How to Prepare for the Army Physical Fitness Test
February 6, 2012 by admin
Filed under Fitness Training
Article by Abigail Turpin
There are things in life that aren’t easy – and preparing for the Army Test is one among them. There are very few soldiers who could claim to have maxed out the army physical fitness test. And the reasons why preparation for, and maxing out the army physical fitness test requires meticulous attention and studious efforts, have more to do with the way people tend to approach the test.
Sufficient and Regular Training: For one thing, preparation for the army test has a lot to do with training specifically for the test. One should realise that exercising is not to be equated with physical fitness. Training for the test requires just that – training specifically for the tests and for the tasks that one would be expected of in the tests. Further, even if one trained for the tests, there is also the issue of training enough for the test that would take them to their desired destinations. For instance, if one were to do the specific preparations required but if the preparations were done infrequently or irregularly, it would not translate into performance in the physical fitness test.
Right combination of Exercise, Diet and Rest: And it is not just about exercises, their duration and their frequency alone that matters when it comes to preparation for army physical fitness test. While physical training and exercises are no doubt essential, it is also important that sufficient focus is given on the aspects of diet and rest. Most physical fitness trainers feel that they have not much control over what their trainees eat when being away from the training programmes, which is a major factor that leads to failure in performance.
One should watch out on what one eats, and it has to include a lot of lean proteins, vegetables and a significant proportion of fresh fruits. It is important to realise that any extra weight would respond to the gravitational pull and would have a negative impact on performance. At the same time, continuous and strenuous exercises without adequate rests would also hinder the body’s ability from complete recovery. Proper exercises punctuated with the right rest schedules help the body recuperate and rejuvenate for optimum performance.
For best performance in Army Physical Fitness Tests, training has to be done thrice a week and the focus has to be on the right exercises that would enable you towards excelling at sit-ups, push-ups and the two mile run. Running has to be done for a distance longer than what is required for the tests, while running should be done after the strength training is done with. Concentrating on these steps would get the best out of performance during army physical fitness tests.
If you want to be an Army Officer. Part Time Commander will show you the insider tips and advice to pass the Army Physical Fitness Test. Learn more about the Army Chain of Command, Army Officer Promotions tips and military discipline.
Physical Fitness Test’s Importance
February 6, 2012 by admin
Filed under Physical Fitness
Article by Jesse Regan
A physical fitness test is an effective method of finding out a person’s health and physical abilities. Through it, he is required to perform a battery of exercises and routines that would gauge his strength, agility, flexibility and endurance; the four factors of physical fitness. Such tests are normally implemented by organizations and agencies that give priority to one’s physical conditions. The military and the police demand these from their recruits. Athletic clubs and organization have also set these as standards for drafting potential players.
Cardio training exercises such as running for a prescribed distance or time if on a treadmill can be done to measure one’s endurance. For testing one’s strength, weightlifting and bodyweight lifting like push-ups are usually performed. Short sprints and dealing with an obstacle course are meant to gauge agility and flexibility such as those done in the army. For a comprehensive test, however, all four types of exercises may be required in order to discover the one’s drawback and potency.
It is always the physical strengths and weaknesses of person that are first noticed in a fitness test. Through undergoing the routines where the four factors are measured, the gray areas are discovered. Nevertheless, a fitness or workout program can be initiated even without the benefit of a fitness test. However, this may only result in giving priorities to what are already considered as strengths while overlooking those that required attention instead.
After a thorough and well-balanced physical fitness test, the findings can then be the bases for devising a fitness program that would give consideration to a person’s capabilities. If the findings say that endurance is his gray area, then he will be asked to focus more on cardio routines. If he needs to develop muscles and increase his body mass, then he will need to emphasize weight training. Of course, he would still be required to do the other routines as well.
These fitness tests are also employed to check on the conditions of patients. Doctors consider these as part of diagnostic testing, requiring patients to execute several exercises so that they can monitor the function of the heart and the lungs. They observe a patient’s blood pressure and pulse rate as he deals with the treadmill for a specified period. Patients who have been operated for bone fractures and muscle injuries are sometimes asked to do minor weightlifting so that they can determine the level of recovery.
Physical fitness tests have become part of most school’s curriculum and requirement. This is necessary in order to find out the physical condition of every student and to create a suitable fitness program, especially giving consideration to those who have physical limitations. This has even more become important today as the cases of obesity among primary and high school students have increased at alarming rates. To introduce the youth to an active and healthy lifestyle, fitness tests have to be conducted regularly.
If you enjoy excellent fitness tips like these keep reading. If you are interested in getting in the best shape of your physical and financial life, then visit my site Fitness of Wealth. Here you will learn from Jesse what it takes to get amazing results from being a top Beachbody coach. It is his goal to help at least 1000 people achieve their fitness and financial dreams.
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Physical Fitness Articles
January 31, 2012 by admin
Filed under Physical Fitness
It is undeniable that exercise is very beneficial for our daily lives. There are a lot of benefits you can take from it and also from physical fitness articles in the book Physical Fitness. Exercise is able to ensure all your body systems to work properly. People who do not have an exercise routine have greater risk to suffer from some different ailments and diseases as they are getting older. However, establishing a exercise routine is very hard to start. Scientist have come up with target heart rate zones that can tell people whether they are at the level of exercise that is beneficial for health. These charts are based on age and are helpful but the most important thing a person can do is listen to their body. To force yourself into the pain zone because you “should” be able to do it is dangerous.
If one feels they are working hard, they are. If they can’t carry on a conversation without gasping for breath, they may be working too hard. The biggest downside of going at it too hard is that no one voluntarily continues a program of misery. If they want to make exercise a practical and consistent part of their life, then it needs to be enjoyable-well, at least not miserable! Exercise needs to be sustained, not sporadic, to produce the benefits of exercise. Some, who are just starting out on the adventure of exercise, may not be able to exercise for more than a few minutes at a time. This is OK. Over a few weeks they can gradually build up their exercise duration until most will be able to exercise for at least an hour at a time. Beyond intensity, the most important thing about reaping the benefits of exercise is that it needs to happen every day. Because, when the routine of regular exercise stops, so do the benefits. Read this collection of physical fitness articles in the book Physical Fitness.
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Who Invented Physical Fitness To Keep All On Their Toes
January 29, 2012 by admin
Filed under Physical Fitness
Article by Chris Cornell
A hale and hearty human is akin to a well-oiled machine. It takes more than air, rain and sunshine to keep the clogs turning. Otherwise, one had better be prepared for it to draw a last breath before squeaking to an unexpected halt. None can be accorded as the sole party who invented physical fitness as daily life requires the average man to display some level of vigor. Even chess players need healthy bodies although most of their physical moments seem to extend no further than their fingers.
The Greeks were probably best proponents of keeping fit. No better way exists in expressing their love of it than in the invention of the Olympics. As various parties sought to qualify for the games to achieve acclaim and victory, the call to improve speeds, distances, heights, lengths and whatever other measurement was apparent. Even though one may defeat others, it takes constant practice to maintain winning levels. One slip in step or weight gain is a sure path for second placing, the first of losers.
Oriental versions of maintaining good health veered towards balancing energy flows in addition to muscular growth and strength. The Chinese masters who invented physical fitness often incorporated moves drawn from martial arts. Although the purpose was to maintain healthy bodies, one could also defend himself or his family if the need arose. As such, the love of sports was accompanied by the need to maintain military defenses against opposing forces. Foot soldiers were subject to hours of exercise and practice to ensure they were always ready to rise to the call.
Increasing influence towards sedentary lifestyles causes men and women of today to view keeping fit as an additional activity out of the norm. Gym memberships and lifestyle reality shows hit top notes as they rake in millions to address current day issues related to lack of exercise, bad dietary decisions and spiraling health statistics.
Chris is the writer of this article , you can visit us for more information on Who Invented Physical Fitness and Who Invented Gymnastics. Visit to read more detail.
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The Importance of Physical Fitness and Sports Fitness
January 26, 2012 by admin
Filed under Physical Fitness
Article by Shawn Mackey
When you talk about sports fitness, what comes first in your mind? It is, basically, the different sports activities, right? This is because physical fitness has always been referred to as the sports itself. Generally, sports entail physical fitness activities that are usually carried out for some “recreational” functions such as self-satisfaction, entertainment, competition, etc. It uses physical activity that is why most fitness experts regard sports as one way of staying fit and healthy. It can also be considered as one way of physical fitness; the only difference is that sports fitness is more inclined to the development of skill or ability. However, like physical fitness, sports fitness is also capable of toning down the body fats of a person. Because of its rigid and strict health program, a sports enthusiast is able to maintain a well-balanced lifestyle in order to cope up with the strenuous demands of sports.. Generally, sports entail physical activities that are usually carried out for some “recreational” functions such as self-satisfaction, leisure activity, competition, etc. It uses physical work that is why most physical fitness experts regard sports as one way of staying fit and in good shape. It can also be considered as one way of physical fitness; the only difference is that sports fitness is more inclined to the development of skill or ability.
In reality, everyone should train, yet survey shows that only 30% of the United States adult population gets the recommended thirty minutes of daily physical activity, and 25% are not active at all. Inactivity is thought to be one of the key reasons for the surge of type 2 diabetes in America, because inactivity and obesity promote insulin resistance and other factors that trigger other kinds of diseases.
The good news is that it is never too late to get mobile, and exercise is one of the easiest ways to start controlling the onset of any kinds of diseases|In sports fitness and sports fitness, people should learn how to value their health. Otherwise, they can never endure the kind of energy that is required when playing sports activities. For people who are already candidates for some serious diseases like diabetes and heart failure, exercise and physical fitness can improve the condition of some parts of the body like insulin sensitivity, lower the risk of heart disease, and promote weight loss.
In 2003, the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism had published an issue regarding the result of their study and found out that lack of exercise and physical ability were the key factors behind obesity and other serious diseases like diabetes. Hence, it is extremely important for a person to stay healthy and be physically fit in order to avoid such illnesses.
Getting Started
The first order of business with any sports fitness plan, especially if you are a “dyed-in-the-wool” couch potato, is to consult with your health care provider. If you have cardiac factors, your doctor may want to perform a stress test to establish a safe level of exercise for you.
Certain complications of some diseases will also dictate what type of exercise program you can take on. Activities like weightlifting, jogging, or high-impact aerobics can possibly pose a risk for people with diabetic retinopathy due to the risk for further blood vessel damage and possible “retinal detachment.”
Health experts also contend that patients with sever peripheral neuropathy or PN should avoid foot-intensive weight-bearing exercises such as long-distance walking, jogging, or step aerobics and opt instead for low-impact activities like swimming, biking, and rowing. If you have conditions that make exercise and physical fitness a challenge, your provider may refer you to an exercise physiologist who can design a fitness program for your specific needs.
If you are already active in sports or work out regularly, it will still benefit you to discuss your regular routine with your doctor.
The bottom line is that physical fitness and exercise should not have to be a rigid activity and should not come off strong. Your exercise routine can be as simple as a brisk nightly neighborhood walk, walking the dog, or simply taking the stairs instead of the elevator. The important thing is that you keep on moving. Every little bit really helps a lot.
In the end, you will realize that the many things that good food can bring you are equally the same as what sports fitness can do for you.
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Components of Physical Fitness
January 20, 2012 by admin
Filed under Physical Fitness
Article by Body Fitness
Following are the components of Physical Fitness:
1. Speed: Speed is the ability of a person to execute motor movements with high speed in the shortest period of time. It is equal to the distance covered per unit of time. the element of speed is involved in most of the athletic skills such as in sprint running, some skills of soccer, basketball, etc.
2. Strength: Strength is the ability of a muscle to expert or release force by contraction enabling a person to overcome resistance or to act against resistance.
3. Power: Power is the ability of muscle to release maximum force in the shortest period of time. It is equal to force multiplied by speed. It is the combination of strength and speed. Speed and force must be combined for effective performance in activities like baseball throw, jumps for height, football kick, boxing punch,etc.
4. Endurance:Endurance is the ability of the person to perform movement of moderate (Sub-maximum) contractions over prolonged period of time under conditions of fatigue or tiredness. It is the product of all psychic and physical energy of human body.
5. Flexibility : Flexibility is the ability of a muscle to perform movements with large range of motion.
6. Agility : Agility is the ability of a person to change positions in space or to change directions quickly and effectively e.g. football player quickly changes direction or giving dodge to opponent, hurdle crossing over the barrier or hurdles, zig-zag running, etc.
7. Balance: Balance is the ability of a person to control human body or to maintain equilibrium under static and dynamic conditions e.g. hand stand, skating, skiing, catching a fly in baseball, etc.
Fitness Components @ Body Fitness Blog
This video is about the man who could perform 2 finger pushups and whose muscular strength, endurance and flexibility were spectacular. To tell you the truth, I can beat anyone in the world!!! -Bruce Lee Please comment!!
Personal Trainers – Swimming And Physical Fitness
January 14, 2012 by admin
Filed under Fitness Training
Do you know that gaining weight is a much easier task as compared to losing it? Once you are overweight, you need to control your diet and follow a proper exercise routine. It is hard to make a routine on your own. However, one of the personal trainers can help you in this relation. Swimming and physical fitness are two forms of keeping your body in shape. However, you need to consult different personal trainers for each form of exercise. However, you need to keep a gap between the two forms of training. For instance, you cannot swim immediately after a workout session. In most cases, people do not work out and swim on the same day.
Do you know that gaining weight is a much easier task as compared to losing it? Once you are overweight, you need to control your diet and follow a proper exercise routine. It is hard to make a routine on your own. However, one of the personal trainers can help you in this relation. Swimming and physical fitness are two forms of keeping your body in shape. However, you need to consult different personal trainers for each form of exercise. However, you need to keep a gap between the two forms of training. For instance, you cannot swim immediately after a workout session. In most cases, people do not work out and swim on the same day.
When you are looking for personal trainers to enhance your swimming skills, you need to look for an expert who can teach a variety strokes. Each stroke develops a particular body part. For instance, the breast stroke helps in the development of the chest muscles. Along with that, the butterfly stroke develops the shoulder muscles and improves the shape of the arms. However, every trainer is not qualified enough to teach every stroke.
If you want to improve your body fitness, you need to look for expert personal trainers. Instead of using videos to lose weight, you should join a proper gym and attain professional guidance. Training at home would never produce the same results. On the other hand, fitness trainers highlight the exercises which according to the suitability of a person. These exercises are recommended according to the weight and physical structure of a person. For instance, a person who has stiff stomach muscles, he cannot work a lot on these muscles. However, a person cannot identify the weak and strong areas of his body.
If you are going to a gym for the first time, you need a lot of attention. Thus, group training would not prove to be helpful for you. fitness trainers work with one person at a time. Thus, you would get undivided attention. Personal trainers keep a very close watch on you and the improvement in your body. They work with you on your diet plan and exercise routines. Most trainers split the routine according to the body parts. For instance, they would tell you to work on your arms on two days, your shoulders on three days and your chest for the remaining two days. Thus personal trainers help a lot in the development of your physique.
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Benefits of Physical Fitness
January 6, 2012 by admin
Filed under Physical Fitness
We encourage everyone to lose weight the old fashion way; burn it. But, we acknowledge this is not for everyone, so regardless of how you go about tackling fitness or weight loss. Understanding the benefits of physical fitness can go a long way in your long term success. On the other hand, not being fit and healthy can affect your overall health, including your cardiovascular health, your well being, your energy levels, and even your mood. So grab yourself a cup of coffee or better yet a healthy cup of tea and stay with me.
Improves how your body works
Probably the biggest benefit of physical fitness is how it improves the way your body functions especially your heart and lungs. Exercise improves the amount of oxygen you take in which in turn improves the flow of blood to your heart. Unfortunately this only happens when your heart rate is elevated which requires cardiovascular and physical type activities or exercise. This type of activity raises your metabolism and helps you burn fat and tone up those trouble zones. It also raises your energy level improving your ability to tackle your favorite physical activities. Exercising on a regular basis will help you maintain your proper weight level and a healthy lifestyle.
Gets you in a good mood
Another benefit of being physically fit is the effect it can have on your mood. Exercising actually can improve your mood and help you dump any negative energy you may have acquired during your day at the office or stuck in traffic on your way home. Rigorous exercise can cause your body to release endorphins that will make you feel better. Plus your energy levels will be higher and more than likely you will live a longer and healthier life. This improved attitude and new found vitality will give you confidence; maybe even improve your sex drive. In addition, these benefits of physical fitness apply to you whether you are male or female, young or old.
Can help you sleep better
Yet another of the great benefits that comes from exercise is that you will be able to sleep better at night. There is nothing like a good restful night’s sleep to improve your focus and concentration during the day. In addition you will find other sleep related benefits; there have even been some cases of people with sleep apnea or sleep disorders due to breathing problems that benefitted from regular exercise. What they found was that exercise enabled them to take in more oxygen and open up their airways to improve the quality of their sleep.
Improves your health
Finally and probably one of the most important benefits of physical fitness is that it helps to fight off diseases which can cause us a multitude of problems throughout our lives. Some of these include reducing the risks of some forms of heart disease, lowering your cholesterol levels, helping in balancing your blood pressure, preventing some forms of cancer and greatly improving your chances of preventing the onset of diabetes. In as little as 30 to 45 minutes a day of cardio exercise you can go a long ways to enjoying a long and healthy lifestyle and perhaps even avoid the complications that come with any of these type illnesses. Adding resistance or weight training to your routine will help you build muscle and tone up your body.
It seems blatantly obvious that the benefits of physical fitness can impact a big part of our lives, yet so many of us never seem to take the hint. In order to actually enjoy these benefits, all you have to do is commit to spending a little time three or four times per week to get some exercise. When you find yourself overweight you tend to think it comes from having put on a few excess pounds by not minding your diet. But this extra fat is not the only reason you may be overweight it can also have a lot to do with how your metabolism is working or not working. Regular cardio exercise helps to keep your metabolism active and adding some resistance training builds muscle which also burns calories even when you are resting. If you are ready to engage in a healthier lifestyle you will need some detailed information on nutrition options and proper exercise routines.
Hope you enjoyed this basic information, for more detailed information on nutrition plans and exercise suggestions feel free to visit us at
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5 Elements of Physical Fitness
January 4, 2012 by admin
Filed under Physical Fitness
Article by Arnold Pierce
Essentially, the ideal ratio of body fat to lean mass is an indication of fitness. Carrying out the right set of work outs can guide folks get rid off system body fat and increase or sustain muscle mass.Physical fitness is the skill to perform proficiently through your workday, execute your standard other activities and nonetheless have plenty of power left around to handle any extra stresses or emergencies which may well come up.The components of bodily fitness are:* Cardiorespiratory (CR) endurance – the performance with which the system delivers oxygen and nutrients wanted for muscular activity and transports waste items from the cells.* Muscular strength – the best volume of drive a muscle or muscle group can exert in a single effort.* Muscular endurance – the capability of a muscle or muscle group to accomplish repeated movements with a sub-maximal force for extended intervals of occasions.* Versatility – the capacity to shift the joints or any group of joints through an full, usual variety of motion.* Human body composition – the percentage of entire body unwanted fat a man or woman has in comparison to his or her total entire body mass.Improving the first 3 parts of fitness detailed over will have a favourable effect on system composition and will outcome in a lot less body fat. Extreme physique unwanted fat detracts from the other fitness elements, lowers overall performance, detracts from visual appeal, and negatively has an effect on your overall health.Factors these kinds of as pace, agility, muscle ability, eye-hand coordination, and eye-foot coordination are labeled as parts of “motor” fitness. These aspects most impact your athletic power. Correct teaching can strengthen these factors inside the limits of your potential. A wise fat reduction and fitness plan seeks to increase or preserve all the elements of bodily and motor fitness by sound, progressive, mission certain physical education.Concepts of ExercisingAdherence to specific essential workout principles is important for building an successful method. The very same rules of training utilize to absolutely everyone at all ranges of physical instruction, from the Olympic-caliber athlete to the weekend jogger.These essential principles of physical exercise have to be followed.RegularityTo accomplish a education impact, you ought to work out typically. You really should workout every single of the initially four fitness parts at least three times a week. Infrequent physical exercise can do far more damage than good. Regularity is also important in resting, sleeping, and following a smart diet program.ProgressionThe intensity (how very difficult) and/or duration (how lengthy) of work out must progressively enhance to enhance the stage of fitness.HarmonyTo be productive, a method will need to incorporate pursuits that tackle all the fitness components, due to the fact overemphasizing any one particular of them could damage the many others.Wide varietySupplying a wide variety of actions reduces boredom and will increase inspiration and progress.SpecificityTraining will need to be geared towards specific objectives. For case in point, persons turn into far better runners if their schooling emphasizes operating. Despite the fact that swimming is terrific exercising, it does not develop a two-mile-operate time as much as a jogging method does.RecoveryA tricky day of training for a given element of fitness will need to be followed by an less difficult instruction day or rest day for that element and/or muscle group(s) to enable allow recovery.
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Physical Fitness Articles – How to Get a Well Toned Body Using These Proven Tips
January 1, 2012 by admin
Filed under Physical Fitness
Article by Maria Jones
Generally speaking, most people would like to lose weight and have a well toned impressive body. Despite the fact that many people join health clubs and gyms to get exercise, the results that they achieve may not be up to their expectations. What you really need to do is strive for a healthier life using physical fitness articles that will help you understand which physical fitness techniques will help you the most toward achieving your goals.
To help you reach those hidden qualities within, and extract the knowledge that you need to discover, physical fitness articles will show you what exercises to do, and what nutritious meals you need to eat in order to shape your body in an effective way that will facilitate a healthier you.
The tips that you must use must be gathered from sources that provide effective fitness tips that will work with you specifically. A good place to start our online sites that can provide specific guidelines in regard to what your body needs the most. You will more than likely find excellent diet tips and articles on physical fitness that will not only provide you with proper health oriented guidance, but also help you enhance your personality in a positive manner.
What you will probably find as you surf online to find relevant information for your workout are huge repositories of information that specifically target your thighs, tips on how to burn extra fat off of your belly, and guidelines that will help you burn more calories per mile through walking on a regular basis. If you do enough research, you will definitely find fitness tips that will help you understand the inner secrets of diets that actually work.
If you are looking for the best online information on diet tips, as well as physical fitness articles that can help you reach your goals, the “Workout Healthy Blog” is a portal with very useful information. The latest information on weightlifting, diet and nutrition, health clubs, and general fitness advice can be found at this trustworthy and reliable directory of blogs related to fitness. You will see firsthand once you visit the site articles and information that will show you the things you should and should not do as you pursue your physical fitness goals. To help you reach those hidden qualities within, and extract the knowledge that you need to discover, physical fitness articles will show you what exercises to do, and what nutritious meals you need to eat in order to shape your body in an effective way that will facilitate a healthier you.
The tips that you must use must be gathered from sources that provide effective fitness tips that will work with you specifically. A good place to start our online sites that can provide specific guidelines in regard to what your body needs the most. You will more than likely find excellent diet tips and articles on physical fitness that will not only provide you with proper health oriented guidance, but also help you enhance your personality in a positive manner.
What you will probably find as you surf online to find relevant information for your workout are huge repositories of information that specifically target your thighs, tips on how to burn extra fat off of your belly, and guidelines that will help you burn more calories per mile through walking on a regular basis.
If you do enough research, you will definitely find fitness tips that will help you understand the inner secrets of diets that actually work. You will more than likely find excellent diet tips and articles on physical fitness that will provide you with proper health oriented guidance, but also help you enhance your personality in a positive manner. For more detail visit us at: