Softball Training Equipment – Tips to Improve Game Performance

September 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Jack Griffith

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Softball Training Equipment – Tips to Improve Game Performance

If you’re a serious softball enthusiast, or even if you’re just helping your son or daughter develop some strength and accuracy for little league, then you’re probably on the lookout for softball training equipment.

There are actually many items available to help you improve your performance as a softball player. This article will discuss some of the softball training equipment that’s out there in order to help you decide what may be of benefit to you or your kids.

Softball Training Equipment Starts With the Basics – Balls and Bats

Every softball game needs a ball. And since every softball player will handle the ball at some point, there are weighted softballs that can help to increase strength as well as improve accuracy.

Imagine training with a ball that is 9, 10, 12 ounces or more. The heavier ball allows players to develop a strong arm and increase pitch speed. As the player gets accustomed to the heavier ball, he also learns to throw with greater accuracy. A set of 4 weighted training softballs will have an approximate price of $ 25.

Whether you’re an outfielder or a pitcher, weighted training softballs can help you throw better, faster, and get the ball to your intended target – not overthrown or underthrown. When you get into the game and throw the regulation 6.5 ounce softball, it will feel like you’re throwing a ball made of styrofoam!

The next piece of softball training equipment that you’ll want to consider is the training bat.

Some training bats come with adjustable weights that hang on the end of the bat. They look like a bat that has a ring stuck on the end.

These weights allow the player to increase swing strength and encourages “muscle memory,” which is where the muscles involved in the swing become used to the initial short swing to hit the ball, and then the long follow-through after the hit.

This type of training bat can also be used to warm up, helping the muscles to loosen up before the player’s at-bat. Training bats typically run from $ 35 to about $ 70.

Batting Tees and Pitching Machines

Of course, most of us are familiar with the batting tee and pitching machines.

Batting tees basically hold the ball off the ground so that the player can practice hits and home runs. They typically run $ 25 to $ 200 or more, depending upon their level of sophistication.

Pitching machines are the next piece of softball training equipment we’ll discuss. These have come a long way since the expensive machines of a few years ago. Today, you can get a nice pitching machine that will throw 30 mph balls at regular intervals for as little as $ 40!

Reaction Balls and Soft Mitts

A newer piece of softball training equipment is the reaction ball. This is a ball with “bumps” on it. It can be used for fielding practice or just tossed between two players. When the reaction ball hits the ground, it will bounce in unpredictable manners, allowing players to improve reaction time and hand-and-eye coordination.

Soft mitts are flat, foam mitts that train the player to improve the relationship between his two hands. The mitt encourages “quick hands,” or the transition from catching the ball to throwing. It fits on the hand with three small elastic loops, and works well for honing fielding skills.

These run $ 15 to $ 20 and can fit on either hand.

Softball Training Equipment for Strength and Conditioning

There are additional softball training aids that can increase strength and condition of specific areas of your body.

For example, there is the wrist roller, which uses different weighted plates to develop strength in forearms. Reviewers have indicated that you can really feel the burn in your forearms!

Another aid is the power chute, which is a small parachute attached to your waist to increase wind resistance as he jogs. This allows the player to build up stronger thigh muscles as he runs trailing the power chute behind. This piece of softball training equipment can also increase stamina and acceleration.

Many baseball players are using titanium necklaces and bracelets, stating that titanium increases blood circulation and helps to relieve stiff muscles. Titanium is also available in a “power sleeve,” which is said to concentrate the titanium in your arms to increase power and reduce any muscle fatigue.

One final piece of softball training equipment that has received good reviews is a drill mat. The mat absorbs the impact of jumping jacks and other up-and-down type motions to reduce impact on joints. While this has been encouraged as a softball training aid, it can also be used by athletes of all disciplines.

Softball training equipment can significantly improve game performance for the little league player as well as the serious athlete.

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This author really enjoys home and family, and lives life to the full. Do you also like to try new things? Then feel free to learn more at

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Fitness and Lifestyle – Your Health Will Improve With A Regular Resistance Training Program

September 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Syefan Vijjan

Fitness and Lifestyle – Your Health Will Improve With A Regular Resistance Training Program – Health

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We should recognize those that beyond a shadow of a doubt engage themselves in strength training. This is simply due to the fact they must endure a rigorous regimen and devotion. But you can still do the same and get great results with a very modest program. Your accomplishment and achievement might shock you. Multiple assets are possible from a work out routine such as this. Plus it is well known that weight training helps maintain stronger bones and can improve joint health in later years. There are many great motives therefore, in incorporating a feasible and safe strength training routine. When you really think about it, accessible cialis in uk is something that can have a huge impact depending on the situation.

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Constant weight training will organically enhance the strength in your hand. If you want however, you can use equipment that is made particularly for grip strength and hand strength. What we talked about earlier might be more useful in the martial art industry on the assumption they wish not to add bulkiness but rather more power in their hand and grip. The Power Ball exerciser is a device that has been around for a long time. This device makes use of a spinning gyro within it, and you twist your hand to maintain high RPM’s. Great for producing a grip that is powerful, this instrument is small but effective. A strength training program, as well as most other exercise routines, are great for physical advantages, and are also beneficial psychologically. It will depend on exactly what you do as well as other lifestyle behaviors. Exercising may speed up your metabolism, and allow you to lose weight, but without changing your unhealthy diet, the weight will come back. Bad eating is what will make you unhealthy, so to become healthy you will need good eating. When you are working on everything in your life, it doesn’t take that much exercise to make a difference. In order to keep on an exercise plan, in addition to eating right, most people will need to devise their own program. So go ahead and give this some thought and get started. There is so much for you to discover about getting cialis in uk, and we definitely can help you in this area. As always, though, much of what you determine you need is totally reliant on what you want to achieve. Just be sure you choose those items that will serve your needs the most. Exactly how they effect what you do is one thing you need to carefully consider. The remainder of this article will present you with a few more very hot ideas about this.

The muscles of the calf can be difficult for many people to develop, and part of the reason is they are so easy to neglect. The difficulty factor may play second fiddle to the fact that visible muscles on your upper body are simply more desirable to maintain. If you have muscular arms and a barreling chest, yet your calf muscles are puny and weak, it can be a very humorous sight to behold. Exercising your calf muscles doing calf raises with minimal to medium weight is the best place to start. By strolling around the block few times a week, you can successfully build calf muscles without that much effort. Doing weight training on a routine basis will give you a discipline that will change your entire life. When you are sitting on a weight machine, allow your mind to think of the many advantages that you will have by continuing the exercises for a long time. Being disciplined in one area should lead you to be disciplined in other areas. The first thing you need to do to change your life is to decide to do it. Once you get started on changing your life, then you need a little perseverance to keep going. If you keep taking bigger steps, then your life will begin to change, and possibly you will have a new life. We know you want to discover more about getting viagra in uk, and coming up next is one thing we believe will help you in ways you do not realize, yet. Research is time intensive and hard, but we think we have come across the very best as you will soon discover. It is through no fault of your own, but if you have not read through a lot about it, then you do need to be cautious.

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For additional details please visit cialis price for more information. Also take a look at tadacip.

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For additional details please visit cialis price for more information. Also take a look at tadacip.

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Simple Ways to Improve Hiking Endurance Overnight

August 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscular Endurance

Article by Terry Daniels

Simple Ways to Improve Hiking Endurance Overnight – Outdoors

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The casual hiker who may happen upon this article may be wondering if it is even possible to improve one’s hiking endurance. To that person I say, “yes, it is”.

I expect all others reading this article have experienced muscular and respiratory failure while scaling an intense mountain.

Any hiker will have a much greater chance of improving his or her endurance if they understand a few simple concepts concerning the cause of most hiker fatigue. It helps to think of the body as a whole instead of a number of different systems.

Many hikers mistakenly think that because they are very fit muscularly, or because their cardio/respiratory systems are in great condition, that they are in great a position to undertake whatever mountaineering experience they choose. This is grossly inaccuarate, however, since an advanced level hiking/mountaineering experience will demand that the cardio, respiratory, and muscular aspects of fitness all be in balance throughout the day.

Failure in one system can often cause failure in another. This situation is well applied to a person who has a fair level of respiratory fitness, but a low level of muscular endurance in the large leg muscles.

This person will begin the day ahead of the pack–wondering why everyone else is taking their time–only to fall behind later in the day when muscle fatigue sets in. Unfortunately, both muscle fatigue and respiratory overload will occur prematurely for this individual since muscular fatigue will trick the body into thinking the muscles simply need more oxygen–the respiratory system will be forced into trying to compensate for muscular fatigue.

As the respiratory system and leg muscles are overloaded, excess moisture will be lost through breathing and sweating, leading to premature dehydration. Energy will also be expended at a faster rate since the body is now working overtime to maintain activity levels and a steady core temperature.

It is also important to remember that the proper use of outdoor knowledge can often be one of the greatest determining factors in a person’s overall endurance.

For example, the body will fatigue much faster if it is subject to frequent and drastic temperature change. The savvy outdoorsman will know this can be avoided by avoiding excessive sweating and cool-down periods.

Extreme body temperatures can be avoided by wearing moisture-wicking clothing that provides adequate ventilation, and by layering clothing in such a way that clothing can easily be removed or added in the objective of maintaining constant body temperature–even and especially during resting periods (this includes avoiding sitting on snow or anything else that would cause conductive cooling of the body).

Also note that eating a large meal while hiking will take blood away from other important systems in the body while excess heat/blood is used to digest a meal. Small meals/snacks are much more conducive to periods of prolonged physical activity.

While nothing can replace a good overall fitness level, any hiker may fail to complete a strenuous climb if he or she is unaware of techniques that prolong respiratory and muscular endurance. Two of these popular techniques are known as “pressure breathing” and taking a “rest step”.

Since most people are habituated to taking small, short breaths, carbon dioxide tends to pool in the bottom of the lungs–especially as elevation is gained and oxygen becomes thinner. As mentioned above, the systems of the body are interconnected, and this problem, gone uncorrected, will cause premature muscle fatigue and other symptoms of altitude sickness such as coughing and headache.

This problem can be avoided by periodically breathing out in a forceful manner in such a way that the lungs are completely deflated. It is not necessary to inhale in the same manner since the lungs will naturally re-inflate.

In the same way that most people take short breaths while breathing, most people do not lock their knees while walking/hiking. Taking a rest step simply involves locking the knee of the resting leg while taking a step with the other leg (this should look steady and not robotic).

Using this technique will allow the leg muscles of the resting leg to quickly, but frequently, relax during the rest step–this actually adds up to be about half the time. The math is pretty easy unless you every step with two legs at once.

Hopefully it is clear that proper conditioning and a little outdoor knowledge can go a long way in prolonging hiking endurance.

About the Author

Terry Daniels is an avid outdoorsman who loves hiking, exercising, and increasing his endurance with strength training equipment. He’s been a hiking tour guide for the past 9 years.

Terry Danielsterrydaniels09@gmail.com

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Terry Daniels is an avid outdoorsman who loves hiking, exercising, and increasing his endurance with strength training equipment. He’s been a hiking tour guide for the past 9 years.

Terry Danielsterrydaniels09@gmail.com

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Exercise GRex Holds Category Crush Grip Strength General Specific exercise for developing functional grip strength for: mixed martial artists (MMA), combat athletics, wrestlers, boxers, fielding in baseball and all sports that require muscular endurance of the fingers, palm and wrists. As the hand fatigues, the fingers start to open up creating a heavy negative throughout the range of motion of the eccentric phase. If you don’t have a GRex, you can effectively train this exercise utilizing torsion spring grippers. For more grip strength articles visit: The Diesel Crew EliteFTS Q&A http

Running Faster ? How to Improve Running Time

July 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

After months of training, the next step for runners is to develop more their running speed. Most runners have run only within their comfort zones and little changes with it will cause a little panic (especially for beginners). They are afraid that when they try to get out from their zone they will fail, but they should seek ways of running faster. The following are some methods that will lead to increasing your running speed:

• Turnover
Your turnover (number of times a foot hits the ground per minute) must increase to get you to go faster. The increased number of turnover will mean an increase in the covered distance also. With the use of a stopwatch, count the number of turnovers you make in a single minute. Then, gradually increase your turnover rate by adding 5 steps every minute until you reach your goal rate. A competitive runner can make 90 steps or more in 1 minute, but regular faster runners achieve at least 80 strides per minute.

This way, you won’t be panicking of the idea that your heart will increase because the increase in your running rate will happen in a gradual manner.

• Utilize Toes
Another way of running faster is through pushing with the big toe. This moves your body forward and it take off some of the pounding on your heels.

• Proper Posture
Proper posture should be observed at all times. Your head should be aligned with your back and chin must be kept tucked. Look straight ahead of you (about five feet). The arms must be at the sides and swung forward, never swing across your body.

• Speed Workouts
Speed workouts are very for running faster. Including some of them in your training program will boost your speed in a slow and steady manner. A very good example of speed workout is hill training. Start by doing this workout once a week and then as you get use to the pace increase it to twice a week.

On race day, just remember that all techniques and trainings of running faster have one key: that is to start with a slow pace and gradually work yourself up until you reach the finish line. Be calm and cool. Warm up and let your body loose before the race starts because tight muscles do not help much and easily get tired. Don’t forget to do cool down exercises right after finishing.

For more information about this article, please check out Running Faster, and Run to Finish.

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Improve Your Cardiovascular Endurance Levels with the Help of a Personal Trainer

June 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Dan Clay

Improve Your Cardiovascular Endurance Levels with the Help of a Personal Trainer – Health – Fitness

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Obesity is a rising health problem today which not only makes people look unattractive but also disrupts the normal functioning of the body. Nowadays health issues have become a major concern for most people. A good way to lose weight is cardiovascular endurance exercises. Cardiovascular exercises which is also known as cardio workout and aerobic training offer a number of health benefits, but then they should be performed properly if you wish to reap the benefits. A personal trainer can immensely help you by chalking out a fitness program including different types of cardio vascular activities that suit your body type.

Many people, having failed to realize the importance of cardiovascular exercises, do not incorporate them in their fitness regimen. But these exercises not just help to burn calories; they also strengthen important organs like the heart and the lungs. That is the reason why most personal trainers incorporate cardiovascular activity in the fitness schedule of their clients. For total fitness experience cardiovascular exercises are a must. Do not overlook the importance of these exercises if you want the wellbeing of the most important organ of your body, i.e. your heart.

Hiring a personal trainer can be of great benefit for he would chalk out a fitness plan for you that would address your fitness goals. Strength training, weight training, cardiovascular training all are important but only a personal trainer can suggest you the ratio in which these exercises should be incorporated in your workout schedule. A good cardiovascular workout will yield positive results for sure, but then it is also important to perform the exercises in the correct way. Cardiovascular workouts consist of different forms and your trainer will be able to determine the type of cardio exercises that would suit your body the most.

Nowadays the practice of hiring personal trainers has become quite popular and this is because of the great health benefits that these fitness experts bring in for their clients. They work on a one to one basis which enables you to enjoy greater care and better service. The trainer would ensure your safety during the training sessions and will assess your improvement after every specific interval. Cardiovascular exercises are extremely important if you wish to stay healthy and fit, but seeking the guidance of a trainer before planning your cardio workouts is equally important.

As has been stated before the cardio workouts consist of different forms ranging from light to heavy exercises – all meant to increase the work load of your heart. As a result, the risk of being affected by heart problems is greatly reduced. Weight loss and a toned body are some other benefits of cardio exercises.

The cardiovascular exercises if performed on a regular basis can solve many health problems. But though these exercises look quite simple and do not involve any equipment they should be performed only with the guidance of a personal trainer. Only a trainer can suggest you the cardio workouts that would be work best for your body. He would demonstrate the cardiovascular exercises to make it sure that you are performing the exercises in the correct form. Assessing your improvement he would even change your workout regimen from time to time. So be prudent and improve your cardiovascular endurance level with the aid of a trainer.

About the Author

Dan Clay is the owner of Dangerously Fit Personal Training. If you would like to book free Maroubra personal training consultation or personal trainer Maroubra visit personal training Maroubra.

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Dan Clay is the owner of Dangerously Fit Personal Training. If you would like to book free Maroubra personal training consultation or personal trainer Maroubra visit personal training Maroubra.

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Get your heart rate up and increase time of treadmill workout. Learn how to improve cardio endurance in this exercise video.
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How to Use Lifting weights to improve Weight Decline and Make Muscle Quick

May 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Fitness

Article by jargon elijah

How to Use Lifting weights to improve Weight Decline and Make Muscle Quick – Health

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Training could be the magic phrase or the mantra for main a nutritious and very long life. The two frequent training alternatives obtainable are, heading on the gymnasium and accomplishing excess weight lifting workout routines or likely about to your nearby park for the enjoyable walk or maybe a jog. Finding your heart pumping and people muscles’ working is the only shortcut to attain ideal well-being. Together with excess fat lifting as part of your each day work out program has its very own perks.

So, how can you start that has a weight lifting course?

First of all, you have to do a healthcare checkup to judge your health status. This will likely make it easier to and your trainer, to select the proper excess weight lifting plan.

Gear up. The 1st issue on a purchasing cart should be shoes. Get any great footwear with nonslip soles. Operating footwear is going to be suitable for individuals who system to implement the treadmill. Keep away from sneakers with higher heels.

Currently being thoroughly dressed in your excess fat lifting workouts gives you an ethical raise. Choose cotton apparel which have been not tight at your joints, so you’ve got flexibility of motion. Keep away from outfits with as well numerous pockets or flaps or dangling items.

Bring your personal towels and water bottle.

Stroll or jog your strategy to the gymnasium. This will likely warm you up, permitting you to start your weightlifting work outs quickly once you arrive at.

Decide on your gymnasium, the coach plus the proper eating plan.

Set a couple of attainable aims.Set a proper approach in front of you. Earlier than starting along with your excess fat lifting system you must make a decision what your goals and objectives are. Could it be to build up muscle mass mass or do I need strength and endurance? At the time you’ve made a decision your target, explore it using your trainer. It truly is time now to hunt out a gym partner. In bodyweight lifting training plan, you will need the assist of the exercise session associate though teaching with large weights. Once you start out the program, monitor your progress by means of self observation or by inquiring your exercise session associate.

Be dedicated to your lead to, as soon as you start excess fat lifting software. In weight lifting there isn’t an achieve without the need of pain. So be willing to sweat out and melt away people fats. Constantly consult your trainer for specialist advice when in doubt. Your excess fat education work out program need to involve at least a few physical exercises for each week, which are 1 hour to 1 and half hrs in length. Ensure not to skip the rest days for the reason that overworking your muscle mass will burn it down as opposed to building it.

What are the positive aspects of introducing bodyweight lifting into your exercising program?

It increases your physical work capacity.It improves bone density and lessens no cost excess fat in the blood.Boosts the energy of muscles, tissues, tendons and bones.It helps from the rebuilding cells and improves vitality.It boosts the immune technique and improves circulation.It improves your muscle mass mass and slows down the ageing procedure.It improves your libido and your fat burning capacity.It decreases stress, panic, danger of diabetes, blood stress and improves quality of life.It improves the manufacturing of testosterone.It improves your physical visual appeal and that is a big ethical boost.Most of us have envied the 6 pack abs of supermodels and film actors. As the saying goes “if you could dream it, you are able to do it”, so believe that in yourself, operate tricky, and aspiration. Goals do appear accurate.

Right up until the subsequent short article “Be Your Best”

Choose to get in shape rapid? Head on about to Men-N-Fitness and get a cost-free seven day teaching information.

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For a lot more information regarding the best way to properly get rid of excess weight quick and construct considerable muscle within the approach be sure you check out our site about Weight Lifting to lose weight to locate out what the best approaches are. You are going to also come across lots of content articles delivering precious information on how to try to eat far better, how you can get rid of weight quick and the way to obtain during the ideal shape within your existence. We offer top rated superior details to our visitors so remember to be sure to stop by at this time.

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For a lot more information regarding the best way to properly get rid of excess weight quick and construct considerable muscle within the approach be sure you check out our site about Weight Lifting to lose weight to locate out what the best approaches are. You are going to also come across lots of content articles delivering precious information on how to try to eat far better, how you can get rid of weight quick and the way to obtain during the ideal shape within your existence. We offer top rated superior details to our visitors so remember to be sure to stop by at this time.

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Improve Your Game 100% With Golf Fitness Training

May 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Article by Alex Alexander

Improve Your Game 100% With Golf Fitness Training – Sports – Golf

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It may seem unlikely to you that golf fitness training can help up your golf statistics 100 percent, but it is entirely possible. Like singing, playing the piano or basketball, golf is a skill that can be improved upon. With proper fitness, training, guidance and practice, you can absolutely improve your game.

Many people think of golfing as a leisure time activity outside of professional golf, but for amateur golfers the relevance of whether fitness and golf have any relation to one another seems unimportant. After all, golfing is a popular activity among the retirement crowd, so how fit do you need to be to play golf well if those much older than you can do it? The truth is that a good number of those older folks playing golf may have better golf stats than you because they have fitness behind their golf swings and precision line drives.

It may be that you play golf in your leisure time for fun and relaxation, but does that mean you cannot get the most out of the time you spend golfing? It takes balance, stamina, strength, concentration, and a good understanding about the mechanics of golf to play it very well. The more fit your body is the better your balance, stamina, and strength is. Fitness training can help you achieve better fitness more completely and in less time than exercising to become more fit on your own. Combine the fitness and golf training offered by professional golf fitness trainers and you have a winning combination that can help you up your golf stats by as much as a 100 percent.

Working with a golf fitness trainer you will learn what foods to eat to power your body up for spot on golf swings and impressive yardage out of your drives. You will be learning about and doing exercises that are geared towards increasing the lining up and power of your golf swings and drive yardages. You can also increase your golf stats a 100% by working with a golf fitness trainer.

You may be performing techniques improperly and poor form is hampering your game, and it is next to impossible to always see where you are going wrong unless you videotape yourself. Even then you may need an expert to evaluate your skills and pinpoint trouble areas. A golf fitness trainer can bring to your attention when you are performing a technique wrong and demonstrate how to properly perform various golfing techniques so that your game will improve.

Many of the muscles you use to golf with are muscles that need to be strong, fit, and healthy to power the functions of body organs like the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver and central nervous and immune systems in the body as well as to provide the power to maintain balance and aid in motion. Starting to work with a golf fitness trainer now and undergoing a full golf fitness training program will build the strength, fitness, and health of your muscles and your entire body so that you will be enjoying better golf playing, health and living well into your retirement years.

Golf fitness training is even suggested for older or the retired who want to spend more time playing golf. Older golf players can increase their golf skills and also strengthen their bodies balancing muscles to prevent falls. Golf fitness training increases muscle and joint flexibility which we all need regardless of our age so we can move with ease and not sprain and strain muscles and joints.

You can up your golf stats and your stats for living longer and healthier 100% by working with a golf fitness trainer. Schedule a consultation to learn more about golf fitness training and how working with a golf fitness trainer can help you up your stats soon.

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Lower Abdominal Exercises For Women – Improve Your Posture With Exercise

May 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

Article by Julia Mahler

Lower abdominal exercises for women are an important part of women’s health. While everybody talks about how wonderful it would be to have six pack abs, it is not the only reason to make sure that you work out this part of your body. Having strong abdominal muscles can also improve your health in other ways – for instance, giving you better posture and reducing back strain. Most people do some abdominal exercises – however, the lower abs are often overlooked.

By using one or two effective types of lower abdominal exercises for women, you can make sure that this important muscle group is also getting worked out effectively. Several of the exercises may require more equipment than you have readily available – however, most lower abdominal exercises are easy to do at home and do not require much extra equipment.

Effective Lower Abs Exercises For Beginners

Lying Leg Raises – Lie down on a flat bench. Raise your arms above your head and have your hands hold the edges of the bench or (if you have one) the hand-grip behind your head. With your legs slightly bent at the knee, raise them all the way up to the vertical position. Pause a second and then slowly lower them. Try not to touch the ground at the bottom. This control will keep tension on the abdominals throughout the exercise and will therefore increase the intensity. Repeat for your designated number of reps and sets.

Reverse Crunch – Lie face up on a flat exercise bench, raise your arms and firmly grasp the edge of the bench above or alongside your head. With your knees bent (and locked in this position), contract your abs and lift your hips to bring your knees in toward your chest – hold for three seconds and lower your hips back to the bench. Repeat for your designated number of reps and sets. Leg Lifts Are More Advanced Exercises For Lower Abs

First of all, the hanging leg raise is one of the most effective types of abs exercises. For this exercise, however, you’re going to need a lat pull-up bar to hang from. This bar is going to need to be high enough that you can hang from it with your arms fully extended (with your hands shoulder width apart) for long enough to do the exercise – without your feet touching the floor. Then, use your abdominal muscles (you will need to focus) to move your legs up until you are sitting in the air.

Important Notes For All Abs Exercises

* Do not over train your abs. Remember that success is always a result of many efforts. Never train you abs if they are still very sore from a previous workout. Mildly sore is okay.

* Keep your abs pulled in tight through each repetition to get the maximum benefit of each rep.

* Keep your range of motion between 30-45 degrees from the floor or bench (the horizontal position). This helps to minimize the hip-flexor area movement and makes sure that the abs get their full workout.

* Always keep your spine, neck, head and shoulder in alignment to prevent strains.

* When you do sit-ups and crunches, or any other exercise that requires your hands to be behind your head, never interlock your fingers as this causes you to pull on your head and will put your spine out of alignment – which may cause strains to your spine.

Julia Mahler is a successful author and the publisher of She has studied and participated in fitness & natural nutrition for over 22 yrs. Her specialty is women’s fitness and teaching how to get six pack abs.

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Improve the Effectiveness of PNF Stretching

April 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by George James

PNF stretching is one of the most effective ways to increase an athlete’s range of motion . Standing for “Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation,” this technique involves taking a limb to it’s end -range of motion, performing and isometric contraction against resistance, relaxing the muscles by moving the limb slightly backwards, then moving the limb to a new and improved end-range of motion.The isometric contraction sets off a reflex (the inverse stretch reflex) that produces a high degree of relaxation after the contraction is released, allowing the limb to be moved to a new end-range of motion.This method of stretching is tried and true, but here are some new and improved ways to perform PNF stretching-methods that make it even more effective.CONCEPTThese improvements take into account the fact that connective tissue and joint stiffness often contribute greatly to inflexibility. Several measures are taken in order to increase flexibility in these areas:• Traction is applied to the joint before, during and after stretches.• The limb is moved in a different plane each time the stretch is increased or tension is released. This also involves more muscle fibres in the stretching.• If possible, the opposite limb (i.e. non-stretching leg) is stabilized-possibly with straps.EXAMPLEHere’s how to apply these new concepts, using hamstring stretching as an example.1. Athlete lies on her back on the massage table (if you have one). It’s optional, but the effectiveness of the stretch will be improved if you can anchor one leg to the table. Velcro straps are ideal for this purpose.2. Take the other leg and gently pull backwards on it, while slowly rotating it in small circles (about a foot in diameter)-five to ten times, first clockwise, then counterclockwise. This will help to loosen the joint capsule at the hip.3. Pushing upwards on the bottom of the ankle (to apply traction to the joint), slowly push the leg forward-keeping the knee straight-to its end-range of motion. When the athlete can feel the hamstring begin to stretch, stop the movement. 4. The athlete then pushes the straightened leg downward against the resistance provided by the partner. Hold for the count of six.5. The partner then shifts the leg slightly sideways (moves it in a different plane) and releases pressure on the leg by pulling the leg slightly backwards. Then, moving it to a different plane again, pushes the leg gently forward until the new end-range of motion is reached.6. The process is repeated for a total of 3-4 repetitions. Step #2 can then be repeated (traction), and three more stretching repetitions can be performed.You’ll notice the increase in range of motion. This same concept can be applied to other limbs and joints, such as the arm and shoulder.SUGGESTED MINIMUMIf you don’t have access to a massage table or straps, be sure to at least move the limb in a different plane of movement every time range of motion is increased, or tension is released.

The author has written dozens of articles about flexibility and stretching. For more information, see Improve the Effectiveness of P, Improve the Effectiveness of P, <a href=”

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Weight Training Program For Women – Use These Ideas To Improve Your Base Levels Of Fitness

April 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Philip Roberts

If you have been looking for a weight training program for women, you may not have realised that by following a few ‘basics’ you can go a long way towards achieving your goals, as well as those of your family.

If you have let your fitness go a bit, you can rest assured you are not alone! Particularly as people become older, they find themselves putting fitness on the back burner. Other, more pressing matters, such as family and work duties, are put before health and fitness. These simple tips can help show you the way to regaining your fitness. You can regain some of the body tone that you had when you were younger by following these tips. When people age, they sometimes neglect their fitness. Working out may lose out to the demands of work and family as we age. If you are in this situation yourself, then make use of the tips in this article to turn things around. Just like the last time you were slender, when you use this advice you will get into great shape.

Do not wear tight uncomfortable clothes when you exercise. If you wear clothes that do not let you breath, it will be more difficult for you to exercise. Make sure that your workout clothing is flexible, comfortable, and well ventilated, so it allows your skin to breathe. Make sure to put on some fresh clothes after your workout. Make it a point to wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing during your exercise routine. You need to wear clothes that allow your skin to breathe, otherwise you will not sweat which causes you to feel uncomfortable. Comfortable, natural materials, such as a cotton jersey, are very good exercise clothes. Be sure to keep a change of fresh clothing to change into when you are finished exercising.

If you are interested in working out in a climbing gym, you should take the time to purchase proper climbing shoes. Buy shoes that are particularly flexible if you want to successfully climb. You need different shoes for running and walking then you do for climbing, because the requirements for traction and balance are different. Buy special shoes for climbing. Flexibility and traction are important features to have in a pair of shoes while climbing. Get a pair of shoes made for climbing rather than using regular training shoes.

Exercise can help reduce menstrual cramps. A woman’s hormone levels increase during this time, which can lead to feelings of stress. Exercise can help eliminate stress and anxiety. This can also help the body deal with bloating due to the retention of water. Exercise can help women relieve their pain and discomfort around their period. Hormonal changes during a woman’s monthly cycle can bring on emotional fluctuations, including stress or depression. An effective antidote to high levels of stress and anxiety is exercise. It can also relieve bloating and other stress-related water retention.

Educate yourself about your child’s physical education program at school and make sure they are getting the proper education and information they need. You may find it necessary to volunteer part of your time to ensure your child gets proper physical education. This may lead to your child gaining a larger interest in physical fitness. Perhaps your child has not been properly educated at school. Find out more about the physical education courses your child has taken. You can volunteer your time at the school during special fitness programs to show your child how important it is to you, and it should be important to them, too. This could lead to them being more involved.

If you pay for your training sessions ahead of time, you are more likely to be motivated to attend them regularly. You will be more likely to attend your workout sessions because not attending them will result in lost money. Once way to increase training compliance is to pay your personal trainer up front. This way, you are much more apt to keep your appointments because if you don’t, you’ll be wasting money.

Even when you are seated at your desk, you can still do some stretching exercises that will help prepare you for any weight training program for women. When you are at work, you should not be sitting for too long without getting up from time to time. You should attempt to move around and stretch for a few minutes out of every hour to 90 minutes; this can improve blood flow and prevent painful cramping. Instead of sitting idly in your chair at work, use that time to do some stretching exercises. Sitting for hours at a time without getting up and moving around is unhealthy. Get up every hour or so and spend five minutes stretching; this will keep your circulation going and help prevent cramps in your muscles.

If you are someone who wants to be in shape, read these tips and find out how easy it can be. Spend some time working on yourself and do the work it takes to get into shape. These are not only virtues on the training floor, but in life in general. If you can do this in your exeryday life, you can do it in a work out. Get up and go do it. As you can see, getting in shape doesn’t have to be tough. You just need to work hard and stay motivated to reach your goals. These characteristics are inherent in all sorts of things in life. When you are successful with all other aspects of your life, your fitness goals will be a breeze. Just get up and go for it!

To get your Free Report on ‘The ABCs of Bodybuilding, Diet and Fitness’ including essential facts on weight training program for women, visit

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