Beneficial Pointers To Think About For A Healthy Way Of Living

April 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by Jarrod Smith

Three Attributes To A Healthy Living

Many of us have a tendency to concentrate on the superficial aspects of our improvement only. We make sure we appear good to feel great. We paint our faces, we work difficult to have a model-like figure and we keep ourselves updated using the latest in factor. Some of us even attempt B12 injections for weight reduction. But for us to have a holistic improvement, we should not disregard our other important requirements.

Physical Nourishment

Healthy living begins with healthy food. It’s a fundamental need we have to fulfil prior to anything else. To have a great diet indicates to eat selection of food to take in various kinds of nutrients in our body. Lots of fruits and vegetables should be part of our diet plan simply because they are high in vitamins and minerals.

Consuming moderately is the ideal description for greatest diet plan. Eating less can only lead to wanting more and giving in towards the bait. Our food intake should be in accordance to our body’s requirements. If we are physically active enough to burn calories, there’s nothing wrong with eating high-carb food once in a whilst.

Physical exercise isn’t only for losing weight. I don’t believe our elementary science teachers have failed to clarify that we require it to enhance our bodily systems. It’s good for the heart, lungs and brain. Apart from these, we also develop our strength and power when we frequently move our physique.

No man is an island.

Man is social by nature. It’s impossible for us to survive in isolation from others. This is the chief cause why we need to get out of our shell and smile at individuals around us.

Normal bonding moments with our family, buddies along with other social groups will address our need for adore and belongingness. Sharing meals, celebrating birthdays and anniversaries and exploring new places together are three of the great ways to strengthen the closeness. We must find time to fit them in our busy schedule.

Joining clubs and organizations can widen our network. All of the individuals we encounter are great teachers, inspirers and motivators. Understanding people from various walks of life helps us gain wisdom. We do not have all of the opportunities to do the things we want so learning vicariously is a splendid idea.

I believe; consequently, I am.

The brain will be the most vital organ in our physique. It regulates all our involuntary and voluntary movements; from heartbeat to tiptoeing. So it’s worth feeding of challenges to avoid deterioration.

If you surf the web or flip the pages of a newspaper or magazine, you will find free brain games that are great for sharpening our cognition. Even an easy Sudoku or word drill can make our communication, memory and emotional intelligence much better. Various parts of the brain function out to solve the problem presented.

Here is onother interesting page. Basically the Same Article.

Life With Healthy Living and Exercise

March 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by Peter Gyle

Healthy living is your call to action! So what are you doing about your health today? As you go through the process of everyday life. As if life could always be simple, and no it’s not. How complex and crazy life gets,you can still take control of your basic health. You do have the option of dying well one day, millions do.

Living a healthy life has to include exercise while additionally teaching organizational skills so that a person can plan their meals and not eat the wrong types of food. Without essential vitamins and nutrients your body does not function properly. In order to be fit and healthy we require to practice healthy living styles.

So to begin your new healthy life style you need to begin by replacing all the bad carbs in your diet with good healthy carbohydrates. Remember it’s never too late to change your habits, and by establishing a healthy lifestyle now, you’ll continue to reap the rewards in the future.

One must be really determined to improve his diet and religiously follow exercise routines to be able to resist temptations that may go along the way. Sometimes, it is too tempting to pig out a little more often and to just watch movies at home instead of exercising and eating good food.

Hence, they’ll find more reasons to eat healthy foods, exercise regularly, drive carefully, and visit their physician regularly. Of course, the joy of men is even doubled or tripled when they start to have grandchildren. Things keep on getting better as their family grows. It goes without saying that fitness and healthy living is still maintained when a man becomes a father.

Healthy living and eating doesn’t have to be too terribly complicated. Something as simple as making sure you get plenty of sleep, keeping yourself hydrated- perhaps kicking a nicotine or caffeine habit- can make a major impact on your general health and well-being.

Being young looking of course gives you a whole set of benefits, from a remarkable love life to success with career and in your social life. After all, whether we admit it or not, appearance do count in a lot of ways and being young looking and attractive can take you places.

Cleaning your home with natural products instead of harsh chemicals also helps you to create a healthy environment. If you do need to use strong chemicals, be sure to open windows so that the odors can dissipate quickly. It is not hard to create a healthy environment; it just takes a little thought and planning so that you have the right things on hand.

Exercise helps burn calories, raise your metabolism, lower elevated blood sugars, increase your desire for healthy foods, and elevate your mood, but doesn’t mean you have to be sporty, it just means you need a little more activity in your life.

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DRINK CHIA!’s Chia Seeds Presented In Healthy Living Summit

March 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by Smith Bradley

The particular Healthy Living Summit held in Philadelphia on August 19 to 21 has been undoubtedly a success. It was a gathering for bloggers who may have one thing in common: having their lives dedicated to health and well-being.

People within the conference were given DRINK CHIA! products in the event’s party on August 19 at the Reading Terminal Marker from 7 to 10 pm. These folks were made to taste the particular many advantages and health and fitness that this merchandise signifies.

Chandra Davis, the actual founder as well as Leader of DRINK CHIA! mentioned,

“It’s a perfect venue for us. This will be a great way for us to have people experience DRINK CHIA! Due to the nature of what these folks do, they are probably already familiar with the benefits of chia seeds and chia recipes. Now we can give them a taste of what it’s like to drink DRINK CHIA!.”

This particular drink is amongst the healthiest in the market because the refreshment consists of seeds that come from chia plant. The particular seed have Omega-3 fatty acids inside them which are crucial pertaining to normal metabolic procedures in your body. Vitamin antioxidants may also be found which battles toxins in your body.

The drink has an energy value of only Forty calories with only 4 grams of glucose unlike those other well being drinks which might be full of so much sugar. It really is gluten-free also and will not incorporate just about any undesirable cholesterol. You happen to be only dealt with to natural health benefits because the beverage can also be clear of preservatives.

DRINK CHIA! is 100 % organic. It can be made out of natural and organic components as you ought to have merely the finest variety for your body.

Various blog writers get grasped the product simply because they know of the advantages that one can obtain using chia seeds. It’s been featured by a number of healthful lifestyle blog writers since they need their audience to learn about the particular amazing things of DRINK CHIA!.

The drink could be enjoyed for breakfast or even like a munchie throughout the mid-morning. For individuals who get pleasure from exercising, they’re able to beverage the drink just before, in the course of, or perhaps exercising in a health club.

The refreshment is most beneficial offered perfectly chilled as it tastes better whenever chilled. Once opened, you ought to keep container inside the fridge to hold that cold as well as fresh

There are numerous normal goods that give to us nutrition. Remember to include chia seeds in your diet so that you can be considered a much healthier person.

Smith Bradley

Germany t999 healthy living

March 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by Emma438

Not long ago, I accompanied one to train the group to go to Germany to study half a year. We live in a small mountain village of the suburb in Stuttgart, the blue mountains and green waters there, very easy. Leave me impression most deep one 92 -year-old Mrs., good fortune of Wal, live in very near to the we. Though she carries some camels, very hale and hearty.  Share the happy thing with people  Wal’s good fortune madam is an empty-nest old man, the only daughter teaches in Stuttgart, come back in one or two months to see her once, will lead the child to live for previous week while having a holiday. All a personal life of old man at ordinary times, but very regular. She often tells me the stories of 10 chickens that herself raised.  ”Every morning, I get up as soon as it is bright, because they call, is shouting, Wal’s good fortune madam gets up, we are hungry. I am released by they, give water, give food. Bring back the egg which they devote for me, I can find 6 every day, sometimes can find 7 eggs. “I think, these chickens are exactly her child, is very important part in her life.  ”Then, I have a meal, do the hygiene, sweep inside and outside of the room, courtyard inside and outside clean, finishing can sit nearby seeing my chicken played catching, catch insects. One day, a little hen grasped an insect, see that little cock, come over to rob, two chickens one are only favored with one, draw over, draw back, no one can pocket without sharing with anyone else. At this time, the big cock runs over, peck in the middle, rolled over, has been swallowed by two chickens. Haha, it is very interesting. “  One day, the old lady’s hands have been stung a bag, I give her the essential balm that oneself bring at once, and tell her that this works well very much. But she has declined, but pick up a grass conveniently, rubs breaking to pieces and applies above, subside swelling soon. She says, she never uses chemical medicines.  Eat the onion tomato and help digesting fine and softly  I ask what health-preserving tips she has. She says, notice at ordinary times the meal is balanced it is very important. After such as being elderly, wipe out the meat more, but while eating the meat each time, eat more dishes containing coarse fibre, or after eating the meat, should eat some dishes or fruits high in vitamin C content specially. Eat beefsteak noon, take onion tomato fine and soft, cut into garrulous last line half onion and one tomato afternoon, only a little salt is put inside, the onion is helped and digested, the strong muscles and bones, eat and work, very strong.The old lady says, she wants to watch and get the vegetable plot in the vegetable plot, feed to chickens in one day, work for two or three hours, in order to shine foot the sun. The dish that she ate is planted by oneself, what the vegetable plot is used is the muck of chicken, there is not chemical additive absolutely. Watch TV while having a meal at noon, watch the newspaper for a moment; Have a chat about it for a moment to the neighbours in the afternoon, then make a meal for chickens, put into the chicken coop; Shoo away the chicken to enter in the evening, shut the door. Watch the TV for a moment before sleeping.  All of her things are done by oneself, including cutting the toenail. She says, if let others help to cut this time, will feel comfortable oneself, then also want to let others help to do next time, it is long, can’t do by oneself. Can’t will not regard it as and bear unless insisting on making oneself, and she will finish cutting to think pleasedly each time: “Look, I and oneself have cut, I am excellent. “  The pastry baked personally is healthier  While training, happen to be the Mid-autumn Festival, I can not cook moon cakes, it causes young people’s nostalgia more easily to eat the moon cake, what is to be done? There are ovens in the kitchen, but we have only baked chicken wing, beefsteak, have never baked a millet cake. Then, I seek advice to the old lady, the old man prepares a balance, say: “I claim, you do the record. “Egg, milk, white sugar, cream, flour, melon seed, fibert core,etc. are ready, begin claim how in weightly it is each, more she will take out go, will even lack any she and come in, that serious strength, really as working in the laboratory.  She says, that did was that the Zinc oxide  standard filled a prescription just now, everybody could adjust according to one’s own taste. For example she herself eats, will use the whole flour, put little half the cream and candy, because these things have been put more, the more people eat, the more people like eating, as if can’t have enough, so will get fat, cause various rich man’s diseases. The advantage that oneself does is, the one that is used is all raw materials that oneself rested assured, the chemical raw materials to increase perfume are put, so is the healthiest. Through 3 hours, we baked out egg flogging and jam roll, have no difference from ones that buy. I and training the members of the group to eat the cake, enjoy the different Mid-autumn Festival.

This article reprinted Guidechem

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Healthy Living For any Healthy Your life

March 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by Joycer Steelen

Creating a healthy living is the most important factor in our your life. Most of us know that living with a healthy body is the best path to stay happy, to feel superior, and to look greater. Healthy living will lead us to the issue where we can enjoy life for the fullest until we grow old and can never experience anything which may harm us or yes us pain.

In this particular article, we will take you in the world of healthy living and also healthy lifestyle. It is very simple nevertheless it provides you the best way on how to develop yourself up for your better and healthy person. In addition, we will provide you essential information that can be incorporated to your mountain climbing.

At present, most of the people on this planet have fear of several diseases, and we are commonly looking for top prevention. One of the most beneficial preventive measures to avoid disease is a healthy diet. Remember that prevention provides multiple advances over cure; this famous line could be applied to anything on earth.

Eating healthy foods can be a vital factor to be from some immeasurable diseases and to have a good condition of our system. Each one of us knows that eating healthy and developing a regular exercise will leads us to some healthy lifestyle. There are a great deal of healthy recipes that sometimes appears in some health publications.

These healthy living magazines are available from any bookstore in your locality as well as healthy living catalogs where you also find the guidelines of the food pyramid.

Speaking involving food pyramid, it is a number of food that tells your importance of eating many different food that we need every single day. It shows the food that marilyn and i need to eat a smaller amount, and those that ought to be eaten much too. To name one, carbohydrates is the main food in the pyramid that people should take because them gives us more electrical power for our everyday projects, next are the fruit and veggies group which is excessive in protein.

However, bear in mind that too much is not good but will have a bad outcome. Eat only that is critical and avoid eating food which is more in calories plus less nutrients.

Cooking light may be the most common way of slimming down. Many of us are experiencing obesity with the problem of weight loss. Within our present time, natural dwelling is introduced and offered, the natural holistic located. Life is full associated with challenges they say, but we can avoid too much studies, especially when it pertains our health if we are having a healthy dwelling.

If you will detect the vegetarians, or that green living people, you will get to know that what there’re practicing is something that is certainly really amazing and fantastic-the organic living. However, the body still requires us to take proteins from various methods, such as eggs, various meats, and other poultry solutions with only limited sum, just to sustain thier food pyramid. Having all the matters done appropriately, forever-young living might be achieved, slowly but surely.

Some of healthy living articles such as this give healthy living tips which might be very useful and helpful in every case who wants to begin and act now to realize a wonderful life today and for the next years of these lives. Here are many of the basic matters that we sometimes usually overlook

There are some simple yet essential solutions to have a healthy dwelling. You can practice them anytime to boost the overall health of the body. If the body is due to good condition, the good metabolism will result to good digestion, will result to better flow from the blood, and will give us more energy that you’re performing our daily tasks.

It is a chain of organs along with system, and if all of them work perfectly, the brain are appropriate properly too, to assistance us think well connected with better ideas. You can look and feel better when you perform your desired living.

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Vegetarian Food Diet, Healthy Food For Healthy Living

March 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Many people around the world have chosen to become vegetarians. Although this is commonly referred to as a vegetarian diet, it is more of a lifestyle change. These are people who have come to believe that a diet with primarily vegetables is better for them. There is a lot of research to support the benefit of vegetarian food. If you become a vegetarian there are practical decisions to make.

People who have made this sort of lifestyle change have reported these benefits that they’ve experienced. One of the important reasons to become a vegetarian is for your health. You may find that consuming vegetables alone makes your healthier and physically fit. You will need to find great vegetarian recipes, such as, vegetarian soup. You may even find a terrific restaurant for your new diet. This may not always be the most economic approach for the vegetarian lifestyle.

There are a number of ways to find great vegetables for your diet. Most grocery stores have a wide array of produce for customers to choose from. Not all produce, however, is the same. Organic produce has become very popular in recent years. These fruits and vegetables are grown naturally without chemical pesticides. Gardening is another way to get the produce you require for your vegetarian diet. Here are some vegetarian tips to consider for your garden:

Find a place with full sunlight

One of the best ways to eat healthy vegetables is to grow them yourself. This is one of the reasons why people opt to start a garden. You will need to find garden space that is just right for growing your vegetables or fruit. This is a piece of land that gets full sunlight, especially in the summer. Full sunlight is typically measured at about 8-10 hours per day. With practice you can become a great vegetarian cook.

Garden needs good drainage

When you choose to garden to accommodate your vegetarian diet, there will be some work required. Your garden will not only need sunlight, but proper drainage. The garden should not hold standing water from rain. One way to determine if your space drains well is to test it. Sprinkle water here and monitor if it stands or not. Looking through a vegetarian guide could help you decide which vegetables to plant.

Start with a small garden

Many new vegetarians are so excited about their healthy options. They end up many times starting a garden that is too big. It is wise to start a small garden. This is one that measures 4 x 8 or 4 x 10. This size garden is easier to maintain and to care for. Considering this as a beginner is important.

Buy tools to grow vegetables

Your new garden is going to require more than time and nurturing. There are tools that can help the gardening process go smoothly. Using each of these will allow you to give your garden the best care. Here are some necessary garden tools to buy:

* Wooden stakes – used to mark off your land
* Sharp spade – used to move the soil for gardening
* Wide spaced garden fork – used to break up the ground

For more information on Vegetarian Food Diet, please visit:

Related Healthy Living Food Articles

Healthy Living for You and Your Children

February 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by Howard Lange

We all want what is best for our kids. In my case, it has been very important to me right from the beginning that my son live a wholesome lifestyle. I didn’t exactly know back when he was first born what all that would entail, but I’ve learned three important rules that I think promote healthy living for the entire family.

*Eat a nutritional and well-balanced diet plan. Before my son was in a position to eat “real” food, I never put much thought into the quality of food I was eating and/or preparing for our meals. As soon as he was able to join us for meal time and ask/beg for food, I realized extremely rapidly that the food I supplied for us ALL had to be healthy. I could no longer feed him the “good stuff” while my husband and I inhaled a greasy pizza. He wanted to eat what Mommy and Daddy were consuming so issues had to alter – Fast!

This wasn’t as difficult as I had expected. I merely sat down and produced a list of the foods I wanted him to eat based on their nutritional content material – this included lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, and extremely small processed and sugary foods. The next time I went towards the grocery shop I stuck to that list. Whenever I had the urge to throw in a box of cookies or potato chips I just asked myself, “Is this something I want my son consuming?” Most of the time the answer was “NO” so I would keep on walking by. I’m pleased to say that my son eats a very healthy diet. Rather than begging for candy or chips, he begs for bananas, grapes, and blueberries.SERIOUSLY! The bonus to all this really is that my husband and I are eating healthier and really feel great. Being a great example for our son has benefited us as well!

*Get moving. As with everything I’m discussing here, it is all about being a good example for our children. They so a lot want to be just like us, that they’ll do Exactly what we do, whether it is good or bad. If we show our children from a young age that exercise is enjoyable and worthwhile, they will enjoy it also. My son is now two years old and loves to dance, chase bubbles, run with his dogs, and go for walks. These are things he already enjoys performing and when we do them together, we both get an excellent workout!

*Drink lots of water. Some parents probably believe I’m crazy but my son is over two years old and has most likely only had juice four or 5 times. He went directly from breastfeeding to milk and water. Occasionally I will give him some watered down orange juice simply because, of course, he sees Mommy drinking it and desires to be just like me. But in general he only drinks water. He doesn’t beg for soda because he does not know what he’s missing and that’s fine with me! Plus, he sees Mommy and Daddy drinking water all day lengthy so he knows it is the “cool” thing to do.

The most essential factor I’ve learned in these two brief years is how impressionable kids are. They want nothing more than to be just like us. It is quite an honor, actually. But also a great responsibility. I think that by following these 3 easy rules my whole family will be healthier and most importantly, my son will grow up having already developed healthy living habits. I hope you discover these suggestions helpful and I wish you and your family members extremely healthy living!

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Health Insurance and Healthy Living in Ohio

February 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by Lorne Zalesin

Health Insurance and Healthy Living in Ohio

Ohio has slipped a bit in the ranking of the health of its residents. In 2007 Ohio was the 29th healthiest state in which to live, but it fell slightly from 2006 when it was the 24th healthiest state. Based on 20 different criteria, Ohio made it to the top ten only in one category. Ohio is 8th in the nation for the percentage of citizens that are covered by health insurance.

Other areas where Ohio shines include a high percentage of women receiving prenatal care, a solid high school graduation rate, a significant decrease in the rate of infectious disease, and a drop in the death rate from cardiovascular disease.

All these great strides and still a fall in the overall rankings, means Ohio still struggles in some areas. Ohio ranks 43rd for cancer deaths, 43rd for obesity, 41st for infant mortality rates, and 40th in the nation for preventable hospitalizations.

Weight gain is an epidemic nationwide with Ohio at the forefront. In 1990 the obesity rate was 11% amongst Ohio residents. By 2000 the obesity rate had almost doubled to over 20% of Ohio’s population. The current number of obese Ohio citizens is over 28 percent.

Other health challenges for Ohio include the high rate of cancer deaths, and the fact that 22 percent of the population are smokers.

With these challenges for Ohio residents it is important that if to be covered by health insurance. If you live in Ohio, you can find an online health insurance quote provider for your health insurance. These services are usually free and may also offer the backup of experienced health insurance Advisors to help you make sense of the options for you as an individual or for family health insurance. Talk with an Experienced Health Insurance Advisor. Affordable health insurance options are out there for you and your family.

GoArticlesLorne Zalesin joined following a successful career in residential building and real estate sales. A self-proclaimed “serial entrepreneur”, Zalesin is a licensed residential builder, licensed residential real estate broker, and licensed in life insurance and health insurance. Zalesin earned a Bachelor of Arts and a Master’s in Business Administration, from The University of Michigan.

Choose to live an optimistic lifestyle.

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Detox: Healthy Living Starts From Within

February 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by Thomas Jane

In my early 20s, I was fortunate to bag the job-of-a-lifetime! I plan events, TV commercials and photo shoots for magazines — yes, basically I rub elbows with celebrities and up-and-coming stars. The glamour and thrill of advertising was priceless, but I had sacrificed a lot of things including holidays and vacations, sleep, and my health. The fast-paced environment of the industry was taxing; food were my ways of coping. But then I wasn’t eating right. That’s where the problem starts.

I have an erratic eating pattern. I sometimes eat one meal in a day; yes, I consider coffee as my meal. Because with the kind of work I am in, who has the time to indulge in a 30-minute break? Sometimes, I binge in weird places and times. Sometimes I eat walking my way to a meeting, while waiting for a taxi cab, while working on my laptop, etc.

So you see the way I lived my life then is quite stressed out and toxic.

When I started working, I lost a lot of weight. You could say that I got slimmer, but if you’d weigh me down the scale I was underweight. Then I got pregnant. Then I gave birth. Then I stayed at home to become a work-at-home mom. Then came another problem: post-pregnancy weight and the effects of sitting for long hours in front of a computer.

I tried almost all types of diets and bought all kinds of slimming products from slimming teas to slimming coffees and slimming pills to get me back in shape, but none of them worked on me completely. I’d loose a couple of centimeters and shed some pounds, but it goes back again when I start pigging out — especially on holidays.

Exercise outdoors, yes, but never on a gym. But it is not the same as it used to. I cannot go anywhere as I please as I have parenting duties, household chores, and work to mind.

In a holiday reunion with my family last year I saw my cousin, who could pass as a contestant for The Biggest Lose, and whoa — he really lost the weight. So we talked and I learned through him the wonder of detox diets.

I got home and googled it.

According to Linda Page, N.D., Ph.D., a naturopathic doctor, lecturer, and author of the book Detoxification, “Detoxification is a normal body process of eliminating or neutralizing toxins through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph glands, and skin,” she writes in her book. “Just as our hearts beat nonstop and our lungs breathe continuously, so our metabolic processes continuously dispose of accumulated toxic matter.”

The general idea suggests that detox diets can involve consuming extremely limited foods (water or juice only) or eliminating certain foods from the diet (like Atkins Diet) thereby resulting to cause the body to burn or secret accumulated stored fats and toxins.

Page recommends that if you feel “congested” from too much food — or the wrong kinds of food — you may want to detoxify. If your energy level is low, if you have been taking many medications that have not been eliminated from your system, or you feel bloated with all the foods and beverages you’ve taken on weekdays, a weekend detox may help you feel better.

So, I started to change my lifestyle. I embarked on a green lifestyle and embraced anything organic. I could never be a Vegan because I still need lean meat in my life, but still eating vegetables are a must.

Now, I am doing daily reps of Cardio and Pilates exercises and healthy diet (6 meals a day in small portions; I make sure that I take at least 2 liters of water a day (water therapy — the best detox ever!), eat fresh fruits and veggies, and have my Wheatgrass Juice Diet on weekends.

Aside from my exercise and diet regimens, I make sure that I indulge in wellness activities like going to the day spa for a massage therapy and meditations to aide detoxing.

Indeed, detoxing is not just about secreting toxins inside the body but also relieving ourselves with negative emotional baggage.

And just what Deepak Chopra said, “The way you think, the way you behave, the way you eat, can influence your life by 30 to 50 years.”

Thomas Jane is a freelance writer for Holistic Health Associates, a Frederick, Maryland-based massage therapy center providing Swedish, Deep Tissue, Hot Stone and the likes. When permitted she schedules a once-a-week massage therapy session by calling (301) 620-1414.

Buy Dibs, Inc. Announces Upcoming Daily-Deals Website Offering 80% Off Sports, Fitness and Healthy Living in Chicago Illinois.

February 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by Olimpia Solarska

Buy Dibs, Inc., In September Buy Dibs, Inc. will launch BuyDibs com, a daily deals coupon website for the Chicago area. The coupons will offer savings of up to 80% off retail prices on sports, fitness, and natural lifestyle products and services. The company will be donating up to 25% of proceeds to support local schools and non-profit is also hosting a contest on the company’s Facebook fan page located at: The contest offers $ 5,000 worth of passes to the hottest places in Chicago to eat and play for people who refer friends to the website.The goals of the company are to help people save money while living active, healthy lives and to provide support for youth-focused charities. A few of the charities supported by are:

• Joggin for the Noggin• Elite Learning Institute• Feed My Starving Children

The website will allow members to choose from a list of charities at the time of purchase. will forward each donation to the corresponding charity.If the buyer doesn’t select a charity, will distribute the funds to all the participating non-profits in proportion to their popularity among registered subscribers.

Members may join by providing an email address or their Facebook log-in information.

“Children and families are our passion at,” said co-founder Olimpia Solarska. “Like other daily deal sites, we pool the buying power of thousands of members to offer steep discounts on your favorite activities. We’re delighted, however, to also pool your giving power to donate up to 25% of all proceeds to charities close to your heart.”

Buy Dibs, Inc., In September Buy Dibs, Inc. will launch BuyDibs com, a daily deals coupon website for the Chicago area. The coupons will offer savings of up to 80% off retail prices on sports, fitness, and natural lifestyle products and services. The company will be donating up to 25% of proceeds to support local schools and non-profit is also hosting a contest on the company’s Facebook fan page located at: The contest offers $ 5,000 worth of passes to the hottest places in Chicago to eat and play for people who refer friends to the website.The goals of the company are to help people save money while living active, healthy lives and to provide support for youth-focused charities. A few of the charities supported by are:

• Joggin for the Noggin• Elite Learning Institute• Feed My Starving Children

The website will allow members to choose from a list of charities at the time of purchase. will forward each donation to the corresponding charity.If the buyer doesn’t select a charity, will distribute the funds to all the participating non-profits in proportion to their popularity among registered subscribers.

Contact: Olimpia SolarskaBuyDibs, Inc.720 Industrial Dr. Ste. 120Cary, IL 60013Email: support@buydibs.comWebsite:

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