Gain Muscle and Lose Fat

June 12, 2012 by  
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Article by Joshua Jenkins

Gain Muscle and Lose Fat – Health – Weight Loss

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Who wouldn’t like to lose their fat and replace it with muscle? Believe it or not, muscle development plays a major roll in the amount of fat being burned. Maybe weight training could be the answer to your weight problem. Personal trainers have known for years that weight training is one of the greatest forms of exercise for losing excess fat.

There are two options to choose when it comes to muscle development, light or heavy. The light way involves pushing your body to the extreme which eventually has led many people to give up on their entire plan. Picking the light approach to weight lifting is a good choice for those who want to have fun and wish to attain specific results.

For toning and losing fat, you need to find a good program that emphasizes light weights with several repetitions during each set. Working out with heavier weights will cause you to develop larger muscles. Lighter weights with more repetitions will tone up your body and boost your metabolism so that you can easily burn more fat.

If you haven’t noticed lately, all weight loss programs are not the same. The never ending torturous programs that many people choose are not necessarily going to produce the results that their looking for. Choosing the wrong program could easily make some people frustrated and cause them to quit.

Some of you are probably thinking about how you can possibly locate an exercise program that suits your needs. You could look t hrough the thousands of books at the library or search the millions of websites on the internet for the answer but this usually leads to nowhere.

The only way to find that perfect program is to listen to what the experts have to say. In order to be successful with your goals, it’s vital that you stay focused and motivated on the end results. You’ll begin noticing, after you’ve been in your routine for several months, that it all starts to become much easier and part of your way of life.

To sum it up: If you want to gain muscle and losing weight, you’ll have to find the right exercise program that emphasizes lifting light weights with more repetitions.

Check out the latest articles on weight loss through muscle building along with non-biased program reviews at How to Gain Muscle and Lose Fat

About the Author

This author writes articles about weight loss and fitness. You can visit his site and read his latest article here: Best Exercise for Losing Weight

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This author writes articles about weight loss and fitness. You can visit his site and read his latest article here: Best Exercise for Losing Weight

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HOW TO LOSE THE BABY BELLY – Experience the Magic of Exercise

June 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

Article by Pamela Behnke

HOW TO LOSE THE BABY BELLY – Experience the Magic of Exercise – Health – Weight Loss

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Getting your body back after giving birth is really important to most new moms. You want to feel good about yourself and to regain your own identity. Have you noticed the way celebs spring back to their amazing shape soon after their pregnancy? Don’t have time for exercise? Really you do and it will help you lose the baby belly like no other, exercise moves your fat burning into motion.

Lose the Baby Belly – Back To Basics

Giving birth leaves a woman, tired, drained out of energy, and more hormonal changes. Getting started with exercise is easier said than done. Depending on your delivery, please consult your physician at your 8 week postpartum follow up before doing any type of exercise. If you gave birth naturally or by caesarean, exercise will be very different for each of you. Make sure your body is healed and your doctor has given you to approval. I know we want to get results, especially now that our body is back to being ours. Don’t take the chance of hurting yourself, the time will come naturally for you to start exercising.

You are setting yourself up for immediate failure to expect instant results. Your waist took a long time to get this way. Remember 9 months? It will definitely take some time to shed off all those layers of fat and pregnancy weight. Starving will get you nowhere, eating right with a few minutes of exercise throughout your day will get you on the road to lose the baby belly.

Exercises that are focused at the abdomen are inevitable when it comes to losing the baby belly. But look at your core as a whole. Find exercises that not only focus on the whole core but work together to build that abdominal strength. Shortening and strengthening your traverse muscles, abdominal exercises are a great way to bid farewell to those pregnancy pounds. Focusing on your core to lose the baby belly will help you to fit into your pre-pregnancy jeans quicker.

• Work On Your Core Since it your core where you have accumulated most of the pregnancy weight, this is the area your exercise should acutely focus on. Do some quick exercises that focus on your core, they don’t have to be more than a few minutes each time as you have it. A few here and a few there will help get you results. You are a new mom, you really only have a few minutes here and there and sometimes that seems impossible.

• Diaphragmatic breathing:This exercise is aimed at the tightening of abdominal muscles. This is done by inhaling and exhaling slowly as you tighten your abs but make sure that you focus on keeping your abdominal area flat when you exhale.

• Try the Pelvic TiltThe pelvic tilt involve those muscles that help you stand a good posture, hence, aiding you to look slimmer. In addition, it relieves your spine from all the stress it has been enduring all these months.

• Shadow Boxing:This exercise is aimed at the tightening of your entire core if done properly. You can sit on a chair, edge of the couch or even on the floor with your legs in front of you. Tighten your abdominal area and focus on boxing or making punching moves in front of you. Do your shadow punching down, to each side and punch straight up above your head. Do this a few times a day if you can. You may even work up a small sweat and get some added cardio out of it.These and some others that can spell success for you include curl ups, heel sliding and stretching! With these simple exercises you can start to lose the baby belly, have more energy and help your mood.

Remember with exercise, consistency is the key. Obviously, you want to take care of yourself, so you have energy to take care of your precious baby. Make some efforts to lose the baby belly and the results you see are definitely worth it.

About the Author

Pamela K Behnke is a mother of two boys under the age of 3. Both her boys are 15 months apart and she did not have any time in between her pregnancies to lose the baby belly or baby belly fat. Her mission after her second son was born was to get her body back. Pregnancy was not kind to her weight gain and her body shape. How to lose the baby belly and her baby belly fat has helped her gain energy to chase those four little legs. It helped stabilize her mood swings caused by all the changing hormones.

My Mommy Wants Her Body Back is her way of sharing with other moms that you don’t have to settle for The Baby Belly Fat and she wants you to learn How To Lose The Baby Belly too! For more information on How To Lose The Baby Belly and Baby Belly Fat, check out her website, Take care of yourself, so you can take care of your precious baby!


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Pamela K Behnke is a mother of two boys under the age of 3. Both her boys are 15 months apart and she did not have any time in between her pregnancies to lose the baby belly or baby belly fat. Her mission after her second son was born was to get her body back. Pregnancy was not kind to her weight gain and her body shape. How to lose the baby belly and her baby belly fat has helped her gain energy to chase those four little legs. It helped stabilize her mood swings caused by all the changing hormones.

My Mommy Wants Her Body Back is her way of sharing with other moms that you don’t have to settle for The Baby Belly Fat and she wants you to learn How To Lose The Baby Belly too! For more information on How To Lose The Baby Belly and Baby Belly Fat, check out her website, Take care of yourself, so you can take care of your precious baby!


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6 Exercise Tips To Lose Weight

June 1, 2012 by  
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Article by Chris Zaaiman

6 Exercise Tips To Lose Weight – Health – Weight Loss

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If you try to lose weight, you need to exercise. The people who try to lose weight through dieting alone will not see the results you want.

The workouts do not need to be intense, but it must occur frequently. When working out on a regular basis, you are helping your body burn more calories per day. If you want to lose fat you need a regular exercise program. These five tips will help your fat exercises more closely to develop ways to help you lose weight safely and efficiently.

Start slow at first.

One of the most important things to do when starting a weight training program start slowly. Your body needs to get used to the idea of strong activity. If you try to go too much and too fast it can cause injury. Start slow and up your intensity as you get further into your training schedule.

cardiovascular is the main key

First, cardiovascular exercise is necessary to lose weight. You need to burn calories through cardio exercise such as cycling, and running. It is important to note that training does not need to be extreme and intense. Just raise your heart rate to see the positive effects of cardiovascular exercises.

Weightlifting will help

If you want to lose weight, you have to start lifting weights. When you lift weights, your body creates muscle. Muscles in your body will burn calories and fat. Lifting weights will make it easier for you to achieve your goals.

Understanding the nature of long-term process

It is important to understand the long-term nature of exercise for weight loss. You will not see the results you would expect in the first or second week of your training schedule. You can also plateau in the course of your training. You may not lose any weight at all for certain periods. . This occurrence is normal, and highlights the importance of sticking with exercise.

Exercise at home

Sometimes it is difficult to go to the gym. Some do not have time, while others are just embarrassed to go to the gym. If this happens to you, exercise at home. By purchasing a few small weights, some resistance bands and cardio equipment, you can get a great workout right in the comfort of your own home.

You do not need to be a gym rat to lose weight. You just need to exercise regularly. If so, at home or at the gym, you should give your body the required exercise to burn calories and fat. These exercise tips will help you learn how to approach your workout. If keep your routine, you will meet your weight loss goals.

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If you are serious about losing weight and want more information Click Here

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If you are serious about losing weight and want more information Click Here

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Home exercise allows you to get an intense or casual workout without having to spend money on a gym membership fee. Workout at home on your own time with help from a professional fitness trainer in this free video. Expert: Carol Ann Contact: Bio: Carol Ann has more than 19 years of professional fitness training experience and holds a Master’s Degree in exercise science and health promotion. Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz Series Description: There are many things you can do to exercise, as well as exercise cheaply. Make exercise work for you with help from a professional fitness trainer in this free video.
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These Are The Best Metabolism Boosting Foods To Lose Fat Quickly!

June 1, 2012 by  
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Article by Jim M. Smith

These Are The Best Metabolism Boosting Foods To Lose Fat Quickly! – Health – Nutrition

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What would you say if I told you that losing weight can be one of the easiest things in the world? By eating the right foods you can increase your metabolic rate and burn a lot of fat in just a few months.

Here are a few foods that boost metabolism:

* Ginger: the favorite food of the Chinese can help you speed up your metabolism. In fact, researchers from the Netherlands believe that ginger activates the mechanism of thermogenesis, the process by which the body burns fat to produce heat. What is more, ginger improves blood circulation.

* Water with lemon: according to research women who have replaced soft drinks with water lost an extra 1.5 kg in a year compared to those who did not change their habits. Those who drank even more than four glasses of water a day, lost 2 additional pounds. The naturally carbonated mineral water is preferable, because it contains more minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium). It also contains sodium phosphate that protects against osteoporosis and reduces the amount of acid in the blood. If you add a slice of lemon to your water then you can have a wonderful antioxidant drink.

* Olive Oil: the good fats it contains can help to eliminate the fat around the abdomen. Research shows that a diet rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (olive oil and nuts are the best sources) may prevent the accumulation of pounds in the abdomen and increase fat burning, promoting weight loss. Indeed, studies have shown that women who consumed monounsaturated fat (from nuts) were thinner than the others. Moreover, another survey showed that people who eat olive oil before a meal consume fewer calories during the meal. One reason may be that fat causes satiety for longer compared to foods that contain only carbohydrates, such as bread. However, do not forget that olive oil contains a lot of calories and for this reason it would be a good idea to limit its consumption to 1-2 tbsp at each meal.

* Oats: they contain complex carbohydrates and fiber that increase metabolism after a meal, while keeping insulin at low levels. When you have high insulin levels your body gets the message that it is time to store fat. Oats are a particularly useful food, because they take more time to get absorbed and thus do not raise insulin levels abruptly – unlike white bread, for example. What is more, oats may increase the number of calories you burn every day, especially if you eat them at breakfast. A recent study has shown that eating oats for breakfast can help you increase your metabolism by up to 10%. On the contrary, skipping breakfast slows down your metabolism and encourages your body to store fat.

Now You Need To Pay Close Attention…

This is the #1 method to BURN FAT FAST! Just Click Here!

About the Author

John M. Smith writes for Tips For Healthy Life, a blog dedicated on helping you improve your health. and treat various health problems.

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John M. Smith writes for Tips For Healthy Life, a blog dedicated on helping you improve your health. and treat various health problems.

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Boost your metabolism with these healthy snack ideas. Find more fitness videos at or own this video for just .75! Download the video by clicking the link below the Play Button. Increase your metabolism through exercise by building muscle mass and fuel it throughout the day with these healthy snack ideas. Check Out Video! Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel – Go behind the scenes w/ Sarah’s Blog- Twitter Facebook: iTunes:
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Lose Weight Fast The Push Up

May 31, 2012 by  
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So overlooked and under-rated, the simple push up is one of the greatest exercises you can do. It requires no equipment, no membership fees, or personal training sessions. In fact, if you are looking to lose weight fast and you are not cranking out a bunch of push ups on a daily basis, you may want to ask yourself just how serious you are about losing weight. Just adding a few sets of push ups to whatever workout regimen you are currently doing is a great way to ramp up your weight loss agenda in conjunction with a nutritious diet.

Push ups work your chest, shoulders, triceps, and even your lats. What you may have overlooked is that push ups are one of the best core exercises you can do. Many of us know that planks are a great abdominal exercise. Push ups are that much more difficult as you are really just holding a plank while pressing your body from the floor. Typically your pressing muscles get exhausted before your abdominals so you dont even feel the workout the abs get because your chest and triceps are burning so much.

There are so many versions of push ups so it would be next to impossible to get bored of this exercise; close-grip push ups, incline push ups (your feet up on a step), decline push ups (hands up on a step), hindu push ups, handstand push ups, one-arm push ups, clap push ups, side-to-side push ups (moving down towards either hand on each rep), staggered push ups (one hand is elevated, or hands are not parallel)the list goes on. What this means is that as you get better and better at push ups you can continue to challenge yourself. You can also change the focus of the exercise. For example, while regular push ups give your chest much of the workload, hand stand push ups (performed against a wall) focus the workload on your shoulders. In this way you can essentially begin to sculpt your physique.

If you do decide to add in push ups to your routine try to do them at another time than during your planned workout for the day. For example, do a set after you get out of bed, a set at lunch, and a set before bed. That way you will hardly notice any effect in terms of exhaustion as compared to doing three sets all at once or doing the push ups after your regular workout. By adding in push ups this way you will be dramatically increasing your overall amount of work while not over taxing your body. By doing so you can burn excess calories without feeling burnt out or over-trained.

Along with a nutritious diet and a well-rounded workout plan, push ups will accelerate you towards your fitness goals and help you lose weight fast. So whats stopping you, hit the floor and give me 20!

If youre someone who wants to learn more on a nutritious diet or how to lose weight fast, then is for you. We show you how to lose weight with diets that work. Learn from the pros who train the pros. Natural health physician and founder Dr. Joseph Mercola and Darin Steen demonstrate the different types of push ups and their unique benefits.
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Quickest Way to Lose Fat and Getting Rid of Love Handles

May 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Slim Down

Article by vandexter rutledge

Quickest Way to Lose Fat and Getting Rid of Love Handles – Health

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It may sound funny to hear about love handles, but it is actually not funny for those who have it. Love handles are actually the fat depositions on the sides and back of the waist. These are not only unattractive, but unhealthy too. The best part of the story is that there is a quickest way to lose fat from these areas and get rid of love handles. So, keep reading to know more about how to get back into shape using a safe weight loss method.

Lose overall fatIf are a victim of love handles then you must be aware that these happen due to excessive abdominal fat. So, if you want to get rid of love handles, you must lose fat from all over the body. There is no such trick or quickest way to lose fat from a specific body part. If it would have been so, everyone would have the perfect body.

Spot reduction is not practical, so you need to lose overall fat to lose the abdominal fat. This can be done by combining cardio exercises with strength training. While cardio exercise will help you burn extra fat, strength training will let you gain lean mass. Combining this physical activity with right amount of calorie intake is a quickest way to lose fat and experience safe weight loss.

Eat fat bustersIf you are on a mission of safe weight loss, you must be able to distinguish between fat busters and high fat foods. For example, all foods containing sugars and high quantity of sodium make you gain weight. Therefore, you should consume a carefully chosen diet that include nuts, salmon, low fats dairy products, high fiber foods and whole grains.

Consumption of highly proteinaceous foods helps you feel fuller and hence you feel satisfied for long time. Caffeinated drinks should be replaced by green tea as it fastens your metabolism and also increases the immunity.

Build stronger obliquesObliques are the framework for the 6-pack muscles and are present on both sides of the abdomen. These allow you to twist and turn, but get covered by love handles due to excessive abdominal fat. Another quickest way to lose fat is to build stronger obliques, which burns abdominal fat and make them tight enough.

There are several exercises for safe weight loss from abdominal area such as bicycle crunches, vertical leg crunches and captain’s chair leg raises. One can perform these crunches either at gym or at home with the help of proper instructions and pictures.

The clothes trickThis might sound as a silly trick, but works really well. Keep a check on your clothes is they fit well on you. Do not wear too tight dresses as these create the false impression of love handles even in slim people. Moreover, if you have spent a lot of time on losing the abdominal fat, do not let them hide in an oversized dress. Your clothes should be appropriately fitted so that your hard work in losing love handles can be rewarded.

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Next, Discover the proven secrets to successfully starting weigh loss regardless of body type at Also, I’ve prepared a valuable time sensitive product for my visitors for free, that you don’t want to miss getting it, so click the link now.”I help people lose weight everyday”.

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Next, Discover the proven secrets to successfully starting weigh loss regardless of body type at Also, I’ve prepared a valuable time sensitive product for my visitors for free, that you don’t want to miss getting it, so click the link now.”I help people lose weight everyday”.

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If You Want to Start Using Gym Workouts to Lose Weight then This is What You Need to Do

May 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Gym Workouts

Article by Jacob Portman

If You Want to Start Using Gym Workouts to Lose Weight then This is What You Need to Do – Health – Weight Loss

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I know what comes to mind when you think about gym workouts to lose weight because the same thing came to my mind too. At first I used to think that to do gym workouts you would of course have to pay for an expensive gym membership, and you would be spending day and long nights at the gym with a personal trainer who was going to be yelling at you as their way of motivating you to lose weight.

Instead of picturing that when you think about going to the gym for the first time, what you need to keep in your mind is what you want to look like when you don’t need the gym anymore. A lot of us just don’t have a good amount of time and hours when it comes to staying at the gym, but there are still some exercises that can be used even when you don’t have a lot time.

The fact of the matter is that a lot of gyms that we have today are just becoming so high tech that when you see one of those new machines you have no idea what to do with it. Treadmills just aren’t what they used to back in the old days.

When you are at the gym, what you need to be doing is following a good exercise routine that is helping you lose weight quickly. So you mainly need to be using machines that are cardiovascular exercises like treadmills and elliptical machines.

All of these workouts are apart of the HIIT exercise regimen which stands for High Intensity Interval Training, and they all have been designed to be extreme workouts that burn calories in the shortest time frame that is possible.

When you focus on HIIT regimen people are going to find that they are losing weight faster than they though was possible. Bear in mind that you need to always warm up before starting a workout at the gym. So spending 5 minutes get your body prepared is going to help you from injuring yourself while exercising. Also remember to use the right machines and don’t overwork yourself.

Losing weight and burning calories is all based on how well one can speed up their metabolism, and the best exercises that help to increase a person’s metabolic is cardiovascular exercises. 2 great exercise machines that help get the heart pumping is the rowing machine and the treadmill. Now you know some good gym workouts to lose weight.

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Many That Need To Lose Weight May Ask How Fast To Lose Weight?

May 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Slim Down

Article by Ryan Narendra

Many That Need To Lose Weight May Ask How Fast To Lose Weight? – Health – Weight Loss

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There are many among us that need to lose weight. It is just a fact that there are too many in our society that are overweight. It is not healthy and it can cause a lot of issues in our daily life. Because of this, there are a lot of programs that are advertised that claim that they can help us lose weight quickly. This is great but how are we suppose to know how fast to lose weight and still be healthy?

Most products on the market promise miracles. They all say you can lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time. How do we know if this is healthy or not? One way is to do your research and discover for yourself what will be healthy for your situation.

We can all do things in order to become healthier. We all need to drink a lot of water everyday and exercise properly. We all know this but we can all use help with this, too. Most of us do not understand exactly how to exercise or eat right.

When many people find that they have gained much more weight than they wanted to, they turn to a system to lose weight quickly. This can be good but they need to lose weight in a healthy way. Not every program is right for everyone, either. Knowing what is healthy for you is important to know beforehand.

The best way to discover how much weight you should lose in any given period of time is to consult your physician. They will be able to give you the best advise and tell you what a healthy weight loss should be. Your physician is the best source of advice in the diet area.

Staying healthy while losing weight and exercising is important. Otherwise, there is no point in losing the weight. Know what you should and should not do ahead of time. Stay healthy and lose the weight you need to.

Other post you may be interested in reading:weight loose, abs pack, fast lose weight, workout abs, contour belt

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Hi. I’m Ryan Narendra from United States. I’m a part time internet marketer, professional engineer, & self proclaimed ‘bike lover’ 🙂

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Hi. I’m Ryan Narendra from United States. I’m a part time internet marketer, professional engineer, & self proclaimed ‘bike lover’ 🙂

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Diet and Exercise Tips to Lose Belly Fat

May 21, 2012 by  
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Article by Caizechong

Diet and Exercise Tips to Lose Belly Fat – Health – Weight Loss

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If so then I’m going to give you the best way to lose belly fat fast. Having abs does take some dedication and a little more than just doing some crunches every night, but it’s definitely possible if you are willing to put the work in. Here’s how to start losing belly fat fast:

Most people who successfully get rid of their abdominal fat — and keep it off over time — learn to eat frequently, but in moderation. Basically they eat several small, balanced meals and snacks per day. By eating a relatively small amount of calories every few hours you keep yourself from getting hungry and overeating at any one meal. Plus you keep your metabolism in high gear, which greatly helps the fat loss process. If you can’t seem to get rid of your stubborn belly fat, it may be because you’re eating the typical 2 or 3 large meals per day.

belly fat is the stored fat of the body which needs to be used in order to get rid of. Many people cut down on their food quantity, do some ab exercises to lose belly fat and after a few days, when they fail to see results, they give up! For example, if you are eating food worth 1000 calories in a day, and burning thousand calories, you are doing good to not put on additional weight, not lose existing weight! Instead, if you intake 1000 calories a day, then you need to burn more than 1000 calories to burn the stored fat.

One food that is highest in monosaturated fat isn’t actually a food at all, it’s Canola oil. Incorporating this into your diet is easy, because it is used for cooking. This is one of the best foods that help lose belly fat as it is one of the highest in monosaturated fat and can be used regularly when cooking. I don

The Quickest Way to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle Revealed!

May 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

One of the larger obstacles to success, when striving to get fit, is having to wait a long time to see any results, especially after enduring a severely restrictive diet and undergoing a grueling exercise program, when trying to lose weight and build muscle. It is much easier to follow through on a regimented diet and exercise program if a bit of progress is seen, as early as possible.

The best way to see early results, in the quest to lose fat and build muscle, is to successfully jump-start metabolism. The easiest way to do this is by commencing upon a program that requires participation in exercises that focus, initially and primarily, on correct weight training techniques to put on muscle. The muscle that is added, in the beginning, will make it easy to remove additional fat later, during the aerobic portion of the exercise program, when it is combined with a low calorie, high protein, low glycemic index diet.

The recommendation is to start the weight training portion of this process, by working the upper body one day, with exercises for the triceps, biceps, shoulders and chest and alternately concentrating on the lower body the next day, with some glute, thigh, hip and calf exercises.

Use five to 10 pound weights to perform at least three sets of 20 on each body part and follow each session of weight training with 30 minutes of aerobic exercise. After a couple of weeks, when the exercises are starting to be less difficult, the routine should be mixed up a bit to keep the intensity going. Vary the weight training routine, by including more body parts and adding a bit more weight, or put high intensity strength training into the mix, to keep metabolism at a high level, while continuing to alternate between the upper and lower halves of the body. Don’t ever worry about what the scale says during the body transformation process, while losing fat and gaining muscle, because muscle weighs more than fat.

Make sure to continue to weight train daily, as the most important part of the exercise program, even if some days the aerobic portion of the routine is neglected. Continue eating the healthy high protein diet, gradually adding calories, as the fat is lost and the body transformation continues. Soon, the results will be noticeable with clothes that fit better and a sleeker body with less fat.

Dane Fletcher is the world-wide authority on training, nutrition, and supplements. To build muscle fast, he recommends the world class steroid alternatives from instead of illegal anabolics


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