Best Gym Equipment for Weight Loss

June 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Gym Workouts

Article by Zoe Robinson

Best Gym Equipment for Weight Loss – Health – Fitness

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There are people who go to the gym to work out on the machines for cardio because they love the feeling of working out. But that is not all people. Most people work out on the cardio machines because they feel that this is the best way to lose the maximum weight. People are curious to know which machines provide the best weight loss in the fastest way. Some gym equipment’s that are available for weight loss are:

Elliptical machinesThere are people who have many success stories about losing weight and swear by these machines and will tell you that these are the single best gym equipment for the workouts if you are looking for two things, that is, weight loss and toning up your body. But there are others who say that these machines are not really effective when it comes to weight loss. The most important thing to remember with these machines is to switch up the routine your following by changing the settings to make it even more challenging. This is the only effective way you can lose some weight on these machines.

Rowing machinesThere are many people who do not look forward to this gym equipment because they think it is hard. But this in fact is actually a sign that this machine provides a great workout. It is strenuous work which means that you will be able to lose extra pounds rapidly if you make this machine a part of your routine.

Ski exercise machinesPeople who want a complete body workout but a little more challenging than doing aerobics want to look at the ski exercise machines. They simulate downhill skiing as well as cross country skiing and it is these types of ski exercise machines that will help you lose weight rapidly. They are great machines for those who love skiing and want to build their muscles while working out to lose some weight.

Stair climbing machinesIt is one of those machines that a lot of people do not want to work out on as it does not seem easy compared to other machines. People who use these machines in gyms say that these actually speed up the process of your weight loss. You need to change the setting to a challenging level to get the complete effect of this machine.

TreadmillsIt is the most popular equipment in the gym for cardio workouts. People choose this machine because the workout on this machine is something everyone is comfortable doing and that is running or walking. It can give a great workout but you need to really commit to this for great weight loss. You need to set the machine to a challenging level and you need to keep it like that all throughout your workout session.

About the Author

Zoe Robinson is an enthusiastic writer in the subject matter of home gyms and fitness equipment. The websites recommended by Zoe Robinson have been thoroughly researched and come highly acclaimed from direct experience. Take a look at a range of gym equipment today.

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Zoe Robinson is an enthusiastic writer in the subject matter of home gyms and fitness equipment. The websites recommended by Zoe Robinson have been thoroughly researched and come highly acclaimed from direct experience. Take a look at a range of gym equipment today.

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Las Vegas Weight Loss Can Help You Get Back Into Shape

June 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Ben Pate

Las Vegas Weight Loss Can Help You Get Back Into Shape – Health – Weight Loss

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Getting back into shape is a challenge that most people face these days. Obesity is at an all-time high, but people are finally beginning to realize that if they want to live longer lives, they need to get back into shape. Of course, this is easier said than done. However, Las Vegas weight loss programs can help with this new undertaking.

Anyone who lives in the Las Vegas area is lucky enough to have some of the best personal trainers on the market at their disposal. Think of the amount of showgirls and stars that are in that area that need to make sure that they stay in tip-top shape all year long. Las Vegas trainers are the ones that keep them looking the way that they do.

Starting out a new exercise program can be a very difficult task for someone that has no real knowledge about fitness plans. To expect anyone to just look at a video and figure out what is going on is not very realistic. There are so many intricacies to working out that some guidance will surely be needed in the early stages.

Losing weight is also about more than hitting the gym. In order to lose weight and keep it off, there must be a re-education on how to eat properly. Again, most individuals simply do not have the education to put a meal plan together that will enable them to hit their daily targets.

In order for diet to be effective, the daily workout must be accounted for as well as making sure the right amounts of food are being consumed. Just because it is fat free does not mean that it is healthy. Our bodies need certain amounts of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and whatnot in order to be able to function. Eating foods that are too high in one category all the time can have disastrous results.

When making a diet plan, it is also important to make sure that foods are going to be in the plan that will get the metabolism fired up and burning calories. For instance, a high protein diet sounds great from afar, but many proteins are difficult to digest and can often results in a very run down feeling. Other foods must be introduced that will help break down the proteins and provide energy at the same time.

Getting back into shape is not as difficult as most people think, but it is a commitment. Using a weight loss program can give you the focus that is needed to make sure that you are not spending every spare moment in the gym and still allow you to enjoy life. After all, what good is being back in shape if that new body cannot see the light of day?

About the Author

Las Vegas weight loss can provided the guidance that is needed to create a weight loss plan that will take off those extra pounds. Trying to take on a task like this without the proper help can lead to a lot of wasted time and a lot of frustration.

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Las Vegas weight loss can provided the guidance that is needed to create a weight loss plan that will take off those extra pounds. Trying to take on a task like this without the proper help can lead to a lot of wasted time and a lot of frustration.

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Circuit Training For Weight Loss

May 31, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

According to fitness experts, circuit training is like a fat burning machine. What is circuit training? It’s an exercise program that consists of high intensity, single set, high repetition workouts.

Mini circuits consist of 3-4 different exercises: bench press, body weight squats, bicep curls w/barbell, and cardio (bike for 5 minutes – high intensity). The circuit is repeated 3-4 times, with 30-45 seconds of rest in between each loop. Instructions for each exercise are listed below:

Bench press:
Incline or flat bench dumbbell press / or push-ups. Use comfortable weight. One set of 10-12 repetitions.
1. Sit down on the bench with the dumbbells resting on lower thighs. Pick up the weights to shoulder and lie back simultaneously. Position dumbbells to sides of chest with the arms bent under each dumbbell.

Push up dumbbells with elbows to sides until the arms are fully extended. Then lower dumbbells to the sides of the upper chest until slight stretch is felt in the chest. This completes one repetition.

Body weight squats:
Using body only, no weights. One set of 10-12 repetitions.
1. Stand with feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent.
2. Lower body by flexing at the hips and knees. Upper body can flex forward at the hips slightly (~5°) during movement. Be sure to “sit back” so that knees stay over the feet.
3. For balance, hold on to a chair or handle bars of a machine. Once thigh is slightly above parallel return to start position.
5. Remember to keep head and back straight in a neutral position – hyper extension or flexion may cause injury. Keep weight centered on the heels, not the toes. Keep abdominals tight throughout exercise by drawing stomach in toward spine.

Bicep curls with barbell:
Use barbell, comfortable weight, standing up. One set of 10-12 repetitions.
1. Using a shoulder-width grip, grasp the barbell with an underhand grip.
2. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder width apart.
3. Curl the bar up toward your chest in an arc, keeping your elbows locked in the same place close to your sides.
4. Bring the weight up as high as you can and squeeze the biceps at the peak of the movement for a one-count. Lower the bar slowly, and return to the start position. This completes one repetition.

A regular circuit consists of 6-8 exercises, focusing on different body parts with higher repetitions 15-20 and 4-5 iterations of the circuit. For the cardio portion, include jump rope and bike, or treadmill run for 5 minutes. A great circuit would consist of: push ups, body weight squats, bike 5 minutes, then bicep curls with barbell, triceps extensions, jump rope for 2-3 minutes, finally ab crunches, plank for 1 minute, and floor bridges. The circuit is then repeated 4-5 times for the complete workout. Instructions not already mentioned above for each exercise are listed below:

Push ups:
No weights. One set of 15-20 repetitions.
1. Lie chest down with hands at shoulder level, palms flat on floor.
2. Using arms, push up from the floor, exhaling while extending the arms. Keep the back straight, and core tight with legs straight as well.
3. Pause, then bend the arms with the back straight, inhaling until the chest touches the floor but no other part of the body should touch.
4. Pause for a moment then repeat.

Triceps extensions:
One dumbbell, comfortable weight. One set of 15-20 repetitions.
1. Sitting on a bench, position the dumbbell overhead with both hands under the inner plate.
2. With elbows pointing up, arms parallel, lower forearms by flexing the elbows. Flex wrists at the bottom to avoid hitting dumbbell on back of neck.
3. Raise dumbbell overhead by extending elbows while hyperextending wrists. This completes one iteration.

Ab crunches:
One set of 15-20 repetitions.
1. Lay flat on back, with feet should width apart and knees bent.
2. With the hands lightly grasped behind the head, lift shoulders off of the floor by contracting the abdominals. Be sure feet are kept on the floor throughout the entire crunch.
3. Lower body back down to lay back on floor pause and repeat iteration.

One set, hold for 1 minute.
1. Position body straight, with forearms on the floor holding body up and toes touching the floor shoulder width apart.
2. Keep back straight and abdominals tight. Hold position for 1 minute.

Floor bridges:
One set of 15-20 repetitions.
1. Lye on the back, with the legs bent, feet on the floor and shoulder width apart.
2. Bring the hips up from the floor until even with the knees, with the head and shoulders keeping contact with the floor and relaxed. Try to form a straight line with chest and hips and knees, hold for 2 seconds. Make sure to stay on heels of the feet through out, and glutes squeezed at top.
3. Slowly lower hips, without touching the ground. Keep abs tight through out the exercise.

The intensity of the circuits elevate the heart rate to about 140 during the weight lifting exercises. Keeping this sustained heart rate with cardio exercise mixed in puts extra stress on the cardiovascular system and gives the body a high energy output, sometimes double a normal training session. The circuit training results in a great combination of cardio and strength training, which results in increased fat burning for the body.

LuMa Fitness

More Benefits of resistance strength training For Women – Weight Loss

May 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Diana Simmons

More Benefits of resistance strength training For Women – Weight Loss – Health – Fitness

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Benefits of strength training

1.Arthritis relief – Tufts university recently completed a strength training program with older men and women with moderate to severe knee osteoarthritis. The results of the 16 week study showed that strength training decreased pain by 43%, increased muscle strength and general physical performance, improved the clinical signs and symptoms of the disease and decreased disability. The effectiveness of strength training to ease the pain of osteoarthritis was just as potent if not more potent, as medicines. Similar effects of strength training have been seen in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

2. Restoration of balance and reduction of falls- As people age, poor flexibility contribute to falls and broken bones. These fractures can result in significant disability and in some cases fatal complications. Strength training, when done properly and through the whole range of motion, increase a persons flexibility and balance, which decreases the likelihood and severity of falls. One study in New Zealand in women 80 years of age and older, showed a 40 % reduction in falls with simple strength and balance training.

3. Strengthening of bone- Post menopausal women can lose 1-2% of their bone mass annually. Results from a study conducted at Tufts University, which were published in the Journal of American Medical Association showed that strength training increased bone density and reduced the risk for fractures among women 50-70

4. Proper weight maintenance- Strength training is crucial to weight control, because individuals who have more muscle mass have a higher metabolic rate. Muscle is active tissue that consumes calories while stored fat uses very little energy. Strength training can provide up to a 15% increase in metabolic rate, which is enormously helpful for weight loss and long term weight control.

5. Improved glucose control- more than 14 million American have type 2 diabetes- a staggering 300% increase over the past 40 years- and the numbers are steadily climbing. In addition to being at greater risk for heart and renal disease, diabetes is also the leading cause of blindness in older adults. Fortunately, studies now show that lifestyle changes such as strength training have a profound impact on helping older adults manage their diabetes.

6. Healthy state of Mind- Strength training provides similar improvements in depression as anti-depressant medications. Currently it is not known if this is because people feel better when they are stronger or if strength training produces a helpful biochemical change in the brain. It is most likely a combination of the two. When older adults participate in strength training programs, their self-confidence and self-esteem improve, which has a strong impact on their overall quality of life.

7. Sleep improvement- People who exercise regularly enjoy improved sleep quality. They fall asleep more quickly, sleep more deeply, awaken less often and sleep longer. As with depression, the sleep benefits obtained as a result of strength training are comparable to treatment with medication but without the side effects or expense.

8.Healthy heart tissue- Strength training is important for cardiac health because heart disease risk is lower when the body is leaner. One study found that cardiac patients gained not only strength and flexibility but also aerobic capacity when they did strength training three times a week as part of their rehabilitation program. This and other studies have prompted the American Heart Association to recommend strength training as a way to reduce risk of heart disease and as therapy for patients in cardiac rehabilitation programs.

Scientific research has shown that exercise can slow that physiological aging clock. While aerobic exercises such as waking jogging or swimming has many excellent health benefits, it maintains the heart and lungs, and increases cardiovascular fitness and endurance, it does not make your muscles strong. Strength training does. Studies have shown that strength training 3 times a week increases strength by building muscle mass and bone density.

As With any new exercise program, always consult your doctor before you start. Listen to your body and take baby steps, mark your progress, and as always, Have Fun!

More resources on getting fit below

Fat Burning Nutrition ‘Bible’ – Others Come And Go. Burn The Fat Is A Perennial Best Seller Since 2003. Click Here!

No Nonsense Muscle Building – The honest source on getting lean, strong and muscularClick Here!

About the Author

Working in fitness for 23 years. I have assisted people in reaching their fitness goals and supported them in changing their lives.

Most workouts get you little results, don’t work hard for nothing Get a great workout and greater results!Benefits to strength training

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Working in fitness for 23 years. I have assisted people in reaching their fitness goals and supported them in changing their lives.

Most workouts get you little results, don’t work hard for nothing Get a great workout and greater results!Benefits to strength training

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“Meal Replacements Such As the Lemon Detox Drink and Rapid Loss”

May 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Slim Down

Article by BelindaDarling

“Meal Replacements Such As the Lemon Detox Drink and Rapid Loss” – Health – Weight Loss

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Meal replacements are becoming frequently more popular in the dietary and weight loss market. Two of these meal replacement products are Rapid Loss and the Lemon Detox drink, both of which are designed to assist the body in rapid weight loss balancing out weight.

Rapid Loss is a new meal replacement shake designed to keep the body full and reduce cravings, ultimately assisting in the weight loss process, whilst the Lemon Detox drink is designed to assist the body in cleansing itself of unwanted chemicals and toxins, and assist the weight loss process.

Rapid Loss shakes contain as little as 140 calories per serving which means that when taken in place of your usual meals, you cut down on your regular calorie intake, which is one of the keys to successful weight loss. Rapid Loss isn’t just a meal replacement shake,Rapid Loss also comes with an educational program that will inform you of everything you need to know about maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle – they key to which is a balanced diet and exercise regime.

Containing information that is to the point and easy to understand, Rapid Loss’s education program, which includes eBooks, are written in a straight forward manner, free of unnecessary jargon and complicated terms.

The Lemon Detox diet, whilst assisting the slim process, is slightly different to the Rapid Loss shakes. it is like Rapid Loss, is a meal replacement drink but it is primarily aimed to assist the body in cleansing itself of toxins. The gaining slim outcome that comes with consuming this diet is due to a low daily calorie intake.

There are a vast amount of benefits associated with the Detox drink. Benefits include the cleansing of the body, the loss of extra unnecessary kilos, a kick start to healthier eating habits and a more balanced lifestyle, clearer complexion, an increase in energy, and stronger hair and nails. Whilst slim is Rapid Loss’s primary goal, this drink is designed to cleanse the body,being slim the natural outcome.

The Lemon drink can either be bought, or made at home. To make one standard glass of the drink you will need a tablespoon of Palm Tree Syrup, a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, half a pinch of cayenne pepper, and approximately 250ml of water.

Losing the extra kilos and keeping them off can be difficult, and if slimness is to be achieved and maintained, it is essential that a balanced, healthy diet and the appropriate amount of exercise is introduced in to your body slim regime. Meal replacements have become a frequently sought out losing body aid, especially for those wishing to lose the extra kilos quickly. However, if preventing weight is to be maintained it is important to learn how to develop healthy eating and exercise habits to help prevent you from piling the kilos back on once you gain that weight again.

About the Author

For a huge range of weight loss products such as rapid loss, go to the Pharmacy Online store for more details. Other weight loss diets include the lemon detox diet. The drinks associated with the lemon detox diet can also be found at the Pharmacy Online store.

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For a huge range of weight loss products such as rapid loss, go to the Pharmacy Online store for more details. Other weight loss diets include the lemon detox diet. The drinks associated with the lemon detox diet can also be found at the Pharmacy Online store.

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Kettlebell Weight loss Diet

May 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Nichole Delarosa

Kettlebell Weight loss Diet – Health

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Before I purchase taking place the how and why’s of Kettlebell’s I must give those not really acquainted with kettlebells an instant background and knowledge base of how Kettlebells work.

The Kettlebell – The gender chart?

The kettlebell has become called a bowling ball with a handle. It can be virtually a hunk of iron with a handle mounted on it.

Why could you desire to use a Kettlebell?

Kettlebell training brings you extreme total body fitness. Total body strength, endurance, flexibility and weight loss. The real difference between training which has a kettlebell and body building. The initial shape and exercises you could make your body ought to accommodate accelerating and decelerating forces you do not get in traditional weight training. Your core muscles, stabilizing muscles, and tendons will become stronger with time.

Kettlebell workouts are ballistic you’re incorporating numerous groups of muscles, tendon strength simply to complete each exercise. Knowing anything about muscle building and fat loss it must be that the more muscles you have at each exercise the harder lean muscle mass you are building which means the more fat you are losing.

The kettlebell Swing exactly what is it?

The kettlebell swing is pretty much what it is name suggests you might be swinging a kettlebell from between legs as much as chest level. Your arms should stay straight but loose you might be generating your entire power due to you hips. Eventhough it looks and sounds easy like anything else you will find there’s right and wrong method to use kettlebells. I might reccommend learning the appropriate techniques for training with kettlebells before jumping in.

Basic principles of performing the Kettlebell Swing:

1) Keep the head up2) Maintain back alignment straight3) Sit by as if you are likely to sit in a very chair – Don’t dip down.4) Extend your hips and knees fully at the top one’s body will likely then form a straight line.5) The kettlebell at the top of your swing (chest level) forms an extension in the straight and loose arm.

Should you remember earlier I said you can do Swings using a dumbbell and you can however for all those around fitness and fat reduction the Kettlebell is just considerably more effective.

What exactly could be the perfect method to use the Kettlebell Swing?

For total body conditioning and fat loss nothing can beat doing swings with all the Interval training workouts style.

Based on your conditioning level Interval bursts of 30-60 seconds with short rest periods in between for an at least 10 mins as your conditioning improves decrease the rest intervals involving.

Always get a physical and doctors okay before beginning any workout program.

Remember a sound clean nutrition program has got to go hand in hand with your exercise or you will never see the results you might be after.

Remember in describing the way to do the Kettlebell Swing I said sit by just like you are using a chair? listed here is a strategy to train yourself for using good form for that. While standing squeeze edges of the hands to the creases near the top of your thighs. Press both hands hard in the creases and stick your buut out and unwanted weight on the heels.

This helps you with to visit down by folding at your hips in lieu of bending your back and risking a back injury.

About the Author

For more information about this great workout that blasts fat and boosts calorie burning during and after the workout – Just click here! Kettlebell

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For more information about this great workout that blasts fat and boosts calorie burning during and after the workout – Just click here! Kettlebell

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2 Day Slim Down – Emergency Weight Loss Plan That Works

May 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Slim Down

Article by Trevor Dalley

Have you left it a little late to lose those pounds?

Try this 2 day slim down but please remember that this is an emergency weight loss plan and not one that should be continued for any length of time.

Your health is far too important and you should respect it.

Long term weight loss is a great plan but gradual and slow should be the name of the game.

However for those last minute panics, these tricks will work.

The first day of your plan should be a juice only day.

This means either pure water with a squeeze of lemon or some home-made unsweetened fruit or vegetable juices.

The latter will help to give you some key nutrients to keep you going.

A day drinking just juices will not cause most people any health issues but it is definitely not suitable for those who are pregnant, already underweight or have any existing health problems such as diabetes, heart disease or kidney problems.

When making vegetable and fruit juices try to use organic produce where possible.

Always wash the items carefully before preparation.

This is particularly important if you cannot afford organic as you want to get rid of as much of the preservatives as possible.

When using celery and other root vegetables include the stalks and leaves in the juice as a lot of the nutrients are contained here.

If not using organic, it is best to remove the roots, stalks and leaves and dispose of them.

Try combining carrots and apples or raspberry and peach.

Just juice enough for one serving and drink immediately as the nutrients start to disappear very quickly.

You can drink as much as you would like but aim to consume at least 1.5 liters of water so you do not dehydrate.

Water should be filtered and not carbonated or flavored.

On day two you can add some fruit to your diet.

Fruit has a laxative effect so will help you to continue to lose weight by making your bowels move.

It will stimulate your colon and so will increase the amount of waste eliminated by your system.

Watermelon is a diuretic so will speed the passage of fluids through your system.

Pineapple and Mango will help to stimulate the growth of good bacteria in your gut while grapes will help to counter the production of mucus which can clog your tissues.

Be sure to get plenty of rest and relaxation following this plan and you will probably want to stay close to home in case the laxative effect comes on rather suddenly.

Following this 2 day slim down diet will help you to lose water weight and bloating, both of which will make you look slimmer.

The next stage it to cheat on the day in question.

Dress for success and use whatever tricks you can find to make yourself look slimmer.

This includes standing straight as correct posture makes us all look less weighty.

Wear the right size clothes in colors that flatter your shape and draw attention to the good bits rather than the bad.

Do not be fooled into thinking that being thin means you are healthy. Thin people have high blood pressure problems, strokes, cancer etc as well. In fact being severely underweight in your twenties and thirties, especially for women, can lead to brittle bone disease meaning you are at an increased risk of fractures when you get older.

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Fast Fat Loss Workouts Bodyweight Circuit Training

May 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by Clint Grimes

Let’s be honest. Long, slow cardio stinks. If you want to burn fat fast while building muscle, bodyweight circuit training is the way to go. This is the fastest, most efficient way for you to burn the fat, build the muscle and get the lean hard body that you’ve always wanted.

Don’t under estimate the simplicity of this workout. Some time the simplest things are the most effective. Make sure that you warm up with some arm swings, push ups, squats, and lunges. Ready? Here we go:

We’ll start off with 25 jumping jacks, just like you did in your gym class when you were a kid. One variation to this might be seal jacks, with your arms moving parallel to the ground rather than up in the air.

Next we’ll move to 25 Hindu push ups. This is not only great for the upper body but is also a great stretch for the back and legs. If you can’t handle Hindu push ups do standard ones and if standard push ups are too hard, do them kneeling.

Now lets move on to 10 burpees. If you have problems with impact leave out the jump and if you are a thrill seeker you can substitute 8-count bodybuilders.

Next put your feet up on a chair or a step and crank off 10 incline push ups. If you are absolutely spent from the earlier pushups, do as many as you can.

Move on to one of my favorite exercises, Hindu squats. You’ll need to do 25 of them. Well that’s it, right? Wrong! For the next 15 minutes you are going to be repeating this sequence. Get ready to sweat. When you’re done put this one in your bag of tricks so you can reap the benefits for years to come.

Get your Free Turbulence Training Fat Burning Workout, free 10 Minute Workouts and 21 Day Turbulence Training Offers for as low as a at http://MYCOMMANDFITNESS.COM

Clint Grimes, is a retired US Navy commander. He is certified by the California Interscholastic Federation and is currently the strength and conditioning coach for the boys soccer teams at El Toro High School in Lake Forest, CA.

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The Origins Of Some Free Weight Loss Tips

May 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Article by Jeremy S. Abrahamson

Have you ever noticed that some of the most popular free weight loss tips are not free weight loss tips at all? When people are looking for quick weight loss tips they will usually look to the things that they refer to most often. For most people this is either the television or the newspaper. Within these popular media forms you will find all kinds of healthy advice because healthy sells and what can see like a bunch of great free weight loss tips actually winds up being a series of commercials.

Some of the more obvious free weight loss tips that wind up costing you in the end is the newest trend of companies, usually restaurant chains, employing someone to lose a lot of weight by eating their products. Then this person becomes a spokesperson for the company and does a bunch of commercials telling everyone that all they have to do lose weight is to eat at their restaurant and some moderate exercise. Of course these free weight loss tips are commercials for that restaurant and what they always seem to leave out is the exercise part. Here is a free weight loss tip you can really believe, it takes more than just walking to a local sub shop and ordering a low fat sub sandwich to lose weight.

Another popular series of free weight loss tips that seems to have gotten out of control is the notion that water can help you lose weight. A long time ago some agency started to tell the world that drinking a certain amount of water every day is healthy for you. When bottled water became popular the bottlers of water used these as free weight loss tips and started to tell everyone that drinking water will help you lose weight. Drinking water will help you lose the water weight you gain from drinking all that water if that makes any sense at all.

Everyone Wants A Piece Of The Action

In the end when it comes to free weight loss tips you have to do what is best for you.

Kettlebell Workouts For Weight Loss – Kettlebell Workouts

May 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Back when I purchased my very first kettlebell, I used to be horrible at executing the snatch. I utilised to obtain bruised up forearms, sore wrists and callouses that would tear at any time I truly attempted to push myself.

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It wasn’t till four years ago that I correctly discovered how to snatch a kettlebell (Notice: it’s nothing like snatching an Olympic bar or even a dumbbell). I was at a conference and had been speaking to a KB expert more than e-mail for a number of months. We lastly acquired a chance to meet experience to encounter. He grilled me with questions about becoming a parent (I only had three children in the time) and then I peppered him with questions about kettlebells and exercise method.

Fast ahead four decades and I have not had a bruised forearm or sore wrists given that.

(Though the callouses are still there, but my hands are a lot tougher!).

The snatch is one of – if not, the most beneficial – exercise you may perform having a kettlebell. In case you do not know tips on how to do it properly, I suggest you learn it since it really is a tool in your physical exercise arsenal that you may continuously arrive back again to.

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So the great news is that I did not slip a disc – I might be a little of a hypochondriac quite often – and I just strained my psoas. I went to see my excellent friend, Dr. Bill Wells more than in the Urban Athlete in Toronto and he fixed me proper up.

If you are ever in need to have of a chiropractor in the Toronto location, I strongly suggest you visit The UA.

Their chiro team is 2nd to none plus the attractiveness about it really is that they are all athletes or former athletes (Bill’s an ultra-endurance athlete, they’ve acquired a number of practitioners who nonetheless compete as well and even a previous Olympian).

The bad news is that I have to take a number of forced days off from training so I can allow this injuries heal. So as an alternative to trying to amp up the quantity just a little, I will be performing many basic isometric ab function, stretching, foam rolling, bring about stage perform and probably practicing my handstands.

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