7 Weeks to 10 Pounds of Muscle: The Complete Day-by-Day Program to Pack on Lean, Healthy Muscle Mass

January 11, 2013 by  
Filed under Guide

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Step-By-Step Guide To Packing on 10 Pounds of Full, Lean Muscle In Under Two Months—Following a Simple, Healthy and Highly Effective Workout and Nutrition Program

Getting fit is tough, but taking off fat while packing on 10 pounds of muscle? That can be the ultimate challenge. And the truth is, getting a full, ripped physique is a lot more than just hitting the gym once in a while. Putting on and maintaining muscle mass is all about eating right, wor… More >>

7 Weeks to 10 Pounds of Muscle: The Complete Day-by-Day Program to Pack on Lean, Healthy Muscle Mass

Myogenix Glutamine 1000 Grams, 2.2 Pounds

September 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Glutamine


Product Description
+ + Product Details: Product Name: Myogenix **amino acid Size: 1000 Grams UPC: 680269543410 Product Descriptio… More >>

Myogenix Glutamine 1000 Grams, 2.2 Pounds

Women’s Fitness: Study How To Drop The Pounds Without Struggle

September 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Fitness

Article by Steven Marcos

Women’s Fitness: Study How To Drop The Pounds Without Struggle – Health

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Women’s fitness is one of the topics mostly talked about. Because most women have busy schedules, they tend to find a hard time where they can do activities to stay fit and remain in perfect shape. Also, it is a lot difficult for them to lose some stubborn fats especially the belly fats. Losing these fats is one key to a healthy life. What you need to do to eliminate these fats is you need to eat foods rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. There is also a need to complement this diet with regular exercise.

Belly fats develop because of many reasons. It could be genetic or could be hormonal changes. As we grow older, our body’s metabolism decreases. Because of this, excess fats increases particularly around the abdomen. Also, if you gained weight, which would mean you also gained excess fats. Therefore, if you have more excess fats in the body, you are at high risk of developing heart diseases, diabetes and worst if cancer.

Changing stomach workout routines can really help to get of belly fat. Crunches are very helpful in reducing belly fats. There are three major training techniques comprising of straight sets, super sets, and circuits. The straight set involve picking up an exercise and performing two to three sets of that exercise before moving to the next. The super set involves in performing an abs exercise and then immediately moving to the next abs exercise without taking rest. The third technique, circuits involve three or more abs exercises in a row.

Another key to women’s fitness is that you must also be knowledgeable of the foods you are eating. You have to keep in mind that, foods which are high in carbs and fats can cause you to have stubborn belly fats. If you badly want a sexy abs, you must have a balanced pH. Therefore, you need to get rid of sodas, sweetened drinks and others that contain a lot of sugar. Thus, water, herbal teas or fresh juices would be best for you.

Stress can also affect women’s fitness. Therefore, you must do away with stressful activities. If you are experiencing stress, your body is producing stress hormones that can be responsible for the belly fats. Stress also slows metabolism thus allowing to produce more fats. Other negative feelings can also contribute to a slower metabolism hence you need to be happy to live a healthy life.

About the Author

Guys if you are looking to gain muscle while burning then learn how you can gain 12lbs in only 21 days with 21 Day Fast Mass BuildingLadies if you are looking to lose belly fat then you need to check out Flavilicious Fitness Review.

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Steven Marcos

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Guys if you are looking to gain muscle while burning then learn how you can gain 12lbs in only 21 days with 21 Day Fast Mass BuildingLadies if you are looking to lose belly fat then you need to check out Flavilicious Fitness Review.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Exercise For Pregnant Women-4 Exercise Guaranteed to Shed Pounds

August 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Mariah Littles

Exercise For Pregnant Women-4 Exercise Guaranteed to Shed Pounds – Health – Fitness

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Kegels Kegel exercises are small internal contractions of the pelvic floor muscles that support your urethra, bladder, uterus, and rectum. Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles improves circulation to your rectal and vaginal area, helping to keep hemorrhoids at bay and speeding healing after an episiotomy or tear, if you have one during childbirth. There’s even some evidence suggesting that strong pelvic floor muscles may shorten the pushing stage of labor.You can do Kegels anywhere – sitting at your computer, watching TV, even standing in line at the supermarket. Here’s how:”� Tighten the muscles around your vagina as if trying to interrupt the flow of urine when going to the bathroom.”� Hold for a count of four, then release. Repeat ten times. Try to work up to three or four sets about three times a day.

Pelvic Tilt This variation of the pelvic tilt, done on all fours, strengthens the abdominal muscles and eases back pain during pregnancy and labor.”� Get down on your hands and knees, arms shoulder-width apart and knees hip-width apart, keeping your arms straight but not locking the elbows.”� As you breathe in, tighten your abdominal muscles and tuck your buttocks under and round your back.”� Relax your back into a neutral position as you breathe out.”� Repeat at your own pace, following the rhythm of your breath.

Squat It may not be the most elegant position, but squatting is a time-honored way of preparing for and giving birth. This exercise strengthens your thighs and helps open your pelvis.”� Stand facing the back of a chair with your feet slightly more than hip-width apart, toes pointed outward. Hold the back of the chair for support.”� Contract your abdominal muscles, lift your chest, and relax your shoulders. Then lower your tailbone toward the floor as though you were sitting down on a chair. Find your balance – most of your weight should be toward your heels.”� Take a deep breath in and then exhale, pushing into your legs to rise to a standing position.

Tailor This position can help open your pelvis and loosen your hip joints in preparation for birth. It can also improve your posture and ease tension in your lower back.”� Sit up straight against a wall with the soles of your feet touching each other (sit on a folded towel if that’s more comfortable for you).”� Gently press your knees down and away from each other, but don’t force them.”� Stay in this position for as long as you’re comfortable.Remember to start slowly and work at your own level for each

About the Author

The Author Mariah Littles is the proud mother of 3 beautiful children. She knows how extremely difficult to stay fit during and after childbirth. For more free tips and information visit her informative Review Site

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Mariah Littles

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The Author Mariah Littles is the proud mother of 3 beautiful children. She knows how extremely difficult to stay fit during and after childbirth. For more free tips and information visit her informative Review Site

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How To Lose 10 Pounds Of Fat With High Intensity Weight Training For Fat Loss

June 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by Pam Maldonado

How To Lose 10 Pounds Of Fat With High Intensity Weight Training For Fat Loss – Health – Weight Loss

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Losing those last 10 pounds of fat is oh so frustrating. You can’t “diet” it off and you have spent hours on the treadmill or some other cardio machine or activity and fat loss is still illusive! You will be happy to know there is a solution and you won’t have to work out for hours. High intensity strength training and short workouts. Fat loss and reduced workout time, you can’t go wrong!

High intensity weight training to lose those last 10 pounds or actually any amount of fat, is typically one of the last options when a person just can’t get rid of stubborn belly fat or fat around the hips and upper arms.

Why? High intensity training can be difficult, or should I say, “intense” (thus the name) and many people don’t like working that hard. If you want to lose the fat quickly, it does work and it works very well.

To understand how this works, you need to know a bit about types of fat and why the last pounds are so hard to get rid of.

There are 2 kinds of fat around the belly:

-the visceral fat, and-the subcutaneous fat.

When you incorporate diet and lifestyle changes, the subcutaneous fat is usually eliminated pretty easily;

However, the villain of fat loss is the visceral fat which is embedded deeper into the body and permeating through the organs. This is the reason why these last pounds are extremely difficult to tackle.

There is a serious problem with visceral fat. If left alone, it will lead to high bad cholesterol and high blood pressure. This is why many overweight people are suspected of having high blood and major organ problems like such as kidney, heart, and liver issues.

High intensity training with weights can really cut through and burn visceral fat.

The question many people have is, “Do I have visceral or subcutaneous fat around my middle section?” To be honest, just looking at your stomach with the naked eye makes it impossible to know for sure. That is why many doctors recommend exercise and diet first – not the high intensity weight training. Keep in mind if a person is overweight, high intensity weight training may be risky for him or her.

What is High Intensity Weight Training?

Another word for high intensity weight training is precision definition weight training or high impact weight training. Basically, it means that you work the body until your heart beats at a faster rate than regular exercises. This could be a weight training circuit in which you move quickly to the next exercise or even jog between exercises, with little rest. This keeps the heart rate high, provides further intensity in the actual weight lifting exercise, and generally qualifies as high intensity exercise if you keep on the move.

In addition, true high intensity weight training involves low impact exercises like stretching, running, jogging, or aerobics both before and after the weight training. This is to “warm up/down” the body so the muscles are ready for the high impact training. The bottom line is that you need to reach a certain level of energy expenditure in every session.

High intensity weight training most certainly works to reduce both kinds of fat, especially if it is done in conjunction with a change in diet to natural, calorie-conscious meals.

To get a ton of free weight loss and fat burning information and programs, please visit http://www.howtolosefatforwomen.com.

About the Author

To get a ton of free weight loss and fat burning information and programs, please visit http://www.howtolosefatforwomen.com You will also find a great wealth of information about fat loss, diets, exercise programs, and recipes to achieve the level of health that you are looking for regardless of age. I will only put things on this site that I have personally tried and approved. All information is scientific and proven. Hope you enjoy it and come back again and again!

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Pam Maldonado

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To get a ton of free weight loss and fat burning information and programs, please visit http://www.howtolosefatforwomen.com You will also find a great wealth of information about fat loss, diets, exercise programs, and recipes to achieve the level of health that you are looking for regardless of age. I will only put things on this site that I have personally tried and approved. All information is scientific and proven. Hope you enjoy it and come back again and again!

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Syntrax Whey Shake, Chocolate Shake Powder, 5 Pounds

June 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Protein Shakes

  • 5 pounds powder
  • Whey Shake is a delicious, healthy shake made from 100% pure, wholesome Promina brand whey protein concentrate
  • Whey Shake’s singular protein source is Promina brand whey protein concentrate–the purest, healthiest, best tasting, most soluble undenatured whey protein concentrate available

Product Description
Whey Shake’s singular protein source is pure, wholesome whey protein concentrate. Although it is commonplace to add a small amount of whey protein isolate or hydrolysate (whey peptides) into a formula in order to list them as ingredients on the label, we decided to march to the beat of a different drum when creating Whey Shake. Instead of trying to trick our customers, we are gladly proclaiming that Whey Shake contains only whey protein concentrate. This level of … More >>

Syntrax Whey Shake, Chocolate Shake Powder, 5 Pounds

Helpful tips concerning Losing A Few Pounds Easily Lose Weight Fast and Safe

March 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Slim Down

Article by Quincy Stookey

This is the data on how to lose weight fast and safe and enjoy your self in the training course of action of the good journey you are about to start off off. Lose weight fast and safe with this easy to comply with manual and preserve the body weight off permanently. People these days who want to lose extra fat usually, and to begin with of all, think about reducing the amount of meals they check out to consume. This could be somewhat a remedy but not exactly the greatest there is. In easy fact, primarily based on the quantity you reduce in your foods intake, it may even be unsafe to one’s all round well-being. So how does 1 distinct get rid of weight successfully and securely? Proper here are some points a person seriously will need to ponder when trying to shed system weight:Lose Weight Fast and Safe- Beware of the Crash Diet programs

This is the guidebook on how to lose weight fast and safe and delight in your self in the program of action of the marvelous journey you are about to begin off. Most folks feel that trimming down the calories can on your private shed off their undesired abnormal. Quite possibly this is only simply because of the fad there is in promoting about decrease-calorie food products and drinks. What people today don’t know is that this could be risky largely because when they decrease their calorie usage way to beneath the critical quantities, the complete human body starts to digest the fats. Sounds fantastic but it doesn’t seriously. Burning entire body unwanted fat requirements a superior offer of vitality. Presented that there is not much power in the entire body to facilitate metabolic price of excess excess fat, it will operate at an unbelievably sluggish tempo resulting to exhaustion, illness and weak immune approach. Lose weight fast and safe with this straightforward to adhere to manual and hold the weight off permanently.

Lose weight fast and safe with this easy to comply with info and maintain the human body weight off permanently forevermore. This is the guidebook on how to lose weight fast and safe and delight in your self in the program of action of the amazing journey you are about to commence. Lower-calorie diet plan is also compensated for by the body by burning muscle. People these days on this variety of eating plan regime who revert back again once again to their outdated consuming behavior stop up attaining back some, if not all the weight they have shed off. This would consist usually of fats. And since fats have considerably additional quantity per mass than muscle, they finish up having the very very same pounds as in advance of but additional bulkier. In dropping physique weight, a solitary truly must retain in brain that they require to get rid of extreme system fats only. This is the tutorial on how to lose weight fast and safe and appreciate your self in the strategy of the fantastic journey you are about to start off off.

Lose weight fast and safe with this uncomplicated to comply with tutorial and maintain the weight off forever. Even so, just one can attempt out out consuming small meals at significantly more regular intervals. This way the human physique will not feel that it is remaining starved and will not retailer meals as system fat. This is the info on how to lose weight fast and safe and delight in oneself in the method of the marvelous journey you are about to commence.Lose Weight Fast and Safe- Try to eat Properly

Lose weight fast and safe with this easy to comply with manual and retain the system weight off permanently forevermore. One particular could have regarded as junking the crash eating habits regime option but he should also not neglect to observe what he is eating. Selection require to continuously be deemed so that one may be in a position to get the critical nutrients from his diet.It is also much more healthy to attempt to eat food which are roasted, steamed or broiled as an alternative than fried. It is also vital to entail a good deal of fiber in the diet regime. Frequent rehydration is also critical. This is the manual on how to lose weight fast and safe and delight in your self in the approach of the wonderful journey you are about to commence off.Lose Weight Fast and Safe- Pump Up lean Muscle Mass

Lose weight fast and safe with this basic to adhere to tutorial and maintain the body weight off forever. Muscle tissue melt away off calories when they do the position they even do so at relaxation. As opposed to fats which just lie all approximately, bulge about the pants and dangle beneath the sleeves, muscle tissues burn up up calories all-working day round. With this easy actuality, 1 can start weight loss by raising muscle mass. The significantly a lot more muscle groups, the drastically a lot less human body unwanted fat will be left. This is attainable commencing with functioning out with resistance work out routines. This is the tutorial on how to lose weight fast and safe and take pleasure in on your own in the system of the astounding journey you are about to get started out.

Lose Weight Fast and Safe- Engaging in Aerobics

Lose weight fast and safe with this simple to observe guidebook and maintain the extra weight off permanently. Aerobics are not only superior for the heart by raising cardio-vascular endurance. Aerobics also enable in increasing lean muscle mass whilst concurrently reducing further entire body further excess fat. Aside from these, aerobics make the metebolic procedure far extra effective and its fee increased, even subsequent a lengthy while. Visualize burning entire body weight efficiently although driving along the freeway or even while viewing tv. This is the guidebook on how to lose weight fast and safe and like your self in the technique of the exceptional journey you are about to get started.

Lose Weight Fast and Safe- More “Push”

Lose weight fast and safe with this effortless to observe guidebook and maintain the weight off forever. Some people right now think that smoking and caffeine can truly support in shedding extra weight. This can perhaps be right nevertheless, they do the human system considerably a lot more hurt than superior largely simply because of their aspect-effects. For that added “push”, a person can contemplate out taking meals dietary health supplements. Afterall, 95% of these products out in the industry really does exceptional. This is the tutorial on how to lose weight fast and safe and take pleasure in all by yourself in the course of action of the fantastic journey you are about to get started.

Lose Weight Fast and Safe- On Taking Diet regime Tablets

Around-the-counter eating plan method capsules have an influence on the amount of human body weight a single loses as properly as how lengthy a single specific retains that sum of entire body weight off. Nonetheless, one will need to be wary of the aspect-success of these diet plan regime medications. As this type of, one unique have to faithfully observe the directions presented for in the packaging. It is also prudent to test with the physician anyway ahead of making an attempt out these medication and also to uncover out which variety would be best for the human being. This is the guidebook on how to lose weight fast and safe and delight in your self in the strategy of the breathtaking journey you are about to start out off.

Lose Weight Fast and Safe- Last Considered

Dropping extra weight does not have to show sacrifice and suffering. It basically often suggests opening up to a more total and nutritious existence the area just one may possibly nicely not have to expertise negative about himself possessing to glimpse the way he does or not being in a position to do what he desires to do. Dropping unwanted fat could entail an incredibly small modifications as well as the discomforts, but as the outdated stating goes, “no soreness, no obtain.” In addition to excess extra fat, what has an individual received to lose anyway? This is the tutorial on how to lose weight fast and safe and appreciate your self in the technique of the wonderful journey you are about to begin off.

What happens if you merely aren’t able to get rid of the excess weight?

I understand how difficult it may be to try and lose unhealthy bodyweight, however, if you need to really shed the unwanted weight forever and get on the path to a comfortable balanced living style you will need to be taught a single solution that actually works wonderfully.

Using this method is straightforward to get also it isn’t going to take a whole lot of practice, you can read the best way to do it now in my free report here: Foods to Lose Weight

Never give up hope, it’s NOT unattainable. Understand alot more about programs to lose weight by clicking the link.

Click here budurl.com ToLose Fat and Gain Muscle With Darin Any Where In The World by using his On-line Program. Sign up for my free tools and newsletter at www.FatlossLifestyle.com Hi, my name is Darin & I am a World Class Prof. Drug-Free for Life 45 year old Bodybuilder, fitness trainer, author, and husband & Father. Most of my clients are hard working business owners, parents, & stay at home house moms just like you; who want less fat / more muscle, less stress, more time, energy, & fulfillment. The Fatloss Lifestyle system will streamline your work out & nutrition program. To check it out click; budurl.com Principles that you will use in the Fatloss Lifestyle system will force you to gain muscle & lose fat faster than ever. My Promise to you is that I will show you how to not only get an amazing physique, but I will give you a precise, personal (exactly for you) total plan of attack that will allow you to do it in a way that feels good. If you are looking for a deeper approach to health, strength, & vitality; then you need this proven system. My 300 page “FATLOSS LIFESTYLE 12 Week Body Transformation System” will give you the tools to take your body & your life to the next level. Whether you are a: competitive bodybuilder who wants to get some great contest prep tips and or smooth out your life in between contests, or you are the gym rat who wants to take your physique to the next level, or a sedentary 40 year old that needs to get active. THIS SYSTEM WILL WORK FOR
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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EAS Myoplex Original Nutrition Shake, Chocolate Cream, 3 Pounds 7 Oz -20 Servings

January 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Protein Shakes

  • Provides 25 vitamins & minerals
  • Good source of fiber
  • Leads to greater muscle development and body fat loss

Product Description
This high-performance protein powder is ideal for building lean muscle and maintaining an active lifestyle. Added nutritional support helps improve overall body composition.42 grams of protein to help support lean mass24 vitamins and mineralsConvenient great-tasting performance nutritionTake within 30 minutes after working out to support muscle recovery. Or use anytime as a quick, easy meal replacement to keep energy levels up. Supplement Facts Serving Size: 1 packe… More >>

EAS Myoplex Original Nutrition Shake, Chocolate Cream, 3 Pounds 7 Oz -20 Servings

3 Days to Lose 10 Pounds – A Real 3-Day Diet to Slim Down and Look Sexy Fast!

December 10, 2011 by  
Filed under Slim Down

Need to lose 10 pounds in 3 days? Well I’ve got good news and bad news for you. The good news: it actually is possible to lose up to ten lbs in just three short days. The bad news: it’s certainly not as easy as many people make it out to be. In this article I’ll show you a realistic way to lose several pounds and a few inches very quickly… including a simple and healthy “3 day diet” anyone can follow.

5 Steps to Losing 10 Lbs in Only 3 Days

If you really want to burn some fat, lose some weight, and get a bit leaner really fast you must stick to these 5 rules…

1. Get motivated — Do whatever you need to do to get and stay motivated. The more motivated and focused you are on losing weight quickly, the easier and more effective the process will be.

2. Get energized — Boost your energy by getting plenty of sleep, avoiding alcohol, getting some sunlight every day, and following the next step closely.


Water = weight loss — One of the simplest and most-proven techniques for losing 10 pounds fast is to drink large amounts of water every day. Shoot for a gallon or more. You’ll cleanse your system and force your body to drop several pounds almost effortlessly.

4. Cut the carbs — You must cut out all sugars and starchy carbs if you want to lose weight quickly. That means no grains or potatoes!

5. Sweat for fast success — Exercise is a must for fast, effective weight loss. Do some form of higher-intensity exercise every day and results will come quickly.

A Simple 3-Day Diet

Day 1: Do a simple fast based around pure water, water with fresh-squeezed lemon juice, and low-calorie vegetable broth.

Consume no whole foods or sugar (including honey).

Day 2: Eat a raw diet based around raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. Eat as much as you want. Try to eat at least every 2-3 hours. The fiber will fill you up but also continue to cleanse your body, helping you to lose a couple pounds of waste matter.

Day 3: Eat 5-6 small low-carb meals and snacks based around lean meats, whole eggs, fish (not fried!), lightly cooked vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Eat just enough at each sitting to feel slightly satiated. Continue to drink lots of water throughout the day.

There you go, a simple and “real” method for losing 10 pounds in 3 days. If you want to learn even more about how to go about losing pounds quickly check out the link below…

Click here to learn about how to lose 10 pounds in 3 days the smart, healthy, and safe way!

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