Take more out of personal fitness training
February 25, 2012 by admin
Filed under Fitness Training
Article by Albert Wessel
Personal fitness training is physical training given to you by a professional fitness trainer personally. Fitness clubs, gyms etc offer memberships that allow every person who has paid fees for the membership. In this way, you never know about the number of members in the gym or fitness center. You may get surprise when entering into fitness clubs for the first time looking at so many people exercising.
While doing exercises, there are many chances that you got to wait for the instrument to become vacant so that you use it. This happens especially when you are a member of fitness center where many people come daily. Personal fitness training is all apart from this hassle. You may be provided with gym instructor or fitness instructor who would guide you regarding exercises and physical workout.
Personal fitness training may come with guidance about different gym equipments’ operation and handling and also about aerobic and anaerobic fitness exercises. The gym instructor may also advise about lifestyle to be adopted and most importantly, postures to be followed. Many health care centers and fitness clubs now have extra experts such as dieticians and physiotherapists to enhance their services and bring more attention toward customers. Personal fitness training may also include free consultation with dietician about lifestyle and dietary modification.
There are many benefits that come with personal fitness training such as…
1. There would be personal attention about physical workout
2. You can ask as many questions as you want regarding fitness and how to use an equipment.
3. You do not need to wait for equipment to get vacant. Personal fitness training is timely scheduled where you can have access to any instrument or equipment you want.
4. You can also include dietician or physiotherapist for your personal fitness training.
5. The results you may have for your health betterment would be more satisfactory as compared to general fitness training with other gym members
6. The time can be set according to your convenience. Personal fitness training comes with time flexibility
7. Personal fitness training can be arranged at any place you want. On the other hand, if you become a member of any fitness club or health care center, you may have to follow rules and regulations set by the club or center. If you have enough instruments at home, personal fitness training may be arranged at home with no hassles and you can concentrate better on personal fitness.
Whether you go for personal fitness training or join some health care club, gym or fitness center, the ultimate motto is to remain fit and fine. If your body is fit and fine, you face no difficulties in day-to-day routine. The immune system gets boosted and you contract less health ailments as compared to a person who is sitting idle all time, with no physical workout. The joints may become more flexible and the tones of muscles get better. This all, in turn, leads to healthy body and so the life.
Read about Gyms Also Read about Fitness Centres and Health Clubs
Personal Training and Weight Loss
February 4, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
Personal training is a great option for those who dread going about the weight loss process alone. Some of the benefits that the trainers offer are motivation when you are not at your best and help in keeping you on track to lose those unsightly inches around your waist. They are also there to insure that you are getting the most out of every workout.
Since many of you have never had a personal trainer, you may think that they are there to just help you to exercise better. In fact certified personal trainers do much more. The following are some of the evaluations that he or she might perform on you.
Some of the first things that he or she will do for you is to analyze your present fitness level with a series of simple tests and questions. This information helps to establish a health history that will be used to assess your risk factors before starting an exercise program.
If need be, the trainer may recommend a medical exam.
This may happen, for example if you have a history of heart disease or other cardiovascular problems, if you are taking prescription drugs, or if you have been injured recently.
Once the preliminary assessment has taken place and the trainer has determined that you’re fit enough to start a program, you will then get into more of the specifics about the goals and objectives that you would like to obtain. But before a specific program is prescribed, they may also perform more assessments such as body mass index, the determination of body fat or some of the following.
To determine your level of cardio fitness, the trainer may have you perform some physical exertion tests. By determining this, he or she can better understand your cardio endurance and capacity level. Typically the exercise will involve running or walking.
Since you will eventually perform a range of different exercises, your going to need to be flexible. As such the trainer may perform a flexibility assessment on you. After a proper warmup, a common test that is performed is a sit-and-reach.
This test not only helps him or her to asses the flexibility of your hamstrings and hip, but also your lower back. This is important because of the significant number of people who complain of lower back problems.
Another assessment that the trainer may make has to do with your body alignment, that is your posture. Posture problems can play a central role in joint and muscle problems. Determining and correcting your posture can help to alleviate nagging aches and pains that you may have. And it is more than just knowing how to stand correctly. Proper posture should also be followed when you walk, sit, and also when you perform exercises.
After making these assessments, the trainer can then design a specific program for you that will help you to achieve your goals, whether it be for weight loss or other health related benefits.
One last thing. To find a personal trainer, check with your gym. However, if you don’t like the gym scene, try a home personal trainer.
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Your Guide To Finding A Personal Trainer
January 30, 2012 by admin
Filed under Fitness Training
Article by Nolan Fisher
Not everyone works out best alone and some individuals need a trainer to give them physical fitness tips and to keep them motivated. If you’re one of those kinds of exercisers, you need to find a personal trainer that would be good for you. But how do you find one and what do you look for?
Fitness trainers come with different specialties. Some train weight lifters while others train the average overweight individual looking to lose weight. Find a trainer who has a focus that matches with your fitness goals. Maybe you know a lot about fitness or maybe you need to go through reviews of exercise bikes and elliptical trainers before you can start. In such a case, you’ll want a trainer who knows a lot about ergonomics and how people exercise. This would be a trainer who is familiar with all of the equipment you will be using.
When you find a trainer that you think will be right for you, check to see if they are certified trainers or not. Certified trainers have been specially trained in health and fitness and may be better for those who have more complicated fitness issues. A noncertified trainer with a lot of experience may not be a bad thing. Ask about how much experience the individual has in fitness training and decide for yourself if they have had enough experience to handle your problem. This isn’t as big an issue with certified trainers but you may prefer that they have a period of experience as well.
When you find a fitness trainer for your personal training, ask about what the fees will be. Some can be as cheap as $ 15 an hour and high end trainers can easily cost $ 100 or more an hour. If cost is important to you, stick to a trainer that falls within your budget. Some trainers have package deals where they’ll give you ten sessions at a lower rate than single sessions. If you know you are going to be going for a long time, take the package plan and save yourself some money.
Having a trainer is like having a personal relationship with someone. You have to be a good client by following through with your trainer’s instructions and working as hard as you can during the work outs. You have to try different things and be able to be flexible as client with what your trainer wants to try.
When you find a personal trainer–the right one–you need to go through what your workouts should look like. The trainer should provide reviews of exercise bikes for you and should give you physical fitness tips. When you set up a schedule, it should include weight work and aerobic or cardio work. You might start out on a recumbent bicycle and then work your way up to an upright cycle, which uses different muscles and which is a better, more rigorous work out. You may start out with weight machines because you can dial in the weight you can tolerate and then when you’re stronger and fit, your trainer may bring you up to free weights and will spot you as you lift the heavier weights.
In some cases, your trainer will work out alongside of you so you can see how someone who works out for a living works out. You can model your training after theirs by watching exactly how they do things.
Finding a fitness trainer for your personal training is a difficult yet rewarding experience. When you find the trainer for you, your workout experience will only be enhanced.
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Oakland-Fitness Personal Training Seven Tips to Get You Moving
January 28, 2012 by admin
Filed under Fitness Training
Article by Geneva Clay
Oakland-Fitness Personal Training promotes the message that – being physically active is the first step to living a healthy life! Our Personal Training staff at Oakland-Fitness put together these seven tips to help you get moving as you begin your journey to a becoming healthier and fitter you!
1. Commit for Thirty Days – Begin by make a commitment to exercise every day for one month. At Oakland-Fitness we understand that making a commitment to yourself is the most important part of you being successful. This will solidify the exercise habit. 2. Don’t Break the Habit – The easiest way to keep things going is simply not to stop. Avoid long breaks in exercising or rebuilding the habit will take some effort. If you have an exercise habit going, don’t drop it at the first sign of trouble.
3. Start Small – Trying to run fifteen miles your first workout isn’t a good way to build a habit. Work below your capacity for the first few weeks to build the habit. Otherwise you might scare yourself off after a brutal workout. Setting smart realistic goals are important for the success with any fitness programs. Our personal trainers pride themselves on helping our clients set achievable fitness and nutrition goals. 4. Start Slow – Slowly increase the duration (length of time) and intensity (how hard) of your fitness program as you become fit. Over time, work up to 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity, at least five days a week. If you can’t dedicate a full 30 minutes to exercise, break your physical activity into three10-minute intervals to meet your goal. 5. Create a Ritual – Your exercise routine should become so ingrained that it becomes a ritual. This means the time of day, place or cue automatically starts you towards grabbing your bag and heading out. For example, you might walk every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from noon to 12:30 p.m. At Oakland-Fitness we inform our clients if their workout times are completely random, it will be harder to benefit from the momentum of a ritual. 6. Add Variety – Try not to rely too much on one exercise activity. Find several that you enjoy. That way, exercise will never seem boring or routine. One of the things that we at Oakland-Fitness specialize in adapting your exercise routine so you keep motivated and focused on your goals. 7. Find a Buddy to Exercise With – Exercise can be fun if you have someone to share your thoughts with while you workout. At Oakland-Fitness Personal Training we are big advocates of exercising with a buddy. Statistics tell us that people who exercise with a friend are more successful at exercising consistently. You can keep each other accountable. Knowing that someone is waiting for you to exercise with them can be great motivation to show up and get it done
We at Oakland-Fitness believe, it is never too late or one is never too old to start exercising. You can live a healthier and happier life by taking the time to incorporate these seven tips into your daily lifestyle. We guarantee you will be pleasantly surprised with your results! Remember, physical activity need not be strenuous for you to see positive results, so don’t delay start today. Our Personal Training Staff is here to help you get started!
Geneva D. Clay is an accomplished health and fitness professional and radio personality who, for over the course of twenty years has shared a message and vision based on her positive, energetic approach to the business of health, fitness and nutrition which inspires, motivates and empowers individuals to tale control of BOTH their health and life.
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What Are Personal Strengths And Weaknesses – Strength In Interview
January 23, 2012 by admin
Filed under Fitness Training
Article by Megan
What Are Personal Strengths And Weaknesses
Almost every prospective organization is going to ask you to condition what your pros and cons are. This reply can often get you the job or damage your possibilities. When dealing with your expertise, you need to pay attention to the expertise that you have that are relevant to the job at side.
Overall, you should touching on your complex, individual and smooth technique. Your complex expertise are going to involve most of all your exercising. You will also want to touching on any other expertise that you have job relevant such as exercising, discussing other dialects, pc expertise and any complex certification you may have.
Your individual expertise will deal with normal abilities such as being trusted, helpful, group gamer or being contract driven. Personal expertise will help the organization figure out if you are a excellent fit for the organization on a individual stage and if you will fit in well with the relax of the group.
Lastly, your smooth expertise will involve expertise that you have obtained from any consider your practical knowledge of previous function such as any administration, logical or firm expertise. This will existing the concept that you master from your previous function, just as you will generate at this one and increase.
It is usually quite easy to tell the appointment panel member your expertise since this is probably the aspect of the appointment you perform over and over in your thoughts on the generate there. However, the prospective organization knows that you are not ideal and needs to know what your flaws are and how well you are able to convey about them.
The concept is to collection something that may be recognized to fellow workers or fellow workers as a listlessness but an organization found it a durability. A excellent example would be “I often am an over perfectionist and discover myself re-writing writes several periods before I’m satisfied” or ‘People say that I function too challenging so I’m trying to add a bit of stability in my life by going to the gym on my meal hour”. You want to make a listlessness factor audio like you actually believe it must be a listlessness but privately you will know that the organization may really appreciate that quality in an personnel.
Your pros and cons, when dealt with properly will depart you looking like you are the best individual for the location, despite any disadvantages that you may have. To learn more, you can check Personal Strengths And Weaknesses
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Finding a Personal Trainer
January 16, 2012 by admin
Filed under Fitness Training
Article by Brett Shaw
Have you been annoyed with your workout progress and results? If yes, you will likely enjoy the usage of a personal trainer. A fitness trainer can help in personalizing a training regimen attain your fitness goals.In order to pick a personal trainer, make sure that he/she holds a current accredited certification. This should provide you with the confidence that you are working with a professional who has the knowledge and abilities desired, to provide you with a good and effective exercise session.Several other key things to look for whenever you are searching your PT:Find a Fitness instructor sporting a Physique that you really admireA personal trainer should really serve as a conditioning role model. For anyone inspired by the physique of your fitness instructor, it might possibly serve to motivate you to remain on a ideal direction.While it is true that somebody which has a amazing body is not always an excellent trainer, you ought to look very skeptically at a trainer who is at an unhealthy weight or unfit. A trainer who is out of shape dos not necessarily serve as a convincing conditioning role model.Also, in the event the trainer can’t accomplish a acceptable degree of conditioning, how can you expect that he/she has the ability to help you accomplish your goals?Area Of SpecializationDoes he/she possess the knowledge of the area of fitness that you’re in search of? For example – general fitness, pre-natal fitness, sport conditioning, as well as post-rehabilitation? People who have a medical condition or a prior injury, a personal trainer needs to create a session that accounts for this. If you are receiving treatment for a medical or orthopedic condition, a personal trainer will want to obtain your permission to share physical fitness suggestions and contraindications together with your healthcare provider. Your personal trainer also needs to ask the doctor for healthcare clearance.Determine Your Physical fitness GoalIt doesn’t matter if it’s to shed weight or complete a marathon, a definite goal will assist you to narrow your choices of trainers and find one with related experience and capabilities.IndividualityGiven that you’ve found a qualified trainer, what are your first impressions? Men and women have varied personalities and a trainer ought to be able to get accustomed to these inherent differences. He or she must have the ability to sense whenever you should be forceful and when to remain compassionate, when to drive for that extra repetition and when to draw back. Although many individuals react to a hard-driving, militaristic method of exercises, others need to be lightly prodded and coaxed for optimum outcomes.Spend some time speaking with the trainer and get a feel for his / her effectiveness to correspond with you. As with every other profession, trainers ought to be excellent communicators to effectively execute their job. In the event that you aren’t happy with the trainer’s persona, there is a good chance that you will not be satisfied working together with him or her on a professional level.There it is! A systematic strategy to choosing a qualified personal trainer. Good luck in locating your Guru!How to find a Personal Trainer, How to find a Personal Trainer, Finding a Personal Trainer
The Skills Guru tends to make it effortless to uncover skilled gurus in your location – educating golf, tennis, personal teaching, driving, music, dance – you name it! How to Choose a Personal Train, <a href=”http://personaltrainer19.wordpress.com/2011/09/20/how-to-find-a-personal-traine
Personal Trainers – Swimming And Physical Fitness
January 14, 2012 by admin
Filed under Fitness Training
Do you know that gaining weight is a much easier task as compared to losing it? Once you are overweight, you need to control your diet and follow a proper exercise routine. It is hard to make a routine on your own. However, one of the personal trainers can help you in this relation. Swimming and physical fitness are two forms of keeping your body in shape. However, you need to consult different personal trainers for each form of exercise. However, you need to keep a gap between the two forms of training. For instance, you cannot swim immediately after a workout session. In most cases, people do not work out and swim on the same day.
Do you know that gaining weight is a much easier task as compared to losing it? Once you are overweight, you need to control your diet and follow a proper exercise routine. It is hard to make a routine on your own. However, one of the personal trainers can help you in this relation. Swimming and physical fitness are two forms of keeping your body in shape. However, you need to consult different personal trainers for each form of exercise. However, you need to keep a gap between the two forms of training. For instance, you cannot swim immediately after a workout session. In most cases, people do not work out and swim on the same day.
When you are looking for personal trainers to enhance your swimming skills, you need to look for an expert who can teach a variety strokes. Each stroke develops a particular body part. For instance, the breast stroke helps in the development of the chest muscles. Along with that, the butterfly stroke develops the shoulder muscles and improves the shape of the arms. However, every trainer is not qualified enough to teach every stroke.
If you want to improve your body fitness, you need to look for expert personal trainers. Instead of using videos to lose weight, you should join a proper gym and attain professional guidance. Training at home would never produce the same results. On the other hand, fitness trainers highlight the exercises which according to the suitability of a person. These exercises are recommended according to the weight and physical structure of a person. For instance, a person who has stiff stomach muscles, he cannot work a lot on these muscles. However, a person cannot identify the weak and strong areas of his body.
If you are going to a gym for the first time, you need a lot of attention. Thus, group training would not prove to be helpful for you. fitness trainers work with one person at a time. Thus, you would get undivided attention. Personal trainers keep a very close watch on you and the improvement in your body. They work with you on your diet plan and exercise routines. Most trainers split the routine according to the body parts. For instance, they would tell you to work on your arms on two days, your shoulders on three days and your chest for the remaining two days. Thus personal trainers help a lot in the development of your physique.
For more information on Personal Trainers Manhattan visit gofitsystems.com
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How to Become A Personal Trainer
January 7, 2012 by admin
Filed under Fitness Training
Article by Brodie Sword
These days, trainers are in soaring demand, and everyone is curious as to how to become a personal trainer. First, the education element of becoming a personal trainer is fairly straightforward. A high school diploma is generally required along with certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and automated external defibrillator (AED) certification, of course there is an exam needed should you want to become a certified trainer.
It takes about six to eight weeks to prepare for the certified trainer exam. However, unfortunately not all personal trainers are certified. It is by personal choice as to whether a personal trainer becomes certified. Yet, if certification is achieved the person trainer can expect better pay from their clients. Furthermore, there will be more respect and admiration with a certification, not to mention there is more knowledge of how the human body works and adapts to training as the studies for the exam will enlighten and teach several different wellness subjects.
If you want to know how to become a trainer, there are many programs available for the serious student. Anyone who wants to become a personal trainer has the option to go online and search the many web pages that are dedicated to the trainer certification exam. There are programs for studying at home, and the local fitness centers can also point you in the right direction if you are interested in studying close to home. Just remember, there is a venue to fit your lifestyle if you are serious about becoming a trainer.
Taking the exam is only the first step in becoming a trainer. Becoming a personal is more than ordering someone around, and making them do exercise and stretches. It also is more than giving health advice on taking vitamin supplements and proteins. It entails caring about your clients, and sincerely wanting them to succeed at becoming healthier. So, becoming a successful trainer isn’t about becoming certified, it is about being passionate in relation to what you do and how you affect and help your clients’ lives.
Taking the exam is only the first step in becoming a personal trainer. Becoming a trainer is more than ordering someone around, and making them do exercise and stretches. It also is more than giving health advice on taking vitamin supplements and proteins. It entails caring about your clients, and sincerely wanting them to succeed at becoming healthier. So, becoming a successful trainer isn’t about becoming certified, it is about being passionate in relation to what you do and how you affect and help your clients’ lives.
The Personal Trainer Certification Exam was developed by subject matter experts from throughout the United States under the management and administration of Prometric, the de facto standard in professional test administration. How To Become Personal Trainer.
How to select a Personal Fitness Trainer that is Beneficial to you –
December 31, 2011 by admin
Filed under Fitness Training
Article by Richard Stadnyk
As a professional personal trainer, you must be dedicated to customer service. Value and quality of service allow you to receive maximum return on the most important investment of your life – your own health! A personal trainer will be guiding you in how to eat properly and exercise, you should follow certain criteria before deciding on the person you wish to employ. Some of these guidelines are:
* Ensure that the person is qualified to be a personal fitness trainer. * Do they have certification as a personal trainer? * Do they have experience as a personal trainer? * Can you get recommendations from their other clients? * They should be certified first aid technicians
Many different types of individuals can use a personal fitness trainer. Professional athletes frequently employ personal trainers to help them prepare for specific events such as a boxing match or a tennis game. Someone needing to lose weight properly may use the services of a personal trainer to get the maximum benefit in the least amount of time.A personal trainer in today’s world tends to have numerous certifications and a wide knowledge base in the following areas: nutrition, human biology/physiology, and first aid. The trainer should be able to get you to the point you wish to achieve with your fitness training. If you are to work well with a personal fitness trainer, there must be mutual respect and you have to be comfortable with the person.
The Benefits of using a personal trainer:
Some of us are unable to motivate ourselves to be consistent in exercising, and need someone to motivate us to keep going. For exercise to be really beneficial whatever your aim, to keep fit, lose weight or to improve your overall health, demands consistency. So you need a personal fitness trainer to provide motivation and encouragement.A personal trainer for beginners, will provide the knowledge you need to workout safely and effectively. For the seasoned veteran, a personal trainer will help you when you reach a plateau; this is where motivation can play a major role. A personal fitness trainer will help you develop a new fitness plan so that you begin to see more results.
A personal fitness trainer can help you reach your goals by helping you to do the type of workouts necessary to achieve them. They do this by designing an individualized training and nutrition plan for you. This will ensure that you get the best out of your workout.
Many exercises can be dangerous if done improperly resulting in injuries to muscles, joints and even broken bones. A personal fitness trainer will help you avoid these pitfalls by showing you how to train safely.If you would like to go to the gym but cannot do so for any number of reasons, employing a personal trainer is the way to go. They will come to you when it is convenient and also, because you will be paying for their services you will be less likely to skip a session like you would at the gym.
Who is a fitness trainer?At http://www.bodyconceptspersonaltraining.com/ a fitness trainer is an individual employed to provide guidance, instruction and motivation in how to keep fit by safely following exercise routines and changing some lifestyle habits.A personal fitness trainer is a professional who knows about nutrition, the human body so as to design and implement effective exercise programs and give nutritional advice to his or her clients……Thank you.
Richard Stadnyk – Owner/Personal Trainer Specialist
Personal Fitness Training At Fitness Camp
December 27, 2011 by admin
Filed under Fitness Training
Realize that your conscious and subconscious mind are entirely separate and while they can’t speak to one and other, the can influence each other. And since we can only decide to do things consciously, this means that we can only ever INFLUENCE our subconscious thinking – but often we try to do so incorrectly using logic. You see, our subconscious does not understand logic, and instead relies heavily on impact and repetition; meaning that what it sees more often and more powerfully will be what it sees to be true. This is why you can’t reason with feelings and how a debilitating negative situation can impact similar situations in the future. Let’s say you went up to a guy or a girl and got rejected, but not just rejected, really burnt; how much is that sticking to the back of your mind the next time you even think about doing the same thing?
Keep doing this for about a week or two and then go back to your notes and see where your issues really lie. It will give you an indication of where to start. Next you devise two positive thoughts or affirmations contraindicating each negative thought written down, and next time the negative thought pops up; think about and really feel (use your imagination to increase the impact) your two positive affirmations (bring your notepad if you can’t remember). What we are doing here is creating a 2:1 ratio in favour of positive thinking and with enough repetition and impact we will outweigh the negatives over time.
From your notes you can choose a few beliefs that are more important to you and repeat these affirmations for a few minutes every morning and evening in addition to when the negatives pop up – because the more you do it the faster you will improve. But, since we can’t do them all at once, it’s better to do the extra works with just a few at the time and once you’ve improved enough you can pick others. So to recap, track for two weeks, write two positive affirmations for each negative thought and feel them every time you find yourself thinking that way – and in addition to that pick a few affirmations to work on every morning and every night. Most importantly, DO NOT stop re-affirming once your thinking improves and if a new negative comes up, quickly devise positive affirmations to that one as well and you will be well on your way. You won’t change over-night, but in time you will. But if you choose to ignore it, you’ll be stuffing up your finish time.
A simple solution at fitness bootcamp gold coast to raise awareness of negative thoughts is to bring a tiny notepad with you at all times, and every time you think negatively about anything you write down the exact thought. fitness bootcamp gold coast .
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