Join Fitness Training Program To Keep Fit

February 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

In order to have a healthy Lifestyle and keep yourself physically active, Fitness Training is the most suitable thing that can help you healthy. It can reduce the risk of chronic disease and improve your sleep habits and self-esteem. Exercise also helps you to lose your weight. However, sometimes it’s best to check with your doctor before you start to exercise, which help you chose the most suitble exercise.


You can do it in just five steps:


1.By assessing your fitness level by recording your pulse rate before and after a one-mile walk, body mass index, number of push-ups you can do at a time.


2.You can design your fitness program by considering your fitness goals


3.You can assemble your exercise equipment; you can choose something that’s practical, enjoyable and easy to use.


4.Give yourself plenty of time to warm up; you don’t have to do all your exercise at one time.

If you’re not feeling good, give yourself permission to take a day or two off.


5.Last and final step is monitoring your program; it is important decision to start a Fitness Training program. Listen to your body first when you choose to exercise specially .when you’re sick. If your signs and symptoms get worse with physical activity, stop and take rest.


You must take suggestion from your doctor before you start an exercise program if any of the following apply:


1.Heart attack.


2.Asthma or lung disease.


3.Diabetes or heart, liver or kidney disease.




5.You feel pain in your chest, joints or muscles during physical activity.


6.You have arthritis or osteoporosis etc.

Fitness training improves your mood. Finding the right fitness program may be your ticket to getting in shape. It balances five elements of good health. Aerobic fitness Muscular fitness Stretching Core stability Balance training You will look better and feel better when you exercise regularly. It will boost your confidence and improve your self-esteem. Regular physical activity can even help prevent depression and manage high blood pressure. Exercise also burn calories in your body and helps you to keep your weight under control.


Sanjana Sharma is the author of this article. To know more about Fitness training, exercise equipment, vibration health, Australia Fitness and home fitness equipment, visit

Who Invented Physical Fitness To Keep All On Their Toes

January 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Physical Fitness

Article by Chris Cornell

A hale and hearty human is akin to a well-oiled machine. It takes more than air, rain and sunshine to keep the clogs turning. Otherwise, one had better be prepared for it to draw a last breath before squeaking to an unexpected halt. None can be accorded as the sole party who invented physical fitness as daily life requires the average man to display some level of vigor. Even chess players need healthy bodies although most of their physical moments seem to extend no further than their fingers.

The Greeks were probably best proponents of keeping fit. No better way exists in expressing their love of it than in the invention of the Olympics. As various parties sought to qualify for the games to achieve acclaim and victory, the call to improve speeds, distances, heights, lengths and whatever other measurement was apparent. Even though one may defeat others, it takes constant practice to maintain winning levels. One slip in step or weight gain is a sure path for second placing, the first of losers.

Oriental versions of maintaining good health veered towards balancing energy flows in addition to muscular growth and strength. The Chinese masters who invented physical fitness often incorporated moves drawn from martial arts. Although the purpose was to maintain healthy bodies, one could also defend himself or his family if the need arose. As such, the love of sports was accompanied by the need to maintain military defenses against opposing forces. Foot soldiers were subject to hours of exercise and practice to ensure they were always ready to rise to the call.

Increasing influence towards sedentary lifestyles causes men and women of today to view keeping fit as an additional activity out of the norm. Gym memberships and lifestyle reality shows hit top notes as they rake in millions to address current day issues related to lack of exercise, bad dietary decisions and spiraling health statistics.

Chris is the writer of this article , you can visit us for more information on Who Invented Physical Fitness and Who Invented Gymnastics. Visit to read more detail.

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