What to Seek When Buying Weight Lifting Gloves

December 17, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

Article by Maryam Getz

Weightlifting is a hobby that can be very challenging, not only to your muscles, but your hands as well. Choosing the right weight lifting gloves should be one of your first priorities before participating in any weight training program. Here we will review ways on how to pick the most excellent weight lifting gloves for you.

The Right Size

Imagine wearing gigantic shoes. How does that feel? The principle is the same as to why the “right size” matters when it comes to opting the best lifting gloves. Generally, weight lifting gloves come in four sizes which are:




-Extra Large

How would you know which size to choose is appropriate to your hands? Funny as it may seem, check out the size of the shoes you are putting on as that is the best way. As a rule of thumb, here are the measurements:

-Size 7 – 9 shoes – Small gloves

-Size 9 – 10 shoes – Medium gloves

-Size 10 – 12 shoes – Large gloves

-Size 12 and up – Extra large gloves

The Material

Weight lifting gloves originated from assorted materials. Each type of material has its own use. Therefore, before you purchase your own training gloves, you must opt what you want the gloves for.

Neoprene gloves are primarily used for moisture prevention. As you pump those weights, they are very beneficial at helping to wipe the moisture away when you sweat.

Leather gloves are used for a firmer and a more solid support, especially in lifting very intense set of weights.

The Enclosure

Choosing the enclosure depends on the person’s option and comfort. Never obtain something that causes you any form of distress as this will affect your training and performance.

-Velcro glove enclosure

-Slip-on glove enclosure

A Velcro enclosure without difficulty opens and closes your gloves. Therefore, if you want to get in and out of your gloves quickly, Velcro is the better choice. Also, Velcro offers a firmer fit. This is the reason why most serious weightlifters opt for Velcro enclosures. If you’re a casual weightlifter, a slip-on enclosure will do.

The Return Policy

After you acquire your training gloves, be sure to test them with weights as soon as you can. Check for comfort and sustenance. If it doesn’t offer both, send back the gloves or substitute it with another pair. You can only do this if the store has a return policy. So make sure that you’ve asked about it before generating a purchase.

A smart lifter should understand that a good pair of weight lifting gloves can keep them away from a lot of trouble caused by lifting heavy weights. Sweat on your hands can cause you to drop a weight, that can result in dangerous injuries. Good training gloves should be capable of keeping your hands dry and give you the support that you need so you can lift

weights safely. Remember that the “one-size-fits-all” principle doesn’t apply when it comes to choosing gloves. So make sure that you choose the right one for you.

Weight Lifting Tips

December 14, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

When approaching weight lifting, there needs to be a set plan in place. Are you planning a bulking phase or a cutting phase? These weight lifting tips will help you to pin point what you want to focus on as you begin your weight lifting.

There are many reasons to lift weights. These can include but are not limited to: weight loss, gaining weight, strengthen joints, improved energy, and improved metabolism.

Before embarking on this journey however, it is important to plan ahead. We want to determine whether we are looking to gain weight or lose weight. Weight lifting is generally divided into two categories: the bulking phase and the cutting phase.

The bulking phase is designed for individuals that want to focus on increasing their muscle mass and in effect gain more weight. While the cutting phase is mainly designed for weight loss.

The individuals main focus is to cut back on the amount of fat present in the body being careful to preserve as much muscle tissue as possible.

Many beginners make the mistake of focusing on both bulking up and losing body fat. While results may vary, this method is technically not possible. When you are bulking or gaining weight there is an increase in caloric intake. When you are losing weight you are creating a caloric deficit. Do you see the problem here?? Your efforts will be cancelled out. It is important to focus on one thing at a time.

When bulking. the source of the calories and the intensity of the workouts will determine the success of your bulking phase. The goal here is to add muscle not extra fat. For optimum results it is best to determine your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) and add 500 calories.

You want to add good calories to your diet to increase results (avoid chips, soda, and empty calories in general). BMR uses age, weight, and height to determine the minimum amount of calories that need to be consumed in order for your body to function properly.

When cutting, calculate the basal metabolic rate and subtract 300-500 calories from the result. The main goal here is to focus on maximum fat loss. It is important not to implement crash diets, they may hinder your results. If not done properly, muscle tissue will be lost while cutting. You don’t want your hard work to go to waste. In order to conserve as much muscle tissue as possible, slowly decrease the amount of calories consumed. Measure your bodies reaction and proceed from there (healthy weight loss is 1 pound a week or a decrease of 500 calories a day). The calorie deficit can be created by adding aerobic exercise or simply by cutting back on what you eat.

For more information on healthy weight loss please visit trimfatbuildmuscle.com . Don’t forget to set goals and stay motivated. Avoid exaggerated claims, they will only side track you from the finish line which is a healthier looking and functioning body!

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Weight Lifting Versus Exercise Equipment

December 8, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

When we think of weight lifting we normally think of ‘free weights’. For the uninitiated, free weights are things like dumbbells and barbells that bodybuilders and power lifters will heave around in a gym in order to build muscle. When we say exercise equipment however, it refers to the machines and the devices that you use in order to help offer you resistance to make the process safer and to provide a range of unusual exercises. So what’s the difference in terms of the actual results? Which is better, and which should you use? Here we’ll address those issues.

First of all it’s important to recognise that there are actually two different types of exercise equipment – those that are akin to weight lifting with free weights, and those that provide CV. The ‘weight lifting exercise equipment’ is technically known as a ‘resistance machine’, and this means that it offers resistance through a set range of movement that mimics things like bicep curls and rows. But is this as beneficial?

Most resistance machines work by using a pulley attached at one end to some weight and at the other to a handle or pad. This then means that in pushing or pulling the handle or pad, the user can lift the weights. The devices are hinged so that they move in a very specific way and this means that the correct form is used, and that the weights can’t be dropped. This in turn prevents injury, but it also prevents you from ‘cheating’ by using your other muscles to ‘swing’ into the movement and thereby help yourself. That then ‘isolates’ the muscle you are working meaning that it is forced to work entirely on its own and gives it a better workout.

On the other hand however, using free weights means that you need to perfect the technique on your own, and it also means that because you are using your supporting muscles, you will be getting more of a full-body workout which will trigger the release of hormones such as growth hormone, and which will cause you to lose more weight and to develop better balance and coordination. You can also keep increasing your weight indefinitely with free weights, whereas resistance machines have an upper limit.

The other type of exercise equipment is CV. This is completely different and involves things like rowing, running and cycling – aerobic exercise that you perform continuously for a set period of time and that this way burns more fat and increases the strength of your heart. Whereas weight lifting and resistance machines are aimed squarely at developing brawn and muscle, these CV machines are intended to help you to lose weight and increase your cardio vascular fitness allowing you to run further and exert yourself more without running out of breath or energy. You can also do this without exercise equipment of course – by running or cycling around the area – but this will require a lot more space to move in.

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Weight Lifting Program for Beginners

December 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

Before you start a weight lifting program for beginners, make sure it has these characteristics:

1) Proven track record.

Any great weight lifting program for beginners will be time tested, and already have lots of successful users.

Don’t go onto Bob’s bodybuilding site and use his program, because frankly it probably hasn’t been proven to work as well as some other programs out there.

2) A solid nutrition plan.

Nutrition is INCREDIBLY important to see results from your weight lifting.

If you’re spending two hours a day in the gym then go home and drink 3-4 beers each night, do you think you’re going to get great results?

Instead make sure you’re eating at least 5-6 times a day, and that you’re including a lot of protein, fruits, and vegetables in your diet.

Saturated fat, sugar, and nasty refined carbohydrates like bread or pasta can definitely put you back.

3) Step-by-step walkthroughs of each exercise (videos are great!)

To make sure you don’t hurt yourself, a good weight lifting program for beginners will show you exactly how to do each exercise- not just show you one or two pictures and say you’re good.

Training incorrectly can cause injury, especially if you aren’t resting enough.

This leads me to one more key characteristic…

4) An emphasis on getting plenty of rest.

Muscles aren’t built in the gym- they’re broken down in the gym.

Muscles are built when you’re resting- so make sure you give your muscles at least a day to recover, and get PLENTY of sleep!

Then check out this gHP Sport free trial that will give you more success than you can believe!

The truth is, gHP Sport is one of the best muscle building supplements out there and really stands apart from all the others!

Women’s Weight Lifting Myths

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

Myths and misconceptions surround the idea of weight lifting for women. Even young women who go the gym regularly balk at lifting dumbbells heavier than two or four pounds unless what they really have in mind in the first place is to grow muscles. I have observed women in the gym, refusing a trainer’s suggestions to use heavier weights, for a number of reasons. Though some may be personal, most refusals were based on what their mothers, friends or sisters told them about lifting weights. Maybe it’s time to give weight lifting a second look.

The most common reason why women refuse to lift weights is because they are afraid they will develop big muscles just like men. But think about this. Have you noticed how hard men have to work to grow their muscles like that of a bodybuilder? It takes years of heavy, consistent training to achieve even modest muscle gain.

So gaining muscle is not as easy as you think. The reason why is because of testosterone. Abundant in men but not in women, testosterone is the principal male sex hormone and is responsible for a lot of what makes men different from women, which includes the development of large, bulky muscles. Also present in women but in small amounts, it will never, in natural circumstances, be enough to grow muscles comparable to men.

Some women believe that weight lifting converts fat to muscles. If only that were true. And some also believe that stopping will convert muscles to fat, which is wrong too. Developing muscles is not alchemy. Muscles in women, however, will increase metabolism, which allows you to use up more calories than just doing, say, aerobic exercises. Even when at rest, muscles use up more calories than fat and the more calories you spend, the faster weight loss occurs. Not to mention the development of sleek, sculpted and more attractive muscles.

Throughout history, women have been considered the gentler or weaker sex. True, generally, women will always have less muscle mass than men. Maybe this is why women prefer aerobic exercises to weight lifting, because aerobics do not require weight lifting, which is considered a masculine activity anyway.

Most women who go to the gym are into cardio and no weights or just light weight lifting exercises. Some women perceive weight lifting or strength training as a masculine activity and therefore do not partake in it in an effort to preserve their femininity. Whatever the origins of these myths, the fact is, weight lifting for women is healthy. It will prevent a lot of physiological changes associated with aging and may delay the appearance of tell tale signs of aging such as sagging muscles and osteoarthritis. Myth or no myth, as with all other things in life, it is still a personal choice. We just have to make sure that the choices we make are the right ones.

For more health and fitness tips and insider advice on selecting home gym fitness equipment, visit FitnessArmory.com where we review all the latest products, like the Proform 790T Treadmill and the Proform 850 T Treadmill. We invite you to stop by and drop us a line if you have any questions.

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Basics of Weight Lifting

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

If you want to be successful in the gym, then you need to know some basics. Every beginner makes some common mistakes at first so I wrote this article to help prevent them from happening. Here are some basics of weight lifting tips to help you start off.

These are just some basic principles that everyone should know. If you lift with heavier weights and do less reps then you will get bigger and gain more weight. If you lift with lighter weights and do more reps you will tone your body and gain less weight. You really don’t need to have or do anything fancy if you want to see good results.

Stay focused on the smaller ideas here. Don’t over train your body or look into any advanced types of work outs. Look to do standard everyday exercises such as the bench press, squatting, etc. You should have at least one day of rest in between each session to ensure that your body has properly rested enough.

Make sure you are training your whole body.

Someone who is advanced might have a day for biceps and a day for chest, etc. You do not want to do this since you need to prepare your body first and let it get used to working out. Do not work out one area like crazy and the other not at all. Men tend to focus on their upper bodies, such as their chest, back, shoulders, arms etc. Women tend to focus on their lower bodies, such as their butt, hips, thighs, etc. Do not fall under this stereotype, keep your workouts balanced.

I hope this article will help you with starting to lift weights. Adjust your weight and amount of reps according to what you are looking to do. Don’t over do anything at first and give your body the rest it deserves. Be sure to train your body as a whole and stick to the basics to succeed.

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Weight Lifting Routines that Work

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

Lifting weights is one of the programs that is done when one desires to develop muscle mass and to boost overall fitness. Some of these routines is actually suitable for body building or sports training. It is much better if you know that there are a variety of weight lifting routines that can be found out there.

A well-known weight lifting routine is called as the One-Three-Five System. Most athletes use this sort of program to improve their endurance. This will be a bonus to the athlete by improving his strength and ability when he is doing his sport. The One-Three-Five System is done on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and these days are allocated for weight lifting while the rest of the days are for sports training. These three days that the athlete is doing weight lifting, he will do a lot of bench press, sit-ups, dumbbell press and squats.

These exercises are good for muscle building and endurance training. This will target a specific muscle and through repetition, endurance is achieved. Doing this traning will improve their skills on the field or whatever sports that they’re engaged in.

The Alternate Body Training System is another type of weight lifting routine. This training program is good for body builders. This routine focuses on complementary muscle groups. These muscle groups work when one contracts, other groups of muscles stay at rest or are not activated.An example of complementary muscles are as follows, adomen and spinal erectors, hamstrings and quadriceps plus the biceps and triceps. So example, on the very first day one can think about one group of muscles like the abdomen, biceps and hamstrings. And on the 2nd day, you possibly can work on the other group such as spinal erectors, triceps and quadriceps.

This could be repeated several times. The web offers an amazing array of weight lifting exercises. Read on these exercises before you do your exercises. You can mix weight lifting routines when your levels progress.

The right weight lifting routines are essential for anyone looking to make progress with their training.

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Circuit Training Routines and Circuit Weight Lifting Workout Routines

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by Avi Marents

A circuit training workout is great way to get a time efficient workout that offers the potential for muscle gain and fat loss. Also effective for increasing endurance and improving cardiovascular health, I have been incorporating circuit training exercise recently for these purposes. You don’t do a lot of resting between each exercise, instead moving through each circuits quickly. I prefer to incorporate circuit weight training routines at the end of my workout in order to increase my heart rate and lose some fat in the process.

Circuit training is beneficial because it allows you to integrate as few or as many movements into a workout. You can add what works for you to your workout, as I have listed some circuit training exercise that are working well for me and also some samples of circuit weight training routines.

Because I workout at home, I divide my circuit training exercises into three different categories: barbell, dumbbell, and bodyweight. I move quickly through the exercises without resting because I am not hampered by changing weights between each exercise. For the barbell exercises, I use a 65lb barbell. This level of weight gives me just enough resistance to concentrate on my main endeavor which is increasing my cardiovascular endurance, but it isn’t enough weight for all of my exercises. I use 12 pound weights when I am doing my dumbbell portion. Similarly, this is insufficient weight for some of the exercises detailed later on, but it is an appropriate weight for completing rapid repetitions, as opposed to the deliberate, slow weight lifting that comprises a portion of my strength training regimen. Bodyweight exercises are also great to add to a circuit training routine as you don’t need any equipment. I’ve listed the muscles worked in parentheses.

As you can see from above, there’s a broad range of exercises that you can incorporate into a simple circuit training workout. It is not uncommon for me to complete upwards of 15-20 of such movements consecutively without a break. I like the variety it adds to the end of my workout and each exercise hits my muscles in a slightly different manner. I go through one circuit of exercises with 10 reps for each one. I try to avoid hitting the same muscles in back to back exercises.

It is certainly possible to perform circuit weight training routines that are briefer than 15-20 different movements. Deadlifts, upright rows, bent over rows, good mornings, squat push presses, lunges, squat push presses, and military presses make up the circuit routine of the famous MMA fighter, Randy Couture, and offer one example. He rests for one minute between each circuit, completes the circuit 3 to 5 times, and does 8 reps per exercise.

You can add many different circuit training exercises to your routine as the combinations are endless. Build a circuit weight training routine for you by adding in some of the above mentioned exercises. Perform a high intensity set or two at the end of your regular strength training routine for a nice cardio workout that will help burn fat and preserve muscle.

Who am i ?: Dave offers you no-nonsense “best of the best” exercise and diet tips to shed weight and also gain lean, defined muscle mass with out spending too much time in the health and fitness center. There isn’t any point in utilizing a bodybuilder program to get a fitness model physique. These are Not Your Average Fitness Tips. Read more about circuit weight training and get a lean, athletic appearance in virtually no time.

The Benefits of Weight Lifting Workouts

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises

Article by Alex Shawn

Understanding the means to successful strength training is very important for the overall derivation of benefits and efficiency from your weight lifting workouts. This knowledge ensures that you can spend the least time in the gym, and yet achieve all your workout goals. The purpose of this article is to show you how you can be efficient and effective in the gym.

Steps to effective weight lifting workouts

In order to maintain effectiveness in your weight lifting workouts, there are a few steps to keep in mind which are the key elements to look for. Note that a nice physique is the culmination of tireless efforts combined with the right nutritional regimen, and not a uni-dimensional affair.

Warm up: – it is very important for the effectiveness of the program, if one doesn’t do proper warm up not only will the weight lifting workout be ineffective, but it may increase the risk to injuries.Use of simple free weight compound exercises: – for someone who is serious about building lean muscle mass, it is better to stick to the tried and true. The simple free weight compound exercises work on major muscle groups with one motion such as; dead lifts, squats, bench press and curls.Limit your training to one hour: – generally after 60 minutes of working out there is a decrease in the body hormones, hence the weight lifting workouts maybe ineffective. So you should try and squeeze all your routine into this time frame in order to have maximum effectiveness.When starting out, use heavy weights and low reps: –   after the initial adaptation of 3 to 4 weeks, it is important to move to heavier weights and low repetition training of around 6 to 8 reps per set. It helps in building sizable initial gains in strength before moving on.

How to stay motivated for weight lifting workouts

Motivation can be very difficult to maintain no matter how long you have been doing weight lifting workouts. Here are a few tips that can boost your motivation for the workout training.

Write down your plan: – it is essential to develop a plan, since without it you are less likely to attain your training goals.Make small changes: – change happens best when done gradually over time. Do not make drastic changes in your weight lifting workouts, routines and schedules. Such changes disrupt the normal flow of developing your body.Find a training partner: – it is always good to find someone who will hold you accountable to show up in the gym. This makes it hard for you to skip the training sessions; hence it maintains the progression towards your training.

Steps to a perfect press in weight lifting workouts

One of the essentials for weight lifting workouts is the bench press exercise. It is effective for increasing chest and pectoral mass; this is where the arms are pressed directly into a load of resistance. Here are a few tips on how to get a perfect press.

Lay down flat on a flat bench after loading the barbell with an acceptable weight load.Grasp the bar using a medium weight grip and your hands are placed just wider than the shoulders. You should concentrate on making two 90 degrees with your arms when the arm gets to the middle of the bench press.Raise the bar straight up till your arms lock at the elbows and they are completely straight.When lowering the barbell, take a breath in a slow controlled motion. Bring it all the way down to the chest. A correct finish is when the bar is just above the nipple at the middle of the pectoral muscle.Pause briefly and then breathe out as you press the bar directly up to the original position. Do this repeatedly but carefully until you have completed the intended quantity of reps.

When you concentrate with proper form of training, there will be effectiveness with you strength training, also with proper weight lifting workouts you are activating and working the specific muscle that you need to strengthen.


Want to know how many calories burned lifting weights?

Or want to build muscle? Watch more bodybuilder diet information.

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Weight Lifting Belt – It Be able to Rescue Your Life

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

Article by Mbonda Nkopit

Weight lifting is a dangerous sport that may lead to significant medical issues down the road if precautions aren’t taken early on. A weight lifting belt is an necessary piece of equipment for anybody who is weight lifting for extended periods or as a game. So, a weight lifting belt makes a good pa for weight lifters. One of the most life-threatening wounds that occur during weight lifting are wounds sustained to the spine. It is unusual to find someone who absolutely gets over such a dramatic injury. By the utilization of a weight lifting belt one can try to forestall such wounds. The weight lifting belt is hitched to the back of the person and is to guard them from trauma to the lower back when lifting heavy weights for a prolonged time period. A weight lifting belt is kind of always connected with competitions, however; it’s a good habit to wear them whenever you are lifting. There are several short term and long-term effects associated with such training. By wearing a weight lifting belt you are helping your abdominal muscles. It gives the abdominal muscles something to bump on, which allows pressure to build up which is mandatory in order to lift heavy amounts of weight. Using weight lifting belts will reduce your risk for spinal disc slips and muscular trauma to the abdominal muscles. There are risk factors that come when wearing a weight lifting belt. It’s vital that the bill to be worn a loosely around the body. Having the belt too tight against the body may result in raised blood pressure, heart stress, and at last lead to fainting. There are lots of different sorts of weight lifting belts. A 4 inch belt is standard for everyday use and can sustain pressures up to 5 hundred pounds. For those that are taller, a 6 inch belt should be worn. For those that are interested and power lifting a special belt must be worn. These belts are braced with neoprene and made out of leather. Always check with a fitness expert to find the belt that is perfect for you. Weight lifting belts come in varied sizes and materials. You can purchase them in a selection of colors, including black, red, yellow, and blue. They come in XS, S, M, L, XL, and XXL. They come in leather, neoprene, nylon, and padded. Before buying any main accessory be sure to consult with a personal tutor. A weight lifting belt is unique to one’s body. Certain folk need different gear depending on the intensity of their workout. Before beginning a regimen with a weight lifting belt always contact a medical care professional. .Before you buy weight lifting belt online,Make sure to confirm Mbonda Nkopit wonderful reviews at hiskettle balls blog.

This article has been written by the author, Mbonda Nkopit. Should you need any more information regarding ATVs For Sale, please check out his Scooter Store resources

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