Improve Your Speed With Speed Training Program

April 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Andy Wilkinson

Copyright (c) 2011

If you are athlete or sportsman, faster running always help you to go ahead of others. Have you ever though of improving your speed or boosting your power for acceleration with systematic efforts? If not, you can think of it with the comprehensive speed development program offered by Jim Kielbaso has developed this revolutionary program with study and research to improve speed remarkably. provides you many tips and techniques to improve speed using them. According to Jim Kielbaso, the first thing to improve speed is to take care of proper sprinting, deceleration, cutting, acceleration and agility mechanics. He has developed a set of DVDs with detailed instructions and movements. These DVDs give effective mechanics that are very necessary to improve speed.

The next step after learning proper and effective mechanics for improving speed is to grow your strength that can deliver force to the mechanics you are implementing to improve speed. The strength program is very essential in training for speed. The strength program, should focus on muscle stiffness as applying force in shortest amount of time is very important in improving your speed and that can be achieved by muscle stiffness.

The speed training program covers all the techniques and minute factors that are associated with improving your speed. This program gives complete protocol that you can follow step by step through each workout and achieve the desired results. The Intensity Manipulation method is used to design the exercises with number of repetitions and rest periods carefully that brings real world results for all. The program incorporates all techniques and strength program that covers everything to make the training for speed complete.

This training program makes the training for speed easier for coaches and trainers for athletes. The program brings all things together in a way that it becomes very easy for implementing it for team or groups efficiently. The speed development program provides practical, result-oriented training, and one should not spend time in developing these systems and techniques at its own. It offers a ready solution for coaches and trainers in providing speed training for their students.

The speed development program offers a good alternative for speed training that one can take by buying this program and following the detailed instructions and movements given in the DVDs. It provides easy and handy solution for coaches and trainers to train the team or group of athletes to improve speed. The program is comprehensive and incorporates carefully designed workouts and strength program that definitely improves speed in short time. provides you many tips and techniques to improve speed using them.

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Improve Your Endurance

March 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Gerald Fitz

Endurance is part of any sport or workout and is a sign of good health. To build endurance you should participate in activities that go on for an extensive period of time. Just like with any instrument, the best way to improve your endurance is to practice. This means finding a good workout level that you can handle for a long time but that also still pushes you and causes you to improve. Be careful of finding the right balance so you do not cause injury to yourself on accident. A good way to monitor is by checking your heart rate. The American Heart Association has said that your safe maximum heart rate is generally 220 beats per minute minus your age. So a 30 year old should not go above 190 beats per minute. Your target heart rate is about half of that up to 85% but build up gradually to that. Listen to your body and be safe about workouts.

A great way to get in endurance workouts is by utilizing the gym. Some people prefer to go running on their own or participate in exercise videos at home, but oftentimes going to the gym gives that extra boost of motivation. Set a specific time to go (hopefully everyday) and don’t let anything get in the way of those plans. Join classes that push your endurance such as aerobics or spinning, and set specific goals for yourself when working out on your own in the gym. Creating a circuit or interval plan is a good way to get in a variety of different types of exercises and still work on endurance. Your interval plan might include warm up, squats, intense cardio, light cardio, bicep curls, lunges, and cool down. Feel free to switch up your workout often to avoid your body becoming used to the workout and your improvements coming to a standstill. Find exercises that work for you and your goals.

An important part of building up endurance is building the muscle that makes endurance possible. This is why muscle training is also a good initial step. When starting out, do some endurance, some muscle. Working your muscle is similar to endurance. You want to push yourself but not cause damage to the muscle. This is why warm up and cool down periods are so crucial. Don’t forget to let your muscles have resting periods. It is smart to take a day off in between muscle training so as not to overdo it. Another part of building up muscle is getting enough protein to be able to do so. Without sufficient protein, you will not gain as rapidly or successfully. Protein works as both a muscle builder and a fuel for the body to work more. Meats, beans, nuts, and seeds are all high in protein. A good idea for protein intake is whey protein. You might not be getting all the protein you need from your normal diet and whey protein shakes before the gym are a good way to go.

For more info on the best whey protein, visit Top Form Supplements

Special guest Feature Trainer, RICARDO GUZMAN, of Weekend Warrior Boot Camp talks about Weekend Warrior Boot Camp and endurance workouts following his “Warrior Workout” explosive endurance training fitness technique. IN THIS CLIP: Ricardo talks to you about fitness adventures and his Weekend Warrior Boot Camp program. Check out Ricardo’s WEEKEND WARRIOR BOOTCAMP: “She’s got LEGS” all legs toning workout for women target zones -Real HOLLYWOOD Trainer Real HOLLYWOOD TRAINER Dulcinea Lee Hellings with “She’s got LEGS” an all legs toning workout targeting female problem areas on the legs. IN THIS CLIP: Dulcie takes you through the second part of the leg sculpting workout. Watch Dulcinea’s weekly workout show. Real Hollywood Trainer airs Mondays at 9am PST on or on The MomTV Network SHOW INFORMATION: NAME: Real Hollywood Trainer TIME: Every Monday from 9-10am PST FORMAT: 40 min workout, 20 minute chat/discussion Real Hollywood Trainer:Dulcinea Lee Hellings Watch Dulcinea’s new weekly workout show. Real Hollywood Trainer airs Mondays at 9amPST on or on The MomTV Network

Lifestyle Habits to Improve Metabolism

March 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

The concept of metabolism in losing weight is one which if properly utilized will help many people shed pounds in a very healthy and sustainable manner instead of turning to speedy weight loss solutions that past experiences has shown us provides only short-term weight loss benefits.

Despite the fact that metabolism does play a significant role in a person’s general weight reduction capability, it is nonetheless equally imperative that you realize that it is something which can also be impacted either negatively or positively by a number of daily life practices. Consequently, beside hereditary and genetic factors, your general daily life decisions and actions have a lot to do with your metabolism.

Metabolism can as a result be considered as one piece of the weight reduction puzzle that can be successfully accelerated through altering and making the correct daily life choices.

Listed here are several of the daily life routines which could positively influence and boost your body’s general rate of metabolism.


Having Wholesome Well-Balanced Diets
It is no secret that the things you feed on and how you approach it does have an impact on your rate of metabolism and general frame of mind, with the resulting outcome of possibly making you feel tired or lively. So it will be wise to eat several small well-balanced meals (around 4-6) throughout your entire day and as well to control your calorie consumption. This is most likely one of the quickest strategies to increase your rate of metabolism.

2. Doing Routine Physical Fitness
Cardio and strength exercises can probably be said to be the fastest ways to dramatically improve your overall metabolic processes. The more demanding the cardio and weight training workouts, the more you will be strengthening your heart by delivering a lot more oxygen to your body cells to use up much more fat for energy while equally building much more low fat muscular tissues which are really metabolically active.

3. Having More Sleep
Absence of adequate sleep (both having difficulty getting to sleep and equally not having adequate sleep) might in a negative way impact your general metabolism seeing that this robs your system of two important opportunities: (a) the chance to revamp itself; and (b) the chance of energy renewal which having decent rest provides. As a result try to have a 7 to 8 hour night rest.

4. Relax More
Stay away from every sort of mental or physical strain as they simply induce your body to elevate the amount of stress hormones, particularly cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones are actually catabolic (have dangerous metabolic effects) naturally and are associated with premature aging and heart diseases. Moreover, they usually make it hard for the body to develop muscle tissue or energy.

5. Having More Water
Water doesn’t only serve as an amazing appetite suppressant, but in addition helps to improve digestive function by way of enhancing the draining of the stomach and intestines while also decreasing constipation, bloating, and gas. Drinking water likewise helps to cleanse the system by eliminating sodiums and toxins. Ensure to drink up around 8 drinking glasses of water every day to have the most effective effects from this natural fat reduction elixir.

6. Giving up Excessive Alcohol Consumption and Cigarettes
On a final note, you should be aware that plenty of alcohol-based drinks are actually filled with calories like most sugary carbonated drinks. Studies have revealed that drinking alcohol in the course of meals actually induces overeating. At the same time, cigarettes contain nicotine which just like its stimulant equal caffeine, might in the short term enhance rate of metabolism but however has a lot more harmful reactions than advantages.

Finally, knowing that metabolism plays a very important function in realizing and sustaining wholesome and long-term fat reduction, it would thus appear logical to try to incorporate or strengthen on these kinds of constructive lifestyle behaviors as a way to substantially boost your body’s rate of metabolism and as a consequence boost your general weight reduction capability.

Click Here to find some other great free weight loss tips regarding sticking to your diet, exercising, and supplements that may assist you to fast-track your weight loss efforts and to achieve healthy and irreversible weight reduction.

Some Important Back Posture Exercises To Improve Your Posture

February 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by Mike Nielsn

Posture is generally regarded as one of the factors of back pain but it is one of the few factor which causes back pain. As your erect posture diminishes it causes twist on your spinal column and with a period of time a large number of posture pains will crop up for sure. Think about the work places where a large number of people sit in front of their computers for a long period of time doing stresses files work.

Posture pain is considered painful and daunting. Poor posture is not the only reason for back pain. There is large number of back posture exercises which you can practice to help you relive yourself from back pain. You should not perform exercises if they cause pain to you. You can practice the exercises to improve your posture as well as relive yourself form tension. If you practice these exercises regularly then it can prevent the occurring of pan in that area.

The sedentary lifestyle that is followed by most of the people in today’s world lead to a large number of anomalies in the body such as pain in the upper back. If you are suffering from posture pains then perform regular exercises related to back and chest can help you to live a healthier life. Exercises can help you to keep your spine healthy. You should consult your physician before you start practicing any kind of stretching exercise. Remember to consult a licensed professional. A lot of people are afflicted by lower back pain and you can relieve yourself from such pain by strengthening your core muscle. If you have weak abdominal muscle then it has an influence on the strength of your lower back.

The weight of the upper body is supported by the lumber region of the spine. The upper back exercises are the perfect option for improving posture and easing out all your stress. If you practice exercise on a regular basis then it ca n help you to relieve yourself from posture pain. People mainly aim at strengthening their lower back but upper back muscles require toning as well.

Some important back posture exercises to improve your posture are:

-Strengthen your core. You should have postures that help you to strengthen your core. – You need to fix our rounded shoulders.- If you have tilted hips then correct them immediately.- You need to retract your head if it is forward.

I am Mike Nielsn having 8 years of experience for writing articles on different themes like on Laboratory Equipment, Home and Garden, Jewelry, Education, Posters and Prints, Law and more. To know more details about Back posture exercises, Posture pain.

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Improve Soccer Sprint Speed Training

February 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

Article by John Quodomine

Many people, including myself, have wondered how they could increase their top sprinting speed when playing a sport. Well, the most basic answer to “How do I run faster?” is to run fast, over and over. Of course there’s a bit more to it than that and there are variations that help too, but that’s the most basic Idea. One such exercise that fairly simulates gameplay can be done on a track. This exercise will help to improve both speed and conditioning. The basics are simply to sprint the straight-aways and jog slowly around the turns. Just keep in mind for all soccer training to WARM UP and STRETCH before performing any training exercises. Another simple sprinting exercise can be performed on the field. Begin at one endline and sprint to the nearest 18yd line, then jog back to the endline. If you consider yourself a beginner then rest for a total of 45sec. Repeat this 2-3 more times. Then sprint all the way to the 50yd line and jog back. Rest for 75seconds and repeat 2-3 more times. Finally, sprint to the other 18yd line and jog to start, taking 105sec of rest before repeating 2-3 more times. That ends the drill. Remember that the “jog back” is included in the “rest time.”

To supplement your field sprint speed training for soccer, there are also exercises you can do in the gym to build explosive power and improve your sprinting speed. One of my favorite exercises for this is the jump and lunge. This is a great leg exercise that I perform on a regular basis to improve general strength and speed. Another good type of exercise for speed is static holds. There are a number of various ways to perform them with some focusing on several muscles while others isolate specific muscle groups. One such method is to perform a wall squat. A wall squat is done by leaning your back flat against a wall and the moving into a squat position and holding that position for a set period of time. The time held depends on how experienced you are. If you are just a beginner then just try doing it for 30seconds and then moving up from there. Perform 3-4 total sets per session. Just remember that your thighs should be parallel to the floor when you are in the correct position.

The most important thing to keep in mind is to WARM UP and STRETCH to prevent injury. Check out Elite Soccer Power for some tips on injury prevention. Also, Total Soccer Fitness offers some good information for improving soccer sprinting speed.

I have been playing soccer my entire life and have been in serious training for the last 5years or so. I love to play and have found a bunch of great information that has helped me to become a better, faster, and stronger player.

More Speed Training Drills Articles

How Can Using Stretch Bands Improve Your Strength Training

February 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Jordan Glenn

If you are looking to take your workout to the next level, it may be time to enlist in the help of a personal trainer. This can help you get a more advanced workout and there may be some great tips that you can use to help you maximize each workout. There are many great parks in Brooklyn and this can give you a great place to begin using stretch bands and each workout you participate in will be more effective.

A Brooklyn personal trainer will be full of insight and offer you new things to do in the parks of Brooklyn. This can include many small things that can make a big difference in your final results. It is important to keep each workout new and fresh to challenge your body and this is where a personal trainer can be the biggest help. You will be able to ask questions and get some great feedback that you can incorporate into each workout.

Your personal trainer Brooklyn may be one that has experience with resistance bands. This can increase any workout that you do and the right trainer can show you how to use stretch bands the proper way. Bands increase resistance and this can help you to get more out of even the simplest workout.

These bands are easy to transport and if you have been using weights, you know that you do not have a lot of flexibility on where you can take and use these weights, but stretch bands can be taken anywhere. When the weather is nice in Brooklyn, many people take to the parks for their workout and you can easily use stretch bands outdoors when the weather is best. You may like to mix up your workout so you do not become bored and this is where stretch bands can change with you and will not keep you stuck with one workout routine.

When you use a personal trainer Brooklyn area, you will find that your workout can be modified and with the simple use of stretch bands, you may see some great results.

About the AuthorI have always believed that anyone who wants to live a healthy lifestyle should have the opportunity. For more information please visit

How Can Strength Training Help You Improve your Marathon Time

February 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

Article by jordan Glenn

How Can Strength Training Help You Improve your Marathon Time

If you are interested in running a marathon, or already run regularly, then you should be aware of the number one mistake that many marathon runners make. Most runners never consider strength training to boost their times, and instead focus on cardiovascular training. While running consistently can help, your muscles need additional strength in order to go faster and improve times for the New York City marathon and half marathons.

The New York City marathon is a grueling race as many marathons go. The path includes streets that go up hills, over bridges around turns, and through generally tough city road conditions. In order for your body to get faster over these obstacles, your core and legs need strength training to increase your speed. A personal trainer NYC can help you understand the routes included in the NYC marathon and all half-marathons, as well as boost your speed through strength training.

But why is strength so important? Most personal trainers NYC emphasize the endurance portion of training, which is entirely off track for what runners need. In the past muscular strength wasn’t considered important. In fact, trainers focused only on endurance and speed. Rarely focusing on strength exercises to improve muscular endurance. The truth of the matter is that your muscles power your entire body. Your muscles can heave you over hills at top speeds. Without muscular endurance all over your body, you will never reach the speeds you want for marathon running.

In addition, a personal trainer NYC coach can help you prevent injury through strength training. Learning the right moves for your body type will increase muscle all over, and prevent knee injuries and hamstring problems. These are the two most common problems that runners face, which are mostly caused by lack of proper training and muscular development around the entire body.

Getting in the right strength moves at least 3 times a week can shave minutes off of your final marathon time. Over time you will quickly see that your marathon times are dramatically reduced and that you are stronger and faster than before! Always practice proper form and keep a balanced and challenging schedule in order to condition your body all over.

About the AuthorI have always believed that anyone who wants to live a healthy lifestyle should have the opportunity. For more information please visit

The sequel to our strength training video. Featuring a variety of exercises which utilise the available environment. Consider this video not as an absolute definitive guide, but as a collection of ideas which conveys an overall ideology of being creative in your training. Take from it what you find useful, and disregard what doesn’t work for you. Feel free to modify any of the exercises shown in this video to better suit your own requirements. Featuring: Paul Maunder Dave Sedgley Dean Cheetham Plus guest appearances by: Adam Marr Claire Cheetham Music courtesy of Afferent, and The Dark Matter Thanks to Sam Highfield for use of the green screen Copyright Northern Parkour 2010 For those of you who send me messages asking about such things, here’s a list of the equipment and software used in the production of this video: Sony Z5 camera Final Cut Pro (Editing) Motion (Graphics) Shake (Digital compositing and rotoscoping) Pro Tools (Audio Mix) Color (Colour correction and grading) Quicktime Pro (H.264 conversion from Apple Pro Res master)
Video Rating: 4 / 5

3 things you can do to improve your speed workouts

February 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

Article by Thomas Chamberlain

When performing your speed workouts, there are many things you can do to get the most bang for your buck. This article covers 3 of the most overlooked factors you can include in your workouts to get more speed and quickness.

1: Work on movement efficiency:

Your ability to align your bones the right way when moving is essential to be able to move as fast and explosively as possible. It doesn

PNF Stretching: A Quick Workout to improve Muscular Flexibility

January 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Jacob Blackhite

Any good training program must include stretching as one of its main components. In fact, I’d argue that muscular flexibility workouts should be a part of everyone’s life, exerciser or not. A PNF stretching routine, in my humble opinion, contains the most effective stretches for flexibility that you can perform. PNF stretching is also known as isometric stretching or contract-relax stretching. “Relax Into Stretch” by Pavel Tsatsouline describes these types of flexibility stretches.

The main reason why most people can’t do a full split is because of muscle tension. To test your agility, Pavel suggests that you position each of your legs at a ninety degree angle. Your body keeps you from doing a split with both legs extended, even though it is a relatively simple task when you’re only extending one leg at a time. The nervous system only allows the stretching of muscles to a certain point in accordance to what has happened in the past. In response to this, your muscles resist which causes this lack of flexibility.

The terms that are commonly used for Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Fascilitation or PNF are contract-relax and isometric stretching. You will be able to increase your muscles’ range of motion when you practice this effective stretching protocol on a regular basis. Here is how PNF stretching works: 1) Briefly contract your muscle; 2) relax it; then 3) quickly extend it a bit further. Because bodily reflexes have a slow reaction time, this method is very effective. Your muscles will keep on stretching even though you have relaxed them. And you will be able to move the muscle past its previous stretch-point, despite the fact that you don’t have a lot of time before your reflexes come into play to stop the stretch.

Isometric stretching actually improves your flexibility by making you stronger as well. This occurs because your body stretches more easily and feels comfortable doing it when it is strong. Essentially, your body realizes that it has the strength to recover from the stretched position which prevents your reflexes from kicking in, thereby allowing you to stretch further. In other words, you get more flexible.

Pavel covers three techniques to incorporate into a stretching routine. To begin you should breath deeply and then exhale the breath immediately while engaged in stretching. Your body can attain complete relaxation by doing this and will allow you more freedom of movement. 2) Forced relaxation constitutes the second method. This is really a test of mental fortitude as you hold the stretch until your muscles can’t take any more. Finally, Pavel discusses the Clasp Knife method which essentially involves canceling out your stretch reflex by aggressively applying force.

A positive aspect is that there are no limits on where you can do it. A PNF routine can even be done while watching t.v. Formulating an exercise plan using isometric stretching will aid you muscular flexibility while at the same time adding to increased strength and limberness. Workouts incorporating these stretches for flexibility only need to be done a few times per week for noticeable benefit. It may be that after three to six months of doing these exercises you may find that you are able to actually execute a full split!

Whenever you would like to discover more about isometric stretching, come have a look at my web blog where I have exercise and diet techniques to help you get in shape and obtain a toned appearance. Start getting into remarkable condition immediately!
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Video Rating: 4 / 5

Wrist Weights – Improve Musculation While Avoiding Injury

December 30, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

Concerning wrist weights, you may have seen many bodybuilders whose wrists are wrapped around heavy duty straps. Those are known as weight lifting wrist straps. Wrist straps are usually applied to help bodybuilder in extending their grip on certain workouts such as heavy barbell shrugs and shoulder side rises.

There are many names for these weight lifting equipments. Here are few names that you might have heard about the wrist weights as lifting straps, weight lifting straps, power straps, power lifting straps, dead lifting straps, deadlift straps, hand straps, training straps, weight straps and etc.

Wrist weights have non stretching material that is “noosed” around your wrists and the rest of the material is wrapped around the lifting bar to help you in handling the weight. Their main function is to keep the bar in your hands when lifting heavy weights.

You might use wrist straps when your grip can’t handle heavy amount of weight you are lifting, weak grip, sweaty hands, hurt hands etc.

These long lasting, durable and cotton bearing weight lifting wrist straps are the best way to take strain off forearms and wrists while doing exercises such as lat pull downs, deadlifts, rows, one arm row, shrugs and so on.

These straps are mainly used to build bigger back/lats, traps, legs and many more. It helps to improve your grip so you can easily handle heavy weights during various exercises. It has different sizes from teenagers to younger.

Weight lifting straps are applied to improve grip on heavy workouts such as shrugs, deadlifts, cable rows etc. They are basically used on trap and back exercises but may also applied on exercises such as heavy dumbbell curls and presses.

Using a strap is not an easy job. It needs some practice to get them hang but it is worth the effort.

Straps can radically strengthen your grip, which will help you to better hit the traps and back. Many people lift more weight than their grip will allow. Wrist weights are a long strip of fabric with a loop at one end. Place the one end through the hole at the other end; both straps should mirror each other.

First of all place your hand through the circle made by strap. Then snug the strap tightly around the wrist. Put your hands on the bar with the help of strap lynching towards the floor. Drag the strap under the bar and rear over the top. At the end twist the bar towards your direction to tighten the straps. Wrist weights can be very useful for your training, but be cautious not to over use them.

No site but gives you all the tips and info on wrist weights and related subjects. Whether you are a newbie or an expert, make sure to check out weight lifting straps by following the links above!

Weight Lifting Strap - by Rex's Grip Rex’s Weight Lifting Strap is one of the newest straps in the industry. Rex’s weight lifting strap is easy to use and is for all skill sets. Try his weight lifting strap today!
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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