Push-up Power: Practicing Perfect Push-Ups For Massive Muscle Building Gains

July 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Push Ups

Article by CK Clark

Push-up Power: Practicing Perfect Push-Ups For Massive Muscle Building Gains – Health

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So you’re stranded on a deserted island… How do you keep your muscles bulging and ripped?… Push-ups of course!

Push-ups along with a few other simple body exercises such as (body squats and sit-ups/crunches) could keep you looking buff in almost any situation (yes, even on a deserted island).

Here’s some basic push-up information to get you going:

Performing The Basic Push-Up:

Lie face down with your body parallel to the floor.Place your hands palm down slightly beyond shoulder-width apart. Make sure your arms are positioned next to your shoulders and not too low next to your belly button or too high next to your head.Look up and ahead rather than down to the ground.Slowly raise yourself up keeping your body straight from the back of your heels to your head.Exhale on the way up.Once your arms are very close to being fully extended pause just slightly, this constitutes 1 repetition.Begin lowering your body back to the floor while inhaling.Once your chin touches the floor (remember your head is looking ahead not down!) begin raising your body back up to repeat the process.

Key Points:

It’s very important to do the motion correctly for maximum benefit. Keeping your body straight is essential. Tighten your abs throughout the entire movement to prevent your butt from raising too high or lowering too low. If you have access to a ground level mirror (or even a reflection from a glass door) try watching your body position a few times until you get it right. Don’t waste your time doing push-ups the wrong way. Use slow, controlled movements. Going fast may allow you to do more push-ups in a set amount of time however, you will receive less benefit from each individual push up. Many times people who go really fast don’t work their muscles through their full range of motion. Remember the goal is to build muscle not your ego. 10 well-formed, controlled movement push-ups are better than doing 25 sloppy, incomplete push-ups.

When To Do Push-ups:

Push-ups can be used as one of your primary upper body exercises or as a replacement when you can’t do your regular workout routine.

Personally, I love to do push-up workouts when I’m traveling or don’t have access to a gym for a particular reason. I generally use a push-up routine to replace any missed Chest/Shoulder/Tricep weight-lifting workouts.

Push-Up Workouts:

There are probably thousands of push-up workouts out there to choose from. One of my favorites is what I refer to as “countdowns.”

The idea is to progressively lower the amount of reps performed for each set as your muscles become more fatigued. This allows you to achieve maximum benefit for each set with out sacrificing form and technique.

Here’s an example: We’ll start with 20 push-ups for our first set. Each set we will reduce the number of push-ups attempted by 2 until we get to 0. We’ll rest only moderately (15 seconds to 30 seconds) between sets.

So in this case it would look like this:

Set 01 – 20 repsSet 02 – 18 repsSet 03 – 16 repsSet 04 – 14 repsSet 05 – 12 repsSet 06 – 10 repsSet 07 – 08 repsSet 08 – 06 repsSet 09 – 04 repsSet 10 – 02 reps

Note: This workout can be adapted to suit your needs. If this seems too hard try starting at 10 reps and counting down 1 each set (10,9,8,7 etc).

If a 20 rep starting point is too easy you could always increase the starting count to 40 or 80 reps and count down 4 or 8 reps respectively (40, 36, 32 etc or 80, 72, 64 etc).

Final Thoughts

Push-ups are a tremendous tool for muscle building when done properly. They can be used as a primary workout or just to keep fit while on the road.

Practice perfect push-ups and you’ll find that they are one of the most useful tools in your fitness arsenal.

About the Author

CK Clark is a fitness author, fitness advocate, and founder of http://www.bestmuscleprograms.com which provides reviews of the top internet muscle building programs.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

CK Clark

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CK Clark is a fitness author, fitness advocate, and founder of http://www.bestmuscleprograms.com which provides reviews of the top internet muscle building programs.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Perfect Pushup - Chest Workout

Perfect Pushup – Chest Workout
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Perfect Push-Ups

July 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Push Ups

Article by Mark Shrigley

Perfect Push-Ups – Health – Fitness

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We all heard whenever someone lifts a heavy object, they should bend their knees properly and put their rear close to the floor. Then grab the object and lift with your legs, not your back. Good advice. You have to take care of that back.

Something happened to me a several months ago when I was doing push-ups with the “perfect push-ups” device. Instead of placing the palms of my hands shoulder length, I tried something different. Instead, I placed my hands in a wide position, in other words, far apart, outside of the should length position. Now this wasn’t the first time I had done push-ups this way. I would also bench-press using a wide grip – no problem.

I was only doing twenty of them and all of the sudden, something pulled in my back. I went down in a flash, pain pulsing through the middle of my back. I eventually got up and laid down for a while. It wasn’t until three weeks later, I was able to do push-ups once again. During that time though, my back was very soar and my movements were somewhat limited. I should have seen a chiropractor, but didn’t.

Six months later, I was doing the same wide spread on the perfect-pushup device, and everything was ok. I did it for a couple weeks. One day at work (a day after I did the wide spread push-ups), I stood up from my desk just to stretch my arms a little. All of a sudden, the same pain throbbed through the middle of my back. It felt like there was a catch. It took me an hour to be about half way mobile again. The next two weeks, my back was very soar. I went back doing my push-ups, but this time, I learned my lesson. Before I did my wide spread push-ups, I would warm up first, getting the blood circulating through my back muscles. Then, when doing the wide spread push-ups (using Perfect-Pushups), I didn’t have my hands spread as far. This put less stress on my middle back. So far, no more back problems, and no trips to see a chiropractor. Though, as common sense would have it, I should’ve seen one when I developed back pains. At least this time, I know what to do.

About the Author

SEO Consultant who helps companies drive more traffic to their site.

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Mark Shrigley

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SEO Consultant who helps companies drive more traffic to their site.

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Natures Best Perfect Creatine Monohydrate Powder, 1 Pound Bottle

June 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Creatine

  • Serving Size – 1 teaspoon

Product Description
Nature’s Best Perfect 100% Pure Creatine Monohydrate powder is formulated with your health in mind. One teaspoonful provides 5 grams of creatine monohydrate…. More >>

Natures Best Perfect Creatine Monohydrate Powder, 1 Pound Bottle

Sculpting Her Body Perfect – 3rd Edition

June 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

  • Author(s): Brad Schoenfled
  • Published: 10-12-2007
  • SHK01191

Product Description
The best is now even better!Sculpting Her Body Perfect has helped hundreds of thousands of readers improve muscle tone, sculpt their physiques, and tone up hard-to-reach and troublesome body areas. This third edition of Sculpting Her Body Perfect not only provides the exercises you need to achieve your body-shaping goals, but it also demonstrates them in an easy-to-follow fashion on the accompanying 60-minute DVD!With Brad Schoenfeld’s proven conditioning program… More >>

Sculpting Her Body Perfect – 3rd Edition

Perfect Push Up Variations!

May 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Push Ups

Hello! Today I am going to show you 9 different push up variations that will make your arms, chest, and shoulder muscles get super strong. These perfect push ups are an awesome free body weight exercise for strengthening and toning you upper body! Use these push up variations to ad into your daily workout for awesome results.

1: Prison Cell Pushups

These pushups are awesome. There are 3 different moves to every 1 rep. First you start in the standard pushup position and lower your chest all the way to the ground. Then as you lift your body up, you bring your right knee all the way into your chest. Then do another pushup while bringing the left knee into the chest. Now do another pushup, but this time immediately kick your feet to your hands and jump high in the air. Now your done with 1 rep.

2: Standard Push ups

Toes on the ground, hands shoulder width apart, butt down and back straight.

Lower your chest to the ground while bending your elbows out. Now lift your chest back up.

3: Military Style Pushups

Same as a standard push up, except when you lower your chest down, make sure that your elbows pinch your sides.

4: Wide Grip Push ups

Same as standard pushups, but you spread your hands out as far as you can while remaining in good form!

5: Decline Pushups

Again, this is the same stance as a standard pushup, with the only difference being that you have your feet elevated on something. The higher the elevation, the harder the pushup is.

6: Diamond Push ups

Touch your pointer finger and your thumb from each hand to form a diamond shape.

Now get in the pushup position with your hands in front of your chest. Lower your chest all the way down to touch your hands and raise yourself back up. If you cant do these, then start with your hands a little farther apart.

7: Dive Bomber Pushups

Now these pushups really rock! These are one of my favorites out of this push up variations page! You start with your feet wide, your hands shoulder width apart, and your butt high. Now lower your head toward the floor and push your pelvis toward the floor and push your body forward and straighten your arms while keeping your pelvis down. Imagine trying to slide under a fence. Your body should be straight from your toes to your hips, and then your back should be curved backward. Now curve your head downward while raising your butt back into the air. That is 1 rep.

8: V Push ups

Start with your feet flat on the floor, lower your hand to the floor while keeping your legs straight. Your body should be in the shape of an upside down V. Now lower your head a low to the floor as you can and bring it back up all while making sure that you don’t bend your knees.

9: Kipping Pushups

For all my fellow crossfitters out there, I know you have heard of kipping pull-ups. Well, the same principle applies. Use speed and momentum to help you knock out as more quantity of pushups in less time. Start in the standard pushup position and lower yourself down. Now snap your butt and hips upward and thrust your arms and upper body up. You are not lifting your butt all the way up, simply a small snap of the hips to get the thrust out of your arms.

Thank you for checking out this perfect push up variations page. I hope you incorporate some or all of these free body weight exercises into your daily workout!

David Schardt
Author and creator of http://www.how-to-lose-your-belly-fat.com, a Free Website that will get you Healthy, Fit, and Happy!

Also, I want to let you know how I created this website and then QUIT MY JOB! Click Here to read more!

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Neck And Back Stretches Perfect For Starting Out

April 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Pat Lowe

There’s a wide array of stretching techniques that target your back and neck, many of them uncomplicated and effective. If you’re a novice attempting to relax your muscles, give these simple techniques a try.

Beginner Back Stretch: A highly effective stretch for the back is the basic back stretch. Here’s what you need to do: Standing erect, contract your abdominal muscles while you bend forward at the hips, lowering your hands to the ground. Relax the head downwards and push using the fingertips; feel the stretch in the back while you do this. Maintain this pose for 30 seconds; if you find this too difficult, build up slowly to this amount of time.

Wide Back and Shoulder Stretch: This move should follow right after the basic back stretch. With your hands remaining on the ground, place your feet wide apart and position your arms inside your legs. Lift your hands off the floor and wrap your arms around the back of your calves, then grasp your ankles. Pull gently with the hands, thus opening up the shoulders and stretching the upper back. Maintain this pose for around 30 seconds.

The Shoulder Roll: Shoulder rolls are the simplest stretches that can be done. Either sitting or standing upright, rotate your shoulders upwards, backwards, down then forward. Begin with small circles and work up to a larger movement. Do 10 circles in the backwards direction, then reverse direction and do 10 repetitions going forward.

As well, you need to be sure that you avoid movements and actions that could cause back and neck pain. Good posture is critical. And you will need to be particularly cautious whenever you’re lifting a heavy item. You will need to bend down, then use your legs instead of your back to carry the load while you lift.

The way you sleep at night also has an effect on the pain you are feeling in your neck and back. A properly supportive pillow and mattress are essential, and keep the temperature set just right to ensure that you don’t have a restless sleep. By doing a few easy stretches before you go to bed at night, you’ll loosen up your muscles and have a sound sleep.

Stretching routines are an important component of overall fitness, and they can also be effective for managing the pain of a bad back. For example, sciatica stretches are highly regarded as the best way to manage that particular condition.

Care Men Ties For Their Perfect Shape

April 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Every self-respecting man should own a tie. Men ties can finish and create a very elegant look to any outfit. If you wear a tie on an everyday basis or just happen to put one from time to time it is important that you should know how to take care of them. This is not just a piece of fabric you can stuff in your wardrobe and take it for granted. If you know how to care for this delicate part of them they will be in perfect shape every time you need them.

* Storage – If you want to take special extra care of the tie collection you should get hangers especially designed for ties. You should always be careful how you place a tie after you untie it. When on the road, you can always buy one of those ties cases or just fold the ties in fours and storage them in your socks or shoes. You should Keep them in the dark closet will also prevent their colour to fade away.

You do not leave it on a chair or just laying on a table and it can be a coat hanger or your closets dowel where you hang it. If you want the creases of the knot to fall out, always put the tie properly on a hanger. Ties can be wool, cotton, silk, etc., but no matter what the fabric, they are all very impressionable.

* Wrinkles – if you store your ties properly you will most likely get rid of the wrinkles from the knots, but sometimes this is not enough. The more often you wear a tie, the more wrinkles it will get – so avoid wearing a tie for consecutive days. If this does not help try the steam trick – leave them in the bathroom while taking a shower. The handled steamer of course is the ultimate wrinkle fighter for mens ties and you should definitely get one if you are a tie lover.

* Stains – getting a little food on your clothes, respectively on your tie seems inevitable. There are tie tack designed to keep the tie in place, but there is a trick to how to wear them. If you do not want your tie to have a dent from the tack, and it will definitely have one, you should simply put in under the tie through its label. If nevertheless you get it stained, immediately start blotting it with cold water to prevent it from settling in. If it is a greasy stain – get some talcum powder to absorb the oil. There are of course tie-cleaning services for the toughest of stains.

Men’s ties need proper protection so that the man looks efficient and graceful.

Mens ties experiences has made Sue Mitchell to write in details about the rare discussed topics like grey ties

Why men should get in shape
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Doing the Perfect Pushup

April 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Push Ups

Article by Stephen Mcclure

If you’re a guy or girl who wants to increase his or her chest muscles, I’m sure you’ve done pushups at some time or another. Or, if you’re an athlete, I bet you’ve done pushups during conditioning and practice. Pushups are one of the most common, but least understood body weight exercises out there today. If you take your time to learn how to do push-ups correctly, it will make all the difference in your chest muscles. I’ll go over some of the most important components of the “perfect pushup”.

The first thing to remember while doing pushups, is that form is EVERYTHING. If you have good form throughout the entire push-up, it will isolate your chest muscles much better and you’ll get superb results. Start with your entire body straight as a board, from your toes to your head, keep your hands shoulder-width apart and keep your head looking straight ahead. As you are moving up and down during the motion of the pushup, you must keep your back straight, DO NOT, let it dip and arch, which is the natural tendency because it makes the pushup easier. I see people “cheating” like this all the time when doing pushups, and they really are only cheating themselves outta stronger, better-looking chest muscles.

As you drop down and push yourself up again, make sure to do it nice and slow the whole way with your tricep and pectoral muscles. If you’re doing it right, you’ll feel a strong burning sensation in both muscle groups. Do not shy away from that feeling, that is what will get you good results! Squeeze every once of burning sensation as you can, pinch your pectoral muscles (chest muscles) together at the climax of your push up. This reall works the pec muscles hard and that is what you’re aiming for, because the more you tear them down, the bigger they’ll build back up!

Keep doing the pushups until you can’t get yourself up off the ground anymore. Then, give yourself about 4-5 seconds of rest and heave yourself up to the upper, elbows locked position. Next, drop back down one more time, as slowly as possible. Fight the drop the whole way down, keep your muscles as taut as possible. Your chest muscles are exhausted, so you will inevitably fall, but if you fight against it the whole way you will experience intense burning and stretching in your pecs. Don’t worrry, that is what you want! After you hit the floor, lay there for awhile and catch your breath. Now, only 2 more sets and you’re done! Do that a couple times a week, and you’ll see real nice gains after only 2-3 weeks.

If you are ready to take the next step in your fitness and get the sculpted body that turns heads, I recommend Truth About Abs or Fat Burning Furnace. These are the only muscle building program that have met my workout program requirements.

Choose one and start your step-by-step body transformation. Get the rock-hard body you’ve always wanted now!

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Perfect Push Up Variations!

March 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Push Ups

Hello! Today I am going to show you 9 different push up variations that will make your arms, chest, and shoulder muscles get super strong. These perfect push ups are an awesome free body weight exercise for strengthening and toning you upper body! Use these push up variations to ad into your daily workout for awesome results.

1: Prison Cell Pushups

These pushups are awesome. There are 3 different moves to every 1 rep. First you start in the standard pushup position and lower your chest all the way to the ground. Then as you lift your body up, you bring your right knee all the way into your chest. Then do another pushup while bringing the left knee into the chest. Now do another pushup, but this time immediately kick your feet to your hands and jump high in the air. Now your done with 1 rep.

2: Standard Push ups

Toes on the ground, hands shoulder width apart, butt down and back straight.

Lower your chest to the ground while bending your elbows out. Now lift your chest back up.

3: Military Style Pushups

Same as a standard push up, except when you lower your chest down, make sure that your elbows pinch your sides.

4: Wide Grip Push ups

Same as standard pushups, but you spread your hands out as far as you can while remaining in good form!

5: Decline Pushups

Again, this is the same stance as a standard pushup, with the only difference being that you have your feet elevated on something. The higher the elevation, the harder the pushup is.

6: Diamond Push ups

Touch your pointer finger and your thumb from each hand to form a diamond shape.

Now get in the pushup position with your hands in front of your chest. Lower your chest all the way down to touch your hands and raise yourself back up. If you cant do these, then start with your hands a little farther apart.

7: Dive Bomber Pushups

Now these pushups really rock! These are one of my favorites out of this push up variations page! You start with your feet wide, your hands shoulder width apart, and your butt high. Now lower your head toward the floor and push your pelvis toward the floor and push your body forward and straighten your arms while keeping your pelvis down. Imagine trying to slide under a fence. Your body should be straight from your toes to your hips, and then your back should be curved backward. Now curve your head downward while raising your butt back into the air. That is 1 rep.

8: V Push ups

Start with your feet flat on the floor, lower your hand to the floor while keeping your legs straight. Your body should be in the shape of an upside down V. Now lower your head a low to the floor as you can and bring it back up all while making sure that you don’t bend your knees.

9: Kipping Pushups

For all my fellow crossfitters out there, I know you have heard of kipping pull-ups. Well, the same principle applies. Use speed and momentum to help you knock out as more quantity of pushups in less time. Start in the standard pushup position and lower yourself down. Now snap your butt and hips upward and thrust your arms and upper body up. You are not lifting your butt all the way up, simply a small snap of the hips to get the thrust out of your arms.

Thank you for checking out this perfect push up variations page. I hope you incorporate some or all of these free body weight exercises into your daily workout!

David Schardt
Author and creator of http://www.how-to-lose-your-belly-fat.com, a Free Website that will get you Healthy, Fit, and Happy!

Also, I want to let you know how I created this website and then QUIT MY JOB! Click Here to read more!

Home Office Furniture Tips For the actual Perfect Purchasing

March 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Article by Trimpe Krag

These days alongside the huge heighten within technologies, folks are acquiring a lot more not to mention a lot more opportunities in order to gain work and / or for setting up a new company. The two will add to be able to their income by performing for them from home at their own convenient time. Home workplace furniture plays a remarkable character with regard to transforming a section of the home back into a pleasing workplace area. Converting a home space into a great workplace appears effortless, yet in truth it’s difficult to establish an official office environment in your own house plus keep the privacy that is required with receive function done within a provided time limit. An ideal house office is the answer for all the your difficulties. You can easily prepare your home office with home workplace furniture. The actual function environment may help you in determining the actual type of workplace furniture, the particular space, plus the impression which anyone like to be able to project. And in addition many of these happen to be just a few of the problems which would certainly guide us in finding suitable furniture. Certain things and also criteria also need with be considered like the actual comfort associated with the furniture, compatibility, standard of material used, toughness associated with the furniture and additionally endure but yet definitely not the particular minimum, you need to think about your taste and needs prior to buying them. Consequently, the particular pointers under shall help you inside making the actual appropriate selection of house office furniture for a dream home-office. Take measuring of the Office: Prior to buying home office furniture anyone must currently have a floor program. It is important to have a layout or simply attracting associated with the room you want to furnish. For this anyone must firstly determine the actual amount of workspace us require. Afterward you have to carefully examine the particular destination where anyone want to fit your own home workplace furniture. The actual total dimension of the workspace is the determining element for furnishing. This particular can give you with a more effective concept of design as well as size of furniture that will certainly fit well within the workplace. There is actually no utilize for furniture which does not enhance your individual workplace area. The particular ideal workplace furnishings fit absolutely and offers an a lot of area to be able to move about. You will observe that there are really a number of high quality pieces in order to choose from with regard to a wide array of shapes and additionally models. Where to buy a house workplace furniture: A person can find the furniture from your own nearby localized furniture supply stores and / or from online provide stores. The benefit of buying furniture from a regional store is the fact that you can easily see the particular furniture on your own. Whereas, the particular only downside of purchasing at a nearby store is actually that it’s tiring and even time consuming. At the additional hand, in the event you order your individual furniture from an on-line furniture store a person can order the needed furniture promptly and conveniently. The particular drawback at this site is the fact that anyone can merely see the actual images associated with the furniture, though explanations as well as information for instance color, size, etc happen to be described generally there in addition. Function and Comfort: Furniture ought to be practical and also easy to use and even need to be prepared upwards of standard contents. Ensure that the home workplace furniture that you happen to be planning to purchase is accomodating with your work needs. You need to be effectively aware of the specifications of the persons whom is functioning along with you within the office us wish to furnish. We must have a rough idea about the particular drawer space plus shelf area. This particular is going to be helpful within the total set-up and in addition furnishing. Guarantee which the furniture you select might be function perfectly with regard to your individual workplace. These days as a result of the cut throat competition not to mention deadlines, extended doing work hours currently have become a necessity. Sitting in the same seat for hours will cause back difficulties. Comfort associated with the home workplace furniture plays a vital role within keeping we fresh and additionally active through out the doing work hours at the actual same time assists you in growing the particular efficiency that in turn, increases a money. Comfortable furniture assists we inside keeping yourself fit not to mention healthy by providing anyone a wise sitting position. An advantageous sitting position assists with reducing the particular risk of injuries such as slipped disks, sore neck, shoulders plus serious in return ache. Functioning as well as comfort for the furniture are generally priorities whenever buying furniture. So it is crucial that the actual furniture us buy ought to be comfortable plus practical. Filing cabinets, bookshelves, pencil drawers, not to mention countless more office accessories happen to be that you can buy at the actual supply stores to keep your own office organized. Identify your individual Color Scheme: Generally there is not a highly doubt that the particular performance associated with the furniture can be important but yet simultaneously aesthetics are in addition similarly significant. The look and in addition feel of the workplace should be relaxing not to mention comfortable with an eyes. Graphic appeal of the furniture is actually as important as the alternative problems. Visual appeal of the furniture changes the whole see for the office. The particular furniture ought to be coordinated good alongside the additional workplace decoration. You are able to furnish a workplace alongside a range of contemporary designs, bright to matte hues and additionally contemporary in order to classic designs. Frequency of usage: When you utilize your house workplace furniture more than is actually customary, subsequently you need to purchase furniture which is actually of high high quality. Should you wish to buy a desk for minimal make use of, then you could choose a cheaper desk. Select the particular furniture that offers an adequate amount of room to work at. Information of furniture: The particular buy of furniture can be definitely not some thing which is carried out frequently as it would be a great expensive exercise. Furniture can be bought plus ought to be expected to be able to endure an extended time period. Consequently the actual material used in manufacturing home furniture ought to be inspected fairly carefully. The particular information associated with the furniture ought to be controllable along with maintainable.

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Office Exercise Program for Stretching Upper Body and Releasing Neck Tension

Start or join the discussion about this video on bit.ly Exercise that will help you stretch upper body while in the office. Visit www.SteadyHealth.com for more info.

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