Getting Back into Shape with Personal Training Edinburgh

May 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Vikram kumar

If you are looking to get back into shape, you should consider the benefits of personal training. Getting back into shape is not as easy as some people think it is. Many reasons exist why personal trainers are good for you. Finding a gym Edinburgh that can provide a personal trainer for you is simple to do. One great place to check out is the Factory Gyms.

Motivation is the primary reason to consider personal training Edinburgh. Many of us do not have the will power or perhaps just need a little push every now and then. Personal trainers will keep you working consistently and help you to change your lifestyle to one that is healthier.

Perhaps you have some health problems and a normal exercise workout is not possible for you in a gym Edinburgh. By using personal training Edinburgh, you can take advantage of customized programs that can help you to become a better and healthier person without endangering yourself.

A personal trainer, like the ones that can be found in Factory Gyms Edinburgh, have knowledge to help you get back into shape in the most efficient way possible. All of us find our time is important, and personal training Edinburgh recognizes this. Great equipment is provided to help you and your trainer to get the most out of every workout in the least amount of time.

Losing weight is an important part of getting back into shape but learning how to replace that weight with muscles is another area that a personal trainer can help you to achieve. Lose the fat you should and replace it with healthy muscle by allowing a trainer to show you how. If you have been attempting to lose weight and have reached a plateau, personal training Edinburgh can help you to break that point and move to the next stage. Factory Gym trainers have the tools and the equipment to help you get the best workout possible.

Finding a gym Edinburgh will allow you to get the best potential out of your resolve to get back into shape. If you have watched enough of those weight loss programs on TV, you can see how a personal trainer can make all the difference in the world. Many gyms have personal trainers that can help you to achieve your weight loss goals and are not expensive to use. You owe it to yourself to get the most out of any fitness program you can.

Think of a personal trainer as a resource that has unlimited potential to help you. Personal trainers want to help you help yourself. Personal training Edinburgh will not only instruct you but can help you to do it on your own. Eventually you will want to be able to achieve the same results by yourself and a trainer can and will teach you how to do this. You can eventually become your own personal trainer and make your fitness lifestyle a permanent one.

You should not wait one minute longer if you are looking for a gym Edinburgh and you are ready to get back into shape. Visit Factory Gyms to see how personal training Edinburgh can help you today!

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Advice For Becoming A Personal Trainer

April 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Article by Ely Gelayda

Many people are now more interested and inclined towards health and fitness, and this trend has been growing for some years. With time, people are becoming more health and fitness conscious, that has given rise to the fitness industry. Nowadays, personal trainers are amongst the highest paid people in the business environment.

If health and fitness is your thing, then there is certainly no better career path than becoming a personal trainer. After some time, you can simply open up your own business, and you will no longer have to work for anybody. This means you can work flexible hours, and enjoy the kind of freedom that people dream of.

For becoming a personal trainer who is good at his job, there are some things you need to keep in mind. First of all, it is not just enough to have a good body and skills, because that is not what will get you the most recognition in this business. What you need is a good set of qualifications and certifications that prove you know what you are doing. All top class gyms and clubs, only hire personal trainers who are well qualified, so this is something you need to work towards.

Also remember that becoming a personal trainer is not just about working out and eating right; it involves good communication skills. If you are unable to communicate with the client and show that you care, you will never be able to reach the comfort level which is required for this job. Remember that unless the client trusts you and relies on you, you will never be their top choice when it comes to personal trainers.

When you are working with clients, it is important to listen to their concerns and problems. Do not try to act like you are the boss and that you know everything. If the client has concerns, it is your job to take care of them. If the client is not happy with a certain routine, then change it instead of pushing them to do things your way. Moreover, you have to be there for your clients when they need you, and you might be required to work early or late hours as that is part of this job.

If you are professional and have a sensitive approach to your clients, you can become a successful personal trainer. And that is the best type of trainer to be.

If you’re interested in learning How to Become a Personal Trainer, or more about Personal Trainer Certification we have information and resources on our website at

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NY Personal Trainers Incorporate Medicine Ball Exercises That Increase Overall Conditioning

April 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Ruchil

A very effective way to increase ones strength, power, and endurance is with medicine ball training. Medicine ball training combined with other training methods such as weight training or circuit training or interval training can have significant improvement in ones overall conditioning. NY Personal Trainers state regardless of an individual’s fitness level, exercises will have positive results. In addition to increasing strength, power, and endurance, NY Personal Trainers training will also help you to build a much stronger core and burn fat. As with any type of exercise program, in order to maximize gains one needs to have proper form and technique while performing NY Personal Trainers exercises. Here are five more common and very effective NY Personal Trainers exercises: As with any exercise program make sure to warm-up and get the blood flowing before starting your workout. In addition to your regular warm-up and stretching, these two active NY Personal Trainers exercises are great to incorporate into your warm-up routine. 1) Overhead Twist: In a standing position, the feet are shoulder width and the NY Personal Trainersis held over head with arms locked. Move the ball slowly left to right and then right to left. This stretches the upper torso and low back. 2) Twist: Identical to the overhead twist except the medicine ball is held in front of the athlete with arms locked; the athlete twists from side to side. This stretches the lower back. Exercise 1: Medicine Ball Chest Press – is performed with a partner or by throwing a ball against a wall. If you are with a partner have them stand approximately six to seven feet away. Make your passes as forceful and as quick as possible by starting with the ball against your chest then extending your arms all the out and releasing the ball. Exercise 2: Medicine Ball Side Arm Pass: is performed the same way as the chest press throw. Have your partner stand approximately six to seven feet away. Have your partner throw the ball to you at your side. Catch the ball with both hands, follow all the way through, and return the ball back to your partner as quickly as possible with all the force you can generate.Exercise 3: Medicine Ball Keeling Overhead Throw – is performed with both individuals facing each other, but kneeling on both knees performing the kneeling overhead throw. Your partner tosses the ball to you in an overhead throw. Catch the ball over your head. Immediately and as quickly as possible, with all your force, throw the ball back. This will work the internal and external oblique, and the spinal region. Exercise 4: Medicine Ball Sit-up and Long Throw – is one of the more difficult medicine ball exercises. Sit down with knees bent in a sit-up position about three feet apart from your partner; place a medicine ball midpoint on your chest. As you crunch up into a sit-up throw the ball towards your partner in a two handed chest pass. Your partner should then send the ball back to you in a parallel direction. This will place you catching the ball over your head, and recoiling back into a sit-up position. Repel the ball back as quickly as possible

Exercise 5: Medicine Ball Underhand and Overhead Pass. Stand approximately four to five feet away from your partner and have your partner throw the ball below your waist. The ball should be caught between your legs. Return the ball forward and upward towards your partner, fast and hard, so that your partner has to catch the ball overhead. Repeat and then change directions. This movement also works oblique and body stabilization. You can pick up the intensity by the speed at which you and your partner pass the balls back and forth. Incorporating medicine ball exercises into a workout is great way to change up ones workout as well as receive the benefits associated with this type of training. NY Personal Trainers explain that by adding just a few medicine ball exercises into some of your workouts will help increase an individual’s overall fitness conditioning. Also, medicine ball exercises are very fun, challenging, and much different than traditional training that most people do in the gym. Incorporate these five basic exercises into your workout and you are sure to notice the benefits of a stronger core, increased strength, power, and endurance.

For More Information about NYC Best Personal Trainer Please Visit us at

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Personal Training Fitness Certification Programs

April 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Article by John Stamos


In recent years, people are giving stress on staying healthy and fit and they are realizing its significance. They are adopting various measures to achieve a healthy mind, body and soul. They are willing to go to any extent for keeping themselves in shape. Some people also want to pursue this as a profession and want to become professional and skillful trainers, but they often get confused as to where they should approach for fitness certification. You can find various online schools specializing in these certification programs and can get started. These trainers get the opportunity to work in health clubs, fitness and wellness clinics.

There are number of career training schools offering various types of certification. These certifications are based on the level of fitness and training you want to practice and mainly there are four types of certification. They are:

Build Muscle With a Personal Trainer

April 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Fitness

Are you looking to make a change? Is that change fitness related and you don’t know where to start? An easy start would be by having the right personal trainer hand selected for you and your specific goals. There are many goals specific to each individual and all of those are taken in to consideration when looking for your perfect personal trainer.

Is one of your goals to learn how to build up muscle? Building muscle is one of the three components to total body fitness. The other two being cardiovascular exercise and nutrition. You must build muscle to lose fat if weight loss if one of your fitness goals. Building muscle, or lean body mass, is important for more reasons that just decreasing body fat. Muscle is the body’s machinery, and the more muscle mass you have, the more efficient your body is at burning calories and, in turn, losing body fat.

All three components of exercise together are what it going to get you the body you desire and deserve.

You can build muscle by strength training with weights at a gym, or you can build muscle at home. You do not need traditional weights to build muscle. You can use your own body weight to build muscle. It is important that you know how to build up muscle mass properly. It is easy to injure yourself while strength training if you do no know the proper technique or are not familiar with the proper weights for your strength level. The best way to know that you are training properly is to consult a fitness professional who can assess your strength and build a program for you according to your goals and needs. If you goal is to learn how to build chest muscle, a Personal Trainer is generally can help you with that.

Muscle takes up less space than fat, so it is possible to gain weight when first beginning a strength training program, even though you look and feel like you have lost weight.

Once your body has adapted to this new program, let the fat burning begin! You body is now a machine and can’t wait to get you to where you want to be. A Certified Personal Trainer can provide you with the knowledge, expertise, and motivation to get your machine up and running!

Finding a trainer that is specific to your needs is the number one most important part of any fitness routine to begin losing weight. Building muscle is important no matter who you are or what your goals are.

We want to simplify the process of getting in shape by assisting you in a search for a professional certified personal trainer. Whether you are looking to lose a couple pounds, train for an event, or injury rehabilitation, we help you find a trainer that is specific to your needs. By having you answer a few basic questions about your fitness objectives, we scan our extensive list of pre-screened, qualified professional fitness trainers who are eager to help you change your life now. We strive to make fitness attainable and simple. Our professional services are free of cost and full of possibilities.

Follow me in my store at

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Finding a Personal Trainer in Harrogate

April 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

In the UK, as in the rest of today’s world, we live in a time when the good looks and charming personalities of our media stars predominate our concepts of the perfect look. From young kids to older age adults, everyone has their eye on whoever has that most appealing look in the world of entertainment. Because of this, the world of personal fitness has taken off as well and everyone is looking to get that perfect shape that they see their favourite actors, actresses and models possessing.

No matter where you live in the UK, but especially if you live in Harrogate, there are some great trainers out there and finding a personal trainer in Harrogate is your first step to some making some amazing changes in your physique.

As we get older, our metabolisms begin to slow and what use to be sufficient exercise for us to maintain a nice physique often times become too little to keep those extra pounds from being added on to our scales.

It becomes an absolute necessity for us to incorporate some exercise routine in our lives just to maintain a slender physique, let alone look like our favourite celebrity. By finding a gym or a personal trainer in Harrogate, you can not only increase your metabolism and keep off those extra pounds, but also begin to tone your body and build muscle tone as well which will give your body a much more athletic, professional and attractive look, even possibly matching your ideal body.

Personal trainers in Harrogate not only assist you in your physical well-being but also educate you in nutritional matters.

What this means is that not only do you get a better body, but a solid foundation on how to live. There is even a personal trainer in Harrogate that does body typing which goes well beyond just applying a standard work-out routine. Body typing identifies your body type around four key factors about your physique, and then a plan is built around your particular need. This also is a key element to being able to continue to live a healthy life-style that will help you keep the pounds off for years to come.

When it comes to personal training in Harrogate you want a trainer that is knowledgeable and that inspires you, so look into the testimonials of the trainers you are considering using. That’s also why it’s best to go by word of mouth or by the Internet where various testimonials can be evaluated, because one of the key causes for people to begin a personal training routine and then end it is because of a failure to be motivated. Certified trainers know this and have plans that will keep you motivated and have various methods to keep you inspired, should the work-out seem too difficult.

Select a program of personal training in Harrogate that does body typing, because the trainer will devise a plan for you that meets your our body needs and a plan of work-out that will meet your passion. You need such a trainer because most will only have a personal training programs that is not designed specifically for you, and though it may work well for some people, your personal trainer in Harrogate that is especially familiar with body typing will customize your plan by evaluating your physique, strength, level of endurance and initial body mass, and only then build a routine that will maximize the betterment of each of those factors.

personal trainer in Harrogate New EYB Show FormatWeekly Schedule 2 Monday- Fit tip: How to pick a personal Trainer Weds- Power 3: Core / Abs Workout Friday- Aspire Higher: Learn that you deserve the best! About EYB: Empower Your Body is a Health & Fitness Consulting company. Our mission is to contribute to the overall wellness of humanity. With Empower Your Body, we will show you how to take the thoughts that limit you and turn them into the beliefs that empower you. It is about being honest, becoming educated and taking action! Video Disclaimer : Get our Downloadable workouts at the EYB Store! Special Thanks to: Hillside Media Productions : Website: Twitter Facebook:

Lou Ferrigno’s Guide to Personal Power, Bodybuilding, and Fitness

March 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
Shows readers how to perfect each area of the body by following Lou’s personal advice…. More >>

Lou Ferrigno’s Guide to Personal Power, Bodybuilding, and Fitness

Four Keys to Hiring the Right Houston Personal Trainer

March 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Article by Joseph Carter

Selecting a Houston personal trainer to facilitate you get in shape can be a intimidating and unclear process. Employing a personal trainer is seen by many to be kind of costly, but it can make a big difference in your level of fitness and health. Most Houstonians who have good personal trainers are hooked to the positive effects they produce and believe it to be a deal. This article will distinguish the four keys to selecting the appropriate Houston personal trainer.

Key #1 — In What Area of Houston Do You Need a Personal Trainer

While this may look unmistakable it is powerful that you select a personal trainer who operates in a section of Houston that is convenient for you. You will probably be meeting with the trainer two to three times per calendar week, and perhaps even using that same gym on other days as well, so you require a location to be somewhat easy to get to. For example, if you work or live in Spring you would not want to employ a Galleria area personal trainer, causing you to spend an hour plus traveling one way each time you had a session. The Houston area is full of quality physical trainers so it makes sense to hire one within a sensible proximity to your home or office.

Key #2 — Personal Referrals Are the Optimal Way to Locate a Quality Personal Trainer

While glossy marketing pamphlets and elaborate websites are nice, you are a great deal better off forming your decision with suggestions from friends or acquaintances who have actually used the services of the Houston personal trainer you’re considering hiring. If your friend informs you how she loves her trainer, has lost a considerable amount of weight and half of her body fat, and really relishes her workouts, that is a physical trainer who should be high on your list. On the other hand, if another acquaintance tells you that she really enjoys her trainer but that she has not really made any physical progress even though she’s used the trainer for over a year, you probably want to keep away from her physical trainer. Put Differently, results matter. Physical trainers bill by the session so there’s no real point in getting one unless you are going to advance towards your goals. A good word from someone who has gotten great results with that trainer is absolutely the best demonstration of an effective trainer.

Key #3 — Your Houston Physical Trainer Should Be Certified by One of the Major Associations

The physical trainer field has several major industry organizations they can belong to. Most of these associations have relatively demanding certification requirements which include certain educational and knowledge-based measures as well as up-to-date continuing education course requirements. One of the biggest organizations who certify personal trainers is ACE (American Council on Exercise). Any Houston personal trainer you look at hiring should have one of these certifications. The reality is that there is no certification requirement by the government before someone can

Joseph Carter writes on the topics of health and fitness. He is associated with the website of Houston Personal Trainer Anu Morgan. If you live in the Houston area and want to get in the best shape of your life you need Certified Houston Personal Trainer Anu Morgan.

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Become A Personal Trainer

March 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

There is an exciting opportunity to put yourself in the position to make a better life for yourself and others, especially if you love physical fitness, health and well-being. You can become a personal trainer, and learn the art of yoga, the many facets of body sculpturing, aerobics, and nutritional wellness, and so much more about the human body.  There are many areas and subcategories from which to choose when thinking about becoming a personal trainer. Anyone can concentrate their abilities, and study a particular chosen field specializing in an area that interests them the most. Or, if you prefer, you can become an expert in several of these areas. This will enable you to work various venues without the boredom of repetion.

One of the first things to do if you want to become a personal trainer is to make the decision as to whether or not you want to do the work.

There are a lot of mandatory abilities and knowledge necessary for a personal trainer to possess before they can take the exam and become certified in general training, or in an exact field of study.

Another needed quality is the love for people. You must have a love for many different types of people and have the ability to motivate them as well as yourself. Being a good listener and nurturing are traits you should possess as well. Having a healthy and active way of life along with having a high standard of living is of the utmost importance if you want to do well as a personal trainer. Lifestyle choices will be a key factor in being successful as a personal trainer.

The next step when you decide you have what it takes to become a personal trainer is to study for the certification exam.

There are many ways to prepare you for this exam. Online study and studying at home are both popular ways to pursue certification.

Choosing a special field of study may be to your advantage. To become a personal trainer with a specialty certification shows you have more to offer a prospective client, and in turn the client would also see the specialty credentials. This would also automatically confirm you are qualified to do a particular, distinct training.


The National Council on Strength and Fitness (NCSF) is a experienced, member-driven, education and credentialing organization for personal trainers and exercise science industry experts to realize their goals. Find out more about become a personal trainer.

Find out how to become a certified personal trainer today! Learn more fit tips at Ever dreamed of helping others lose weight, get fit and achieve their goals? It’s easier than you think to get certified to be a personal trainer. TheSarah Fit Show features videos of Sarah Dussault and includes her tips on healthy living. Topics range from an easy ab workout in the gym to which foods are healthier than others. In these videos Sarah explains, and shows, easy ways to stay fit, thin, and healthy. New episodes every Monday on the Click Fitness Network. Sarah’s Channel Sarah’s Website: Sarah’s Twitter Facebook: ACSM: Click Fitness Channel
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Muscle Maximizer Review ? Personal Trainer Tries Fad Fitness Plan

February 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Fitness

Muscle Maximizer is a popular muscle building program created by Kyle Leon. As a certified personal trainer located out of Vancouver, British Columbia, I hear all about the latest and greatest in diet and fitness plans.

As someone that suffered from being over-weight for years, I can understand the desperation and determination you have in finding the right fitness and diet plans for yourself. There is nothing like getting your hopes up from outlandish claims and results, only to get disappointed to not see the workouts or diet plan work for you, am I right?

I heard about Muscle Maximizer from a client at my gym. He had been using the program for about six weeks, and said he was pretty happy with it. Without telling me too much, he suggested I check it out for myself. That night I went and got a copy of Muscle Maximizer for myself.

So What Is It?

Muscle Maximizer is a nutrition and weight lifting plan that is designed specifically around your body type (also known as Somatotype, hence the extended name of the product).

How Does it Work?

The Somnabolic Muscle Maximizer aims to do one thing in particular—to optimize your nutrition based on your body type.

(Note: If you aren’t totally sure what body type you are, there is a comprehensive breakdown on how to do define it.)

The program customizes your nutrition planning by taking into account things like your body type, height, weight, age, workout frequency and more. I like that there are no blanket plans here—the nutrition plan you get is tailored especially for you.

Muscle Maximizer gives you 3 meal plans for your tailored nutritional requirements.

Muscle Maximizer also comes with a weight training plan. They can be moulded to fit your specific needs as well. The workouts were something I would certainly recommend to anyone.

Get Your Own Copy of Muscle Maximizer Here Now

What’s My Verdict?

It’s a quality product. No wasted time with needless fluff, and the diet plan is far more specialized than I have seen from real-life trainers and nutritionists. While the weight training program isn’t ground-breaking, the nutritional plans are more than worth the $ 68 I paid for it.

Would I recommend this product? Certainly. Muscle Maximizeralso comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you’re not happy with it, or not seeing results, you can get your money back. With Muscle Maximizer being risk-free, you have nothing to lose.

You can purchase Muscle Maximizer risk-free right here:


Alex Work is a certified personal trainer based out of Vancouver, BC. He owns and operates several bootcamp academies around the lower mainland. For help with your personal goals or fitness questions, feel free to contact him thru here. To get your own copy of Muscle Maximizer, click here:

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