How To Select Affordable Health Insurance In Dayton, Ohio

September 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Article by Angela Farnsworth

How To Select Affordable Health Insurance In Dayton, Ohio – Finance

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When you select affordable health insurance in Dayton, you’re obviously going to consider the premiums; however, price isn’t the only factor that goes into making a Dayton health insurance plan affordable. The insurance policy needs to cover your health needs, too.

Consider this checklist as you’re selecting your Dayton affordable health insurance policy.

Find out what is and is not covered.

Not every health insurance policy is going to cover every health care need. When you search for affordable health insurance in Dayton, have a clear picture of the kind of health coverage you need. Do you have any pre-existing health conditions, such as diabetes or cancer? Do you need mental health services, such as counseling or prescription medications? If so, you want to choose a health insurance policy that will cover your needs.

Find out how much you’re responsible for.

With employer-sponsored group health insurance in Ohio, policyholders are usually only responsible for a low-cost co-pay at the time of services. Sometimes policyholders are responsible for a low portion of the premiums, as well, which are deducted from payroll. However, when you’re searching for an individual health insurance plan in Dayton, you’ll likely be responsible for more costs. So, find out the exact cost of your premiums, as well as how much co-pay you’ll be expected to pay at the time of service.

Find out what you can do if you just can’t afford health insurance.

If you just can’t afford Dayton health insurance right now, Ohio has state-sponsored health care plans from which you can choose. Visit the Ohio Department of Insurance website for information about these programs, as well as other nationwide health insurance plans and tips on how to save money on your premiums. You can also use this website to answer any questions you may have regarding the license of a particular health insurance company, and to file complaints about any unsettled health insurance claims.

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Affordable Health Insurance in Ohio Good Health Insurance for Self Employed

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Angela Farnsworth

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Affordable Health Insurance in Ohio Good Health Insurance for Self Employed

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Health Insurance and Healthy Living in Ohio

February 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by Lorne Zalesin

Health Insurance and Healthy Living in Ohio

Ohio has slipped a bit in the ranking of the health of its residents. In 2007 Ohio was the 29th healthiest state in which to live, but it fell slightly from 2006 when it was the 24th healthiest state. Based on 20 different criteria, Ohio made it to the top ten only in one category. Ohio is 8th in the nation for the percentage of citizens that are covered by health insurance.

Other areas where Ohio shines include a high percentage of women receiving prenatal care, a solid high school graduation rate, a significant decrease in the rate of infectious disease, and a drop in the death rate from cardiovascular disease.

All these great strides and still a fall in the overall rankings, means Ohio still struggles in some areas. Ohio ranks 43rd for cancer deaths, 43rd for obesity, 41st for infant mortality rates, and 40th in the nation for preventable hospitalizations.

Weight gain is an epidemic nationwide with Ohio at the forefront. In 1990 the obesity rate was 11% amongst Ohio residents. By 2000 the obesity rate had almost doubled to over 20% of Ohio’s population. The current number of obese Ohio citizens is over 28 percent.

Other health challenges for Ohio include the high rate of cancer deaths, and the fact that 22 percent of the population are smokers.

With these challenges for Ohio residents it is important that if to be covered by health insurance. If you live in Ohio, you can find an online health insurance quote provider for your health insurance. These services are usually free and may also offer the backup of experienced health insurance Advisors to help you make sense of the options for you as an individual or for family health insurance. Talk with an Experienced Health Insurance Advisor. Affordable health insurance options are out there for you and your family.

GoArticlesLorne Zalesin joined following a successful career in residential building and real estate sales. A self-proclaimed “serial entrepreneur”, Zalesin is a licensed residential builder, licensed residential real estate broker, and licensed in life insurance and health insurance. Zalesin earned a Bachelor of Arts and a Master’s in Business Administration, from The University of Michigan.

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