Using Weight Lifting Straps for a Bigger Back
February 13, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Lifting
Article by Mike Hightower
Lats like Jay Cutler. We all want ’em. A big wide lat spread that casts a shadow over the whole gym. Ahhh but how to get it, that is the question.
We all see our favorite bodybuilders walking around with straps dangling from their wrists and we realize that we too must get a set of these bad-boys so that we can look just as cool on back day right?
The problem is that without proper knowledge lifting straps can actually hinder your lat building progress. On the other hand used properly they can make back growth exponential.
The key is in realizing the weakness in lifting straps.
The weakness inherent in all lifting straps is that they allow you to lift more weight than you can hold with your grip.
“But Mike isn’t this a good thing” you say.
Can be. If used correctly. However, if it means that you are now just lifting more weight and still using improper form then you are headed for a world of hurt.
So what is the key?
The key is to use your straps to create better form. In the case of back training straps should allow you to focus all of your attention on your back muscles, and avoid to the use of your arms.
Nitty Gritty Details
The mistake that most beginning and amateur bodybuilders make is to rely on their biceps in their back training. Now a certain amount of bicep recruitment is almost unavoidable. However it should be minimized to the greatest extent possible because when the bicep is bearing the weight, the back is not.
Take wide grip pulldowns for example. Most trainees make the mistaken assumption that the key is to get the wide-grip bar down to their chin. This is not the case. the goal is to get the latissimus dorsi to contract as maximally as possible. And really this can only be done when the trainee is aware of the muscle contracting. This awareness is much harder than when doing a set of concentration curls because the trainee cannot see the back.
What must be done is to spend time doing exercises that create an environment for feeling the latissimus contraction. The bottom line best exercise for this is chin ups. That’s right… chin ups. Not pull-downs, but real grab-the-bar-and-lift-the-body-up chin ups. You see, the line of the body hanging on a bar just happens to be the perfect line to feel those lats in action.
Straps For Focus
Now for the straps that we are talking about.
When doing the chin-up you want the back muscles to be your focus and not your biceps. So slip on the straps, and curl them around your chin up bar [if it is too far off of the ground then grab a bench to attach the straps and then hang free]. Now with straps on, arch you chest as much as possible and lift your body concentrating on pulling your elbows toward your sides. As you focus on your elbows your arms should almost feel loose and unengaged. All tension should be in your lower back and on your lats.
This “elbow focus” is how you will begin to feel those lats working. And it is only possible because you have used straps to take your arms out of the equation as much as possible.
Try it, get some straps and try this elbow focus technique on your next training session. Once you feel it, and not a second sooner, then try the same technique on bent barbell rows and all varieties of other back exercises. With your new found ability to feel the lats working you will enjoy some nice back growth.
Now lets learn the secrets to building t-shirt stretching arms and ripped abs. Check out the Muscle Building Course. It’s Free… Click Here >
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Weight Lifting tips
February 10, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Lifting
Article by Kevin Forrester
Weight Lifting Tips
Author; Kevin Forrester
With all of the weight lifting tips out there it’s hard to figure out how you can put that into a workable weight lifting program. If you’re a beginner and can’t wait to get started then lets take some of that enthusiasm and get you directed in the right direction.
There are several things you need to understand about weight lifting and the proper way to go about it. Once you learn the basics and can perform the exercises with strict form, so you don’t hurt yourself then you can begin to experiment with other more advanced techniques.
The first thing you need to do is set some goals for yourself. Ask yourself what you would like to accomplish. Where would you like to see your body in six months and then in a year? Do you want to lift weights to gain strength for sports? Do you want to lift weights to look good at the beach? Do you want to lift weights to get stronger? Once you can figure out why you want to lift weights you will have a great motivator to continue lifting weights.
The second thing you need to learn is proper technique. I recommend starting out with very light weight until you get accustomed to performing the exercise with as little difficulty as possible. There is such a thing as muscle memory and if you train the muscle to work through the correct range of motion it will respond better when you start increasing the weight with less chance of injuring yourself. Do not fall prey to the “lets see how much you can lift” pressure. Don’t pile on the weight until you are ready just to impress your friends. You will impress them more by getting big and strong by lifting the proper way.
The next weight lifting tip I can recommend in the beginning is for you to resist the urge to workout each body part more than once a week. Your muscles don’t grow when you are working out; they grow when you are resting. This is probably the most important piece of advice I can give you at the beginning stages of your weight lifting career. A good starting program would have you doing the following: · Monday: Shoulders · Tuesday: Arms / Abs · Wednesday: Legs· Thursday: Back· Friday: Chest / Abs
These are just basic weight lifting tips for the beginning weight lifter. Weight lifting becomes a way of life for many of us and you can’t expect to learn it all right away. It helps to follow the advice of those that have been there before but you need to tailor a program that will work for you and your body type. If you start correctly and with all the right tools you will make incredible gains in strength and size.
Kevin has been training others for over thirty years and has written many articles on training and muscle building. In order to succeed you need a game plan. Get the body you always dreamed about. Check out:
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Free Weight Lifting Chart
January 31, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Lifting
Article by Guido Nussbaum
For those of us that have been lifting weights for quite a long time, we already realize exactly how beneficial it can be to track our progress in numerous different ways. For that purpose, we could need to discover a blank weight lifting chart and to keep an eye on our progress in that way. Finding one of these charts isn’t actually all that tricky, as there are several different places that you can look. It is making sure that you use it correctly, which is truly going to make a difference in how you are progressing, overall. One of the best places to get a blank weight lifting chart is on the web. There are several websites that are available on the net which have these charts that are freely available to download. Many of them are in PDF format, so you are going to need to print them out to fill in the blank spots with your particular exercises. There are others, however, that may be available in Excel format so you can fill in the blank spaces before you print them out and keep everything a bit neater. You should be aware, however, that downloading a blank weight lifting chart that is in Excel format may be a little bit dodgy, because there may be viruses that are attached. Another place where you could be capable of finding a few of these charts are in the weightlifting mags. Each of these mags will have a different routine that is available nearly every month, and some folks get these regulars, exclusively for those routines. You will have a hard time finding a blank weight lifting chart in these magazines but there could be times when you can evolve one of those charts to your own particular wants. It can save you a bunch of time in choosing different exercises and it can also help you to mix things up a bit which will help your general expansion. Something else that you may need to include in any weight lifting chart is a little bit about nourishment. Many of us tend to focus on the amount of weight that we are lifting or maybe the amount number of reps that we are doing but nutrition is truly what’s going to help to grow and get stronger. You may need to include this on the same blank weight lifting chart or you may want to download a chart for nutrition all of its own. If you eat properly with lifting weights correctly, you would be surprised with precisely how much of a difference you’ll recognize. There’s little doubt that maintaining a tally of your progress is going to make a big difference in your general gains. By keeping a chart with you, and ensuring that you fill it out thoroughly, you will be able to see at a peek where you were and where you are at now. This will give you the best opportunity of planning for the future. twelve Secret Weight Lifting Techniques for maximum Muscles!
12 Secret Weight Lifting Techniques For Maximum Muscles!
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The Many Benefits of Weight Lifting For Women
January 22, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Lifting
Despite the overwhelming benefits of weight lifting for women, why are so many women scared to lift weights?Because they’re fearful of turning into raging hulks or gaining the muscle of an Arnold Schwarzenegger.
But this simply does not happen and should not prevent women from using resistance training in their fat loss plans.
Men and women need to train and work out similarly if they want to see results.
Most people want to:
1. Gain lean muscle or get toned up2. Lose body fat3. Increase strength/endurance/energyOr all of the above.
And the thing is, whether you’re a man or women, those things are achieved the same way, using the same process of weight training, cardio, and nutrition.
They have to be, it’s cause and effect.
Much like a man and woman will get a sunburn the same way (light or sun) a man and woman need to train the same way to get leaner and more toned.
Human beings lose fat and gain lean muscle in the same manner. Physiologically, they have to.Now, some of the RESULTS will be different for men and women, but the approach should be the same.
The reason the results may differ is that weight lifting for women cannot build as much muscle as men can.
Women do not have enough testosterone in their bodies to pack on a lot of muscle.
So they tend to lose fat and tone up, where as men will gain more bulky muscle.
But again, the approach for men and women must be the same if any results are to be achieved.
In fact, weight lifting for women is one of the best ways to prevent against bone diseases.
Weight-lifting exercises monitored by University of Arizona researchers showed that women can maintain and build their bone mass and muscle strength in the hip and spine areas, where most fractures occur from the brittle bone disease of osteoporosis.
The study also showed these exercises help build and preserve the muscle mass lost during aging.
The more stimulation the bones receive, the denser they will be.
It’s important to gradually increase the weight in these workouts. When you have reached the maximum amount you can lift, vary the routines so you’re putting different forces on muscles and bones.
Without a doubt, weight lifting for women should be top priority when it comes to losing weight, toning up, or just plain getting into shape.A few other benefits of weight lifting for women are:
*** It helps directly in weight loss because the more lean muscle a women has, the more calories she burns even at rest!
*** Weight training can also help improve a person’s mood.
*** People who begin weight training can expect substantial increasing in strength.
*** Weight training also will increase muscle endurance, making aerobic exercise easier.
Bottom line…weight lifting for women is a must for overall great health!
Are you just starting out and beginning to learn how to weight train?
Or maybe you’re advanced and want to be doing the best methods for losing weight and toning up.
The benefits of weightlifting for women are endless — helping your health, lose weight, and reach your flat stomach goals. Here are 5 reasons why every woman needs to be lifting weights. Blog — MORE tips and tricks — http
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Weight Lifting Supplement – Important Information You Need To Know
January 15, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Lifting
Article by Mike Parker
Almost everyone has heard of weight lifting supplement in these days. However, not many people know much of anything about what they are and what they do for weight lifters. There is some important information that you need to know before you start using a weight lifting supplement.
What is a weight lifting supplement? It is a supplement that is made to help people who are weight lifting or body building to achieve better results in their body building or weight lifting programs.
There are a lot of these supplements available that you can use. However, you need to be careful when you choose one for you. Let me explain some important information to you before you find a supplement to use for your weight lifting.
Weight lifting supplements and safety:
You have to be very careful when you are using a weight lifting supplement. There are many products out there that claim to be the real thing but are really fake products. There are also many products that will harm your health instead of help you. You always want to talk to a doctor or a health professional before you start using any of the supplements that are on the market.
Dangers of weight lifting supplement:
Weight lifting supplements can be very dangerous. There have been studies done that prove that instead of helping you the supplement will not help you build muscles and could create adverse health effects. You need to do some research online on any supplement that you want to use to find out as much information as you can about it.
Don’t forget to talk to a doctor either.
Weight lifting supplement can cause severe withdrawal syndrome:These supplement products can be very addictive. Again you need to talk to a doctor and do some research online to find out what you can about whatever supplement you want to take. You want to find out what the side effects are to each supplement.
There has been at least one study that proved that one of the supplements (GBL – gamma-butyrolactone) has caused healthy males to start having paranoid delusions, hallucinations and deranged vital signs after discontinuing the use of the supplement products that contained GBL.You need to talk to a doctor and do research about any weight lifting supplement that are thinking about taking. You don’t just want to start taking it and assume that everything will be okay or that it will help you with your weight lifting. You should always remember that your safety and health comes before your weight training or bodybuilding.
Mike Parker invites to visit his weight lifting supplement website for ways to build muscle and attract women. Get your free copy of “How Your Physique Affects the Female Mind” right here now.
BuffMuscleStuff Weight Lifting Hooks – Top Benefits And Features Of This Supplement
January 14, 2012 by admin
Filed under Resistance Training
Article by Benjamin Sheers
BuffMuscleStuff Weight Lifting Hooks is a product that can be considered a must-have for weight lifters out there. Weight lifters tend to put themselves in harm’s way whenever they are lifting heavy objects. Finding a grip on slippery heavy objects can be difficult. You could injure yourself carrying these objects incorrectly. Why not try using this product in order to ease up your weight lifting tasks?
BuffMuscleStuff Weight Lifting Hooks has been designed to help ease up your weight lifting work. This is a kind of hand gear that you use to help you find the best grip on the object you are lifting. This is what you need if you want to prevent your hands from slipping on the handles of the object. It also makes it easier for you to lift heavy objects without having to go the extra mile in finding the best grip.
BuffMuscleStuff Weight Lifting Hooks can be attached well to your hands because it has extra wide Velcro closure. The Velcro closure ensures that the material is connected to your wrist perfectly. Try wrapping it around your wrist. It does not come off easily even if you are lifting very heavy objects. The material does not get damaged easily as well.
BuffMuscleStuff Weight Lifting Hooks is made from comfortable materials. The wrist strap has been incorporated with neoprene lining. This will ease up stress on your wrist and hands. It will help you lift heavy objects without making you feel like you are wearing constricting straps on your wrists.
BuffMuscleStuff Weight Lifting Hooks can help you find a better grip because of the featured steel hooks. The wrist band features a steel hook. Use this to secure the object you are lifting. It makes it easier for you to lift heavy objects and reduces the chances of the object slipping even before you get a good grip on it.
BuffMuscleStuff Weight Lifting Hooks can make lifting weights significantly safer. Injuries can happen if you don’t know how to properly lift heavy objects. While finding the best grip, you might inadvertently injure your hands, back or even your knees. This is why it is important to use supporting gears such as this one. It helps lessen the chances of injuries.
BuffMuscleStuff Weight Lifting Hooks can be bought in free sizes. This product comes in free sizes so you can easily buy it. It would feel like the product has been custom-fitted for your special needs.
BuffMuscleStuff Weight Lifting Hooks should be a constant part of your workout routine especially if you are a weight lifter. It is what you need to make quick work of lifting heavy objects. This is comfortable to wear since it has neoprene lining. The wrist band has a steel hook that you can use to secure the object you are lifting. This can help put you out of harm’s way when lifting objects. This is available in free sizes so you can get the most out of the benefits of this product.
Benjamin Sheers is an expert in health supplements and beauty products. He is currently running a website about health, beauty, and fitness.
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Strength Training Exercise – The Benefits of Lifting Weights
January 6, 2012 by admin
Filed under Endurance Training
Article by Protica Research
It’s amazing to walk into gyms and fitness centers these days. There are so many new types of machines and gadgets that people can use to stay healthy. The really amazing thing about these places, however, is not the machines and technology – it’s the people who are using them. People from every age group and walk of life are enjoying the benefits that can be derived from resistance training. Strength exercise programs aren’t just for the huge bodybuilder or football player any more. People young and old, fat and thin, are learning how to lift weights in an effort to live healthier, more enjoyable lives.
The demographics of an average gym member today are a lot different than they were 20 or 30 years ago. Gyms used to be the dwelling place of the physically elite. Only huge, strong, full time athletes roamed the weight rooms back in those days. It was a good bet that people who were on a strength training exercise program back then were hardcore about their strength exercise and took their training very seriously. Over time, though, word got out that strength training exercise wasn’t just for bodybuilders. In fact, if you go to the average weight room today, you will see just as many beginners as you will seasoned athletes. We simply know more about the overall health benefits of exercise now than we did a generation ago.
Strength Training Exercise Routines for the Rest of Us
One of the great things that you see in gyms today is the number of women who are adopting strength training exercise into their fitness plans. There have always been women who lifted weights, but there was a myth that women who got on strength exercise programs would become ‘masculine’ and ‘muscle-bound’. For many years this myth continued to circulate and some women avoided touching weights for fear of becoming manly or getting too big. Fortunately, it has been proven that doing a strength training exercise routine alone will not result in women becoming huge and muscular. Even professional women bodybuilders are not likely to get very big or overly muscular without hardcore strength exercise programs, the right genetics and other variables being present. Simply put, women now know that they can, and should include resistance training in their exercise programs.
Women can enjoy some fantastic benefits by incorporating strength training exercise into their fitness routines. The first benefit is increased lean body mass, which results in increased fat loss. Women can also fight off degenerative bone loss later in life by becoming stronger and more fit. Strength training exercise is a true health benefit for women of every age.
Strength Training Exercise Routines for the Elderly
One thing that might surprise you, if you haven’t been to a gym in a while, is the number of older people who are pumping iron. Doctors are recommending that elderly people take up strength exercise routines as a way to combat the effects of aging. One of the first things that happens as we get older is that we naturally begin to lose muscle mass. As lean body mass decreases our bodies become weaker. Over time this weakness contributes to many other health risks that can be easily avoided by simply maintaining muscle mass. Doctors have seen the plethora of benefits that people get from doing strength training exercise and are prescribing it to more and more of their patients every year.
Strength training exercise acts as a preventative health measure for older people. Many middle aged and elderly people aren’t all that concerned about getting huge, ripped or buff, they simply want to stay strong and active well into their golden years. Adding muscle mass, by way of strength exercise, is one of the most potent ways for these people to stay strong, healthy and vibrant for years to come. It’s likely that even more elderly people will begin to adopt strength training exercise regimens, as doctors continue to see the massive health improvements that these types of exercise programs provide.
Strength Training Exercise and Nutrition
Even the best strength exercise routine in the world won’t increase lean muscle mass without the right nutrition. People who are trying to add muscle mass – whether they are professional athletes, work at home mothers or older folks – need increased levels of protein intake in order to sustain and increase lean body mass. The only nutrient the body can use to build muscle tissue is protein. It’s important for people to pay close attention to their diets when they adopt a strength training exercise program. Failure to take in enough protein will result in no gains, and perhaps increased chances of injury, when lifting weights. For your body to get the most from a strength training routine, you need to give it the raw materials it needs to increase muscle mass. Protein is that raw ingredient that your body needs, so make sure that you are getting enough protein to sustain muscle growth.
Nutritional supplements are available that can help people get optimum levels of protein to fuel their workouts. Profect is one of the more popular protein drinks. It provides a whopping 25 grams of top quality protein to help your muscles recover from any strength exercise session. Adding a protein supplement, like Profect to your diet can help you to make sure that you are getting adequate levels of protein to get all the healthy benefits possible from your diet and exercise program. Resistance exercise is for everyone and it goes hand-in-hand with good nutritional practices. Make sure that you are getting the right amount of protein to get the most from your workouts.
About Protica Research ( Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm specializing in the development of dense nutrition in compact forms. Protica manufactures Profect (, IsoMetric (, Pediagro (, Fruitasia ( and many other brands in its GMP-certified, 250,000 square foot facility. Copyright – Protica present Free Coaching Videos and drills, training Videos and fitness club in, fitness club gym, the gym fitness center, training work out, weight training lifting, training for basketball, training in basketball, strength training exercises, muscle training workout, weight lifting exercises, athletic fitness club, training strength
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How To Get The Best Value From Your Commercial Weight Lifting Equipment
January 6, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Lifting
Commercial weight lifting equipment is absolutely necessary for any gym. Equipment built for commercial use allows for a greater workload as many more users will be utilizing the machine functions. There are many different types of commercial equipment and not all of them are machines. From intricate weight lifting gym systems to traditional dumbbells, the options are vast and all are beneficial in one way or another.
Building from the ground up is a good place to start when looking at commercial weight lifting equipment. With large machines generally being very heavy, protecting your gym floors is pertinent. Commercial grade fitness mats generally come in pre-measured sheets at a size of four feet by six feet. The thickness of the mats can vary from one half inch to three quarter inch thick. Some of these fitness mats are even made from materials like recycled rubber, which in turn help the environment while protecting gym floors from heavy weight damage.
Once you have a prepared surface for your commercial weight lifting equipment to rest on, you can begin to fill your gym with machines and equipment to meet your client needs.
For traditional weight lifting via the use of free weights, there are a few different options on the market today. Barbells utilize a bar that can be straight or shaped for hand placement (known as the EZ Curl Bar) and are normally made from iron. The length of the bars varies. Commercial barbells are generally categorized as Olympic barbells because of their ability to handle a larger weight capacity in comparison to standard barbells. While the standard version is more commonly found in the home exercise room, many gyms also carry this style.
Weight plates are used in conjunction with the Olympic and standard barbells.
Also made of iron, the weight plates display how heavy they are so the user can determine how many plates to slide onto the barbell. The plates are held in place with the use of spring collars, offering a secure lift when in use. When clients are using barbells for weight lifting, there are three different kinds of benches to aid in their exercise. Incline, decline and flat benches all offer various positions for the user to lift in. Some are adjustable; some have racks for the barbell to rest in when not in use and others are just flat.
Commercial weight lifting machines offer a different approach to lifting than the traditional barbell method. Multi and single station machines allow users to perform a range of exercises. Some prefer these machines because they feel they are easier and safer to use. Others see the multitude of pins, cables and pulleys as a hassle and opt for free weights. Offering both kinds of commercial weight lifting equipment is a definite must for all of your clients.
Alexander Sutton has been helping people discover the simplest ways to improve their quality of life. For more information, please visit Commercial Weight Lifting Equipment.
Reasons Why Every Weight LIfter Must Wear Weight Lifting Gloves
January 2, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Lifting
Article by Maryam Getz
Weight lifting gloves are shaped for people who participated in weight resistance training. This type of exercise can result in ugly, calloused hands. But that doesn’t mean that with a impressive body you have to have unattractive hands. This is where weight lifting gloves come in. If you want to know how lifting gloves can aid you, read on.
The palms of our hands are the ones that are regularly exposed to these frictions that could cause blisters and calluses. Weight lifting gloves cover the palms while leaving the fingers bare. They guard the palms during curling of barbells, dumb bells, and handles of other weight training equipment.
Training gloves put off moisture formation thus, allowing you to get an advance grip on the handle of the barbells. Sweating can cause the hands become slippery. Once this happens, training equipment is at risk of gliding off. When you drop heavy training equipment such as barbells, you can incur injuries such as: muscle pull, fracture, damage of the muscle tissues, spinal injuries and worse, even death.
When you are performing weight lifting exercises, your hands carry out a a lot
Elbow Pain When Weight Lifting
December 20, 2011 by admin
Filed under Weight Lifting
Article by Alex Miller
Feeling elbow pain in your weight lifting endeavors can be very annoying and frustrating, let alone maybe downright excruciating. Usually the pain becomes chronic, that is, it seems to never go away. You may be given the advice by a health care professional to rest completely by not lifting weights at all for awhile. Then, you start lifting again and the pain is back. Sometimes just turning a door handle or picking up a small object is painful. First of all, take the mystery out of your ailment; see a doctor for the proper diagnosis. If it is something as serious as a tear, you may only be making it worse by working out.
Typical Causes of Elbow Pain
Typically, elbow pain is caused by injured tendons and is either called tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow. Tendons are connective tissue made out of collagen (a type of protein). Tendons usually attach muscle to bone. Tennis or golfer’s elbow is generally causes by unnatural torque forces on the elbow and forearm. This means that there is no one single cause. It is not usually the result of a direct weightlifting accident but can be. It is rather usually caused by bad or improper lifting form. Obviously you don’t have to play either tennis or golf to be afflicted. Golfer’s elbow is sometimes called thrower’s elbow. Usually, both are caused by some kind of power overload in the forearm attached to the affected elbow. To know which is which, you need to know where on your elbow the pain is located.
Tennis Elbow
The medical term for tennis elbow is Lateral Epicondylitis. Lateral is a term for anatomical position and means the tendonitis is on the outside of the elbow away from your body. Epicondyle is Latin and refers to the end part of the humerus or upper arm bone. Epi means “upon” and condyle means “knuckle.” It hurts where the tendons and muscles attach to the bone area called the epicondyle. There may be a tear or only a strain. Those who suffer from tennis elbow represent about 3% of the population and usually they are between 30 to 50 years of age. The symptoms are pain on the outside of the elbow when having to forcefully grip anything. Sometimes it hurts just to shake hands or use a knife and fork. There may or may not be visible inflammation.
Golfer’s Elbow
The medical term for golfer’s elbow is Medial Epicondylitis. Medial is a term for the anatomical position and means the tendonitis is on the part inside the elbow closest to your body. Medial Epicondylitis is the inside knuckle of the elbow. Pain can be felt when doing such exercises as chins, curls, rowing, dumbbell flys and the like. It is usually felt when the wrist is turned inward with an axial motion. There may be no visible swelling.
Personal Anecdote
I once had a job bending over and lifting many 150 lb. monitors from off a pallet up, over and down into a large box. My back could handle it well enough; it was like doing a combination row-and-deadlift with a twist to the side. My hands and forearms were about 4 feet from each other to grip and press the side handles of the monitors in a very unnatural fashion. The pressure it put on my elbows, however, was enough to give me golfer’s (thrower’s) elbow. This was very painful and I consequently could not do weight chins without pain, especially on the inside of my right elbow. It got better only after not lifting anything heavy for awhile and abstaining from weighted chins.
Immediate Treatment
Initial treatment should be first aid known as R.I.C.E.
• Rest – Stop using the afflicted part.
• Ice – 10 minutes on, 10 minutes off for an hour (or whatever feels comfortable).
• Compress – Wrap a compression bandage around the injury. This may keep down the swelling.
• Elevate – Keep the injured part propped up and elevated above the level of your heart. This may help keep down the swelling.
Clinical Treatment
Most people will get better with rest and using Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs). Your doctor may inject Corticosteroids in the tender area where the tendon attaches to the humeral epicondyle (elbow knuckle bone). You may have a couple follow up injections along with 2 or three months of prescribed rest. Corticosteroids are powerful anti-inflammatory drugs. The problem is that they sometimes work so well that the athlete thinks he is already healed and then goes out stressing the injured part to the max only to make the injury worse than before. The possible side effects indicate they are only to be used short term. There are studies that show long term use may cause symptoms to re-occur to where you’re back at the beginning again. A conservative rehabilitation program is usually the best. If your doctor says you need surgery, research this well and perhaps get a second opinion.
Prevention and Care
• Always keep at least a slight bend in your arm when lifting–especially with heavy weights.
• Lighten up on the weights.
• Perform exercises with strict form. If a lift doesn’t feel natural then don’t do it.
• After healing, avoid those exercises completely that give you pain or at least do them only partially in a safe way with a lighter weight.
• Do gripping exercises on a regular basis.
• Stretch your forearm extensors. This is a passive stretch: Extend your right arm straight out with palm down. With your left hand, pull your right hand down and back so your right palm faces you. This will stretch your right forearm extensors. Hold for 7 to 10 seconds. Repeat.
• Ask your doctor if an elbow compression strap will work for you. This is a strap that wraps around your forearm about 2 to 3 centimeters down from your elbow. It puts pressure on the tendons at the compression point thus somewhat relieving the pressure on tendons at the elbow joint. It works on the same principle as that of putting finger pressure on a guitar string. The pressure on the string is relieved above the fret point.
We can avoid weight training injuries with simple common sense. Unfortunately, elbow injuries last for a long time and may never completely go away. Prevention is the most important thing.
If you liked this article, you may also be interested in Elbow Pain with Weight Lifting. Check out for more weight training information.
It is important to use a weight lifting wrist strap when using weights that are normally difficult to hold. Wear a wrist strap properly withadvice from a personal trainer in this free video on weight training. Expert: Jason Morgan Bio: Jason Morgan works as a personal trainer in Carolina Beach, North Carolina, and holds a certification through The International Sports Sciences Association. Filmmaker: Rendered Communications Series Description: It is important to use wrist straps and eat a low carb diet when wanting to build muscle. Identify muscle building techniques with advice from a personal trainer in these free videos on building muscle.
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