Want to play guitar like the pros? Part 3 – Guitar Speed-Building and Strength-Building Exercises

September 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

Article by David Woodford

Want to play guitar like the pros? Part 3 – Guitar Speed-Building and Strength-Building Exercises – Entertainment – Music

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As you probably already know, playing the guitar requires time, practice, and passion. Just as in anything else in life, you can’t get better unless you practice. The rule sticks in guitar; you must practice to get better. To play guitar, you also must have good hand strength. That can be done by doing guitar exercising and practicing a lot. Here I have written some simple exercises which will build speed and strength.

I’m going to start out with speed exercises. The simplest speed exercise is to play a scale, or cycling patters. There are scales in the other lessons online, and it isn’t hard to make your own scale. A good way to increase speed with scales if by playing the note 2 or 3 times while playing the scale. So if you’re playing a chromatic scale, you play each note twice and then move on to the next note. As you get better, go faster and add more notes, at the end you will have improved a lot from where you began.

An important exercise I used for strength building is hammer-on pull-offs. I start out at the 1st string 1st fret and hammer on to the 2nd, then pull off to the first. I keep on moving up until I reach the 6th string. After I reach the 6th string I move over a fret, and then go back down to 1. I repeat the process until my fingers get tired. While doing this it is best to use a pair of fingers, then start over and change fingers. Not only does this build on your hand strength, but this will also help your coordination for hammer-ons and pull-offs. Also, use the exercise in the previous lesson about positioning yourself with chords without actually playing them; they will make you play chords faster.

An exercise I use for barring is to bar the 1st fret. I bar the fret, play every note individually, then play the fret all barred, and then play the 1st fret open for all the strings. I repeat the process until the 12th fret or so, and then I move all the way back. Doing this will help you bar better and will also produce strength in your fingers.

A good exercise I use for picking is called alternate picking. I’ll play a piece to warm up, but I will pick alternately. Picking alternately means that you will pick one note upwards and the other downwards. This will build strength in your picking arm, and will also make you a faster picker.

While doing this exercise, the tip of your fingers might start to peel a little and develop calices. You should take a rest, but this is a good thing. The more your fingers peel, the harder the tips of your fingers will get which will assist you in guitar playing. It is always best to warm up before practicing the guitar so doing these exercises will not only build up strength, but they will also get you ready to play!

About the Author

David Woodford is a professional writer who specializes in beginners guides for a variety of subjects. He is currently writing this series of guides on learning to play guitar for novices and ‘false beginners’.More information can be found on his site at http://www.info4u-services.com/guitar

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David Woodford is a professional writer who specializes in beginners guides for a variety of subjects. He is currently writing this series of guides on learning to play guitar for novices and ‘false beginners’.More information can be found on his site at http://www.info4u-services.com/guitar

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How to Correctly Weight Train for Golf Like Tiger

July 31, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Mixiu101

How to Correctly Weight Train for Golf Like Tiger – Sports – Golf

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How to Correctly Weight Train for Golf Like Tiger

I often hear from amateur golfers about how training with weights makes them feel “tight” and it ruin’s their golf swing. Traveling on the PGA Tour I disagree with this point of view completely. It is well known that the top players on the PGA Tour; Tiger, Vijay, and Phil workout regularly. They praise the benefits of their workouts in the development of their golf swing. I am a first hand observer of what they do in the gym on the days they play.

As a result, I see the reasons why amateurs do not workout as excuses rather than legitimate reasons. I would guess that the difficulty amateurs have with weight training or working out in relation to the game of golf is how to do it correctly. This article will discuss how to properly workout to improve your golf game.

This is where the amateur gets sidetracked, frustrated, and ends up thinking weight training is bad for golf. A typical weight training program found at many health clubs can be detrimental to the golf swing. These types of programs can make you feel “tight”, adversely affect your golf game, and leave you frustrated. The reason why these “generic” training programs are counter productive to golf is their inability take into account what is required of the body in relation to the golf swing.

Golfers need to be very aware of a few important concepts when weight training in relation to the golf swing. First and foremost, any training program for golf needs to be cross-specific. A cross-specific training program develops the body to the positions, movements, and requirements of the sport you participate in.

Granted everyone’s swing is slightly different but the base components are the same. All golfers rotate around a fixed spine angle, transfer weight forward and back during the swing, generate clubhead speed, attempt to square the club at impact, and complete the swing in a balanced finish position.

The main goal of a cross-specific training program is develop your body physically around the golf swing. This induces what is termed a transfer of training effect onto the golf course. Simplified this states that the training you do in the gym pays off on the course in a positive manner.

Designing a weight training program for golf is a simple process if done correctly. The best place to start is with flexibility. Golfers need to be flexible. The golf swing requires you to move the club through a long range of motion, thus requiring your body to be very flexible. Areas of the body that typically require large amounts of flexibility for golf are; the hamstrings, lower back, hips, and shoulders. Oftentimes the amateur’s swing can improve from just adding flexibility exercises to their training program.

Another aspect of a cross-specific training program for golf is balance training. Balance is the ability of the body to control its’ center of gravity and body parts efficiently. Balance exercises address both the nervous and muscular systems of the body creating greater efficiency in its ability to control body movements and center of gravity.

After you have looked at the flexibility and balance components of a training program for golf, it is time to shift gears to the “weight training” side of the equation. The golf swing requires the development of strength within the muscles of the body. You need muscular strength to maintain a fixed spine angle, create an efficient weight transfer, and develop clubhead speed.

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How to Get in Shape like Derrick Rose

May 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Tom Goscik

How to Get in Shape like Derrick Rose – Sports – Basketball

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Derrick Rose is an unbelievable basketball player and he has skills that many of us wish we had when it comes to basketball. Derrick Rose didn’t get to where he is by sitting on the couch or watching TV wishing he was as good as other players but he trains night and day to be the best. In this post I am going to show you how to get in shape like derrick rose. Derrick Rose when he plays has a lot of speed, endurance and agility. Derrick Rose is six foot three inches and weighs one hundred ninety pounds. One of the things Derrick Rose uses to increase his quickness and agility is by doing agility ladders. Derrick Rose does these agility ladders 6 times and then does a full-force sprint after these ladders to build his speed and acceleration. An agility ladder is a work out where if you are on a basketball court you pick spots to run to and run back. The way Derrick Rose does it is to start at one end of a Basketball court and pick 4 places to run to. After you pick these 4 places you got to run back to the starting area. He usually picks these four spots. The first is a quarter of the court then, he picks the half court line then, three fourths of the court and he finishes with a full run up and down the full court. If you practice this exercise you will begin to see your endurance and speed will go up. The endurance is one that will really improve. The next thing Derrick Rose does is work on his legs. This is one of the most important things to work out when you are playing basketball. Derrick focuses on his vertical leap to make sure he can make those amazing dunks you see. Derrick Rose focuses on doing leg work outs that consist of using both legs and also concentrating on single leg exercises as well. If you want to build your legs Derrick recommends doing one legged squats. This exercise really strengths your legs individually and also all the supporting muscles as well. Some Other exercises Derrick likes to incorporate in his workouts are leg presses and squats. If you are new to working out I would recommend doing leg presses first because squats is a tougher work out and will require you to have proper form. If you do not do squats the right way you can really do some damage to yourself. These exercises will strengthen your lower body and you will start seeing your abilities in speed and endurance really starts to develop. When Derrick Rose is in the off season you better believe he is still trying training just as hard as if he were in regular season. Derrick claims to work his basketball skills in the off season about twice a day. He starts with a ninety minute workout in the mornings and then another sixty minute workout in the evening. This is hard work and dedication. When he’s doing his workouts, he makes sure to take plenty of basketball shots. He averages anywhere from 400 to 1000 shots in a work out. He has a personal basketball trainer that keeps him motivated and also helps him focus on areas where he needs improvements. If you see Derrick’s three point shots lately, he has significantly improved three pointers. This is due to the outside training he does. When he’s in the off season he really strived to improve his shot and boy does it look good. Derrick Rose also has to maintain a healthy diet in order to have the energy and stamina to go as long as he does. This diet includes having a lot of protein and Carb’s. When you’re an athlete of his caliber you have to avoid the junk food. Derrick Rose says that junk food isn’t good for me but I still need to have some every now and then. This is true, you can have sweets in small moderation but you need to really watch what you eat when you play as hard as he does. Derrick says that his favorite item to eat is grilled chicken with pasta or rice. This is a good thing to eat because chicken is very lean and pasta and rice have large amounts of carbs to keep your energy levels up. Derrick also likes to drink milk for strong bones and sports drink and water. Notice that he doesn’t drink any soda. Soda is a bad thing to drink because it is full of lots of sugar and calories that are unnecessary in your diet plan. Soda is bad for you and if you drink it often you will see some negative effects on your body. Once of the biggest things to do in your meal plan is to forget about soda. Water is one of the key elements to keep you lean and hydrated. If you follow this diet you will start to see how shredded you can really get. This is why Derrick looks really muscular when he’s playing ball. If you perform these exercises and follow his meal plan you will start to see yourself looking ripped and in shape. The endurance and speed you will begin to see with be greatly improved. If you practice the leg workouts he has, you will begin to see your legs become stronger and you will see that you are more able to jump higher. Take into account that you will not see this transformation in a day or week but if you work hard and keep yourself focus you will greatly improve your ability to play good on the court. Work hard and make sure you put in an effort and you will be proud of yourself. Who knows, maybe one day you might see Derrick Rose in the gym with you working out. You might also become a basketball player if you do these work outs. Life will only tell but Derrick Rose will be proud of you if you start to do workouts like him and eat like him. Derrick Rose is an All-star player and with this how to, you might be well on your way into the NBA.

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Tommy G bringing the Hot Sauce

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Tommy G bringing the Hot Sauce

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Speed Endurance Training to Chase Down Your Competitors Like They Were Standing Still

April 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

If you are sick and tired of getting passed up every time at the end of your sprint races you have to realize that you now need to start working on your speed endurance. Working on your speed endurance is very important to your overall speed. You can have all the quickness in the world but it wouldn’t matter if you get passed up each and every single time. In fact it can be very embarrassing if you are constantly blasting out the blocks in the lead and then slowly get passed up at the end of the race.

In order to prevent this from happening you have to incorporate the proper  training program. When you begin to perform your speed endurance training sessions you have to make sure that you are probably warmed up. A typical warm-up consists of running two laps around the track with some dynamic stretches towards the end.

By utilizing the proper warm-up routine you are making sure that you will not pull any muscles during practice.

Now that your warm-up is out the way you can now begin to focus on your training session. When you first begin your speed endurance training session you can start off with simple workout such as running four 150 m sprints. In between the sprints you have to make sure that you are rested for at least 10 to 15 minutes.

You don’t want to start running with ugly form just because you’re tired. Try to focus on the quality of your workouts more than the quantity each and every single time you step on the track.

Would you like to take your speed to the next level with the exact training program that Michael Johnson uses?

More Speed Endurance Training Articles

Navy Seal Training – Military Fitness Exercises – Train Like a Seal

April 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Article by Tom Johnstoon

Navy Seal coaching is considered to be a single of the most rigorous periods of time a youthful gentleman can experience. Navy Seals are anticipated to be ready to withstand a remarkable sum of physical strain, be ready to carry out day in and day out in fight ailments, to really feel at household on sea and land, not to point out have prime notch weapon coaching and discipline.In this post I want to focus on the sort of bodily instruction Navy Seals will need to go through. Apart from being in a position to swim quickly about lengthy distances, they also go by way of a great deal of tough and exerting exercise phases on land.The 1st point you as a civilian need to have to fully grasp is that military fitness is no exactly where close to fitness center fitness and coaching programs you may well know which are focused on excess fat loss or muscle constructing. Civilian coaching ideas are primarily for looking far better, obtaining flat abs, or shedding some extra fat. For a soldier, this is hardly crucial. In fight, with bullets flying close by, and an enemy pressing in, you want to be in a position to count on your physique to execute at all instances. Searching great is just a nice facet impact.This implies that the Navy Seals education exercises are incredibly various from all those you see at gyms. For one issue, most of the coaching is carried out outdoors and not in a health club. There is a better emphasis on human body excess weight workout routines than on fat teaching. You train with a lot of added gear carried or strapped to your human body, in total army gear, not in comfy gym shorts.In addition, you can assume to do a ton of circuit coaching, involving power and cardio exercises in quick succession. Undertaking each extended duration cardio and sprinting is one thing you can count on, as is working via water, uphill, or on uncomfortable terrain.Staying able to carry out beneath time constraints is tremendous crucial. You don\’t have all the time in the planet. You can\’t get a break unless of course your drill sergeant allows it. This is not the air conditioned, absolutely free spirit, ambiance of the health club.A thing which soldiers want to be ready to do is promptly recover from physical exertion to be ready to carry out once a lot more. I know that in the Tacfit Commando program, which shows how troopers truly train, there\’s a whole lot of concentrate on recovery. You require to be capable to charge the enemy even if you\’re tired. There is no excuse for failure and the value of it may possibly be large.If you want to train like a navy seal, get out of the gymnasium, train your physique to execute rather than to seem suit, and really push it. There is no other way.Navy Seals Knife

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You Would Like Aerobics Cardio Exercise

March 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

If you’re carrying around some pounds you want to urge rid of, then you wish to try and do some cardio exercise for weight loss. If that sounds horrifying, do not worry. There are various styles of cardio exercise that you’re certain to enjoy.
If you’ve not been exercising or doing any form of cardio exercise for a while, you may feel extremely intimidated by the thought of starting. However you should not be. Cardio exercise can be one thing as straightforward as taking a brisk walk.
You do not have to shop for tights and leg warmers. There is no demand as far as fashion or equipment to start out performing some good weight loss cardio. You do not even would like an exercise DVD. Step out your door and walk briskly for regarding twenty to 30 minutes, or as long as you’re snug at first.
If you need to strive something besides walking, aerobic dancing is a smart choice. You’ll be able to just dance around your living area, but an exercise DVD could be a smart approach to try to to it. You’ll notice DVDs that will let you are doing basic dancing moves. Or you’ll be able to select a weight loss DVD of salsa dancing or belly dancing, and virtually any kind of dancing you think you’d enjoy.
Cycling, swimming, hiking, and any kind of activity that gets your heart rate and your respiration up are aerobic activities. That means it’s a cardio workout. Doing any of this stuff for at least 30 minutes four times a week is a nice approach to use cardio to lose weight. It
Specifically for weight loss though, the best thing to try to to is to change up your exercise routine. If you start taking brisk walks for 5 times a week, that is wonderful. It can help you lose weight and it’s good for your body. But you’ll be able to lose weight even a lot of efficiently and build your endurance additional efficiently if you vary your routine.
Rather than simply walking, try to additionally incorporate jogging or running. Walk for some minutes, and then run for a very little while to urge some cardio work in. You can time the sessions or you’ll be able to just do it as you are feeling it. This is known as circuit training.
If you’re cycling for cardio exercise, cycle at a leisurely pace for a few minutes and then go terribly quickly. If you are on an exercise bike, cycle at a normal pace for a while and then spin like mad. The same goes for any exercise that you just do. If you are walking or cycling, using hills for this type of thing is wonderful.
You can conjointly circuit training in another sense. Opt for brisk walking someday, and then the next choose cycling or aerobic dancing. You’ll be able to easily get into a rut doing the same factor every time.
Doing the identical sort of exercise is better than nothing, and it’s wonderful. However if you’ll be able to amendment it up a very little bit, the cardio exercise for weight loss that you do will be more effective.

Harrison Norma has been writing articles online for nearly 2 years now. Not only does this author specialize in Aerobics Cardio
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Simple Tips for Possessing Six Pack Abs just like the Hollywood motion picture movie stars.

March 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscular Endurance

Article by Kasper V. Christensen

Perhaps you have observed people and also actors having rock hard, 6-pack abs and wish that you’ve got one such as that? There are individuals who would love to have a nice wonderful appearance with out spending a lot of time in the fitness center. With the extremely fast paced type of life style that most folks have, could there be easy techniques for getting the physique that you’d like?

In reality there are several simple and easy tips that will help give you the six pack abs you’d like to have. Avoid eating while you’re watching the telly. Since your brain and focus is going to be on the show and television show that you’re looking at, you wouldn’t have the ability to watch the amount of foods you happen to be feasting on. You may tend to binge as you’re watching telly.Do not omit breakfast. It is the most essential meal for the day. Upon awakening, your metabolism is actually accelerated and fats actually starts to melt off. You will need adequate food to cope to cope up with the day. Calories are going to burn whilst you carry out your daily tasks. By avoiding a meal, you tend to overeat the next meal. Since you will feel that need to make up for the shed fat.

Include great eating habits to your everyday program. Aside from making sure you consume regularly and never while you’re watching tv, you need to ensure that good fats are included in your diet. Some men and women shudder in the word fatty acids, well, there are actually fats that happen to be great for your. Omega-3 fatty acids, flaxseed oil, olive oil are the healthy fat. Water is perfect for anyone. The more water you drink, the greater. You don’t need to stick just ingesting 8 to 10 glasses of water when you can actually consume a lot more. But we’re required to ingest that much water each day to keep hydrated. This would certainly regulate fat loss and body metabolic processes. Weight loss program is not whole when you don’t put some mobility directly into your routine. So continue to integrate exercise session into your life. Doing a thousands of sit-ups a day is just not sufficient. Do you think that Brad Pitt ab routine consist of only sit-ups to obtain those remarkable washboard abs? Look at your whole body and not only about your abdominal area. When aiming for hard six pack abs, cardiovascular workouts are a necessity. This kind of exercise raise endurance and heart condition, it burn fat in a very quick way. Cardiovascular routines can be performed 5 min’s a day, and will expand it to forty five minutes. Aside from cardiovascular exercises you can even do some weightlifting to obtain the body you want.

Not all exercises can be done inside the gym, take your exercise outdoors. Take a stroll, stand straight in a night club, you may also perform some work outs during your break time when you are sitting down on your chair. In addition to proper dieting and exercise, getting the minimum 7 to eight hrs of sleep every night is essential. Sleeping revitalizes your body. It repairs muscular system by reducing the stress hormone levels. And last, you need to be consistent. You might plan or create your very own exercise program, but getting your hard six pack abs just does not remain there. Hollywood actor Jessica Biel fitness routine will depend on regularity. You need to be consistent with the plan or regimen you devised. That is why diet or exercise do not work, due to the fact we lack regularity in doing things. Six pack ab muscles will be easy, as long as you put yourself into it.

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The Elite Push Up Exercises These Varieties Of Push Ups Will Build Your Pectorals Like Crazy

December 16, 2011 by  
Filed under Push Ups

Article by chif chanton

There are so scores of different types of push ups you can do there is zero way you might ever get disinterested with creating bodyweight pectoral exercises. The modes of push ups you can complete will for definite add in the muscle confusion essential feature and give you first-rate pay off. You can pull off plyometirc push ups, static push ups, diversified arm and hand placement push ups, the run down goes on and on. In this post, I will certainly review a little of my cherished types of push ups you can act out as well as create a push up exercise out for you.

The Modes Of Push Ups That Act The Best

I have been completing push ups for years. The excellent thing is, it feels almost once a day that folks set up diversified modes of push ups and post those around the online network. This has supported me to keep focused to do hundreds of push ups a week with loads of fluctuation. Here is a small run down of the varieties of push ups that I know for a fact will get you exceptional positive changes. These three varieties of push ups are the infrastructure for all other varieties of push ups:

General Push Ups

Yeah I understand reasonably commonplace, though general hand broadness and normal momentum push ups are the groundwork for the varieties of push ups you can do. You need to without exception do these, mainly for a warm up set before to you getting into the more demanding modes of push ups. beginning at this base, you can alternate hand placement to narrow, wide, diamond, off set, plank, and so on. You can align your body to achieve decline push ups, incline push ups, hand stand push ups. As long as you are creative or frankly go to Youtube, you will certainly not run out of the varieties of push ups you can fulfill.

Plyometric Push Ups

These types of push ups I be fond of, erupting up and leaving the air when you complete the plyometirc push ups. These are challenging, fun and you are able generate varied types of these as well. You can fulfill the clapping plyo push up,s the airborne plyo push ups, the double and triple clap push ups, and so on. These will be the catalyst for your pectoral development.

motionless Push Ups

Motionless push ups or isometric push ups are brutal. If you plainly maintain your position for at smallest 20 seconds you will no dispute feel it working and your arms will begin to quiver like mad. These varieties of push ups will certainly really focus on the solid muscle fibers in your pectorals.

Now that you are informed the varieties of push ups that are the groundwork to all other types of push ups its time that you give the training session beneath an attempt. Don’t complete this exercise more than 3 times per week. Your muscles need to renew.

Here is merely an example of the varieties of push ups you can complete in a given exercise routine. The regimen beneath will have you carrying out a total of 200 push ups, with varied varieties of push ups. I bet you any one thing it this will brutish even the most exceptional.

Do 25 universal push ups

Complete 25 contracted push ups (arms touching sides)

Achieve 25 outspread arm push ups

Perform 25 diamond hand placement push ups

Fulfill 25 plyometirc clap push ups ( your feet stay on the floor)

Act out 25 jumping plyo push ups ( your entire body goes airborne the floor)

Complete 25 burpee push ups

Finish with 20 seconds isometric hold push ups at bottom of your stance (chest almost touching ground). Then for 20 additional seconds with your body posture should be half way up from the ground, and the last 20 seconds your body placement should be 3/4 the way off the floor totaling it an aggregate of 1 minute.

As you can notice the varieties of push ups you can pull off are for sure nearly endless. Changing it up, and having fun with the exercises is what you aspire to shoot for. Fix in the mind, the varieties of push ups you can do is only restricted to your creativity.

There are many ways to get in shape, visit Types of Push Ups and Develop Lean Muscle