Lose Belly Fat For Women – Get In Shape For The Summer Ladies!

August 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Rob Nurden

Lose Belly Fat For Women – Get In Shape For The Summer Ladies! – Health – Weight Loss

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Research has shown that women are more likely to want to lose belly fat than men are.One reason for this could be the fact that women can gain weight during pregnancy or whilst suffering from depression, thus causing the problem of overeating. So, if you are a woman wanting some advice on how to lose belly fat then please read on.

1. Fasting.

Not eating enough food is one of the many mistakes women make.

Too many women even starve themselves due to the dramatic reduction in food intake. As a result of this the body’s metabolism slows down as your food supply is reduced, therefore belly fat is not burned off as quickly as it could be. Whenever this happens many women chose to overeat or binge on the wrong foods usually at the wrong time causing an increase in belly fat.

The best way to help control this would be to eat smaller meals more often instead of larger ones less often. To help keep your body’s metabolism working properly you need to eat at least 3-5 small meals a day including light snacks in-between in order to feel more energized.

2. Cardiovascular Exercises

Many women use cardiovascular exercises as a way to help burn off belly fat, but as this can be a good way to help achieve this you could introduce short more highly intensive training in order to burn more calories. To achieve this you need to increase the intensity of your cardio workouts for at least 30 seconds pausing for around 20 seconds then repeating the process again. Try to maintain this for about 5-8 minutes at a time.

3. High Fiber Diet.

Finally, having a diet high in fiber will help not only burn belly fat but keep your metabolic rate high too. As an average women should try to eat around 35 grams of fiber per day. By eating a lot of fiber it also improves digestion and flushes out unwanted toxins from your system. The best fiber to use is both fruit and vegetables.

In order to lose one pound of fat, a healthy individual ought to burn approximately 3500 calories more than are eaten. Here is an example: by decreasing calories by 300 daily and boosting your activity output in the daily basis to burn off extra 200 calories, you would experience a weight loss of one pound each week.

It is also important that you drink plenty of water everyday too, around 8 eight-ounce glasses should be drank in order to help burn belly fat and keep your body hydrated too

About the Author

Rob Nurden has been a health and fitness enthusiast for many years who has himself struggled with various weight loss issues.You will be able to relate to him through the information he provides with articles and his blog.Feel free to take a look at his articles and blog which are regularly updated providing information on dieting, belly fat, weight loss, nutrition and various other health related issues.


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Rob Nurden

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Rob Nurden has been a health and fitness enthusiast for many years who has himself struggled with various weight loss issues.You will be able to relate to him through the information he provides with articles and his blog.Feel free to take a look at his articles and blog which are regularly updated providing information on dieting, belly fat, weight loss, nutrition and various other health related issues.


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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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Best Ab Workouts For ladies

July 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

Article by Eloy Short

Best Ab Workouts For ladies – Health

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Women crave flat abs, a ripped core and a sexy six-pack. This was confirmed via a survey that was held at biomechanics laboratory at a well-known university. For some women, the disbelief of actually addressing a place where they are able to show off their mid sections is usually overwhelming. To get extra specific, it’s flawed to assume that girls are unable to do weight training and carry heavy weights.

Because fats tends to leave the low abdomen last, it may seem like progress in terms of getting a six pack is slower than developing other areas of the body. They can dish it out pretty much pretty much men any morning! I think most girls shrink back from doing pounds coaching is they will worry they’ll come to be too muscular and appear masculine. The first thing it’s greatest to know is that simply working the decrease abs don’t result in shedding fats in the area. A good way to start out is doing low intensity cardio training session like speed wandering. Gym exercises require repetitions that will become tiresome and boring before too long. Certain ab exercises have included in the success of women achieving the ab they want.

It’s quite unsexy to walk around using a potbelly, so losing stomach fat tops the checklist for gym goers everywhere. You can perform repeatedly each movement with regard to 30 seconds. Because unwanted fat tends to leave the lower abdomen last, it may feel like progress with regard to getting a 6-pack is slower than developing other areas of the body. There are lower ab exercises however that put much more stress on that will area: air-pedaling although on one’s back, vertical and horizontally leg raises, and different versions of like. With lower ab exercises for ladies, it’s tougher to remain motivated because their unwanted fat is usually within the lower part of the belly, hips together with thighs. As these, a lot of folks try to do lower ab exercises more.

Lift your knees slowly towards ones elbows and maintain them there for a short while. Rest and repeat this exercise. Place you buttox on as well the pillow and also the Swiss ball, place both feet and distance your toes one foot apart. These are just some of the many terrific Ab Workouts for women which are useful in trimming and toning the abdomen for a flatter, more toned mid-section. Muscle tissue stops growing when it adapts for a specific type involving movement.

About the Author

Also, be sure give other lower ab workouts now and again. Looking to find a very good lower ab workouts for women, then visit abworkouts. Changing your lower ab training session once you sense that you’ve hit a plateau will help you reach your goal of getting a six-pack slightly faster. Muscle tissue stops growing when it adapts to your specific type involving movement. Including sprints in your fitness regimen can certainly assist you get sexy abs since sprinting has a really high intensity stage that burns up a lot of calories.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Eloy Short

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Also, be sure give other lower ab workouts now and again. Looking to find a very good lower ab workouts for women, then visit abworkouts. Changing your lower ab training session once you sense that you’ve hit a plateau will help you reach your goal of getting a six-pack slightly faster. Muscle tissue stops growing when it adapts to your specific type involving movement. Including sprints in your fitness regimen can certainly assist you get sexy abs since sprinting has a really high intensity stage that burns up a lot of calories.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Ladies Can Now Follow An Effective Fitness Training Course At Their Home

April 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Article by Wendy Jane

You must wish to remain fit, but at the same time you do not find sufficient time to visit the gym? Or you desire to cut your gym costs? There is an option which can both help you save time and decrease the cost – make your own fitness training gym at your home? This will not only save you time, additionally, it save you money with time. Here