Internet Speed Too Slow? – How to Increase Your Internet Speed
May 6, 2012 by admin
Filed under Speed Workouts
Article by Dan Karas
If you are using the Internet on a regular basis, you are probably interested in the topic of how to increase your Internet speed. Some surveys suggest that people are generally never satisfied with their speed of their Internet connection, regardless of what their Internet speed actually is at any given moment. This is probably a result of the modern society which teaches us that everything should always be bigger and faster, so people find it hard to settle for something that is only average – they are always on the lookout for something fantastic, fabulous, or incredible. Well, your Internet speed is no exception to this rule. In spite of the fact that you might think that the only way of increasing your speed is to change your service provider or alter your deal with them, the fact is that there are a few simple things you can do in order to speed up your Internet connection.
Basic Computer Maintenance
The lack of basic computer maintenance is the cause of many problems, one of which is almost always decreased speed. So, if you have noticed that your favorite websites are taking longer and longer to load, you should try to ‘clean up’ your computer a bit. Do some ‘vacuuming’ by running your anti-virus software; do some ‘dusting’ by emptying your recycle bin; do some ‘cleaning up’ by disabling all of the add-ons on your Internet browser, that you are not using. By doing these three chores, you will in most cases notice a significant increase in the overall speed of your computer, as well as your Internet speed.
Check Your Browser and Your RAM
The combination of a slow Internet browser and not enough RAM is one of the most common causes of slow Internet speeds. Some Internet browsers, such as Internet Explorer, are known for being much slower than other browsers that are available. Aside from the Internet browser you are using at the moment, you should also pay attention to how much RAM you have on your computer. No matter how much you are paying for a fast Internet service, the connection will never reach its maximum speed if you do not have enough RAM to support this speed.
Close All Unnecessary Programs and Apps
Another common mistake people make is that they assume that the number of programs they are using at any moment has nothing to do with their Internet speed. Well, as it has already been mentioned above, RAM plays a big part in your Internet speed. So, the more programs you are using, the more RAM is used for these programs, and less RAM goes to your Internet connection. Therefore, close all the programs you do not need, as well as all the applications that are running in the background and are not necessary.
Contact your ISP
If none of these things help you increase your Internet performance, the best thing you can do is contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider), and ask them whether the Internet speed you have available is the speed you are being charged for. In some cases, they will know if there is a problem, and solve the problem right away. If not, they will always be able to assist you and advise you on what you should do next.
If you still want to go faster, you can compare the Cheapest Broadband Internet deals and choose a high speed Internet package that you’ll be satisfied with using the ISP 1 broadband comparison list:

Athletic skips are an efficient running drill that requires a runner to lift the knees and drive force into the ground to increase speed. Learn a running drill with tips from a professional fitness trainer in this free video on running. Expert: Les Whitley Contact: Bio: Les Whitley is director of Velocity Sports Performance in Franklin, Tennessee. He has a degree in exercise science. Filmmaker: Tim Brown
NY Personal Trainers Incorporate Medicine Ball Exercises That Increase Overall Conditioning
April 25, 2012 by admin
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises
Article by Ruchil
A very effective way to increase ones strength, power, and endurance is with medicine ball training. Medicine ball training combined with other training methods such as weight training or circuit training or interval training can have significant improvement in ones overall conditioning. NY Personal Trainers state regardless of an individual’s fitness level, exercises will have positive results. In addition to increasing strength, power, and endurance, NY Personal Trainers training will also help you to build a much stronger core and burn fat. As with any type of exercise program, in order to maximize gains one needs to have proper form and technique while performing NY Personal Trainers exercises. Here are five more common and very effective NY Personal Trainers exercises: As with any exercise program make sure to warm-up and get the blood flowing before starting your workout. In addition to your regular warm-up and stretching, these two active NY Personal Trainers exercises are great to incorporate into your warm-up routine. 1) Overhead Twist: In a standing position, the feet are shoulder width and the NY Personal Trainersis held over head with arms locked. Move the ball slowly left to right and then right to left. This stretches the upper torso and low back. 2) Twist: Identical to the overhead twist except the medicine ball is held in front of the athlete with arms locked; the athlete twists from side to side. This stretches the lower back. Exercise 1: Medicine Ball Chest Press – is performed with a partner or by throwing a ball against a wall. If you are with a partner have them stand approximately six to seven feet away. Make your passes as forceful and as quick as possible by starting with the ball against your chest then extending your arms all the out and releasing the ball. Exercise 2: Medicine Ball Side Arm Pass: is performed the same way as the chest press throw. Have your partner stand approximately six to seven feet away. Have your partner throw the ball to you at your side. Catch the ball with both hands, follow all the way through, and return the ball back to your partner as quickly as possible with all the force you can generate.Exercise 3: Medicine Ball Keeling Overhead Throw – is performed with both individuals facing each other, but kneeling on both knees performing the kneeling overhead throw. Your partner tosses the ball to you in an overhead throw. Catch the ball over your head. Immediately and as quickly as possible, with all your force, throw the ball back. This will work the internal and external oblique, and the spinal region. Exercise 4: Medicine Ball Sit-up and Long Throw – is one of the more difficult medicine ball exercises. Sit down with knees bent in a sit-up position about three feet apart from your partner; place a medicine ball midpoint on your chest. As you crunch up into a sit-up throw the ball towards your partner in a two handed chest pass. Your partner should then send the ball back to you in a parallel direction. This will place you catching the ball over your head, and recoiling back into a sit-up position. Repel the ball back as quickly as possible
Exercise 5: Medicine Ball Underhand and Overhead Pass. Stand approximately four to five feet away from your partner and have your partner throw the ball below your waist. The ball should be caught between your legs. Return the ball forward and upward towards your partner, fast and hard, so that your partner has to catch the ball overhead. Repeat and then change directions. This movement also works oblique and body stabilization. You can pick up the intensity by the speed at which you and your partner pass the balls back and forth. Incorporating medicine ball exercises into a workout is great way to change up ones workout as well as receive the benefits associated with this type of training. NY Personal Trainers explain that by adding just a few medicine ball exercises into some of your workouts will help increase an individual’s overall fitness conditioning. Also, medicine ball exercises are very fun, challenging, and much different than traditional training that most people do in the gym. Incorporate these five basic exercises into your workout and you are sure to notice the benefits of a stronger core, increased strength, power, and endurance.
For More Information about NYC Best Personal Trainer Please Visit us at
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Use These 7 Great Tips to Increase Metabolism
April 21, 2012 by admin
Filed under Boost Metabolism
Article by Bill Hildebrand
Dieting is no way to try to increase your metabolism. Diets and weight loss pills do not affect how your body’s metabolism works, at least not in a healthful way. Most people end up dropping their diet even before losing much weight. As a result, they become distressed and unhappy without achieving any significant benefits. Help has arrived. Put these seven proven tips for increased metabolism into practice immediately and start to notice changes for a healthier and hotter you.
1. Seeing to it that you sleep well at night is one of the most important steps to increasing metabolism. There have been scientific studies that demonstrate people getting four or less hours of sleep may have slower metabolic rates as compared to individuals who get eight hours of sleep per night. The advisable sleep for most adults is seven to nine hours but can vary from person to person. After a short time you will see what is best for your body.
2. Some studies show that as we get into the later afternoon and early evening our metabolism tends to slow down. Therefore, is would be wise to get into a habit of taking walks or dong some other form of exercise later in the day to ramp up your metabolism to burn more calories. Increasing lean muscle is an excellent way to speed up metabolism and burn more calories over a longer period of time. Weight lifting exercises have been shown to be an excellent way to achieve those extended calorie burning hours. Be careful not to exercise so late that you disrupt your sleep pattern.
3. Get mobile and increase the activity in your life. Increased activity will give you the benefits of boosted metabolism and more calorie burning. As an alternative to driving a car everywhere you go, consider walking to a few of the closer locations. Adjusting some life routines will start to show steady progress as time passes. Some adjustments will take longer to implement but some will come easy. Instead of watching reruns on TV, you might consider pumping some dumbbells, doing pushups, or even dong some good stretching exercises. You may decide to make some other changes such as taking the stairway instead of hopping on the elevator or walking instead of riding somewhere. I’m positive you can think of additional ways to get more active also.
4. When planning meals, try to incorporate more protein and healthy fats into your diet. One of the benefits of more protein intake is that it can help stabilize the amount of insulin released into your bloodstream. Reducing carbohydrate intake especially from snack food and soda is very important. Try to get rid of that low feeling that comes after eating high carb meals by changing to such foods as nuts, avacado, and salad dressing with olive oil that provide healthy fats instead. Stay away from most store-bought salad dressings since most contain sweeteners such as corn syrup. Search the web for healthy, easy to make dressings that fit your tastes.
5. Some people think they can achieve weight loss by skipping meals in order to reduce their calorie consumption. As far as losing pounds or increasing metabolism, skipping meals is not healthful or advised as the method to accomplish that. Slower metabolism and increased weight gain may actually end up being the result of this approach. The body thinks you are trying to starve it and will take action by producing fat to store for the future. A much better idea is to eat six smaller portion, healthy food choice meals spaced out over the day. A big benefit of eating these smaller and more frequent meals is your bodies ability to better increase metabolism and help you reduce weight.
6. Drink a few glasses of ice water throughout the day. Not only does your body require the water to make sure you maintain proper digestion, but you can burn more calories warming the ice water to body temperature. If you find it difficult to drink enough plain water, try adding a little lemon or lime juice to give it a bit of a citrus buzz. Water is essential for detoxifying your system and maintaining metabolic balances for all your organs. Staying properly hydrated will keep you energized and help you maintain optimal health.
7. Try adding raw juices from fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet. You could even go so far as to try juice fasting or going on a juice diet for a few days. This may be over the top for some people, but definitely adding juices from fresh produce will increase metabolism and help to detoxify your system. You also get the added benefits of increased antioxidants and the vitamins and minerals that are found in these fresh fruits and veggies. Using a juicer is the ideal way to accomplish this and then just get creative or purchase a juice recipe book to give you some good ideas for some refreshing juice drinks.
There is no simple magic formula to help you increase metabolism and lose weight. However by applying all or some of these methods you will see noticeable changes for a healthier you. Then see if you don’t start getting some surprised looks from some of your friends or jealous looks from people on the street.
Find out how to get that ripped healthy body you desire. Visit us here now: Be sure not to miss out on your FREE 7 day Ideal Fitness System e-course by clicking here
How Powerlifting Shirts Can Massively Increase Your Bench Press
April 19, 2012 by admin
Filed under Powerlifting
Article by Anne Douglas
Anybody who has ever attempted bench pressing with powerlifting shirts need to know that there is a fine line in between carrying out it proper and dumping. Contemplate it the way you’d a golf swing. The perfect golf swing is smooth and effortless, and so may be the perfectly executed shirted bench press. You should feel as if the excess weight isn’t even there. Powerlifting shirts have already been in the marketplace for years and it was initially developed to shield a lifter’s shoulders and pectorals throughout competitors.
Sometime inside the 1980’s, however, excess weight lifters discovered that certain types of powerlifting shirts not just protected them from injury, but also enhanced their performance in bench presses. The fabric in the shirt coils as you lower your arms and then springs loose as you lift your arms. This locations extra pressure on the bar, as a result making it achievable for you personally to propel much more weight. Of course, the outcomes you get is going to be straight proportional for your potential to best your method.
And since using powerlifting shirts is really a bit of an art, you will find some points that could go incorrect once you bench press with such a shirt. Here are the typical errors you should stay away from when undertaking shirted bench presses:
Collapsing- If you bench press flat-backed, then you are not probably to experience this problem. But, most powerlifting shirts are created for arched benching, which implies that the sleeves are attached at an angle which is conducive to loading at a range of 25-45 degrees. In the event you drop beneath this ideal angle, you might nevertheless have the ability to hold the excess weight, but you will possibly have no more power left for the press. To make sure appropriate position and to make sure that your shirt does its job, always focus on driving your sternum as much as the ceiling and load only within the intended angle of your shirt.
Heaving- This mistake happens whenever you throw the excess weight back in the rack rather than pressing it upward as you should. Heaving generally final results from the initial mistake – collapsing – because when the bar is positioned too low, you are going to no longer have any leverage to bench press it back up. An additional feasible cause for heaving is if you’ve somehow cocked your wrist as you brought the excess weight down, thus putting your elbows out in front of the weight. To prevent this mistake, you are going to must ensure that you simply usually do not collapse and that you maintain correct body position throughout the movement.
Overtucking- As you start to break in the elbows with all the weight out, the shirt start off to take the weight. Nevertheless, in case you bring your elbows too close to your sides, you’ll be sabotaging the movement. Tucking your elbows is important in guarding your chest and front deltoids against injury. But, when you bench press with powerlifting shirts, an excessive amount of tucking can take the tension out from the shirt. To prevent overtucking when performing shirted bench presses, make sure you take the weight out, break in the elbows and then tuck your elbows Really Gradually. This assists preserve you in control of the movement and maintain your shirt loaded all throughout the movement.
Be conscious of these 3 mistakes and you will positive to reap all of the rewards of bench pressing with powerlifting shirts.
Learn much more concerning the bench press.
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Bodybuilding Chest Exercises – Tips on How to Increase the Size of Your Pecs
April 2, 2012 by admin
Filed under Stretching
Article by Alex Rockson
Especially for men, having an expansive chest is something that they aspire for. Having a solid chest makes the male body look more proportional and stronger. Alas, not a lot of men are blessed with a solid-looking chest that gymnasts and swimmers seem to be naturally endowed with. Moreover, not a lot of people are into swimming or gymnastics. So, how can someone have an impressive looking chest without having to do a million laps on the pool or a hundred sets in the rings or pummel horse?
One great tip when doing bodybuilding chest exercises is to do two days dedicated to the body part. That’s actually quite a small part of a weekly routine, but it should be sufficient, so that the rest of the week can be set for the recovery of the chest muscles and make the area more muscular. One of the two days should be a dedicated all out day for chest exercises, while the other day should be a chest stretching day that includes exercises in high reps but low volume. Chest training involves a lot of strain on the shoulders, thus requiring hard core training only once a week. Doing too many chest exercises without sufficient rest may lead to injury. For the chest stretching exercises, cable flys are great because they stretch chest muscles but do not put too much tension on the shoulders.
One tip with chest exercises that people, especially those who are just in the beginning phases, to keep the movements simple and avoid experimenting with the movements. One can definitely experiment with the repetitions, but trying on weird movements when doing bodybuilding chest exercises will only waste time and does not help the chest building cause.
As with any other body part, a lot of people tend to value size more than any other factor. If they do not see that their chest has expanded in inches, they immediately conclude that their efforts were in vain. The truth is, size comes only after strength. When muscles are strong enough, then it is the time that they expand. This is why barbell presses are recommended over barbell presses, because barbells imply heavier weights and therefore, harnesses the strength of the person training.
Even with the dedicated full chest day, it would be great to finish off with stretching, to keep the muscles flexible and limber. Fascial stretching can be done, which is using lighter weights and lowering oneself to the chest’s end point, which sends signals to the fascia, which is a structure that is paper-like, and when opened up increases the potential of the growth of chest muscles.
So, one question that people who engage in bodybuilding chest exercises ask is when they will see the definition in their chest. The answer to this question really depends on the person’s chest size to begin with and diet, aside from the workout routine. With strength comes size, and with size will come the protruding veins and prominent cuts.
Are you looking for more information regarding bodybuilding chest exercises ? Visit today!
Penis Enlargement Exercises – Stretching Techniques to Increase your Manhood
March 24, 2012 by admin
Filed under Stretching
Article by Abel Mens
There are a wide variety of stretching techniques in penis enlargement methods. Stretching techniques is considered one of the best penis enlargement exercises. Stretching the penis definitely increases its size. The first stretch exercise is very simple. It is the Side Stretch technique. Other techniques are performed during a sitting position while this one is not rather it is perform in a standing position.
Use your hand to grab the penis. Make an OK sign and pull the penis downwards. Stretch your penis straight down pointing the floor. Then try to pull your penis slowly with tension to the right side and then to the left side. Do this technique for another 99 sets, having 100 sets performed. Afterwards, take a rest at least 5 minutes. It basically stretches the ligaments of the penis that are attached to the pubis.
The next stretching technique is very unusual but proven good and definite results. This technique is called the Torso Stretch. In this exercise, you will be using your torso to stretch the penis. To start up the exercise, you should lie on the side of your body with your upper body is perpendicular to the legs. Then take and stretch your penis and pull it towards the anus. Now tuck it in between your legs and then close it. After that, you should try to straighten your torso. You could also straighten and bend your body more so that you could feel more stretch in it.
This exercise should be done for at least 5 minutes only for the beginners. This technique should be done without checking what is happening there. It must be there based on the given time. You should not check on it until the time is finished. After doing this process continuously for a month, you can double up the time range for it by doing it for about 10 to 15 minutes. You should notice that the glans of the penis has changed its color after performing this exercise. It just means that there is blood circulation is going and that is normal.
Abel Mens has been internet marketing for nearly 8 years. Come visit his latest website over at which helps people find the best 7.1 speakers and information they are looking for when doing home theaters.
Chest Building Routines And The Best Chest Exercises To Increase Bulk
March 5, 2012 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
Article by Paul James
A large thick chest is generally one of the primary goals of any weight trainer or bodybuilder.
To understand how to build a massive chest you must first understand what muscles comprise the chest and how to target them specifically.
In building a strong, powerful chest we target a number of muscles: the Pectoralis Major and Minor, and to a lesser degree the Serratus Anterior, the Intercostals and the Front Deltoids.
The primary and most visible muscle of the chest is the Pectoralis Major. It is a thick muscle in a triangular fan shape across the entire chest area. It is connected to the skeleton at three different points, the sternum, the clavicle (collar bone) and the shoulder (armpit).
The Pectoralis Major is divided into two sections, the Clavicular section which is the upper portion of the muscle connected to the Clavicle, and the Sternal which is the lower section of the muscle connected to the Sternum. Whilst they are connected in two different areas, they are still the SAME muscle.
There is a common misconception that the upper pec (Clavicular section) is the Pectoralis Major and the lower pec (Sternal section) is the Pectoralis Minor. This is not the case.
The Pectoralis Minor is a smaller triangular shaped muscle actually situated underneath the Pectoralis Major and is not generally visible. However this muscle is trained in conjunction with the Pectoralis Major and when it grows it can help to push the Pectoralis Major out to give the appearance of a bigger chest.
The Serratus Anterior (small muscles situated along the chest wall and around the ribs), Intercostals (smaller muscles positioned between each rib) and the Front Deltoids (shoulder muscles) are all muscles that whilst not part of the chest itself, each perform a stabilising function during chest exercises and when developed properly help give definition to the chest.
By hitting the muscles from different angles using different exercises you will achieve maximum growth of all muscle fibres in the shortest time possible.
The best chest exercises to increase bulk, strength and mass are Compound exercises. Those used primarily for shaping and toning are Isolation exercises.
Compound exercises involve the use of more than one muscle group through different joints in order to perform the exercise movement. Isolation exercises effectively isolate the working muscle and only involve movement though one joint.
Compound chest exercises to increase bulk include the bench press (and variations of), pushups, and dips. While Isolation exercises include flyes, pec dec, cable crossover and dumbbell pullover.
There are other exercises out there but these are just some of the most common.
Here is one of my original chest building routines designed to attack the Pec muscle from 3 different angles. It also provides toning and effectively works the other supporting muscles mentioned above. All exercises should be performed using medium-heavy weights and the target number of reps for each set are listed in brackets:
Incline Bench Press 3 Sets (12, 10, 8)
Dumbbell Bench Press 3 Sets (12, 10, 8)
Lateral Flye 2 Sets (12, 10)
Decline Bench Press 2 Sets (12, 10)
As a note, the best chest exercises to increase bulk are compound exercises performed with Dumbbells. This is because they allow each side of the body to work independently through the full range of movement. However limits on the dumbbell weight range at your gym or home or old injury may mean you are unable to use dumbbells all the time. That is when a barbell should be used.
This chest routine will provide you with a solid base on which to develop a thick powerful chest. I would recommend you use a workout log to record your progress so you know what you have to beat each time you set foot in the gym. Then when you exceed the target reps by one, i.e. you perform 13, 11, 9 it is time to increase the weights.
And always remember that REST is the most important factor in muscle growth! For more information visit
Paul James is the author of 4 eBooks including the latest: Simple Muscle: Insider Secrets To Fast Muscle Gains (available at and has been weight training and body building for over 10 years. He is a respected source when it comes to drug free muscle development. Visit the About Me link at to find out more.
Muscle Building Workouts That Increase Speed of Muscle Growth
February 28, 2012 by admin
Filed under Speed Workouts
When it comes to build muscles, muscle building workouts are really important for muscle growth. People make a lot of mistakes in gym while working out and after month or two they do not see any progress, and this is the time when they just give up. That is why here are some basic steps that you should follow when it comes to exercises and weekly workout in gym or at home. The workout I will suggest you works for maybe first month but if you want to get further and get bigger muscles even faster you really should read our full guide.
Before going in gym and just start working on, you should follow this basic tips of muscle building nutrition, because it is really more important than workout. When it comes to nutrition you should eat a lot to feed your muscles which need a lot of proteins to grow bigger faster. You should eat 5-6 times per day, that includes meals which include mostly proteins and carbs with low fat.
You can eat whatever you want, just avoid fast food and eat a lot of meat, eggs, drink water and so on…You can read full nutrition advices and program in our guide.
Now is the time for weekly muscle building workouts. You need to know that going in gym 3 times per week is enough if you do it right. We explain in our guide how you can get bigger muscles with only 3 hours of workout per week which is really amazing if you do not have time for workout.
You should work on all muscle categories, legs, chest, biceps, triceps, shoulders, back…Each day you need to work on two muscle categories and have 3-4 exercises which are specific for each. The main thing you should follow are the ideal concentration during the exercises, lifts should be slow, have around 12-8 reps for each exercise and take 1 minute rest after each routine which you need to have around 3-4.
This is the basic muscle building workouts now what you need to read further are the best exercises which will make your muscles grow like never before.
To get the exercises revealed follow us on our website. When it comes to muscle building we are the leaders on the net, follow us on musclebuildingtechniques website where you will get all necessary info to gain bigger muscles with only 3 hours per week workout.
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How To Increase Reading Speed
February 25, 2012 by admin
Filed under Speed Workouts
There are many people who are never able to derive any joy from reading and for them reading is something that involves a lot of tedium and which is also very difficult to do. For them and for others, learning to speed read can become a necessity as their work or profession may require that they comprehend and read quickly through written material and gain the required knowledge without much difficulty. There are many advantages to learning to speed read and among these advantages is getting real pleasure in reading and also making it a more effortless activity.
Remarkably Quick Reading Abilities
Once you have learned to speed read you will find that you are able to skim through pages and pages of text at speeds that are very remarkable and at the same time you are also able to comprehend the text being read and even retain information without any difficulty.
The better courses in speed reading will even show you how to develop skills to read faster and to also retain and comprehend the matter that you read.
What’s more, after learning to speed read you will start to notice a remarkable increase in the rate at which you read and also comprehend written matter and by diligently practicing the techniques of speed reading you will get through text a lot faster and also retain the subject matter as well.
The first person to develop techniques which could help people to learn to speed read was a researcher turned school teacher named Evelyn Wood whose “Wood Method” that was later rechristened “Reading Dynamics” was a major tool that has helped numerous people learn to speed read.
Since then, there have been hundreds of speed reading courses, books, CDs and tapes as well as even software applications that help in learning to speed read.
However, most of these resources work around a single principal and will show you that speed reading is not a magical thing and nor is it something that people are gifted with. Instead, it means understanding and following a number of techniques as well as skills that everyone can learn and by following these techniques and by learning the skills, anyone can learn to speed read.
If you check out the many resources available today that help you to learn to speed read, you will find that they use testimonials as well as excerpts from certain materials that will help you understand the concept better. Once you get to learn the techniques you will have found the answer to the question ‘how to increase reading speed’ and by applying the techniques and immersing you into reading, your skills regarding speed reading will improve dramatically and thus help you achieve your goals.
You should then make the newly acquired skills a part of your daily routine and thus get pleasure from reading, comprehending and also retaining what you have read in the least possible time.
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Build Muscle Up and Increase Flexibility with Kettleball Training
February 8, 2012 by admin
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises
Article by Jared Conley
While Kettleballs have been around for nearly 100 years in countries such as Russia, their use was not widespread until recent years. In America, kettleball training is just exploding, thanks to some very unique benefits that you can achieve with kettleballs. For anyone looking for muscle weight gain, kettleballs make an attractive addition to your conditioning routine.
Kettleballs look like small bowling balls with large, thick handles. They come in varying weights from around 4 pounds to 70 pounds, but the heavier weights aren’t used often, as kettleball training focuses more on conditioning, explosive strength, and movement, rather than brute force.
The beauty of kettleball training is their versatility. In one short workout you can accomplish a number of goals. Some of the many benefits you’ll gain from kettleball training include:
* Strength improvement* Explosive power improvements* Increase in your level of conditioning* Improved joint flexibility and range of motion* Anaerobic condition* Core strength gains* Balance and stabilization improvements
And I’ve saved the best for last: kettleball training can boost your metabolism for quite some time after a workout is over, making them ideal candidates for both muscle building and fat loss.
Kettleballs do have drawbacks, however, but they can be worked around. The one cited most frequently is that kettleballs only work for upper body and core conditioning, and not your lower body, so you’ll need to be sure to supplement your kettleball routine with a good lower body routine, maybe even a quick high intensity intervals training (HIIT) session.
Keep in mind that ketteballs are considered most effective in interval-based workouts, so traditional strength training routines aren’t the best fit. However, if your goal is to build muscle mass and you pay attention in advances in exercise science, you’re likely already aware that traditional strength training exercises aren’t the most appropriate option.
With the many advantages that kettleballs offer, they should be added to your workout routine, provided that your routine emphasizes recent advancements in exercise science and is a good fit for your body type and goals.
Like many time-strapped professionals, Jared is interested in staying fit in as little time as possible. Through research, experimentation, and professional consultations, Jared has learned how anyone can build muscle up quickly, burn fat, build explosive power, and improve conditioning through short, focused workouts.
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