7 Weeks to 10 Pounds of Muscle: The Complete Day-by-Day Program to Pack on Lean, Healthy Muscle Mass

January 11, 2013 by  
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Step-By-Step Guide To Packing on 10 Pounds of Full, Lean Muscle In Under Two Months—Following a Simple, Healthy and Highly Effective Workout and Nutrition Program

Getting fit is tough, but taking off fat while packing on 10 pounds of muscle? That can be the ultimate challenge. And the truth is, getting a full, ripped physique is a lot more than just hitting the gym once in a while. Putting on and maintaining muscle mass is all about eating right, wor… More >>

7 Weeks to 10 Pounds of Muscle: The Complete Day-by-Day Program to Pack on Lean, Healthy Muscle Mass

2010 Road Map to 6 Pack Abs Workout Challenge – Week 3 Exercises

September 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscular Endurance

Article by Frank Marconi

2010 Road Map to 6 Pack Abs Workout Challenge – Week 3 Exercises – Health – Fitness

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Ultimate ab training continues with this weeks installment of the world’s best ab exercises designed to help you progress your quest to conquer the elusive 6 pack abs workout challenge and get those lean, ripped, sculpted abs you want!

Hello Everyone!

Welcome back to the 12 weeks to six pack abs workout series for week 3. Hopefully by now these 10 minute ab routines have become a part of your daily routine and you are doing them on at least 3 or 4 times a week.

It is now time to step it up a notch and try and do these ab routines everyday! If you are having trouble being consistent at doing these workouts, I suggest you pick a time during the day to do them. This means everyday you do the workout at the same time. For best results, I would suggest doing them first thing in the morning. I typically do this and its great because its the first thing I do when I get up. It relaxes me and lets me think about what I need to do during the day and then sets my mind at ease as I know I have done something healthy for my body! So again, I encourage you to pick a time during the day that you are going to dedicate and set aside for yourself so that you can consistently get these workouts in. Remember, it only takes 10 minutes to complete, its going to make you feel great and its going to get you those results that you are looking for! Those results are what is going to keep you motivated to continue so get that motivation and determination and do it! Trust me, you will be happy you did at the end of these 12 weeks! Now lets get right into those ab exercises!

12 Week To Six Pack Abs Workout Series – Week 3

Exercise 1: Plate 8’s

Sets & Reps: 2 Sets & 8 Reps per Set

Exercise 2: Recliner Press Crunch

Sets & Reps: 2 Sets & 12 To 15 Reps Per Set

Exercise 3: Side Plank Rotations

Sets & Reps: 2 Sets & 12 Reps per Side per Set

Exercise 4: Physioball Rollouts

Sets & Reps: 2 Sets & as Many Reps as You Can

Exercise 5: Physioball Skier Tuck

Sets & Reps: 2 Sets & 12 Tucks per Side per Set

Once you have finished your sets, don’t forget to drink as much water as you can. As mentioned in last week’s article, the more water you drink the better. Try to aim for between 80 to 100 ounces a day (2.5 to 3 liters). Also, hopefully you are focusing on lowering your fat intake too.

Don’t forget to do the exercises presented above with as few breaks as possible. Once you have completed the exercises, repeat the circuit again. Training in this fashion is called circuit training and will help you build your abdonminal strength and your muscular endurance and get you that healthy, lean, athletic and muscular look.

Circuit training workouts are great ways to get your body into ultimate shape but you need to be organized when you do it and it needs to have variety and you need to ensure you are switching it up on a regular basis. The reason for this is because your body adapts quickly to workouts and the best way to continually achieve results is to ensure your body is continually in a state of shock. Therefore you should strive to organize yourself and ensure your training is organized over several months with a nutritional plan to follow as well. Get a ripped, lean, athletic body is not rocket science. You just need discipline, commitment and a great circuit training workout and nutritional plan.

For a free video demonstration of the exercises presented above, please follow the link: Get Ripped Abs Workouts

For information on the ultimate circuit training workout and nutritional program, packed with over 60 workouts to help you burn fat, build muscle, get ripped and get you in the best shape of your life, please follow the link: Ultimate Workout & Nutritional Program

About the Author

Frank Marconi has been working out for over ten years and specializes in circuit training workouts and nutrition in order to help people achieve that ripped, athletic and muscular look.

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Frank Marconi

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Frank Marconi has been working out for over ten years and specializes in circuit training workouts and nutrition in order to help people achieve that ripped, athletic and muscular look.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Intensive Six Pack Abs Program Through Circuit Training

August 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Abdominals are the most problematic body part when it comes to muscle building. Bodybuilders who temporarily stopped from working out can still retain their defined muscles in almost all body parts, but skipping a couple of abdominal exercise sessions will cause the abs to lose their muscles and return to its flabby state. Abdomen tends to store fats easily, and losing it is very difficult.

Six pack abs programs have a very intensive nature. But people can modify the program from time to time and introduce variations in their workout. Program for abdominal training is not as strict as the other programs.

One type of abdominal program is basic circuit training. Circuit is defined as completing a series of exercises and their recommended number of sets and repetitions. Listed below are some tips for a basic circuit training:
1. One session should be composed of two circuits for the first two weeks of training.

Inject a maximum of 30-second rest period between each set of routines.
3. Rest period between successive circuits should range from 1 to 2 minutes.

After the second week, a person will get used to the program and should slightly modify it to advance the training to a higher level.
1. Increase the number of repetitions to three times per session.
2. Include moderate weights for each routine. Plates and dumbbells can be used.
3. Weights can be increased to 10% or less as the muscles strengthen.

Presented below is a sample schedule for a basic circuit training.

Abdominals are emphasized and exercises should be done in single sets with 15 repetitions, unless specified. Rest periods between sets should be avoided.
– Traditional crunch
– Bent-leg knee raise
– Oblique V-up – 10 repetitions for each side
– Bridge – 2 repetitions
– Back extensions

Abs training should be followed by a full-body workout.

Each routine should have two sets with 12 repetitions. Rest period between sets should be strictly followed.
– Squats
– Bench press
– Pull down
– Military press
– Upright row
– Triceps pushdown
– Leg extension
– Biceps curl
– Leg curl

Light cardiovascular exercises for 30 minutes. Tuesday training is optional.

This is a full-body workout with emphasis in the abdominal areas, and is very similar with the Monday training. The number of sets and repetitions for abdominal exercises are maintained, but routines are changed.
– Standing crunch
– Pulse up – 12 repetitions
– Saxon side bend – 10 repetitions for each side
– Side bridge – 2 repetitions
– Back extensions

Full-body workout is the same with the Monday training.

Training is an optional 45-minute cardiovascular exercise.

Legs and lower body are emphasized in a full-body workout. Routines are done in two sets with 12 repetitions.
– Squats
– Bench press
– Pull down
– Traveling lounge
– Military press
– Upright row
– Triceps pushdown
– Leg extension
– Biceps curl
– Leg curl

Basic circuit training can be restructured to become suitable for intermediate and advanced training. Advanced circuit might include low-intensity cardio exercises in the morning and workouts for various body parts in the afternoon. It also requires fasting before the morning session, and weekends will be included in the program.

Find out more about the best intensive workout program and learn how to burn fats faster with intensive and circuit training rather than the traditional cardio exercise workout.

Find More Circuit Training Programs Articles

American Body Building Speed Shot Grape Frost — 8.5 fl oz Each / Pack of 4

August 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements

Product Description
SPEED SHOTENERGY CONCENTRATED get set for a double-dose of slammable energy and stamina that won’t weigh you down. The unrivaled potency stokes thermogenesis and gets your senses tingling without overfilling your tank. We’re talking zero calories and zero sugar. That’s ABB’s solution for greater performance. This new 4-PAK makes it easy to grab enough concentrated energy for a week’s worth of personal bests.Minimal VolumeMaximal EnergyGreater StaminaThermogenic Supp… More >>

American Body Building Speed Shot Grape Frost — 8.5 fl oz Each / Pack of 4

MedifitNY 15g High Protein Diet Chocolate Instant Shake Shake Drink – Single Serving – 6 Pack

July 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Protein Shakes

  • Contains 15 Grams of High Quality Protein
  • Available in 15 Delicious Flavors
  • Just Add Water!
  • Single Serving – 6 Pack
  • Made In The USA

Product Description
Fill It, Shake It, Drink It, Toss It! Shake Shake 15 is an “on the go” solution for diet compliance. Each flavor provides 15 grams of high quality protein in a handy disposable plastic bottle. Just add water, and it is ready to go. Shake Shake 15 products include thick shakes, fruit smoothies, fruit drinks, instant drinks, and tea. All Shake Shake 15 products are sweetened with sucralose…. More >>

MedifitNY 15g High Protein Diet Chocolate Instant Shake Shake Drink – Single Serving – 6 Pack

The Top Six Weight Lifting Exercises to Pack on Muscle Mass

June 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

Article by David LaMartina

The Top Six Weight Lifting Exercises to Pack on Muscle Mass – Health – Fitness

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When you look at all you can do with the free weights, benches, racks, pulley systems, and machines in even an average gym, you will find an almost endless number of weight lifting exercises to perform. However, not all movements are created equal. While some of the fancy exercises with strange equipment and setups have their place, the heavy, basic exercises will always yield the best results when it comes to building muscle mass. Here are the top six movements that you can use to build maximum muscle mass:

1. SquatAs trainers, coaches, competitive lifters, and just about anyone with significant weight training experience has said for years, the squat is the king of all weight lifting exercises. Religiously performing heavy, deep squats will build massive quads and hamstrings, strengthen the glutes and lower back, and dramatically improve athletic performance. In addition, squats, especially when performed in a higher rep range, will promote an anabolic hormonal response that will lead to greater increases in muscle mass over your entire body. Simply put, if you are not squatting, you are severely limiting your strength and size potential.

2. DeadliftSecond only to the squat in muscle building importance, the deadlift is the exercise that can make or break a physique. It engages nearly every muscle in the body and allows most weight lifters to handle more weight than with any other movement. The hamstrings and quads are engaged during the initial pull from the floor, the lower back is recruited to keep the body in an upright position, and the lats, traps, and rhomboids are heavily stressed to keep the bar moving in the correct path. The deadlift will not only build an enormous upper and lower back, but it will give a physique that “thick” look that only the strongest lifters have.

3. Bench PressA favorite among both new and veteran weight lifters, the bench press is the standby movement for building upper body strength and muscle mass. Though most lifters treat the bench press as a “chest” exercise and perform it with other horizontal pressing movements, it heavily taxes several other muscle groups, as well. Overall, the exercise will build a massive chest, wide shoulders, and thick triceps. Though many trainers and coaches have been switching to dumbbell and machine substitutes in the last few years, any weight lifter still attempting to gain a large amount of muscle mass should be performing the basic, barbell bench press.

4. Barbell RowOne of the most standout body parts for a weight lifter to have is a big, thick upper back. After the deadlift, no movement produces this result better than the basic barbell row. When done properly, with a 45-degree tilt in the torso, an arched lower back, and retracted shoulder blades, this movement heavily stresses the lats, traps, rhomboids, rear delts, biceps, and forearms. Though personal trainers and bodybuilding gurus are often quick to rant about perfect, slow form, a little bit of cheating is recommended for this exercise. Progressive strength increases on the barbell row will allow a trainee to build a bigger back than he ever thought possible.

5. DipsKnown to be one of the most important weight lifting exercises for the upper body, the dip is often called “the upper body squat.” Like the bench press, this movement primarily works the chest, triceps, and shoulders. However, the dip is different from the bench in that it is a closed-chain movement. This means that the hands remain still while the rest of the body moves through space. Closed-chain exercises, which also include the squat and deadlift, often recruit more muscle fibers and lead to greater gains in muscle mass than their open-chain counterparts.

6. Pull-upsWhile the deadlift and barbell row are indispensable for building a big, thick back, pull-ups are the most important weight lifting exercise for widening the lats. Like dips, pull-ups are a closed-chain upper body movement and require a great deal of muscle recruitment to perform. Depending on the grip variation, they will also heavily tax your biceps and forearms. The bodybuilders and other strength athletes who have the biggest backs are often the ones who stick with this exercise, despite the difficulty brought on my muscular weight gain. Overall, a successful trainee will combine regular pull-ups with deadlifts and barbell rows to build the thickest, widest back possible.

In conclusion, the basic weight lifting exercises are almost always your best bet for building strength and packing on muscle mass. The best of these old standby movements are the squat, deadlift, bench press, barbell row, dip, and pull-up.

About the Author

David LaMartina is a competitive powerlifter who currently sits at a solid 250 pounds and has achieved a 590 squat, 315 bench, and 635 deadlift. If you found his muscle-building tips helpful, visit these sites:

http://intelligentmusclebuilding.com http://www.squidoo.com/no-nonsensemuscle-building

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

David LaMartina

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David LaMartina is a competitive powerlifter who currently sits at a solid 250 pounds and has achieved a 590 squat, 315 bench, and 635 deadlift. If you found his muscle-building tips helpful, visit these sites:

http://intelligentmusclebuilding.com http://www.squidoo.com/no-nonsensemuscle-building

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Teaching people how to make their own weight lifting chains. yanyanxu.com

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Manufacturing quality and form. The only clinically proven form is creatine monohydrate powder. The best creatine monohydrate is manufactured in Germany. Our creatine monohydrate powder is a German creatine thats so pure, its patented. Its the finest in the world. ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is the energy source for all muscular contractions (bodybuilding). Energy is created when ATP releases one of its phosphate groups (ATP then becomes ADP). Creatine donates a ph… More >>

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CytoSport Chocolate Muscle Milk Light Shake — 8.25 fl oz Each / Pack of 4

April 27, 2012 by  
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  • Muscle Milk Ready-to-Drink is a protein-enhanced functional beverage that promotes exercise recovery, lean muscle growth, and healthy, sustained energy
  • CytoSport

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CytoSport Chocolate Muscle Milk Light Shake — 8.25 fl oz Each / Pack of 4

Your Six Pack Abs Developing And Abdominal Exercise Equipment

April 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

As many years go by, you have been stronger and developed to strengthen your core. These have ranged from sit ups and leg lifts to reverse crunches. You have to do many excercises aiding in tightening and developing your core and provided good results in achieving a six pack stomach. However, several plyometrics and fitness experts found that the exercise was good for the core however they developed various different abs workout equipment that have enhanced the results based on completing the exercises with a similar effort to the old style.


Maximising the results with completing the same effort has led to the abs workout equipment being popular in many households. However there is such a wide range of abs machines available and the choice of different machines can be confusing. In order to choose which equipment is best for you, it would help to get a better understanding of how the abs workout equipment have evolved.

Here’s a look at the various stages that it went through.


Pre Abs Workout Equipment: Sit-ups and Crunches

Before the first abs workout machine was conceptualized, people were familiar with the importance of building a strong core. To effectively develop these muscles, people used to do sit-ups and crunches over and over. However, it has been discovered that this particular exercise if completed incorrectly causes lower back pain and can create spinal curvature leading to future back problems. The extra strain on the back and neck muscles from incorrectly completing this exercise compensates for the work of the abdominal muscles and minimal abs results were achieved with the disposition of achieving a painful lower and upper back.

Don’t get me wrong completing sit ups and crunches correctly will lead to a strong core and six pack abs being achieved. However complete this exercise incorrectly and you could damage your back and create life-long back pain. If this occurs please consult your health care provider.


Abs Workout Equipment entered the Gyms through All-body Workout Machines

The first abs workout equipment were developed in conjunction with other all in-one equipment. The All-Body workout machines were developed to target several muscle groups including the biceps, triceps, quads and your abdominal muscles. These machines were a great advancement in muscle isolation in the development of these muscles. However these all purpose machines were developed for overall body development and the research didn’t go far enough into developing specific training requirements. They became a “Jack of all Trades and a Master of None”. The machines developed were very large and bulky and took an engineer’s degree to assemble. The price for this equipment was prohibitive and hence they ended up in many gymanasiums around the country.


Abs workout equipment: Tension-Balanced Abs Equipment

Inspired by the idea of counterweights that were developed in the All-Body machines, fitness equipment designers started working on individual machines that target specific muscle groups like the abdominals and oblique’s. This was the official birth of the idea to further develop abdominal exercise equipment.


The first abdominal exercise machines were lightweight, usually foldable and made use of springs and elastics instead of weights which helped address the problem of portability which plagued the initial larger All-purpose machines. These machines forced the user to mimic the action of sit-ups but added difficulty levels in the form of tension settings. They were crude, but they allowed the user to target the abdominal muscles. However these machines didn’t get around the problem of executing the technique correctly. They did provide user guidance with the equipment which was a step in the right direction.


Abdominal Rollers

The continual advancement in the abs workout equipment moved to aid the back problem. To build a machine that provide a safer form of movement that will further develop abdominal muscles without placing further strain on the back. This research led to the development of another abs workout machine called Abdominal Rollers. Like the Tension based Abs equipment, these rollers were also lightweight and priced appropriately for the general public. Simulating the action of crunches instead of sit-ups, these rollers provided greater support for the back and prevented the back and neck muscles from compensating the abdominal muscles. They were safer to utilize and aided the development of core muscles however there were questions raised on whether this equipment was more effective than the previously developed abs workout equipment.


Ab Circle Pro

There have been many new advancements in the abs workout equipment with the final advancement being the Ab Circle Pro. To develop the wash board stomach (Six Pack Abs) look you need to complete effectively three activities.


1. Exercise your Abs
2. Complete a Detailed Cardio exercise to reduce your body fat content (especially around your stomach)
3. Eat a balanced diet


The latest abs workout equipment have been developed with trying to meet the first two criteria shown above. No machine will provide you with a balanced diet so maximising the other 2 activities and providing guidance on number 3 are a sure fire way to developing your Six Pack Abs.


The Ab Circle Pro or similar designed equipment provide a tool to that exercises the abs effectively whilst completing a cardio workout. There have been various review relating to these product(s) and everyone seems to have a different opinion. Is the machine a miracle workout? I would say no. Can the machine provide you with a six pack? I would say yes with the qualification that you must have another detailed cardio workout plan.


Today further research is being conducted in the area of developing abs workout equipment that will provide a good cardio workout whilst working the abs and oblique muscles. There is no sure fire way without hard work and if you aren’t prepared to put in the work then this equipment is not for you. However if your goal is to develop a set of Six Pack Abs then there are lots of different abs workout equipment available that is safe and will build your core bodies strength.


Want to find out more about Abs Workout Equipment, then visit Darryl Jones site on how to develop the best Six Pack Abs for your body.

Simple Tips for Possessing Six Pack Abs just like the Hollywood motion picture movie stars.

March 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscular Endurance

Article by Kasper V. Christensen

Perhaps you have observed people and also actors having rock hard, 6-pack abs and wish that you’ve got one such as that? There are individuals who would love to have a nice wonderful appearance with out spending a lot of time in the fitness center. With the extremely fast paced type of life style that most folks have, could there be easy techniques for getting the physique that you’d like?

In reality there are several simple and easy tips that will help give you the six pack abs you’d like to have. Avoid eating while you’re watching the telly. Since your brain and focus is going to be on the show and television show that you’re looking at, you wouldn’t have the ability to watch the amount of foods you happen to be feasting on. You may tend to binge as you’re watching telly.Do not omit breakfast. It is the most essential meal for the day. Upon awakening, your metabolism is actually accelerated and fats actually starts to melt off. You will need adequate food to cope to cope up with the day. Calories are going to burn whilst you carry out your daily tasks. By avoiding a meal, you tend to overeat the next meal. Since you will feel that need to make up for the shed fat.

Include great eating habits to your everyday program. Aside from making sure you consume regularly and never while you’re watching tv, you need to ensure that good fats are included in your diet. Some men and women shudder in the word fatty acids, well, there are actually fats that happen to be great for your. Omega-3 fatty acids, flaxseed oil, olive oil are the healthy fat. Water is perfect for anyone. The more water you drink, the greater. You don’t need to stick just ingesting 8 to 10 glasses of water when you can actually consume a lot more. But we’re required to ingest that much water each day to keep hydrated. This would certainly regulate fat loss and body metabolic processes. Weight loss program is not whole when you don’t put some mobility directly into your routine. So continue to integrate exercise session into your life. Doing a thousands of sit-ups a day is just not sufficient. Do you think that Brad Pitt ab routine consist of only sit-ups to obtain those remarkable washboard abs? Look at your whole body and not only about your abdominal area. When aiming for hard six pack abs, cardiovascular workouts are a necessity. This kind of exercise raise endurance and heart condition, it burn fat in a very quick way. Cardiovascular routines can be performed 5 min’s a day, and will expand it to forty five minutes. Aside from cardiovascular exercises you can even do some weightlifting to obtain the body you want.

Not all exercises can be done inside the gym, take your exercise outdoors. Take a stroll, stand straight in a night club, you may also perform some work outs during your break time when you are sitting down on your chair. In addition to proper dieting and exercise, getting the minimum 7 to eight hrs of sleep every night is essential. Sleeping revitalizes your body. It repairs muscular system by reducing the stress hormone levels. And last, you need to be consistent. You might plan or create your very own exercise program, but getting your hard six pack abs just does not remain there. Hollywood actor Jessica Biel fitness routine will depend on regularity. You need to be consistent with the plan or regimen you devised. That is why diet or exercise do not work, due to the fact we lack regularity in doing things. Six pack ab muscles will be easy, as long as you put yourself into it.

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