How to Start Long Distance Running for Beginners

July 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Edwin Jones

How to Start Long Distance Running for Beginners – Health – Fitness

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Your heartbeat pounds in your ears, your eyes focus straight ahead and you only feel the thumping of your feet striding the path as the wind rushes by.

Yes, the experience of running can indeed be described as spiritual or poetic, but unfortunately many new runners find the experience to be boring, painful or even the cause of a serious injury which turns them off running altogether.

If you are interested in running for health, recreation or to train for a marathon supporting your cause, it is wise to take time to develop a healthy routine that will protect your body and create an enjoyable running experience.


It is crucial for a runner to invest in a proper pair of running shoes. Not doing so will put you at an increased risk of pain and serious injury. You will also quickly notice that a proper pair of running shoes gives you more cushion and support which will make running easier than using regular street shoes or those developed for another sport.

Hydration is also important for running. Staying hydrated will help you endure the run and keep your body in prime condition.

If you are training for a long distance race you will want to keep a log of your distance and/or time. You may also wish to log your style of training, any discomfort or feelings about the run if it suits your needs.


Concrete sidewalks are NOT the place to run. Harder than asphalt and full of cracks you should make the effort to find a more suitable running surface.

Tracks are usually safe, but can be boring. If tracks are the only option try taking a friend to encourage you to stick to your routine.

Smooth dirt paths are the best option. Grass can work as well but watch for obstructions or uneven surfaces. You can ask local runners or a running store for recommendations for places to run.


There are various training methods for long distance runners, including interval training and speed training. However, for beginners there are a few basic suggestions to get you started.

Begin every run with a warm up walk. This gets your muscles ready to move. Take a walk break every ten minutes to rehydrate and extend your endurance.

Don’t forget to breathe. You should be able to talk while running unless you are going for a fast run which is not usually suitable for a beginner. If you are gasping for breath you need to slow down. You will build endurance with time. It is better to start out easy and build up than wear yourself out.


You should always walk for a minute or more after a run to cool down. Stretch your muscles for 10-15 minutes within about 15 minutes of completing your run to keep them from contracting and causing discomfort.

Ice packs or cool water on your legs will also reduce inflammation and help keep your body in good condition for the next run. Not taking these steps can lead to severe injury.

Enjoy your run and take care of your body and you may find that you enjoy the mental benefits of running as much as the physical!

About the Author

About the Author: Edwin Jones is a writer on a wide range of Internet and health and fitness related topics. His latest website has detailed reviews on various types of Cross Traing Shoes. Find out more here about Cross Training Shoes You have full permission to reprint this article provided the sentence above and links are kept.

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Edwin Jones

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About the Author: Edwin Jones is a writer on a wide range of Internet and health and fitness related topics. His latest website has detailed reviews on various types of Cross Traing Shoes. Find out more here about Cross Training Shoes You have full permission to reprint this article provided the sentence above and links are kept.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Restarting Weight Training Workout after a Long Break

April 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Sahil Sidhu

You are standing in front of the mirror, looking at your body with a raised eyebrow and thinking of past years when you used to go to gym regularly, you used to pump muscles in gym, and you used to look fit, lean and strong, now you are thinking of restarting your routine weight training workout and then you declare loudly – “Tomorrow I am going to gym and going to loose my fat as soon as possible”. Next day you are again standing in front of mirror and then again declaring the same.

If you are one of these people, you must right now get out of this vicious circle, because that day is near, when you are going to feel more embarrassed standing in front of your mirror.

Finally after a big struggle, you are standing in front of the gym, you feel proud and happy, and you open the door of the gym like a boss. You are in gym right now and you know what to do, you hop on treadmill and start running, and suddenly the old gym memories comes back, and you decide to run faster faster and more faster, now leaving the treadmill you walk towards your forgotten love – DUMBBELLS. You start lifting weights, you remember everything you used to do in gym earlier and you know that you produced results, so you keep on increasing weights, do everything and complete your weight training workout.

You are now about to get out of gym, but you can’t! The exit door of your gym feels heavier to push to open, you some how come out, walk with two left legs and manage to reach home. You are feeling horrible now, very exhausted and sleepy, you are not even able to eat your food easily, handling a spoon feels so heavy and in office you yawn the whole day, you reach back home, you are not able to open your eyes and you sleep.

Next day you feel bored to go to gym, you laze around and do your routine, the day’s passes on and your best friend the vicious circle of your thinking process is back, your mirror is back. You are back to your normal life!

Now getting to the main part of my blog, which says how to restart your weight training workout and information regarding how much long and when to take break from your weight training workout.

From the bitter part, now we reached the sweetest part, all I want to say is that, to restart your workout, Commitment to recreate your commitment to workout everyday itself is must. It’s good that you know the ways to workout in gym with weights, it’s a plus point, but after a long break, everything is not as easy and same as before, you need to calm down a bit, you need to relax rather than rushing to cut the fat, you need to start from zero, remember the first time you entered gym, you were so careful that time, lifting with very lighter weights, you need to love your body, love your fat, and make your body comfortable with you restarting your workout and as your body gets comfortable, no need to rush still, just increase weight slightly, and keep on moving even if you are not producing results.

I won’t say that this is the right track, nor I am going to say that it’s a wrong track. But yeah I can promise that by following this track you can produce results the way you want. I hope this brings a smile on your face. But I got some thing more important to inform you, that how long and when you should take break from your weight training workout.

Even if you are a workout freak, there are days when you feel not to workout and you don’t want to go to gym. But even then you drag yourself in gym, thinking that not going to gym will be a dishonor to yourself and you force yourself to workout thinking as if its your religion, this commitment is good, but you are forgetting one of the most important aspect and main pillar of your health and fitness, which is RECOVERY.

Like you go gym regularly, you must take breaks regularly to recover, this helps giving 100% in your workout every time you step in gym. SO just take break when you feel strongly not to go to gym, listen to your body, your body will communicate when it needed rest for recovery. Experts says it should not be like you completely take break and do nothing, instead one can go for a long walk, relax in swimming pool, kick football, few serves with tennis racquet etc.

One more important aspect is the duration for taking a break, if you train yourself with weights, taking break not more than one week is good, and one week break will not let go all of hard work you did in gym. But you must listen to your body and manage doing your weight training workouts and taking breaks.

Sahil Sidhugraphic and web designer,seo, content writing at incore marketing unlimited and nirvana healing center

Keeping In Shape – Long Distance Runners’ Conditioning Exercises

March 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Article by Daryl B. Chapman

Running requires exact coordination of all the muscles in your body. The muscles in one’s upper body hold to work in an optimal running position ie head up, chest open, elbows bent, shoulders relaxed, and arms wavering. While the muscles in one’s lower body and abdominal core constantly works during a run. It stabilizes one’s trunk so it can efficiently move the legs and arms. Long-distance running requires a balance in energy, as it is very energy consuming. It necessitates complete mental agility and conditioning workout.

What does conditioning exercise mean?

Conditioning workouts are exercises that amplify athletic skill and physical fitness but at the same time decreasing the chance of sports injuries. Several programs are formulated and these include weight training, aerobic exercise, plyometrics, calithenics, and workout based n real-life motions. These differ depending on fitness goals and athletes compliance altitude to fitness and athletes level (beginners versus experienced).

The principle following this type of exercises is based on the statement that the body must go through certain challenges in order for it to remodel to the stress exerted in the body during exercise. To accomplish excellent athletic performance, athletes use targeted, specific movements that mimic the moves used in the field or court.

There are two kind of conditioning workout: Aerobic and anaerobic conditioning. Aerobic conditioning uses oxygen to produce energy and it increases cardiovascular stamina and lung capacity. It includes any activity that increases heart rate and challenges heart and lung capacity. On the other hand, anaerobic conditioning does not use oxygen when producing energy. It is appropriate for sports that necessitate intense, sudden burst of strength or speed that are difficult to do for an extended period of time. Example of this kind of exercise includes sprinting and weight exercise.

Following are the best conditioning exercises intended for long distance runners:

1. Core conditioning exercise. One of the most important muscles that one must condition is the abdominal core muscles. These muscles assiduously work during a run as it stabilizes one

Where To Look For To Find Long Term Back Relief

February 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Lower Back Exercises

Article by Dr Graeme Teague

As a person gets older the spring of youth slowly fades and an individual is more prone to situations like regular back pain. The reality is that nearly every individual experiences some or the other type of back pain in some point of their life and they’re always searching for the finest ways to find back relief.

For the sporty person back pain is usually a side effect of continuously making swift and strong motions, finding back relief in a hot tub or warm bath. For the profession minded person back pain is usually a result of sitting for extended periods of time and their back relief solutions often involve minimal stretching and some form of pain medicine. Even the parent who is active with their children experiences pain and uses any form of back relief they could fit into their active schedule.

While all of these solutions may provide a person with back relief, the reality is that they are all momentary solutions that usually need to be repeated on a frequent basis. The current conception that individuals should blindly accept back pain in their life is a sham formed by people that are not willing to make the adjustments to cure their own ailments.

Back pain is not a symptom of old age and back relief is available on a long term scale rather than with the brief respites most individuals apply. When you initially start your back relief plan its true that most of those same techniques would be utilised to achieve your initial back pain relief. Though, they are just momentary measures to cure pain while you do what is essential to take advantage of more long term back relief. This process starts with getting the knowledge you require to achieve long term back relief results.

Most people aren’t medical experts and this is why they make use of medical individuals to heal ailments, aid the fight against diseases and fix our broken bones. Back pain is no different than any other ailment affecting a person which is why you ought to search for the knowledge distributed by a medical professional.

Most people who are looking for back relief turn towards the net to discover the next solution to finding their back relief medication. Going online is a smart choice as it represents the greatest source of global knowledge available, though it is significant to recognize where you get your info from. Make certain your online back relief resource is done by a medical professional and not by some individual trying to profit off of your pain.

To discover a leading medical professional online who is looking to help you in your back relief struggle then simply go to

If youre experiencing low back pain try these simple moves with Adi to bring strength and integrity to your spine and core. By giving your hip flexors, hamstring and psoas muscles a nice stretch, this sequence will keep your back feeling limber and prevent pain in the future.

You Can Have Endurance from Long Running

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

The extensive distance is a project can boast a tolerance of development of prolonged time. It can create the muscle flexible all the time. And it is the biggest feature of this event. From one thing it needs the body to try its finest to reduce the using up of fat and to deposit steady speed. The other sides, it wants the boosting drive too fast in the race in the entirety course of running.

The lengthy distance running can assistance us achieve two the further targets. At first although our two legs are so tired and then they will have stronger than that before and then they what’s more can endure long time of running. Secondly, you are going away to have the experience of tiredness and it makes you tough sufficient in your spirit to keep running till you go on to have a feeling of fatigued.

Therefore you ought to keep in mind that the feeling of weary is just request in the training. you are benefited by the marathon after going though tiredness. As a result of that the aim of running is to come over the weary to get health and put on with tiredness.

The running is to keep thin and heath and its time be supposed to not less than twenty minutes. Your speed should be kept slowly in order to hold balance breath. In terms of your body power which is that you learn to walk before you run after that the time of race will enhance little by little. Your glycogen or even the fat of your body will be spent by the running of twenty minutes. For the reason that there is no violence in jogging and then there is no overdo poor oxygen for your engine body. For this reason it can expend fat in your body and then you will have a good result of lose weight.

Someone have a cobweb in the throat after running, they want to enjoy happy in a short time to drink an amount of water at a time. On one hands it will reflect the increase of perspiration and reduce the salinity in the body. On the other side it can cut down the thickness of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice and bring down the capability of sterilization of it and also add to the ability of intestinal cannel infection. Therefore, if you have a bulky amount of water in one time, it will put on heavy on heart and kidney.

It shows you two precious proposals for you. To begin with, I will not give advice you to eat nothing if you have a running that it has over three hours. Secondly, you are not allow to eat more things by yourself when you have a long running. If you want to make it better and you should run over two hours. You had better eat something if you have nothing in the stomach to cause slow blood sugar. You also can put pressure for your body to adjust to have a long running.

A Nike Free Run 2 will take control of your running and exercise. Call a Nike Free Run 2 Australia and have a fastidious time.

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