3 Simple Tips about Diets for Building Muscle

July 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Fitness

Article by Balu Muscle

3 Simple Tips about Diets for Building Muscle – Health

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You have probably heard the saying that your time spend in the gym is 20% and your nutrition is 80%, but knowing what diets for building muscle is the right one demands that you follow some guidelines.

In this article I won’t talk about what diets for building muscle you should pick, but rather I will talk about some important guidelines and rules, if followed, making your own diets for muscle building will be a breeze.

What to know about diets for building muscle

-<u>Tip #1 in diets for building muscle:</u>

Your diets for muscle building must include a good amount of proteins. Proteins is food for your muscles and like we human beings need food to survive, your muscles also need protein to grow.

A good rule of thumb is to have 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight (New research shows that even 0.5-1 grams of protein in your diets for building muscle can also work).

Foods with protein in diets for muscle building can be: Fish, Chicken, Meat, Egg, Mixed nuts, cheese and beans just to name a few.

-<u>Tip #2 in diets for building muscle:</u>

Food timing is a very overlooked factor, but every bodybuilder or instructors can tell you how imperative this tip is. The first thing you need to know about food timing in your diet for muscle building is that you should not let more than 3 hours pass between your meals. Eating on a regular basis will keep your body in an anabolic state, which is how you build mass.

The second fact about food timing in diets for building muscle is what you digest at what time. You need to eat less carbs later in the evening and before you sleep. This tip in diets for building muscle is also of great importance, as you don’t burn a lot of energy when you sleep.

And the energy you don’t burn will be turned into fat. That is why eating carbs earlier in the day in your muscle building diet is preferred because of your body movement throughout the day and body movement equals use of energy.

Power of simple adjustments in diets for building muscle

-<u>Tip #3 in diets for building muscle</u>:

In your diets for building muscle plan, you need to include a protein shake right after your workout. This is because you muscles eat a lot of vital nutrients and proteins while you are working out and it needs protein in its recovery process, which is after you have been working out.

Your protein shake should also include some carbs, as your muscles need tools to repair themselves with and including carbs in your post workout shake in diets for muscle building will transport the protein a lot faster to your muscles.

These simple 3 tips, if included in your diets for building muscle, will make a tremendous change in getting closer to your dream physique.

About the Author

Are you tired of not being able to wear the clothes you want, not feeling comfortable in your body, not liking what you see in the mirror and not being able to go to the beach? Then visit us at Best Way to Build Muscle to make your Dream Physique become a Reality….


CytoSport Muscle Milk Light, Strawberry Milkshake 1.65 lb

July 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Milk

  • 1.65 lb

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CytoSport Muscle Milk Light, Strawberry Milkshake 1.65 lb (750 g)… More >>

CytoSport Muscle Milk Light, Strawberry Milkshake 1.65 lb

Muscle Secrets – Getting Massive – How To Get Massive Muscle As Fast As Humanly Possible

July 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

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If you want enormous muscle growth, massive arms and an impressiv chest together with the raw power that enable you to out-press and pull  almost everyone in the gym than Getting Massive if for you.

Using the most current research findings Malik Martinez has put together a easy-to-follow plan which will shatter your notions of of how
much muscle you can put on your frame in as little as 8 weeks.


– The… More >>

Muscle Secrets – Getting Massive – How To Get Massive Muscle As Fast As Humanly Possible

What Is Circuit Training? And How It Will Add Muscle Definition

July 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscular Endurance

Article by Timothy Downey

What Is Circuit Training? And How It Will Add Muscle Definition – Health – Fitness

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It’s funny that anytime I talk with men and women when it comes to working out and bring up the expression Circuit training I always get a similar reaction. What is curcuit training? Most people have an understanding but just can’t explain exactly what it is or how it works. In case you’re new to this term perhaps you might want to learn what it is and how you can use it to increase muscle, shed fat and enjoy a more effective overall body workout.

What is Circuit Training?

Well, it’s really quite simple to understand. Circuit training is actually a kind of conditioning combining resistance training and high-intensity aerobics. It’s meant to be simple to adhere to and target strength building together with muscular endurance. An exercise “circuit” is one completion of all suggested exercises inside the program. When one circuit is finished, one can start the first exercise over again for another circuit. Usually, the time in between exercises in circuit training is quick, often with swift movement to another exercise.

Combining resistance training and cardiovascular training

This really is one of the things I really like about circuit training. Any time you include resistance training and aerobic training it helps save you time in the gym. You’re getting the two of them finished in one workout. You can do resistance training with light weight and high repetitions or by simply employing your bodyweight. Both versions of training will provide the level of resistance required to boost muscle growth. The cardiovascular training is from the fast rest periods involved when switching from one exercise to the next. You can also include more cardio training by adding in an exercise in the circuit which involves getting the heart rate up rapidly.

Why I favor body weight workouts when circuit training?

Bodweight workouts are an excellent way to get resistance training and aerobic training all at once. They require minimal floor space (you could do them in your living room) and mimimal equipment. Bodyweight circuits seem like they could be easy but wait until you see how tough they are when a qualified personal trainer puts one together.

Circuit training and muscle definintion

So if somebody were to ask me what is circuit training I would give them the definition that I mentioned previously then immediately go on to discuss the advantages of body weight workouts carried out in a circuit fashion. And why combining this along with your regular gym program is what will provide you with the muscle definition of an athlete.

About the Author

Tim Downey has been a fitness consultant for over 18 years. He specializes in giving advice to men and women who want to develop a lean and toned body that appeals to the opposite sex. I write and develop well thought out and researched articles on my popular website The Lean Look.

“I believe that most people would rather have the build of an underwear model, instead of looking like a bodybuilder. I think that there is a major gap in the fitness industry that I’m looking to fill. You must train differently than a bodybuilder if you want a lean sexy body.”

Tim also practices what he preaches…

“I have nice six pack abs 12 months out of the year and I’m very defined without being overly muscular. My goal is to help as many people as possible reach their goals of looking like a Calvin Klein -or- Victoria’s Secret Underwear Model.”

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Timothy Downey

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Tim Downey has been a fitness consultant for over 18 years. He specializes in giving advice to men and women who want to develop a lean and toned body that appeals to the opposite sex. I write and develop well thought out and researched articles on my popular website The Lean Look.

“I believe that most people would rather have the build of an underwear model, instead of looking like a bodybuilder. I think that there is a major gap in the fitness industry that I’m looking to fill. You must train differently than a bodybuilder if you want a lean sexy body.”

Tim also practices what he preaches…

“I have nice six pack abs 12 months out of the year and I’m very defined without being overly muscular. My goal is to help as many people as possible reach their goals of looking like a Calvin Klein -or- Victoria’s Secret Underwear Model.”

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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Bodyweight Circuit Training For Lean Muscle And Fat Loss

July 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by Joe

Bodyweight Circuit Training For Lean Muscle And Fat Loss – Health – Weight Loss

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Bodyweight Exercises Don’t Work For Gaining Lean Muscle Do they?

What About Fat Loss How Do They Help You Lose Fat?

How is it possible that doing a bodyweight circuit training workout can get you results in lean muscle gains, muscle density and fat burning?

“This isn’t for me. I’m an old school guy. Barbells, Dumbbells and Kettlebells are the way to go,” right?

Now I’ve been a weight training guy for almost 40 years now. I grew up on the lift big and get big philosophy. I was 13 saw a bodybuilding magazine while I was at the Jersey shore and was hooked. I lifted with the idea of gaining as much muscle as possible.

A few years back my ideas about training and how I wanted to look changed. I decided I was getting a little older so I wanted a more lean muscled athletic look. Increase my muscle density and burn more fat. I started reading about bodyweight circuit training and interval training.

But You Don’t Lift Anything With Bodyweight Circuit Training?

I figured if I wasn’t lifting anything how could I keep lean muscle while dropping body fat and increasing muscle density?

Could A Bodyweight Workout Like This Add Lean Muscle And Burn Fat?

** Jumping Jacks

** Push – Ups

** Squats

** Burpees

** Mountain Climbers

** Lunges

Now typically with a bodyweight circuit training workout what you do is one exercise after another, rest about 1 minute and continue for 3-6 circuits. Do this 3-4 times a week. The workouts should take no more than 30 minutes.

So as I said this is a few years ago before interval training and these circuit training workouts started showing up online. Now many years ago bodyweight exercises were very popular in the fitness and bodybuilding circles. But with the advent of aerobics and all the shiny machines they were forgotten. So here was my problem the years of heavy weight training added muscle but also some fat.

What Should I do?

At the time the consensus was running. Jump on a treadmill run for an hour or so 5-6 day’s a week. I hate to run. So this idea didn’t sit well with me. So anyway as I said I started reading about interval training and bodyweight circuit training routines like the one above.

Let me tell you I thought this won’t work it’s too easy. Boy was I wrong. I barely got through the circuit twice. So right from that first workout the way I was huffing and puffing trying to get through that circuit twice I knew okay there is something to these bodyweight circuit training workouts. And I could do them at home was another added bonus. And they take half the time of those marathon cardio workouts that were all the rage.

Okay flash forward a few years. My bodyweight went from a high of 240 lbs to between 185 – 190 today. Bodyweight circuit training really made a difference.

About the Author

Now doing these type of circuits along with my weight training and kettlebell workouts gives me great variety in my workouts. The result? I got the desired lean muscle, lower body fat and greater muscle density and my workouts are never boring.

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Now doing these type of circuits along with my weight training and kettlebell workouts gives me great variety in my workouts. The result? I got the desired lean muscle, lower body fat and greater muscle density and my workouts are never boring.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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1 lb. L-Glutamine Amino Acid Protein Powder Pure Muscle Body Building Weight Lifting Depression Arthritis USP & FCC Food Grade By Dual Health

July 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements

  • Guaranteed 100% Pure. No Fillers or Additives.
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1. Irritable bowel syndrome- If you suffer from this syndrome that is associated with diarrhea and poor digestion, L-glutamine can help. The supplement works by repairing the gastrointestinal lining, and improving nutrient absorption.
2. If you have diabetes, L-glutamine is used to effectively aid in glucose utilization by keeping blood sugar levels normal. L-Glutamine health benefits include reducing insulin resistance in those who have a diet high in fat… More >>

1 lb. L-Glutamine Amino Acid Protein Powder Pure Muscle Body Building Weight Lifting Depression Arthritis USP & FCC Food Grade By Dual Health

Diet To Gain Muscle Mass – How To Increase muscle so smart and effective

July 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Article by Adams

Diet To Gain Muscle Mass – How To Increase muscle so smart and effective – Health – Fitness

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When looking for a diet to, you have already separated from the rest of the others who think the only exercise will help you gain muscle.

You see, the diet to increase muscle mass is an important part of bodybuilding and without it, but you’re wasting much time. What we want is the kind of diet to gain muscle that can help us on our way to building muscle.

Diet To Gaining Muscle Mass – The List

The following diet to gain muscle mass which includes foods you probably already heard, and some foods that may surprise you to hear but also help.

– Lean meat: We’ve all heard of the flesh as a great source to strengthen the muscles and the reason is that it contains a number rich in protein. And proteins are essential to build muscle.

Another reason I lean meat is on our list of diet to gain muscle mass is due to the high amount of iron and other essential vitamins.

– Chicken: Chicken is another great source of chicken in the diet to increase muscle mass. Has almost 25 grams of protein per 100 grams. That’s a lot and has much less saturated fat than meat, so many people prefer chicken over beef.Ads by Google

– Salmon: All fish are great for building muscle, but salmon is a little better. It contains a large amount of omega 3 fatty acids, besides being rich in protein. Salmon is also a great source of other vitamins and minerals essential for a healthy body, which is another reason why you should include salmon in your diet once or twice a week.

– Eggs: Small, cheap, easy to make and packed with protein. Besides having a lot of healthy fat.

– Yogurt: Not many people know this, but yogurt is a great source of protein, plus it contains bacteria that are good for the digestive system. You can not lose this detail in your diet.

– Nuts: Nuts come in many varieties and they all work very well in our diet to gain muscle mass. Specifically almonds and cashew nuts are very good. They are rich in protein and healthy fats.

1,2,3 Go!

Before going crazy with all the food in the list, there are some tips to keep in mind. Come about 6 meals a day. Do not miss more than 3 hours between your meals. Eat less carbs, sleep well and avoid fast food because of the unnecessary fat.

Follows this diet to gain muscle mass and the results of having the body of your dreams will come true.

Want to know how to gain muscle mass quickly and easily without spending hours in the gym, doing exercises that do not go with your slim, without steroids or dangerous supplements and routine right for you?

Discover the article Following the method of Increasing muscle mass fashion Effective, natural and Quickly … How To Gain Muscle

About the Author

Health and fitness is the secret to a long life, good care and keep the body strong and firm should be the goal of every human being. Find out in this site and gain muscle mass by removing excess fat, a healthy body, strong muscles strong and education is our day to day for you .. Visit here to learn more ..How Gain Muscle

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Health and fitness is the secret to a long life, good care and keep the body strong and firm should be the goal of every human being. Find out in this site and gain muscle mass by removing excess fat, a healthy body, strong muscles strong and education is our day to day for you .. Visit here to learn more ..How Gain Muscle

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Building Muscle Strength

July 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

It is very important to understand how one should build muscle strength and how it actually grows. If one wants to build muscle strength it is not very hard and neither does it require one to spend too much time in a gym. It is a huge misconception that you have to always be at weights or other weight machines if you want to build even little muscle.

You can easily build muscle with absolutely no efforts if you just manage to know how to do the same. You could easily learn how to do this which is very little studying on your part. You should learn how every muscle can work and the different kinds of exercises that suit the muscle so that they can grow. One of the best ways of building muscle it is important to make sure you know your diet. You should know that in order to build muscle you should not skimp on calories, however, remember you should make good choices with regard to food so that the muscle that you gain is not going to be covered with fat.

You could wonder what it is about the muscle that is amazing to look at. It is definitely the low amount of fat percentage that is present in your body that gives it such a beautiful site for people to behold. Yes, that is true, the lower the amount of fat percentage present in your body it is easier for the person to be a body builder, but however this does not constitute to be the main reason. Many individuals who have a very low percentage of body fat, however, along with low fat percentage present in the body it is also a lot of solid and lean muscle, which makes muscle building possible.

This is normally the question that arises in many people’s minds as to can muscle building be done in an impressive way. However not every individuals wants to grow or have about fifty pounds of just muscle just like all the professional body builders. However, when a normal person wants to build muscle it is almost the same as how a professional would build muscle but the main difference here is that the intensity at which the normal person will build his muscle will be relatively lower than that of a professional.

Muscles normally grow when they are really overworked. In simple words when you lift any weights, you are just going to overload the muscle. When the muscle is not able to work hard and life heavy muscle it only just grows. When a person light weights you will in return build muscle. Remember that the muscle does not grow at the time of workout or lifting weights, but in fact, the muscle grows only when the body is resting. Therefore, your muscle will grow and build only when you are sleeping but only if you have worked out that particular work. What needs to be properly understood is that when you do not give your body the rest it needs there will be no effect on the body, instead it is going to go the other way and your muscles will only reduce, note exactly the look you want to fancy.

Great tips like this will http://www.big-muscle-gains.net”;>help you discover the secrets gaining muscle while http://www.big-muscle-gains.net”;>losing body fat.

How to Build Muscle For Girls – Some Essential Ideas To Take Into Account

July 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Fitness

Article by Adams

How to Build Muscle For Girls – Some Essential Ideas To Take Into Account – Health – Fitness

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Most ladies do not really want to discover the best way to build muscle, as they may be more thinking about losing fat, especially around the stomach. This, nonetheless, is precisely why it is required to study easy methods to build muscle since it can be the best strategy to get rid of the fat. The much more muscle that you just have, the alot more calories you can burn all through the day plus the much less fat you’ll finish up with. If you want to acquire a good lean stomach you will need to produce positive that you add strength education to your routine.

Constructing muscle for women is truly no different than it truly is for males; it is actually mainly about lifting heavy weights. Obviously the term heavy is relative – if you have never ever accomplished any strength training ahead of you’ll need to begin off with relatively light weights. The large factor is usually to ensure that you just are performing the appropriate types of workout routines to create muscle.

If you want to create muscle you need to be undertaking compound workouts. These are workouts that involve numerous various muscle groups all at the same time. This is factors like dead lifts, squats and bench presses. However these are also the workouts that a lot of people stay clear of performing, mainly simply because they call for a lot of hard operate. The cause that the compound workout routines are so beneficial is the fact that they involve a few several muscle groups at the exact same time which ensures that your entire physique gets trained. These kinds of workouts also allow you to manage even more weight which will assist to boost the quantity of muscle that you simply create.

A single crucial that you simply have to retain in mind for anyone who is attempting to create muscle is that you will need to constantly be escalating the workload that you do. If you happen to keep carrying out the identical workout with all the exact same weights more than and more than once again your muscles will have no purpose to get stronger and they may not grow. It should be your target to add either alot more weight or a lot more reps at each and every workout. There will likely be times whenever you won’t be able to do it nevertheless it should be your aim.

1 other essential if you are attempting to construct muscle is always to make sure that you rest. Strength education is just not a thing that you simply do just about every day; the muscle really grows when that you are resting in between workouts. 3 to four instances per week is likely the excellent quantity of strength workouts but you could possibly benefit from fewer. One can find some ladies who get perfect outcomes from just one workout per week. Everyone recovers at various rates after a workout so you need to see how your body responds in order that you may identify what kind of schedule gives you most beneficial results.

A single last issue about building muscle for ladies is that you’ve to make confident that you are eating adequate. It requires food for muscle to develop, in distinct protein. In actual fact you could discover that you’ve got to improve the quantity that you consume to add muscle and burn fat. Keeping in thoughts obviously the foods that you simply eat do need to be healthful.

For all of the most beneficial concepts, resources and ideas on easy create muscle for women, take a look at Full Body Licious Review at this time – and get your Absolutely free Report on diet plan and fitness!

About the Author

Want more Body building and supplements tips to maintain the muscle you gain? Visit this site by clicking here: How to build muscles.

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Want more Body building and supplements tips to maintain the muscle you gain? Visit this site by clicking here: How to build muscles.

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CytoSport Muscle Milk Light Bar, Vanilla Toffee Crunch 12 – 45 g bars

July 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Milk

  • Pack of 12 counts
  • Deliver the same phenomenal taste as the Genuine Muscle Milk Bars, but with 43% fewer calories
  • Packed with 15 grams of high-quality protein, complex and simple carbohydrates for stable energy levels
  • Ideal when you want a nutritious; convenient snack to tide you over between meals
  • Perfect calorie control snack for weight management programs

Product Description
CytoSport Muscle Milk Light Bar, Vanilla Toffee Crunch 12 – 45 g bars [1 lb 3 oz (540 g)]… More >>

CytoSport Muscle Milk Light Bar, Vanilla Toffee Crunch 12 – 45 g bars

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