American Body Building Speed Fruit Punch — 18 fl oz Each / Pack of 12

February 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements

  • What’s in Speed? Zero sugar, 5 calories, and one measly little carb
  • American Body Building

Product Description
What’s in Speed? Zero sugar, 5 calories, and one measly little carb. Oh, and then there’s 250 milligrams of caffeine, 760 milligrams MethXanth Stack packed with DMAE, Guarana, Yerba Mate, Theobromine, Synephrine, Octopamine, and just about any other “ine” you’d want before your next training routine. This is one serious liquid power…. More >>

American Body Building Speed Fruit Punch — 18 fl oz Each / Pack of 12

Tell Me All About Six Pack Abdominal Exercises

February 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

The thought of six pack abdominal exercises brings to one’s mind ways to strengthen your abdominal core muscles and lose fats. It is not easy, but time-consuming and requires patience and dedication. It requires not only a proper diet to lose body fat and build muscles, but also exercise to complement this procedure. How very true it is that having a good muscular toned body is one thing and being able to show off your muscles with no layer of fat on them is an extremely different thing.

Six pack abdominal exercises include cardio exercises like jogging, running, bike riding, rowing and dancing that help raise the heart beats in a given period of time. Lifting weights act as ideal partners and help not only build up more muscles, but also helps the body to burn calories even at rest. In addition resistance training exercises help not only to bring down loss of body mass, but lifting weights along with cardiovascular exercises help effectively in success of six pack abdominal exercises.

There could be varied views regarding the frequency of six pack abdominal exercises, with many contributing to the idea that they should be done just once or twice a week.

However it is best to know that each one has a different body type and may have varied and different goals, and you would be the best judge about the best frequency. Experts however suggest it is best to start off with once and twice a week.

In addition six pack abdominal exercises are best performed using high repetitions. Rest time in between sets can be kept least and these abdominal exercises have great resistance to muscle fatigue. It is also good to note that there is no single exercise that can be said to be the best, but the traditional abdominal crunches with the knees elevated on a bench or workout ball work best.

The best things that that work with six pack abdominal exercises is making sure to eat a good breakfast, as skipping breakfast only lead to eating huger lunch that could lead to after lunch drowsiness and being not only unproductive but also inactive. Breakfast bars help to provide the fiber required to lose extra fat. It is most ideal to take a big breakfast, followed by smaller lunch and smallest dinners. Smaller dinners help for effective weight loss, with snacking healthily on fresh fruits and vegetables and nuts helping in gaining health as well as helping in six pack abdominal exercises programs.

Whole grains consumed as a preferred choice over refined grains, combined 5 servings of vegetables and fruits, 3 servings of low fat dairy products and 2 servings of lean meat, fish, or poultry helps lose belly fat and improve the abdominal muscles. This addition to a six pack abdominal exercises program helps bring about significant changes in the glucose and insulin response in your body. This in turn helps in melting fats quickly. All these factors make six pack abdominal exercises work.

Read How to Get Ripped 6 Pack Abs Fast. Also know How to Get Rock Hard Abs. Read about How to Lose Chest Fat.

Jeramey Thompson

Best abdominals workout for Men-I got Six Pack Abs in two Weeks!

February 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

Article by Benny Neglio

I’m going to show you today how I got six pack abs in 2 weeks and why I consider this the best ab workout for men, period!

in order for us men to get a 6 pack, we have to understand that men’s exercises for six pack abdominals alter totally from women’s in terms of capability and capacity.

There are too many folks who treat their intestinal workout as if the ab muscles are totally different from any other muscle grouping in the body. They’ll do their chest workout and triceps only once per week yet insist on doing their abdominal workout routine every day!

Why? I ask. What about the muscle-bound make up of the ab muscles are dissimilar than the chest, leg or any other muscles on the body?

Any muscle that goes through a comprehensive workout needs recovery time. A period of time ( usually days ) where the muscles can reconstruct themselves into stronger muscles. This is why, to me, it makes almost no sense to do abs exercise programmes each day.

This ab workout routine can be done by girls, easily! The single thing is, I have spotted from my experiences in the gymnasium that men have a deeper understanding of the functioning and the way to engage their muscles over ladies. This makes men need greater challenges, such as weight resistance, to excite their muscles.

Most women achieve success in doing regular, body weight 6 pack ab exercises where as men, being naturally stronger, have to seek more challenging workouts.

This routine I am about to explain to you helped me get six pack abs in 2 weeks only. I’d generally do it Monday and friday to allow for the most time between according to my timetable.

The Best Ab Workout for Men must be Done in UNDER 10 mins!

Most people will generally not be well placed to do it under 10 minutes the 1st time but they should actually try. After reading this, you will see why this is the best ab workout for men!

Jack Knives ( twelve reps ) – Lie on back with arms straight out overhead with legs straight and toes pointing away from the body. Raise legs and shoulders in an effort to touch the toes all while lifting the bum. The, concurrently bring the legs and shoulders back to the ground to finish one rep.

Window Wipers ( eighteen reps ) -Lie on the back with arms straight out on the side, palms down on the ground. Raise legs together straight so they are vertical to the ground. Slowly lower the legs to the left till they’re about 2 inches from the ground and then repeat to the right.

Leg hugs ( 15 reps ) – lie flat on back with the legs straight and toes pointed away from the body. Bend knees while trying to bring them to the chest and cuddle the knees when they reach chest. Hold for 2 seconds and return to beginning position to finish one rep.

Weighted sit ups ( twenty reps ) -I have a machine at my gymnasium which enables me to add big quantities of resistance to my abdominals workout ( 100+ pounds ) but when I do my ab workout routine at home, I will simply wear either a forty lb weighted vest or put a twenty-five lb weight on my chest and perform the sit ups.

Sicilian Sit ups ( fifteen reps ) -Perform sit ups as standard but when the apex of the sit up is reached, extend arms over head just like was done with the Jack Knives. Do not forget to keep the back straight and the ab muscles tight. This is a great lower abs exercise!

Russian Twists a la ( twenty reps ) – Start in the top position of an ordinary sit up. Interlock fingers and extend arms in front of body in order that they make a circle. Twist at the waist from left to right while keeping those 6 pack abdominals tight! Once to the left and once to the right represents one rep.

Weighted Crunches ( 35 reps ) -Hold a twenty-five pound weight in hands with arms extended straight out so that the weight is level with the ground. Perform a crunch ( half a sit up ).

Remember, if you’ve got gut fat, you might want to get shot of it first. If that gut fat isn’t burned, the muscles being built up by this ab workout routine will only push out the tummy more giving a rather more related lager belly.

You’ve just learned some starting exercises to get 6-pack abs. Wouldn’t you like to learn the whole get six pack abs

Discover what you’re missing by checking it out here==> best workout plans men<==

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American Body Building Speed Shot Fruit Burst — 8.5 fl oz Each / Pack of 4

January 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements

  • SPEED SHOTENERGY CONCENTRATED get set for a double-dose of slammable energy and stamina that won’t weigh you down
  • American Body Building

Product Description
SPEED SHOTENERGY CONCENTRATED get set for a double-dose of slammable energy and stamina that won’t weigh you down. The unrivaled potency stokes thermogenesis and gets your senses tingling without overfilling your tank. We’re talking zero calories and zero sugar. That’s ABB’s solution for greater performance. This new 4-PAK makes it easy to grab enough concentrated energy for a week’s worth of personal bests. Minimal VolumeMaximal EnergyGreater StaminaThermogenic Sup… More >>

American Body Building Speed Shot Fruit Burst — 8.5 fl oz Each / Pack of 4

ISS OhYeah! Nutritional Shake Chocolate Milkshake, 12 Pack – 14 Ounce Bottles

January 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Protein Shakes

  • Pack of twelve, 14-ounces per bottle (total of 168 ounces)
  • Deliver 32 grams of portable, muscle-building protein with an incredible, unmatched taste
  • Made with fresh diafiltered milk
  • Contain only 4-6g of carbohydrates, 3g of sugar; lactose free
  • Ready-to-drink shake

Product Description
B002DUCXGO… More >>

ISS OhYeah! Nutritional Shake Chocolate Milkshake, 12 Pack – 14 Ounce Bottles

Get Began Having a Kettlebells Workout to Obtain Six Pack Abs

January 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by jan marie

Today’s youth is becoming conscious of the importance of fitness and health in this quick paced world. The six pack abs is gaining popularity extremely fast. Instead of taking short cuts and deteriorating your health, workouts are the very best way to accomplish the fitness goals. There are different methods which one can adopt. Kettlebell workout is the most outstanding way to reach that destination called muscle building and weight reduction.

Today’s fitness freak youth is prepared to spend their hard earned cash in expensive gym memberships. Nevertheless, the kettlebells workout can benefit them on both the fronts of fitness and less monetary loss. Kettlebells workouts can be carried out from the home and you will find number of Kettlebell workout tips for beginners available. Kettlebells exercises are a cut above other exercise methods.

Kettlebells originated in Russia. Now Kettlebell workout is recognized worldwide for its efficacy in loosing weight and gaining muscle strength. Kettlebells are iron balls with a knob to hold them. It is much more like cannonballs or bowling balls with handles. From light weight to heavy weight, one can get Kettlebells in different sizes and ranges.

Here are some Kettlebell workout suggestions for beginners:

1 factor that has to be kept in mind prior to beginning Kettlebells physical exercise is that Kettlebell exercise is a multi purpose exercise. It is recommended for the beginners to stop performing any other physical exercise or workouts prior to beginning on Kettlebell workout.

* Get down to it with one Kettlebell initially. Though two kettlebells provide much more balance when utilized together, 1 in every hand, it’s advised that the beginners begin off with 1 Kettlebell only. The novices can add up one much more ultimately in a short time. * Take a break of a minimum of one minute throughout each workout session. * Always keep in mind to retain a strong hold of the Kettlebells. * Maintain the Kettlebells clear of any kind of contact of other body parts. * Essential Kettlebell workout tips for beginners are that they ought to not exceed their limit in performing the exercises. It’s much better to begin with minimal amount of weights in every hand. * Maintain proper posture as a wrong pose can be unsafe and risky for the beginners.

Kettlebells exercise is very helpful in loosing the additional pounds. It is suggested that Kettlebells exercise should be carried out just two to 3 times a week. It is the most convenient method to do exercises in today’s busy world. It is very important to remember the suggestions for beginners in mind before starting Kettlebells physical exercise. Ignoring the above mentioned tips might result in severe injuries. Hence, it is great to follow the dos and don’ts of Kettlebells physical exercise.

Kettlebells workout helps in muscle creating, enhancing endurance and stamina. It also improves the strength building measures and it lends a hand in burning fat as well. This workout is ideal for the women too.

View this brilliant web site relating to workout challenges and fat loss workouts for women to lose weight naturally and feel good.

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The Quick and Easy Abs Workout for Men To Get Six Pack Abs in 14 Days

January 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

Article by Harry Davis

I am going to present you how to get six pack abs in only two weeks and I consider it as the best abdominal workout for men. We need to understand that men are different from women for workout for six pack abs in terms of their strength and power.

Many people are trying very hard to deal with their abs workout, it is because the pattern of abdominal muscle tissues are different from those of other parts of the whole body. As muscles require a period of time (about one to two days) to build up after vigorous workout, therefore it makes no sense to do abs routines each and every day. The muscles can build themselves into more powerful muscles after a recovery period.

If you do abs routine each and every day, you just don’t let your abs muscles to rest after exercise that will not take you reach your goal to get 6 pack abs in any period of time whenever 2 weeks, a month, or even a year.

This routine I am going to show you can help you get 6 pack abs in 14 days. I’d often do them Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Although some of the physical exercise required weights in workout routines, in this routine I do not make use of weights.

The Best Abs Workouts for Men should be Accomplished in Under 10 Minutes!

I recommend you to complete this physical exercise program under 10 minutes in order to get most of the benefit it gives. Most people found it is overwhelm to accomplish it under 10 minutes at the first time but you can challenge yourself to reach this goal. It will give you motivation to achieve the goal after several trials.

If you follow this exercise program you can realize why this is the best abs workouts for men.

It consists of two set of exercises, both have their own starting position.

The starting position of the first set is: Lie on your back with hands palm down underneath buttocks to lift the pelvis up lightly and flatten the back. Lift both legs up with knees bent and together to a 90 degree angle.

1. Bicycle Crunch–

Extend one leg out straight and parallel to the floor as you exhale. Opposite knee bent toward chest at the same time. Alternate from side to side, and repeat.


2. Reverse Crunch–

Stretch both legs straight up and lift the pelvis up at the same time as you exhale. Lower the legs and bent the knee to 90 degree angle. Use your lower abs to do all the work.


Then the following three exercises with the next starting position : Lie flat on your back behind and bend you knee, heels close to you buttock. Place your fingertips lightly behind your ears to hold your head gently.

3. Draped Leg Crunch–

Lift your shoulders and upper back off the floor as you exhale, move you left shoulder toward your right knee. Reverse your movement, move your right shoulder toward your left knee as you inhale.


4. Reach Crunch–

Lift your shoulders off the floor, bringing your arms over your body and reaching forward to form an angle with your knees. Reverse the movement, lowering your shoulders toward the floor with your arms stretched overhead, but keep your head slightly above the floor.


5. Reverse Curl–

Keeping knees bent and together, lift your buttocks up off the floor, bringing head and shoulders toward the knee. Still keeping knees bent and together, reverse the move by pulling down the head and shoulders toward the floor.


It is important to make sure you could cool down at the end of every exercise routine to do some slow stretching activities to bring your heartbeat rate down to the level before exercise. Stopping too abruptly may cause blood flow in your limbs and prevent it from returning to heart and causes dizziness. It is best to stretch your muscles after exercise to speed up your body recovery process.

I have been in fitness for a couple of years and I am certain this is the very best abs workout for men I have ever found. With this handy exercise I dear you can get six pack abs in two weeks!

Harry Davis is a weight lose blogger and enthusiastist to learn more about how you can weight lose effectively and naturally through the Six Pack Shortcutsprogram by visiting his blog post.

More Leg Workouts For Speed Articles

Get in Shape at Home With Six Pack Ab Exercise

January 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Joel Hardy

I am not one to get out of the house and spend time at the gym or fitness center. What I wanted to do was to get in shape at home. Maybe once I was in shape I might venture out to the gym once in a while just to show off but to start with I wanted to stay at home. I did a number of things at my home workout routine including a six pack ab exercise or maybe I should say a number of 6-pack abs exercises.

I basically did two things once I made my mind up to lose my belly fat and get a flat stomach. Again, I wanted to get in shape at home so I had to figure out where and how I was going to do it. Not always easy if you do not have the space or the home gym equipment. But I was able to do it because I found a great program to point me in the right direction starting with making my mind up. Here are the two things I implemented.

I decided on my exercise routine. This is a necessary. If we do not have a plan we will fail every time. I know it can be a huge elephant to eat if we try to do it all at once. But even the largest elephant can be polished off if we take one bite at a time. Once you get your routine of exercises, and it does not have to be a lot just a well rounded routine, you need to begin at a moderate pace. Do not try to lose it all in two days. It will take weeks and months to get in shape at home or anywhere else for that matter. I purchased an exercise ball and put up a pull-up bar in the garage and followed a great program I found on the Internet and did one specific six pack ab exercise daily. I did not do all my exercise routine daily because we need to rest the muscles too but this one I did daily. It is called the plank and all you do is get into a push up pose leaning on your forearms and on your toes. Try to hold that position as long as you can and if you get past two minutes you are doing great.

I also decided to watch my nutrition. Yes, along with exercise you need to watch what you are eating. This nutritional and exercise program I got online has a fantastic section on the kinds of foods to eat and the ones to stay away from. So I just began to change the way I ate and actually started to see the effects of my changed eating habits in just a couple of days. My energy was better and I felt better than I had for years. Eating fat is not the problem we all need fats in our system the key is knowing which fats to eat and which ones to stay clear of. If you want to get in shape at home then watch what you eat.

Well the length of time to get in shape at home might take longer than if you were to hire a personal trainer and spend your days at the gym but it does not have to take any longer. However, you will have to make your mind up and get motivated to get it done.

Find out what plan I followed to learn how to get in shape at home here at Article

CytoSport Muscle Milk Light Bar, Vanilla Toffee Crunch, Pack of 12

December 23, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Milk

  • Pack of 12 counts
  • Deliver the same phenomenal taste as the Genuine Muscle Milk Bars, but with 43% fewer calories
  • Packed with 15 grams of high-quality protein, complex and simple carbohydrates for stable energy levels
  • Ideal when you want a nutritious; convenient snack to tide you over between meals
  • Perfect calorie control snack for weight management programs

Product Description
CytoSport Muscle Milk Light Bar deliver the same phenomenal taste as the Genuine Muscle Milk Bars, but with 43% fewer calories. Each bar is packed with 15 grams of high-quality protein, complex and simple carbohydrates for stable energy levels, and contains no Lactose or trans-fats. These delicious treats are ideal when you want a nutritious, convenient snack to tide you over between meals. They are also the perfect calorie control snack for weight management progra… More >>

CytoSport Muscle Milk Light Bar, Vanilla Toffee Crunch, Pack of 12

Weight Training Muscle Building – Weight Training Diet For Skinny Guys To Pack On Muscle Mass Quickly

December 18, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Weight Training Muscle Building

If you’re a skinny guy who wants to gain muscle mass quickly then this weight training diet is the missing key you need to start growing fast. I’m going to give you the absolute best food you need to include in your weight training diet.

Your weight training diet can be broken up into 3 categories of food: Protein, carbs, and fat. You the right amount of each of these in order to build muscle mass. Especially if you’re a skinny guy – you need to pay special attention to your diet if you want to grow. Weight Training Muscle Building

Best Carbohydrates To Include In Your Diet

Brown Rice
Whole Grain Breads

Best Protein Sources To Include In Your Diet

Chicken and turkey
Steak and ground beef
Cottage Cheese
Whey Protein

Best Fat Sources To Include In Your Diet

Flax Seed Oil
Olive Oil
Fish like salmon and tuna
Fish Oil

So how much of these foods should you be eating to start building muscle mass? Well, I recommend my personal training clients split it up into 30% protein, 40% carbs, and 30% fat.

This is the best ratio for gaining muscle weight quickly especially if you’re a skinny guy.

Your weight training diet should also include the right number of calories for your bodyweight.

If you’re a hardgainer and have trouble putting on muscle mass, I recommend you take 20x your bodyweight in calories daily. So take your body weight x 20 and that’s how many calories you should include in your diet on a daily basis. It’s pretty simple. Weight Training Muscle Building

Want to get fit and Gain Muscle?

Read more about Weight Training Muscle Buildingand start Gaining Muscle Now!

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