Boosting Metabolism

July 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

If you are reading this article now, then you must have heard about the acai berry power. In many ways, you are making the right decision to learn more about acai berry – its many benefits, its basic purchasing information and other things. After all, it is the new super food that deserves the attention of individuals who desire to live a healthier, longer and happier life.

Acai berry products are made from the berry native to South and Central America. You can find them in many forms from tablets and capsules to teas and toppings, most often through the Internet. Dosage instructions will vary depending on your personal needs for berry power. For example, to build muscle fat, you might have to take 2 capsules a day. Towards boosting metabolism so as to lose more weight, you might have to sprinkle more acai berry powder as toppings on a variety of foods.

Just like most supplements, you will encounter lesser efficacy when you fail to perform certain things.

After all, it is just a super food, not a miracle cure for all of mankind’s ills! For example, to achieve the end of boosting metabolism with acai use, you must engage in more intense exercises. Another example, when you want to build muscle fat, you must eat the right kinds of foods in addition to berry. Thus, acai berry power manifests itself more effectively when you choose to live a healthier lifestyle!

There are many benefits in using berry supplements. These include faster weight loss, improved memory function, enhanced immune system, better protection against certain forms of cancer, increased injury recovery and a better sense of well-being, to name a few. Thus, while you are looking to build muscle fat and boosting metabolism, you can harvest other benefits as well, al of which contribute to a healthier you!

Acai berry supplements are one of the safest and easiest, most convenient and most effective supplements in the market.

You can purchase them online, which is the easiest form of shopping nowadays. You can take them either as oral tablets or as toppings on food or as beverages. Different forms, same effect – that’s acai berry power!

Most of the good reviews center on the organic nature of the product in relation to the overflow of synthetic supplements on the market as well as its ability to bring about many benefits. On the bad side of the review scene, most complaints revolve around the scam perpetrated by unscrupulous individuals who take advantage of the acai craze. For example, some manufacturers will claim that their acai berry supplements are made from pure sources when in fact these are not.

In conclusion, to get the most benefits out of the wondrous acai berry power, you must secure as much information about the products you are considering in buying. This way, too, you get more value for your money!

If you are reading this article now, then you must have heard about the acai berry power.

Ways to Boost Metabolism

July 14, 2012 by  
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Article by July

Ways to Boost Metabolism – Health

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Most of us care about our diets in almost every day. But we can not stop the cravings that we have on foods. We eat foods without knowing how they can affect our diets. And when we fell bloated, that will be the time that we think of losing our weight, which is not a good idea.

Are you familiar with metabolism? Metabolism is the rate at which your body burns calories. We all have different rate. This rate varies from person to person and with the influence of age, sex or through heredity. It involves a complex network of hormones and enzymes. Just not only to convert food into fuel but also affect how efficiently you burn that fuel.

To boost metabolism also means to get a healthy diet. But how can you do that? Here are some ways to boost metabolism:

Boost metabolism by proper exercise. We all know that exercise burn calories. Swimming, walking, jogging and aerobics are few of the exercises that you can do in about 30 to 60 minutes a day and five times a week if possible.

Avoid starving and do not skip your meals. If you want to lose weight, starving is not the answer. Always make it a habit to eat your breakfast everyday because if you don’t your metabolism will slow down. Just make sure that you are eating a healthy morning meal. Starving is a big NO. It will just let your calorie intake for about below 1,000 and will cause your metabolism to slow down.

Always eat regular meals. If necessary, eat with snacks to give your body a constant supply of healthy fuel. And don’t forget to drink water because the energy burning process of metabolism needs water to work effectively.

As far as possible stop your self from wanting your favorite foods. Sometimes when you eat that favorite foods of yours, there is a tendency that you keep coming back for more. This will give you a possibility that you will be craving to eat that foods you over and over again and you will end up over eating.

There still a lot of ways to boost metabolism. If you are really determine to lose weight, learn to discipline your self. Losing weight is not that hard if you are determined to do so. Always remember that you are responsible for whatever things you are doing.

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Ways To Boost Metabolism

July 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Andy Paul

Ways To Boost Metabolism – Sports – Track and Field

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Some of the ways to boost metabolism include changes to your diet and changes to your exercise routine.Even if you run regularly and are careful about your diet it can sometimes seem that there is perhaps a little too much round the tummy or thighs and sometimes you just don’t have the energy you feel you should have. Maybe you tried to run more or eat less but all that happened is that you got tired and hungry. This could be because your metabolism is slowing down. If you are over 30 years then your metabolism starts to slow down naturally by about 1% every year. There is action you can take to slow down the slow down and even boost your metabolism!

There are three types of metabolism at work in your body. They are:

Basal Metabolism,

Activity Metabolism,

Thermic Metabolism.

Basal Metabolism

This is your resting metabolism. Surprisingly basal metabolism accounts for about 60% of all calories burnt during the day. These are the calories you burn just to stay alive.

Activity Metabolism

As the name suggests this is your working metabolism.This accounts for all the calories you burn whilst doing everyday activities and any exercise like running. Approximately 30% of your daily calories are burnt in this type of metabolism.

Thermic Metabolism

The final 10% of calories you use are allocated here and are used for digesting your food. The important thing to remember here is that some foods take more energy to digest.

With a little attention to your exercise routine and your diet you can raise all three metabolic rates. First of all lets look at the exercise. To increase your activity metabolism you will need to work hard. That means upping the intensity of your workout. Add some speed sessions to your routine,for example: do 2 to 4 mile repeats at 10k race pace or 5 x 800m repeats at 5k race pace. you could do some short sprints at top speed for 15 to 20 seconds with 2 to 3 minutes walk in between. This sort of activity will raise your metabolism higher than longer slower runs and also has an added bonus of raising your basal rate for a couple of hours after you have finished running.Running or exercising twice a day can make a difference because you will have the effect of the raised basal rate twice over. An example would be to run in the morning and then circuit train or do weights in the evening. It is important to ensure you are getting adequate food and drink to fuel these sessions.Weight training can boost your metabolism because as you build muscle your basal rate increases. Muscle burns more calories at rest than fat does.

What you eat has an effect on your thermic metabolism, some foods use more calories to digest than others. Protein generally takes longer to digest and so burns more calories. If you can have some protein at every meal you could raise your thermic metabolism by 1/3. A couple of glasses of milk during the day will give you the calcium needed to boost metabolism too. Calcium helps in fat burning by making your body prefer fat for fuel. High fibre foods also slow digestion which means more calories burnt. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables throughout the day. Spicy foods that contain capsaicin temporarily raise your basal rate. Stay hydrated all day. You need water to digest your food and becoming dehydrated slows your metabolism and makes you tired.A small amount of caffeine can make you more energetic and alert, so the odd cup of coffee can also raise your metabolism.

So with a few simple tweaks to your diet and training program you will start to loose some fat, gain some muscle and run better with these ways to boost metabolism.

For more information about running and training schedules visit

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Foods That Increase Metabolism

June 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

The body’s metabolism is like an engine, when we consume food it is the body’s metabolism that determines whether to store it, use it for energy, or create waste product of what cannot be used. People become fat due to several reasons. These reasons include too much intake of food which gets stored in the body in the form of fat; inactivity of the body or a slow metabolism rate due to which the food consumed is not burnt; or a medical problem.

What happens when we eat healthy nutritious food? Our bodies respond by increasing our metabolism, which in turn burns away extra fat. Now while this is rather simplified and loosing weight can require a little more effort as far as exercising and eating right in a nut-shell this is the first best step to loosing excess weight.

With that said the key to keeping your blood sugar levels balanced and stabilized is to eat the right amounts of foods that increase metabolism.

Of course, the right amounts mean the right balance between the food groups of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. However, you just do not eat all the foods that contain carbohydrates, proteins and fats in the mistaken belief that these are foods that increase metabolism.

The good news is that it is much easier to do then most people think. All you have to do is to substitute bad stuff for good and that is it. Example, instead of eating Mars bar eat an apple.

That is it, apply the same principle on every one of your meals and you will soon feel the benefits of it. Not only will you lose weight but your general health condition will gain a huge boost.

You can get lean protein from lean meat. Again, it is a good kind of appetite suppressant. Besides, protein can force your body to burn fat. As a matter of fact, you can also build muscles with it. This will further boost your metabolism. When you are choosing foods that increase metabolism, be sure that you will include lean meat.

It is considered one of the best foods to increase metabolism. The calorie content of it is very low. Without any surprise, you can get a lot of fiber from apples. You will need to have an apple a day anyway. This is because this will help to maintain your body health.

This is a pretty well-known food to eat. It’s a great source of cholesterol-fighting, fat-soluble fiber which will help keep you full and provide you with lots of energy. With this energy, you will be able to have an awesome day and get the most of your workouts.

Foods that increase metabolism are foods that are high in complex carbohydrates or protein. These types of foods work in two ways. The first is simply that it takes a lot more energy to break down complex carbohydrates or protein, therefore we use up more calories. It also takes longer to digest complex carbohydrates or proteins. So this extra calorie usage is spread out over a long period of time

Avocados – There are certain essential fats that your body needs. Avocados are a great source of healthy fats and oils. They should also fill you up adequately, thus stopping you from snacking!

Grapefruit – this fruit reduces insulin levels in your body and is rich in fibre. It takes a long time to digest and so requires a lot of energy in the process.

These metabolism boosting foods also benefit you in another way. The release of calories from these foods happens over an extended period of time. The result is less insulin released by the pancreas and an even supply of energy between meals. This helps you cut out snacking caused by sugar cravings during the day.

Read About treatment for bipolar disorder Also About female reproductive problems and libido enhancer for women

How To Boost Your Metabolism

June 19, 2012 by  
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Article by Thomas Vu

How To Boost Your Metabolism – Health – Weight Loss

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Do you ever find yourself wondering how you can boost your metabolism? Well it turns out its really simple. First we must gain a basic understanding of how our metabolism works. Metabolism is a series of chemical reactions that occur in living organisms such as digestion, and the transporting of substances in and out of different cells. For the purpose of losing weight, the chemical reactions that we would like to focus on are the ones that supply energy to our body

For the purpose of losing weight; we need our bodies to get the most out of all the foods that we consume. The more effectively our bodies can breakdown food to supply energy, the less that will be stored in the body. This results in lower fat storage. Our bodies’ breakdown the foods we eat in order to sustain life, but the amount of food we need to gain weight, maintain weight, or lose weight vary. A faster metabolism would allow us to do the latter of the two while consuming more calories so the real question here is, what do I need to do to boost my metabolism?

The biggest boost to your metabolism comes in the form of exercise. The more often you exercise the greater your metabolism will be.

Heavy lifting provides many benefits. By lifting heavy not only will you speed up your metabolism during the points of lifting, but it will also build muscle. Muscle cells have a much greater resting metabolism rate than that of fat cells.

Stepping up your workout intensity greatly boosts your metabolism. Higher intensity exercises boosts your metabolism for longer periods of time after you stop exercising.

Drink lots of water. Water is essential to the processes in our bodies, and that includes digestion. Our body requires water to effectively break down foods. If you are dehydrated your body’s metabolism will slow down. Keeping yourself hydrated is one of the best ways to keep your metabolism running optimally.

Caffeine and other stimulants boosts metabolism. While not always the healthiest choice, caffeine enhances fat oxidation which as a result increases the rate at which fatty acids are broken down. Caffeine is the prized ingredient of many fat burning supplements.

Getting more sleep helps your body to run optimally. The more energy your body has available, the more effective your metabolism will be. These tips provide easy and effective ways to boost your metabolism. Boosting your metabolism is essential for losing weight and burning fat. The more often we rev our metabolisms, the faster the rate as which we can shed those excess pounds of fat. Getting fit doesn’t have to be a chore!

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About the Author

Thomas Vu lives in Louisiana, United States.

He loves to review and blog products that are great and useful to the community and he likes to let people know which products are worth to buy and which are not worth to buy.

He has been a strong candidate that loves to experience new products on the market and he will voice them all whether it is good or bad. He will give his honest opinions in order for the vendors know what their weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and threats are so that they can continue to improve their products over time for better competition,

Thomas enjoys playing online video games, testing new products on the market, food tasting, hiking, camping, taking road trips, and doing other adventurous things.

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Thomas Vu lives in Louisiana, United States.

He loves to review and blog products that are great and useful to the community and he likes to let people know which products are worth to buy and which are not worth to buy.

He has been a strong candidate that loves to experience new products on the market and he will voice them all whether it is good or bad. He will give his honest opinions in order for the vendors know what their weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and threats are so that they can continue to improve their products over time for better competition,

Thomas enjoys playing online video games, testing new products on the market, food tasting, hiking, camping, taking road trips, and doing other adventurous things.

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What Are Healthy Foods For A Metabolism Increase?

June 12, 2012 by  
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Article by Trevor Johnson

What Are Healthy Foods For A Metabolism Increase? – Health – Weight Loss

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Dieting is trying and hard and requires eating right and finding the right foods. You can naturally reach your metabolism increase needs by adding a few new foods to your diet that are healthy for your metabolism increase. Increase your metabolism and you can have better success with weight loss goals.

Add specific foods to your diet that help your body use additional energy to process the foods. Everyone has a unique metabolism and metabolic rate. In this way, different people will use calories and energy differently, and some foods trigger your metabolism to increase.

Your body uses calories in the production of energy; it is referred to as the metabolic rate. The total energy the body uses to process food and normal activity, before additional exercise, is defined as metabolism and the speed is metabolic rate.

Foods that will increase your metabolism include protein-rich foods such as certain meats and dairy products and high fiber foods. Beverages that will assist in increased metabolism include coffee and green tea. Other foods you can add to your diet include oatmeal, apples, beans, spinach, and grapefruit.

Selecting the right diet changes for metabolism increase may be as effortless as cinnamon on your morning toast or spice items such as jalapenos to casseroles. Increasing your metabolize through these foods does require moderation, some of these foods are not meant to be eaten in large quantities due to high caloric intake or side effects from caffeine.

When you are ready to see your metabolism increase and have success with all your dieting, you just need to make a few food changes to your diet. Remember to use foods high in protein and high in fiber to see your metabolism grow more productive for you. Just remember, the best weight loss plans will increase your metabolism and put the best foods on your plate.

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Get more help to increase your metabolism with this easy to use metabolism increasing hypnosis download.

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Boost Your Metabolism Fast

June 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Eat frequently. Rather than having three big meals a day you should be aiming to get around five or six smaller meals. It is all about balance when eating to get lean. Also avoid eating right before you go to bed.

Drink more water. The more water you drink, the more fat you will burn. Researchers say that a cup of water burns off about eight calories of pure fat. It boosts your metabolism to the max and helps your body digest food. Water also keeps you hydrated through a tough workout on a hot summer day.

Have a cup of coffee. Despite anything you ever heard about coffee it is not a bad idea to have a cup in the morning or before you perform physical activity. Caffeine gives you that extra boost of energy to stay focused and burn more. Studies show that people who drank just a cup of coffee a day burnt more than those that did not.

Eat more protein.  By getting more protein in your diet you more boosting your metabolism to the max.

That is because calories from protein are burnt off much quicker than carbs or fat. On top of that you need to protein to build muscle mass.

Hit the weights. Working out more will greatly improve your fat loss results. Especially weight training because you build more muscle which promotes even more weight loss. Start off slow and go for a rep range of 12-15 to get toned up. Always have basics in your workout like push ups and sit ups as well.

If you want to learn about more fat loss tips click on this link. —> best fat loss program

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These Are The Best Metabolism Boosting Foods To Lose Fat Quickly!

June 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Jim M. Smith

These Are The Best Metabolism Boosting Foods To Lose Fat Quickly! – Health – Nutrition

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What would you say if I told you that losing weight can be one of the easiest things in the world? By eating the right foods you can increase your metabolic rate and burn a lot of fat in just a few months.

Here are a few foods that boost metabolism:

* Ginger: the favorite food of the Chinese can help you speed up your metabolism. In fact, researchers from the Netherlands believe that ginger activates the mechanism of thermogenesis, the process by which the body burns fat to produce heat. What is more, ginger improves blood circulation.

* Water with lemon: according to research women who have replaced soft drinks with water lost an extra 1.5 kg in a year compared to those who did not change their habits. Those who drank even more than four glasses of water a day, lost 2 additional pounds. The naturally carbonated mineral water is preferable, because it contains more minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium). It also contains sodium phosphate that protects against osteoporosis and reduces the amount of acid in the blood. If you add a slice of lemon to your water then you can have a wonderful antioxidant drink.

* Olive Oil: the good fats it contains can help to eliminate the fat around the abdomen. Research shows that a diet rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (olive oil and nuts are the best sources) may prevent the accumulation of pounds in the abdomen and increase fat burning, promoting weight loss. Indeed, studies have shown that women who consumed monounsaturated fat (from nuts) were thinner than the others. Moreover, another survey showed that people who eat olive oil before a meal consume fewer calories during the meal. One reason may be that fat causes satiety for longer compared to foods that contain only carbohydrates, such as bread. However, do not forget that olive oil contains a lot of calories and for this reason it would be a good idea to limit its consumption to 1-2 tbsp at each meal.

* Oats: they contain complex carbohydrates and fiber that increase metabolism after a meal, while keeping insulin at low levels. When you have high insulin levels your body gets the message that it is time to store fat. Oats are a particularly useful food, because they take more time to get absorbed and thus do not raise insulin levels abruptly – unlike white bread, for example. What is more, oats may increase the number of calories you burn every day, especially if you eat them at breakfast. A recent study has shown that eating oats for breakfast can help you increase your metabolism by up to 10%. On the contrary, skipping breakfast slows down your metabolism and encourages your body to store fat.

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John M. Smith writes for Tips For Healthy Life, a blog dedicated on helping you improve your health. and treat various health problems.

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John M. Smith writes for Tips For Healthy Life, a blog dedicated on helping you improve your health. and treat various health problems.

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Foods that Speed Metabolism

May 28, 2012 by  
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Article by Lincoln Bryden

Foods that Speed Metabolism – Health – Fitness

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A Quick List Of 10 Foods That Speed Metabolism

Are you looking for special foods that speed metabolism? Well this will probably surprise you but all foods speed metabolism to one degree or another.

“How is that possible?” you ask.

Let’s take a quick look at just what is metabolism and how food can speed metabolism. This explanation might help you to better understand the process and how it can affect your body.

When you eat a meal, your body begins the process of digesting the food, drawing out the nutrients and processing them to create energy that keeps your body functioning properly and effectively. It takes approximately 4 hours just to absorb the nutrients. This is repeated with every meal you eat. In a day, that amounts to 12 hours that your body is busy absorbing each meal’s nutrients.

In short, during the digestion process, our bodies burn calories. This is especially true of foods containing carbohydrates and protein which take longer than other foods to digest. Simply by eating, digesting and absorbing nutrients from the food, you speed your metabolism.

Does this mean you should eat more to constantly stimulate calorie burning and speed metabolism?

Weel yes and no.

If you skip breakfast and other meals, you will reduce how quickly your body burns calories. In this case, eating more food will help speed metabolism. In fact, by eating smaller meals more often throughout the day, you can keep your metabolism working so that your body is constantly in the state of calorie burning.

As mentioned, there are some foods that require more of your body’s energy to burn. The degree to which they affect your body’s metabolism depends on the particular food choice. Caffeine, coffee, tea, chocolate and a chemical found in chillies are some foods that speed metabolism, but only minimally.

Carbohydrates and protein trigger the highest rate of metabolism. In fact, a protein meal can burn as much as 25% of that meal’s calories through digestion and absorption.

While a high protein meal might sound appealing, consider that it would not provide your body with its required round of nutrients. Adding vitamin and mineral supplements is not the answer either, because they do not provide the same quality of nutrients that are found naturally in foods.

Your best choice is to eat well-balanced meals regularly that contain protein, non-starchy vegetables, fats and carbohydrates. This can minimize fat production while keeping your blood sugar at a level that helps to burn fat and build muscle.

Focus on these 10 specific foods that help speed metabolism and burn fat.

Whole grain breadChickenSalmonEggsFresh CheeseGreen BeansSummer SquashCabbageAsparagus and other non-starchy vegetablesAnd, of course, protein rich meats

To temporarily boost your metabolism by as much as 30%, drink cold water.

Remember, there are other factors beyond your control that can affect your body’s speed of metabolism, including your age, sex and any medical conditions.

While these foods can speed metabolism, the best way to lose weight is with a healthy combination of regular meals and physical exercise, especially those that build muscle because muscle burns calories too.

Exercise regularly, stick with a diet of protein, non-starchy vegetables, fats and carbohydrates, and be sure to add some of those foods that speed metabolism, and you’ll soon see the results you want.

About the Author

Lincoln has been in the fitness industry for 20 and has helped 1000s of people achieve their weight loss goals through a mixture of personal training and group exercise. He has a Free video which reveals the number 1 secret to lose all the weight that you want without spending hours in the gym or starving your self. Visit for more information

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Lincoln has been in the fitness industry for 20 and has helped 1000s of people achieve their weight loss goals through a mixture of personal training and group exercise. He has a Free video which reveals the number 1 secret to lose all the weight that you want without spending hours in the gym or starving your self. Visit for more information

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Primodrol 180 Capsules Steroid Free Bodybuilding Muscle Enhancer Metabolism Supplement

May 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements

  • Build Muscle Mass
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Product Description
Primodrol 180 Capsules. For rock hard abs and massively lean biceps, rapid gains in strength, massive muscle pumps, gains in lean muscle mass, no water retention, and an overall increase in energy. Steroid Free Bodybuilding Supplement… More >>

Primodrol 180 Capsules Steroid Free Bodybuilding Muscle Enhancer Metabolism Supplement

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