How to Maximize your Dumbbell Exercises for the Best Results

September 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises

Article by Brisa Simpson

How to Maximize your Dumbbell Exercises for the Best Results – Health

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If you are not already incorporating dumbbells into your exercise routine then you are missing out on potential gains that you can benefit from. Dumbbells are different from the typical fitness machine in that you are not limited with what you can do. What this means is that you have a huge amount of flexibility for working out certain body areas so here are some tips to getting the best results.1. Do curls to build bicep musclesPerhaps the most common way to use dumbbells is to use them to do curls which are very easy to carry out. Position your body in a seated manner on a workout bench. Then place a dumbbell in the right hand, put your elbow so it rests against your knees and then proceed to lift it towards your body. Then return back to the starting position and repeat with the other arm.2. Do lifts to develop your tricepsFor this exercise you will need a bench. Start by placing a dumbbell in each hand then lay down flat on your back. What you want to do is raise your arms towards the ceiling then bend your elbows as they come to a right angle. The dumbbells should be near your face. Then as you keep both arms straight, slowly bend your elbows back to the start position and do several reps.3. Sculpt your chest with fliesAnother effective way to use dumbbells is to perform chest flies. Lie down flat on your back on a bench with dumbbells in each hand. Then stretch your arms as if you are about to fly. Then slowly bring your arms up towards the ceiling until the two dumbbells touch each other then return to the original position. Repeat this exercise several times and you will really feel it in the upper body area.These exercises are very effective for building upper body muscle but you can just as well workout your shoulders, back and even abs. One product that comes highly recommended for doing these is the Bowflex SelectTech 552 dumbbells as they are an excellent piece of equipment. So if you want to maximize your workout routine be sure to incorporate the above exercises.

About the Author

Want to learn more?Get the Bowflex SelectTech 552 dumbbells and quit paying for expensive gym memberships.Read home fitness equipment reviews to find out how to build your very own home gym.

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Brisa Simpson

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Want to learn more?Get the Bowflex SelectTech 552 dumbbells and quit paying for expensive gym memberships.Read home fitness equipment reviews to find out how to build your very own home gym.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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Muscle Build Tips – Maximize Your Muscle Building.

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

In todays world is very difficult, good quality muscle building tips from the fact that many of these suggestions have been overwhelmed by all the advertising supplements are muscle newest and largest buildings or products that have hit the market.

The truth of the matter is that only about 5-8% of these products ever work and are worth actually taking a look into.

To succeed in building muscle and the muscular body build that there are some basic things you need to make sure that you are in the process.

Here are some muscle building tips that will have you building muscle and maximizing your results in no time at all.

Muscle Building Tips:

Tip # 1 – Stretch / Warm-up This is a step that occurs only very rarely by anyone Muscle. The purpose of warming up and stretching is to increase the blood flow to the muscles as well as warm up and increase the flexibility of the muscles fibers. This not only helps you avoid injuries, but also helps increase your flexibility, which allows more muscle when lifting weights. More muscle fibers worked = bigger muscle gains.

Tip # 2 – Get Enough Rest It very important that you make in the gym really hard and a good workout, but it is more important than training for enough time between training in order for your body to repair the damage muscle tissue. If you do not allow enough rest when you workout your muscle fibers which are still damaged will become more damaged and instead of gaining muscle you will begin to lose it.

Tip # 3 – Up Your protein intake. Proteins are the building blocks of the body simply. In order for your muscles to heal and repair themselves they need protein. It is recommended when trying to build muscle takes anywhere 1-1. 4 grams of protein per pound of body weight.

Tip 4 – Leave your ego at home never fails, you see all the time in the gym, people are lifting weights too heavy and they are to simply point to the gym or try to prove something.

Look building muscle is all about hitting the muscle and really concentrating to get the most out of a particular muscle group. With slow and controlled movements with proper form with less weight to throw more for you to a ton of weight with poor form.