Overload – How to Force Muscles to Grow
August 7, 2012 by admin
Filed under Get in Shape
A muscle must be subjected to a stimulus that compels it to adapt and grow. If there is no reason for a muscle to grow, no hypertrophy will occur. Muscles increase their strength and size when they are forced to contract at levels close to their maximum. Much more weight can be lifted with compound exercises than isolation movements. More weight, more overload and in turn more muscle. A compound exercise is a movement that involves more than one major muscle group. It involves a primary muscle and one or more secondary muscles. An example of a compound exercise would be the barbell squat. The primary muscles are the quadriceps and the secondary muscles are the gluteus and hamstring muscles.
An isolation exercise targets just one muscle. Isolating a muscle during resistance training limits overload and muscle fiber stimulation, therefore it limits growth.
Dumbbell flyes are an isolation movement for the chest, removing the shoulders and triceps out of the movement. A common reason people do flyes is to shape the muscle. This is impossible to do- you cannot change the predetermined, genetic shape of your muscles. You can, however, make them bigger which may appear to change the shape. Isolation movements require less weight and limit overload. They have their place in any training regimen, but not to increase muscle size.
Overload is the primary objective when muscle hypertrophy is the goal. Going through the motions will not produce results, you have to push your body to new limits in order to see increased development. Since heavy weight is the most influential stimulus for muscle growth, you must continue to strive for greater overload. Light weight doesn’t do it, nor does moderate weight.
Maximum overload is the only method that will force a muscle to grow. The degree of this overload ultimately determines the degree of muscle growth.
Muscle “burn” does not stimulate growth, overload stimulates growth. The burning sensation that training brings on is believed by most to be a sign of a successful growth promoting workout. Many seek it out and strive to achieve this burning sensation as an indicator to building muscle. That muscle “burn” is not an indicator of an optimum workout. This burn is caused by infusion of lactic acid, a byproduct of glycogen metabolism in muscle tissue. Things like “feel the burn” are not really what building muscle is about. The burn is a good indicator of performing an exercise correctly and targeting the muscle properly. You can get a good “burn” by doing 20 repetitions. However, training at that rep range does not efficiently overload the muscle.
The muscle “pump” you experience when training is a result of blood actually being “trapped” in the muscles being trained. It is certainly a good psychological boost during training and accompanies just about all resistance exercise. The pump will become greater as your muscles grow larger. Now while this muscle pump is not really a bad thing, it is not necessarily an indicator of optimum muscle overload. Many people seek out the muscle “pump” by doing high repetition exercises. Numerous studies have shown that high-resistance, low-repetition exercises are more effective than low resistance, high-repetition exercises in promoting muscle hypertrophy.
The last point to consider is that muscles appear to have a memory effect that is significantly influenced by the last set that you did. If you finish each exercise with a heavy set, your muscles remember this and adapt accordingly. Many people decrease the weight on their last set and “rep out”. This is detrimental to what you are trying to accomplish and will impede muscle growth. The muscle memory effect is an important physiological phenomenon and should be used to your advantage in gaining muscle size and strength.
James Kohler is a professional Woodland Hills Personal Trainer in Southern California.
James is a member of the High Performance Training Team who help residents all over Southern California lose weight and get in the best shape of their lives. High Performance Personal Training company offers all modalities of fitness instruction: personal training, boot camps, cardio fitness, Pilates and yoga. Find out more by visiting Personal Trainer Los Angeles
Dumbbells ? Dumbbell Workouts, Dumbbell Exercises, Muscles Building with Dumbbells
August 5, 2012 by admin
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises
A dumbbell is a short bar with a metal ball or disk, at both ends that is lifted for developing muscles. The Wikipedia defines dumbbell as, a type of free weight, a piece of equipment used in weight training. It can be used individually or in pairs (one for each hand). They are appropriate for all fitness levels and they are small and portable. Dumbbells are often used in conjunction with barbells. Barbells are long bars that allow someone to put weight plates on the ends to adjust the weight. According to “Men’s Fitness,” dumbbells are better for beginners. They are safer because they are smaller in size. You can work all muscle groups using just dumbbells. You can use dumbbells very effectively to build muscle on the chest. Dumbbells are great for building shoulder muscles. Dumbbells build biceps muscles, triceps, and the forearm muscles.
The advantage of dumbbells is that they can be accessed very easily by many people since they are not very expensive compared to other gym equipment like recumbent bikes, exercise bikes, cross trainer, rowing machine, spin bike, elliptical trainer etc. They are popular because they are highly versatile. Working with dumbbells allows you to adapt exercises in variations depending on fitness level, exercise type or strength goals. With the dumbbells set, the sky is the limit really to what you can do. The dumbbells set is a time-tested form of workout equipment found in every gym around the world, largely in part to the variety and versatility they offer in achieving tremendous results.
Most of the dumbbell exercises ideally involve 10 to 12 repetitions, with few minutes of rest time.
It is useful for people of all ages and fitness levels; to build stamina, provide movement, improve agility and achieve body strength. Dumbbell equipment forms a most vital part in any of the strength training and muscle building programs. Using dumbbells for exercise is the most effective and efficient way to strengthen and develop the muscles of the body. Women use dumbbells to tone up rather than to build muscle. This can be achieved in executing particular exercises, combinations, and choices of some exercises that target a woman’s problem areas. Thus women must learn the techniques of using the dumbbells correctly, with help of proper trainers if need be. When you have done a dumbbell training programs long enough, stand in front of a mirror to admire the results you have achieved!
Normally, dumbbell workouts are done to develop certain muscle groups but they also provide definition of the whole body. They certainly strengthen and develop parts that are worked on like shoulders, arms, buttocks, legs and hamstring muscles. They add intensity to your exercises. Dumbbell exercises make you less prone to osteoporosis. Consistent dumbbell exercises will allow your body to speed up your metabolic rate helping in maintaining your weight. Dumbbell exercises make your body more contoured, making you feels confident and will inspire you to dress up nicely and make you feel lovely. Dumbbell exercises make your system conditioned, making you feel tighter and firmer. It will help you sleep sounder and better. These exercises demand less time. A well-protected system, a shapely body and a feeling of overall goodness are yours once you are able to train and develop your muscles using dumbbells.
World Fitness is an Australian based online store of fitness equipment that provides gym equipment, bodybuilding supplements, cheap protein powder, boxing equipment, including elliptical trainer, exercise bikes, treadmill, bench, kettlebell, weight plates, multistation home gym and many more.
Benefits Of Push Ups And What Muscles Do Push Ups Work
Article by Shaun Swilling
Benefits Of Push Ups And What Muscles Do Push Ups Work – Health
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Push-ups are going to be working all the major muscle groups in your upper body if you are doing them correctly. It is a great movement and that is why it has been used so effectively for years in order to stress the upper body so effectively.
There are four muscle groups that you have in your back and your rhomboids are a thick muscle in the middle of your back that holds these all together. When your elbows go past the mid-line of your body you are extending your rhomboids to their maximum.
So when doing push-ups, you will certainly be stressing your rhomboids but also you will be stressing your chest, shoulders and arms. It goes without saying that your triceps will be stimulated and stressed when you lock-out at the top of a push-up.
Probably the least amount of direct stress that you are putting on your upper body when doing push-ups is your biceps. The biceps are involved with any pulling movement and when doing push-ups you are pushing so the biceps are being used only as support and stabilizers when doing push-ups.
The same as when you do bench-press and change the grip on where you hold the bar you can also change the stress of a push-up by spreading your arms wider. The wider you spread your arms the more of the pec-delt tie-ins you will be working and eventually only be working your shoulders.
To increase the amount of muscle that you have one needs to increase the overall strength that you have and that includes all the different mechanisms of training. For example the basics are squats, bench-press and deadlifts. These three movements will increase the thickness of you abdominal cavity as well as the thickness of your neck as you get stronger.
But do not think that a simple press-up is something that cannot add strength because there is no doubt about it that simply doing a few sets of push-ups every day will make you stronger. But because we all know that the only way to increase muscle size is by progressive resistance you need to make sure that the stress of your push-ups is increasing.
This will start when you do more reps with your own bodyweight but it can also increase when you start to change the angle of your hands when they are on the ground. One can also increase the strength and also the stress of push-ups by putting your feet up against a wall and increasing the stress on your chest.
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If you want to gain good quality weight, that means muscle, quickly and efficiently then you should take a look at this: http://tinyurl.com/7kl6kr9
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If you want to gain good quality weight, that means muscle, quickly and efficiently then you should take a look at this: http://tinyurl.com/7kl6kr9
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How To Get Cut Muscles Fast
July 18, 2012 by admin
Filed under Get in Shape
Developing a lean, cut, and nicely defined physique is frequently the objective of numerous people who are seeking to get into shape. The very first point that comes to mind is pumping some iron. Bodybuilders are nicely recognized for having cut muscle tissues and they achieve that look by lifting weights. Nevertheless, there’s significantly a lot more to obtaining defined muscle tissues than lifting weights. Below are some things to think about for achieving the physique you desire.
Here is what I use to get my muscles cut fast –> Get Cut!
Reducing Physique Excess fat
The only way for muscle tissues to show via is by lowering our physique excess fat percentage. Our muscle tissues will remain hidden if we have layers of excess fat covering them up.
So that you can decrease our physique excess fat we need to learn how to burn excess fat effectively. Resistance instruction is the key to burning excess fat. Some of the most efficient methods to do this really is via strength instruction, calisthenics, and HIIT (higher intensity interval instruction.)
You might notice that bodybuilders don’t spend a large amount of time performing cardio. The reason getting that as well significantly cardio might really cause muscle loss. This isn’t a great point when your objective is to construct muscle. Much better forms of cardio could be done with HIIT. You are able to burn excess fat and get an intense full-body workout at the exact same time. Check out any great muscle building forum and you’ll frequently see numerous comments which discuss the advantages of utilizing higher intensity interval instruction to decrease physique excess fat.
Defining Muscle tissues
Once you’ve your excess fat burning down, you are able to begin to focus on defining your muscle tissues. Keep in mind that constantly lifting weights without having any real relaxation isn’t a great method to construct muscle. Our muscle tissues really grow throughout relaxation. When we are working out, for example lifting weights, we are really causing little rips and tears to our muscle tissues. Throughout relaxation, the muscle tissues repair themselves and grow bigger to adapt to the increased weight that’s getting lifted.
This means that relaxation is really essential for our bodies to recover. There’s no require to work out the exact same muscle tissues each single day. You are able to split upper physique and lower physique routines up throughout the week. This way you permit one set of major muscle groups to relaxation whilst you’re focusing on the others.
Most importantly, our diets can make or break our efforts. Monitoring our excess fat and calorie intake is essential. Refined sugar ought to also be avoided. An simple method to eat wholesome is by cutting out processed foods. Stick to whole, natural foods and also you shouldn’t need to stress as well significantly about whether you’re eating wholesome or not.
Learn the strategy I use to get cut muscles in less than 30 days —>how to get cut muscles.
www.WeightGainMethod.com -► Discover How To Gain Weight Fast! If you’re watching this video then chances are you want to know how to get muscles fast. Maybe you’ve been going to the gym and you’ve been working out, but you haven’t been seeing any results… Or maybe you’re working out at home but you’re not getting any bigger or any stronger… I’m here to tell you I was in the exact same position as you not too long ago, I was a skinny guy and I was trying everything to gain weight and build muscle but it just wasn’t happening. But once I started using some of the techniques I’m going to tell you about in this video I was able to gain 37 pounds of muscle. So one of the big mistakes most guys make when they’re first getting started and trying to build muscle is that they work out too often. They’re trying to work out almost every day. Most people, when they go to the gym, think that more is better. The more I work out the better results I’ll get, right? If I work out 3 days a week, my results won’t come as quickly as they would if I worked out 6 days a week, right? Well it’s counter intuitive but that’s actually not the case. You would actually probably grow faster if you lowered your workout frequency and you just tried working out 3 days a week instead. The reason why is because your muscles don’t grow when you’re in the gym. They grow outside of the gym when you’re resting. So personally I like to do Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. What that does is it gives you a day …
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Best Muscle Building Workout For Fast and Slow Twitch Muscles
July 13, 2012 by admin
Filed under Speed Workouts
Article by Emily Louisa
Best Muscle Building Workout For Fast and Slow Twitch Muscles – Health – Fitness
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Real Difference Between Fast And Slow Twitch Muscles
Slow twitch muscles are the simplest to describe. They are powerful aerobically, meaning good at using oxygen. They are called slow twitch because they are slow to fatigue, not because they are slow to contract. Being slow to fatigue makes this type of muscle fiber important for endurance. These fibers recover fast after being fatigued. Slow twitch muscle fibers are useful to long distance runners and other endurance athletes.
Fast twitch muscles are more complicated, because they are classified into three subgroups. One is the Fast Oxidative fibers, which are good aerobically and are resistant to fatigue. Another type is Fast Glycolytic, which includes fibers that are more effective anaerobically (without oxygen transfer). They are the easiest to fatigue and the slowest to recover. The third type is intermediate, referred to as Fast Oxidative Glycolytic. The fast twitch muscles are so called because they fatigue fast. However, they recover slowly after being fatigued.
These are simplified descriptions of how muscle fibers are classified based on their ability to use oxygen and on the speed at which they fatigue and recover from fatigue. Slow twitch muscles actually twitch faster and recover faster from exercise than do fast twitch muscles.
Engaging Each Muscle Fiber Type
Your brain recruits muscle fibers for force rather than speed of contraction. For this reason, slow twitch muscles are the easiest fiber type to engage. They also require the least amount of energy. In fact, if you lift weights too quickly, you primarily engage your slow twitch muscles.
Slightly more energy is required to engage the Fast Oxidative muscle fibers, and still more for the Fast Oxidative Glycolytic fibers. The highest amount of energy is required to engage the Fast Glycolytic fibers.
The key for an optimum workout, therefore, is to take advantage of what physiologists call orderly recruitment. This means engaging each type of muscle fiber in sequence, from low energy and fast recovery to high energy and slow recovery. The important factors for accomplishing this in the same workout are: 1) sufficient weight for bringing on muscle failure (i.e., the point at which you can no longer lift the weight); 2) the right lifting speed for engaging all types of muscle fibers in sequence; and, 3) the total time under load (TUL) for a particular set or muscle group.
The optimum strategy for accomplishing all of the above entails a very slow lift rate and an equally slow return rate. One extra advantage of such super slow movements is that it is easier to use good form. Fast lifting leads to jerking weights rather than lifting them, which recruits some slow twitch muscles and leaves other fiber types unchallenged.
Scientific Research
All the recommendations in this article are backed by numerous scientific studies over the past few decades. The best summary of this research is now available in a book, Body by Science, by Dr. Doug McGuff, M.D., and John Little. It is the best and most recent book on this topic. By the way, the subtitle of this book is, A Research-Based Program for Strength Training, Body Building, and Complete Fitness in 12 Minutes a Week.
On a personal note based on my experience, 12 minutes a week may even be more than you need. My own muscle building improvements have accrued very effectively on about 10 minutes a week.
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Learn exactly how to absolutely optimize 7 of your body’s most powerful muscle growth and fat burning hormones.5 easy tips to skyrocket your Testosterone levels.
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Learn exactly how to absolutely optimize 7 of your body’s most powerful muscle growth and fat burning hormones.5 easy tips to skyrocket your Testosterone levels.
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How to get muscles fast?
July 12, 2012 by admin
Filed under Muscle Fitness
Article by Chris
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<h1>How to get muscles fast ? – The beginning</h1>
Everyone that starts off-evolved weight training desires to have the ability to construct wiry muscle swift. However, you need to know the correct weight training techniques to get your house this very. You would like to spend time in the gym wisely; otherwise, you should only be wasting your time and obtain negligible outcome. Thus let’s take a look at the most effective way to get muscles fast. First off, you need to know precisely what you happen to be doing in your weight-training plan. Which penalty should be exercises to accomplish on which days and just how many reps per put? Do you have your diet deliberate for the moment? What number calories have you have on median all day? When you carry a post exercise routine shake along with you to drink after your work out? In case you know a clear picture to all those questions, then well done. You will be on the way to developing muscle tissue. However if you simply don t know a number of or all of those solutions, then you better put concentration, because another thing is certainly missing from your weight-training application. Now i am progressing to the “mysteries” it is important for you to know so as to build thin muscle mass quickly. But firstly, it is important for you to know basic principles. In case you think that a principles are kiddie stuff, in that case re-examine. If you would like have the basic training needed guys with the biggest, most robust muscle groups got them, this is due to they can paid attention to each of these fundamentals.<h2>How to get muscles fast ? – details</h2>Make use of Multifarious Multi-Jointed Workout routines
You have to employ as many multi part multi-jointed workouts as you possibly can, as they simply give good results more body systems than elimination workout routines. So if you intend to how to get muscles fast, after that start targeting each of these multi part multi-jointed exercises and forget the omission workout routines for now.
Listed below are the multifarious multi-jointed workout routines you intend to consider to find the most through your moment in time in the club and also the muscle groups they give good results:
Deadlifts (legs, back, shoulders)Bench press (chest, shoulders, triceps)Bar Dips (shoulders, chest, arms)Overhead press (shoulders, triceps)Squats (legs, lower back)Pull-ups & barbell rows (back, biceps)These exercises are one of the “secrets” in order to build lean muscle quickly. So make sure you incorporate them into your workout.Carry Large Weights
If you wish to know how to get muscles fast, then you definitely should lift bulky weights. It’s as simple as that. Don’t be concerned by everybody else is struggling with at the health club. Just concentrate on your own along with the proceed you make. The weights you carry ought to be large enough to challenge the body but not therefore hard to lift for you injure by yourself. This is one way you will see when the body weight you are struggling with is simply too large, too easy, or just right to repudiate your body: Using the correct kind, you should be able to implement 8-12 reps by using each fat. If you re able to do in excess of number of repetitions, then large is simply too easy to suit your needs. If you can t run at least several repetitions, later the mass is also large to suit your needs.How to get muscles fast ? To develop lean muscle tissue, doing 7-12 repetitions provides you with the greatest measurement gains. If you want to improve your strength instead, consequently make use of a consultant of 1-6.
Overlook Long Training Sessions!
You want to know how to get muscle fast and case avoid a long time workouts? Ideally, your exercise weight training session shouldn’t last over a couple of hours for get the best. And do not guess it is important for you to practice daily, either. A few days a week is a lot, particularly if use the following discretion or one the same as it.
Monday – Arms, back, bicepsTuesday – RestWednesday – LegsThursday – RestFriday – Chest, Shoulders, TricepsSaturday – RestSunday – Rest<h3>How to get muscles fast ? – summary</h3>You can see the “secrets and techniques” with the intention how to get muscles fast. Plotted out exercise routines, a suitable diet and tons of relax will be the a requirement of success. In the event you abide by the guidelines above, presently you’ll be getting consequences and everybody during a workout session need to and what your “secret!” Now You know how to get muscles fast !<p style=”text-align: center;”>Click here If You are searching for more information about How to get muscles fastAbout the Author
Check out the best Weight Gain
Sherpa Strength for Muscles & Strength, 60 Capsules
July 3, 2012 by admin
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements
- Bolsters core energy, glutathione, and hormone levels to enhance muscle power
- Supports Core Energy (through extracts of Ashwagandha and Cinnamon)
- Provides Glutathione for Cell Growth (through extracts of Indian Cardamom)
- Promotes Native Hormone Levels (through extracts of Indian Kudzu)
- Supplies Key Nutrients for Strength Development (Choline, Cysteine, Ferulic Acid, Genistein, Glabridin, Quercetin, and Thiamin from herbal extracts)
Product Description
Sherpa Strength contains 100% herbal extracts from 8 botanicals used for thousands of years in India’s Traditional Medicine System (Ayurveda) to promote strength and muscle development. Our proprietary formulation delivers 233 natural phytonutrients (plant nutrients) that exert 503 synergistic activities on your body to promote strength and muscle growth…. More >>
Sherpa Strength for Muscles & Strength, 60 Capsules
Body Builder Muscles – Body Building Supplements & Workout Review
June 17, 2012 by admin
Filed under Body Builders
Most likely, you have been dreaming of having some muscles for some time now. You have been wanting to have some for a long time now actually but you have been just also clueless how. Well, feel better now as there is this muscle building help book that can help you, the Body Builder Muscles.
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You only need to see the Body Builder Muscles. From this muscle building help book you will learn everything you need to learn as far as muscle building is concerned. You will not regret seeing it.
From the Body Builder Muscles, you will learn so many things. The most important thing is, you will actually learn what you must do before and after workout to simply have strong and sexy muscles in certain area or areas of your body.
You will finally have some muscles with help of this muscle building help book.
The Body Builder Muscles is like no other. Yes, it is still a muscle building help book but it will only teach you things that you really need to learn. It will not teach you things you don’t actually need to learn.
Thus, see the Body Builder Muscles after you are done in here. Discover how good as a muscle building help book it is, you will be glad with what you will discover. You can check out this muscle building help book online.
You really need to see the Body Builder Muscles. It is the only muscle building help book that can really help you gain some muscles. With all of the things it will help you learn, you will see, you will soon see some muscles in certain area or areas of your body. It will really be helpful to you; you will have what you have been dreaming of for some time now.
Click Here For Body Builder Muscles Instant Access Now!
This author writes about Fast Muscle Building Supplements and How To Gain Muscle Mass Naturally.
Way to Get Muscles Fast
May 28, 2012 by admin
Filed under Muscle Fitness
A great number of people take for granted lifting heavy weights for prolonged periods of time leads to tense muscles. However, using this method alone can not bring you satisfactory. A regime of heavy weights on its own, can lead to disappointment, as the desired results are not achieved, you may also leave yourself prone to injury.
The most effective way to achieve muscle growth is through a combination of different programs, which includes: diet, rest, cardio-exercise and weights. Yes you did read that list right, it said rest. The body needs time to repair and strengthen muscles.
The question of how to build muscles is in-fact counter intuitive. For many people the best way to grow muscles, is actually to start on the muscle building programme by adjusting the diet and start a proper regime of cardio-exercise, before even thinking extensive weight training.
Regular Cardio-work outs, help the body burn more calories and as importantly burn those calories efficiently.
This helps set up the body as muscle growth develops. A sensible diet and regular eating, helps not only with ensuring calorie in-take is optimised, but also ensures that calorie burn is consistent through the day.
Skipping meals and then loading yourself with food is unhelpful. The body is pretty smart and when you skip a meal, the body will automatically slow you down, to ensure you have enough calories in your body to keep you going until the next meal. By eating regularly the body can potentially function at its optimum.
Taking regular Cardio work outs, enables the heart and lungs to function at their best, which in turn enables that better diet to have more effect. The immediate results of this change in lifestyle is the body becomes leaner and more efficient.
Good rest, sleep, diet and exercise patterns keep the muscles in trim and optimise their ability to both strengthen and grow.
If you now begin to start a regime of weight training, your muscles will be in good condition and able to develop at their best.
The weight training will strengthen the muscles and because by having the other pieces of the jigsaw in place, you will quickly start to see muscle growth.
Like many other things in life, you need to start at the beginning to achieve the end goal and working out how to get muscles, isn’t any different. In the case of muscle development, it doesn’t begin with crunching heavy weights, it starts with getting your diet on track.
Get loads more effective and safe advice on how to get muscles, weight training workouts, and developing your body and health at How To Get Muscles There are many more articles to help you in your search for the perfect body.
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Kettle Bells Was The Answer When I Asked How Do You Gain Muscles
May 27, 2012 by admin
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises
Article by Kevin
Kettle Bells Was The Answer When I Asked How Do You Gain Muscles – Health – Fitness
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Great decision, your holiday is over and you have once again decided to get your workouts started again. You now have your workout routine figured out and you’ve picked one that is going to kick your body into gear. Your previous workouts have always used free weights like barbells and dumbbells. You want to mix things up a bit but you are not sure about the best way to do that. No worries, you have many options to make your routines seem re-energized and new. First things first though, where are you going to exercise? For many people, the simplest option is to join a gym because then you have access to all their different types of weight lifting machines and free weights which include kettle bells. Kettle what you say? Absolutely, kettle bells. You would be shocked at the number of kettle bell owners or users that have incorporated these pieces of equipment into their normal routines.
The following will discuss the details about what these strange looking weights are and how they can be used in your workouts. For me, I was always pondering how do you gain muscles. When I came upon these free weights my workouts were rejuvenated and I was once again waking up sore in the morning (and that was a good thing).
What Are Kettle Bells
Are you asking yourself right now, what are these things? Kettle bells are similar to most dumbbells in that they are usually made of cast iron. They allow you to perform ballistic type exercises that work your cardio as well as building strength and flexibility. Their basic shape looks like a cannonball with a handle. You now have a basic idea what a kettle bell is and have an understanding of what it looks like. So let’s move on to talk about how to gain muscles using these in our workout routines.
So before I saw a picture of an actual kettle bell, I thought to myself, what a unique shape for a free weight. Funny shape possibly, but its shape is perfectly suited around its use. When you hold a dumbbell in one hand and a kettle bell in the other, you will immediately sense that the difference between the two is in their centres of mass. You are going to immediately feel the difference once you lift each of these types. The dumbbells have their centres of mass right at your hands, whereas the kettle bells have their centres of mass away from your hands (remember their shapes; ball and handle).
You will use these types of free weights in swinging or ballistic style routines which would be pretty tough with a normal barbell. What are the benefits then? When you are swinging these weights around, you are allowing your body to build up muscles in several areas at once. You are working your legs, your arms and lower back all the while increasing your grip strength. Talk about a workout. Use a dumbbell and you are usually focussing only on one muscle group at a time, whereas, with the kettle bells you are working your total core. You are doing a bunch of dumbbell exercises all at once.
Given everything we’ve talked about, you should now have a really good idea of what these unique looking free weights are and their appeal when added into your workout. People who are like you, that want the answer to how do you gain muscles, have incorporated these weights into their routines and have been blown away with the new dimensions that they add to their workouts. Do an online search and you may be surprised at how many different types of kettle bell routines there are for you to chose from. I challenge you to give these exercises a shot and see what they can do for your training.
About the Author
The author of this post is Kevin and he has a passion for active living and healthy lifestyles. He believes fitness plays a vital role in each of our lives.
If you are wondering how do you gain muscles you can check out his website here:
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The author of this post is Kevin and he has a passion for active living and healthy lifestyles. He believes fitness plays a vital role in each of our lives.
If you are wondering how do you gain muscles you can check out his website here:
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www.OnTheEdgeFitness.com Instructions on learning the foundation of kettlebell exercises. Lauren teaches you how to perfect your kettlebell 2 handed swing. Common mistakes are covered.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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