Bodybuilding Motivation: Inspiration for Lifting and Life

October 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

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With each stride; each repetition, With each run into the wind and rain, Each set to fatigue that seems unwinnable, with each strange look from comfortable passengers in a car, I continue to fight. Each rep, each stretch, each gate means one step closer. Each stride and pull makes my enemies shrink in fear and my allies feel more secure. This isn’t lifting, working out, or jogging. This is a battle. No, this is war. And I forgot to bring my white f… More >>

Bodybuilding Motivation: Inspiration for Lifting and Life

Get Started Today With These Fitness Tips for Motivation

May 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Article by CoenMayes Sander1

Get Started Today With These Fitness Tips for Motivation – Sports

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3 Proven Fitness Tips for Motivation

The US is now one of the most overweight nations in the world. Some effective fitness tips for motivation are something lots of Americans could really use right now! Fitness tips, however, are meant to be put into action consistently, so it’s not enough to just know about them. It’s really quite simple to exercise once you get started. All it takes is to get into motion. It doesn’t have to be complicated, and all you really need to do is take a walk, and you’ve made a start. Do this for a few days in a row, and you have a new healthy habit. This can gradually turn into a life changing activity. Pat yourself on the back for each walk you take, as this takes a certain amount of discipline. The important thing is to get started. The following fitness tips can be used to help motivate you.

One of the most powerful devices you can use to accomplish anything, no matter what, is to set goals for yourself. If you’re like lots of people, you’ve been told this before, but you still don’t make use of it. In order to succeed with goal setting, you have to do it right. First, make them realistic and attainable.

The next thing to remember is you’re not trying to take over the world overnight. You don’t have to try to be a world conqueror. Be sure to establish smaller, bite sized goals because they will make it all much easier for you. Schedule your goals, both short and long term, so that you can realistically accomplish them. Find a pace that works for you, and take slow, steady steps forward every day.

Certain mistakes can stop you in your tracks when you begin a fitness or exercise program. Choosing a type of exercise you dislike is one mistake lots of people make. But for whatever reason you feel it needs to be done. You may have convinced yourself that this particular approach is the only one. If you really don’t like something, you should find an alternative. There’s no point in continuing, as you will end up quitting at some point. People naturally will find a way to get out of doing something they don’t like. So, easy solution… find something you like to do for fitness and then have fun. Then you’ll have no trouble motivating yourself to do it.

Decide that you will build, cultivate, and maintain a positive attitude in all areas of your life.

Naturally, it’s not always easy to stay positive all the time. Yet, if you can do it, you can achieve great results. This is worth noting here, because a positive approach will make you more likely to succeed with an exercise program. It’s been proven that this is true for anything you want to achieve. Keep in mind that whatever you do will have an effect on the rest of your life as well. You can get a sense of accomplishment when you stick to your fitness program. When you feel good about fitness, this will enable you to strengthen your overall positive approach to life. You should try it.

These fitness tips for motivation are highly effective, so keep them in mind as you prepare to make important changes. Today is the best day to get started, and then just make it a daily habit.

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Thanks a lot for reading my article I wrote I really hope you appreciated this write-up. I would like to highly recommend to you the following two web sites: Fighting in Koh Samui and Muay Thai Thailand seeing that they might be of interest to you personally.

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CoenMayes Sander1

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Thanks a lot for reading my article I wrote I really hope you appreciated this write-up. I would like to highly recommend to you the following two web sites: Fighting in Koh Samui and Muay Thai Thailand seeing that they might be of interest to you personally.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Practical Fitness Tips that Provide Quick Motivation

February 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Article by Binford Noto

Americans are now leading the world in having the most overweight population. It would seem, therefore, that fitness tips for motivation are urgently needed by many people in the US! Fitness tips, however, are meant to be put into action consistently, so it’s not enough to just know about them. Exercise is not something that’s difficult to do. You only have to get your body moving. It doesn’t have to be complicated, and all you really need to do is take a walk, and you’ve made a start. Do the same thing tomorrow. This simple activity can be the start of a highly beneficial exercise program. Look for positive results; applaud yourself for taking that little walk each day. The important thing is to get started. Here are some fitness tips for motivation that are designed to be put into action.

A simple but proven method to produce great results is to set specific goals. Many people read or hear this, but they still fail to do it. For goal setting to work, it must be approached in the proper manner. To begin with, set goals that you feel you can really accomplish.

Next, don’t attempt to achieve your goals within a day or two. You can’t expect to go from being a couch potato to a world class athlete. What you should do instead is create a series of small goals that you can work on, one at a time. Create a deadline for your long term and short term goals, one that’s not beyond your abilities. All that’s necessary is to keep moving forward a little at a time.

Certain mistakes can stop you in your tracks when you begin a fitness or exercise program. One such dream killing mistake is doing something you hate, or maybe at least do not like. It becomes a chore that you force yourself to do. You might believe you have to do this to reach your goals. You really shouldn’t force yourself to do something that makes you miserable. It’s practically a certainty that you will not be able to stick with it anyway. That is understandable, too, because people tend to avoid doing what they do not like to do. The simple alternative is to find an activity you enjoy that can help make you fit. Then you’ll have no trouble motivating yourself to do it.

Developing a positive outlook in general can be a way to motivate yourself for fitness.

Naturally, it’s not always easy to stay positive all the time. It can help you accomplish almost anything, though, so you should find a way to do it. It’s much easier to stay motivated with your fitness program if your general attitude is positive. You can use this to help yourself with any goal or activity. Improving one area of your life, this will impact other areas as well. The more you stick to your exercise program, the better you’ll feel. By feeling good about one thing, like fitness, your general positive attitude can be reinforced. You should try it.

You can transform yourself a great deal by implementing the above fitness tips for motivation. Today is the best day to get started, and then just make it a daily habit.

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