conclusion that it may be in your best interest to get your doctor along.. Your doctor may be able to help with the acupressure mat exercises. With the help of your doctor, you will also be able to know if tour body can easily adapt to the acupressure mat.

Check out acupressure mat, And Visit at here To get know more about back pain treatment.

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