Weight Management Training for Kids in a Gym Franchise

September 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by Kimberley Smith

Weight Management Training for Kids in a Gym Franchise – Health – Weight Loss

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Over the last decade, there has been a lot of change in our lifestyle and food habits. As a result of this the obesity rate has increased nationwide. Research shows that 16% of children in America are obese. 70% of these kids remain obese as they grow up. Now the condition has become even worst as one in 15 children have to seek medical intervention to recover from obesity.People have now become health conscious after becoming aware of the adverse effect of. Keeping this in mind most restaurants are trying to offer healthier alternatives. It has also changed our approach to deal with kids

Healthy Eating for Kids

August 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by Gary Direnfeld, MSW, RSW

Healthy Eating for Kids – Food

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Healthy Eating for Kids

Teaching kids healthy eating is not a lecture, it is a parental practice through which children observe and learn. Further, although kids may whine and squirm and even outright reject what’s on the plate, parents must come to realize that being held hostage by childish control strategies only improperly empowers children and thus creates greater feeding difficulties in the long run.

It is the parents who are in control of what food comes into the house, how it is prepared and how it is served. Meal design, food purchases, preparation and service thus become the real feeding grounds for developing healthy eating by our kids as managed by parents.

Children can be involved in all the areas of meal design, food purchase, preparation and service – at parents and child’s discretion. While children may be involved at any step along the way, it is up to the parent to direct the options available to the child so that decisions are made within a range of healthy choices.

If parents haven’t managed the process of developing healthy eating habits, kids may come to think they are in charge or have more say than is appropriate. If this is the case, wrestling control back from the hands of the child, to the parent can be a challenge. Parents must understand that kids will chose not necessarily what is best, but what is most enjoyable from ease of preparation to overly salty or sugary foods. When parents look to change their child’s eating habits, they can expect objections and protests. Parents who give in to such behaviour only serve to teach their children that that behaviour pays off and thus the parent increases the likelihood that the child will continue to use those strategies whenever faced with things not to their liking. When parents seek to alter a child’s direction, the parent must be able to withstand the objections and protest and hold their own ground. Thus the child eventually learns that the parent means business and that the inappropriate strategies are futile.

Here are some tips for managing children’s healthy eating.

1. Depending on the age of the child, spend some time talking and constructing meal plans together. Remember though, parents guide the process and cannot be swayed or negotiated into poor decisions. Don’t use a poor decision to reinforce a good one.

2. Parents and child can go shopping together. When purchasing fruits and vegetables, ask the grocery clerk to help determine what is the freshest or ripest. Listen and learn with your child and go about smelling the produce and fruits together. Remember, it can’t come into the house if you the parent don’t buy it!

3. Unpack groceries together. This serves to teach your children the efforts involved in getting food from the store to home. Thank your child for their assistance. Let your child know how much they are appreciated.

4. Prepare snacks and meals together. Let the kids participate and have fun along the way. Think of meal preparation as a science experiment or art class. Wonder how flavours will go together or how things might look when cooked or put to the plate. Use the time to enjoy each other’s company. This will be very new territory for many kids and parents alike. However, it remains the parent’s responsibility to show their appreciation and love to their child during the process, regardless of how much or little the child actually participates. Their mere presence, for however long, is to be reinforced.

5. Finally, sit down and enjoy the eating together. Statistically, the more meals a family enjoys together, the better behaved and adjusted the children tend to be. Further, parents are more in touch with their children’s lives and together they have better rapport. As a result of the better rapport, parents actually hold more influence with their children than do the children’s peers. This becomes an essential element come the child’s adolescence when parents seek to protect their kids from more serious social issues.

Throughout, remember that developing healthy eating habits is not a race or a destination. It is a process over time. Ignore the setbacks and build on each day’s successes. Successes are there if you concentrate on finding them as opposed to being distracted by upsets.

Bon Appetite!

Gary Direnfeld, MSW, RSW (905) 628-4847gary@yoursocialworker.com http://www.yoursocialworker.com Gary Direnfeld is a social worker. Courts in Ontario, Canada, consider him an expert on child development, parent-child relations, marital and family therapy, custody and access recommendations, social work and an expert for the purpose of giving a critique on a Section 112 (social work) report. Call him for your next conference and for expert opinion on family matters. Services include counselling, mediation, assessment, assessment critiques and workshops.

About the Author

Gary Direnfeld is a social worker. Courts in Ontario, Canada, consider him an expert on child development, parent-child relations, marital and family therapy, custody and access recommendations, social work and an expert for the purpose of giving a critique on a Section 112 (social work) report. Call him for your next conference and for expert opinion on family matters.

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Gary Direnfeld, MSW, RSW

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Gary Direnfeld is a social worker. Courts in Ontario, Canada, consider him an expert on child development, parent-child relations, marital and family therapy, custody and access recommendations, social work and an expert for the purpose of giving a critique on a Section 112 (social work) report. Call him for your next conference and for expert opinion on family matters.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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A Good Strategy For A Healthy Lifestyle For Kids

August 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by Randy Disert

A Good Strategy For A Healthy Lifestyle For Kids – Health

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In the world where technology is rising, it is more difficult to cultivate a healthy lifestyle for kids. This is always a common scenario in every household to see kids holding their game console, cellphone, laptops and spending too much time in front of the television. This is highly difficult to let them get their butts out and become more active in the outdoors especially if both parents are working full time. However, providing this healthy lifestyle for kids may be easier as soon as parents are involved in the activities. Here are strategies you can do to promote a healthy lifestyle for kids.

First, provide your children with nutritious meals. This is your obligation to see to it that your kids are receiving enough nutrition to maintain them physically and mentally. It is a fact that most kids these days are suffering from obesity epidemic which make them more prone to illness and diseases. Do not allow your children to eat junk foods such as pizzas and hamburgers all the time. Take time to prepare them a meal that is low in fat and sugar content.

Establish an ideal time to go to bed. Establish manners which your children ought to follow when it comes to watching television and playing games. Give them time to play and watch but make sure you monitor their sleep. Ensure that they receive plenty time to sleep and rest and not remain up late all the time. You can do this through removing their access to television, computers and game consoles once it is time to sleep especially if they sleep in different rooms. Rest is necessary to cultivate a healthy lifestyle for kids since it should contribute to give them strong body and mind and grow faster.

Spend time to take your children out. You cannot tell your kids to wake up up, exercise and become active. You will surely get a strange look reply from them. Take a break to bring your household into swimming, camping or picnics and play with them. You may additionally go to the gym with them and work out as one household. This should give your kids the time to stay away from their game consoles and be more physically active as well as taking time to bond with each other.

Get them starting in karate, dancing classes or basketball to cultivate their physique and be more active. This will help them divert their attention from foods, games and other bad habits. Activities such as these may help them be more disciplined, keep them moving and move their butts off the couch. This may also help them develop their confidence, gain friends and improve their capacity to deal with others.

Developing a healthy lifestyle for kids may startfrom the parents. Set an example for them. What they see in you, they should surely follow. If you live healthy, your kids may additionally do the same. But you must remember that telling them to do this and that should result to a fair amount of resistance from them. Incorporate the changes slowly however progressively will surely give you the most success in creating a healthy lifestyle for kids.

About the Author

Teaching younger kids about healthy living should possibly become simpler than trying to create a healthy lifestyle for teenagers. Learning simple ways to live a healthy lifestyle is important for everyone of all ages.

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Randy Disert

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Teaching younger kids about healthy living should possibly become simpler than trying to create a healthy lifestyle for teenagers. Learning simple ways to live a healthy lifestyle is important for everyone of all ages.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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Football Training for Kids: Train the Kids in More Than Just Football!

August 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Athletes Acceleration

Football Training for Kids: Train the Kids in More Than Just Football! – Sports – Football

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Football training for kids is a multifaceted process. As a coach, one has to ensure proper athletic performance, strength development, speed and agility, proper attitude, general health, and most importantly, the safety of the kids involved. Sometimes all of these factors, when added together, turn into an overwhelming task

Fitnex X5 Kids Upright Exercise Bike

July 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Bikes

  • Comfortable User Height: 3ft 4in to 5ft 3in / User Weight Capacity: 250 lbs.
  • Strong Sturdy Design with a Stable and Safe Platform / 1.5in x 3.15in Flat Oval Tubing / All Steel Tubes are 14 Gage / Long-Lasting Aluminum Alloy Pedals
  • Flywheel is 16.5 lbs. – Freewheels when user stops pedaling, limiting the injury possibility
  • Commercial Grade / Long Life Roller Bearings
  • Color: Bright Yellow

Product Description
They say good habits start at the home and the Fitnex X5 Kids Upright Exercise Bike teach your kids a healthy lifestyle at a young age. Stationary cycling offers a cardiovascular and strength-building exercise that increases your kids metabolism for more efficient calorie and fat burning. The X5 Kids Upright Bike provides a remarkably comfortable and effective, low-impact aerobic workout supported by a strong sturdy design and stable and safe platform. The flywhe… More >>

Fitnex X5 Kids Upright Exercise Bike

Summer Fitness For Kids

April 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

As important as the pre-game or pre-workout meal is, if kids don’t eat healthily as a general rule they won’t get the much needed nutrients necessary for optimum physical and mental growth, and vitality. So choosing from the following foods and reducing their intake of the obvious “junk” and packaged foods is imperative.

The school bell has rung for the final time this year. The kids are home. You have a few ideas to keep the kids fit, but it is hard to compete with cartoons, MySpace, and Nintendo. Obesity rates among children are reaching epidemic proportions, due in large part to a sedentary generation of kids. So, how can you keep your kids moving this summer.

Sometimes kids can be reluctant to take part in sports and games, especially if they think that they are being ‘forced’ to do them against their will. Children take their lead from their parents so if they see their parents taking part in sports and fitness then they are more than likely to want to copy. Ensuring that the whole family stay fit and healthy can provide the right motivation for the less reluctant child to get involved. Embracing a healthier lifestyle yourself can help teach a child that they need to do the same.

With levels of childhood obesity on the rise and conditions such as diabetes among children a major worry for parents, it has never been more important to think about fitness for kids. As more and more kids are spending increasing levels of time in front of the computer and television, together with the wide range of snacks and unhealthy junk food which are available to kids, these conditions are now reaching epidemic-like levels among the nation’s youngsters.

In today’s age of technical innovations and new ways to entertain children, the growing trend is a lower level of physical activity. More time is spent in front of the television watching movies, surfing the internet, or playing video games. Activity and exercise have given way to the latest sports video game and online adventure.

With the grown in status and awareness of sports such as golf and tennis, get your kids involved in a new sport. In addition to increasing activity and creating a spark of interest, sports will always increase a child’s coordination, movement patterns and build confidence with their peers. Sports such as golf, tennis, basketball, badminton, martial arts are great at keeping them interested and you will find aspiring champions in every child! Kids are great dreamers!

Performing the Yoga postures help purify blood in the blood vessels and muscle co-ordination. Everyday aches and pains can be reduced by practicing Yoga. Body posture awareness, muscle toning, improved stability and mobility of the joints. Internal organs are toned, strengthening the body immune, circulatory and digestive system. Agility, balance, control and coordination are improved, improved balance and sleep patterns.

Children today have access to more technology than ever before. Many children have at least one games console, TV, computer and a mobile phone. All these gadgets are far more tempting than actually going outside into the real world, and actually interacting with real friends.

For instance, a child that gets into a pattern of doing physical activities on a daily basis will then carry those habits into adulthood, making for a much less lazy person. Children who spend their play time outdoors doing cart wheels, running, hiking, hiking, playing with the dog, will then enjoy those as past time activities as adults, rather than vegging out on the couch with junk food. This will decrease the chances of health problems later in life.

The best exercise for kids is to get moving. Develop some fun fitness ideas for kids. We’re not talking about body building or abandoning them to the treadmill for a half hour each day. If it’s not fun, they won’t do it. In a previous article, The Epidemic of Childhood Obesity, I talked about how childhood obesity can be prevented. And honestly, it most cases it can be prevented.

Gone are the oranges that we used to give our children at half time. Replaced with lollies(candy)! Why? They need an energy boost. Well giving them lollies will give them an energy boost for about ten minutes if you are lucky. Then their energy will plummet to levels well below the level prior to consumption.

Performing the Yoga postures help purify blood in the blood vessels and muscle co-ordination. Everyday aches and pains can be reduced by practicing Yoga.

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What Parents Should Know About Healthy Eating For Kids

April 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by Trevor John

Healthy eating for kids is an issue that affects parents everywhere. Children need to consume a diet rich in the vitamins and minerals needed for proper growth and development. Instilling good habits when children are young will encourage them to live a healthy lifestyle when they become adults.

Eliminating excess fat is important to avoid obesity. Overweight children have a higher risk of developing a variety of health problems. Making the right choices at the grocery store is an effective way to reduce fat intake. Suitable options include lean meats and poultry served without the skin. Whole grains and nonfat dairy products are better choices than processed foods made with white flour and whole milk.

Protein is important for growth of virtually every part of the body. The proteins are broken down into amino acids, which go into producing tissues, cells, hormones and enzymes. Animal and plant products contain proteins. Eggs and other animal products are the body’s only source for certain essential amino acids. Protein needs fluctuate during development with the greatest need during infancy and just prior to the adolescent growth spurt.

Most people are aware of calcium’s role in the development of strong bones but this mineral is crucial for other physiological functions. The body needs calcium for normal muscular activity, to regulate heartbeat and to assist in blood clotting. When calcium levels become too low, the body compensates by withdrawing it from bones. Dairy products like milk, yogurt and cheese are rich in calcium.

Milk is also the primary dietary source of Vitamin D. The bones need Vitamin D to absorb enough calcium for proper growth.

Many kids do not get enough fiber in the diet. Foods like beans, vegetables, fruits and whole grains contain large amounts of fiber in addition to minerals and vitamins. Eating foods rich in fiber promotes healthy digestion. These foods will also make the child feel full longer and decrease the desire for between meal snacking.

Iron plays a crucial role in early brain development and the ability of red blood cells to transport oxygen throughout every portion of the body. Heme iron from animal products is more readily absorbed than the non heme iron in plants. Good dietary sources of iron include meat, spinach, seafood and legumes. Some food suppliers add non heme iron to pasta, cereal, bread and rice.

Children who are included in shopping for food and preparing meals will learn good nutrition habits by example. Snacking is not a bad thing as long as the food provides nutritional value instead of just empty calories. Whenever possible, parents should serve water instead of sodas and juices packed with sugars.

Sticking to a regular meal schedule will encourage good eating habits. Parents dealing with children who are finicky eaters may have to get creative at mealtime. Most kids hate plain vegetables but can be convinced to eat them with a nutritious dipping sauce. Cutting foods into shapes is a way to make dinner fun. Finding ways to encourage healthy eating for kids is challenging but necessary for proper growth and development.

Check out these tasty healthy eating for kids recipes and find out more about healthy eating for children.

Physical Fitness for Kids is Essential

February 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Physical Fitness

Article by Jesse Regan

Gone are the days when neighborhood kids are more often seen racing by the roadside, skipping ropes, or playing hide-and-seek. Instead, they are most likely found huddled in a friend’s living room playing video games or watching cartoons. That is not the case though when TV was still in black-and-white. Today’s kids definition for leisure is closely related to computer gaming. To gather friends means getting the latest version of a role-playing computer online game or showing a newly-release DVD version of a hit animated film

Kids are also insatiable monsters when it comes to junk food consumption, which is why snack food producers target them most in their advertisements. The kids do not need hard selling of fares with generous amounts of cholesterol and sugar. However, it would take words of an ace sales representative to goad them into eating anything made of veggies or fish. Their eating habits are usually influenced by TV commercials and not by what but nutritionists or doctors say.

This only shows that today’s kids have a way of life that is, perhaps, enjoyable but also harmful. Cases of obesity among them have risen in numbers. Bad cholesterol has stricken many young ones with hypertension. The chocolates, ice cream, and cookies have also made some suffer diabetes early on. The sedentary lifestyle and the bad diet naturally make them physically and mentally weak.

To deprive them absolutely the anomalous snack and TV is harsh for the kids. While perhaps minimizing junk food and boob tube time, they must be encouraged to pursue playful activities that would develop physical fitness. These are important measures for them to trim the level of fat and holistically improve their physique. Aside from the physical aspect, they can hone their mental faculties to coordinate their body functions well. Playing with other kids through physical games will also teach them teamwork and competitiveness, both much-needed foundations needed for adulthood.

As it is for teenagers and adults, physical fitness is important for kids. The common but narrow notion is that cardio-vascular problems strike only adults. Statistics have since proven, however, that the causes for such diseases did not occur only in early adulthood. The causes that led to these started to develop even during the pre-teen or teen years. Therefore, if measures had been taken during childhood, the chances of acquiring heart diseases would have been lesser.

It would be cruel and rigorous to a kid though if the adult concept of physical fitness training is strictly applied on him. However, outdoor activities like hiking, swimming, sports and other kid’s games can encourage him to sweat out and burn calories. There are also fitness-training methods that are creatively and professionally designed to catch the kids’ interest. These dwell on motivating the kids to participate actively in fitness training sessions by simply making it fun and enjoyable, making it just another easy routine in a child’s day.

If you enjoy great fitness tips like these keep on reading. If you are interested about getting in the best shape of your physical and financial life, then visit my site Fitness of Wealth. Here you will learn from Jesse what it takes to get amazing results from being a top Beachbody Coach. It is his goal to help at least 1000 people achieve their fitness and financial dreams.

6/26/10 Al did 27 pullups at this years Marine PFT at age 64, see new video. (10/07/09 update: Martin was able to re-calculate the correct PFQ score due to an error in the 3 mile run distance, as a 297. Additionally, a former Marine also calculated the score at 297. Al says “Im absolutely good with that”) Al Moreno served as a Marine in Vietnam from 1968-1969. On May 18, 2008 at age 62 Al performed the PFT with other active duty Marines at Camp Pendleton Marine Base in California to achieve the highest possible fitness score of 300 points. Al is very proud to be a former-Marine saying “Once a Marine, Always a Marine!”. Al is an avid rock climber and works hard to stay in “Marine Corps” shape. In 1996, when Al was 50, he qualified for and was selected to participate in the American Gladiators show. The Gladiators show was cancelled a month later before he had a chance to tape a show. Al is a private investigator and specializes in personal training and security in the Long Beach, California area. Al is a great motivator to others and is available for personal training and speaking engagements. He can be contacted at aam@globalinvestigations.com.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Strength Training For Kids: Training the Young Athlete

January 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

Article by Andrew Carl

If your child lacks strength in kids soccer he or she can make it up by building strength, power and speed away from the soccer field. The great thing is that a child as young as eight years old can start a properly supervised strength training program. One fun way for kids to get a strength training workout is by having a wheelbarrow race. Have the kids lie flat on their stomachs with their legs straight. An adult will then pick up the kids ankles and hold the ankles the same way they would hold a wheelbarrow. The kids will then straighten their arms lifting themselves off the ground as they would with a pushup. From there, the race begins.

When we talk about exercise routines for children we must not get them confused with the strict routines that adults follow. Children’s exercise routines should be fun, flexible and enjoyable, not the three or four gym visits per week type routines. As children are still growing, certain types of exercise may be harmful to them at a younger age.

We all want our young athlete to be as successful on the field as possible. Coaches spend a great deal of time with young athletes on skills and drills. Parents enroll children in speed and agility camps and provide private instruction hoping to develop a better player. While skills and drills and sport specific instruction may make the player more proficient kicking a soccer ball or throwing a baseball.

Works other skills required that will improve your football game. All this said, why not work some specific drills that will improve your game quickly so that your kid can continue being a kid? Just remember make sure it is fun. He is doing this while playing another sport, so it can’t feel like another practice. It has to feel like a game if you want him to do it on his own.

Schools recognize the need for kids fitness training and offer activities such as football, baseball, volleyball, soccer, and golf as a way to get them involved with sports and fitness. These activities also require traveling if the kids are performing in sport activities. The children learn responsibly, fitness, and how to eat healthy. They also learn about things in life other than video games, drugs, and drinking.

Set aside your pride and let the professionals take over if you want what is best for your kid. I have been training kids and youth athletes for a long time and have seen too many problems with kids getting injured, misinformed, or burned-out due to receiving incompetent instruction from an unqualified adult. Too many problems like childhood obesity and youth onset diabetes are piling up in this country.

The same goes for off-ice training. The importance of off-ice training for the development of an ice-hockey player is irrefutable. If your child does not practice off-ice properly, with drills matching his or her age and progress, your child’s game will suffer during the season – and later in life. Your child needs personal guidance in order to practice correctly off the ice.

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Outlining Best Kids Fitness Training Program – What it must include and Exclude

January 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Article by Itmaster

Increasing obesity problem in children has made it essential to develop an effective kids fitness training program. A kid can become obese at anytime during his age depending on what he consumes, way he lives and number of physical activities performed by him. Depending on all these factors, a well structured kids fitness training program must be selected by parents or fitness trainers. Since, body of children is not too tough or in other words is sensitive as compared to elders, so, it is essential to go for a training program which is not too harsh.

Keeping strict kids fitness training is difficult as these individuals are not used to follow regular exercising pattern.Despite of this however, if in case a child is in urgent need of losing excessive fat from body then it becomes necessary to outline a strict exercising pattern for couple of days or months. There are varieties of kids fitness training programs which have been designed by expert trainers. These programs can be selected depending on a child’s requirement. In addition to these exercising programs, there are ample numbers of fitness equipments also obtainable for children. These equipments are especially designed for children and can be used in order to secure larger fruitful gains from entire fitness program.

An exercise in itself is not enough for maintaining physical strength of a child. In order to maintain physical well being of children, it is essential to outline a kids fitness training program inclusive of healthy food and active lifestyle. In addition to this, it is also required to design an interesting and fun form of kids fitness training program. This is because children are too casual and not much serious about their physical well being. So, if they are made to do exercise in fun way then it becomes easy to stick them to entire program. An exercising regimen for kids must be outlined in such a way so that they are able to lose their excessive fat but secure strong muscles and bones.

Kids fitness training program can be inclusive of physical processes such as riding bike, walking or jogging long distances. They must ask for climbing stairs instead of using lifts. Parents can also make children do little household chores and other work. Even parents can plan walk or exercising routine with their children in order to make them have totally physically fit body. Strength exercises such as sit-ups, leg lifts, pushups, knee bends, heel raises and crunches can also be included in kids fitness training program outlined for children.

The kids fitness training program must involve small exercises which are not too strenuous but are good enough to reduce excessive fat from their body. It should be incorporated with easy exercises and healthy dietary regimen so that they can have totally fit and powerful physical as well as mental well being.

I am currently writing for fitness equipments.

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