Basic Routines For Massive Muscles: Beef-It Training Secrets
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Breakthrough, shock-training strategies to help beef up pecs, calves, thighs, and abs. Get advice on how to build arms, shoulders, legs, and chest faster than ever before; controlling metabolism and ridding excess fat; and the superiority of machines and free weights. More than 200 action photos of the greats pumping and posing.
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Basic Routines For Massive Muscles: Beef-It Training Secrets
Basic Routines For Massive Muscles: Beef-It Training Secrets
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Breakthrough, shock-training strategies to help beef up pecs, calves, thighs, and abs. Get advice on how to build arms, shoulders, legs, and chest faster than ever before; controlling metabolism and ridding excess fat; and the superiority of machines and free weights. More than 200 action photos of the greats pumping and posing.
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Basic Routines For Massive Muscles: Beef-It Training Secrets
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Muscle Secrets – Getting Massive – How To Get Massive Muscle As Fast As Humanly Possible
Push-up Power: Practicing Perfect Push-Ups For Massive Muscle Building Gains
Article by CK Clark
Push-up Power: Practicing Perfect Push-Ups For Massive Muscle Building Gains – Health
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So you’re stranded on a deserted island… How do you keep your muscles bulging and ripped?… Push-ups of course!
Push-ups along with a few other simple body exercises such as (body squats and sit-ups/crunches) could keep you looking buff in almost any situation (yes, even on a deserted island).
Here’s some basic push-up information to get you going:
Performing The Basic Push-Up:
Lie face down with your body parallel to the floor.Place your hands palm down slightly beyond shoulder-width apart. Make sure your arms are positioned next to your shoulders and not too low next to your belly button or too high next to your head.Look up and ahead rather than down to the ground.Slowly raise yourself up keeping your body straight from the back of your heels to your head.Exhale on the way up.Once your arms are very close to being fully extended pause just slightly, this constitutes 1 repetition.Begin lowering your body back to the floor while inhaling.Once your chin touches the floor (remember your head is looking ahead not down!) begin raising your body back up to repeat the process.
Key Points:
It’s very important to do the motion correctly for maximum benefit. Keeping your body straight is essential. Tighten your abs throughout the entire movement to prevent your butt from raising too high or lowering too low. If you have access to a ground level mirror (or even a reflection from a glass door) try watching your body position a few times until you get it right. Don’t waste your time doing push-ups the wrong way. Use slow, controlled movements. Going fast may allow you to do more push-ups in a set amount of time however, you will receive less benefit from each individual push up. Many times people who go really fast don’t work their muscles through their full range of motion. Remember the goal is to build muscle not your ego. 10 well-formed, controlled movement push-ups are better than doing 25 sloppy, incomplete push-ups.
When To Do Push-ups:
Push-ups can be used as one of your primary upper body exercises or as a replacement when you can’t do your regular workout routine.
Personally, I love to do push-up workouts when I’m traveling or don’t have access to a gym for a particular reason. I generally use a push-up routine to replace any missed Chest/Shoulder/Tricep weight-lifting workouts.
Push-Up Workouts:
There are probably thousands of push-up workouts out there to choose from. One of my favorites is what I refer to as “countdowns.”
The idea is to progressively lower the amount of reps performed for each set as your muscles become more fatigued. This allows you to achieve maximum benefit for each set with out sacrificing form and technique.
Here’s an example: We’ll start with 20 push-ups for our first set. Each set we will reduce the number of push-ups attempted by 2 until we get to 0. We’ll rest only moderately (15 seconds to 30 seconds) between sets.
So in this case it would look like this:
Set 01 – 20 repsSet 02 – 18 repsSet 03 – 16 repsSet 04 – 14 repsSet 05 – 12 repsSet 06 – 10 repsSet 07 – 08 repsSet 08 – 06 repsSet 09 – 04 repsSet 10 – 02 reps
Note: This workout can be adapted to suit your needs. If this seems too hard try starting at 10 reps and counting down 1 each set (10,9,8,7 etc).
If a 20 rep starting point is too easy you could always increase the starting count to 40 or 80 reps and count down 4 or 8 reps respectively (40, 36, 32 etc or 80, 72, 64 etc).
Final Thoughts
Push-ups are a tremendous tool for muscle building when done properly. They can be used as a primary workout or just to keep fit while on the road.
Practice perfect push-ups and you’ll find that they are one of the most useful tools in your fitness arsenal.
About the Author
CK Clark is a fitness author, fitness advocate, and founder of which provides reviews of the top internet muscle building programs.
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CK Clark is a fitness author, fitness advocate, and founder of which provides reviews of the top internet muscle building programs.
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Perfect Pushup – Chest Workout
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Weight Lifting Diet – How to Get Massive Results From a Weight Lifting Diet
June 8, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Lifting
Weight Lifting Diet is distinct. By that I mean that a diet for bodybuilders is different from normal ones. So if you are using a weight maintaining diet, you should change. When I was starting, I had problems with diet, because I didn’t know its importance.
A good weight lifting diet can improve the results of your workouts in a manner many people don’t know. When I saw the results I was really amazed by how fast I was building my muscles. Here I’m going to give you three key tips to change your diet in order to improve dramatically your workouts’ results.
You should eat more. Well, you want to build muscles, don’t you? You must gain weight, but not fat. To gain weight, you should eat more. Now here is the key. You should eat in 15 to 30 minutes after waking up. Then you’re going to eat after each interval of three hours.
Proteins & Carbohydrates. Keep in mind that the two main components of every weight lifting diet are proteins and carbohydrates. Every meal you have should have those. You can find proteins on:
red meal;
And you can find carbohydrates on :
Workout time. You should schedule your day to be able to go to the gym 45 minutes after eating a meal. And you want to prepare this meal with a little more carbohydrates than normal. That will give your body the additional energy it needs to stimulate your muscles.
And folks, never forget this. The diet is going to put a limit on the workout’s effects. So you should be working out and you should be using the diet. Consistency is the key, keep doing it, you’ll get results – and with those tips I just gave you, you’ll get there faster.
Those tips really helped me when I’ve found them. Basically that is what I’ve been doing in relation to weight lifting diet. But that is not all, if you want to get more about weight lifting diet and bodybuilding in general, click here to go to my website – – and get more from where that came from.
More Weight Lifting Diet Articles
Massive Strong Chest Muscles Command Respect And Confidence
April 8, 2012 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
Article by Shobo
So you want to construct huge and powerful chest muscles? Enormous massive pectoral muscles (pecs) or chest muscles that command respect and adoration? You’ll be able to be the proud owner of a big and powerful chest.
A lot of people truly think that there are 2 separate chest muscles, well there aren’t. The chest muscle or pecs that you see on each side of your chest is really a fan shaped one continuous muscle even though they could be called by diverse names including pectoralis major, minor and clavicle head to differentiate the diverse parts of the same muscle.
All chest exercises work your chest muscle but from distinct angles which locations distinctive stress on your chest. You’ll want to use a variety of chest muscle exercises to hit your pecs at a variety of angles to stimulate massive muscle growth. Each diverse angle you use with any chest muscle exercises will reach into different different fibers in your chest muscles for efficient stimulation of different areas of your pecs so that your whole chest will grow muscles quick and symmetrically giving you that broad and powerful chest that threatens to rip via your t-shirt.
For most effective outcomes building your chest muscles, use free weights, specifically dumb bells instead of machines. Chest muscle workout that use any chest machines should be avoided as it has a lot of disadvantages like it will not only produce the desired results may well also trigger injuries for the reason that of its narrow range of movements. Your chest muscles will also not grow quick for the reason that machine exercises lack the involvement of synergistic muscles or surpporting muscles. As with any weightlifting workout, proper lifting form and techniques are of paramount importance.
Quite a few people typically use only 1 or 2 kinds of chest exercises and nearly invariably, it is the flat bench press and flys. Well, to construct a powerfully huge and well chiseled chest muscles, which is a fatal mistake as you don’t adequately hit the pecs from all angles so as to stimulate muscle growth inside your whole chest muscle. All chest muscle exercises won’t only work your chest but also your delts, biceps and triceps to a lesser extent. So you’ll want to focus, visualize and to concentrate the force on the chest. Mind and your chest muscle connection is important here so as to make your chest work harder instead of making use of your triceps, delts or biceps to power your chest workout. Also work on the full range of motion and squeeze your chest muscles tough at each top of every movement. Usually lower your weight slowly and deliberately fighting gravity to present a lot more resistance to your chest muscles and therefore elicit additional muscle fibers for extra muscle growth.
A word of caution though. You’ll want a spotter or a personal trainer for safety reasons mainly because you ought to lift heavy for excellent muscle gain specially so for chest muscle development. Your spotter or personal trainer will also be able to correct your mistakes and support you with forced reps to reach into the deep tissues to elicit maximum muscle fiber stimulation.
Are you looking for the best information on how to build muscle and build muscle fast? Be sure to visit my site