Kettlebell Workouts for Men – Get Better Results Faster

October 1, 2012 by  
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Article by Jose B. Tollefson

Kettlebell Workouts for Men – Get Better Results Faster – Health – Fitness

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According to records, the use of kettlebells can be traced back to the 1700s by Russian weightlifters. Kettlebells should not be dismissed as just another workout fad. This is because a study by the American Council on Exercise in 2010 showed that it is possible to gain not only aerobic fitness, but also muscle strength in a short period of time through kettlebell workouts. Jim Smith, certified strength training coach, says that this workouts for men will help build strength, flexibility and muscle mass pretty fast.

Kettlebells are versatile and offer more benefits when compared with dumbbell training. The thick handles poses challenges in terms grip and the distance of the weight from the handle works the core muscles harder. Therefore, kettlebell workouts for men ideally help to tone up major muscles, build strength and burn body fat. In fact, this workouts add a new dimension to the classic exercises like chest presses.

Shoulder Press

Whatever is your need, improving performance in sports or getting your body ready for the beach season, kettlebell shoulder press will be helpful. This exercise routine targets the shoulder muscles and triceps.

Instructions for performing this exercise are as follows:

Hold the kettlebell in one hand and lift it up the height of the shoulder. Keep the forearm perpendicular to the floor, holding the kettlebell upside down. Keeping the abs tight lift the kettlebell above the head, lower and repeats the movement eight to 10 times on each arm. Start by doing two to three sets for each arm.


Using kettlebells during push-up routines contributes to increasing the challenge and helps building chest and core muscles faster.

Instructions for performing push-ups using kettlebells:

Grip the kettlebells that are suitably kept apart tightly instead of placing hands on the floor. Start by doing two or three sets of eight to 10 reps. Increase the reps as strength improves.

As the hand is at a higher position from the floor, the range of movement increases and provides additional workout for chest, shoulder, triceps and core muscles.

One-arm Row

One-arm row provides workout to your biceps and muscles at the back.

Instructions for performing one-arm row:

Assume push-up position. Lift one hand and hold the kettlebell. Without rotating the body, pull the elbow back and lift the kettlebell off the floor towards the shoulder. Lower the kettlebell and again pull the elbow back. Do two or three sets of eight to 10 reps for each hand.

Some of the other kettlebell workouts for men are:

Chest press: Lie on the back on a beach, holding a kettlebell in each hand at the level of the chest. Lift the weight over the chest, stretching the hands up. Bring the weights back down.

Fly: Hold the kettlebells over the chest with hands stretches and palms facing each other. Lower the hands away from the body such that the body takes a T shape. Bring hands back to the original position.

Situp: Lie on the back with knees bent, holding the kettlebell slightly below the chest. Contract the abs to assume a sitting position by pressing the kettlebell to the front and without locking the elbows. Come back to the original position.

About the Author

Jose B. Tollefson is a trainer of bodybuilding and a writer of fitness book. One of his article on this website is about the basic kettlebell workouts. If you want to know more about advance moves of kettlebell workout, you can visit his website at

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Jose B. Tollefson is a trainer of bodybuilding and a writer of fitness book. One of his article on this website is about the basic kettlebell workouts. If you want to know more about advance moves of kettlebell workout, you can visit his website at

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Kettlebell Workouts are usually Assisting Females Lose weight and Feel Good

September 29, 2012 by  
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Article by Pierce Burns

Kettlebell Workouts are usually Assisting Females Lose weight and Feel Good – Health

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Kettlebells are not simply for men. There are many ladies starting to utilize kettlebell exercises during their own fitness programs. Women are usually beginning to see the advantages of these types of training sessions since they wish to gain strength and also reduce weight so they feel a lot more confident. I’ve seen numerous kettlebell workouts for women on store shelves. They include a kettlebell and Digital video disc for teaching how to carry out the exercise sessions. They take pleasure in that they could obtain a strength exercising as well as cardio work out in one workout as well as actually do this from the particular comfort of his or her homes. This is ideal for females with kids given that they typically don’t have enough time to have the ability to be able to go to the gym. Among the actual things that most men and women don’t know about kettlebells is that they target the actual butt, hamstrings, and also ab muscles. These kinds of are generally most of the parts that women focus on when working out. That is one more reason why a lot of women of all ages are making the most of all of them.Women wish to get rid of their stubborn problem areas and can not figure out how in order to. Kettlebell workouts for women tend to be a good method to be able to focus on these kinds of areas to get everyone that female figure that numerous girls desire. Remember exactly what your buttocks use in order to resemble? Is it now only a saggy area? Kettlebells can help in order to burn up the calorie consumption as well as tighten up your entire sagging areas. Your behind may actually look greater then it ever has got previously. Kettlebell swings are the main kettlebell exercise with regard to toning your glutes so that they no longer sag. There are lots of kettlebell programs on the internet however a lot of all of them are usually generic and don’t focus on one gender. There are hardly any ladies which enjoy in order to train enjoy guys mainly because they would like to give attention to their own stubborn areas not mens. Chris Lopez’s kettlebell workouts also include a e book along with workouts for women so they really can focus on their own problem areas as well as not men trouble spots.I’ve observed kettlebell workouts for females all over the place. Every time I go to The General Store I notice they have got many kettlebell work out programs with numerous kettlebells so ladies can work their own technique through the different weights. At this time there tend to be typically 2.5, 5, 7.5 and also 10 lb kettlebells. They include Digital video disks as well as training manuals in order to follow as well as the work outs. This really is only just what each woman needs. Strength exercising is an essential portion of keeping in form and preserving your rate of metabolism going even when anyone tend to be ageing. Lots of women tend to give attention to cardio machine exercise routines and also exercises that do not provide very much advantage. Kettlebells have proven that they increase strength, mobility and also balance. These kinds of tend to be simply a few of the benefits. Females will realize that their own overall quality of life increases any time they are working out with kettlebells. They will have more confidence as well as they shall be a lot more self-sufficient simply because they tend to be stronger.

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Go take a look at Kettlebell workouts for women and begin the best excess fat burning kettlebell workout now.

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Go take a look at Kettlebell workouts for women and begin the best excess fat burning kettlebell workout now.

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Kettlebell Workouts Kick Ass!

September 26, 2012 by  
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Article by Tony Rehor

Kettlebell Workouts Kick Ass! – Health – Fitness

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Kettlebell Workouts plain kick ass for burning fat.

Are you feeling the difference in your body from that killer Kettlebell workout?

With each workout routine exercise session, your body is transformed from what it was to what you want it to be and that is hot. You are on an intense journey from fat and flabby to fabulous and you’ll feel great?

Keep the pressure on with your Kettlebell workout routine.You are progressing very nicely. Now you want to keep the intense pressure on as you start to kick things up a notch. If you’ve done some good research, you probably no doubt heard about the Kettlebell Swing Snatch Pull workout. We will soon go over this powerful kettlebell exercise that works on your back and your legs.

Kettlebell workouts work more than just one set of muscles at a time.Let me quickly say that even though kettlebell workout exercises are targeting a just a particular muscle group, you are getting a comprehensive work out also in your arms and abs too.

As you hold in your body’s core and swing your kettlebell weight, you are also strengthening other muscle groups as well. This is what so firkin awesome about the Russian kettlebell is.

On a normal treadmill or a body elliptical, you just work out one muscle group and that’s your legs. But with a kettlebell, you work out everything and you also reap the benefits with your total body workout.

Now let’s get back to our kettlebell exercise.

The Kettlebell Swing, Snatch, and PullYou need to stand with your feet spread apart for this kettlebell workout. Bend your body over with your knees slightly bent. Your back should be straight with your head up. Now let’s Place your kettlebell on the floor. Now just grip it with one hand and swing it slowly between your legs as if passing it to someone behind you. OK now keeping your arm straight and firm holding your kettlebell now bring the kettlebell weight forward as you start to rise up to a normal standing position. OK now continue to raise the kettbell above your head as you do this slowly return the weight to the starting position. Repeat this workout routine now using the other arm.

For Beginners 5 reps is enough.For you seniors 3-5 reps should do.You advanced kettlebell users 12-15 reps will kick ass.

Muscle focused on is your back and your legs.

As a kettlebell beginner you should keep focusing on the kettlebell technique. You should try not to do too many kettlebell reps to start. You’ll increase reps in time and as you build up your strength.

Go to YouTube and Watch a demo of the kettlebell Swing, Snatch, Pull here. Never try to use two Kettlebell’s at the same time. You can aspire yourself to get there but just not right now or you will get hurt. Focus just on the kettlebell technique.

Each day for your workout routine you can add on one or two more additional reps until you get to your main goal. It is always good to challenge yourself. By taking small baby steps toward your ultimate kettlebell goal, it makes it more real and obtainable.

Always remember to exercise with good judgment, always follow the safety tips, and listen to your own body. And please make sure that you inhale as you go down and exhale as you come up or you can have a problem. Filling your lungs with air so that your muscles will get proper oxygenation is a must with a kettlebell workout.

When you start to see the impressive results by doing your kettlebell workouts, you’ll want to do even more workout routines. You’ll want to always try to challenge yourself.

When that proper time comes, there is a kettlebell program you’ll want to check out.

The Kettlebell Burn is a killer fat burning program that tests what you’re really made of. If you want to take your workout to the next major level, start the Kettlebell Burn routine.

In just 16 weeks, your body will be completely transformed into mass muscle.

If you want to start out kind of slow and work your own way up, consider the awesome 21-day Kettlebell Swing Challenge. Each of these videos is under 20 minutes. Have the killer body you want without plain slaving at the local gym for it in just 21 days!

Remember to keep Kettle belling!

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AdminBurn Fat with Kettlebell workouts.

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AdminBurn Fat with Kettlebell workouts.

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What Are The Major Differences Between Kettlebell Weights And Dumbbell Weights?

September 22, 2012 by  
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Article by Connor Quinn

What Are The Major Differences Between Kettlebell Weights And Dumbbell Weights? – Business – Franchising

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When lots of individuals hear the word kettlebell weights, they normally wonder what in the world these things are and if they are the exact same thing as dumbbells! Well, kettlebell weights do look a lot like dumbbells, however, the shape is very different once you get down to the nitty gritty of it!

Dumbbells are normally extremely symmetrical and kettlebell weights aren’t! Actually, this is a good thing as it makes the person using the weights work harder and activate all those little muscles you usually don’t use when you exercise in a more traditional method.

One of the favorite things about kettlebell weights is that they exercise your ab muscles much more than something like a dumbbell will which is a great relief to a lot of individuals nowadays as we all seemed to have acquired a pound or two. Since these do have a handle on them, some individuals will even use them to do push-ups also. It’s been referred to as The Perfect Pushup! In fact if you look around on the market these days you would find various balls with handles on them to utilize for this exact practice.The kettlebell generally work a little better though because of the weight distribution.

If you want to imagine how a kettle bell looks the best way is to picture a cannon ball with a handle. Most of the conventional weights utilized today don’t allow for “swing” movements and the kettlebell does. These bells allow for an array of kettlebell exercises like Leg Rear Dead lift, Double Kettlebell Front Squat, Tactical Lunge, and a work out referred to as the Pistol Squat. All of these kettlebell workouts can be found right online. In fact, there are few sites online that would not only give you a variety of kettlebell exercises, but they also might show you illustrations or videos on the way to do these kettlebell workouts also.

I’m a big visualizer, so I can always do something better or the correct way if I can actually see how it’s being done and what I ought to be copying! Even, these web sites which teach you about kettlebell exercises and kettlebell workouts also will assist you purchase kettlebells and find kettlebells for sale. These are becoming more and more popular, however, occasionally they are still hard to find so it’s nice to have someone help you out with that!

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Want to lose weight quickly? Kettlebells for sale offer tips and tricks to use kettlebells, specializing in traditional strength training and techniques. Know more about kettlebell weights by logging in to NOW.

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Want to lose weight quickly? Kettlebells for sale offer tips and tricks to use kettlebells, specializing in traditional strength training and techniques. Know more about kettlebell weights by logging in to NOW.

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An Introduction to Popular Russian Kettlebell Workouts

September 3, 2012 by  
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Article by Amber Freeman

An Introduction to Popular Russian Kettlebell Workouts – Health – Fitness

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Over the past couple of years, cannonball shaped weights with handles have gained considerable popularity in the United States. For over a century, people in various countries and Russia have been using kettlebells. Kettlebells are available in a variety of fixed weights, and many different workouts can be performed using them. So, if you plan to perform the following Russian kettlebell workouts, make sure you have different weight kettlebells.

History Russian Kettlebell Exercises

The reason these workouts have a Russian origin is because athletes and soldiers in Russia have been using them as a training mechanism for a long time. Kettlebells were once favored as training tools in Russian strongman competitions. In 1985, the first ever kettlebell event was sponsored by Russia. Since then, Russian gymnasts and fitness buffs typically use kettlebells in their workout routines.

Kettlebell Swings

You can develop your arms, back, buttocks and legs using kettlebells when performing swings. Perform this kettlebell workout in a standing position by keeping your feet apart at shoulder-width. Squat down by bending your knees while holding a kettlebend in each hand and push back your hips. Lower the kettlebell while bending forward. Start swinging the kettlebell to your eye level by thrusting your hips forward and extending your knees. Bend your hips and knees to get back to the squat position while the kettlebell is being pulled down to the floor. You can repeat as many repetitions of this workout as you want to.

Wrestlers’ Row

Wrester’s row is one of the Russian kettlebell workouts that can help you strengthen your arms, back, glutes and legs if you are using kettlebells. Stand up, keeping your apart at hip-distance while holding a kettlebell in both hands. Lean forward from your hips while bending your knees a bit and continue bending till your upper body and the floor are almost parallel to each other. Use your elbows to lead, while pulling your hands in your lower ribs and maintain this starting position. Pull your right arm into your side while extending your left arm toward the floor. Return to the starting position by pulling back your arm. Keep your left arm in place while extending your right arm. Complete your set by continuing this pulling pattern by alternating between your arms.

Floor Press

You develop your chest, shoulder and triceps muscles by performing floor presses using kettlebells. Lie down on the floor between two kettlebells and keep your shoulders at level with the kettlebells. Rest the kettlbells against your forearms while placing your fingers inside the handles and gripping them. Press the kettlebells to the length of your arms. Bend your arms while keeping your legs bent and your head over the floor. Bring your upper arms into contact with the floor by lowering the kettlebells slowly. Drive the kettlebells back up to the length of your arms immediately when your arms touch the floor. You can also use one kettlebell at one time when performing this kettlebell workout or you can use an alternate between your arms to add variety.

Since intensity and resistance will be created in your workout because of the additional weight of kettlebells, this way, muscles are cut quickly by Russian kettlebell exercises. Unlike free weights or normal dumbbells, even the intrinsic muscles are easily worked out because of a kettebell’s awkward size. This is why kettebell workouts are so beneficial since they benefit every major muscle group.

About the Author

Amber Freeman is a writer who loves researching and writing about many of her passions. You can benefit from all the research and care that has gone into her latest website, Russian Kettlebells, where she provides information, tips on care, and even talks about a Men’s Kettlebells.

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Amber Freeman is a writer who loves researching and writing about many of her passions. You can benefit from all the research and care that has gone into her latest website, Russian Kettlebells, where she provides information, tips on care, and even talks about a Men’s Kettlebells.

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Kettlebell Routine Exercise Benefits Both Men And Women in the home.

August 23, 2012 by  
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Article by Rafael Welker

Kettlebell Routine Exercise Benefits Both Men And Women in the home. – Other

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Kettlebell Routine Exercise Benefits Both Men And Women. There are two reasons why people work out – to burn fat and to replace them with muscle mass. Often times, you find yourself doing separate workout routines so that you can successfully attain both your fitness goals. It takes so much of our time to do cardiovascular or aerobic exercises separate from anaerobic or muscle toning routines. Moreover, we are left with very little energy for the rest of the day. Isn’t it wonderful if you can work on your overall wellbeing with just one workout routine? Introducing Kettlebell routine exercises! A kettlebell is a weight used to aid in building physical strength and endurance. It is made of cast iron which is similar to the sphere utilized during a hammer throw. You may purchase this amazing workout equipment online. One of the most popular brands is the Reebok Kettlebell which is available in 2.5 kilograms and 7.5 kilograms. Beginners and advanced fitness buffs can make use of this. There is a plethora of kettlebell routine exercises for men and women alike. You just need to modify the number of repetitions and choose a heavier kettlebell if the previous one you used is not as challenging as before. Routine # 1: The Swing For women, use a lighter kettlebell. Grab one with both your hands and stand with your feet shoulder length apart. Bend your legs but keep your back straight and then stand up while slowly lifting the kettlebell and swinging it towards your front. As gravity pulls the kettlebell back down, simultaneously bend your knees back to your initial position and let the equipment swing between your legs. Do 2 sets of 10 repetitions. Routine # 2: The Deadlift This routine will work on your abdominal area, glutes, hamstrings and hips. Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Make sure that your feet are flat on the floor and that they are in a 45 degree angle pointed outwards. Squat down and grab the kettlebell from the floor. Slowly stand up with your arms extended and then go back to your original position. Do 2 sets of 10 repetitions. Routine # 3: The Twist Sit with your back straight and your knees bent with feet flat on the floor. Place the kettlebell at one side of your body with both hands holding it. Lift it and bring it to the other side while simultaneously twisting your upper torso. This will help tone your abs and create a very pleasing shape. Routine # 4: Kettlebell Push Ups This will do wonders to your shoulders, triceps and chest. You just simply need to hold the kettlebells with your hands instead of the regular hands flat on the floor position. This is quite a challenging routine so make sure you know how to do regular push ups properly before trying this out. Kettlebell routine exercises are very easy to do. You can easily learn these from DVD’s made especially by fitness professionals and workout enthusiasts. They require less time and effort in performing and most of all, you can work on several muscle groups with just one type of routine.

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Danny Ward

I have used for specialist advice on the this subject as he was highly qualified in sports science and believes in this product that he was kind enough the weite this, if you want Kettlebells that are of a good standard then please follow this link.Kettlebell routine exercises

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Danny Ward

I have used for specialist advice on the this subject as he was highly qualified in sports science and believes in this product that he was kind enough the weite this, if you want Kettlebells that are of a good standard then please follow this link.Kettlebell routine exercises

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Kettlebell Exercises – What’s All of the Fuss About

August 4, 2012 by  
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Article by Georgette Adanas

Kettlebell Exercises – What’s All of the Fuss About – Health

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You’ve probably heard an awesome deal about kettlebell exercises in recent months if you’re spending any attention at all to the most up-to-date fitness trends. As the popularity of kettlebell instruction and workouts are growing across the country so is interest between those who had previously never heard of this completely new kind of exercise method . If you are amongst those who’re just now hearing about it, kettlebell workouts range in intensity and style and give a different kind of strengthening and toning exercise to supplement or improve those you’re already doing. The more individuals try this workout intensifying device, the more individuals who become hooked on it.

Kettlebell exercises are often traditional exercises with an added dimension. They have been used in fitness clubs across the country and can certainly be quite intense like those which are used in SWAT fitness gyms or a little less bone jarring and used with a Pilates workout. Kettlebells are becoming a whole new favorite as they are less bulky than traditional barbells. Some people prefer to use adjustable kettlebells so that the weight could possibly be adjusted up or down to raise or lessen the intensity of the workout.

You can find examples of kettlebell exercises online but it’s very best if you find either an instructor or workout video that makes employ of kettlebells in the variety of exercise and style of workout that most beneficial matches your demands and interests. Some people prefer kettlebell training to be used entirely for strengthening while others are more interesting in definition and toning rather than building muscle bulk or enhancing strength. It is a great idea to match your workout and instruction according to those interests and wants . When you find the suitable exercises to utilize with kettlebells you’ll not only get a very good workout yet you will also get more visible results for your exercise efforts.

Are kettlebell exercises better or guys or women? Simply because there is so much diversity in what could possibly be accomplished by exercising with kettlebells, all of these exercises are a superb option for both ladies and men . Women normally begin with kettlebells that weigh less than a newbie man’s kettlebell (26.four pounds for beginning women compared with thirty five.two pounds for guys who are new to kettlebell training). But the intensity of the exercises, style, and duration of exercises are your decision as an individual. When you’re ready to kick your fitness routine up a notch, kettlebells are an excellent method of getting the job done.

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Georgette Adanas has been writing articles on buy kettlebell core exercises since 2001.

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Georgette Adanas has been writing articles on buy kettlebell core exercises since 2001.

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How to Prepare Your Kettlebell Workout Routine Schedule

July 28, 2012 by  
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Article by James Karim

How to Prepare Your Kettlebell Workout Routine Schedule – Sports

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Lots of people think that kettlebell training is way too hard to do. This is because most of the publicity goes to individuals who are capable of lifting hundreds of pounds (sometimes thousands) and whose muscles are huge-much larger than the well proportioned muscles you are probably hoping to develop. This type of thing is not what the sport is really about, which is building your health, increasing your energy and strengthening your stamina. It works out all of your muscles and helps you stay fit. When you pair it with a good lifestyle and a healthy diet, kettlebell training is quite a good sport! This article contains kettlebell workout tips that will help you approach the sport correctly.

Find someone who can help you. When you are first starting out you are more likely to make mistakes with your training routine. When you work with someone who is more experienced like a partner or a trainer you can learn the good habits first. Developing your own (good) training routine is a lot easier when you have someone with kettlebell experience on your side. You will be far more likely to have success and far less likely to hurt yourself by making silly mistakes. Eventually you will learn enough that you will be able to confidently develop your own kettlebell exercise regimen but if you are new to the sport, it is better to let someone teach you what you need to do. Your body will be very grateful that you did.

Kettlebell workout relies quite a bit upon proper protein intake. It is vitally important that you take in enough protein so that your muscles can build back up properly after each workout. Many Kettlebell Lifters add protein powders to their food to make sure that they get the protein that they need. You don’t have to do this when you are a beginning Kettlebell Lifter. Because you are just starting out, making sure that your diet is balanced and healthy should be good enough. If you become very involved in kettlebell training and start to take part in it more often or to intensify your workouts, you might want to think about upping your protein intake to compensate for the needs of your muscles. Ask your doctor which type of protein powder is best.

Some of the major kettlebell individual exercises include military presses, push ups, pull ups, dead lifts, curls, lunges, leg curls, squats, side laterals, barbell curls, hanging leg raises and all of the other types of exercise that most consider “normal” like running, biking and swimming. Make sure you have each of these exercises mastered and do not try to do them alone. You should always have a spotter when you are lifting, especially during the days when you are working on building up your strength for new weight limits. Trying to lift without having a spotter handy is dangerous because you will need someone to help you if the lift you do becomes too hard for you to do on your own. If you want to get into fantastic shape kettlebell training is a way to do that. For many beginning Kettlebell Lifters, increasing one’s health is the main goal. It is only later that they decide to focus more on their outward appearance and the actual building of their muscles. It is important that you take care to approach kettlebell training the right way. Remember: achieving good health is your main goal. Don’t take unnecessary risks. Don’t push yourself too hard or to fast. You will get to the place you want to go. Getting there involves hard work and lots of patience.

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Kettlebell Training and Safety!

July 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

To train with kettlebells means that you will pound your body into shape from every core strengthening swing you execute! However, if you are not careful you can destroy a lot of property and injure yourself or someone else. The key to training with kettlebells is to just use common sense. Check out the following safety tips you can implement to ensure your safety.

I would recommend training outdoors with kettlebells on an open grassy area if possible. This is the best environment for kettlebell training because if you lose control of the weight you can simply let it go without worry of hurting anyone or anything. Anytime you begin dynamic movements such as swings and overhead snatches make sure no one walks in front of the arc of your swing. People don’t generally use common sense and they will walk in front of you, trust me its happened to me.

A kettlebell man or woman has to use common sense for everyone else. This is part of what separates you and your training from everyone else and their training! This awesome tool of fat-loss and hard body development is very effective in helping you to develop the body you have always wanted, but it must be respected.

Make sure that you are always aware of your surroundings when starting your kettlebell training program. If you are helping someone else to get started then you need to also take the time to make sure they are aware of their kettlebell responsibilities.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:
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I’m Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Best Fat-Burning Kettlebell Exercises Revealed

July 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Kettlebell training has certainly become an indispensable fitness tool for some champion athletes and famous celebrities around the world. Kettlebell training is not only superior to most of form of training for athletic development, it is a great and simple tool for shedding the fat in the body which is obviously important for athletes and celebrities. It is no wonder that kettlebell has only increased in its popularity when most of the other fitness trend are fading off.

As a kettlebell instructor, I know certain kettlebell exercises are great for increasing the metabolism and losing the fat in the body. In fact, these three exercises have common elements and are the type of exercises that research has found to be effective in raising the metabolism. These kettlebell exercises are classified as ballistic and compound movements. The following are 3 fat-burning kettlebell exercises you want to include in your fat loss training.

The Swing
When performing this exercise, be sure to go for high repetition in order to achieve the fat-burning effects.

It is a fundamental movement in kettlebell exercises that must be mastered with high level of proficiency. Without mastering the proper techniques of the kettlebell swing, it can be very hard to do well in the next two exercises and achieve the maximum fat-burning effects.

The Clean
It is one of the compound exercises that has been found to be effective in raising the metabolism. Although deceptively dangerous, it is actually a lot gentler on the wrist compared to a clean performed with barbell.

The Snatch
It is a highly explosive move in kettlebell training and great exercise for increasing the heart rate for great cardiovascular fitness and fat loss.

The recommendation here is to go for high repetitions.

The common things about the 3 kettlebell exercises are that they worked on multiple muscles groups at the same time, fast movements and caused high elevation of heart rate. All these factors contribute to effective fat loss and raise in the resting metabolism.

TC is a personal trainer in Perth who runs personal training and boot camp services in the suburb of Nedlands, Dalkeith, Subiaco and Claremont in Perth, Western Australia. He is very passionate about kettlebell training and he runs a Perth kettlebell boot camp in the City. For a 1-week FREE access to his kettlebell boot camp and access to his kettlebell training blog, please visit

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