Weight Lifting Program For Beginners — The Best Weight Lifting Programs For Beginners

August 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

Article by Dave Vower

Weight Lifting Program For Beginners — The Best Weight Lifting Programs For Beginners – Health – Fitness

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Many youngsters are interested in undergoing some sort of weight lifting program for beginners . But you should know that at the beginning, weight lifting programs may not be as simple as you think. You should keep in mind some excellent tips to have a successful weight lifting program for beginners .

As all of us know weight lifting program for beginners should start from very simple weight lifting exercises. You should not go and lift insane weights! If you think that overnight you can build your muscles, I will be pity of you. A dedicated effort and patient weight lifting training only can bring achievable goals.

When you go for a weight lifting program for beginners , if you think that with one or two hour weight lifting training or with seven to eight hours weight lifting in a week You can get great muscles and imposing structure, I am sorry that you have not understood the general body building features.

Before venturing out for weight lifting program for beginners , you should set your goal perfectly and work for it.

In a weight lifting program for beginners, you should not undergo more than four hours weight lifting to begin with. You should get accustomed to the training process. Your body needs to be trained with the changed lifestyle as well.

Do not forget to take plenty of nutrients and other intakes. If you are not eating the required food, proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates and other essential items, you r body strength will deteriorate only. You will loose strength instead of gaining muscles.

During the weight lifting program for beginners , you should understand the necessity of each and every training program. You should check with the trainer what the particular training will do for you. Also make sure that you understand the movements of your body parts perfectly to have a great weight lifting program for beginners.

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Not only does this author specialize in health, fitness and relationships you can also check out his latest websites: 8 Foot TrampolinePrince Badminton Racket

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Not only does this author specialize in health, fitness and relationships you can also check out his latest websites: 8 Foot TrampolinePrince Badminton Racket

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Important of Weight Lifting and Strength Training

August 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Suresh B

Important of Weight Lifting and Strength Training – Health – Fitness

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Weight Lifting & Strength Training play an important role in strengthening your core body muscles and making your body less immune to injury.

Most think that when it comes to exercise, it is just things like running, walking, swimming which are important exercises and should suffice. However the fact is that strength training is equally important to have a fit and healthy body.

A strength training workout is when you take your body to its maximum intensity using different resistant exercises. This ensures that you are working every part of a muscle. It means, pushing your body to its upper limits including working your muscles to exhaustion levels. Even plyometric Training can increase the intensity of your workouts.High intensity is different for everyone depending on their level of fitness. As long as you feel you are pushing your body close to or at it’s maximum performance, then chances are you are hitting your workout at high intensity.

It is a known fact that if you are looking to build muscle mass and lose body fat, then you have to push your muscles to the next level, however very few actually do that.

Weight lifting and strength training exercises make your back, chest, arms and shoulders much stronger and give you a well toned look. You need to spend a few months in the gym however to get that bulked-up look. And it is also very important to work-out all the muscle groups. You need to select a suitable weight and do about 8-10 reps.

And once you have developed those muscles, you need to maintain the muscles by lifting weights on a regular basis. You need to lift heavier weights and do more push-ups and pull ups. Pushing your body into an intense workout will help you to build muscle mass and also help to burn body fat.

However there are few more things besides, a good and effective weight training program that you need to follow for maximum benefits. You also need to have a diet that promotes muscle growth. It is also important to give your muscles adequate rest so that they can repair and grow. This is an important aspect because when you work out, you damage your muscle fibers. During rest, your muscle fibers repair themselves and grow in size.

As you can see there are several benefits of following a muscle building program. However it is important to be persistent when you embark on a Weight Lifting & Strength Training program because you are going to see the results over a period of few months, so you need to be at it.

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For more information on Weight Lifting & Strength Training, visit Extreme-workouts.com/

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Weight Lifting Plans – 5 Steps On How You Can Build Muscle

August 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

Article by Marc Ouellette

Weight Lifting Plans – 5 Steps On How You Can Build Muscle – Health – Fitness

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How you can build muscle is all about resistance training. The more resistance a person can do the larger the muscle becomes. It sounds easy but there are certain procedures an individual should follow before lifting very heavy. I will go over several steps to help you.

I always have found it fascinating that by lifting weights your muscles can grow larger. Never realizing just how hard you had to work in order to achieve a great body. Now that I’m older I appreciate people who keep themselves in shape.

So what does it take to get to this point. Well from experience it takes motivation and determination. Plus a realistic exercise program and a reasonable meal plan. You need to have a good foundation to work from. Setting reasonable goals with the right fitness plan.

Let’s look at the five steps needed in order to build muscle.

Step #1

Warm your body and muscles properly. I cannot stress this enough. There are more injuries in the first ten minutes of exercise then at any other time. That’s because the individual never warmed up first and the body reacted to the stress of the movement. Always warm up the body for at least ten to fifteen minutes before workouts. Your body will respond kindly to this.

Step #2

When performing your exercises use strict form. This will also help from injuries and will allow you to get stronger without hurting yourself. You can’t build muscle if your constantly missing workouts because of injury.

Step #3

No cheating when your lifting the weight. You should not be swinging your body when doing standing curls. When doing the bench press back should be flat on the bench. No arch in the back. If you’re arching your back then the weight is far to heavy. Proper form will help you build your muscles quicker and you will get stronger.

Step #4

Rest between sets is very important. I’m a firm believer that excessive rest between sets actually hurts the building process of the muscle. I recommend resting no more than a minute between sets. Try this and you will see the difference in muscle size.

Step #5

Try to do at least three sets per exercise. I also like to keep my repetitions between eight to 12. Try this for six to eight weeks. You should notice a difference in your muscle size.

For beginners I would like to explain what Sets and Repetitions are. Let’s use the bench press as an example. The person begins with the barbell at their chest and by lifting the weight up, that is one repetition. So say you do twelve repetitions and then rest one minute. That’s one set. If the individual does another ten repetitions and rest. That’s two sets. I think you now get the idea.

I hope my article helped people understand the importance of the five steps I outlined and will use this as a reference to build muscle.

About the Author

Are you are interested in learning more about exercise routines? I have just completed my free e-book that will help you get into shape. You can download this e-book at, http://www.exerciseworkouttips.com.

Marc Ouellette has helped thousands of people reach their goals by incorporating workout routinesand simple meal plans to build muscle and lose weight.

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Are you are interested in learning more about exercise routines? I have just completed my free e-book that will help you get into shape. You can download this e-book at, http://www.exerciseworkouttips.com.

Marc Ouellette has helped thousands of people reach their goals by incorporating workout routinesand simple meal plans to build muscle and lose weight.

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Weight Lifting Routine For Beginners – Weight Lifting For Newbies

July 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

There are different ways to get your body become fit and healthy. One good way is by lifting weights. To get you started on the right foot, it helps to follow a certain weight lifting routine for beginners. The least thing you would want to happen is to injure yourself for not knowing the basics. And this is pretty much the reason why learning the proper mechanics on how to handle weight lifting equipments is a must.

Click Here For Weight Lifting For Newbies Instant Access Now!

Should you want to either put on some weight or perhaps shed off some extra pounds, lifting weights is one effective way to do so. And for starters, it is very important to grab hold of a certain weight lifting routine for beginners, those that could effectively introduce the different aspects on why you should bother lifting weights to begin with, along with the proper methods on how to go about each exercises.

Before you get hasty and get yourself injured, always try to get your body prepared for the strenuous activity it is about to undergo.

This is where the need for warm up exercises comes in. Doing so will get your heart pumping and all your body parts awake and in motion.

Once you get your body heated up and ready, try to carry out your weight lifting exercises in a smooth and graceful manner. Doing your exercises with weights this way will give you much better results and can also lessen the chances of having injuries. Jerking up should be avoided at all costs.

Despite the different exercises there are in weight lifting, be sure to perform each one in the safest way possible. Should you find it quite confusing, you can always look for a certain weight lifting routine for beginners that you can find just about anywhere these days.

Click Here For Weight Lifting For Newbies Instant Access Now!

This author writes about Weight Lifting For Beginner at Weight Lifting For Newbies

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Weight Lifting is a Complicated Sport

July 26, 2012 by  
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Article by Jeremy Page

Weight Lifting is a Complicated Sport – Health – Fitness

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Weight lifting is a complicated sport and you need a combination of things to be successful. Weight lifting requires the use of weight bearing equipment such as barbells and dumbbells (free weights), and machines that use cables and pulleys to help lift the weight. Weight lifting exercises consists of repetitions and sets. Weight lifting training counter acts this aging process by developing more muscle mass and bone density. Weight lifting can be as important to your overall health as aerobic exercise — and it’s not just for men.


If you are a beginner looking to tone up and add a bit of muscle, you will have to start with a beginners weight lifting routine. If you want to build muscle, your going to have to use weight resistance exercise like weight lifting. Free weights and compound movements such as squats, bench press, shoulder press, and bent over barbell rows apply a lot of stress on the supporting muscles. These exercises are often called multi jointed exercises because they employ not only the targeted muscle but the supporting muscles as well. By using free weights and compound movements in your weight lifting routine, you will challenge your body to work harder and therefore make better muscle gains. One repetition consists of a series of muscle contractions with a weight or movement such as one push up. As you progress in your weight lifting routine, your strength and muscle gains will be moderate but what you want to concentrate on is form. For building muscle it is desirable to perform low repetitions using heavy weight. To build strength and muscle mass, your repetition range should be between 8 and 12. This should be sufficient to stimulate increases in muscle size and strength.


Weight lifting requires the use of weight bearing equipment such as barbells and dumbbells (free weights), and machines that use cables and pulleys to help lift the weight. Do make sure the equipment you use is in good condition. You don’t need to spend tons of money on a gym membership or on fancy home exercise equipment. Using equipment such as dumbbells and ankle weights, the patients did supervised exercises targeting all major muscle groups. The single most important tool for taking you from where you are now to where you want to go (and its dirt-cheap for anyone)The basic equipment every serious body builder MUST have and some additional pieces that are nice, but not essential Why a lifting belt is the most important piece of safety equipment any lifter could own BUT why its something that SHOULD NOT be worn for all lifting The not-so-obvious problems of working out in a gym or health club. Home weight lifting equipment including weight lifting gloves, weight lifting belts, weight lifting benches, olympic weight benches, tricep bars, EZ curl bars, dumbbell racks, & barbell racks.

Weight lifting accessories can improve your weightlifting experience, making it both for effective and safer, as well as more fun. Weight lifting can be as important to your overall health as aerobic exercise — and it’s not just for men.

About the Author

Jeremy Page is a successful Webmaster and publisher of www.WeKnowBodyBuilding.com. He provides more information about body building and lifting that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

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Jeremy Page is a successful Webmaster and publisher of www.WeKnowBodyBuilding.com. He provides more information about body building and lifting that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

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Putting Together a Winner’s Weight Lifting Program

July 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

To create a power packed physique worthy of a superhero status, you will need a solid weight lifting program that will maximize your body’s weight and convert it to muscle and pure strength. What do need to know about effective bodybuilding workouts? They must be intense, varied and catered to your specific body type.

High-intensity workouts usually work well with those who plan to gain a significant amount of body mass in a relatively short period of time. Some people prefer to build up on momentum and bulk over a period of around three months which is fine if that is best suited for your body. You will probably need a combination of both but the important thing is that you give every session your best effort.

If you want to get big muscles in a hurry, your first instinct is to hit the gym everyday for a few weeks. This is actually more detrimental to your body than it is beneficial.

Rest in between workout days to allow your body to repair the torn tissues during exercise, making it grow and develop to what you recognize as muscles. You can split your weight lifting program into specific muscle groups per day to better plan your schedule. This has been proven effective to many bodybuilders and trainers alike.

A three day split would give you something like this: day one- chest, arms and abs; day two- back, shoulders and abs; and day three- legs. You can concentrate on getting a lot of sleep and good food in during the four days you’re not in the gym. If you have more time in your hands and prefer to split up your routines over five days you can follow the following program: day one- legs; day two- shoulders; day three-back and abs; day four- shoulders and arms; and day five- chest and abs.

There are many exercises you can use for the different muscle groups.

You can never go wrong with squats and crunches but even then, you need to vary them every few weeks to keep your body driven to its maximum potential. You don’t need a lot of fancy machines; many people can do with several heavy dumbbells, cables, a bench and bars to do pull ups if you have them. Some of the exercises you can try are bicep curls, dumbbell shrugs, bench press, lat pull downs and triceps kickbacks for the upper body; and lunges, calf raises, leg raises, crunches and squats with your lower body.

When you begin working out, you will start with lower weights and higher reps. Gradually you will increase the weights so your muscles are strained and will develop faster. For bodybuilding purposes the weight load you should be lifting should have you doing 7-12 reps until failure. This means that by the 8th or 9th rep your muscle is so exhausted you need to rest a few seconds.

Lastly, make sure you make time to stretch properly before starting your session and in between sets. Stretching increases your body temperature and helps your flexibility which makes your body perform its best during the training. It also stretches the connective tissues, creating space for more muscle to grow into.

Bodybuilding workouts are only as good as the dedicated individual who will see his program through. Exercise caution in your training even while you give it your all every single time. For a winner like you, there is no room for average anyway.

Emmanuel Palmer is an expert in the best bodybuilding workouts there are. Get excellent articles on a great Weight Lifting Program for free when you click on the website.

1 lb. L-Glutamine Amino Acid Protein Powder Pure Muscle Body Building Weight Lifting Depression Arthritis USP & FCC Food Grade By Dual Health

July 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements

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1. Irritable bowel syndrome- If you suffer from this syndrome that is associated with diarrhea and poor digestion, L-glutamine can help. The supplement works by repairing the gastrointestinal lining, and improving nutrient absorption.
2. If you have diabetes, L-glutamine is used to effectively aid in glucose utilization by keeping blood sugar levels normal. L-Glutamine health benefits include reducing insulin resistance in those who have a diet high in fat… More >>

1 lb. L-Glutamine Amino Acid Protein Powder Pure Muscle Body Building Weight Lifting Depression Arthritis USP & FCC Food Grade By Dual Health

Weight lifting is a very good body building exercise.

July 10, 2012 by  
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Article by Farid

Weight lifting is a very good body building exercise. – Autos

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Body modification is done for many non-medical reasons. These reasons differ from person to person, and they include sexual augmentation, aesthetic reasons, denoting affiliation and religious reasons etc.

Olympic weight lifting is also called Olympic – style weightlifting. It is a well recognized sport which participants attempt a single, maximum weight lift or a barbell loaded with weight plates.

There are two lifts that are try to win. They are clean and jerk and snatch. In the past there was another weight lifting procedure known as clean and press. But in this technique, unlike the other two lifts it was difficult in judging apt form and therefore discontinued. Read more Campingferie oestjylland

Weight lifting is a type of strength training. By these exercises the skinny muscles are developed and strengthened. In weight lifting weighted bars, dumbbells and weight stacks are used. The force of gravity is used in the above type. The force generated by muscle through concentric or eccentric reduction is opposed.

In weight training, specific muscle groups and types of movements are targeted and many specialized equipment is been used to accomplish results.

Weight lifting includes many features and these are sports rather than forms of exercise.

Body building, Olympic weightlifting, power lifting and strongman all include weight training.

Power lifting consists of three actions which is the bench press, the squat, and the dead lift.

Power lifting is like to Olympic weight lifting. Read more Madlavningskursus Soenderjylland

Olympic weight lifting is truly a power test, and it is opposed to power lifting which is a test of limit strength. Both are similar for the reason that both disciplines involve lifting weights in three efforts.

Power lifting evolved from a sport known as “Odd lifts”.

This sport too followed the same three attempts lay out. But this sport uses a wide array of events relative to strongman events.

Power lifting meets chiefly takes place in the United States, United Kingdom and Russia. But it also takes place in many other countries around the planet.

Weight lifting enables to lose fat and change the body. Although diet and cardio are important, weightlifting add to the body looks easier. Weight lifting can hoist one metabolism.

The more muscle one has the more calories will be burned all day long since muscle burns more calories than fat.

Weight lifting also strengthens bones. Therefore weight lifting is more important for women, as female bones have a tendency to become weaker as they grow old and especially after bearing children. Read more Friskoler Roedding

Muscular staying power is increased by weight lifting and both male and female bodies are been made stronger.

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Weight Lifting Exercises for Your Rhomboids �

July 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Chest Exercises

Article by Dave Vower

Weight Lifting Exercises for Your Rhomboids � – Health – Fitness

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Weight Lifting Exercises for Your Rhomboids • ” Start today with pullovers

Mid back is very important in a weight lifting exercise program. Among the mid back muscles, the most important muscles are those on the Rhomboids. Rhomboids are placed in the middle portion of the upper back of the body and placed between the shoulder blades. In all the weight lifting exercises, the shoulder blades play a vital role, as they have to shrink and expand. Due to this the buildings up of rhomboids muscles are extremely required. All kinds of compound weight lifting exercises contribute efficiently to the muscle build up of Rhomboids.

The weight lifting exercise like pullovers are found to be very effective in maintaining and bringing up the Rhomboid muscles. Wide grip pull-ups and bench dips are some other weight lifting exercises, which can benefit the muscle growth of rhomboids.

Dumbbell pullovers: You can lie down over a bench positioning the back body on the bench. Now grasp the dumbbells with both the hands holding it on the closest sides of the weights. Start raising up in an arc style over the head from back to front up to the chest region and lower it back until it reaches behind the head. By doing this weight lifting exercise, your hip will be moving up and down to balance the weights. Make sure that you have a nice and strong grip on the dumbbells.

Wide grip pull-ups: In this weight lifting exercise, you have to grasp an overhead bar with a shoulder width or wide grip. Wide grip will be more beneficial. Now you have to make your body to pull up mover the bar until the chin crosses the bar. Then slowly lower the body until your arms are extended. While doing this weight lifting exercise, do not swing the body and also make sure that you are fully stretched your arms at the original position.

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Dave has been writing articles online for nearly 3 years now. Not only does this author specialize in health, fitness and relationships you can also check out his latest websites: Parkside TrampolineCarlton Badminton Racket

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Dave has been writing articles online for nearly 3 years now. Not only does this author specialize in health, fitness and relationships you can also check out his latest websites: Parkside TrampolineCarlton Badminton Racket

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Weight Lifting Routines-Free Help From Bodybuilding Champion

July 4, 2012 by  
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Article by Phil Knox

Weight Lifting Routines-Free Help From Bodybuilding Champion – Health

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Weight Lifting routines are confounding because there are so many muscle-bound block-heads out there claiming that their weight lifting workout routine is the unparalleled way to build muscle.Well, you don’t have to follow those no body’s anymore. Michael Ferencsik, the 2008 Forever Natural Bodybuilding Champion has just released a step by step manual to help folks of all ages build muscle and lose fat! This guy has 30 years of personal training practice and is a highly decorated natural bodybuilder. He knows exactly what the human body needs to build muscle and lose weight and he’s ready to unveil you all of his trade secrets!The biggest benefit to Michael’s weight lifting routines is that it is designed for beginners. You don’t have to be a big strong experienced bodybuilder to reap the rewards of his masterful insights. You can build muscle and get fit using his Muscle Maximization Manuscript even if you’ve never stepped into a gym in your life, in fact, he has a special section for complete rookies in his ebook where he provides home weight lifting routines using everyday items in your home just because he wants you to begin to strengthen and tone your muscles. His book then moves on to beginner weight lifting routines for when you are ready to step into the gym, and it also reveals intermediate and advanced weight training routines to use as you progress.Weight lifting workout routines and weight loss systems that you buy from television commercials or from the best seller list at the bookstore are generic plans written by average people, but the Muscle Maximization Manuscript was written by a highly decorated Natural Bodybuilding Champion! Who are you more likely to trust?His simple weight lifting routines are time-tested systems fine tuned for beginners and advanced weight trainers alike.Ready to get started? Here is a look at Michaels Mass weight lifting routine for beginners:Multi joint weight lifting routines are the best type of weight training exercise beginners can perform because it builds a solid foundation of muscle fast! You’ll will see quick results and your success will motivate you to work harder toward your bodybuilding goals. As you advance, you’ll incorporate Isolation weight lifting routines to tone and define the details in your muscle. These multi joint weight training routines are meant to be performed with alot of weight, as much as you can lift just 6 to 8 times. Make certain that you always use perfect form, take your time and don’t rush the movement. Use a belt for exrta support when performing squats, dead lifts and presses. Watch my YouTube videos for detailed instructions on form while executing these weight training routines and pick up my ebook for complete instructions on this routine and many more.Squats: 4 sets of 6 to 8 repetitions eachDead Lifts: 3 sets of 6 to 8 repsBench Presses or Incline Bench Press: 3 sets of 6 to 8 repsStanding Overhead Barbell Presses: 3 sets of 6 to 8 repsPull Ups: 3 sets of 6 to 8Dips: 3 sets of 6 to 10 (work up to 10 reps before adding weight)Close Grip Triceps Bench Presses: 3 sets of 6 to 8Weighted Sit Ups: 3 sets of 10 to 12 These weight lifting routines are meant to be a total body workout. Always perform no less than 6 repititions per set. Make certain that you get adaquate rest inbetween workouts, at least 48 hours. Never workout two days in a row.Watch Michael Ferencsik demonstrate exactly how to perform these and many more Weight Lifting Routines on YouTube right now. Or, just pick up his step by step bodybuilding guide and diet ebook now by going to Musclemaximization.com. Enjoy your free weight lifting routines
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Phil Knox writes regularly about health related topics. I hope you enjoy this article.

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Phil Knox writes regularly about health related topics. I hope you enjoy this article.

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