Less is More with this Wintertime Power and Bulk Weight Training Program.
June 9, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
Article by Kevin Carbone
Less is More with this Wintertime Power and Bulk Weight Training Program. – Health – Fitness
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Less is More with this Wintertime Power and Bulk Weight Training Program.
by Kevin Carbone, FitnessSource1.com
Note: This is an advanced weight training program and should only be used by those with at least one year of consistent weighttraining behind them. You will be using heavy weight and a less strict form which could lead to injury if you don’t have a strongfoundation of previous weight training exercise to build upon.
Power and Bulk TrainingBack in the 1960’s it was quite common for bodybuilders to train during the winter months exclusively for size, strength, and mass. This was referred to as “power and bulk training” or a “bulking-up” bodybuilding routine which consisted of basic compound weight training exercises done with low reps and heavy weight. As far as diet was concerned, they ate everything and anything and in large quantities. Lots of whole eggs, whole milk,steaks, and potatoes were the order of the day. The idea was to gain as much weight, size and strength as possible during the winter and then trim down and lose the body fat for the summer months. Overall they would be bigger, stronger and would carry more muscle mass from their winter power and bulk weight training program.
When it came time to trim down for the summer, they usually allotted about 3 months for the task. This was done by cutting calories and changing their weight training routine to one of high reps and sets and adding isolation movements while using light to moderate weights. Workouts were also long which helped to burn calories. Cardio and aerobics were unheard of and generally frowned on because it was thought that this type of training broke the muscles down and would make you smaller and weaker.
Nowadays, the idea is to stay in relatively good shape all year round because this is a healthier thing to do for your body. The yo-yo effect of putting weight on and taking it off over and over again puts a strain on your system that in the long term is not good.
However, a modified power and bulk weight training program combined with current advances in diet and nutrition can be very beneficial to someone who is looking to bulk-up and add more muscle mass and strength. Follow this program for 3 months and then analyze your progress. You can continue for awhile longer if things are going well, or you can move on to a new routine if progress begins to slow or if you are putting on too much body fat.
Your workouts will be shorter with fewer exercises but they will be much more intense as you will be using heavy weights with compound power movements. That’s why I say that Less is More with this bodybuilding routine. As for diet, you will want to addat least 300-500 extra calories per day increasing your protein and carb intake while watching your fats. Make sure you consume at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. Some trainers say to eat everything and anything and not to worry about how much or what kinds of fat you consume because fats produce testosterone and testosterone produces muscle. Although this is true, the wrong type of fat eaten in abundance over an extended period of time is bad for your health. You’ve heard it before – stuff like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure,and a host of other physical problems. The critics will say that you are only going to be on this bulk and power program for 3 or 4 months so go for the gusto and eat everything because you can trim the fat off later on to be ready for the Summer months.
Personally, my long term philosophy is to have moderation in everything and this is no exception. If I were you I would add some extra fat but make sure its the good stuff like the Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) that are found in fish, fish oil, olive oil and nuts of all types (go for the unsalted variety). Definitely eat more but be sensible and don’t go crazy and eat a ton of empty calorie junk foods like doughnuts, cake, and fast foods. These contain a large amount of saturated fat and trans fat which should be avoided for general good health. Remember to have a large meal of protein and carbohydrates within one hour after your workout to help speed the recovery process and feed hungry muscles.
You will be training 3 days per week with one day off in between training days. As an example, train Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. And take Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday off. Recovery time is very important with this routine. Remember, you grow during your rest periods not in the gym. Put your aerobics on hold and do not play any strenuous sports while on this program. You must focus all of your energy on your workouts in order to progress as you should. Also, remember to get a least 8 hours of sleep with 9 or 10 hours being even better. Because yourmuscles grow when you sleep, have a whey and casein protein drinkbefore you hit the sack. The whey gets absorbed quickly but the casein get assimilated more slowly thus feeding your muscles moreconsistently through the night.
The whole premise of this routine is to handle as much weight as possible and to increase the poundages whenever you can. Use the pyramiding method where you gradually add weight to each set while doing less reps. You are to relax your strict form and “cheat” or use momentum and bounce to handle the heavier weights.
Your Power and Bulk Weight Training Schedule
Always do a warmup before attempting any workout. Start with someall-over body movements to get the heart beating and the blood flowing such as treadmill work, jumping jacks, jumping rope, etc.Then do a few exercises with light weight and high reps that target the muscle groups that you will be working on that particular workout. This is also a good time to do your abdominalexercises such as the crunch, reverse crunch, leg raises, hanging leg raises, etc. This is a good way to warm your core body temperature and get your ab work done first thing. Remember not to forget your ab work while doing this power and bulk program. Train your abs at least 2 times per week.
DAY 1 – Chest/Shoulders/Triceps
1) Flat Bench Press
2) Seated Overhead Press
3) Upright Rowing(Vary your hand grip spacing. A somewhat wider grip hits the outer or side delts more.)
4) Dips (Lean forward to work the chest more and stay vertical to work the triceps more – do both versions and add extra weight when necessary.)
DAY 2 – Legs
1) Squat
2) Leg Press
3) Deadlift (Also works the lower back)
4) Calf Heel Raise (Calves respond better to higher reps. Try a rep range of 15, 12,10, 8 for 4 sets.)
DAY 3 – Back/Traps/Biceps
1) Barbell Rowing
2) Lat Pulldowns
3) Shrug
4) Cheat Curl
Start with about 4 sets per exercise with a rep range of 10, 8, 6, 4. Pyramid or add additional weight to each set when possible.You can experiment with adding additional sets but don’t over do it because you will be using heavy weights. Also, don’t do less than 3 reps on any exercise or you will be toying with possible injury. Because you are doing only 4 exercises per training session your workout time will be shorter but more intense as youwill be using heavy weight in each set. Remember to rest long enough between sets to fully recover from the previous set, but not too long or you’ll lose your edge. If you are consistent in your training and eat correctly during the next 3-4 months you will see that Less can equal More!
About the Author
Kevin Carbone is a bodybuilding & fitness enthusiast who has decades of training experience. To read more of his articles go to http://www.FitnessSource1.com. At this site you will also findinformation on Weight Loss, Dating Guides (Guys & Gals), How to Get Your Ex Back, and How to Find the Job You Love. Plus, many FREE articles and much more. Go to: http://www.FitnessSource1.com.
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Kevin Carbone is a bodybuilding & fitness enthusiast who has decades of training experience. To read more of his articles go to http://www.FitnessSource1.com. At this site you will also findinformation on Weight Loss, Dating Guides (Guys & Gals), How to Get Your Ex Back, and How to Find the Job You Love. Plus, many FREE articles and much more. Go to: http://www.FitnessSource1.com.
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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.
www.weightgaindiary.com In this bodybuilding step by step workout guide you’re going to learn everything you need to know about setting up your own free weight training program. It isn’t as difficult as is it looks like. All you need to do is to apply the proven and working principles to your own bodybuilding regime and you’ll start to experience some serious muscle growth! I would like to apologize for my English, because it isn’t my first language and I’ve been talking in English for less than three years. In case I’ll say something wrong – please don’t kill me! www.armfatsecrets.com
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Use a Standard Weight Lifting Bench to Build More Muscle
June 2, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Lifting
A regular standard weight bench can help you build more muscle with your bodybuilding workout routines if you know how to use one correctly. Set an olympic weight bench in flat, incline, and decline positions for more options on executing compound exercises. In the flat position, do dumbbell and barbell bench presses using 4 sets of 8 to 12 reps. Do that for 3-5 weeks. Then switch over to 5 sets of 5 reps for a few weeks afterwards for proper periodization of volume and intensity. Now adjust the bench to the decline position and use dumbbells for bench presses. Start with a low volume approach. An example would be 6 sets of 3 reps or repeat five sets of five reps again.
Then go to a lower intensity (with respect to weight) and higher reps and increased frequency. Something like 4 sets of 15 would be fine. Now switch to the flat position on the weight bench and periodize accordingly again.
You can follow this same periodization scheme with other compound movements like bench rows, db rows, and shoulder presses.
You can see how versatile a weight bench is for building more strength and muscle mass. Add a squat rack or full walk-in power cage to the bench and you can perform a number of lower body compound exercises. These include deadlift, squat, stiff leg deadlift, and good mornings. If you’ve followed the above examples, you’ll know that you can organize these movements with the same rep, set, and frequency schemes. Do high reps. Do low reps. Vary your training. You’ll build more muscle and strength in the long run if you use a standard weight lifting bench wisely. It makes for a great addition to your home gym.
If you want to know more about how a weight lifting bench can help you build muscle, then look into our standard weight bench guide.
Bench Press
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More Benefits of resistance strength training For Women – Weight Loss
May 28, 2012 by admin
Filed under Resistance Training
Article by Diana Simmons
More Benefits of resistance strength training For Women – Weight Loss – Health – Fitness
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Benefits of strength training
1.Arthritis relief – Tufts university recently completed a strength training program with older men and women with moderate to severe knee osteoarthritis. The results of the 16 week study showed that strength training decreased pain by 43%, increased muscle strength and general physical performance, improved the clinical signs and symptoms of the disease and decreased disability. The effectiveness of strength training to ease the pain of osteoarthritis was just as potent if not more potent, as medicines. Similar effects of strength training have been seen in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
2. Restoration of balance and reduction of falls- As people age, poor flexibility contribute to falls and broken bones. These fractures can result in significant disability and in some cases fatal complications. Strength training, when done properly and through the whole range of motion, increase a persons flexibility and balance, which decreases the likelihood and severity of falls. One study in New Zealand in women 80 years of age and older, showed a 40 % reduction in falls with simple strength and balance training.
3. Strengthening of bone- Post menopausal women can lose 1-2% of their bone mass annually. Results from a study conducted at Tufts University, which were published in the Journal of American Medical Association showed that strength training increased bone density and reduced the risk for fractures among women 50-70
4. Proper weight maintenance- Strength training is crucial to weight control, because individuals who have more muscle mass have a higher metabolic rate. Muscle is active tissue that consumes calories while stored fat uses very little energy. Strength training can provide up to a 15% increase in metabolic rate, which is enormously helpful for weight loss and long term weight control.
5. Improved glucose control- more than 14 million American have type 2 diabetes- a staggering 300% increase over the past 40 years- and the numbers are steadily climbing. In addition to being at greater risk for heart and renal disease, diabetes is also the leading cause of blindness in older adults. Fortunately, studies now show that lifestyle changes such as strength training have a profound impact on helping older adults manage their diabetes.
6. Healthy state of Mind- Strength training provides similar improvements in depression as anti-depressant medications. Currently it is not known if this is because people feel better when they are stronger or if strength training produces a helpful biochemical change in the brain. It is most likely a combination of the two. When older adults participate in strength training programs, their self-confidence and self-esteem improve, which has a strong impact on their overall quality of life.
7. Sleep improvement- People who exercise regularly enjoy improved sleep quality. They fall asleep more quickly, sleep more deeply, awaken less often and sleep longer. As with depression, the sleep benefits obtained as a result of strength training are comparable to treatment with medication but without the side effects or expense.
8.Healthy heart tissue- Strength training is important for cardiac health because heart disease risk is lower when the body is leaner. One study found that cardiac patients gained not only strength and flexibility but also aerobic capacity when they did strength training three times a week as part of their rehabilitation program. This and other studies have prompted the American Heart Association to recommend strength training as a way to reduce risk of heart disease and as therapy for patients in cardiac rehabilitation programs.
Scientific research has shown that exercise can slow that physiological aging clock. While aerobic exercises such as waking jogging or swimming has many excellent health benefits, it maintains the heart and lungs, and increases cardiovascular fitness and endurance, it does not make your muscles strong. Strength training does. Studies have shown that strength training 3 times a week increases strength by building muscle mass and bone density.
As With any new exercise program, always consult your doctor before you start. Listen to your body and take baby steps, mark your progress, and as always, Have Fun!
More resources on getting fit below
Fat Burning Nutrition ‘Bible’ – Others Come And Go. Burn The Fat Is A Perennial Best Seller Since 2003. Click Here!
No Nonsense Muscle Building – The honest source on getting lean, strong and muscularClick Here!
About the Author
Working in fitness for 23 years. I have assisted people in reaching their fitness goals and supported them in changing their lives.
Most workouts get you little results, don’t work hard for nothing Get a great workout and greater results!Benefits to strength training
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Working in fitness for 23 years. I have assisted people in reaching their fitness goals and supported them in changing their lives.
Most workouts get you little results, don’t work hard for nothing Get a great workout and greater results!Benefits to strength training
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Circuit Training: Adding More Fun to Your Workouts…
May 4, 2012 by admin
Filed under Circuit Training
Article by M. Jamal
A group gym exercise method in which endurance exercises (those that increase endurance and stamina) are combined with strength exercises (those that develop the size and strength of skeletal muscles) is known as circuit training.
In circuit training, stations are positioned around the facility, with each one focusing on a different exercise – sit-ups, pushups, resistance training, weight training, and others.
Participating individuals are assigned to each station for mini-workouts of 8-20 repetitions each, and rotate to the next station with little or no rest in between those 15-45 second turns.
This goes on until all stations have been tackled by a participant (one complete circuit) or until a pre-specified time period.
The program may consist of exercise machines, calisthenics, elastic resistance, hand-held weights, or a combination of any of these. Between each station, a 30-second to 3-minute aerobics workout is squeezed in to improve the participant’s cardiorespiratory endurance.
This program was developed in 1953 by G.T. Anderson and R.E. Morgan in London and originally comprised 9-12 stations. Today, any number of stations can be employed, according to the circuit’s design.
This type of workout is preferred by those who want to get an intensive strength and resistance training because the in-between rests are eliminated to take the participant to her maximum target heart rate as well as her maximum physical effort.
Others turn to circuit training simply for the variety.
If you’ve been solely on the treadmill for months, or have never tried anything other than the stepper, then circuit training can definitely keep you from getting bored with exercising.
Dr. Len Kravitz, a researcher at the University of Mexico and Program Coordinator of Exercise Science, believes that “variety” of the stimulus to muscle is important, and that if these stimuli are not regularly changed, the benefits gained in muscular or strength endurance will eventually plateau.
What are the advantages of circuit training?
* Circuit training is flexible.If you’ve got time constraints, a total-body workout can be finished in roughly 10 minutes. If more time is available, you can finish up to four circuits, which would total about 45 minutes.
* Circuit training is challenging and can be psychologically rewarding.A study on unfit female college students concluded that those who were involved in circuit training improved in several aspects of body image more than those who only trained aerobically (Anshel, et al., Journal of Sport Behavior, 2006).
* Circuit training involves a very quick pace that is great for fat-burning.
* Circuit training can be fashioned to whatever fitness level you’re at – whether you’re an expert or beginner, you can work out at an intensity that suits you.
* Circuit training can be done either at your home or in the gym.
Mohamed Jamal is founder of FunLadyFitness.com a fresh look into women fitness and tips with downloadable special reports that could boost your next workout.
Visit http://www.funladyfitness.com to see the latest special reports and tips.
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Workout Tips – Make Your Workouts More Effective
March 26, 2012 by admin
Filed under Exercise Tips
Article by Eric Bernard
Weight plateaus happen to everyone, whether you’re trying to lose weight or bulk up. Your body just hits a point where it won’t respond to the same workouts on a repeated, consistent routine. Open up about your problem and everyone you know – especially those not exercising – will feed you with a variety of exercise tips to help you stay the course.Put the random excercise to the side and consider what you can do that is relevant to your specific workout. In many cases, the repetitive nature of a workout is the cause. An easy way to break through stubborn loss or gain is to just change up your workout. Work different muscle groups with different weights, frequencies, reps, etc. Also check your diet to make sure it’s balanced for your workout plan.If that doesn’t produce results, here are some additional workout tips to get your body back on track.Workout Tips to Success – Set New GoalsChances are good that your goals may not be inline with your workout, or that you’re setting milestones too far ahead. Set smaller goals and work toward them. One of the best workout tips to breaking through barriers is to head in a different direction. exercise to Success – Set a New ScheduleYour body has likely adjusted to your schedule and is expecting the same steady workout. If you workout in the evening, switch over to the morning and let your workout fuel your day. The metabolism boost could improve your calorie burn during the day. If you only workout twice a week, add a day and reschedule your workouts. Make sure you write your schedule down; you’ll be more likely to adhere to it.Workout Tips to Success – StretchHere’s one of several surprise workout tips; if you’re not stretching at all, or not properly, you’re not relieving the tension and stress on your body. This leads to inefficiency in the performance of your muscles while you’re working out.Workout Tips to Success – Keep a Food JournalThe chances are good that you’re taking in more calories – and the wrong kinds of foods – more than you think. Want workout tips that break the cycle? Keep track of your food. Not only will this show you where you take in too much, but it will show you the time and days where you don’t take in enough nutrients for your body.Workout Tips to Success – Remember the ProteinTaking in protein right after you exercise is important. It’s the fuel used to repair the muscles after they go through the strain of a rigorous workout. Protein shortens recovery time and helps the muscle build faster. This is great for strength training and those bulking up. If you’re trying to lose weight, that lean muscle will help increase your metabolism, effectively burning off more calories when you workout.Lastly, one of the best workout tips you’ll get is to drink water. Far too many people are afraid of water gain when they are trying to lose weight. Don’t just drink after a workout. Take in plenty of water throughout the day. If you’re dehydrated, your metabolism will plummet.
Eric Bernard is the marketing manager of Sixpackfactory.com who promotes its fitness videos throughout Globe. Checkout free abs workout videos and get workout tips at his website –> http://www.sixpackfactory.com/
How female body builders can build more muscle mass naturally.
March 25, 2012 by admin
Filed under Body Builders
Article by Fritz Blanc
If you are a female body builder aspiring to develop your body and eventually enter your first female body building contest, you are certainly aware that you’ll need to do your homework in order to reach the desire amount of muscle mass and definition required. Building muscle is like building a house, you need to have a plan and work on that plan and finally one day you see the finished product of all your hard work. A female body builder can train much the same way as a male body builder. The only thing is that a man is generally stronger therefore can handle more weight than a woman body builder.
The female body builder needs to develop a good training routine. It would be a good idea to get a trainer for the first few training sessions so that she learns the correct way to do the exercises and the correct way to use the gym equipment.
How do the hormones work to build the muscle of the female body builder?Men and women produce exactly the same hormones, only in different amounts. It may come as a surprise to know that women’s ovaries primarily produce testosterone, from which estrogen is then made. This ovarian production accounts for one-quarter of the total circulating testosterone in a woman’s body. Testosterone is one of a family of hormones called androgens
To raise her muscle building hormone level, a woman body builder must always train with 100 % effort and intensity. If the female body builder wants to see real muscle gains, she must be willing to push herself to the limit in the gym everytime.
Diet to boost testosterone level in female body building:Oysters is loaded with zinc mineral and should be a food in your top food group. Zinc does many important things in the body, but one of them is to help create more muscle and thereby boost testosterone levels for the muscular development of the woman body builder. Chicken will also give the woman body builder a goodly amount of protein.
The egg yolks contain cholesterol and testosterone is produced from cholesterol, therefore consuming egg yolks would be a good way to get the important building blocks for testosterone for the female body builder.
Now, don’t be too concerned about clogging up your arteries, most people don’t realize that actually 85% to 95% of your cholesterol is made by your liver, and not from the foods you eat. Eggs yolks also contained other essential nutrients and vitamins.
A compound in garlic called allicin is one of the the best natural ways to raise the levels of muscle building hormone in a woman body builder. Allicin breaks down easily, so do get real garlic, not the supplements which often don’t have any active allicin left to raise any testosterone level. Broccoli and Cabbage can also be a great natural testosterone boosters because they contain Indole-3-carbinol.
I don’t have to remind any woman body builder to limit her consumption of alcohol and cigarette. Alcohol has been shown to have quite a dramatic effect on testosterone levels. Also make sure to get adequate sleep every night. A lack of sleep contributes to cortisol production, and this will lower your testosterone levels.
Among the best natural ways to raise testosterone levels is exercise which should be of short duration and high intensity in order to boost human growth hormone production and keeps testosterone levels peaked for the female building her body. Obviously not everyone can exercise this vigorously, so make sure you talk to your doctor before you do.
The woman body builder will focus on high intensity exercises which require large muscles of the body such as leg squats and bench presses. In conclusion, if you follow the tips above which will raise your natural testosterone level. You will therefore be well on your way to build the mass and the definition required to win the next female body building contest.
Fritz has a web site dedicated to body buiding: http://www.muscle-sculpting.infohttp://www.muscle-sculpting.info/bodybuilding/

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How to Do More Pull Ups With 3 Easy Tips
Many people say that the ultimate test of true strength is the pull up, since it really shows how strong you are in comparison to your own body weight. Here are 3 easy tips to help you do more pull ups:
To Complete Your First Pull Up, Use a Chair
If you can’t yet do one pull up, stand on a chair and do one. This is a good way to train your body to get used to completing the motion and to increase your upper back and shoulder strength. Do this as often as possible (as in, whenever you’re not sore) and watch as soon you’ll be able to complete one pull up without a chair!
Use a Thick Bar
If you use a bar that’s thicker than a normal pull up bar, you’ll be working your muscles harder since it’s harder to grip. If you train on a thick bar, when you finally go back to using a normal bar it will feel easy and you’ll be surprised by how many more pull ups you’ll be able to do!
Push Yourself to Fatigue
If you’re in a rut and can’t increase how many pull ups you can do, try doing them until you’re fatigued.
That means that if you’re used to doing 3 sets of 5, try doing one more set until you literally cannot do any more. This is a great technique to push yourself out of a pull up rut and increase how many pull ups you can do.
There You Have It…
There you have it. Try these tips and watch as you’re able to do more pull ups than ever!
About The Author: Rafi Bar-Lev is an avid athlete who teaches people how to get into shape and get through hard injuries. He is funny, informative, and to the point. He manages to give advice that is just as relevant to someone who is 200 pounds overweight as to a competitive athlete looking for that extra “edge”, which is what makes his site so popular. Learn how to start meeting your fitness goals today and visit his site – http://thefitnessadviser.com
Take more out of personal fitness training
February 25, 2012 by admin
Filed under Fitness Training
Article by Albert Wessel
Personal fitness training is physical training given to you by a professional fitness trainer personally. Fitness clubs, gyms etc offer memberships that allow every person who has paid fees for the membership. In this way, you never know about the number of members in the gym or fitness center. You may get surprise when entering into fitness clubs for the first time looking at so many people exercising.
While doing exercises, there are many chances that you got to wait for the instrument to become vacant so that you use it. This happens especially when you are a member of fitness center where many people come daily. Personal fitness training is all apart from this hassle. You may be provided with gym instructor or fitness instructor who would guide you regarding exercises and physical workout.
Personal fitness training may come with guidance about different gym equipments’ operation and handling and also about aerobic and anaerobic fitness exercises. The gym instructor may also advise about lifestyle to be adopted and most importantly, postures to be followed. Many health care centers and fitness clubs now have extra experts such as dieticians and physiotherapists to enhance their services and bring more attention toward customers. Personal fitness training may also include free consultation with dietician about lifestyle and dietary modification.
There are many benefits that come with personal fitness training such as…
1. There would be personal attention about physical workout
2. You can ask as many questions as you want regarding fitness and how to use an equipment.
3. You do not need to wait for equipment to get vacant. Personal fitness training is timely scheduled where you can have access to any instrument or equipment you want.
4. You can also include dietician or physiotherapist for your personal fitness training.
5. The results you may have for your health betterment would be more satisfactory as compared to general fitness training with other gym members
6. The time can be set according to your convenience. Personal fitness training comes with time flexibility
7. Personal fitness training can be arranged at any place you want. On the other hand, if you become a member of any fitness club or health care center, you may have to follow rules and regulations set by the club or center. If you have enough instruments at home, personal fitness training may be arranged at home with no hassles and you can concentrate better on personal fitness.
Whether you go for personal fitness training or join some health care club, gym or fitness center, the ultimate motto is to remain fit and fine. If your body is fit and fine, you face no difficulties in day-to-day routine. The immune system gets boosted and you contract less health ailments as compared to a person who is sitting idle all time, with no physical workout. The joints may become more flexible and the tones of muscles get better. This all, in turn, leads to healthy body and so the life.
Read about Gyms Also Read about Fitness Centres and Health Clubs
How to Get More Fit One Step at a Time
February 6, 2012 by admin
Filed under Get in Shape
Article by Bernard J. Elliot
Exercising is certainly an important part of getting fit and healthy but it isn’t all there is. Real fitness is more than just going for a run or lifting weights once in a while. You need to make smart choices in all areas of your life if you truly want to get fit. As you get older, leading a healthy lifestyle and being in good shape becomes more important. Think about it: how often do you tell yourself “I need to get healthy” over the course of a day, a week, a month or even a year?
Thankfully you can do a few things today to start to increase your health and fitness. Here are a few tips and tricks that you can use to be healthier and more physically fit.
Find a program to join. There are lots of programs that you can join with to give you support for increased fitness. It’s likely that there are a lot of different fitness programs to take part in at your community center or local gym. If those aren’t what you are looking for, you can find a variety of programs online. The Couch to 5K program is great training for people who want to increase their fitness levels and their endurance. The 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels is also very popular. These are just a couple of the programs you can do on your own that people have used and found success with. Give yourself some time to find a program that works great for you.
Ask a personal trainer for help. You are probably flirting with the idea of joining a gym (or quite possibly have already paid to join one). Lots of gyms have personal trainers on hand who can help you learn about fitness and help you put together a workout that you can use to get healthy. Personal trainers will be well versed in the gym’s equipment and can help you figure out which machines to use, which classes to take and how much time you should spend on your fitness. Your personal trainer will also act as your own personal cheerleader. Lots of people are scared to put together their own fitness routines. Working side by side with someone who is experienced in fitness and who wants you to succeed can help with that.
Start slowly and work your way up to a more involved routine. Beginners are generally unable to run ten miles when they start exercising. A person is almost never able to lift one hundred pounds when they begin lifting weights. Begin with simple and slow exercises and gradually build the intensity of your workout. When you try to do too much too fast you will most likely end up injured. If you try to push too much too quickly you could do a lot of damage. When you are planning your workout and fitness regimes, talk to doctors, trainers and physical therapists to get advice. Fitness is a total mind and body state of being. Even if you work out every single day you won’t get any healthier if you aren’t also nuturing your brain and soul. To really be fit you need to eat good food and make good lifestyle decisions. Of course, regular exercise is still very important to your overall fitness. Work with someone who knows what they are doing, be practical and use your common sense and eventually you will achieve a wonderful level of fitness.
For more information, please visit Bernard’s sites: Signs of Colon Cancer in Women, Symptoms of Colon Cancer in Women
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Bodyweight Training For Fitness: More Than You Think?
December 22, 2011 by admin
Filed under Endurance Training
Article by Eddie Lomax
Fitness is a complex term. This is why when you ask someone for a universal definition of fitness you usually get something vague like this, “Fitness is being fit”. Don’t believe me, ask someone (even fitness professionals). But once you understand the true nature of fitness, I’m confident you’ll see why bodyweight training for fitness should be a part of your over-all workout program.
So, let’s begin with my definition of physical fitness!
Fitness is the acceptable and deliberate compromise of competence and ability to perform in all the areas of cardiorespiratory endurance, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance, accuracy and toughness to produce optimum performance results under the greatest amount of circumstances.
You’d better read that again to make sure you get it.
As you can see, fitness is more than being strong. It is more than having powerful heart and lungs. Fitness is the ability to use all your physical abilities simultaneously and seamlessly to overcome physical challenges. And bodyweight training is an excellent method for training for over-all fitness!
Normally, people seeking fitness focus on only one or two of the physical abilities needed to be fit. Or, they base their training on the RESULT of being fit, like burning fat or building muscle. You see, having muscle or being lean does not necessarily mean you are fit! However, being fit usually manifests itself as a strong, muscular, lean body.
There are three types of challenges you’ll face in sport, work and life.
1) The challenge requires you move your body to successfully complete the task2) The challenge requires you move an exterior object to successfully complete the task3) The challenge requires you to move your body and an exterior object to successfully complete the task
And to make things more complicated, the challenge can require any of the physical abilities of fitness and in any combination. As you can see, being able to move your own body is needed for two of the types of challenges, and therefore should be trained accordingly. Bodyweight training is that important.
Think of it this way, there are so many abilities to train in order to be fit, you need a versatile tool capable of training them all. And there is no better tool than your own body. Bodyweight training can effectively target all of the physical abilities needed to be fit.
Compare bodyweight training to weight training. Bodyweight training is a much more accessible and versatile form of training. Don’t get me wrong, I like weight training and think it superior for some types of training. I just think bodyweight training has more to offer in terms of improving all the physical skills of fitness.
So, if you want to truly be fit, you need to improve all the physical abilities of fitness. Bodyweight training for fitness should be a part of everyone’s physical training program. Because when you are truly fit, you’ll not only meet the challenges of sport, work and life with excellence, you’ll look great too!
Coach Eddie Lomax, author of Workout Without Weights has put together a bodyweight calisthenics progressive program together that takes bodyweight training for fitness to the next level!
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