Getting Heart Fit. The Importance of Aerobic Exercises.

August 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

Article by Roderick Corkern

Getting Heart Fit. The Importance of Aerobic Exercises. – Health – Fitness

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Aerobic exercise is as important to the success of your aerobic fitness program as your heart is to living. Aerobic exercise programs or more correctly, cardio exercise programs, are the primary means of maintaining your heart health. Allow your heart and lungs to weaken through disuse and all of the activities in your daily life will be more difficult. Engage in a cardio exercise program in one or more of its many manifestations and your quality of life will soar. Whether you walk or run, swim or bicycle, hike or do aerobics, the physiological and psychological benefits to your body and mind are enormous. If you don’t know how or where to begin your cardio exercise program, then why not choose aerobic workout programs to get you on the path to wellness. The first step is always the hardest, especially if you don’t know where to put it. Whether you are headed for the pool or the gym, the bike path or your favorite trail, the aerobic exercise programs that we offer will get you started, guide you along the way and keep you going when the going gets tough. Few of us would embark on a trip to a destination where we had never been before without a road map. Use the aerobic exercise programs that best suits you as your road map to your ultimate destinations of heart health, healthy living and wellness.

Aerobic exercise uses large muscle groups rhythmically and continuously and elevates the heartrate and breathing for a sustained period. Common examples include walking, jogging/running, swimming, rowing, stairclimbing, bicycling, cross-country skiing, step and dance exercise classes, roller skating, and the more continuous forms of tennis, racquetball and squash.

Care and consideration should be used in selecting types (modes) of aerobic exercise. Depending on your goals, physical condition and injury/illness history, different types may prove to be preferential for your particular situation. However, in general, it is a good idea to “cross train”. i.e., alternate between and among several appropriate exercises. Although aerobic exercise is not technique or concentration intensive, proper technique is still very important to optimize your efficiency and prevent injuries. The way you observe everyone else performing an aerobic exercise may not be the right way (e.g., “straight arming” and leaning over on the stairclimbing machines). Obtain quality technique from an exercise physiologist/trainer.

How to start your aerobic training program:1. Desire or motivation that is from who you are, not to get something.2. Start thinking about eating better. Without good fuel it’s hard to get the energy to train.3. Set your goals within yourself and make them realistic. 4. Make the time, create a flexible schedule with alternatives5. Stick to it. Remember, consistency is more important than intensity.6. Understand the basics of bio-mechanics, even for walking7. Get your family to start with you. It’s always easier if your partner is doing a similar program with you.8. If you smoke, start making an effort to cut down.9. Just start eating less, and limit snacks to fruit.10. Cut down on fats, sugar, liquor, canned food, etc..11. Eat more of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole foods, grains, etc.12. Drink more water, read more books, and have more fun in your life.

About the Author

Roderick Corkern is an active fitness and exercise equipment expert with over 16 years of helping people overcome fitness issues and teaching them to integrate exercise into their life.

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Roderick Corkern

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Roderick Corkern is an active fitness and exercise equipment expert with over 16 years of helping people overcome fitness issues and teaching them to integrate exercise into their life.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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The Importance of Anabolic Steroids for athletes and body builders

August 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Body Builders

Article by Ashley Burks

The Importance of Anabolic Steroids for athletes and body builders – Health – Fitness

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The Importance of Anabolic Steroids for athletes and body builders

It is an irrefutable fact that the athletes and body builders pay serious attention for building a well built and muscular body. All of them need to adhere to a nutrient rich diet and some even take additional health supplement. However those who want to get a robust figure use the anabolic steroids.

As a matter of fact, the Anabolic steroids are a cluster of synthetic steroid hormones that are used for stimulating bone and muscular growth. Till date more than 100 such hormones have been developed. In USA one requires a prescription for using them. Several types of needles and syringes are needed for injecting the steroids. The oil based ones are injected with intramuscular needles. But the water based steroids are given with shorter sub skin needle.

There are some people who mix the popular Anabolic steroids like dianabol, winstrol, sustanon etc together and then push the injection. However a person who wants to inject such steroids in to his body needs to be careful about certain facts. There are certain factors that need to be taken in to consideration for ensuring his safety. First of all he needs to verify the date of expiry of the product. This is vital for his health.

A large part of the body builders and athletes use the steroids. It is another matter that few of them admit the truth. The water and oil based anabolic steroids need to be taken intramuscularly. What this means that the injection must pierce the skin and break through the muscle directly. The body places preferred for giving intramuscular injections include thigh, buttock and deltoid part of the arm.

He needs to clean his hands thoroughly before touching the syringe or the needle with disinfectant. It will diminish the chances of contamination. It is very important to check that the syringe does not contain any air bubble. For each dosage a fresh syringe and needle need to be used. It is never recommended to inject the steroids in to vein as they are meant to be injected in the muscle. After using a needle a person should not share it with anyone.

However the women body builders and athletes need to be particularly careful about injecting these steroids. This is because they have a different anatomy and improper dose of these steroids can result in hormonal imbalance in the body of a woman which is definitely not desirable. It needs to be kept in mind that the anabolic steroids are after all the synthetic derivates of male hormones.

Dianabol is a steroid that is used by a lot of people. Men should take it in dosages not exceeding 50 mg per day. For women this limit should not exceed 10 mg per day. It is known to have caused side effects like acne and increased blood pressure. Some athletes use it in conjunction with Proviron and Nolvadex. For gaining body mass and strength it can be used in combination with Winstrol.

About the Author

John Burks is author of this article on dianabol. Find more information about winstrol here.

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Ashley Burks

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John Burks is author of this article on dianabol. Find more information about winstrol here.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Arm Exercises – Importance in Body Building

August 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Kya Grace

Arm Exercises – Importance in Body Building – Health – Fitness

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Exercise is a must-do in today’s fast-paced world. The increasing pressure at the work place makes it increasingly difficult to balance work with personal and social life. While everyone knows the importance of exercise very few actually take it seriously and inculcate it in their daily routine.

It would be in your best interest to hire a personal trainer who is professionally qualified and experienced. He will enable you to stay motivated and reach your desired fitness goals in a safe and steady manner.

Most people take to exercise to reduce weight, tone muscles or increase stamina and endurance levels. They focus too much upon their appearance and tend to lose sight of the importance of balancing their workouts in order to properly strengthen all the muscle groups in the body.

Both the arms and forearms form the major part of the upper limb and provide the much needed support and balance to the body. Driving a car, writing, playing music, cooking, eating, drinking water or coffee and any activity that we perform in our day to day life would not be possible without strong arms.

Strengthening the arms is therefore essential for a healthy and fit body. Biceps form the anterior part of the arms and most exercise enthusiasts concentrate on developing them for display. Triceps form the major part of the arm and they are present on the back of the arms.

Extensors, flexors and supinators are the three muscle groups that constitute the forearm. While performing arm strengthening exercises it is important to avoid overstraining these muscle groups. Weight training will help strengthen the arms but it should not be performed in isolation.

Boot-camp style training under the guidance of a reputed personal trainer will help strengthen the arms and forearms faster. High intensity exercises should be performed at a steady pace with little periods of rest between them. Care should be taken to avoid repetition of the same set of exercises.

Stretching exercises should be performed as a warm up to the regular workout. It will enable toning of the arm muscles and strengthen them. Elastic band can be used in stretching the arms. The common exercises that help in strengthening biceps muscle are dumbbell and barbell curls, preacher curls etc.

Exercises used to strengthen the triceps muscle are lying barbell extensions, closed grip bench press, push downs, dumbbell extensions and bench dips. Reverse curls, dumbbell and barbell wrist curls are exercises that are used to build muscles of the forearm.

It is essential that adequate nutrition is provided to the muscles during exercise. High protein diet rich in carbohydrates and essential minerals should be taken daily. Fresh fruits and vegetables have to be consumed regularly. Drink at least 3 liters of fresh water daily.

There should be a balance between exercises performed to build mass and volume of triceps and biceps muscles. Never exercise with excessive emphasis on one group of muscles as it will negatively affect the normal movement of the elbow, shoulders and hands.

About the Author

If you would like to sign up for a session with expert Personal Trainers or to join Sydney Personal Training, visit Sydney Personal Trainer

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Kya Grace

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If you would like to sign up for a session with expert Personal Trainers or to join Sydney Personal Training, visit Sydney Personal Trainer

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Importance of Physical Fitness in Stress Management

July 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Physical Fitness

Physical fitness plays an important role in managing stress. If the person fitness is good he can easily manage their stress. Stress can be developed any time after changing activities or doing some important work in a given timeframe. Whenever a person changes his or her level of activity, risks are involved. This is especially true if a person has a physical unfit such as a spinal cord injury or heart disease. It is significant that trainers emphasize that person make sure with a physician before starting an exercise program.

Adopting a physically active way of life does not have to need much time or effort. This is especially true for people who are extremely inactive. A slight increase in a person’s action level can lead to important benefits. Discuss ways a person can boost his physical movement. There are several things to think when a person is planning to boost his activity level by starting an exercise program.

A person will have to figure out where he will work out, what equipment he might require, what time he will exercise, and how to do the exercise correctly. A health club and yoga classes would help answer these questions, but most persons are not going to be able pay for membership to a club or classes. The information below should give some direction for those who need and / or want to boost their activity levels. Before discussing a few information of exercise, review following principles of exercise –

Start slow and gradually increase your capacity. A person should ask a doctor before beginning the exercise program. Try to exercise regularly without skipping at least three to four times a week. To get the maximum advantage, you should go beyond normal demands placed on the body.

For example, if a person can walk a mile with small difficulty, he may have to walk faster or longer. Doing the same exercise day after day can damage your motivation, change your exercises and try to spice things up. Take a day after demanding a group of muscles. This principle typically applies to running and lifting weights. Set targets and plan exercise program to meet those targets. If you want to run a 5 mile race, you should run slowly in the starting instead of ride a bike.

I hope in this article you have got some useful information on importance of physical fitness.

Copyright © Nick Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active.

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The Great Importance Of Physical Fitness

June 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Physical Fitness

There are those that will work very hard to get into great shape. Then there are others that might not be all that interested in physical fitness. Anyone not interested in physical fitness need to reevaluate such an attitude. Getting into proper physical shape has scores of important and helpful benefits. In fact, once you discover the benefits you can gain from a physical fitness program you will likely launch into it with great enthusiasm.

Here is just a brief look at the reasons why physical fitness is important….
Physical fitness greatly improves the quality of your life. When you are stronger, fitter, and in better cardiovascular health, you will find that all your physical endeavors in life become a lot easier to perform. After all, your body is a lot stronger and primed to better handle physical tasks. This makes the potential for injury risks in life a lot lower.

Your physical appearance will improve dramatically. And really, is that not the main reason most people work out? It is and it reflects a noble goal. When you work out and take part in regular physical fitness programs, you will discover your body develops an appearance that is very desirable. Seriously, who would not want a physique that looked outright stunning?
As the old saying goes, looks are not everything and this maxim can be applied towards physical fitness. That is to say, when you are physically fit you become a lot healthier on the inside. In particular, you strongly increase your heart’s health. Among the most common forms of premature and preventable death is heart disease. It is true many factors can contribute to heart disease and exercise alone may not be enough to guarantee heart problems will never occur. That said it is also true that those who work out regularly can reduce the odds of heart ailments dramatically.

When you are in great physical condition, your self-esteem gets a tremendous boost. When you feel better about yourself, you will embody the psychological traits of a confident person. This can have an amazing ripple effect through other areas of your life which is why the self-esteem boosting facets of physical fitness are so helpful.

Physical fitness programs are a great way to make new friends and meet new people. Consider this another overlooked component to exercise programs. Heading out to the gym, enrolling in martial arts lessons, hitting the courts to play tennis, and various other physical activities will all put you in contact with other people. This is a good thing because positive interactions with others certainly have their many varied rewards.

You might even be well on your way to a new career. Don’t laugh at this notion. Many fitness professionals once started out as hobbyists and you may be on the path to joining them.

Of course, this is just a mere overview of the positive benefits associated with physical fitness programs. Even the most basic of exercise programs can deliver a whole host of positive benefits. Why not adds yourself to the mix of those that experience such similar benefits?

Body UP is a multi-national leading manufacturer and retailer fitness and exercise apparel . Their products include seamless bra and workout tops as well as active leisure wear .

The Importance Of Lower Back Exercises For Lower Back Pain Relief

May 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Lower Back Exercises

Article by John Miller

The most effective lower back exercises are those that loosen off the muscles that have taken your pelvis out of alignment. Once the pelvis is back in alignment the bones above it will go back into better alignment. The term ‘loosening’ provides a better description of the process than ‘stretching’. To relieve back pain, loosen off tight muscles.

You’ll read all sorts of articles about stretching and how it helps you to achieve a good level of joint mobility. That of course may be true. If muscles around a joint are tight then mobility will be restricted.

You’ll see sports people stretching before they begin their training sessions and matches. You’ll see paddocks full of people trying to push over trees and walls in an effort to loosen off their calf muscles and bending forward with their legs on rails to loosen off hamstrings.

It’s all worthwhile.

However for mere mortals the main value of stretching is to keep the bones of the body in good alignment. It’s as simple as that.

The other thing we need to clarify is the term ‘stretching’. It would be better to define the process as ‘loosening’.

When you think of stretching you think of putting the string back on a bow, ready to fire an arrow. That’s not what we went to do with muscles. In fact all we want to do is create the conditions under which a muscle will gradually loosen off. For that to happen it takes time.

The initial inclination of a muscles to being ‘stretched’ is to tighten up. Imagine walking on a slippery floor and slipping. Your muscles tighten up to protect your body. You don’t gracefully do the splits.

So to create the conditions for loosening off tight muscles you need to relax and give the muscle about a minute to loosen off. Even longer is better.

For some loosening exercises you need between 1 and 5 minutes. For the static back and supine groin exercises (which your can view on YouTube) it’s recommended you relax off for 20 minutes.

Once bones move out of alignment you get all manner of joint problems. If the misalignment is bad enough you’ll experience a symptom of that misalignment – pain.

Most people don’t readily identify this pain with misalignment. They think their joint pain comes from out of the blue. All they want to do is make the pain go away.

The statements from medical research and arthritis organisations of the world shy away from diagnosing the cause of most pain associated with the vertebrae. In fact they’re useless.

Can you believe this statement from the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council?

‘Specific patho-anatomic diagnosis is not necessary for effective management of acute non-specific low back pain.’

If you believed that about the mechanics of your own body, how could you ever trust your motor mechanic to work out what’s wrong with your car and fix it.

Pain in any of the joints has a cause and given the right treatment there’s a good chance it can be fixed. My rule of thumb is that for 80% of people there’s an 80% chance they can get their back – and any other joints that are painful – back to 80% of good nick.

The principal cause of back pain is bones that are out of alignment. The secret to relieving pain is getting the vertebrae back into better alignment. Once that happens pressure is taken off ligaments, tendons, muscles and herniated discs. As poor function is restored to good, the pain goes away.

Finding out which muscles are tight and may have contributed to the misalignment is not a tough assignment. Just go to a yoga class. In less than an hour you’ll come away with a very good impression of which muscles are tight and may be causing your pain.

If you keep going back to yoga class and practice it at home on most days of the week, day by day, month by month, millimetre by millimetre you’ll gradually get the bones of your body back into better alignment; the pain will start to go away.

As to what causes this tightening of muscles it’s a fair bet that it comes from prolonged sitting. Hamstring, buttock and hip flexor muscles gradually become shorter; and for shorter read tighter. It’s your job to loosen those muscles and keep them loose.

So there you have it. The most effective lower back exercises aren’t for muscles around your lower back, they’re for muscles attached to your pelvis. Loosen them off and the pelvis will get back into better alignment. Once the pelvis gets back into better alignment the bones above it will get back into better alignment.

Coupled with a total body strengthening program you’ll gradually get your body back in better alignment and pain free.

John Miller, Canberra (Australia) based physical educator and the Director of the Musculo-skeletal Fitness Institute helps people worldwide achieve relief from musculo-skeletal pain. To find out more about the most effective lower back exercises to relieve back pain and a home based solution for lower back pain relief, download a FREE Emergency Handbook for Musculo-skeletal Dysfunction Pain at

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The Importance of Strength Training For Women!

April 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

I find that women today are hung up on doing the “aerobic” workout rather than engaging in something that really gets them results. Now before you get angry with me I pick on the guys too, its just that I am specifically focusing in on you for this particular article. I believe in tough love. Now hopefully I have not angered you to the point that you have stopped reading this article. Now, that we are over the insensitivity lets focus on the matter at hand.

To begin, you have to have a strength training program in place in order to get the results you desire. Not only do you need a strength program, but your strength and conditioning program should be one in the same. If you want top-notch results you have to have an effective and well planned strength program that you can implement in order to get the benefits of building lean muscle mass. This in turn will kick your metabolism into high gear! This is where you shed the inches like crazy in get a super fit body.

Its all about total-body fitness and not an entire 30 minute class devoted to abs! Workout to make yourself sweat, to breathe hard, and do it while handling some sort of resistance. This is where your strength training comes in. Strength training can come in many forms. It doesn’t necessarily just mean weightlifting. Although weightlifting is a form of strength training. It can be a highly effective program designed around utilizing nothing more than your own body-weight. Women that are getting the killer body are getting the killer strength training programs! This is a fact. Don’t shortchange yourself.

The bottom line is that you have to step up your program. There is a bit of a learning curve involved in anything with value.

Take the time to learn and implement an effective strength training program. Like I said this can be an awesome program with just your body-weight, it can be done with weights, or other very dynamic devices like the kettlebell.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I’m Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Importance of Workout Schedule for Building Muscle

April 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Article by Balu Muscle

There are many tools not that talked about in the muscle building world and an important one is a workout schedule for building muscle. The importance of having a workout schedule for building muscle is such a key factor to stay consistent and focused throughout your muscle building journey. We will in this article go through the benefits of having a workout schedule for building muscle and how it can look like.

Why do you need a workout schedule for building muscle

The obvious reason for having a workout plan for muscle building is because it will be harder to get side tracked. Once you have a schedule, you will know exactly when to train, how to train and on which days. Furthermore if you have a workout schedule for building muscle and exercise the same time each day, then you will create a habit in your mind and it will be a lot easier packing your bag and going to the gym.

A simple workout schedule for building muscle could look like the following:

Monday: ChestTuesday: BackWednesday: RestThursday: ShoulderFriday: ArmsSaturday: LegsSunday: Rest

Benefits of having a workout routine to build muscle

The above schedule for muscle building is just one of the many you can find. But by having a workout schedule like the one above or any other, you won’t look like a question mark when entering the gym, because you know exactly what to work on and you have probably visualized your whole session already before entering the gym.

A mistake a lot of people make when starting to workout and not having a schedule for muscle building, is that they a lot of times hit the same muscle twice or more. Your muscles need rest to grow and it is actually on your rest days that your muscles grow to become what you have dreamt of.

When you don’t have a workout plan for building muscle, the chance for hitting the same muscle repeatedly is increased and by working on the same muscles, your body will adapt to your routines and you will not experience the accelerated growth that you want in your muscle building journey.

However, if you have various schedules for muscle building with different exercises to choose from, you will keep on surprising your body, and surprising the body is the best way to increase a gain in your muscles.

If there is one thing I want you to get out of this article, it is the importance of having various training schedules for muscle building. This will not only help your muscle grow faster, but it will also be more exciting to workout. We as human beings like variation, and having different exercises in your workout schedule for building muscle is the best way to stay consistent and ensuring yourself your dream physique.

You can either do this by gathering different workout schedule for building muscle from various sources or you can invest in a muscle building program that offers a lot of variety, both in exercises and also in nutrition, which is as important as working out. So make sure to get a workout schedule for building muscle and enjoy the results for yourself.

Are you tired of not being able to wear the clothes you want, not feeling comfortable in your body, not liking what you see in the mirror and not being able to go to the beach? Then visit us at Best Way to Build Muscle to make your Dream Physique become a reality….


The Importance of Strength Training For Women!

March 31, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

I find that women today are hung up on doing the “aerobic” workout rather than engaging in something that really gets them results. Now before you get angry with me I pick on the guys too, its just that I am specifically focusing in on you for this particular article. I believe in tough love. Now hopefully I have not angered you to the point that you have stopped reading this article. Now, that we are over the insensitivity lets focus on the matter at hand.

To begin, you have to have a strength training program in place in order to get the results you desire. Not only do you need a strength program, but your strength and conditioning program should be one in the same. If you want top-notch results you have to have an effective and well planned strength program that you can implement in order to get the benefits of building lean muscle mass. This in turn will kick your metabolism into high gear! This is where you shed the inches like crazy in get a super fit body.

Its all about total-body fitness and not an entire 30 minute class devoted to abs! Workout to make yourself sweat, to breathe hard, and do it while handling some sort of resistance. This is where your strength training comes in. Strength training can come in many forms. It doesn’t necessarily just mean weightlifting. Although weightlifting is a form of strength training. It can be a highly effective program designed around utilizing nothing more than your own body-weight. Women that are getting the killer body are getting the killer strength training programs! This is a fact. Don’t shortchange yourself.

The bottom line is that you have to step up your program. There is a bit of a learning curve involved in anything with value.

Take the time to learn and implement an effective strength training program. Like I said this can be an awesome program with just your body-weight, it can be done with weights, or other very dynamic devices like the kettlebell.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I’m Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

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Sprint Training – The Importance of Speed Endurance Training

February 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Being a great sprinter means that you need to have the total package. You need to have a good top-end speed and great speed endurance. You also need to have a good amount of strength which will keep you from getting injured during the season. Right now I’m going to talk to you about developing stamina.

Developing speed endurance is not an easy task to take on. The workouts can often be grueling. Usually you will find sprinters throwing up all over the track after a tough workout.  But then they realize that when it comes down to race day its will always be worth the pain. Having this type of stamina also allows you to chase down competitors in the longer distances such as the 200 and 400 m dash. Having a good level of stamina will also make running the 100m dash feel like a walk in the park.

So how do you develop a good level of speed endurance? Developing this type of stamina usually involves running anywhere from 150 m to 350 m.

 The rest between each run is about 5 to 10 minutes depending on how intense the workout is. If you are performing a workout that involves running 350 m runs you will need to make sure you get at least 10 minutes rest between each run. Always remember the goal here is quality over quantity.

Doing too much speed endurance can often hinder your raw speed. So try to perform this type of training no more than twice a week. And also make sure that you vary the intensity because you can easily over train.

There’s no reason you should be embarrassed about getting ran down in your races. If your are ready to join the thousands of other successful sprinters out there: Click Here

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