PrimoDrol Bodybuilding lean muscle promoter 120 Capsules
July 8, 2012 by admin
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements
- get shredded
- rapid strength gains
- massive muscle pumps
- lean muscle mass gains
- increases vascularity
Product Description
Primodrol 120 Capsules For stone hard lean muscle mass development. Get rock hard abs and massively lean biceps and triceps with only Four weeks of use. Users report speedy gains in strength within the 1st week of use, monolithic muscle pumps, gains in lean muscle mass, no water retention, and a complete increase in energy…. More >>
PrimoDrol Bodybuilding lean muscle promoter 120 Capsules
6 Tips on How to Gain Lean Muscle
June 8, 2012 by admin
Filed under Gain Muscle
Article by Mike Johnston
6 Tips on How to Gain Lean Muscle – Sports – Other Sports
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Every bodybuilder wants to know how to gain lean muscle. Having a good understanding about basic bodybuilding principles including training frequency, the types of exercises to perform and the importance of diet can help develop bodybuilding strength and build muscle mass fast and naturally. There is no need to resort to the use of artificial drugs to accelerate muscle gain. You might look good in the short term but your health will suffer in the long term. When the side effects occur that
BSN Lean Dessert Protein Shake Banana Nut Bread — 1.39 lbs
May 30, 2012 by admin
Filed under Protein Shakes
- Forget the Meal, Just Have Dessert!LEAN DESSERT PROTEIN PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS:Sustained release multi-functional micellar protein matrix Bioactive protein utilization enzymes (Aminogen and Papain) BCAAs and other essential and non-essential amino acids MCTs, EFAs, and Glutamine peptides
Product Description
Forget the Meal, Just Have Dessert!LEAN DESSERT PROTEIN PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS:Sustained release multi-functional micellar protein matrix Bioactive protein utilization enzymes (Aminogen and Papain) BCAAs and other essential and non-essential amino acids MCTs, EFAs, and Glutamine peptides… More >>
BSN Lean Dessert Protein Shake Banana Nut Bread — 1.39 lbs
PrimoDrol Bodybuilding lean muscle promoter 180 Capsules
May 14, 2012 by admin
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements
- get shredded
- rapid strength gains
- massive muscle pumps
- lean muscle mass gains
- increases vascularity
Product Description
Primodrol 180 Capsules For rock hard lean muscle mass building. Get rock hard abs and massively lean biceps with only 30 days of use. Users report rapid gains in strength within the first week of use, massive muscle pumps, gains in lean muscle mass, no water retention, and an overall increase in energy…. More >>
PrimoDrol Bodybuilding lean muscle promoter 180 Capsules
Part II: Does Cross Fit lessen athletic performance: lean muscle growth, fat loss
May 6, 2012 by admin
Filed under Fitness Training
Article by Mark Wine CSCS ; NASM PT, CES, PES
Cross fit has numerous stories of body weight reduction. Is this reduction fat loss? Generally speaking sports require a certain body fat percentage, or lean mass versus fat mass. Fat reduction becomes essential in order to be successful. Sports like mixed martial arts (MMA), football, hockey, soccer, swimming, tennis, and so on… Because you need a significant amount of lean muscle, with lower body fat levels, should these athletes participate in cross fit? Sports like baseball, golf, or a football lineman can pack on a little extra weight, a little more fat, should they stay away from cross fit? Cross Fit moves at a high intensity pace for a long period of time. Experts in the field of fitness say that ‘in order to burn more fat you want less rest between exercise sets. Experts in the field claim ‘performing complex total body movements, instead of isolating one specific muscle, is preferred.’ This is true. Cross Fit performs complex movements with minimal rest periods, so this must mean Cross Fit is works? If only it were that simple. Cross Fit participants often lighten the load below 70% of their 1RM (one rep max). The best way to gain lean muscle mass is by increasing the weight, so your body doesn’t become adapted to the specific imposed demands placed upon it. Calorie expenditure increases, the resting metabolic rate (RMR) increases, and extended post exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) is extended. RMR is your metabolic rate when you are no active, you are at complete rest. EPOC is the oxygen consumption post exercise, which aids in increasing your calorie expenditure. Lighter weight, or constantly performing the same exercises with the same weight, falls short in achieving these four results. However, can only using light weight increase fat loss? Does this mean you can’t expect gains in performance due to body weight reduction through Cross Fit? Intermediate to advanced athletes cannot expect optimal results from Cross Fit. If you are a beginner exercising or beginning Cross Fit for the first time then you can expect body weight reduction; fat loss; lean muscle growth; and your athleticism may improve. At the same time, if you engage in any new proper exercise program you can expect these results. The best best way to gain lean muscle and achieve optimal fat loss is through resistance training, with weight that makes you struggle. You want to pick up weight that makes you struggle to achieve the desired repetitions, usually around 6-12, with under 60-90 seconds of rest. Cross Fit is extremely limited in this regard because they do not use weight that fits to that repetition count; therefore, Cross Fit does not lead to maximal athletic performance. Lean mass (muscle) is produced by resistance training, so let us look further into Resistance Training. Resistance training can be anything from body weight training, suspension training, plyometric training, and/or weight lifting. Simply put, being physically active will build some lean muscle. However, not all methods of resistance training are equal. For example, only performing pushups as your whole workout method will stimulate muscle growth for a short while, if you have never trained before. However, once your body has adapted to this motion and weight, more resistance must be added on. We do this by using dumbbells, barbells, changing the pushup to suspension training pushups and other variations. This is one reason Cross Fit has weaknesses. Cross Fit’s rep speed, volume of reps, the energy depletion within your muscles (ATP / CP reduction), all result in an external stimulus weight reduction. Therefore, lean muscle mass will not be stimulated for optimal growth. Without this growth, strength and power gains are limited. Without strength & power gains, in fact, sometimes even a strength & power reduction, athletes can expect to become slower, weaker, more injury prone, and less athletically talented. As an athlete, the constant stimulation of new lean muscle growth is necessary; if nothing more, maintaining muscle is essential if you are in season. During Part I of Cross Fit: Does it really achieve the results it claims?, the correlation between strength and power was made. Power development is important to becoming a better athlete. The more lean mass, the higher power output. The higher the power output, the more explosive you are. The more explosive you are, the faster / quicker you are. Cross Fit performs the same structured workout routines, as well as the same exercises, on a continual basis. There are some variations here and there. Eventually the body becomes adapted and any results diminish. One exercise that Cross Fit performs over and over again is jumping pull ups, which stimulates nearly zero back muscle growth. Ask a Cross Fit participant to perform a Military pull up, which requires actual back strength. The majority cannot. A real life example; a female athlete, whom worked out at Functional Muscle Fitness LLC, received a Division I scholarship from a Pac-12 University. She developed her core and strength / power while training properly. She is involved with a sport that requires high amounts of muscular endurance and power. When she arrived at her university she was asked to perform a pull up test with the rest of her team. She performed 13 Military style Pull Ups. The other girls performed 20-30 Cross Fit pull ups. When the new Strength and Conditioning Coach asked the other girls to perform a correct pull up, a non Cross Fit pull up, the majority could not perform one. The athlete from Functional Muscle Fitness LLC is one of their top performers. This is just one of many examples of Cross Fit’s weaknesses. Sports that require a significant amount of muscular endurance to perform include MMA, soccer, swimming, tennis, hockey, and any other sport involving fast paced movements. Normally these movements are engaged for longer than 30 second of high intensity bouts, with minimal rest time. These sports could benefit from performing a workout similar to that of Cross Fit. However, like any other sport, these sports also require high power outputs. Therefore, training the Cross Fit way will result in a decrease in athletic performance, unless coupled with a proper Strength and Conditioning program. So how do you incorporate training for muscular endurance, without jeopardizing power gains? Functional Muscle Fitness LLC suggests a 2:2 day split for those sports, maybe even a 3:1 split; Two-Three days would be strength & power training, with one-two days for muscular endurance. Sports that require less mass and less muscular surface area can optimize strength & power growth through supersets. Supersets are coupling two or three exercises together; example, perform dmbl bench, followed by push up jumps. This will ensure more fat loss, with less mass gain. You can train for both muscular endurance and power gains this way. Besides, why not leave the specific sport endurance to playing the sport??? Is it not optimal to learn how to play the sport by playing the sport?
SOURCES1. The Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning (3rd edition).By, National Strength and Conditioning AssociationEditors: Thomas R. Baechle and Roger W. Earle©2008, 2000, 1994
2. NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training (3rd edition)By, National Academy of Sports MedicineEditors: Michael A. Clark, Scott C. Lucett and Rodney J. Corn©2008
3. Strength Training Anatomy (3rd edition)By, Frederic Delavier©2010 by Editions Vigot
Strength Coach Mark Wine is quickly gaining a reputation as one of the best trainers in the country for his work with NFL Players, high school and middle school athletes, as well as Olympic hopefuls. With his new athletic performance training center Functional Muscle Fitness he hopes to redefine sports performance / gym training.
For custom workouts, exercise videos and more check out
or check us out on Facebook
Functional Muscle Fitness LLC1091 Shary CircleConcord, Ca 94518(925) 689-3631
More Nasm Essentials Of Personal Fitness Training Articles
Fitness Training Promises Lean and Healthy Physique
April 14, 2012 by admin
Filed under Healthy Living
Article by Joseph Chackery
Healthy living is something everyone wants to ascertain, and being physically active is not just a good way to lose weight but it also keeps you fit and healthy.
With all the conflicting information you hear on TV and the outdated advice printed in magazines, you know how difficult it is to find real expert advice on fitness and fat loss these days.
A lot of reviews, comments and feedbacks about the different weight loss and fitness programs are coming out every day. In fact, they are a combination of good and bad which is probably why some individuals think that these are just a scam!
There are all sorts of activities and sports that can get you moving and aid weight loss. Reducing the amount of fat in the diet is also the most effective way to reduce calorie intake. Avoid high fat foods with low fat foods such as fiber content fruits and vegetables and this can reduce the energy content of the diet to a certain limit.
Regular exercising is great – just being more active is also a good way to burn calories. Exercise keeps your body strong and fit; your body firmer and slimmer and keeps your complexion glowing and smooth.
More physical activity can increase a person
Strength Training Exercises For Women – Get Lean Program
March 25, 2012 by admin
Filed under Strength Training
Article by Claire Adams
Strength training exercises for women doesnt mean that doing the workout will help you gain big muscles and ripped body figure, its not all about that, this kind of training benefits a women in their overall physique and also to their health as well. Add to the fact that it can also give you the advantage among others like an enhanced stamina, endurance and flexibility.
If you are really decided to do your strength training workouts, you must organize your schedule first especially if you are just a beginner into this exercise. For women who want to incorporate lifting light weights, you can do this at least three times a week, this can be a perfect schedule for you, to get used to the program, and adapt to your new time frame. In addition to that, you will be able to avoid injury for giving your body the enough rest it needs.
Do not focus on one muscle group only. Combine workout with your small and large body groups. If you will train your muscle both at the same time, you will be able to prevent injuries. The good thing is, you are not only developing one part of your body, but your whole body as well, which will give you the best result and good physique.
Performing abdominal exercise will also give you amazing outcome in doing your workout procedures. Abs workout like sit-ups, basic crunches and curls will give a huge effect on your body. It doesnt only help you to flatten your tummies but at the same time, give a much improve midsection.
Performing these techniques properly will definitely help you to achieve your goal. Maintaining a healthy body and well shape physique is much attainable. Through this, strength training exercises for women is really helpful to gain the advantage of losing weight correctly.
This author writes about Get Lean Program and Weight Training Exercises For Women.
More Strength Training Program For Women Articles
Labrada Nutrition Lean Body Pro V 60 Protein Powder, Vanilla Ice Cream, 3.5-Pound Jars
March 11, 2012 by admin
Filed under Protein Shakes
- Serving Size – 2 scoops
- Does Not Contain: Aspartame
Product Description
Pro-V 60 multi-purpose protein blend is versatile. Use it as a maximum strength protein supplement to increase your daily protein intake, or as a high-protein, low-carbohydrate meal replacement drink. Pro-V 60 multi-purpose protein blend is the smart choice if you are serious about building or toning lean muscle without adding unwanted body fat. Pro-V 60 multi-purpose protein blend works equally well for men and women. Two scoops of Pro-V 60 multi-purpose protein bl… More >>
Labrada Nutrition Lean Body Pro V 60 Protein Powder, Vanilla Ice Cream, 3.5-Pound Jars
Medicine Ball Exercises – Compound exercises to accelerate your lean muscle strength
March 5, 2012 by admin
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises
Article by David Johnston
The medicine ball often looks like a soccer ball, and comes in a few different weights. Athletes such as boxers use it often as a plyometric exercise, such as catching a ball that is thrown to them, doing a sit-up and throwing it back. This is great for core strength, and full body workouts, as a small number of medicine ball exercises can cover a large number of muscle groups. The medicine ball exercises in this article will give you some ideas for the sorts of compound exercises that are available with a ball, and allow you to build a comprehensive workout that really gets you the results you want.
Since a medicine ball is round, it is harder to keep hold of, and therefore will ensure that more muscles are used both to hold the ball, to grip the ball, to keep your body stable, and to do the addition exercises required. For example, a squat, push-up, sit-up or throw will engage a large number of muscles, and the additional demand placed on your body by using such an exercise tool will really exhaust your muscles quickly. This means that medicine ball exercises are all compound, and will burn a lot more calories, build more muscle, functional strength and overall fitness. It is very easy to use an exercise ball to do an intense workout, and get a cardiovascular workout at the same time. Something that is really important with medicine ball exercises is that whilst you hold the ball, as previously mentioned, you engage a large number of muscles, there muscles must also remain tensed to prevent you from dropping the ball, and this increases the intensity of the exercise. Here are a number of exercises that you could do:
• Medicine Ball Exercises 1 – Russian Twist – Standing with feet shoulder width apart, hold the ball out in front of you at arm’s length, arms slightly bent, and at waist height. Take the ball to the left, still in line with your waist, as far around as you can go, rotating on the balls of your feet to help your movement. Ensure that you keep your abdominal muscles tight and tucked in, and use your core muscles to help you make the movements (try to feel the contractions there). Return the ball in front of you, and perform the same exercise to your right. Repeat. You can make this exercise more difficult by standing on one leg, by lifting your back leg up once you are making the turn to either side.
• Medicine Ball Exercises 2 – Figure of Eights – In this exercise you will move the ball from eye height, to knees height in a figure of eight pattern. Hold the ball at eye level, with your arms slightly bent but extended outwards to your left. Move toward your knee level, on your right hand side, at all times keeping your arms extended but slightly bent. Next move the ball to eye level on your right hand side, then to knee level on your left hand side. Ensure that you keep your abdominal muscle tight and tucked in and try to contract them to move the ball in the figure of eight pattern.
• Medicine Ball Exercises 3 – Medicine Ball Squat – The ball must be held at arm’s length throughout the exercise. Squat down, until your thighs are parallel to the floor, then return to the start position. If the exercise is too easy, you can hold the ball close to your chest, and then as you squat, press the ball above your head, then as you return the ball you’re your chest as you finish the squat.
• Medicine Ball Exercises 4 – Medicine Ball Push Up – From the push-up position with one hand on the ball, the other on the floor, perform push ups. Swap arms, and repeat. If this is too easy, try pushing up, and swapping hands. If that is still too easy, place both hands on the ball, and perform push ups that way instead.
• Medicine Ball Exercises 5: Throwing Push-up – Hold the ball at chest level, on your knees. Throw the ball toward your training partner, or the wall, drop down, perform a push-up, and push hard so that you spring back up onto your knees and catch the ball. Repeat.
Many medicine ball exercises are also compound exercises, and there are fat too many to cover off here. We hope that this gives you a good start for using your medicine ball to great effect, and has you building lean muscle faster than ever before.
For more information about medicine ball exercises and compound exercises, take a look at David Johnston’s site Here you can also find tips on how to build lean muscle and fitness, burn excess body fat, and have the ripped body you always wanted.
Find More Medicine Ball Exercises Articles
Weight training for women – If you want to lose fat and be lean, then start weight training
February 21, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
Article by Randy Robinson
Women generally care more about their health and their weight, than men do. Most women would like to be lean and have the sexy curves. Very few women actually achieve the look you see in fitness magazines, not because women don`t work hard, but becuase they avoid weight training.
Very few women step inside a weight room, because they believe they will look bulky and muscular, by doing weight training exercises. This certainly not true! Women just don`t have enough testosterone to build much muscle mass. Even if you want to build muscle, then you will not gain much muscle mass naturally.
If you want to be healthy, lose excess fat and develop sexy curves to your body, then training with weights will help you mold that physic. A lot of the women who do exercise with weights, do not exercise with enough intensity to have much benefits. If you want to get great results, you should train like men do and use the same type of exercise. The women you see on magazines train the same way most men do. With the exception that women put more emphasis on their thighs and glutes.
A lot of people have the misconception that if you want to lose fat, you should do cardio and when you want to build muscle, you should lift weights. And that is not really true. Research shows that weight training is actually more beneficial for fat loss than cardio training. Not only do you burn tons of calories when lifting weights, put you also speed up your metabolic rate much more than with simple cardio. Not only will you burn calories during your workout, but many hours after your workout as well.
There are many benefits of weight training: burn calories, lose fat, become stronger, have more energy, feel better, look better, tone muscles, strengthen joint and bones. There are many different workouts you can use and if you are a beginner then it is important to get help. You can get a personal trainer to help you. It is very important to perform exercises correctly. Or if you do not have the money to hire a personal trainer, you can watch videos online and read articles to help you.
To get the most out of your workouts, and also get a cardiovascular workout as well, you can decrease your rest between sets. If you are doing leg presses, then rest 1.5 minutes max during sets. That way you will get a cardio workout as well. And you should also focus on exercise that work large muscle groups like squats, leg presses, leg curls, leg extensions, bent over row, lat pulldown and so on.
So weight training for women is certainly beneficial, no matter what your goal is. The main thing is not to be afraid of using heavier weights and working hard. You can and should be using the same exercises and workouts that men are using, with some modifications. After a while you will certainly see a big difference and feel much better.
Find out how you can easily burn thigh fat and how to get rid of inner thigh fat

There’s three simple exercises that when combined, will give you total body strength. While you may not need it on the battlefield, it will definitely come in handy on the ball field. So no matter if you are an elite athlete or a weekend warrior, Take your work out to the next level.
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