Weight Lifting Supplement – Important Information You Need To Know

January 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

Article by Mike Parker

Almost everyone has heard of weight lifting supplement in these days. However, not many people know much of anything about what they are and what they do for weight lifters. There is some important information that you need to know before you start using a weight lifting supplement.

What is a weight lifting supplement? It is a supplement that is made to help people who are weight lifting or body building to achieve better results in their body building or weight lifting programs.

There are a lot of these supplements available that you can use. However, you need to be careful when you choose one for you. Let me explain some important information to you before you find a supplement to use for your weight lifting.

Weight lifting supplements and safety:

You have to be very careful when you are using a weight lifting supplement. There are many products out there that claim to be the real thing but are really fake products. There are also many products that will harm your health instead of help you. You always want to talk to a doctor or a health professional before you start using any of the supplements that are on the market.

Dangers of weight lifting supplement:

Weight lifting supplements can be very dangerous. There have been studies done that prove that instead of helping you the supplement will not help you build muscles and could create adverse health effects. You need to do some research online on any supplement that you want to use to find out as much information as you can about it.

Don’t forget to talk to a doctor either.

Weight lifting supplement can cause severe withdrawal syndrome:These supplement products can be very addictive. Again you need to talk to a doctor and do some research online to find out what you can about whatever supplement you want to take. You want to find out what the side effects are to each supplement.

There has been at least one study that proved that one of the supplements (GBL – gamma-butyrolactone) has caused healthy males to start having paranoid delusions, hallucinations and deranged vital signs after discontinuing the use of the supplement products that contained GBL.You need to talk to a doctor and do research about any weight lifting supplement that are thinking about taking. You don’t just want to start taking it and assume that everything will be okay or that it will help you with your weight lifting. You should always remember that your safety and health comes before your weight training or bodybuilding.

Mike Parker invites to visit his weight lifting supplement website for ways to build muscle and attract women. Get your free copy of “How Your Physique Affects the Female Mind” right here now. http://www.musclyjerk.com

Bodybuilding 101 : Everything You Need to Know to Get the Body You Want

January 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
From the pages of Muscle & Fitness magazine comes Bodybuilding 101, a complete motivational how-to guide based on Robert Wolff’s immensely popular column in the world-renowned fitness magazine. Covering everything from nutrition basics, common training mistakes, and powerful mental strategies to specialized training for your body type and the 22 best machine exercises, Bodybuilding 101 appeals to men and women of all ages, from beginner to advanced fitness enthusias… More >>

Bodybuilding 101 : Everything You Need to Know to Get the Body You Want

Building Muscle Tips – Getting the Extra Grunt You Need to Kick Your Body Into Gear Building Muscle

January 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Dave Vower

You want building muscle tips? OK, You’ve got it!

Building Muscle Tips #1

Workout 3-4 times a week lifting weights. Yeah yeah, I know, it just makes sense. But you’d be surprised to find out how many people think they can skip this step. Lots of heavy people with little to know muscle strength! You’ve gotta get into the gym, or do some kind of resistance training at least 3 times a week to stimulate your body to grow and repair… therefore creating heavier and stronger muscles. You want to build muscle? You’ve gotta lift weight.

Building Muscle Tips #2

Eat to gain muscle. You’ve gotta eat good quality food and at least 5 meals a day. Ideally, get some food into your body every 2-3 hours or so. If you need to one of the best things to do is simply supplement your diet with a quality whey protein shake or a protein snack bar. This way you’ll be getting all the quality protein your body needs to repair the muscles as you train. Extra tips: Avoid sugar, preservatives, and chemicals. They’ll strip the nutrients from your body and make you feel sleepy and tired. You’re gonna need your energy to train so eat healthy raw foods, not take away. When you think about eating take away, think of how slow and sluggish you’ll feel, then reach for an apple or something!

Building Muscle Tips #3

Do comprehensive exercises. These are exercises that have one large movement that work out many muscles all at once. The best ones to do are listed below.

* Squats * Deatlifts * Dips * Chin-ups * Bench Press * Military Press * Lat Pull Downs * Bent Over Rows

Do Squats every time you train, the massive muscles in your quads being exercised hard will stimulate the growth hormone Testosterone and your whole body will benefit by experiencing extra growth.

Building Muscle Tips #4

Strip that fat from your body by doing Interval Training (Also called HIIT, and Fartlek Training). This kind of training can be done on every off day (i.e. when you’re not training weights), but remember to take off 1 day each week where you DO NOT train. This is so your body can recover.

Interval training is done with short (usually 30 second) sets of very intense activity like sprinting, followed by a longer and less intense session (about 20-30% of your max) of jogging or walking. Doing this will increase your metabolism dramatically and you’ll notice the higher energy consumption of your body sometimes for days after a good training session. And the great thing is that you only have to train for about 15 minutes to get the benefits! This is how professional bodybuilders strip fat quickly and it’s the best way yet.

Building Muscle Tips #5

Get a training partner. Yep, get someone to motivate you into shape, someone who’s got similar goals as you, and hopefully the same commitment (if not more) as you.

Make sure you make a commitment on time and place to train, intensity level during training, and focus during training. You can socialize and check out the girls after you’ve done the hard work.

If you’re looking for the best advice or a personal trainer and you cant find someone in person, one of the best things to do is plug in your ipod, and listen to some motivating “success coach” while you train. This will ensure you give it your best. There are some good training programs targeting muscle building available online today.

Dave has been writing articles online for nearly 3 years now. Not only does this author specialize in health, fitness and relationships you can also check out his latest websites: Wilson Softball GlovesYonex Badminton Racquet

I Need to Lose Weight

December 23, 2011 by  
Filed under Slim Down

A few years ago my sister-in-law joined a slimming class, she asked me to join I said no thanks they do not work and I am too embarrassed to get on the scales in front of people.

When I could see the weight dropping off her, I thought to myself if she can do this why cannot I. I was depriving myself of a healthier lifestyle and to be honest eating chocolate every night and snacking was not making me happy at all. Who was I kidding I was beginning to hate what I was turning into. My family used to say to me you are not meant to be skinny because you are big boned.

My sister-in-law lost ten stone altogether, I was so proud of her and I wanted her to be proud of me. I joined the class I knew I had big the nice woman wrote my weight on a card and this was a wake up call. By following simple instructions, I was losing five pounds a week for a while.

I had a treat on the day I weighed then I stuck to it the rest of the week, I wrote everything down and planed my week. I would drink two litres of water a day this really helped me. I lost three stone in two months and was slimmer of the year and I had a make over.

This done me the world of good. I have gained myself confidence and proved to my family that I was not meant to be big boned. I even had my wedding ring made smaller. I had my treat every week after I weighed and this really helped me to stick to my healthy eating plan the rest of the week. I had much more energy even my skin was looking healthier through drinking water instead of soda.

My sister-in-law never kept her weight off, she is as big now as when she first started. Since I reached my target weight over ten years ago, I have had two children and still managed to get back to my target weight and I eat a well balanced diet, which I think is important.

I love to exercise as much as I possible can.

I do not go to the slimming class anymore as I feel I am wasting my money I know what to do and I do it well. I even give people help and advice on how I manage to stay in trim. When I go on holiday, I will honestly admit I do indulge who do not. I have a new plan now that when I gain a few pounds I get it off in less than two weeks.

I am so happy I life a healthier lifestyle and live life to the full. I could not have achieved all my goals without losing the weight. My message to you is if your not happy and keep putting it off till Monday or until all the chocolate and biscuits are gone then don’t. Start today, keep a diary, plan, and remember little pickers wear big knickers.

Best way to lose weight
Little pickers wear big knickers

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The Need For Exercise Equipment

December 17, 2011 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Michael Chin

Exercise gear isn’t regarded as being sturdy health care devices. Exercise equipment can provide for a number of reasons. Exercise equipment helps bring professionalism and a scientific pattern into a person’s physical fitness plan. Exercise equipment is put on elevated platforms to lessen the noise the machines make. Exercise equipment just isn’t affordable. It is usually costly to put together a home gym. Exercise equipment is certainly the most effective and fastest way for an individual to get fit regardless of how old they are. Individuals are always asking me what piece of fitness equipment I would recommend for a great indoor workout.

Fitness equipment can optimize your exercise routine and greatly assist towards helping you achieve your health and fitness goals. Fitness equipment isn’t inherently harmful. Physical fitness is equally as important as health, and in reality, fitness correlates directly with our health. Fitness equipment is not going to help you in preserving your psychological health. Fitness equipment can assist you get started to a healthier lifestyle. Fitness is lost faster than fitness is gained. It’s simpler to prevent muscle reduction than to rebuild muscle. Fitness is quickly lost through inactivity.

Fitness has turned into a serious problem on this country as an increasing number of people start their battles against obesity. Fitness is a journey, not a destination. Machines area safer method of weight training. Men and women can operate the exercise machines easily, given that they are taught how to use them. Home exercise is also crucial and takes lots of work if you need your body to be perfect. Individuals will find enough detailed information online by virtue of these programs. People may exchange or contribute books, magazines, and/or videos as they wish.

People could also perform triceps dips even declined and inclined push ups. People could also, oftentimes lift heavy things. Individuals that do this are certainly not utilizing their bodyweight’s resistance to have an effective workout. People are excited about getting into good shape and exercising — plus they love the gizmos and gadgets. Individuals are quickly becoming a lot more aware of the importance of their health and fitness. Well being is a vital factor of real life to achieve success and one dreams. Individuals are always searching for anything diverse from what is available to them now.

Exercises can assist sciatica suffering by performing stretching that strengthens the muscles inside lower back. Workout routines are produced depending on the equipment. Exercise equipment such as an exercise bike supports your weight while you’re performing the exercise. Fitness equipment is available in a wide variety of pieces for people to select from. Exercise equipment drastically varies when it comes to usefulness, efficiency, and prices. Exercise Equipment can be utilized for many different reasons.

Exercise equipment with weight loads mounted on a cable provide dependable resistance. The exercise devices itself acts as a physical display, by

Even Bodybuilders Need a Balanced Diet

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding

A bodybuilder or strength athlete’s performance is impacted to a large degree by their diet. That is to say, what an athlete eats affects their ability to do their chosen sport. Because of this it is important that all strength athletes learn to choose and eat in a way which is both healthy and promotes success in their sport. For muscle builders this means increasing protein and carbohydrate intake without neglecting the vitamins and minerals contained in vegetables and fruit. Essentially weight lifters still need to maintain a balanced diet. But what is a balanced diet for a weightlifter?

The diet of a bodybuilder needs to contain enough of the right nutrients for them to be able to perform their workouts and then allow their muscles to grow during rest. The carbohydrates give the energy, the proteins build the muscles and the vitamins and minerals provide a healthy boost to the system or the body’s running gear. The fruit and vegetables produce health results over a long period of time and also help to keep the body protected against viruses, diseases and general wear and tear. Lets look a little more closely at each of these food groups.

Protein rich foods, such as lean meats and protein shakes provide the protein that the muscles need to grow. Muscles grow in strength by increasing the proteins actin and myosin, about 30 grams per meal will help your body do this. (Scientists are questioning whether any more than 30 grams per meal is beneficial as it appears this is the maximum amount the body can process at any one time.) Protein shakes help the process of getting protein by giving an easy way to consume protein between meals and at times when convenience is needed, such as directly after a workout.

Carbohydrates provide long lasting energy and are ideal for consumption an hour or two before a workout. Because they have to broken down to be used complex carbohydrates give a bodybuilder the energy they need to keep up the intensity of their training right through a lengthy weight training session. All successful bodybuilders load up on carbs,a lot of people forget that successful bodybuilders and weight lifters don’t do low carb diets!

The most important group is the vegetables (particularly green vegetables) and fruit, simply because these are the group that provide you with lasting health. As well as the vitamins and minerals from this group, a lot of fruits also contain electrolytes which your body loses from sweating. Fruit is fantastic after a sweaty workout and replacing lost electrolytes quickly can help avoid fatigue and head aches. This group of foods is the one that dictates your long term success in the weight lifting field!


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