Total Gym 3000 Home Gym

January 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

With the economy in the tank, many people have decided not to spend money every month to pay for a gym membership, and have instead opted to buy themselves home fitness equipment that they can use in the comfort of their own home anytime of the day or night. There are many different types of equipment being sold for use in the home, including many which offer full body workouts. Even in this category, there are literally hundreds of different brands and models to choose from. One of the best-selling and most popular of the full-body workout machines is the Total Gym 3000.

The Total Gym 3000 is advertised both online and on late night infomercials on television. The infomercials feature superstar spokespersons Chuck Norris and Christie Brinkley, who both swear they use the Total Gym religiously and that this equipment alone is fully responsible for their awesome physical conditions.

Of course, when someone is being paid to advertise a product, you should always take their opinion with a bit of skepticism.

The marketing information for this equipment says that the machine is capable of 60 different exercises, that it is easy to use, comes with all the essential accessories, is comfortable and quiet. Some of its other attributes are the squat stand and wing attachment that come standard with it. It has a 300 pound weight capacity, upgraded pulley and cable system, steel handles, and chrome upper rails. You can store it in a small space because it folds flat. Total Gym 3000 promises to transform your body from the comfort of your home.

Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it? Well, before you go directly to the company’s website and order, get some unbiased opinions by clicking here.

Back Pain Stretching Exercises – 3 Easy Back Exercises You Can Do at Home

January 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

When it comes to back pain stretching exercises I can speak from experience. Having herniated discs in my back twice and chose the option both times to heal naturally without surgery, I have come to compile a very good list of back stretching exercises that can help you get rid of a pain by simply implementing a few easy back exercises that only take a few minutes of your time.  

It is important to note that when you injure your back the first stages usually are inflammatory because your body is using a built in system to try to protect the injured area. Make sure before you start to do any exercising or stretching that the inflammation is gone or at least at a safe level so not to cause further injury.

#1 Leg Lift to Stretch Lower Back Muscles

 This stretch consists of lying flat on your back with legs straight out in front of you on the floor.

Keeping your leg as straight at possible slowly raise one leg at a time with hands clenched behind your knee and raise it as far as possible. Make sure you give it a good stretch and hold it for 30 seconds. Slowly lower it and repeat with the opposite leg. Repeat for three times for each leg.

 #2 Arm Stretch for Lower Back

 Start this back exercise by getting on your hands and knees. Lower yourself as far as possible so that you are resting on your heels if possible. Slowly reach out straight out in front with your arms at far as you can to give your lower back a real good stretch. Hold for 30 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds and repeat the process 3 times.

 #3 Torso Stretch

 Very easy exercise to do while standing with your feet apart at shoulder width.

Place your hands on your hips and slowly rotate from left to right. Sometimes this exercise is called the “wash machine” so think of it in this way if you can not visualize the action. This is not a race so take your time and do this for 2 minutes and then rest for 30 seconds. Do this for 3 repetitions.

 Once you do these easy exercises your back should feel better by being stretched out. A lot of people simply do not do easy stretching exercises that could eliminate or at least help lessen the amount of back pain they suffer. Do some kind of back exercise in your daily routine and in short period of time you may notice that your back feels a lot better and do not have to take medication for relief.  

With 80% of people having some sort of back pain it is vital that you know how to relieve the pain by doing exercises that loosen back muscles. This is very important especially if you sit at a desk all day long without the proper support.

Ultega F-Bike Home Fitness Trainer

January 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Bikes

  • Folding Bicycle Trainer with 8 two-way bearings
  • Hand-pulse sensor help strengthen cardiovascular system
  • Muscle training with the help of eight resistance levels
  • Supports a user weight up to 220 lbs
  • Fast and easy to build

Product Description
The Ultega F-Bike is a folding bicycle trainer that is fast and easy to build. 8 different resistance levels ensure a challenging workout and an advanced LCD display keeps the participant up-to-date with the latest fitness information including time, calories burned, speed, distance run and pulse rate. You can also measure your pulse via hand sensors that are located on the handlebars. The saddle height can be adjusted individually for each person and the bike can… More >>

Ultega F-Bike Home Fitness Trainer

weight loss exercises at home for men and weight loss exercises

January 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

Article by Vanni Jain

Losing weight becomes easier with exercise. All the calories are burnt off and a person is kept toned and fit. The metabolism increases as well. This has been the biggest obstacle for men who are undertaking weight loss programmes. Many hassles have to be faced. The idea of spending long hours in gym does not appeal to many. Weight loss exercises at home for men can give effective results similar to that of gym sessions.

Everyone must be aware that for losing weight, extra calories need to be burned. There is accumulation of extra calories in the form of fat. Extra calories have to be burned than those that are consumed. If the calorie intake is 2000, more than 2000 calories have to be burned for losing weight. Given below is the list of weight loss exercises at home for men:

Plank exerciseMen can easily do plant exercises at home. A difficult position needs to be maintained for some seconds. A common plank is that which is held in the position similar to push ups. A person must lay down on the ground and if the positioning is on the left, the elbow must be rested down and the legs must be kept straight. Even one hand can be tried and lifted. The entire body must be rested on the other. Up to 3 sets of these exercises must be performed with 125 repetitions.

AerobicsAerobics is a fun way for losing weight. Your partner or friend can be called for aerobics. An instructional DVD of an expert can be purchased. It must be followed at home. A toll of calories is taken by aerobics from the entire body. Thus, it proves to be a great way of losing weight.

SquatsSquats are among the best weight loss exercises for men at home. This exercise can be done very easily at home. 1. One can start by standing and sitting from a regular chair2. One must stand on chair with straight hands. Then, the knees must be bent for coming close to the floor. While bending down, it must be made sure that the back remains straight. The posture must be held for 30 seconds. Then, one must come back to the original position. A person must wait for a second and the exercise must be repeated. The number of repetitions must be increased as one gets comfortable.

Thus, these weight loss exercises at home for men will surely help in losing weight.

The author has given information in this article about weight loss exercises at home for men, also read about weight loss foods for men at Onlymyhealth.

Find More Aerobic Exercises At Home Articles

Firm Up At Home With These Workout Routines For Women

January 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Gym Workouts

Article by Russell Strider

Nowadays, lots of women are doing physical exercises to get the ideal body shape. Gyms and various other workout facilities frequently provide unique workout programs that are created for women. Nonetheless, quite often it is not easy to find time and money to exercise in a health club. Either that or else you can’t find any decent health clubs in the area. In the event you find yourself confronting these issues, then it’s probably best if you do workout routines in your own home.

Exercise programs in the home can be just as beneficial and efficient as a gym, particularly if you follow the right workout strategy. Workout routines for women have a tendency to be slightly different compared to the workout regimens of men. That is due to the body differences, exercise objectives, and hormones. Generally, women are satisfied with toned legs and a flat attractive stomach. On the other hand, men like to focus on increasing muscle mass. No matter what your objectives may be, it is critical to have the appropriate exercise gear in your home. Below are effective workout routines for women that can be employed in the home.

To begin with, start warming up. Warming up is essential before you start any strenuous exercises as this helps you avoid muscle strain. So, devote approximately 10 minutes stretching out, doing jumping jacks, and other warm ups. In addition, once you finish a strenuous workout session, warming down is important.

When you’re planning on building muscles and not just get rid of weight, then weight lifting is the most effective method to do that. There are lots of weight training techniques that help to develop muscle mass in the thigh area, which is a common place where fat accumulates for women. Try out standard weights for women, then as soon as you tone and improve your muscles you should move on to more heavy weights. Lunges are great for toning legs and tends to make them considerably stronger.

However, if you are a woman who is working out simply to lose extra weight, then aerobic exercises are ideal for you. Swimming, treadmill workouts, cycling, rowing, jumping rope, and biking are all great cardiovascular exercises which will not only make you shed weight, but can also make you a much healthier person. It is recommended to do aerobic workouts for a minimum of 45 minutes to one hour for 3 to 4 times per week.

If you’d like to obtain a toned and nicely shaped body, then special workout routines for women will be the way to go. Exercising on a regular basis, whether it is lifting weights or dancing, is quite vital for a healthy lifestyle. Also, another simple tip is to eat healthy and obtain plenty of sleep. That will give you much more strength and energy whenever you work out.

Make every day count by choosing the best workout routines for women to get you in the best shape of your life. Visit us now and kick start your workouts by picking up these closely guarded secrets on female bodybuilding tips and tricks to get you off on the right foot.

Tips for men to lose weight performing exercises at home

January 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

Article by Vanni Jain

Men are more cautious than women in terms of their physique. They are very much possessive and take a lot of care for maintaining their body. But some men are there who are obese as well as lazy, whereas some do not have the enough time to go to gym after a day’s hard work. Therefore fitness experts have suggested few exercises that you can perform in your home daily. So here are some weight loss exercises at home that you can do while watching television and listening to music.

1. Jogging in one place- You should jog daily for 15-20 minutes by standing at one place. This improves your blood circulation as well as heart diseases. This is an exercise for your whole body and therefore reduces your body fat and keeps you fit and healthy.2. Pushups- this helps to improve your arm strength as well as muscles and broadens your chest area. This exercise burns the extra fat in your arms and chest giving it a proper shape.3. Squats- you should perform this exercise by sitting or standing a regular chair. It improves the strength to your body and burns the extra fat from the buttock and the legs. You should repeat this several times to get a positive result.4. Aerobic exercises- You can go for aerobic exercises by putting on the cassette. This is the best way to lose weight and it is proved by most of the people. It has several exercises specific to your different body part and thus reduces the body weight very quickly.5. Sit ups- This is a best exercise for abdomen. It is to touch your feet without bending your knees. You can perform it standing as well as sitting. It reduces the extra fat from your belly and tightens the skin giving it a toned look.6. Dancing- This is the most enjoyable exercise among other weight loss exercises at home. Besides enjoying, you also lose your weight and become fresh. This is a whole body exercise and keeps your heart and muscles strong and kills your body pain.

So you need not to go to the gym and give huge membership fees. All you need to do is to work out at home with these weight loss exercises at home. These help you to lose your weight as well as prevent you from ailments, heart diseases etc. Lastly it helps you to look attractive and young forever.

Read in this article about weight loss exercises at home and weight loss tips for men.

Best Abdominal Exercises At Home – a few minutes a day

January 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

Article by Jonny Jonson

People all over the world love to have tight abs with no fat on the outside. Any plan needs some persistence and enthusiasm to succeed, but combined with a high-quality workout and diet you will succeed.

Everyone has abs because they are a key part of our core strength. The problem is in getting them seen beneath the body fat that is often stored in this area. This is a particular problem with men who tend to store excess calories as belly fat.

By lowering overall body fat levels abdominal fat will also decline. Incorporate some of the best abdominal exercises at home and and you will soon see some pleasing results. Diet is an extremely important component, maybe as much as 90%, in being able to show off your abs, but then you need muscles to show.

Best Abdominal Exercises At Home #1

The abdominal crunch is one of the most established exercises for the abs but it needs to be done correctly to avoid the possibility of back injury. If you can find a bare area of carpet lie down on your back with knees slightly bent. Use your hands to support your neck but avoid pulling on your neck at all times. Contract your stomach muscles while leaving your lower back on the floor. Raise your shoulders off the floor, while looking towards the ceiling, and hold for several seconds.

Slowly release but maintain a contraction on the abs before lifting up again. Redo for maybe 15 or 20 times. This can be done more slowly to increase the work on the abs, or a weight could be placed on the chest as you get stronger.

Best Abdominal Exercises At Home #2

The tummy tuck can be done anywhere, whether at work or home, even while watching TV. Sit upright in a chair or on a seat with your back supported, breathe out and contract your stomach muscles. Maintain for between 4 to 6 secs, before releasing and then replicate.

Best Abdominal Exercises At Home #3

This exercise follows straight on from the last, stay upright with arms by your side. Bend in the middle, but with a straight back, and raise your legs from the floor so that a V shape is formed. Maintain for up to 15 seconds and replicate up to 10 times.

Best Abdominal Exercises At Home #4

The abdominal bicycle crunch starts in the same position as the first exercise by being horizontal on the floor. Give your head some support with your hands and then lift both legs from the ground for a few inches. Lift one knee and the opposite elbow towards each other, hold and release. Duplicate this exercise using the alternate side, changing at each repetition.

Best Abdominal Exercises At Home #5

Continuing on from the last exercise, the reverse crunch instead has your arms by your sides. Lift and bend your legs towards your chest, hold for a few seconds and release. The work-rate can be lifted by elevating the tail bone at the same time.

Best Abdominal Exercises At Home #6

Stay down on the ground, but this time place your legs up on a chair, beginning with them at a right angle to your body. Lengthen your body and raise the back a few inches. Maintain for up to 10 sec when first beginning. As you get stronger you may last upwards of a minute.

Best Abdominal Exercises At Home #7

Maintain your position on the floor with hands by your sides, or slightly under your buttocks for support. Lift the legs a little off the floor, maintain for a few seconds and lower. Do this say 20 or so times.

If you can keep with this regime every second day your abs will develop very well. You will look better and have a strong abdominal area that provides good support to your spine.

For lots of other exercise tips and weight loss ideas visit:-

Jonny has spent considerable time researching medical journals, books and other material to find the best answers to this often complicated and conflicting subject.

Jonny is an active participant in the weight loss and fitness industry. If you would like to check out lots more information and tips check out the attached link:

Get in Shape at Home With Six Pack Ab Exercise

January 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Joel Hardy

I am not one to get out of the house and spend time at the gym or fitness center. What I wanted to do was to get in shape at home. Maybe once I was in shape I might venture out to the gym once in a while just to show off but to start with I wanted to stay at home. I did a number of things at my home workout routine including a six pack ab exercise or maybe I should say a number of 6-pack abs exercises.

I basically did two things once I made my mind up to lose my belly fat and get a flat stomach. Again, I wanted to get in shape at home so I had to figure out where and how I was going to do it. Not always easy if you do not have the space or the home gym equipment. But I was able to do it because I found a great program to point me in the right direction starting with making my mind up. Here are the two things I implemented.

I decided on my exercise routine. This is a necessary. If we do not have a plan we will fail every time. I know it can be a huge elephant to eat if we try to do it all at once. But even the largest elephant can be polished off if we take one bite at a time. Once you get your routine of exercises, and it does not have to be a lot just a well rounded routine, you need to begin at a moderate pace. Do not try to lose it all in two days. It will take weeks and months to get in shape at home or anywhere else for that matter. I purchased an exercise ball and put up a pull-up bar in the garage and followed a great program I found on the Internet and did one specific six pack ab exercise daily. I did not do all my exercise routine daily because we need to rest the muscles too but this one I did daily. It is called the plank and all you do is get into a push up pose leaning on your forearms and on your toes. Try to hold that position as long as you can and if you get past two minutes you are doing great.

I also decided to watch my nutrition. Yes, along with exercise you need to watch what you are eating. This nutritional and exercise program I got online has a fantastic section on the kinds of foods to eat and the ones to stay away from. So I just began to change the way I ate and actually started to see the effects of my changed eating habits in just a couple of days. My energy was better and I felt better than I had for years. Eating fat is not the problem we all need fats in our system the key is knowing which fats to eat and which ones to stay clear of. If you want to get in shape at home then watch what you eat.

Well the length of time to get in shape at home might take longer than if you were to hire a personal trainer and spend your days at the gym but it does not have to take any longer. However, you will have to make your mind up and get motivated to get it done.

Find out what plan I followed to learn how to get in shape at home here at Article

Home Weight Training Equipment And Exactly What To Look For

January 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

If you would like to set up a gym in your house or apartment, then you’ll need to find the appropriate home weight training equipment. What you will see though is that this particular equipment also comes in all models, variations and price tag ranges, and you will have to be able to make a number of important choices about what exactly you’d like to get. Use this guide to make sure you create the right choices and end up with the equipment that suits you the best.

The first steps of factors you really want to complete is take into consideration your own personal goals for your training. Exactly what are you trying to attain? You could be seeking to put on a lot of lean muscle mass, decline all of of those unwanted weight around your midsection, get into better shape for any competition or an event, or all of the above. In addition, have you been the sole one who will be utilizing the gear, or are there numerous folks – partners, children, siblings and so on – that’ll be using the equipment as well?

Shopping for home weight training equipment really should be about choosing the right gear to achieve the job for your specific goals. That is the method that you will see the most success, and if you buy equipment that will not allow you to do the types of workout routines and techniques that you are searching for, then you will be doomed.

But another one of the major considerations for buying gear like this is how much space you have to work with. Some home weight training equipment can be massive in size. These complex all-in-one home gyms or stations include multiple different exercises, moving parts and more, and require a great deal of space. It might be the perfect solution for a great workout, or it could be prohibitively large.

On the other end of the spectrum, you can find individual components such as a few dumbbells and extra free weights, a foldable weight bench and so forth which will take up the smallest amount of space possible. Space is certainly a concern, but there’s always an option that can work with a given space of any size.

Along the same lines, you also have to consider price. A few basic free weights and other small pieces of training equipment won’t set you back very much money. But those huge home gyms and other fancy machines and pieces of equipment can cost thousands of dollars. In the long run, you’ll still probably save money versus having a pricey, monthly gym membership, but many people don’t want to make that upfront investment either way.

As you can see, there are a few important factors and choices that you’ll have to make, and your answers will guide the decision process for you. You should think about what your goals are, who will be using the equipment, how much space you have to work with and how much money you have to spend. If you do all of this, you’ll be assured of buying the perfect home weight training equipment.

Want to learn more about home weight training equipment? Discover how you can build your own home gym and save some money at the same time.

Click here now for more information.

Seven Best At Home Exercises For Women

January 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Bicep Exercises

Article by Flavia Del Monte

Don’t have time to go to the gym? The busy lives of women just became easier with these 7 best at home exercises for women. Who says you need all the fancy equipment in the gym?

What you do need is the foundation behind weight loss and muscle building so you will begin to see inches falling off in record speeds. There is a right and wrong way to exercise. You can spend hours doing the wrong form of exercise and never see a difference in your body.

Cardio Vs. CardioEver see a heavyset marathon runner? Here’s why. Our body is a master at adapting. Our body will regulate to almost any condition we throw ourselves into. If we do steady state cardio, such as the treadmill at the same speed, elliptical at the same level, walking, or even jogging, without changing any factor; our body will adapt and our heart rate will regulate. Start sprinting or running up stairs and BAMM! Bye bye adaptation and fat. When we change the state our body is experiencing, our body will not be able to adapt to the constant change.

Aerobic Vs. AnaerobicAerobic exercise is what most people refer to as ‘cardio’. This type of exercise is done at a low to moderate pace where your heart rate is approximately 50-70 percent of your maximum heart rate. At this pace, and with reasonable conditioning, you should be able to supply the muscles with sufficient oxygen to keep them contracting and performingfor some time. Aerobic means with oxygen.

Anaerobic exercise, in contrast, is done at an intensity in which your muscle requirements for oxygen succeed the amount you can supply. Anaerobic meaning without oxygen. You will be forced to stop this type of exercise sooner because your muscles will cease to function. At this intensity, your heart rate will be at 90-100 percent of your maximal heart rate.

Here is why anaerobic exercise is much better for weight loss: When we are using the aerobic system, the body will regulate itself, creating enough energy to carry out the exercise. With anaerobic exercise, you will create a huge deficit of oxygen that will stimulate the body to continue to use energy to replace this deficit for hours after your workout. Our body uses macronutrients for energy and if we are eating just enough to cover the amount of energy needed to supply the body in normal conditions, anything above this will cause our body to look for energy elsewhere; fat tissue.

Foundation of Weight LossThe key to weight loss is calories out > calories in. This does not mean you need to go on a low calorie diet. Our body needs nutrients in forms of protein, fats and if we are exercising, carbohydrates. Our body uses carbohydrates for energy. There isn’t a place to store excess carbohydrates in the body. All extra carbs that are not used for energywill be stored in fat cells. Too bad our body wouldn’t just get rid of them instead.If you are very active, you need carbohydrates for energy and recovery.The key is using carbohydrates for those two purposes and those two alone; exercise and recovery. Now that you know the basics of exercise and nutrition, let’s look at how using the right exercises will help to create the body of your dreams, give you energy long into your later years of life, and will create a positive self image.

Foundation of Muscle BuildingMuscle can do one of two things:1. Grow larger and/or stronger2. Shrink and/or get weaker

The only way to create muscle tissue is by breaking down the muscle tissue and rebuilding stronger and bigger cells. The most effective way of doing this is through resistance training.

With proper training your muscles grow stronger and larger. Benefits of muscle include:• performing daily activities more easily,• burning more calories daily,• building stronger bones, preventing osteoporosis,• improves your flexibility, stability and balance,• improves strength and posture• improves body composition• reduces loss of muscle mass due to inactivity.

Muscle BalanceEarlier I stated that there is a right and wrong way to exercise. One key aspect of a workout program is the focus of creating balance throughout every muscle. Each muscle has an opposing muscle, the antagonist. Let’s use squats and lunges as examples. Here, the quadriceps is the agonist (dominant muscle being used), while the hip flexors are theantagonist (opposing muscle) and hamstrings become the synergist (stabilizer or helper) muscles. When you are performing more quadriceps dominant exercises as opposed to hamstrings or hip dominant exercises, your pelvis will tilt, causing pain in the lower back, and knees that are prone to injuries.

We can fix this by adding hip and hamstring dominant exercises to balance out all muscle groups. As a rule, you should never do more quadricep dominant exercises than hip movements. Always keep the volume balance between each muscle.

Large Muscle GroupsAny exercise plan needs to involve large muscle groups, focusing on working the antagonist in the same amount as stated earlier. Knowing the proper exercises can ensure you will also target the smaller muscle groups, creating harmony throughout the entire body by incorporating stability muscles as well. And in doing so, you will also cut the amount of time needed in the gym by leaving out certain body parts that were already targeted in other exercises.

You also need to be aware of the muscles being worked with each exercise to ensure you keep balance throughout all muscles. A simple chest press targets your pectoalis major, but also uses pec minor, deltoids, trapezius muscles, and your rotator cuff for example.Importance of the CoreThe core encompasses more than two dozen abdominal muscles, lower back muscles, and hip muscles that stabilize your spine to keep your torso upright. Your core allows you to bend forward, back, side to side, and rotate. Your core plays a major role in movement. Working your core (stability muscle) is crucial to optimal performance.

7 Best At Home Exercises For WomenBy now you understand the importance of exercise. You don’t need fancy equipment for you to benefit from exercise. Here are just 7 at home exercises, especially for women, that will not only better your appearance, they will better your health.

Chin-up/Pull-up-These exercises target your lats but also hit your tere major (stabilizer muscle) and biceps (more so with chin-ups). Your core and middle back are also involved in assisting in the movement or acting as stabilizers.

Pushup-This exercise targets your pectoralis major but also involves your front deltoids and triceps. As for stability muscles, your rotator, traps, serratus anterior, and abdominals all assist with this movement.

Inverted Shoulder Press-The shoulder press targets your front deltoids, middle deltoids, and the triceps. They also activate your upper traps, rotator cuff, and serratus anterior which act as stabilizer muscles.

Squat-These exercises target your quadriceps, but also activate your core, and every muscle in your legs including your glutes, hamstrings, and calves. This exercise burns a ton of calories and is a must-have home exercise for women.

Stability Ball or Towel Leg Curl-This exercise is great for targeting your hamstrings and glutes, and also activates your lower back muscles and core. Because the glutes are the largest muscle in the body, any exercise involving your glutes will burn a lot of calories.

Single-Leg Toe Hops off Bench or Chair-This exercise targets your calves, but also incorporates your quads, hamstrings, glutes and gets your heart rate up to the fat-burning zone.

Side-plank-This exercise improves the strength in your back and will help with performance. Planks target the entire core, making this exercise a must-do for health and appearance sake.

Your At Home Workout

The workouts are split into different combos with 3-4 exercises in each combo. Each exercise is preformed 3 times before moving onto the next combo. Do the different exercises back to back, then repeat for a total of three sets. You must always warm up for 10 minutes and cool down for 10 minutes.

After you are able to do these workouts in 45 minutes or less, add 20-30 minutes of cardio following your workout on three of the five days. Two days of cardio should be HIIT and the other day should be steady cardio for endurance training. Stretching is also vital following the workouts.

Use these 7 at home exercises for women for 6-8 weeks to improve strength, build muscle and burn fat.

Flavia Del Monte is a Registered Nurse, Certified Physical Trainer, Certified Nutritionist and the creator of Full-Body-Licious. You can read more about her training programs, nutrition advice and workouts for women on her female fitness blog.

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