5 Popular Misconceptions About Weight Training for Women

September 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Rakesh Vasoya

5 Popular Misconceptions About Weight Training for Women – Health – Weight Loss

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In spite of great efforts by the weight trainers the myths associated with weight training for women does not seem to go away ever. Weight training for women has lot controversy surrounding it. Read below and learn the five popular misconceptions about weight-training for women:

1. Training makes the women look masculine and bulky: Whenever we hear weight and training for women the first image that comes to our mind is of the women bodybuilders. It is a fact that women can’t produce testosterones, responsible for increase muscle size and thus it is very difficult for the woman to have muscle mass simply by doing some weights. The women bodybuilder to develop their body relies on synthetic testosterones and anabolic steroids. The results are also a combination of genetics and rigorous training programs wherein, they lift very heavy weights. Women who regularly do weight_training without the steroids have fit and firm cellulite-free body.

2. Exercise increases the chest size: It is a myth that breast size increases with weight loss. Breast is made of fatty tissues. In case your body fat decreases by 12 percent the size of the breast decreases considerably. The myth was born because weight loss training increases the back size and thus there is an increase in the cup size. Just remember that breasts size can be increased either by gaining fats or breasts implants.

3. Weight training makes you muscle-bound and stiff: If you do all the exercises in full motion the flexibility is bound to increase. Exercises like dumbbell presses, flyers, chin-ups and stiff-legged deadlights stretch the bottom muscles. All these exercises improve your stretching capacity considerably.

4. When you stop it the muscles turn into fats: This is like saying that gold if not used turns into brass. Fats and Muscles are two different entities. After women quit on weights training there is a certain loss of muscles and drop in diet. Bad eating habits lower metabolism system, low muscle mass all make muscles look like fat. Though, the truth is as simple as fat start to accumulate after muscles are lost.

5. With weight trainings fats convert into muscles: This is like saying brass turns into gold-alchemy. If you want to transform the body then you must try an lose extra fats by taking nutritious diet and gain muscles by following a planned weight lossing training schedule for women. Remember you can’t change muscles into fats.

Therefore we can say that weighttraining for women has no actual side-effect. It is just the popular myths that stop women to take up it sessions. But remember, when you start with the it’s for women it is very important to do it under a well experienced trainer. This will ensure well being and safety of the women. Take it slow and steady for healthy weights training for women schedule!

About the Author

For more information about weight training for women click on http://bestweighttrainingforwomen.com/weight-training-for-women/

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Rakesh Vasoya

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For more information about weight training for women click on http://bestweighttrainingforwomen.com/weight-training-for-women/

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An Introduction to Popular Russian Kettlebell Workouts

September 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Amber Freeman

An Introduction to Popular Russian Kettlebell Workouts – Health – Fitness

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Over the past couple of years, cannonball shaped weights with handles have gained considerable popularity in the United States. For over a century, people in various countries and Russia have been using kettlebells. Kettlebells are available in a variety of fixed weights, and many different workouts can be performed using them. So, if you plan to perform the following Russian kettlebell workouts, make sure you have different weight kettlebells.

History Russian Kettlebell Exercises

The reason these workouts have a Russian origin is because athletes and soldiers in Russia have been using them as a training mechanism for a long time. Kettlebells were once favored as training tools in Russian strongman competitions. In 1985, the first ever kettlebell event was sponsored by Russia. Since then, Russian gymnasts and fitness buffs typically use kettlebells in their workout routines.

Kettlebell Swings

You can develop your arms, back, buttocks and legs using kettlebells when performing swings. Perform this kettlebell workout in a standing position by keeping your feet apart at shoulder-width. Squat down by bending your knees while holding a kettlebend in each hand and push back your hips. Lower the kettlebell while bending forward. Start swinging the kettlebell to your eye level by thrusting your hips forward and extending your knees. Bend your hips and knees to get back to the squat position while the kettlebell is being pulled down to the floor. You can repeat as many repetitions of this workout as you want to.

Wrestlers’ Row

Wrester’s row is one of the Russian kettlebell workouts that can help you strengthen your arms, back, glutes and legs if you are using kettlebells. Stand up, keeping your apart at hip-distance while holding a kettlebell in both hands. Lean forward from your hips while bending your knees a bit and continue bending till your upper body and the floor are almost parallel to each other. Use your elbows to lead, while pulling your hands in your lower ribs and maintain this starting position. Pull your right arm into your side while extending your left arm toward the floor. Return to the starting position by pulling back your arm. Keep your left arm in place while extending your right arm. Complete your set by continuing this pulling pattern by alternating between your arms.

Floor Press

You develop your chest, shoulder and triceps muscles by performing floor presses using kettlebells. Lie down on the floor between two kettlebells and keep your shoulders at level with the kettlebells. Rest the kettlbells against your forearms while placing your fingers inside the handles and gripping them. Press the kettlebells to the length of your arms. Bend your arms while keeping your legs bent and your head over the floor. Bring your upper arms into contact with the floor by lowering the kettlebells slowly. Drive the kettlebells back up to the length of your arms immediately when your arms touch the floor. You can also use one kettlebell at one time when performing this kettlebell workout or you can use an alternate between your arms to add variety.

Since intensity and resistance will be created in your workout because of the additional weight of kettlebells, this way, muscles are cut quickly by Russian kettlebell exercises. Unlike free weights or normal dumbbells, even the intrinsic muscles are easily worked out because of a kettebell’s awkward size. This is why kettebell workouts are so beneficial since they benefit every major muscle group.

About the Author

Amber Freeman is a writer who loves researching and writing about many of her passions. You can benefit from all the research and care that has gone into her latest website, Russian Kettlebells, where she provides information, tips on care, and even talks about a Men’s Kettlebells.

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Amber Freeman is a writer who loves researching and writing about many of her passions. You can benefit from all the research and care that has gone into her latest website, Russian Kettlebells, where she provides information, tips on care, and even talks about a Men’s Kettlebells.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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Why Ear Stretching is Popular

June 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Mark Wilson

Why Ear Stretching is Popular – Other

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Ear stretching is popular for a number of reasons, but mainly because people are seeking new ways to be different. They know that most types of body piercing are now commonplace and that many are not generally visible, being hidden beneath clothing. They see stretched ears, particularly the earlobes, as a way of making their independence easily visible to everybody. However, it has not always been for that reason that people have stretched their ears.

The Historical Culture of Ear Stretching

Stretching ears is just one of the many forms of body modification that people have been using since before historical records began. Examples are body painting, tattooing being a more permanent form of this, lip stretching, hair styling and piercings of many different types. Unlike lip stretching, where the skin and flesh are stretched out to hold circular plates, stretched ears are simply an enlargement of the piercing in the ears, generally the earlobes, but not confined to just these.

Such body modification has been carried for a number of cultural reasons, including for religious reasons, to ward off spells and witchcraft, tribal affiliation and personal adornment and beauty. Young people of today use ear stretching for the last mentioned of these reasons, although there is still a great deal of stretching carried out throughout the world for those other reasons mentioned.

Examples are the Maasai people in Kenya and East Africa, some areas of Thailand and also among the indigenous peoples of the Amazon basin. Many carry out stretching to extreme levels, involving not only the earlobes, but also the conch of the ear, the septum and the lips, the latter being predominantly an African form of stretching. The Mursi of Ethiopia still wear large lip plates on their stretched lower lips, although as explained earlier these are straight stretchings and not stretched piercings.

Famous Examples of Ear Stretching

There are numerous examples of stretched ears, one being the stretchings apparent on the famous Easter Island Moai statues. The story goes that the Moai statues represent the ancestors of the original inhabitants of Easter Island, and were carved somewhere around 1200 CE to 1500 CE (CE=AD). They are represented with stretched ears, indicating that this was likely carried out by the original inhabitants of the island.

Another famous example is that of the boy pharaoh, Tutankhamen, whose famous gold and blue death mask exhibits earlobes stretched to at least 10 mm in diameter. The mask may be stylized, and not necessarily display the correct extent of the stretching, but there seems no doubt that this form of adornment was common in Ancient Egypt.

Another very famous example is that of representations of Siddhartha Gautama, better known as Buddha. Sculptures and other forms of representation of Buddha show definite stretched earlobes.

There are few doubts that earlobe piercing and subsequent stretching of the piercings has been carried out for many thousands of years. It may be that this was a sign of stature in society, although this is not the case in Thailand and Brazil, where ear stretching has been common among all members of society for untold centuries: even now, the peoples of the Amazon Rainforest and the highlands of Thailand practice this form of bodily decoration.

How to Stretch Your Ears

If you have a desire to stretch your ear piercings, you must either have an existing piercing, or have one carried out. In the latter case, you will have to wait longer to commence the actual stretching procedure because it takes about 6-8 weeks for the initial piercing to heal sufficiently to allow it to proceed.

You can choose either to do it yourself of have it done by a professional. Because of the damage that can be done if you get it wrong, you are advised to go with the professional, although you can purchase the equipment needed online from any good flesh tunnel or ear piercing website. Recommended site – http://www.fleshtunnel.co.uk

You must be absolutely certain that this is what you want, because after a certain point it is irreversible without radical plastic surgery. That point is in the region of 10mm – 12mm diameter holes, below which the stretching will revert to normal after a period of time, although to be frank, your ear lobe will never look as perfect as it once was, even with plastic surgery – so be certain!

Ear Stretching Equipment

The equipment you and the professionals will use is roughly the same, often in the form of insertion tapers that vary is width along their length, although the pros will have theirs properly sterilized and will take the increase in diameter of the piercing in small stages, allowing about 2 weeks healing between gaugings. The term ‘gauging’ is used because that is the term used to measure the diameter of the stretched hole.

Your ears lobes might start off with a 14 gauge piercing, around 1.63 mm in diameter. This can increase in size to 12.7 mm (1/2 inch), or 0000 gauge, and even larger to any size at which you care to finish. The Maasai and Brazilians can go to very large diameters, although you will likely stop at 0.5 inches or thereabouts. You will note that the gauge numbers drop as the size of the hole becomes larger.

Jewellery for Stretched Ears

You have a wide range of jewellery from which you can choose to adorn your stretched ears. Some use flesh tunnels that fit into the hole and show the space going through your earlobe. Others use bars that fit the expanded earlobe, with various forms of adornment attached to the ends. Yet others prefer to use rings or hangers that accentuate the ear stretching, and often make it seem even larger as the weight of the jewellery pulls it downwards.

Materials range from gold, platinum, titanium and niobium to Teflon, glass, crystal, plastic, shell, bone and wood. You are advised to keep clear of the absorbent materials, such as wood and bone and also some plastics, because these can harbour germs, viruses and fungi.

Ear stretching is a great way to express your individuality, but it’s not the stretching that matters as much as what you wear with it. Make sure you get some great jewellery to go with your stretched ears and you will look absolutely fabulous – Ab Fab as they say!

About the Author

More tips and information on gauging ear lobes for flesh tunnels are avialable on 40mm ear tunnels where you will also find a selection of great ear stretchers

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Mark Wilson

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More tips and information on gauging ear lobes for flesh tunnels are avialable on 40mm ear tunnels where you will also find a selection of great ear stretchers

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

8 Minute Stretch

Why is the CreVax 6-Day Diet Pill Plan so Popular with Celebrities?

April 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Slim Down

Article by buynathansnatural

Without a doubt, the CreVax 6-Day Diet Pill Plan has taken the weight loss industry by storm. Every body’s talking about it – ranging from sports personalities to Hollywood stars. CraVex has even been featured by leading magazines like Oprah’s ‘O’ magazine and Women’s Health and Fitness.It’s the big time! It’s no mean feat – to impress leading celebrities who have the most phenomenal resources when it comes to looking good, keeping fit and being healthy. What with their own personal trainers and chefs to plan their low fat meals, these celebrities really shouldn’t have a problem maintaining themselves. And yet, they swear by the CreVax 6-Day Diet Pill Plan – because it works for them. They don’t have to worry about any side effects from taking CreVax, and most important of all, they don’t have to devote any time and effort to losing weight – because CreVax does it all for them.Join the big league. You too can be part of this major weight loss program, just like all these celebrities who are among seven million satisfied users worldwide. And you can achieve this by simply starting the CreVax 6-Day Diet Pill Plan, knowing that they wouldn’t advocate it if it wasn’t effective. CreVax works because it combines seven absolutely pure and natural Swiss herbal ingredients. This marvelous combination has been based on more than seven years of research in a Swiss lab. And the research has paid off wonderfully.Guaranteed natural. CreVax contains Hoodia Gordonii from South Africa that will suppress your appetite so much that you will feel full after a few mouthfuls; Camellia Sinensis Green Tea attacks and breaks down fat molecules that you keep stored in your body; Jiaogulan from Japan burns your fat molecules and enhances your energy levels further; Red Sage acts as a stimulant for your cardiovascular activity; Barbary Wolfberry Fruit initiates a fat burning process which is safe and perfect for your health; the Peony Root or Chinese Bao Shao strengthens your immunity levels, makes your blood vessels really relax, lessens platelet sticking, supplements your blood with nutrition and stimulates the blood circulation to your skin and the extremities of your body; and Taurine Amino Acid gives you added energy.Low fat, high profile. Seriously, have you noticed how most famous people tend to have perfect bodies? Surely, they can’t all be starving themselves and working out frantically to look so good? Well, what ever they do, gets them noticed. Because, apart from their talent they also look awesome all the time. It isn’t just the make up, you know. It’s their bodies, their skin and hair, and the sheer good health that they seem to radiate. You too can have it all. With the CreVax 6-Day Diet Pill Plan. You can lose 7 pounds in 6 days – easily and effortlessly. Just watch the fat burn up and melt away. Watch your self becoming slim and willowy, reflecting the glow of good health. A life of glamour, in the limelight, can be yours – all you have to do is reach out for it. Reach out for the CreVax 6-Day Diet Pill Plan.

About the Author:The CreVax 6-Day Diet Pill Plan from buynathansnatural.com Natural weight loss supplements for a healthier life Herbal weight loss pills. Visit http://www.buynathansnatural.com/crevax.html

Without a doubt, the CreVax 6-Day Diet Pill Plan has taken the weight loss industry by storm. Every body’s talking about it – ranging from sports personalities to Hollywood stars. CraVex has even been featured by leading magazines like Oprah’s ‘O’ magazine and Women’s Health and Fitness.

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Iron Gym – Most Popular and Effective Pull Up Bar Available

March 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Pull Ups

Article by Mike Dutton

The Iron Gym Pullup bar sets itself apart from all the others and may be the reason it has become so popular. The way that it is made makes it more universal to use then the traditional pull up bar. The bar allows you to use it for much more than just your standard pullup.One of the best features of this gym is that it is very portable. With very little effort it can be taken off any door frame and used on the floor or anywhere in your home. The reason for this is you don’t have to mount it with any type of screws, nuts or bolts.

The standard pull-up bar always requires you to drill into a door frame; mount hardware and this can lead to a variety of issues. You may find that you split your door frame and if you decide to move it to another location you now have nasty holes left behind. The Iron Gym requires no hardware installation at all! The design itself simply wraps around the door frame and is extremely stable.

When placing it at the top of the door frame you can do exercises such as three varieties of pull-ups and other ab strengthening routines. When you take the unit and place it at the base of the door opening you then have a solid setup for doing sit-ups. Making this change from one workout position to the other is almost effortless.

Getting in shape using the Iron Gym Pullup bar you will find to be very easy. It will give you stronger chest, back and shoulder muscles as well as help you to tone your mid section. This can all happen pretty fast but the important part is that you use the gym consistently. If you do it for a week and walk away you will not get the desired results you’re looking for.

The fact that this pull up bar is multifunctional gives you the option to customize your workout using three different gripping positions. The positions include the standard grip which helps to target the triceps, the narrow position which helps your biceps and the wide grip which will help to build up you lateral muscles. Using all three will lead to a nice balance of muscle tone over your upper body.

When using the Iron Gym on the floor you also have a few options which can lead to even muscle definition over your abdominal area. When the bar is removed from the door opening you can use it for pushups that can be done in the standard or wide position. The wide position is not recommended if you’re just starting out as it can be more difficult. When on the floor, you also have the option to use the bar for dips. Dips will build out triceps and help a variety of other muscles at the same time. Having the option of using this gym on the floor is really a great feature of this unit.

Overall the Iron Gym Pullup bar is a very unique multifunctional workout device that will prove itself to you in a matter of a few weeks. It has been on the market for years because it just plain works.

Get more information on the Iron Gym on my blog along with discounts and more. Remember the Iron Gym Pull Up Bar will prove itself to you in just a few weeks time if you stick with it. Good luck and thank you for reading.

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