3 Top Benefits of Jogging

February 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by EveryThingJogging

Some of the BENEFITS OF JOGGING! is to burn calories (which in turns helps you to lose weight). But you also build muscle, can improve the cardio system, relieve stress, and increase your energy level.

There are many more reasons that go well beyond the above benefits for you to give jogging a try. Explore the benefits of jogging as they relate to your specific needs and live a healthier life.

HERE ARE THE TOP 3 “BENEFITS OF JOGGING!” – Which Benefit Fits Your Needs?

#1 “Benefit of Jogging” is Weight Loss!

There is a twofold reason that jogging is such a powerful tool for most weight loss efforts.

FIRST – JOGGING BURNS CALORIES. Lots of them. As far as cardio exercises go, running is the most effective exercise for burning calories.

SECOND -JOGGING SUPPRESSES THE APPETITE. This fact alone is worth it for those of us who are plagued by food cravings.

#2 “Benefit of Jogging” is Improving Heart Health!

A HEALTHY HEART is the goal of many people who take up jogging. Some of the improvements you will experience is less stress, increased circulation, better respiration, which all leads to a healthier heart.

#3 “Benefit of Jogging” is Healthier Bones!

Bones, like many other body parts, need exercise in order to stay conditioned and in ideal health.

Your bones can become weak with time if you do not take proper care of them and jogging will actually help strengthen the bones because they are getting the exercise they need.

Why wait any longer to lose those unwanted pounds or lower your blood pressure or even just improve your muscle tone. There are so many HEALTH reasons to consider. But, there are OTHER REASONS as well.

Jogging is INEXPENSIVE to do, the only thing you need to buy to get started is a pair of good running shoes and some comfortable clothes. It is also very CONVENIENT, you can jog just about anywhere or anytime. It can also be a very SOCIAL exercise, it is a great way to meet other people.

Just about anyone can take advantage of the Benefits of Jogging. Young or old, overweight or maybe you are already a runner and just want to improve your endurance. Maybe you want to get in shape to run a 5k Run, 10K Run or even a marathon.

DON’T DELAY. Start experiencing the BENEFITS OF JOGGING NOW!



I have been jogging for as long as I can remember. (Actually in my younger years, I was running, LOL!) Now I jog, because I love it. It is my time for me and we all need that time. It makes me feel better and I stay healthier because of it. If you have only thought about trying to jog, then TAKE THE FIRST STEP to a healthier you, START JOGGING!


Know the Benefits of Jogging – And Jog!

January 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Physical activity is an integral part of a fitness routine, or a health and fitness routine. That is, in conjunction with a healthy diet. A person can opt to take supplements as well, which are deemed essential by health experts nowadays. It is often these measures which offer optimal benefits to well-being. When it comes to an exercise regime, aerobic activities have been a common option, and quite effective at that. And then again, there are varied choices as well in the aerobic exercises melange. One of them is jogging. A lot of people engage in jogging as regular exercise.

And why is that, what are the benefits of jogging which make it a preference among many people? The benefits of jogging are well worth the time and effort of committing to the exercise plan. For one thing, it is an engaging exercise. That is, jogging can be addictive. Those who jog often have different motivations for doing so.

A large number enjoy the benefits of jogging in keeping their weight down, or to lose weight. And still, others jog to feel healthier and happier. Jogging, as well as most exercises do, causes the release of endorphins in the body, otherwise known as the “happy hormones”.

So other than the benefits of jogging with your body getting physically revved up and developing flexibility and endurance, you’d feel “happy”, too. That is, feeling a sense of buoyancy and optimism. And this feeling can be “addictive”, but definitely in a good way. So once you get started on your routine, hang in there until you get the hang of it. In a week’s time or so, you would feel the benefits of jogging, and you’ll actually like doing it. One of the most vital benefits of jogging is that of promoting overall health. As an aerobic exercise, it boosts your heart health, making it stronger as well as enhancing the circulation process.

It hastens your metabolism in the same manner, allowing you to burn more fat. It thus helps in keeping your body fit and trim, and you’re off to looking better. Other then the benefits of jogging in health and weight loss, the activity also aids in weight maintenance. If you happen to have a healthy weight, you aren’t likely to have worries about gaining weight. You get to keep excess weight off as long as you jog regularly. But then again, you have to be wary of your diet in this regard. Keep your calorie intake in check, too. It means you have to have a healthy and regulated diet.

You may have been a regular jogger, but it doesn’t mean you’re immune to weight gain if you take in too many calories. Then stress, which happens to be inherent to the current mode of living. Running benefits your well-being by reducing your stress levels. Exercise is a good means for stress relief, and so is running. You can jog with a buddy, or else you can jog alone. This alone time when you jog can also mean time to be by yourself and your much needed quiet time. Wouldn’t this help in reducing your stress? If you happen to jog or run for a marathon, then this activity would be a good means to increase your self-esteem.

The self-esteem benefits of jogging are enhanced if you set a goal to accomplish. Try running for a marathon and make it across the finish line. You’d become familiar with this particular jogging benefit. The confidence gained from a goal accomplished is well worth the effort. Be it running for a marathon, or having kept to your exercise plan until you reach your ideal weight. Or better yet, constantly enjoying good health and well-being because you take time to be mindful of yourself through regular exercise.

The author of this article Rose Windale is a Health and Wellness Coach who has been successful with several natural health programs for many years. Rose recently published a step-by-step guide on how to lose weight the EASY way and become totally healthy and happy. More info on her life-changing eating habits plan at http://www.FlabAndFatAway.com.

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Start a Beginner Jogging Program

January 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

I’m here to help you start a running program. “Running program? That doesn’t sound very sexy,” I hear you cry, “It sounds like something Bill Gates does.” OK then, I would like to help you make running a part of your life. How does that sound? Or how about, I’ll change your life for the better! Actually I just lied. You are going to have to change your own life for the better, but I would love to help.  

If you’re a total novice then the best way to start is to not even think about running…Yet. I want you to wake up your muscles slowly. Forget that image you have of a running coach as a Drill Sergeant with a bullhorn screaming, “Damn it! I know you’ve done nothing but sit on the couch for two decades, but in one day we’re gonna transform you into Ahnold Swarzahneggah, you maggot!” Think of me more as a kindly nurse, softy coo-ing “Wake up muscles, it’s time for your sponge bath.” And if that sounds a bit creepy, it might just come useful later…

Anyway, we are going to start by walking – actually you are going to walk.

I’m going to do nothing. Oh God, now I’m reminding myself of my high school coach, I can hear him now bellowing, “We’re going to run 25 miles today, gentlemen.” That bloody beep never ran a step. OK, so I promise to run if you promise to walk. Deal? Walk every other day for 4 to 6 weeks, for 20-30 minutes, depending on your starting fitness. Avoid hills and, in the beginning, don’t push yourself. Over the weeks slowly increase your walking speed. To help you do this, try visualizing Frankenstein’s Monster closely following you – and he’s not wearing any pants. If you find yourself slowing for his embrace, you could alternatively try thinking of your mother-in-law, the tax man, or your ex-boyfriend, whatever doesn’t turn you on really.

You may wonder why I am suggesting you start so slowly.

It’s like this: If you suffer no injuries, you’ll take one step forward. But if you were to have a physical setback, you’d take many steps backwards. I don’t want that to happen to you. It’s really depressing to throw yourself into something only to be slapped in the face by an injury. Do not try to be a tough guy early on, be a big baby. If anything hurts, stop immediately, rest and ice the area of soreness. After several weeks you may want to pump up your walks. You know that hill you’ve been avoiding? Cease avoidance. Hills are great for your heart and great for your bum. Please venture down slowly though or you and your knees will have a long and painful discussion.

After you have successfully walked for 4-6 weeks, it’ll be time to mix in some short jogs. After walking for ten minutes, jog 100 meters, one block, or the space between telephone poles. Walk until you feel recovered, maybe a minute or two and repeat the 100 meter jog. Try to run softly, using short strides and don’t bounce. Slowly increase the amount and duration of your jogs until you can run the entire way. Keep it up and some day soon a person will inquire, “Hey, are you a runner?” and you will lift your chin and proudly reply, “Why yes…Yes I am!”My work here is done.

Coach Carvey is passionate about running and helping others to do the same. His unique style of writing blends humor with helpful tips. Carvey’s website address is http://www.carvey-running-tips.com. Coach Carvey is an international contributing author for http://www.runningfreemag.co.uk/.

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Go Running and Jogging Wearing Art Trainers

December 29, 2011 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Different kind of shoes is available in the market these days. Each type of shoes is suitable for a specific purpose. When you are exercising or playing you would need a special type of shoes. If you are bored of the conventional shoes that are available in the market then you can go for the Art Trainers. They are available in different designs and colours that would suit you. It is important that you own a pair of trainers these days since everybody is health conscious these days. These trainers are comfortable, easy to wear and easier to maintain and hence they are the most convenient choice for you.

These trainers are designed for specific purposes like jogging, walking and running. These trainers are available with a sole, which is heavy and with a decorated upper portion. The distinguishing aspect of these trainers is that the logo of the brand is displayed on the trainers.

These trainers have been the chosen product for many fashion conscious people for quite some time now.

The most popular product in the Art Trainers range is the Art Liberated Trainers. These shoes are unisex and have a funky and unique design. The trainers have a chunky sole with a three eye offset lace fastening along with stitching detail and leather accent. The shoes are designed in such a way so that the shoes can mould according to your feet shape. They are available in black and brown. With every step, you take all your stress and tension will vanish. You will be at ease when you are walking. The exclusive design features makes this pair a huge hit among young health conscious individuals who like to work out and train everyday.

These Art Trainers are manufactured with the help of a specific technology that caters to the footwear needs and requirements of the customers. If you do not wear the right pair of shoes then you may hurt your feet. Your knees will start hurting and you may even develop back problems. Hence, by choosing the right pair of shoes you would be able to give your feet the ultimate comfort, which it deserves.

You are first needed to find a good store so that you are able to get the best quality shoes for yourself. A few authentic stores offer you the required range of products. Ensure that you buy them from a store, which you can rely on. In order to get a suitable pair for yourself you would have to hunt over the Internet. After you have hit on a store for your trainers, you would have to ensure the reliability of the store. Check the payment methods and policies along with exchange and returns scheme. Once, you have decided on the store you can make your purchase from it. It would intelligent on your part if you make your prospective purchases from the same store only.

Find good quality Art Trainers at www.art-shoes.co.uk. You will get them in quite an impressive variety. Different sizes and colours are available from, which you can choose.

3 Helpful Tips for Running and Jogging

December 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Celo

Jogging is a well loved form of exercise that helps boost your energy levels and mood. Yet there are challenging aspects as well, such as sticking to your program day after day, week after week. Getting injured can is another challenge as it will really slow down your progress. The guidelines that follow are meant to help you keep you healthy and motivated with your jogging.

Jogging with a friend or a group is a great way to help you stay motivated. It’s okay if you prefer to run alone, but having a partner can be very motivational. When you run with someone, you are less likely to quit too soon. Talking with someone while you jog can be fun, just don’t let the conversation become a distraction. It might be better to focus on jogging and talk after you’re done. Running with a partner or group can be a great way to keep the activity interesting for you.

Power walking is highly suggested if you’re not yet a jogger and want to start doing it. If you are not used to exercise, or haven’t done it for a long time, walking can be a great way to gradually get your body accustomed to moving around. You can begin with the smallest steps you want, and then just proceed at your own comfortable pace. Then, when you feel you’re ready, you can break into a slow jog and proceed at your own pace. You don’t want to overdo it and cause an injury because that will only set you back as you heal. There are people all over who actually stick with power walking because it just works better for them, and actually power walking is an excellent exercise, as well. Still though, we heartily suggest getting started with the walking, and that will allow your body to adjust to everything.

Always take in some water before you begin your jog every time. You should give yourself time to digest if you have eaten something – about an hour or two. The very best, number one thing to drink is water, and until our bodies change – that will remain unchanged. Like food, if you drink too much water you can get cramps and vomit. As for drinking while you run, do it in small sips or pay the consequences – but who really wants to carry water while they run? Not me. Never drink water that has a color you cannot name – clear water is the ticket. The hotter and more humid it is, the more important it becomes to hydrate. There are many good reasons for you to establish a regular running routine. Jogging will help you lose weight but it will also help improve your overall fitness level. It can even improve your mood. Being consistent is the key to getting the best results from your jogging routine. Use these tips as you begin your jogging routine and you will soon see the benefits of this simple but powerful exercise.

Celo is mechanical engineer but since 1997 started working with Information Technology.Now a days he is working as a systems integration consultant and his hobby is internet. He is also a webmaster and has a website written in Portuguese that talks about solar energy (“paineis fotovoltaicos” in Portuguese).

Running and Jogging – Which is more Effective?

December 12, 2011 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Gen Wright

Trying to lose weight with leisure jogging? Perhaps you have been jogging everyday but you notice that it’s not really effective. You don’t see your waist line trimming down, and you don’t feel that your health is improving. Yet, you see images of healthy people jogging on TV and in the newspapers. So you think it must be right – jogging works.

Unfortunately, jogging sounds like a really nice thing to do only on national television. If a nation is promoting a healthy lifestyle, jogging seems appropriate because it’s an exercise that everyone can get involved in. But the true fitness experts know better.

If you really have been jogging faithfully, then you know the truth as well. Jogging doesn’t really work if you are trying to lose weight. Of course, if you jog for 3 hours a day, you will burn enough calories to lose weight. But unfortunately, the average person doesn’t jog 3 hours every session. In fact, most people just jog between 15 to 20 mins for each session. That is way too short a duration for the session to be effective.

If you really want to lose weight, then you have to consider interval training. Interval training is much more effective because of the intensity of the exercise. When you sprint, even if it’s just for 10 to 20 secs, you burn more calories within the same duration.

A study has shown that interval training is effective in helping people lose fat. Two groups are asked to perform specific exercises for a period of 6 weeks, 3 times a week. The first group was asked to engage in interval training, while the second group was asked to engage in jogging. After 6 weeks, it was found that the second group achieved almost zero results! The first group did manage to trim down the waist, and there are visible results.

The findings are not surprising. This is the reason why you don’t see very fit people jogging 6 days a week. That’s because they spend most of their time doing interval training or they are hitting the gym to build strength!

To improve overall fitness is the only way to maintain a healthy body for the long term. And to achieve overall fitness, you have to work on your metabolism. Exercises with intensity will help boost your metabolism. That’s why sprinting works.

In fact, interval training is the preferred training method used by many weight loss experts. They have seen the results for themselves, and they are firm believers that interval training works. There is no need to engage in slow moving cardio exercises. Replace those exercises with interval training and feel the difference.

You can perform interval training both indoors or outdoors. If you can’t hit the running tracks, just perform running exercises indoors. Lift your knees to chest level as you run and go through the running motion. Do that for about 60 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds. Repeat for 8 to 10 sets. That’s a good replacement for outdoors interval training.

Learn more about protein shakes and how a protein shake a day can benefit your health.

More Running And Jogging Articles

Beginners’ Guide On Jogging Exercise

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Is jogging your daily exercise? Is there something you normally do before taking off the road? What rituals do you have before jogging? It is well known that jogging can do people good provided being done the right way. As a form of excersie, it keeps the body healthy and fit. However, you have to make sure you are engaging yourself to jogging the right way to get the best out of this exercise.


Each one of us has our own rituals before jogging. For a jogging pro, they have less ritual. But for beginners, they have to make sure everything is in place before going out and jog. Since beginners have limited idea or no idea at all on how to do jogging activities right, they might need some help with it.


This article will be dealing more on the preparations jogging beginners bear in mind.

Since they are new to the activity, they require more assessment and considerations before taking off the road.


First on the list is to prepare everything needed for jogging. The shoes, type of clothes, and kits to bring while running should be intact. A pair of running shoes is really recommended for long term jogging activities as well as cottony apparels good for running. The night before you jog, make sure you have prepared everything so that you will have less time in preparing your jogging stuffs the next morning.


They normally start with warm up exercises such as stretching and breathing exercises.


This will make sure that the body is well conditioned to go jogging. Warm up activities is beneficial to us since it will prepare the body for more rigorous running activities. Experts prefer to have simple warming exercises to make sure that the body can adjust to the intensity of the activities and it will not be shocked for the changes with the activities you will be dealing with.


If say for instance, you are very exhausted with jogging, do not put yourself at a sudden halt. It should be a gradual stop so that the body again can adjust to the changes of the functions since your body will be put to rest.Don’t put a stop in everything. Even though you stopped running, continue walking first until you completely stop. Do not sit down immediately.


You breathe in and out of your lungs for a period of time. If your body becomes relax, that is the time that you can completely settle down.These are just some things that jogging beginners have to bear in mind. It is best to do a self-research before engaging yourself to jogging for you to be well informed and to get tips and ideas on how you can make your jog a worthwhile activity.


Arm yourself with adequate knowledge and understanding on how jogging works for you so as to get considerable results and to make sure that you are doing it the right way.


share knowledge to the others who care to understand jogging tip. Go and visit jogging tip for free website to get plenty of information. Come and visit us at: http://www.joggingtip.com/

Buying the Perfect Jogging Shoes

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

One of my overweight neighbors asked me a favor. So, I draw a running program to change his figure situation. One day, we dragged our footsteps to run a quarter mile. Due to his good breath system, so I encourage him to keep on jogging and I wish he open an sufficiently pleasant beginning. But, the fact is not like that. The second day he said to me that he doesn’t want to jog. His body is so stiff that he can’t move. Moreover, jogging is uncomfortable. If you thought that jogging is a torture thing and you would rather go to the hospital, so maybe you are not suitable to run. But, you should know that many runners find the pleasant nature of running after several weeks’ running plan. Therefore, you need to start jogging and open your heart to welcome it. If you don’t do that you will miss a wonderful show.

I want to repeat a sentence to the runners.

Human don’t fully know the profound influences of jogging. Human only have a sporadic fuzzy understanding of the psychology side in jogging. In the later year, A large amount of joggers can feel that there is a huge change in their mind and body condition. Therefore, we can hear many effects from them and know the influence of running. Because of this reason, despite jogging is a old movement, it is still regarded as a wonderful activity. For all of us, there are new running fields for us to explore. In the business world, a large number of directors are amateur joggers. The father of Chinese IT industry has kept jogging for over forty years. He has a theory in running. He just runs 5 days a week and 5 miles a day and 50 minutes each time. He said that running is a best way to releasing the stress. Jogging is a best way to consider the questions. So he loves the spirits of Forest. These managers choose to run for happy life and challenge themselves. We’ can not give up jogging. I can ignore everything but jogging. Business is not the reason to quit from the running. If we always find some reasons to keep away from running, then we won’t finish any other things. Jogging is looked as the simplest movements in the world. With regard to stranger, jogging is boredom. So the true runners can know that running is a highly self-constrained movement. Many high leveled runners can not stop running, Once they quit their level will decrease and they will forget their abilities. Only a month, your skills will fail to the bottom.

If you don’t start running, you’d better begin now. After running you will find that you become happy and health again. Only if you make some proper preparations and accord to some running rules, you could jog perfectly. If you have jogged for several years, after reading this article you can find a better way to strength your body and improve your running speed. If you have a bad running skill you don’t need to depress. So the only thing you have to do next is ready to enjoy the special running life. In the end you may find out that jogging is not only a easy thing but also a kind of natural regulator.

If you have been finding better running exercise and need to do something about it, check out the GEL KAYANO 17 from Asics Gel Kayano Shoes, many running shoes available right here!

Shopping for Kids Jogging Shoes

Livvey goes shopping for running shoes for the El Morro Jog-A-Thon and finds some really cute, really tiny shoes.

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