3 Ways To Thicken And Strengthen Your Lower Back Muscle Quickly And Avoid Injury!
May 25, 2012 by admin
Filed under Back Exercises
Article by Ian Burgess
3 Ways To Thicken And Strengthen Your Lower Back Muscle Quickly And Avoid Injury! – Health – Fitness
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Are you having problems gaining the serious muscle you want to? Are you working out a lot with little changes to your body? Want to get that ripped look men and women will envy and desire? This article will reveal three ways to thicken and strengthen your lower back muscle in making your ultimate physique and how to avoid injury which can derail heavy lifting for months or even permanently.
Tip No. 1: DEADLIFTS are as basic as an exercise can get for targeting quick muscle growth in the lower back region: It also hit your traps, lats and thighs to varying degrees.
Start with a barbell on the floor just in front of your shins; bend at the knees, grab the bar and stand up. As easy as that sounds, proper form is paramount for safety and effectiveness. Always lift with your thighs first, keeping your head up. Pull the bar up as close to your legs as possible (it should actually rub against them). An alternate grip (one palm underhand, one palm overhand) will prevent your fingers from giving out before your legs or back are properly taxed.
Proper warm-ups followed by sets of six to eight reps will stress your lower back area along with other major muscles. Deadlifts should not be performed heavy for every lower back workout.
Tip No. 2: GOOD MORNINGS – Exercise remain among the best ways to hit the lower back region.
Standing with your knees slightly bent, hold a light barbell across the back of your shoulders. Now push your butt backward, keeping your lower back arched and tight until you feel your hamstrings reaching the point of maximum stretch. Unless you are particularly flexible, you will not (as is often advocated) have to bend your torso so that it is perpendicular with the floor. The stretch in the hamstrings indicates where the range of motion ends. Repeat for six to 10 reps.
It is sometimes prescribed that you keep your knees locked throughout the movement. Don’t do it! As locking your knees will divert emphasis to your hamstring tendons and greatly increase the probability of a visit to the doctor!
Assume a prone position on a hyperextension bench or other appropriate flat bench. If you’re using a hyperextension bench (either a 45-degree or flat models), hook your feet (back of the heels) under the bar or have a partner hold them if you’re using a bench that lacks a component to stabilise your feet/lower body. Allow your upper body to hang down over the forward end of the bench. The forward edge of the bench/pad should be at the level of your hip joints. Knees should remain slightly bent throughout the movement.
Then leading with your head, “curl” your torso up and back as far as you can, squeezing out a peak contraction in your erectors at the top. Lower yourself to a point at which you still have at least half the peak stress on the lower back muscles and repeat for 10 or so repetitions.
Note:Four out of five people experience significant back pain during their lives, so to avoid being one of them, have one eye on injury prevention first and building muscle mass second.
Your ultimate body is within reach, providing you follow the proven principles in this article. Quick muscle growth is not a pipe dream or only for those with the perfect genetic makeup. Use these strategies in the order mentioned and very soon you will see your lower back grow thicker and stronger. Your lower back is of paramount importance because it is the foundation of your power.
About the Author
Ian Burgess has put together a complementary report on bodybuilding for quick muscle growth that will help you solve your muscle gaining problem quickly and permanently. To access it instantly please visit http://www.quickmusclegrowth.com
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Ian Burgess has put together a complementary report on bodybuilding for quick muscle growth that will help you solve your muscle gaining problem quickly and permanently. To access it instantly please visit http://www.quickmusclegrowth.com
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Strengthening The Lower Back To Prevent Injury
May 22, 2012 by admin
Filed under Lower Back Exercises
Article by Pilling Nisbit
Strengthening The Lower Back To Prevent Injury – Shopping
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This is a theme not well covered and a lot of people are lost in regards to what to choose. As a back pain sufferer myself I know how to manage lower back pain for a number of years.
Most lower back workouts men perform have to focus on improving joint motion and flexibility nevertheless every time need to contain core stablizing exercises. Core force movements for men must focus on stabilizing joints in the spine. Men are regularly more stable in the spinal region than women because of the contour and alignment of the lower back . Men are generally more naturally stiffer than females. This is frequently misleading for stability by trainers and nevertheless the concentration on core strengthening moves for men is discarded. Stiffness is not stability. Men may not as sway backed as women are, they are flatter by the lower back and the pelvis is narrower too. The majority of the points and the assumption for biological stability regularly cause a shortage of emphasis on working the core stabili muscles in men .
In everyday life core strength and lower back exercises for men must be evaluated on a person to person basis. Although there are particular important generic exercises men could perform to acquire a better solid flexible lower back. Flexibility is gained with stretching the muscles as well as the joint capsule of the region worked out. The spine area lower back joints respond well to lumbar rotation as a routine done on the floor. This is a highly good training for both men and women to perform to increase movement in their lower back s . Back bending while lying down or standing up are another great flexibilty workout and simply done. Stretching your hamstrings is one of the most basic lower back moves for men. Your hamstrings handle the tilt of the pelvis. If they are stiff the pelvis might angle back as well as produce pain . Pain prevents core stability . Hence pain can lessen core strength after some time. This fact is not known or understood by gym professionals or personal fitness coaches. This is however, understood by Physiotherapists. Males as a rule possess tighter hamstrings than females do hence a stress on stretching the hamstrings for a man is needed.
Core strength work outs for men are the same as for women; but males may press farther into loading the abdominals since men require more core strength for carrying heavy material. Testing core strength is simple and similar for both sexes.
Core Strength Testing
Lying on your back on the floor having your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Put your hands on your pelvic bones and slowly lift one leg, only, from the floor.
The pelvic bone and your hips shouldn’t move at all. If it doesmove , then your core strength is deficient and requires working out. Exercising the core ought to be taught aptly by a Physiotherapist. After a person has some knowledge in the purpose and use of the core stabili muscle they could work out in any way to the max.
About the Author
I exercise deep core stabilizing muscles from nothing to full strength using the method of Complete Pilates. For males the emphasis is on stability to acquire strength in the long rectus muscle. This can offer a man a fine strong and stable lower back along with respectable bending a good pain free limber lower back area.
Jeff has been writing articles on health and fitness online for the last 2 years. You can also check out his websites, where he discusses diverse topics like how to shave and whiten teeth at home.
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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.
Pilling Nisbit
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I exercise deep core stabilizing muscles from nothing to full strength using the method of Complete Pilates. For males the emphasis is on stability to acquire strength in the long rectus muscle. This can offer a man a fine strong and stable lower back along with respectable bending a good pain free limber lower back area.
Jeff has been writing articles on health and fitness online for the last 2 years. You can also check out his websites, where he discusses diverse topics like how to shave and whiten teeth at home.
Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.
Lower Back Exercises – Reduce Injury and Back Aches
February 15, 2012 by admin
Filed under Back Exercises
Article by David Johnston
There really isn’t much worse than constant back aches dogging your life, and making you feel less than great. Such problems are largely due to the muscles in the lower back being weak, and causing the spine to take more weight, and other muscles to make up for the weakness. Many people, men in particular often get ‘love handles’ at the sides of the lower abdomen, and around to the lower back. This can be a reasonably good indication that the muscle in that area is weak – if there was a lot of muscle there, there would be a much higher demand for calories, and therefore fat would not be stored in the same way (this supposes that the rest of the body has a similar muscularity)
If you were to build up only muscle in the lower abdomen, or core, and not build up the rest of the muscles in your body, it is not very likely that this stored fat would disappear completely. The body would store fat in whatever locations do not have a high demand, so because the abdomen are not the largest muscles in the body, they are unlikely to require enough calories to burn that fat alone. Take as an example, someone with really strong muscles in one particular area of their body – that area of high muscular strength is not often fat – fat will store all over the body, however where the local demand is lower that fat storage is likely to be reduced.
Our lives these days, are sedentary, and this does not require us to have strong core muscles, or have any naturally occurring way to build them (unless you are employed doing something physical such as a labourer) With a reduced strength in the lower back, fat is much more likely to be stored there. Muscles are likely to ache, as the slow twitch, long endurance muscles are weak, and are supported by faster twitch muscles that do not have the endurance. This lowering strength and capability in the back can lead to pinched nerves, spinal subluxation, and slipped discs.
By making use of compound exercises for the whole of the body, with a good diet, you can build lean muscle. Core exercises and lower back exercises will really burn away fat in that area, as well as giving your spine the stability it needs, so that lower back pain is reduced. Day-to-day tasks will be made much easier with the increased strength, and if the strength is taken to a high degree, will result in six-pack abdominal muscles.
You can target the core using core and lower back exercises to relieve immediate issues, but to reduce the fat around this area and increase beyond this initial stage, you must target this area as part of body workouts instead of isolating this area. Through compound full body exercises, all muscle get strengthened and are able to support one another, easing functional movements, burning fat.
We must point out that before you start a fully committed set of lower back exercises, that if you have any problems with your back, you should talk to a chiropractor. The chiropractor will realign your back, so that you do not cause further damage, and when you do build lower back muscle, this will help the back to heal correctly. If any of these lower back exercises cause you pain, you should seek advice from your medical professional.
Here are some core and lower back exercises for you to strengthen the muscles:
Lower Back Exercises 1: Bridge – Lie on your back feed flat on the floor, knees bent, push the hips upwards so that the thighs and upper body form a straight line. Hold this position.Lower Back Exercises 2: Plank – In a push up position with toes and hands on the floor, hold for as long as you can do with your abdominal muscles tight and tucked in and your back straight. Do not allow your back to sag. If you find this exercise too hard, rest on your elbows instead of your hands.Lower Back Exercises 3: Side Plank – With Forearm and foot on floor, lying on your side, push your forearm so that your body is straight and forms a triangle with the floor between your shoulder, elbow and your feet. The line from your shoulder to your foot should be straight and held that way by keeping your abdominal muscles tight and pulled in. Hold for as long as you can, and then do the same on the opposite side.Lower Back Exercises 4: Knee to elbow plank – This exercise is an addition to the Plank (exercise 2). Follow the instructions for Plank, then move your left knee to your right elbow, and back, and your right knee to your left eblow and back. Keep your back straight, and do not allow it to sag. Do this exercise as fast as you can whilst maintaining a straight back, and your hands below your elbows.Lower Back Exercises 5: Prone Cobras – Lie on your stomach with your hand above your head. Lift your head, and bend your back slowly, as you push your arms upwards (behind your back), and slowly cycle them toward your sides (the finishing position, you will have your torso up off the floor, back bent, shoulders back, and hand out to your sides. Make the overall movement to a count of four seconds, and slowly return to the start position.Lower Back Exercises 6: Bicycle crunches – Lying on your back, crunch your torso up toward your knees, as you do so, bring one knee up, and touch your opposite elbow to it. Repeat with the other knee and elbow. This should resemble a cycling motion.Lower Back Exercises 7: Resistance band rotation – Anchor the resistance band to a pipe, of column. Start with the resistance band taught and your arms straight; rotate your torso away from the anchor point whilst keeping your arms straight. Perform a set, and then swap to the other side and repeat. Resistance band exercises can be performed at home, and are portable.Straight legged deadlift – Keeping your legs straight, and your back straight, hold a barbell or dumbbells. From shin height, keep the weight in contact with your shins, and your back straight, slide the weight upwards until you in the upright position. Ensure that you keep your abdominal muscles tucked in and tight, and stick your butt out to ensure you do not experience any discomfort from doing this exercise.Deadlifts – DO NOT attempt this exercise if you feel discomfort in your back before or during this exercise. It is likely that you are arching your back, so you should concentrate on keeping your back straight – if you cannot, then you should concentrate on non-weight bearing exercises first. From the floor, lift a barbell, and slide it up your shins, and rise to the upright position. Hold, then lower carefully to the start position, at all times keeping your back straight.Having a strong lower back through lower back exercises is going to benefit in a large number of ways, including reducing injury, preventing back aches, reducing the risk of spinal injury, as well as giving you more energy and potentially a lower body fat percentage. The additional stability gained in the core is really going to benefit you if you wish to continue training, and build lean muscle, and get six pack abdominals.A strong lower back, through lower back exercises; using body weight, resistance band exercises, or free weights will have many benefits. Some of the benefits will be lower risk of injury including spinal problems, reduction in back aches, fat burning and giving you more energy. The additional strength will result in an increase in stability, and therefore an ability to lift heavier weights safely. Building a stronger core will have the added benefit, once you reduce your body fat percentage, of giving you six-pack abs.
For more exercises, see lower back exercises, and resistance band exercises at David Johnston’s site BodyPlusFitness.com where there are exercises, workouts, fat loss tips and other articles to help you build lean muscle and fitness.
Youth Baseball Training – Resistance Band Routines for Flexibility, Strength and Injury Prevention
February 9, 2012 by admin
Filed under Resistance Training
Article by Jake Wyatt
There are many ways a youth baseball coach can help his players increase their flexibility and strength, thereby reducing their risk of injury. One way is to require that players perform exercise routines on their own time. Youth baseball players may not be ready for a serious weight lifting routine as their bodies are still forming. Large rubber bands can be used instead of weights to increase strength and flexibility.
The bands can be purchased at any sporting goods store and come in different sizes and thicknesses. Each type of band will have its own resistance. If training is for flexibility, less resistant bands can be used. Higher-resistance bands can be used to build strength.
Different band routines can be used to accomplish different goals. Here are some examples of specific objectives for which band routines can be established:
1. Pitching – focus on exercises that work the core, back and shoulders.2. Batting – focus on exercises that work the core, triceps and biceps.3. Running speed – focus on exercises that work the legs.4. Flexibility and injury prevention – focus on exercises that work the core and increase flexibility.5. Long toss – focus on shoulder and arm exercises.
The specifics of each routine should depend on player age, strength and skill. The coach should work with each player individually to determine the youth’s goals and the specific areas where improvement is needed. A band routine can then be created to accomplish the desired changes. The coach should encourage the player to record his routine in a notebook so progress can be tracked.
Working with bands is easy and can be done anywhere with minimal preparation. A player can keep his bands in his bat bag so they are always with him. This type of exercise will significantly reduce the chance of injury, improve baseball performance, and lead to healthier kids overall.
In order to be the best possible baseball player, training should happen year-round and be a joint effort between the coach, the player and the parents. Get more FREE tips to improve baseball performance, reviews of e-products related to baseball, and links to training resources at http://youth-baseball-training.com.
Wrist Weights – Improve Musculation While Avoiding Injury
December 30, 2011 by admin
Filed under Weight Lifting
Concerning wrist weights, you may have seen many bodybuilders whose wrists are wrapped around heavy duty straps. Those are known as weight lifting wrist straps. Wrist straps are usually applied to help bodybuilder in extending their grip on certain workouts such as heavy barbell shrugs and shoulder side rises.
There are many names for these weight lifting equipments. Here are few names that you might have heard about the wrist weights as lifting straps, weight lifting straps, power straps, power lifting straps, dead lifting straps, deadlift straps, hand straps, training straps, weight straps and etc.
Wrist weights have non stretching material that is “noosed” around your wrists and the rest of the material is wrapped around the lifting bar to help you in handling the weight. Their main function is to keep the bar in your hands when lifting heavy weights.
You might use wrist straps when your grip can’t handle heavy amount of weight you are lifting, weak grip, sweaty hands, hurt hands etc.
These long lasting, durable and cotton bearing weight lifting wrist straps are the best way to take strain off forearms and wrists while doing exercises such as lat pull downs, deadlifts, rows, one arm row, shrugs and so on.
These straps are mainly used to build bigger back/lats, traps, legs and many more. It helps to improve your grip so you can easily handle heavy weights during various exercises. It has different sizes from teenagers to younger.
Weight lifting straps are applied to improve grip on heavy workouts such as shrugs, deadlifts, cable rows etc. They are basically used on trap and back exercises but may also applied on exercises such as heavy dumbbell curls and presses.
Using a strap is not an easy job. It needs some practice to get them hang but it is worth the effort.
Straps can radically strengthen your grip, which will help you to better hit the traps and back. Many people lift more weight than their grip will allow. Wrist weights are a long strip of fabric with a loop at one end. Place the one end through the hole at the other end; both straps should mirror each other.
First of all place your hand through the circle made by strap. Then snug the strap tightly around the wrist. Put your hands on the bar with the help of strap lynching towards the floor. Drag the strap under the bar and rear over the top. At the end twist the bar towards your direction to tighten the straps. Wrist weights can be very useful for your training, but be cautious not to over use them.
No site but FitnessDumbbellWeights.com gives you all the tips and info on wrist weights and related subjects. Whether you are a newbie or an expert, make sure to check out weight lifting straps by following the links above!

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