Weight Loss for Teenagers

April 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Weight loss is one of the major problems faced by a large number of teenagers across the globe. Our society is turning fat day by day as the building blocks of our society the teenagers have become fatter. These teenagers are being pressurized from parents, home, teachers and peers to lose weight. Teenagers have lot of things to worry over. Depression, Overeating, sedentary lifestyle, stress , alcohol and drugs can be some of the reason of weight loss in teenagers. Let us count on some reasons for rapid weight loss in teenagers.

It has been often find out that depression leads to overeating in teenagers. Overeating happens in teenagers during depression, stress, alcohol or drugs, eating disorders. The best way to avoid weight gain is exercise everyday and takes right kind of diet. Nowadays, fast food joints are available at every nook and corner of cities.

Teenagers should avoid eating fast food as such type of food leads to accumulation of unnecessary fat in the body.

Weight gain can also happen due to many other factors too like hormonal imbalance, hyperthyroidism, cancer, eating disorders and manipulative behavior. If you really want to losing body fat, then you should first and foremost try to build strong will power.

Achievement of a goal can only happen with strong will power. If you are motivated to achieve your goal, you will easily reach your aim of reaching the ideal weight. So, don’t hesitate and put aside sometime to reduce the excessive flab on your body.

Nicolas Bell is a famous author for health related articles. He has written many articles on weight Loss, san ramon medical weight loss, supervised weight loss, California Medical weight Management long term weight loss and so on.

More Exercising Tips For Teenagers Articles

Getting The Best Weight Loss Tips

April 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Article by Weight Watcher

Losing weight has been the dilemma of most people for many years now. Well, we all want to look fit and sexy all the time. Hence, we strive hard just to get the body that we want. However, with the lifestyle and eating habits that we were brought up with, it is almost impossible to stay slim and so easy to gain weight.

What with all the calories that we take in everyday, with all the junk and fast foods that we eat as well as the caffeinated beverages that we drink. And in our desperation to trim down excess fats, we are always seeking for weight loss tips and different means to loss weight.

There are lots of tips available for you when it comes to losing weight. Books and magazines about weight loss as well as other essential things in losing weight are now within your reach. Visit your favorite bookstores and magazine shops and you’ll surely find them.

Do-It-Yourself Weight Loss Tips

As there are a lot of tips on how to trim down excess fats and shed extra pounds that have been published, you can now easily find a set of procedures fitted for you and you lifestyle. However, the best procedures to losing extra pounds are those which you can do even when you’re all by yourself; those which don’t require you to go and consult a clinic or a weight loss expert.

Here are some weight loss tips that you can do yourself;

• Trim down your calories consumption

– we need calories for our day to day activities, but we need to trim down unnecessary percentage of calories. Mostly, you may need to avoid soft drinks and alcoholic drinks. Gourmet coffee also contains too much calories and you may want to reduce consumption of this or totally avoid intake.

• Exercise is still a best way to shed extra pounds

– yes, this is still among the best practices that you can do at home to trim down extra pounds. You can start off by moving more often. Like instead of driving to a nearby supermarket, you can walk. Avoid riding if it is just a walking distance. You can also walk your dog every morning. Cleaning the house also makes your body move more often. You see, you don’t need trainers and equipments just to exercise.

• Feast on 5 small meals everyday

– instead of eating 3 heavy meals, you can eat several small meals throughout the day. This way, you can divide your daily calorie intake without having to undergo fasting or skipping meals.

• Always eat breakfast

– it is not a good idea to skip on breakfast just to lose weight. You will only tend to eat more later in the day.

• Water therapy

– water may not be considered as something which can burn fat, but drinking the right amount of water everyday can help with bodily functions such as proper digestion. It also makes you feel full so you won’t feel like eating and eating.

If you haven’t noticed, the tips above mostly involved self discipline. This is because discipline is the fundamental of all the weight loss procedures out there. You have to know your limitations if you are serious about trimming down those unwanted fats. No weight loss tips are as effective as they promise if you, as the person who wants to lose weight, won’t have even a bit of self discipline.

The one thing that will give you the edge in Losing Weight is to take action. Do it right now. you will not lose weight if you don’t start today:


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Workout Routine – Weight Loss Workout Routine

April 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Fitness

Most of us recognize that whether we like it or not we will have tofollow a weight loss workout routine to shed those poundsthe proper way–the way thatwill help keep them off. But one common error that first-time dieters, or dieters that are in the first couple of days of their diet, make is to diminish their intake of food too much when they are exercising.

This will not allow you all of the energy you should havein order to get through your weight loss workout routine. You’ll tire too quickly to be able to follow through. Perfecting the fragile balance of eating properly (the appropriate foods, and not too much or too little) and exercise is what can get you to your goal weight.

Many diets advise that you reduce (or even eliminate) carbohydrates from your meals. However, you should have carbohydrates for energy. Just be surethat you’regetting the right varieties of carbohydrates. They ought to come from foods that are unprocessed and fiber rich like whole grains, vegetables, fruit, brown rice and potatoes. Whenever you eat the right carbohydrates, you’re getting all the needed fiber along with other nutrients that thebody needs.

Ensure that youmake sure that youare having enough protein and healthy fat (like olive oil, nuts, seeds and omega3). You need to be eating three moderate meals as well as two snacks or five small meals a day so that you can have the energy you’ll need for your weight loss workout routine.

In regard to your weight loss workout routine, you might want to first assess your status and see how in-shape or out-of-shape you may be. You’ll eventuallyaspire to incorporate both aerobics (cardiovascular training) and resistance training into your weight loss workout routine, but if you’re just starting out, it is advisable tobegin with one and start very slowly. In your assessment, also think abouthow much time you can commit to your workout routine and your preferences.

Then, take heed to a few general rules. If your goal is only to lose weight, you can really consider cardio activities. It’s also advisable todo some strength training to tone and raise your metabolism. If your goal is also to build up some muscle mass, you simply musttarget the strength training. If you’re intending to put both aerobics and weight training in the same weight loss workout, do the strength training first so that you avoid using up any energy after the cardio part. You can do five minutes or so of cardio for a warm-up before your resistance training.

If you don’t have any real detailed goals except to lose the weight and just be much healthier, just vary days of strength training and aerobics training. This helps to ensure thatyou will get both in and removes the boredom of doing exactly the same thingon a daily basis. Likewise try to mix up what you may do for aerobic training and everything you do for resistance training in your weight loss workout routine.

Joe Golson – Natural Health And Wellness Coach,writer and promoter of GNLD Natural Health And Wellness products.Wish to manage your weight better? Get GNLD’s GR2 Control Weight Loss Supplements for an all natural Nutritional Health Supplements that is based in nature and backed by science

More Workout Routines Articles

Aerobics Exercise for Weight Loss

April 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

Article by Nicolas Bell

Aerobic exercise also known as cardiovascular exercise is one of the best ways to lose weight and it is very effective. To reduce weight safely and efficiently, aerobic exercises are very helpful for overweight people. Overweight people can perform certain aerobic exercises which will not only help in reducing weight but also will gain benefits from aerobic exercises.

There are many aerobic exercises such as cycling, jogging, and swimming. You can even indulge yourself in sports like basket ball and soccer. If you perform these activities, you gain benefits. Your energy levels get increased. Your mental health is improved and stress is reduced. Moreover, your blood pressure, risk of heart stroke or heart attack is reduced. In order to lose weight, you must perform exercises thrice a week in the beginning and increase it to 4 to 5 times a week for maximum weight loss results.

You can surely reduce weight by above exercises but the point is these days people don’t get time to make a proper routine so that they can maintain their body structure. To maintain a proper routine is very essential so that you can maintain your health. In order to maintain your body structure, I would like suggest a weight loss program in California. California Medical Weight Management (CMWM) program is very effective program which helps in reducing your weight. You can perform aerobic exercises easily in this program. Moreover, this program has certain centers in California so you can visit whenever is convenient for you.

CMWM program has some of the world’s best experts who will guide you at every step during your weight loss. They will advise you proper aerobic exercises according to your body structure. Apart from this, you can also reduce weight by medical weight loss. You will be given proper medication by the doctor in Medical weight loss. The doctor will monitor your body composition and prescribe you medicine accordingly. So you can reduce your weight. Not only this, you will gain certain benefits after joining this program. For example, you energy level gets increased and you have long term health benefit which is very important.

You can visit the calm website for more information about this program. You will get to know your weight by weight loss calculator which is provided by this program. This calculator is very helpful as you get an idea about your body mass. Moreover, you can get free consultation form online.

Author:-Nicolas Bell is a famous author for health related articles. He has written many articles on weight loss program, medical weight loss, Medical Weight loss, weight control, quick weight loss, long term weight loss and many more.

Why You Need To Have A Good Diet And Exercise Regime For Weight Loss.

April 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

Article by Shirl Wynn

When undertaking a weight loss regime a lot of attention is given to food and cooking which is necessary. A lot of people do not execute an exercise regime as well. But food intake and exercise go hand in hand for everyone’s general well-being.

When you exercise your body improves by burning fat and developing your circulation and metabolism. Exercising constantly will improve your body in removing toxins by way of the sweat glands and lymph nodes. This in turn will help to balance blood sugar levels.

Clinical studies confirm that lazy people who do not exercise have untoward insulin outcome to moderate levels of carbohydrate. What this means is that exercise will not only help you to lose weight but to keep it off as well.

There are two types of exercise aerobic and anaerobic.

Aerobic exercise has one predominant aim and that is to elevate the heart rate. This will in turn cause your body to use more oxygen thereby giving all your cells a fresh supply of oxygen. Being inactive many cells will be oxygen impaired but after exercise they will be invigorated and as a result you will feel fine.

When commencing a new aerobic workout it is wise that you seek advice from your doctor or physician. You must start carefully giving your body time to adapt to the new routine.

With any type of exercise you must warm up and stretch your muscles to prevent straining them. Suggestions for exercise are walking, swimming, golf, tennis and dancing. These activities will get your heart pumping without putting too much strain on your body.

Set yourself little goals and increase them gradually and your body will respond accordingly.

Any exercise which is not aerobic is called anaerobic exercise and these will build muscle mass such as weightlifting and strength training. Working with weights is critical in losing weight. When you lose fat you will need to take the place of it with muscle to become lean. Isometrics and resistance training are good excellent weight bearing exercises which will help in improving bone density, posture and increase fat burning.

To lose weight effectively and safely along with the food intake you must have an exercise routine otherwise you will not succeed in producing the lean body you want.

So you are probably asking yourself what is the right diet and weight routine for you? The answer is quite clear, it is the one you will keep doing long-term. This will not be easy as you need a whole attitude change to implementing new things and a new mindset. The next question you need to ask yourself is what is your motivation to keep with the program when you do not feel like it.

Some tips to help would be to exercise with a friend or family member where you share your journey with each other egging each other on.

Creating a log book or diary recording your progress is a must so that you can see your development and see what works for you as well as what does not work. Take a photograph of yourself each month in your swim suit so you have a visual picture of the change in your body form. This will definitely help you with inspiration.

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Eight Weight Training, Fat Loss Tips For Lazy People

March 31, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Juana Cruz

There may be seemingly countless diet plans which seem to claim weight watchers they would eliminate weight, but regardless of what kind of weight loss plan you go for, there are general pointers to apply when you are losing weight. These tips help you along the way as you follow a specific diet or weight loss plan. When you are bodybuilding or weight training, the same principles apply, too. Always see to it that you are losing weight the healthy way, without risking your health.

What are the general pointers when eliminating weight?

1. Do not starve your self.

The key to a healthier way of losing weight is not to diet.

You may seem happy and feel that you are eliminating those huge flabs on your belly and thighs by skipping meals. But remind yourself that this would not last long. Your body cannot allow having insufficient food to fuel the energy that energizes you everyday.

If you are accustomed to skipping one or two meals a day, your stored calories will be used up rather than the energy that should have been gotten from the food you eat. So if you just eat one huge sandwich in one day, it will end up straight to your problem area (i.e. highs, buttocks, hips).

2. Start your day right.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You should eat your breakfast to help your metabolism get to work.

Your food intake after you wake up will burn your body fat all day long.

3. Eat small, healthy meals frequently.

Five snacks in small amounts per day is more recommended than three large meals. Eating more often, and in small servings, can prevent over-eating. This will also speed up your metabolism and make calories burn faster.

4. Decide on how much weight you want to lose.

Keep your goals realistic. In the long run, it is very hard for you to eliminate 40 pounds in 2 weeks. Have a mindset that you want to eat healthy to be healthy for the rest of your life.

Once you have picked a weight loss plan, follow it and keep it a point that you practice your own set of dieting rules.

5. Drink lots of water.

Your body must have adequate water to burn fat and make sure your cells are healthy.

6. Avoid too much sugar.

Prepare your meals involving plenty of fruits and vegetables, some bread, rice or pasta for carbohydrates, along with lean meat and protein rich-foods. Sweets, sodas and pastries should be once-in-a-while indulgences only.

7. Watch your fat intake.

Fat is not the factor to being overweight. You need this to keep your weight at the right level.

There is such a thing as healthy fats. Olive, peanuts and canola oil have them. Tuna, salmon and mackerel have omega-3 fats which is good for the heart.

8. Exercise.

Leave your car if you the distance is only a few blocks from home, take the stairs rather than the elevator, jog, cycle or skate. Take advantage of these activites and other home chores if you don’t want to go to the gym. Do them regularly and you will soon find yourself doing them without hesitation or reluctance on your part.

Learn about weight training and fat loss at Healthy Fat Loss Tips, with helpful tips on how to lose body fat healthily.

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Exercise For Weight Loss!

March 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Article by Andrew Ballard

I’m sure most of you must have heard the saying ‘Health is Wealth’, which I’m in no doubt implies a healthy body can be enough to achieve higher goals like wealth for instance, rather than one who is unhealthy. Although I’m sure the plump business man sitting next to you on the train or tube each morning would disagree.

If you are thinking of losing weight, there is nothing better in my opinion than good old fashioned exercise, and a healthy diet. Doctors and dietitians will always recommend a regular exercise regime for a healthy and fruitful life, but why do most of us hardly bother to take this advice on board? After all it’s common sense that a lack of exercise, and bad diet form the grounds for the accumulation of excessive body fat. Which in turn makes the majority of us very unhappy.

Excuses, Excuses!

Due to todays fast paced lifestyle, people constantly make excuses for skipping regular exercise and a healthy diet, and that’s their choice. But surely, if you love yourself, you would take some time out for the sake of your well-being. Exercise is essential for weight loss it keeps the body’s metabolism at the optimum level to burn calories, plus the more muscle you develop through your training program, the more calories are then used up by those muscles.

Short Versus Long.

20-30 minutes 3 times a week is plenty, you don’t have to over indulge. If you’re just starting out, ease your way into it at first, build up your motivation. Then when your fitness increases, step up the intensity. Anaerobic exercise, can be beneficial to most, and can be fitted into any hectic lifestyle.

Anaerobic – means ‘ without air, ‘ or ‘ oxygen. ‘ And is a high intensity workout over a short period of time. This form of exercise cannot last long, because oxygen is not used for energy. What happens is a bi product called lactic acid is formed which contributes to fatigue. This must be burned up by the body during the recovery process.

Some believe aerobic exercise is the best way forward. Aerobic exercise, increases your heart rate, so you burn fat, increase your circulatory system, and your lung capacity, and joint flexibility is also improved.

As with anything, there’s always going to be a debate about what type of exercise is the most beneficial, short or long? And that’s a question that can’t really be answered, as it’s down to the personal preference of the individual. But does it really matter? Surely the most important point here is getting people to exercise, and showing them the personal benefits of exercise, and a healthy diet.

But one fact remains true, unwanted body fat can make you prone to health risks factors such as diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure. So make a wise decision, and exercise for weight loss, because your health really does matter.

For more information on weight loss goto;


Andrew is an avid writer and fitness enthusiast who currently resides in the U.K

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Is there a best exercise for weight loss

March 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

Article by Ellen Miller

I have been asked this question many times. Is there a best exercise for losing weight. There is so much more to losing weight than just exercise. Studies have been performed at major universities and there are 3 combinations that need to occur for efficient long lasting weight loss. The big three are Nutrition, Strength Training and Aerobics.

There are so many different programs on the market today. How do you know which one is right for you? Look at your current lifestyle and see what will fit into it. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle you are not going to go and train for a triathlon. You may want to start with a seated isometric exercise program that will teach you how each muscle should feel when it is properly worked. Once you are comfortable with the isometric exercise then it is time to add resistance. To add that resistance try an isoband or any other rubber tubing. To add some variety to your workouts take those isometric exercises and perform full range of motion moves with light to medium hand weights (3-5 lbs). Always start with the basics and listen to your body. It will let you know when enough is enough. If you are just beginning 10 minutes of strength training is a good place to start. Then after a week add in another 5 minutes. Let your body become accustomed to exercising versus a hard core workout with you not being able to get out of bed the next morning.

Healthy nutrition is also a large part of losing weight. You will need to make smarter healthier choices with your food intake. Portion sizing is an absolute must. Most of us tend to overeat. Cut way down on your junk foods but don’t cut them out totally. Save them for a special occasion no more than once a week and only a portion size. I have found that through the years we all have good intentions and we tend to cut out our favorite foods. What occurs is you think about what you are missing, then you obsess over what you are missing and then you over indulge in what you were missing. If you only had a single portion size of what ever it is you want only once a week then you will not obsess over the loss of a favorite food. Also do not go under 1000 calories. You need energy to produce energy. Too many of us have the frame of mind to cut way back with calories thinking that the less we eat the more we will lose. In reality what happens is you are slowing down your metabolism because the body does not know where or when the next meal will be.

Aerobic activity means adding more oxygen into your system. When your heart rate increases because of movement you will breathe quicker. Going from a sedentary lifestyle to a 10 minute walk every day is a great start. After one week add in another 5 minutes to your walk. Walking is the easiest form of aerobic activity. You can do it anywhere anytime with out equipment. For those of you that are already performing aerobic activities I will encourage you to try something different. If you always go out for a 30 minute walk the same route the same pace the body will get used to it. It will become more and more difficult to lose weight. Change up your walk by adding in a hill or every few minutes quicken your pace. There is a huge variety of activities that will get your heart rate up. Swimming, circuit training, skating, even raking leaves will get the heart rate elevated. The idea is to get your heart rate elevated and keep it elevated for at least 30-45 minutes 5 days a week. There are so many theories out there and testing being done just listen to your body. Start with 10 minutes and slowly add in the additional time. You can also break up your time into several segments a day if needed. The bottom line is JUST MOVE!

Article by Ellen Miller the originator of the IsoBreathing program. Ellen is a certified fitness practitioner and personal trainer changing individuals lives one day at a time. She has been teaching for over 20 years. Ellen can be reached at Ellen@isobreathing.com and her website is http://www.isobreathing.com

Don’t forget to sign up for her monthly newsletter.

Abdominal Exercise Equipment For Abdominal Weight Loss

March 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

They find their stomach a major trouble spot, the reason that they all appeal to certain exercises and fitness trainings that will help strengthen and tone their abdominal muscles. Fortunately, more and more abdominal exercise techniques are now made available for these people to practice. The exercises are offered in a myriad of gyms and other fitness training facilities to promote a better shape and general well-being. However, the exercises won’t be made more successful if certain equipments are not present; the reason that every interested individual must make sure that one or a pair of abdominal exercise equipment is available for them to use.

The abdominal exercise equipment comes in a wide variety. They are available in a number of forms; each has a role to play in abdominal training. Of the available equipments, below are the most popular.

Take note of the following:

Bicycle Maneuver – One of the most commonly used abdominal exercise equipment or gadgets, this material is used while the person is lying flat on his or her back with the knees bent 45 degrees with the chest. While on this position, one must place both hands nearest to the head. Do the initial movement by trying to reach the elbow with the knee. If the target is the right elbow, the right knee should be used. The opposite happens when the left elbow is involved. This “reaching” and “touching” movement must be performed simultaneously to tense the muscles in the abdomen. To obtain the best result, the exercise must be done regularly with the bicycle maneuver.

Exercise Ball – If you will be doing crunches, obtaining abdominal exercise equipment they call as exercise ball can be one great move to take. This material is used primarily for such exercises with the user sitting on it while keeping feet apart. The body must also be aligned, and in order to obtain the best effects, one should lift the trunk off the ball in repetition. Yes, this movement must be repeated for several times.

Roman Chair – Designed to consist parallel arms with a padded straight and high back, the roman chair is by far the most common of the abdominal exercise equipments available. To use it, one should place his or her forearms on the parallel arm rest that the equipment carries. While on this position, the back should be aligned with the chair’s back rest. To make you feel comfortable, consider adjusting the height of the chair, but make sure that your legs are dangling straight down especially when you are preparing for the initial step. The exercise performed on this equipment involves the bending of the legs to bring the knees near the chest. Once the knees are brought closer to the chest, stay there for quite sometime, and go back to the original position. Just like the rest of the abdominal exercises, this too must be repeated for several times.

A lot more equipments are available out there for abdominal exercise training. The best way to obtain the right abdominal exercise equipment is to know first what you will be doing. Talk to an expert if you are not sure which equipment to take.

Milos Pesic is a professional fitness trainer who runs a highly popular and comprehensive Abdominal Training web site. For more articles and resources on abdominal exercises, abdominal workout tips, abdominal fitness equipment and much more visit his site at:


Weight Loss With Spicy Food – Can You Boost Metabolism With Spicy Foods and Get In Shape In 4 Weeks

March 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by donald brewer

Diabetes as a word was borrowed from the Greek word meaning ‘a siphon’ 2nd century A.D Greek physician called Aretus the Cappadocian was the first to use it to represent a disease condition in a patient to passed urine excessively a medical term called ‘polyuria’. Diabetes as a disease poses so much life threats to human it has gained so much attention by the world it has created awareness world wide. It spans through continents gender and different ages.10000 steps a day helps you lose weight and also prevent nutrition cardiovascular and lung diseases. And based on this magic number is the booming success that pedometers enjoy nowadays. Pedometers are the small devices that placed on your belt wrist or in your belt measure the number of steps you have taken during the day. Pretty cool.

Everyone who is frustrated with their weight has thought at one time or another that they will just not eat anymore until the weight is lost. Starvation is very different than fasting for weight loss. A starvation diet simply eliminates all food and nutrition until the weight is gone but a fast stresses the importance of good health and properly supplying the body with nutrition while on the fast.Have you been thinking about getting liposuction but you’re just not sure if the procedure is right for you? There are non-surgical liposuction procedures that might be able to provide the treatments that you’re looking for. Read on to learn more about these amazing advances in cosmetic surgery!

Is it really possible to lose weight and keep it off? Absolutely. However creating long-term weight loss success requires implementing some basic tried-and-true principles. Here are three simple but extremely powerful pointers that open the gates to your dreams. Do not let the simplicity of these suggestions fool you. Follow these three steps and you are on your way to a thinner happier you!If you want to drop your weight and keep on doing it then there are many methods to do it. Some people follow the conservative method and lose weight slowly and steadily. Others are in a hurry and try out all the latest types of fads and diet programs available in the market. Still many others try weight reduction through rigorous exercise regimen. How would you like to lower your weight?

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