Give Your Metabolism A Boost Through Cardio & Strength Training & Healthy Eating Habits! Bowflex TreadClimber!

March 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Mark Sejnowski

On a Bowflex TreadClimber you can get an excellent cardio workout that will help you burn fat and boost your metabolism. Bowflex has combined the walking of a treadmill, the stepping of a stairclimber and the smooth, low impact of an elliptical to give you the best and most efficient workout available. Besides working out on the treadclimber, there are some other ways that you can boost your metabolism. First of all eat a healthy breakfast Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Many people skip breakfast because they don’t have time or they don’t like traditional breakfast foods. But if you wait until lunch to eat, your body assumes you’re fasting and responds by slowing your metabolism. Another simple thing is to drink Green Tea, because Green tea has been shown to boost metabolism. Researchers believe that antioxidants in green tea can cause the body to waste calories as heat, which increases your caloric burn. Just as important as eating breakfast is not skipping meals Our bodies have a built-in survival mechanism to conserve calories when we go for a long period of time without eating. So, when you skip meals, your body slows your metabolism to prevent you from starving.

Strength training with a set of Bowflex SelectTech dumbbells can also boost your meatbolism. The more lean muscle you have, the more calories you’ll burn, even while resting. As we age, we naturally lose muscle mass, so it’s important to work at building it. Even doing resistance or weight training just twice a week can make a big difference. And, ladies, don’t worry regular strength training will make you look toned, not bulked-up. With a set of Bowflex adjustable dumbbells you won’t need a lot of space. They take the place of 15 sets of dumbbells and It’s one of the most space-efficient and flexible strength-training options available with its unique and effective design. With just the turn of a dial, you can automatically change your resistance and quickly change from 5 lbs to 52.5 lbs. When you are strength training and doing your over-all workout your body needs protein. Our bodies have to work hard to digest the foods we eat, and your metabolism revs up in response. However, eating protein boosts your metabolism a little more than consuming carbohydrates or fats with the same number of calories. Remember eat well, train hard and you’ll be amazed at the results!

For more articles like this please go to my website:

Into Health and Fitness. Love working out and enjoy all sports.

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Calorie Shifting to Raising Your Metabolism Naturally

March 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

A diet can be a very difficult thing to commit to, even if a person is completely dedicated to losing weight. Daily lifestyle routines can be very hard to break. Some diets require people to eat food that they wouldn’t normally eat on a daily basis. This can leave someone feeling constantly hungry or unfulfilled and will often lead a person back to square one. There is a new diet, however, that allows you to eat pretty much anything you want while raising your metabolism and allowing you to burn more calories. This diet is called the calorie shifting diet.

This diet works by confusing your body into raising it’s metabolism. It sounds complicated, but it’s actually quite simple. If you figure out how many calories your body needs to sustain itself on a daily basis, you are half way there. This is a number that is determined by your age and current weight.

Look online for a calorie calculator (there are many free ones) and come up with a number. For starters, subtract about 500 calories from this number. This is the amount you will be cutting out of your daily intake. You can of course cut out more, but this is a good starting point.

Take the final number of calories after the subtraction and divide that up into however many meals that you want to eat in any given day. Try to shoot for between four and six meals. The important part to remember is to make those caloric values different for each meal. This is the key to calorie shifting. Your body will become confused because it will think you are overeating and raise it’s metabolism naturally in order to burn the food that is constantly in your stomach. It’s as simple as that!

Check out the most foolproof diet I’ve ever come across, the calorie shifting diet. By tricking your body into increasing it’s metabolism naturally, you’ll be able to shed off pounds while still being able to eat pretty much whatever you want. Get the info by visiting Read through the information there and give it a try!

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Lifestyle Habits to Improve Metabolism

March 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

The concept of metabolism in losing weight is one which if properly utilized will help many people shed pounds in a very healthy and sustainable manner instead of turning to speedy weight loss solutions that past experiences has shown us provides only short-term weight loss benefits.

Despite the fact that metabolism does play a significant role in a person’s general weight reduction capability, it is nonetheless equally imperative that you realize that it is something which can also be impacted either negatively or positively by a number of daily life practices. Consequently, beside hereditary and genetic factors, your general daily life decisions and actions have a lot to do with your metabolism.

Metabolism can as a result be considered as one piece of the weight reduction puzzle that can be successfully accelerated through altering and making the correct daily life choices.

Listed here are several of the daily life routines which could positively influence and boost your body’s general rate of metabolism.


Having Wholesome Well-Balanced Diets
It is no secret that the things you feed on and how you approach it does have an impact on your rate of metabolism and general frame of mind, with the resulting outcome of possibly making you feel tired or lively. So it will be wise to eat several small well-balanced meals (around 4-6) throughout your entire day and as well to control your calorie consumption. This is most likely one of the quickest strategies to increase your rate of metabolism.

2. Doing Routine Physical Fitness
Cardio and strength exercises can probably be said to be the fastest ways to dramatically improve your overall metabolic processes. The more demanding the cardio and weight training workouts, the more you will be strengthening your heart by delivering a lot more oxygen to your body cells to use up much more fat for energy while equally building much more low fat muscular tissues which are really metabolically active.

3. Having More Sleep
Absence of adequate sleep (both having difficulty getting to sleep and equally not having adequate sleep) might in a negative way impact your general metabolism seeing that this robs your system of two important opportunities: (a) the chance to revamp itself; and (b) the chance of energy renewal which having decent rest provides. As a result try to have a 7 to 8 hour night rest.

4. Relax More
Stay away from every sort of mental or physical strain as they simply induce your body to elevate the amount of stress hormones, particularly cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones are actually catabolic (have dangerous metabolic effects) naturally and are associated with premature aging and heart diseases. Moreover, they usually make it hard for the body to develop muscle tissue or energy.

5. Having More Water
Water doesn’t only serve as an amazing appetite suppressant, but in addition helps to improve digestive function by way of enhancing the draining of the stomach and intestines while also decreasing constipation, bloating, and gas. Drinking water likewise helps to cleanse the system by eliminating sodiums and toxins. Ensure to drink up around 8 drinking glasses of water every day to have the most effective effects from this natural fat reduction elixir.

6. Giving up Excessive Alcohol Consumption and Cigarettes
On a final note, you should be aware that plenty of alcohol-based drinks are actually filled with calories like most sugary carbonated drinks. Studies have revealed that drinking alcohol in the course of meals actually induces overeating. At the same time, cigarettes contain nicotine which just like its stimulant equal caffeine, might in the short term enhance rate of metabolism but however has a lot more harmful reactions than advantages.

Finally, knowing that metabolism plays a very important function in realizing and sustaining wholesome and long-term fat reduction, it would thus appear logical to try to incorporate or strengthen on these kinds of constructive lifestyle behaviors as a way to substantially boost your body’s rate of metabolism and as a consequence boost your general weight reduction capability.

Click Here to find some other great free weight loss tips regarding sticking to your diet, exercising, and supplements that may assist you to fast-track your weight loss efforts and to achieve healthy and irreversible weight reduction.

Best Metabolism Boosters

March 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Aunt Vonn

Tips for Best Metabolism Boosters and eating well.

It has been known for some time that breakfast is an important part of the day. Now research has shown that, regardless of physical activity, eating high fibre cereal in the morning at least three times a week leads to having a lower body mass index. This study followed 2,300 teenage girls over ten years, and was conducted by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute in the US.

Many people skip breakfast because they are just too busy in the morning to stop and eat. Eating even a small breakfast will reduce the urge to snack on unhealthy options later in the morning. A couple pieces of fruit or a simple breakfast drink with increase work performance and reduce fatigue. The type of foods we eat is important, not just the overall calorie intake. Try a couple pieces of raw vegetables, like carrots, or raw fruit to increase your fiber intak. Also the phytochemicals such as carotene and other vitamins will help you get the most out of your body throughout the day.

One weightloss tip and about metabolism boosters. Simply add variety. Integrate changes in your diet to include variety and the best metabolism boosters. Plan ahead and do a little research and you will mitagate those moments when the urge to grab something unhealthy is triggered by hunger and unhealthy choices.

Here are three recipes that will add a little variety to the important breakfast, as well as supplying essential vitamins, minerals, enzymes and fiber.

Delicious Tropical MuesliServes 2 to 4. Preparation time – 10 minutes.


Muesli – 100gmWheat flakes- 50gmApple – peeled and grated – 1noLow Fat or Skim Fruit Yogurt- 500gmMango – peeled and cut into strips – 1noPassion fruit – pulp of 2Flaked almonds, toasted – 11/2 tspPreparationMix together muesli, wheat, apple and half the yogurt in a bowl and refrigerate covered overnight. Divide it into four serving bowls. Top evenly with remaining yogurt, mango, passion fruit pulp and flaked almonds and serve.

Choose plain low-fat yogurt for the fewest calories. Fruit and flavored products have extra calories. Nonfat yogurt sweetened with artificial sweetener is an option for dieters. Plain yogurt is the best choice for cooking.

Terrific MangoServes 2. Preparation time – 10 minutes.


Mango- peeled and chopped -125 gramChopped pineapple – 1 noPapaya- peeled and chopped- 125 gramKiwi fruits – chopped- 2 noTropical fruit juice – 150 mlHoney- 2 tablespoonPreparation

Mix all the fruit pieces together and pour the fruit juice and honey on top. This is an excellent dish to start your day.

Summer Special SaladServes 4. Preparation time – 20 minutes.


Water melon – 1 no (medium size)Tomato –

Slow Down Your Metabolism and Control It

March 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Michael Lee

For the most part, people are consumed with losing weight and speeding up their metabolism, so it sounds fairly different if you are interested in knowing how to slow down metabolism. But it’s certainly not a rare case. For example, if you’re too thin for your frame and height, or if you do eat a lot but are unable to gain a single pound no matter how hard you try, it may be time to consider learning how to slow down your metabolism.

Your metabolism ensures that the calories you consume are burned and food nutrients are processed for your body’s use. If you want to gain more weight, you can take a few steps to slow down your metabolism. Remember that your goal here isn’t to gain a lot of weight in a short time; that can be very unhealthy and may involve you eating the wrong kinds of food that will help you pack on some pounds.

The first important thing to remember if you want to slow down your metabolism is to eat high-calorie foods. A high amount of calories will help make sure that your body won’t be able to burn them off so quickly. Consider adding more sauces or dressings to your meal, or enjoying extra helpings of food. For health purposes, you can still select healthier food options, such as those containing vegetable fat. Otherwise, refrain from eating anything that contains zero or low-fat.

Remember to drink fruit juices or milk throughout your day. This is a simple way to help you feel full and assist in adding to your calorie storage.

Exercise is still important in lowering your metabolism. Just remember not to do any high-impact exercises. Instead, you can still go with low-impact workouts just to ensure that you remain physically fit.

To be sure about what can help you slow down your metabolism, you can consult your physician. He or she will be able to guide you and perhaps even give you a list of foods and dishes you can prepare that will help you lower your metabolism.

Trying to slow down your metabolism may sound a lot easier–and probably more fun–but remember that this doesn’t give you the license to start eating unhealthy foods. Your goal is simply to gain weight, and you can accomplish this without having to stray from a healthy food program.

Michael Lee has prepared a FREE revolutionary fat-burning course that reveals secrets on rapid and naturally safe weight loss tips at

To slow down metabolism, eat more calories. Get more tips for reducing metabolism from a certified physical fitness trainer in this free workout video. Expert: Mike Quebec Bio: Mike Quebec is a certified trainer from the North American Sport Savate Association of American boxing and kickboxing. Filmmaker: Bing Hu

Green Tea Boosts Metabolism, Protects Against Diseases

February 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Traff

WebMD Health News

Nov. 28, 1999 (Atlanta) — Unlike the American hot beverage of choice, green tea isn’t available on every street corner in every city. But it’s difficult to dispute the nutritional benefits of this centuries-favored Asian brew, with its powerful flavonoids and antioxidants considered capable of battling chronic diseases. Now, one group of researchers claims green tea could also boost metabolism — and help with weight loss.

In a small study, green tea appeared to raise metabolic rates and speed up fat oxidation. “Green tea has thermogenic properties and promotes fat oxidation beyond that explained by its caffeine content per se,” says Abdul G. Dulloo, a researcher at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, and lead author of the study published in the current issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Thermogenesis is the calories the body burns while digesting and absorbing food as it’s being eaten.

The study involved 10 healthy young males, none of whom was obese but who ranged from lean to mildly overweight. Each was randomly assigned to each of three meals containing one of three treatments: green tea extract (50 mg of caffeine); 50 mg capsule of caffeine; or a placebo capsule. On three separate occasions, each spent 24 hours in a specially designed respiratory chamber in which researchers could measure energy expenditure and thermogenesis.

Those who consumed green tea extract had a 4% increase in thermogenesis, with an overall energy expenditure increase of 4.5%.

Kathleen Zelman, RD, an Atlanta-based nutritional consultant and spokesperson for the American Dietetics Association, tells WebMD that she was “not very impressed” because of the study’s small number of patients and because the calorie losses were “not enough to make a difference in the life of an obese person.” However, “anything we can do to boost metabolism [without using drugs] is wonderful.”

The thermogenic benefits that the study cites are relatively small, Zelman says. “If you’re consuming 1,500 calories, you’ll be burning 60 calories, less than [what’s in] a cookie. Of course, every little bit counts, but that’s really a drop in the bucket.”

“Green tea is emerging as a healthful drink… more because of its role as an antioxidant,” Zelman tells WebMD. Antioxidants help to prevent the formation of free radicals that cause many diseases, such as cancer. “Tea flavonoids appear to be very potent antioxidants. A significant body of research has shown that diets rich in flavonoids found in tea, fruits, and vegetables are associated with decreased risk of chronic disease and cancer, heart disease, and stroke.”

Tea also contains less caffeine (as low as 50 mg per cup), while coffee has 150-200 mg per cup, which Zelman says is a safer alternative for obese people.

“All that — in addition to the fact that tea could boost your metabolism — is reason enough to swap out one of those cups of coffee and drink green tea,” says Zelman. “You’re talking to a coffee drinker here. I love coffee. But the healthful benefits… they’re speculative at best. Drink a cup of tea… you’ll actually be doing something good for yourself.”Vital Information:

* In a small study, green tea has been shown to boost metabolic rates and speed up fat oxidation. * Calorie losses were small in study subjects and wouldn’t make a big difference in the life of an obese person. * Drinking tea can still be healthy because it contains flavonoids, which are powerful antioxidants that can help protect against cancer, heart disease, and stroke.

Traff Jok has been experienced in internet marketing in 3 years. Now,testing his new blog “green tea”In this blog he try cover the secret of SEO marketing effort.

More Green Tea Boost Metabolism Articles

5 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism and Burn Fat

February 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Sandra Essex

Increasing your metabolic rate simply means revving up the rate at which your body burns calories. In other words, if your metabolism is high, this means that your body is burning calories fast, even when you are not toiling hard at the gym. And that’s good for everybody.

On the other hand, a sluggish metabolism invariably results in weight gain because calories pile up on other calories that haven’t been used up. In other words, you’re consuming more than your body is burning up. However, there’s a way out.

But first, here are four facts about metabolism that everyone should know.

Gender: Men generally have higher metabolic rates than women. This is because men are generally larger than women, they also posses less body fat. A mans basal metabolic rate is calculated be to somewhere around 10 percent to 15 percent higher than that of women.

Age: Metabolism drops by about 5 percent every decade after a person hits 40 years of age. This is simply because as we get older, we tend to lose more muscle and gain more body fat. Meanwhile lean muscle mass burns more calories than fat tissues. So you can understand what happens to a persons metabolism as they lose muscle mass with age.

Hypothyroidism: When your thyroid is under active, this will slow down your metabolism and eventually lead to weight gain. But this condition can easy be detected through a simple blood test, and can then be controlled with proper medication.

Genetics: This is another factor that plays a part in a person’s metabolic rate. Some people simply have the genetic luck that predisposes them to fast metabolism-quick conversion of calories to energy. Others are not so lucky.

For this later category of persons, just remember that increasing your body’s metabolism is always a good idea, whether it is to lose weight or simply to maintain a sleek appearance. Here are 5 things you can do to rev up your metabolism.

Do Not Skip Breakfast: If it’s not already there, try to add breakfast to your daily meal planner. It’s amazing how many people skip breakfast these days. Paradoxically, many who skip this first meal of the day do so with the mistaken belief that it helps them lose weight. Quite the opposite!

The meal you eat in the morning is what prepares your body for the day’s metabolic duties. It helps the body to process more efficiently whatever other food you eat in the course of the day. No, it doesn’t have to be heavy meal. A healthy 250-calorie snack taken in the morning may just be enough to boost your metabolism for the rest of the day.

Watch What You Drink-and Their Temperature: As routine as it might seem, truth is that just adding ice to your drink is one way to boost your metabolism. This is because your body is going to have to work harder to heat the food up in your stomach before it could be absorbed into your bloodstream.

Include Spices In Your Meal: The U.S. Agricultural Research Service states that consuming a mere ¼ to 1 teaspoonful of Cinnamon per day can raise a person’s metabolism by as much as twenty-fold! Then there are several varieties of peppers that can spice up both your food and your metabolism-such as chili and cayenne. These last two are better eaten hot for best results.

Eat Foods Rich In Chromium: They include all varieties of tomatoes as well as green pepper, apple, banana and spinach. Chromium can also be taken in supplement form.

Eat Several Portions Each Day: This entails dividing your food into smaller portions which are then eaten more often throughout the day. The logic is that each time you eat, your body’s metabolic mechanism is turned on. So the more you eat, the more you get them working.

Yes, this may sound strange, but the reality is that eating more often can actually help you lose weight! But really, the emphasis is on the frequency of meals rather than the total quantity of foods consumed in a day.

Diet is a very important factor for the survival of a People. A good diet is based upon the organic elements that give and sustain life. Daily Nutritional Cleansing is the key to your good health and WEIGHT LOSS. Many people take the human body and its functions lightly. They do not consider what they consume as having a direct and permanent effect on the quality of their overall health. Remember you are what you eat.

One GREAT way to improve your health is to improve your diet. Learn how you can START to Improve Your Health TODAY!!

If you really want to kick-start your body’s metabolism, then take note of the points discussed here.

Sandra Essex is a 16 -year Breast and Lung cancer survivor. She enjoys sharing information that can help people improve their health. One GREAT way to improve your health is to improve your diet. Learn how you can START to Improve Your Health TODAY!! also visit our Blog for more weight loss tips.

More What Foods Boost Your Metabolism Articles

Seven simplified tips to boost Metabolism

February 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by vijay jain

When trying to lose weight, one of the most effective things you can do to speed the process along is implement small changes in your routine that give a boost to your metabolism. This will magnify the results of your diet and exercise routines and help give you the confidence to keep going. Use the following seven simple strategies for how to lose weight fast, an instant metabolic lift:

1. Avoid eating within three hours of your usual bedtime – it is important to allow your body to digest before going to sleep; otherwise, you are likely to store away more calories as body fat since your system has no immediate need for the energy. Nighttime eating sabotages your metabolism, and if you choose just one recommendation from this list, this should be it.

2. Drink eight glasses of water a day – keeping well hydrated is key to maintaining an elevated metabolism. Without adequate fluids, you will become dehydrated and your metabolism will slow down, making fat loss naturally much more difficult. For an increased metabolic boost, drink hot water with lemon instead of cold water.

3. Take a brisk 30-minute walk or bike ride at least a few times every week. If you have a regular exercise routine in place, walk on your rest days. You should also incorporate weight training into your exercise regimen if you have not already, since this form of exercise has been shown to raise your metabolism for up to 24 hours following a workout.

4. Drink tea – green tea, black tea and white tea have all been shown to help increase metabolism. Avoid coffee and diet pills that contain a lot of caffeine – caffeine does boost metabolism, but the side effects are not worth it. Drinking too much caffeine can lead to dehydration, which depresses metabolism and outweighs any gains.

5. Spice up your food – chilies and other spices have been shown to boost metabolism, and can have other health benefits, as well.

6. Eat rasberries – some studies have suggested that they help raise metabolism (it is not known exactly how, but they taste good anyway, so you shouldn’t need too much evidence to be convinced), and they also contain a substance that triggers receptors in the brain to signal that you are full.

7. Resveratrol, which can be found in red wine or as a supplement, is a powerful antioxidant that has also been shown to help boost metabolism. This is a good method to lose weight fast.

Vijay wants to give you the tips on how to lose body fat naturally , which is not harmful for our body.

Related Boost Metabolism Supplements Articles

Ten Ways To Boost Your Metabolism

February 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Emily Josephine

“How can I boost my metabolism?”

One of my friends asked me this question over lunch the other day. It’s a question I’ve heard echoed repeatedly by various people, online and off, over the past few years.

I have a couple problems with the question. First, what research shows works for many people, may not work for you. Second, most people who ask this question are hoping to get a “magic bullet” kind of answer: just do this one really easy thing, and your extra pounds will fall off like ice cream melting from a cone on a hot summer’s day.

But if you will read this article with the understanding that first, the answer is different for everyone and requires experimentation; and that second, boosting your metabolism will require sacrifice and work, then I am happy to share with you ten ways to boost metabolism.

1. Eat several small meals per day.

Dave Ramsey says that if you want to know how to be thin, ask a thin person. So take a hint from me: I eat three square meals a day consisting of three to four hundred calories each, along with a mid-morning snack and mid-afternoon snack consisting of three hundred calories each. (How many calories you consume depends on your size and activity level.)

DO NOT DEPRIVE YOURSELF OF FOOD. Eating every three to four hours actually keeps your metabolism going. As long as your body has something to process, it will keep the calories burning. But when you make yourself go hungry for even five hours, this can cause your body to instinctively go into survival mode and slow down its metabolism.

2. Exercise first thing in the morning.

Before you have even one bite of breakfast, do your daily exercise (yes, I said daily, not three times a week). Without any food in your system, your body has to burn the fat that is on your body, rather than the calories you just ate. Plus, your body gets revved up and keeps up a higher metabolism all day than if you had waited until later to exercise.

3. Do some kind of strength training three days per week.

Research shows that lifting weights or performing other kinds of strength training is better at boosting your metabolism, and keeps your metabolism going at a higher rate for a longer period of time than aerobic exercise.

4. Refrain from alcoholic and caffienated beverages.

Yes, coffee and black tea too. Sorry. I didn’t do the study. The only exception is green tea. Because of its chemical make-up, the caffeine in green tea does not slow down metabolism . Water should always be your drink of choice, followed by herbal teas and fresh green juices.

5. Take a maqui berry supplement.

People who drink the Be Young superfood juice Masaji have reported to constantly lose wieght. This would be because of the maqui berry it contains. This one superfood has been shown in studies to boost metaoblism and increase weight loss.

Plus Masaji will give you that burst of energy you’ve been using coffee for.

6. Get rid of processed foods.

I told you that learning how to boost your metabolism would take sacrifice. Processed foods often contain chemicals and “bad” fats that slow down metabolism. Learn how to eat a whole foods diet.

7. Eat at least twenty grams of saturated or monounsaturated fat every day.

Organic butter, virgin coconut oil, raw nuts and seeds, extra virgin olive oil…all of these fats actually stimulate the fat-burning hormone in your brain. Other kinds of fats, or low-fat diets, slow down the fat-burning process.

8. Move throughout the day.

Just because you did thirty minutes of exercise in the morning before breakfast doesn’t mean you can stay sedentary the rest of the day and expect great weight loss results. Get up and walk around, or at least stretch every thirty to sixty minutes throughout the day. Park a distance away from the store’s entry. Take the stairs. Etc.

9. Don’t eat before bed.

Be done eating your several small meals/snacks two hours before bedtime. If that’s impossible because of your schedule, make it at least one hour before bed. If your system has to spend the nighttime hours digesting food, the metabolism becomes sluggish.

10. Have some kind of protein with every meal or snack.

The protein in nuts and seeds counts, if you’re not the kind who wants to eat hard-boiled eggs, cheese and beef jerky all day long. But if you include some protein and cut back on the starch, your body’s metabolism gets a nice boost.

At least three or four of these ideas should work for you to answer your burning question, “How do I boost my metabolism?” Try them out today, and be sure to comment below to let me how these ideas worked for you.

Learn the principles of healthy living that the longest-lived and healthiest people on earth follow! It’s all at The Crunchy Coach blog.

Natural Metabolism Boosters

January 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

As we age our metabolism slows down. However some people naturally have a slower metabolism due to their genetic makeup. A slow metabolism can be the cause of extra weight gain or fat storage in the body. Metabolism is dependent on several factors not just genetics including age, gender, physical condition, fat and muscle in the body. In spite of this there are always ways to boost your metabolism at any point throughout your lifespan.

Metabolism is the amount of energy our bodies need to maintain proper body functioning on a daily basis. Our body is constantly burning calories to keep the heart pumping, brain firing, muscles contracting and every other function right down to the cellular level. The speed at which our body burns calories is our metabolic rate, which naturally changes throughout our life cycle.

When we are younger our body has a higher metabolic rate because of the rapid rate of growth and the energy and calories it needs to grow. In addition, men generally have a higher metabolic rate than women. If you take in more calories than your body uses throughout the day the calories are stored within the body, most often as fat. The more fat that gets stored the more weight you will gain and your metabolism will slow down. Fat uses less calories to maintain itself than muscle which justifies the decrease in metabolism of heavier individuals.

Other factors which contribute to a low metabolism include fasting or starving oneself, low calorie diet, snacking on high sugar foods such as candy, cola, gum or cakes, eating too much sugar, and a lack of physical activity.

Simple carbohydrates such as sugar use fewer calories for the body to break down than complex carbohydrates. Therefore eating junk food, candy, sweets and fatty foods require less energy from the body to digest it. All of the body’s functions even digestion requires energy. Therefore if you eat foods that have a higher nutritional value, the more calories will be burned to digest it. When you fast or starve yourself of food, you body tries to hold on to its fat stores because it doesn’t know when the next time it will get calories. The body slows the metabolism to slow the rate of calorie burn to save its energy. Lower levels of physical activity, means higher percentage of body fat. Fat only burns 2 calories per pound to maintain function in the body, compared to muscle, which burns 50 calories. Therefore less muscles within the body, lower metabolic rate. However, even if you have a slower metabolism, you can always increase it by making a change in your diet and daily lifestyle.

There are several ways to boost your metabolism. The best way is to start exercising. Daily exercise can boost your metabolism and keep your body burning calories for hours after you stopped exercising. The more weight that your body has to move during a workout the more calories it will burn. Try to include muscle-building exercises in your workout routine. Building muscle will reduce your fat and increase your metabolism tremendously. Avoid sugar and alcohol in your diet, which can easily be converted to fat. Eat foods that have a high nutritional value to increase calorie burning during digestion. Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. Our bodies are primarily made up of water and therefore water is needed to maintain proper body functioning. Drinking different temperature water can increase metabolic rate because the body will need to burn calories to warm or cool the water once inside the body. In addition to changing your daily habits there are natural metabolism boosters that you can add to your diet.

Never skip your meals especially breakfast. When you skip meals your body thinks it is being starved and therefore drops your metabolism to store fat. By eating 5-6 small meals throughout your day you keep your metabolism at a higher rate by burning more calories. Small meals can include an apple, string cheese, yogurt, and a handful of almonds. Other additives that can boost your immune system include cayenne pepper, cinnamon, mustard, chili pepper, honey, garlic, apple cider vinegar and green tea. You can include these ingredients in your food preparation, take them individually or sprinkle them on top of your food to get an all natural boost to your metabolism. Also maintain your levels of vitamin B. The group of B vitamins are needed for many processes within the body and a deficiency can lead to depression, fatigue and disease. Taking vitamin B complex regularly can naturally boost your metabolism and keep your body healthy. In addition to drinking water throughout your day, green tea can have an added kick to your metabolic rate.


Graduated with a BA in exercise science and have worked in the medical field since. My focus is alternative medicine however all aspects of health interest me. Check out my health website! Everyday Health, Live your Life to the fullest!

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