Love Your Calories – Food Lovers Fat Loss Can Happen!
July 25, 2012 by admin
Filed under Boost Metabolism
Article by Sandra Elliott
Love Your Calories – Food Lovers Fat Loss Can Happen! – Entertainment
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For most of us, our information concerning metabolism has related in one way or another to eating, in that we are told of metabolism-friendly foods, or metabolism unfriendly foods.
But really, while we may be basically aware that, all else being equal, a stalk of celery is better for your metabolism than fries with gravy, our understanding of diet and metabolism is pretty low.
To help overcome this, the following looks at some powerful and scientific diet-related tips that will boost your metabolism. Indeed, as you will soon learn, it is not merely what you eat that matters; it is when, and how, too.
So calories
Quickest Way to Lose Fat and Getting Rid of Love Handles
Article by vandexter rutledge
Quickest Way to Lose Fat and Getting Rid of Love Handles – Health
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It may sound funny to hear about love handles, but it is actually not funny for those who have it. Love handles are actually the fat depositions on the sides and back of the waist. These are not only unattractive, but unhealthy too. The best part of the story is that there is a quickest way to lose fat from these areas and get rid of love handles. So, keep reading to know more about how to get back into shape using a safe weight loss method.
Lose overall fatIf are a victim of love handles then you must be aware that these happen due to excessive abdominal fat. So, if you want to get rid of love handles, you must lose fat from all over the body. There is no such trick or quickest way to lose fat from a specific body part. If it would have been so, everyone would have the perfect body.
Spot reduction is not practical, so you need to lose overall fat to lose the abdominal fat. This can be done by combining cardio exercises with strength training. While cardio exercise will help you burn extra fat, strength training will let you gain lean mass. Combining this physical activity with right amount of calorie intake is a quickest way to lose fat and experience safe weight loss.
Eat fat bustersIf you are on a mission of safe weight loss, you must be able to distinguish between fat busters and high fat foods. For example, all foods containing sugars and high quantity of sodium make you gain weight. Therefore, you should consume a carefully chosen diet that include nuts, salmon, low fats dairy products, high fiber foods and whole grains.
Consumption of highly proteinaceous foods helps you feel fuller and hence you feel satisfied for long time. Caffeinated drinks should be replaced by green tea as it fastens your metabolism and also increases the immunity.
Build stronger obliquesObliques are the framework for the 6-pack muscles and are present on both sides of the abdomen. These allow you to twist and turn, but get covered by love handles due to excessive abdominal fat. Another quickest way to lose fat is to build stronger obliques, which burns abdominal fat and make them tight enough.
There are several exercises for safe weight loss from abdominal area such as bicycle crunches, vertical leg crunches and captain’s chair leg raises. One can perform these crunches either at gym or at home with the help of proper instructions and pictures.
The clothes trickThis might sound as a silly trick, but works really well. Keep a check on your clothes is they fit well on you. Do not wear too tight dresses as these create the false impression of love handles even in slim people. Moreover, if you have spent a lot of time on losing the abdominal fat, do not let them hide in an oversized dress. Your clothes should be appropriately fitted so that your hard work in losing love handles can be rewarded.
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Next, Discover the proven secrets to successfully starting weigh loss regardless of body type at Also, I’ve prepared a valuable time sensitive product for my visitors for free, that you don’t want to miss getting it, so click the link now.”I help people lose weight everyday”.
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Next, Discover the proven secrets to successfully starting weigh loss regardless of body type at Also, I’ve prepared a valuable time sensitive product for my visitors for free, that you don’t want to miss getting it, so click the link now.”I help people lose weight everyday”.
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How To Get Rid Of Love Handles Fast For Women At Home
May 12, 2012 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
Article by Wendy Jane
Despite their endearing name, love handles aren’t usually a much loved part of the body. The additional fat deposited on the belly, above the hips are informally called love handles. Men might also develop love handles, but it is the curvaceous shape of women’s body that make it more noticeable in women.
These 2 general methods may help you to rid of the love handles around your waist:
Adjust your diet plan. The focus should not be on eating less, but on eating the right amount. The market is full of foods which are packaged in an enticing way, opening the path to take food that’s low on nutritional value but high on fats and calories. Make yourself conscious of this kind of foods. Before you decide to eat anything read the nutritional details printed on the labels. Try substituting your regular packaged snacked food items with natural or organic alternatives like apple chips rather than potato chips, slices of fruit rather than cake and frozen fruit juice popsicles rather than ice cream. For those determined to make a change, employing a nutritionist could be of big help. Although you might find it a hard task to adjust your diet in the beginning, but you need to begin it anyhow. And, the surprise may be just round the corner when you find yourself feeling and looking good.
Do a little bit of workout. Normally, crunches are best for targeting the mid section, but when it comes to love handles they are not effective. As love handles are situated at the side of the mid-section, also called the obliques, crunches don’t target them and also they should. Your exercise for targeting the love handles could be turned into fun by grabbing a mid-sized ball and a friend. Both you and your friend must sit back to back, straightening your legs to the front. The ball is then held to the chest with both of your hands, and then it is passed to the friend by twisting your torso right. Ask your friend to do exactly the same thing as you get the ball from her from your left. Continue to do this at moderate speed for about 3 minutes then begin again on your other side.
Determination and discipline are the two primary factors that will help you to focus on any part of your body. You aren’t going to achieve any physical or mental results using half-hearted efforts and excuses, but to attain the tapered waist you would require to work hard with total dedication.

Push Up On Knees | Chest Exercise Woman / Female breast firming
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Why I Love the Iron Gym Pull Up Bar
Article by Ryan S. Ferguson
I was skeptical when I first saw the tv ads featuring the iron gym pull up bar, but after actually purchasing the iron gym all of my doubts have vanished.
There are a number of reasons why the Iron Gym is a great piece of workout equipment, but the main reason we buy products such as this are the results. I have had the Iron Gym for about two months now and I have seen a huge difference in my arms and upper back, not to mention my abdominal muscles. Just a few minutes a day in each specific exercise can lead to great results.
Secondly, the versatility of the Iron Gym sets it apart from other ordinary pull up bars. You can do pull up exercises with a number of different grips to focus on certain muscle groups. The different grip positions include chinup position, ordinary grip pull up position, outer grip pull up position, and inside grip pull up position. The Iron Gym also offers ab straps for knee lifts, which are a great way to strengthen your abdominal muscles. Take the Iron Gym to the ground for push ups and tricep lifts. I have to be honest and say that I don’t really find the tricep lifts very effective with the Iron Gym, but the pushup position allows your chest to descend below what would ordinarily be the floor level to maximize lift and muscle strengthening.
The Iron Gym’s portability is another huge detail that sets this equipment apart from the rest. It takes literally a second to set up the Iron Gym in your doorway and a second to take it down. I just moved into a new apartment and it was no problem moving my home gym. Can you say that about a lot of the other home gyms out there?
The biggest problem with the home gym is ordering the product. The best way to get your hands on one is to head to a store near you that sells “As Seen on TV” products such as CVS or Bed Bath and Beyond, or you could go the easier route and just order one, along with other Iron Gym products at by clicking on the links provided in my blog page. Ordering through Amazon will be faster and cheaper than ordering from the tv ad, as well as more convenient than going to the store, which might not even carry them. If you do end up buying one in a nearby store you are still going to have to send away for the ab straps which will take at least a month to arrive.
I hope this article was helpful.
Ryan is a Iron Gym enthusiast. To read other reviews and articles regarding the Iron Gym products visit his blog at
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Love Handles Exercise
December 18, 2011 by admin
Filed under Lower Back Exercises
Article by Ed Scow
Copyright (c) 2008 Ed Scow
What is the best love handles exercise?
That was a question a client recently asked.
His heart was in the right place. He wants to get rid of his gut and love handles, and wanted to know the best love handles exercise.
I don’t know if he liked my answer at first, but once I explained it, he got the point and was pretty satisfied, at least I think he was.
When it comes to love handles exercise, there really is no such thing as “the best” love handles exercise.
There are lots of exercises that work the area of the love handles, but even they don’t delier much benefit as it directly pertains to losing the fat that makes up the love handles.
Sure you could do some oblique crunches, twists, etc. as a love handles exercise, but to be quite honest, they won’t do that much when it comes to actually losing your love handles.
You need to focus on a couple things.
First, you need to switch your mentality from “the best love handles exercise” to doing full body abs exercises and full body fat loss workouts.
That doesn’t mean you need to spend all your free time in the gym. Actually, it means quite the opposite.
Because when you work your entire body in your fat loss workouts and do full body abs exercises, you are able to drastically cut down on the total time you need to spend exercising.
So, when it comes to a love handles exercise, I would have you doing exercises like push-up variations including spiderman push-ups, “T” push-ups, medicine ball push-ups, etc.
I would also have you doing full body abs exercises like mountain climbers, or you could do cross body mountain climbers as they put a little bit more emphasis on the love handle area and actually count as a love handles exercise.
I would also have you doing exercises like overhead squats and lunges. Doing those variations of squats and lunges, put extra emphasis on the “core” which includes the love handles, so you not only work your legs and shoulders, you’re also working your abs, core and love handles, making those two leg exercises very good love handle exercises.
One thing that usually gets overlooked when it comes to love handles exercise and losing stomach fat is nutrition.
Most people just don’t want to worry about their nutrition as it pertains to losing fat. They would rather “out exercise a bad diet”, but that really is impossible.
If you want to lose fat, more specifically, if you want to lose your love handles, you need to spend some time cleaning up your diet.
You should totally eliminate all processed grains. So things like white bread, crackers, chips, white pasta, white rice, etc. are out.
Focus instead on getting your carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables and whole grains. Bring some fruit with you to work to have as a snack, or leave an apple in your car to have on the drive home.
Eat at least 1 vegetable with every meal…and don’t ruin it by loading it up with some sort of dressing.
You should also make sure you eat breakfast every morning. Start your day off right with a fat burning smoothie, or an omelet with vegetables in it and whole wheat toast and real fruit juice. Or if you’re a cereal person, just make sure it’s a high fiber cereal that doesn’t include a lot of processed grains.
And when it comes to cardio as a form of love handles exercise, stick with interval training rather than boring, moderate-intensity cardio.
Interval training, when done properly, keeps you burning fat for hours upon hours after you’re done while the fat burning from steady-state cardio pretty much stops when you stop. Plus it’s very boring and takes way too long to complete.
Interval training will have you done with your cardio workout in around 15-20 minutes and only needs to be don a few times a week.
It’s an excellent love handles exercise that you should incorporate today.
If you follow even 2 of the 3 love handles exercise tips I gave you, you will be well on your way to losing stomach fat, and more importantly, the love handles within weeks.
Don’t wait. Start right now.
To learn how to lose stomach fat faster than you thought possible visit for your free fat loss report and free fat loss workouts.
CLICK for my WORKOUT VIDEO LIBRARY People want to know how to lose their love handles! Cardio will help burn the fat around your mid section, but if you don’t have much weight to lose, then these resistance training moves will help slim down your waist. Facebook – Twitter – My Examiner – iTunes – itpc://
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