December 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Amino Acid Supplement

  • The branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) L-valine, L-leucine, and L-isoleucine enhance protein synthesis in liver cells and muscle cells.
  • Because they can be oxidized in the cells mitochondria, the branched chain amino acids may also provide energy and may serve as fuel sources for skeletal muscles during periods of metabolic stress.
  • As a result, BCAAs have been used with success to support liver function.
  • A study in 2008 also showed BCAAs supplementation improved insulin resistance and beta cell function as well as energy metabolism and glucose tolerance in certain people.
  • They are also used by athletes. A current mouse study showed restoring hippocampal BCAA concentrations to normal had the effect of reinstating normal brain function by helping the synapses to function efficiently.

Product Description
Branched Chain Amino Acids (Free Form) 90 capsules Item Catalog Number: 253 The liver is a large glandular organ, whose functions include storage and filtration of blood, secretion of bile, detoxification of various substances, and conversion of sugars into glycogen, which… More >>


Getting in the Best Shape of Your Life After 40

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

As we get older, our body burns calories less effectively. This doesn’t mean however that at 40, you cannot afford to feel and look good anymore. Remember, as they always say, 40 is the new 30! If you have that extra weight, the first thing that you have to do is to lose it. You don’t really have to buy those expensive equipment or hire a personal trainer. Looking good when you’re over 40 does not require you to shell out huge amount of money. The keystone for succeeding with your weight loss program once you reached 40 is strength training because it helps build lean muscles. And when you increase your lean muscles, you burn more calories. Push yourself a little bit and do at least 20 sit-ups, 20 leg lifts and 20 squats every single day. You’ll see overall improvements in a couple of months. It will take hardwork before you see considerable results.

Keep track of your weight, don’t be afraid of the scale so that you’ll know if your current workout routine or diet is actually working.

What about your health? You have probably taken your health for granted when you were younger but as you age, you can’t simply afford that anymore. Whatever you do, whatever you eat and drink has a direct effect in your body. Stop smoking and stop drinking alcohol so much. You’re saving yourself from prescription drugs and tons of expensive hospital bills in the future if you quit now. Smoking and drinking also dehydrates the skin making it lose its natural moisture and elasticity. I’m sure you don’t want to look older than your age. Visit your doctor regularly to have your blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar and your albumin checked. Whatever symptoms or aches you are feeling, don’t take them for granted, remember that as we grow older, our organs deteriorate as well. Symptoms might mean that there’s an underlying disease. The sooner you find out the less complications you have to deal with later on.

Aside from proper diet, exercise and regular check ups, you also have to manage your stress level. Stress will either make you lose or gain weight. Some people actually overeat when they are stressed out. Try to find quality time with yourself so you can relax and forget about the worries of the day. Even if it means 30 minutes in the bath tub, a massage or just by watching a movie will do. Take care of yourself because nobody else can do this on your behalf. When you feel good inside, it will definitely radiate outside.

For more tips and tricks on how to lose weight quickly in your 40’s and beyond, please visit

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Weight Lifting Belt – It Be able to Rescue Your Life

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

Article by Mbonda Nkopit

Weight lifting is a dangerous sport that may lead to significant medical issues down the road if precautions aren’t taken early on. A weight lifting belt is an necessary piece of equipment for anybody who is weight lifting for extended periods or as a game. So, a weight lifting belt makes a good pa for weight lifters. One of the most life-threatening wounds that occur during weight lifting are wounds sustained to the spine. It is unusual to find someone who absolutely gets over such a dramatic injury. By the utilization of a weight lifting belt one can try to forestall such wounds. The weight lifting belt is hitched to the back of the person and is to guard them from trauma to the lower back when lifting heavy weights for a prolonged time period. A weight lifting belt is kind of always connected with competitions, however; it’s a good habit to wear them whenever you are lifting. There are several short term and long-term effects associated with such training. By wearing a weight lifting belt you are helping your abdominal muscles. It gives the abdominal muscles something to bump on, which allows pressure to build up which is mandatory in order to lift heavy amounts of weight. Using weight lifting belts will reduce your risk for spinal disc slips and muscular trauma to the abdominal muscles. There are risk factors that come when wearing a weight lifting belt. It’s vital that the bill to be worn a loosely around the body. Having the belt too tight against the body may result in raised blood pressure, heart stress, and at last lead to fainting. There are lots of different sorts of weight lifting belts. A 4 inch belt is standard for everyday use and can sustain pressures up to 5 hundred pounds. For those that are taller, a 6 inch belt should be worn. For those that are interested and power lifting a special belt must be worn. These belts are braced with neoprene and made out of leather. Always check with a fitness expert to find the belt that is perfect for you. Weight lifting belts come in varied sizes and materials. You can purchase them in a selection of colors, including black, red, yellow, and blue. They come in XS, S, M, L, XL, and XXL. They come in leather, neoprene, nylon, and padded. Before buying any main accessory be sure to consult with a personal tutor. A weight lifting belt is unique to one’s body. Certain folk need different gear depending on the intensity of their workout. Before beginning a regimen with a weight lifting belt always contact a medical care professional. .Before you buy weight lifting belt online,Make sure to confirm Mbonda Nkopit wonderful reviews at hiskettle balls blog.

This article has been written by the author, Mbonda Nkopit. Should you need any more information regarding ATVs For Sale, please check out his Scooter Store resources

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