Best Lower Abs Exercise For A Great Looking Midsection

September 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Chest Exercises

Article by James Morre

Best Lower Abs Exercise For A Great Looking Midsection – Health – Fitness

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If you are looking for the best lower abs exercise, you can be easily confused by the wide variation of opinions about the best techniques for developing a great looking midsection. The real truth is that most muscles in the body respond to basic exercises if they are well performed. All other types of exercises that you will come across are just variations of the basics. Every new technique comes up as a result of somebody’s creativity. The best results come from sticking to the basics.

Before we go further, it is important to tell you that your lower abs will not show if you have too much fat in your body. No matter how much you do abs exercises, if you do not lose the necessary amount of weight, you will still be disappointed. You have to combine proper abs training with an overall weight loss program that will help you to reduce your body fat. Abs workouts will help you to build more strength in your midsection which will help you to do more strength training. The following exercises are the best that you can do to get the greatest abs you can possibly have.

Lying Leg Lifts

To do this exercise, lay flat on back with your hands either beside or under your buttocks. With your knees slightly bent, lift your legs until they are pointing straight up. Squeeze your abs as much as you can then lower your legs until the back of your feet is almost touching the ground. Pause for one second then repeat the movement again.

Lying Reverse Crunches

Start with the same position as described above. You will lift your legs until they attain the vertical position then bend your knees at ninety degrees at the same time squeezing your abs to create some tension. Hold this bent knee position and gradually lower your feet until they are almost touching the ground then bring them to your chest as you contract your abs as much as you can.

Lying Leg Walks

This is also called the cycling exercise. Lay flat on your back with your hands placed as previously described. Raise you legs until they are in the vertical position while squeezing your abs a little for tension. Lower your right leg until it is almost touching the ground. Pause briefly then bring it back up and do the same thing with the other leg. Keep alternating legs until you are tired.

James is an entrepreneur who has been writing articles for a few years.He writes passionately about health and fitness and you can check out his new website on cheap heart rate monitors and valuable tips about using a strapless heart rate monitor.

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James is an entrepreneur who has been writing articles for a few years

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James Morre

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James is an entrepreneur who has been writing articles for a few years

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Best Bicep Exercises for Gaining Strong Looking Arms

April 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Bicep Exercises

Very often the more muscles that are targeted across the body within a workout plan, the better.
Understanding what’s viewed to be the best bicep exercises to go and do can be quite useful for shedding any build up of fat that presently exists around the arms.

One such workout that is looked upon as being one of the best bicep exercises are alternate curls. Having  armed yourself with two barbells about the same in weight position the dumbbells so that they’re by your sides with each end pointing away from the front and back of the body.

Then, slowly begin to bring a dumbbell single handedly in the path of the shoulder, while ensuring that the palms face the ceiling while you lift the barbells up. As the pressure should be focused on the bicep region, it is best to bring the dumbbells near by to although not actually allow them to come into contact with the shoulder.

Either sitting or standing will both be alright for doing alternating curls.

Keeping the tension on the biceps while conducting this exercise is key. Therefore, the wrists and elbows should be doing most of the work and not the back muscles. Next, on the list of exercises considered to be one of the best bicep exercises out there is drag curls. Barbells are essentially used in place of dumbbells with similar range of motion as you would do when doing alternating curls.

Drag curls involve the act of dragging the barbells up towards the chest area while in a standing position. The palms of your hands need to be facing upwards to really zero in on those biceps. There is also the reverse version of the barbell curl which is considered to be amongst the best bicep exercises. What it entails is for your palms to be faced downwards and bringing the bar up to your chest.

For the top half of the arms, cable rope hammer curls can be ideal.
Take a hold of the handle of the cable standing up, and with your elbows and palms at your sides pull it up.

The biceps must be kept tensed, therefore to avoid taking tension away, and the likelihood of a back injury use your arms and not your back to do this exercise. Pulley machines might be seen as being safe to use when compared with free weights. Although both share almost equal results.

If you’re interested in gaining more handy tips on the best exercise for biceps you may want to check the Gaining Muscle Mass Fast site where you will be able to find all the latest ideas on building muscles, as well as plenty more information on fitness, exercise and nutrition.

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