Bodybuilding Foods – List of Muscle Building Foods That You Should Know

September 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Chest Exercises

Article by Ryan Mutt

Bodybuilding Foods – List of Muscle Building Foods That You Should Know – Health – Fitness

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When thinking about bodybuilding, the first thing that comes to one’s mind is weight lifting. Although the workout routine is an essential component in growing muscles, there are people who dedicate their life to physical exercises and they don’t achieve the expected results. If you are one of them, you know how frustrating this can be. You exercise a lot, you have completely cut out sweets and junk food, but you are no step closer to the physical shape you desire. This might be because although you have given up junk food and sugar, you are still doing some dietary mistakes.

If your diet is not proper, your effort is totally in vain. I am sure you know which the bodybuilding foods are and that you have to eat protein, good fats and good carbs, but do you know exactly what to pick up from the supermarket in order to provide these nutrients to your body? It is important to choose foods that aren’t going to offer bad fats or bad carbs besides the good nutrients because the positive impact will be cancelled by the negative effect.

Here’s a list of bodybuilding foods that are going to only provide you what you need to grow your muscles harmonically and to sustain your physical effort.

1. Skinless chicken breast2. Lean turkey3. Egg and egg whites4. Cod5. Salmon6. Pollock7. Canned tuna8. Lean beef9. Fruits10. Vegetables – the green ones are the most beneficial11. Oatmeal12. Brown rice13. Whole wheat14. Almonds15. Avocados16. Olive oil17. Fish oil

By consuming the above mentioned foods, you will be able to ensure to your body protein from lean sources, good fats and good carbs. The main idea is that you have to stay away from bad fats and to avoid complex carbohydrates. You have notice that lean protein is welcomed, while protein from fatty sources is to be avoided. Fruits and vegetables can be consumed without any restriction because besides nutrients they also contain a high amount of fibers which are helpful in digesting foods and in eliminating toxins.

Stay away from fatty meat, bacon or farmed fish and completely forget about sweets, soda, ice cream, chips or candies. You can also forget about fried food and to start backing or boiling it. Butter and margarine are unhealthy fat sources as well as some oils. Once you truly understand which the bodybuilding foods are, your workout routine will start to produce visible results and your frustration will vanish.

Read more information about Bodybuilding Supplements. Find How to Lose Chest Fat. Also know How to Lose Hip Fat fast and effective.

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Ryan Mutt

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Ryan Mutt

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Ryan Mutt

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List Of Aerobic Exercises

December 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

Any form of exercise that helps to increase the heart rate to a specific zone for at least 20 minutes is termed an aerobic exercise. Some common forms of aerobic exercise are swimming, walking, jogging, cycling, treadmills and aerobic dance. Again, not all types of physical actions are called aerobics.Diagnosis Those done in a rhythmic manner for a regular period of time are included in this. Consistency is another factor to remember while doing aerobics. Most forms of this exercise can be included in our daily schedule easily.

Exercising three times a day for 30 minutes strengthens our heart and increases the lung capacity. The flexibility of our muscles and joints increases and the risk of developing a heart disease get decreased.

Gradually, one can increase the duration of exercise to 40 or 60 minutes. Bodybuilders prefer aerobics as it is the best form of weight loss exercise. It provides continuous calorie burning effect that no other form of exercise can give. That is why aerobic exercises are referred to as the secret to permanent fat loss.

Although the capacity to burn fat is low in walking, it is the best way to start exercising. A 30 to 60 minute walk daily is quite beneficial. Old people and pregnant ladies can easily choose this form of exercise. Gradually, one can shift to running or jogging. The best time for jogging is early morning or evenings. Training experts rate running or jogging as the best form of aerobic exercise as it has a high fat burning capacity. Don’t over train though, as that can lead to injuries.

Cycling is an excellent exercise as one has fun doing it.Diagnosis The hips, back, ankles and knees do not receive any kind of stress or pain while cycling. Outdoor activity is always better than just exercising in the gym. Stationary cycling also helps to burn calories. Those not knowing how to cycle can opt for that.

Rowing machines or treadmills combine both walking and jogging. The added resistance makes it highly effective for burning fat. Rowing machines are a whole body exercise as the muscle groups in legs, back, arms and abdominals all are involved.

If one is fond of dancing than aerobic dance can be a hobby as well as an exercise. It helps to maintain all-round fitness apart from being an interesting experience. Swimming is an equally ideal exercise for those who know it. Body joints do not suffer undue stress due to swimming. The laps in the pool become an enjoyable way to burn down calories.

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