Strength Training For Women – Improve Your Muscle Tone

December 18, 2011 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Julia Mahler

The biggest mistakes are often made when it comes to strength training women. Even though the 1950’s are fifty plus years ago now, it seems like there are still a lot of hang ups when it comes to women and weight training. Women are able to do intense muscle building workouts just like men are – although, contrary to popular belief, working out is unlikely to cause a lot of muscle buildup unless you are taking a muscle building supplement. In fact, the sport of weight lifting will have the largest effect on your muscle tone, over any other workout activity.

Use Larger Weights To Improve Your Muscle Tone.

First of all, when it comes to strength training for women, you should throw away those tiny dumbbells that are sold in stores. These dumbbells might be marketed toward women, but the small 1-2 pound dumbbells will have very little effect on your actual muscle tone. This does not mean that you need to lift huge weights – but you should be able to feel the resistance in your arms when you pick up the dumbbells that you’re going to work out with.

In order to tone your muscles, you’re also going to have to do a lot of regular exercise. Toned muscles are not all that difficult to get, as long as you are able to stick to a regular and consistent workout routine. A good routine to get into is to work on your arm muscles one day, legs the next, abdominal muscles on the third day, and then take a break on the fourth and then repeat. This will give you enough time to heal in between workouts, but it is regular enough that you should end up with well-toned muscles in no time.

Studies have shown that people who are just beginning a workout program gain strength the fastest when they train each muscle group three times per week. It is also important to fit some cardio workouts into your week too. We recommend fitting three 30 minute workouts into your week. Cardio will help you to burn extra calories and also helps you with muscle recovery as it helps muscles to get rid of lactic acid build up that occurs from weight training. Muscles cannot properly rebuild themselves unless all lactic acid has been removed.

Julia Mahler is a successful author and the publisher of She has studied and participated in fitness & natural nutrition for over 22 yrs. Her specialty is women’s fitness and teaching them strength training.

Fitness training software can improve the effectiveness of your workouts

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

The best part about working out is that you look good and feel great. The hardest part about it though is trying to stick to the program and making sure that you reach your specified goals on time. It’s important to realize that the exercise in not the only thing you need to be worried about when it comes to getting into shape. You also have to watch what you eat, and how often you eat it. On the one hand you can hire a personal trainer to help you train and keep your physical exercise on track. They can also put a complete eating plan together for you so that you burn excess fat and feed your body the correct nutrients it needs to function at its optimal level. The only real problem with that is the fact it costs you money for the entire duration that you are with them. The other option is to purchase training software to make sure that you keep on track on your own.

These programs can do everything a personal trainer can do with the benefit of only paying for it once. The only downfall is that it won’t be there to motivate you while are at the gym actually doing all the exercises. In order to find the right software for you here are a couple useful things to look out for when you buy one.

Tracking your progress is important – being able to create your own profile Is important. It gives you an idea of where you are when you start. You can input your height, weight and target goals and it will help you plan out every step regardless of whether you want to slim down a few sizes or prepare for the next fitness competition.

Check for useful information – the program must have some kind of nutrition database built into it so that it can help you plan meals, count calories and optimize your fuel intake to help you achieve your fitness goals.

You will often get frustrated with eating countless amounts of vegetables and carb-free meals, so information on what to eat when you are out is going to be important as well.

Ease of use is just as important – there is no point in spending days on end trying to figure out how the whole thing works. It wastes time and just gets you frustrated. You need to make sure that you can get started right away.

Adam Walker is a physical condition specialist. His areas of expertise are health concern and exercise program software Brisbane. He in addition provides information on fitness tracking software Brisbane and fitness programs Mike D’Angelo explains the benefits of bodyevolver personal trainer software. Get your logo on custom skinned software for your personal training company.
Video Rating: 0 / 5

Improve Your Muscle Endurance

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscular Endurance

Muscle endurance is necessary for any athlete who performs for extended periods of time. If you are able to perform a high number of repetitions using your maximum strength for an extended period of time you have muscle endurance.

Most athletes work constantly, through exercise and the use of healthy supplements, to build their muscle endurance. It is an important factor in almost every type of fitness activity. From swimmers to weight lifters, athletes will benefit from increased muscle endurance.

Twitch Muscles

Muscle endurance determines how well your “slow twitch muscles” are functioning or developed. Slow twitch muscles are the main type of muscle used for endurance. They are not able to exert great amounts of pressure but can withstand effort for a long period of time.

The other type of muscle fibre is the fast twitch muscle.

These muscles are utilized for strength. They can exert great force, but they cannot sustain the force over time.

You can improve your slow twitch muscles by participating in aerobic activities such as biking, swimming, or any other type of sustained exercise. They can also be improved by building your upper body strength through pushups, pull ups, and triceps dips.

Natural supplements such as creatine are specifically formulated to help build slow twitch muscles.

Types of Endurance

Different sports utilise different forms of endurance. The first form of endurance is power endurance. This is developed for sports that require powerful movements that are repeated for extended periods of time. Tennis and martial arts both require power endurance.

Power endurance requires the athlete to use his slow twitch muscles.

He must also build up his fast twitch muscles so they can exert power and force for longer periods of time without becoming fatigued.

Short time muscular endurance is used when the athlete only exerts power and force for short periods of time, usually from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Long term muscular endurance is needed for exercise that is steady and continuous. Rowing, marathons, and triathlons all require long term muscular endurance.

Increasing Muscular Endurance

Muscular endurance is best achieved by a combination of exercise and healthy supplements. Your exercise routine should be designed to overload your muscles. This means that you want to overwork your muscles in order for them to become stronger and build endurance. This must be done under professional supervision so you do not stress or strain your muscles.

As you work out, especially when you overload your muscles, they will burn muscle mass as fuel. As a result, the muscle mass you were seeking to “pump up” becomes depleted. Supplements are necessary to prevent this depletion and help rebuild muscle mass.

A creatine supplement will allow your muscles to recover faster and enhance your metabolism. Athletes who take creatine supplements do not require as much down time between workouts. Their metabolism is increased and they are able to efficiently flush out the trash left behind, (lactic acid), from the burning of their muscle fuel.

Creatine is a natural and safe muscular endurance supplement. It is not a steroid and is found naturally in meat. You will find that creatine is available in several different forms such as serums and powders. You can even purchase mixes which combine creatine with other muscle enhancing supplements such as glutamine.

Supplements Plus offers the best range of supplements at the lowest prices, guaranteed. We’ll beat any advertised price in Australia and we offer free shipping for orders over 0! To view our range of products, visit Supplements.

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Get in Shape Workouts – Simple Tips That Will Improve Your Workouts and Help You Get in Shape

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

If you want to get in shape and lose a lot of fat then you really have to invest a lot of your time to exercise. And most people are not doing that at all because they think losing fat and getting in shape is easy and does not take much effort. But some people are exercising regularly and working out a lot but still they are not achieving the results they want. The truth is that you could do a lot of stuff right and be really focused but you could also be failing to follow some very important things.

Get in shape workouts tips

One of the biggest mistakes that people make is not including strength training to their exercise program. Most people, especially women, only focus on cardio workouts like jogging, biking or walking but totallt neglect strength training. Women think that exercising with weights makes them too bulky but that is far from the truth.

Strength training not only improves your appearance but it also shapes your body, improves your posture, tones your muscles and increases your strength.

It is also a excellent way to lose body fat and more importantly maintain your weight.

Muscle increases your resting metabolism, so you burn more calories even when you are sleeping. For example if you are able to add only 5 pounds of muscle then you would burn an extra 1000 calories a week. Cardio training only burns calories during the workout, and that is a big drawback.

Secondly, the mistake that people also make very often, is not training hard enough. You can go to the gym 5 times a week but if you are not putting in the effort, then it is a waste of time. If you go to the gym then you have to be ready to suffer. Try not to talk with other people, do not use your phone and stop day dreaming. Only focus on the exercise that you have to do.

A lot of times I see people, when they are doing some kind of a cardio exercise, talking with other or with their phone, instead of focusing on the exercise. Others instinctively pick up the lightest dumbbells and barbells to exercise. But this is the wrong attitude to have.

One of the mistakes that I did for a long time, was not having a clear plan. The moment you step in the gym you have to know exactly what you are going to do. You are wasting your time in the gym if you scratch your head and think, “hmmmm, what am I going to do today?” If you look around in your local gym for example, then most people are lost and walking around aimlessly. So always have a plan, otherwise you are wasting your time.

Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle

Get in Shape! A great new years resolution. People spend hundreds of millions of dollars buying gym memberships and fitness equipment this time of year in preparation for their new years resolutions but you dont have to. Getting in shape doesnt require money, just knowledge and dedication and this video will put you on the road to fitness. In this video I will show you how to achieve your new years resolution of losing weight and getting stronger with a simple 30 minute home workout. This video assumes that you have no experience with fitness or weightlifting so dont worry, we are not going to use any intimidating equipment. You will feel better and have more energy after your very first workout! OK, now for our workout, there are only three exercises – crunches for abs, pushups for chest, shoulders and triceps, and pullups for lats and biceps. And dont worry, if you cant do a single pushup or pullup I will show you how you can get started and build up your strength. This workout is for everyone, no matter how out of shape you are. You probably did these three exercises back in PE as a kid, but I’m going to show you how to do them correctly so you dont get injured. On Monday/Wednesday/Friday do 15 minutes of cardio and this 15 minute workout. On the other four days of the week, do 30 minutes of cardio. Here are some in-depth videos if you want more information on any of the following subjects: Pushups: Pullups: Crunches:
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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