Killer Quick Arm Workouts

September 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Joshua Noerr

Killer Quick Arm Workouts – Health – Fitness

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There are lots of times when getting a great workout is really tough. Life can come at you fast and furious, and unfortunately, health and fitness is one of the first things to go when that starts to happen.

Luckily, you can still get a great workout even on a tight schedule.

We are first going to look at a few principles of building quick and effective workouts, then we will look at a sample arm workout using those principles.

The sample workout will be very tough, and will take you less than 10 minutes to get through the whole thing.

All right, let’s start by taking a look at the principles behind a good quick workout.

Quick Workout Principles

The first principle of a good, quick workout is to keep the rest periods short, ie. no more than 30 seconds.

If you are on a time crunch, it makes no sense to spend a ton of your limited time sitting around drinking water.

The next principle is to target antagonistic muscle pairings. This usually means a push/pull type of super set.

This allows one muscle group to rest while the other is working.

Third, aim to keep your repetitions higher than you normally do. If you usually do 6-8 reps, aim for 12-15. This will increase the time under tension for the target muscle groups.

The fourth principle is to choose only two exercises. This will allow you to be very efficient. You won’t be running around the gym trying to find a bunch of different pieces of equipment or waiting for someone to finish on a machine.

You can get in and get out, while still getting a great workout.

Now that you understand the principles behind how we build these programs, let’s look at one you could do in under 10 minutes for your arms.

Sample 10 Minute Arm Workout

For this workout, all you will need is a set of dumbbells.

We are going to perform dumbbell curls in a super set with lying triceps extensions.

The rest periods will be only 30 seconds in between each, and we will aim for 12 repetitions on each set.

We will do a total of 5 sets of each exercise.

On the fifth set, we will throw in a wild card. Instead of only performing 12 reps on each exercise, do as many reps as you can until you simply cannot do anymore.

Your arms will be burning like crazy, and will have a crazy pump after words.

Let’s just review that workout and evaluate it against our principles.

We chose an antagonistic muscle pair, the biceps and triceps. The rest periods were only 30 seconds. We did 12 reps, and we only used 2 exercises.

Mission accomplished!

About the Author

Click here for some additional information that will help you build bigger arms by understanding the muscles of the upper arm

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Joshua Noerr

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Click here for some additional information that will help you build bigger arms by understanding the muscles of the upper arm

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Get Killer Abs with Kettlebells

April 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

If you want killer abs then you need the right gym equipment. People spend thousands every year on gym fees, specialised equipment and supplements to help them sculpt their bodies into lean mean muscle machines. There is a simple and cost effective solution for you though – buy kettlebells. These weights are ideal for a wide range of exercises and can be used to target more than just your arms – which is what a lot of beginners think they are used for.

Ab training can be boosted by targeting your core, as it is believed that the main function of your abdominals is to keep your torso upright. Using weight to throw your body off balance and force your core to work leads to improved strength, balance and attractive abs.

To assist you in getting the abs you have always dreamed of, here are the top five exercises you can perform using kettlebells:

Kettlebell Windmills:

Standing in an upright position, hold the kettlebell overhead with one arm, keeping it locked at all times.

Swing your body down with your backside pushing out toward the arm holding the kettlebell. Reach down, with your foot pointed at a 45 degree angle, until you touch your toes.
Kettlebell Swings:

Bend your knees, keep your back and arm straight, then swing the kettlebell through your legs as if you were going to pass it to someone before explosively bringing it back out. Change arms after each set.

Around The World

Grab the kettlebell with both hands, bending your knees and keeping your back straight. Launch the kettlebell from between your legs, over your head while turning 180 degrees before bringing it back down between your legs.

Repeat in one fluid motion until you finish your set.
Renegade Rows

Holding a kettlebell in each hand, get into a push-up position. Lift one arm then push it into the floor while pulling up the other arm. Continue switching working arms until you finish your set.


Lift the kettlebell under your chin using both hands, with the handle facing toward your throat. Keep both hands on the base of the kettlebell and rotate it around your head, bringing it back to the starting position each time.

Forget that old gym equipment and try kettlebells now!

Anita Lyon is a Professional freelance SEO Copywriter and writes on various topics.

CLICK HERE for a FREE Workout!! In this video you will discover the 5 best kettlebell exercises for training your abdominals. For all the exercises you will be working your abs just as hard if not harder, than what you would be doing with regular crunches. The first exercise is Windmills. So, with the KB up overhead, keep your knees straight, brace your abs and lower your opposite hand down to the ground while keeping your eye on the KB up overhead. Be sure not to let your back round. Doall reps for one side and then switch arms. The next exercise is Kettlebell Swings. This exercise is a very important exercise for your abs in that they work your abs the way they were meant to be worked by stabilizing them. So, with your arms outstretched below, grab the KB with both hands, and using your only your hips and your legs drive the KB forward. Your arms will just be along for the ride in this exercise. Keep your upper and lower body braced at all times, while maintaining a flat back. Another great exercise is the Around the World Kettlebell exercise. For this one, you want to brace your abs and squeeze your glutes at all times. Next, take the KB behind your back, switch hands and bring the KB around front, handing off to the other hand in a continuous motion. You want to maintain an upright torso and go as fast as possible throughout. Once you have done all the reps one way, switch and go the other way. You will be resisting rotation which will work

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