What to Do About “I Can’t Do Math Word Problems” Syndrome

May 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Push Ups

Article by Robert Duval

What to Do About “I Can’t Do Math Word Problems” Syndrome – Education

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It is very easy to give up and say: I just can’t do math word problems. But the truth is, math word problems will always be part of your education. Before you go on and quit, you should know how math actually has significance in your daily life. When you read math word problems, do not immediately push it aside and declare “It has nothing to do with me!”

In fact, as you probably know, math word problems are integral in our mundane life, we just don’t realize it. Think about going shopping or baking. You do not just do calculation off the top of your head, you are carrying out an actual math word problem without pen and paper! So, don’t give up on math problems just yet. There is more in store for you.

So, how do you survive math word problems?

Converting into an equation is the key!

The key to solving any math word problem is to correctly convert the word statement into an mathematical equation. Unfortunately, this is a giant stumbling block for most students. Know that math has its own language. You probably know this already, your variable x stands for some unknown, and you get an equation based on what information is given in the problem.

Know what infomation is given, and which you have to solve for

Remember that the information given in the word problem has something to do with how you can get the solution. At this point, it is a useful habit to draw illustrations which can help you imagine the situation better. Focus next on the unknown and try to see how the information given can help you find the unknown.

The importance of logical reasoning

Based on what is given and asked for in an math word problem, you must be able to connect all the information together and web them into one whole. There are math word problems which are very common. If you have been solving many of them, you can see how these word problems repeat itself. If you get the right reasoning flow, there is no reason not to get it right the next time.

Recognize key words

Math word problems are made of keywords. These keywords are crucial. If you encounter words like “twice that of” for example, it simply means 2x, assuming x is your variable. There are many other keywords which signify operations. Once you familiarize yourself with most of them, you will find it easy to convert the word problem into an actual math equation to solve.

Mathematics is simply a more organized methodology for solving some of the ordinary word problems we encounter everyday. It has not been invented out of the blue to make things more miserable for students.

If you are going through the “I can’t do math word problems syndrome,” maybe now is the right time to change that. Add in a little critical thinking and some positive energy, you will surely get the next math word problem right.

About the Author

John runs a site called MathTrench.com, which offers thousands of solved math problems

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Robert Duval

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John runs a site called MathTrench.com, which offers thousands of solved math problems

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Avoiding Computer Use And Lower Back Pain Problems

February 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Lower Back Exercises

Unfortunately, these days computer use and lower back pain go hand in hand. With a growing number of employees, students, and recreational computer users spending hours upon hours sitting in front of the PC, back problems are now more than ever a concern. This is especially true for younger individuals who are now exposed to this risk from an early age.

Back pain for many is unavoidable with the American Chiropractic Association reporting around eighty percent of individuals will experience some level of back pain throughout their lifetime. Pain caused by continuous computer use is mostly a concern for individuals working on a PC for prolonged periods of time. However, it is also a concern for younger children who are not paying attention to their posture when spending hours gaming or on their favorite social network.

These are the reasons why it is extremely important for all PC users to make sure they educate themselves on techniques recommended by the experts for avoiding these issues. Most people know the importance of having good posture in order to avoid future problems. However, most of us could use a reminder on what the professionals recommend when sitting for long periods of time.

There are a few rules of thumb that you should always be keeping in mind when it comes to computer use and lower back pain. However, the first thing to do is invest in a good chair. Keep in mind the chair you choose should focus on allowing you to have good posture. Avoid chairs that allow you to sit in a way in which your posture may be compromised.

Spine support is always the most important thing to consider when choosing the right chair. An ergonomic chair will support the natural curves of your spine and not put on unnecessary stress on your muscles. The arm rests and depth of the seat pan can also be variables that will ultimately affect your posture.

It is important to remember that not all chairs will be suitable for all individuals. If you are using a PC utilized by a number people, you may have to have a bring your own chair policy. Likewise, you may have to request a chair that suits your specific needs if supplied an inappropriate or ergonomically-incorrect chair by an employer.

The key to preventing injuries is allowing for proper muscle, ligament, and joint alignment through good posture. Some tips for doing this include keeping your head centered over your shoulders and erect. Your elbows should also be at a 90 degree angle from your body.

While you may be focusing on having a good posture when sitting in front of the PC, it is important to stretch to avoid common computer use and lower back pain problems. Staying in the same position for prolonged periods of time can often remove the elasticity from your tissues. This is why it is necessary to walk stand up and walk around approximately every two hours. However, you may have to do this more often as stress builds in your muscles and you become uncomfortable.

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More Lower Back Problems Articles

Gas Problems? Know How to Increase Subaru Gas Mileage

January 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

Article by Sebastian Gaydos

People are always on the lookout for products that provide good value for their money. In tough economic times, anyone would do well to save and spend right. Among other things, people seek ways to cut their fuel expenses. Vehicle owners increasingly need to reduce gas expenses while making the most of their gas mileage.

However, extending gas mileage in cars requires additional costs and a shift in attitude or driving behavior. Interestingly, maximizing gas mileage in a Subaru is easier compared with other car brands. Here is a quick guide on how to increase gas mileage for Subaru vehicles.

Follow the Standard Maintenance Procedures. Experts advise that Subaru owners should religiously follow factory-recommended performance check procedures optimized for each model. Regular maintenance checks and upkeep or replacement of the air filters, spark plugs and oxygen sensors can keep the engine clean will substantially increasing engine efficiency. As a result, gas consumption is reduced while mileage increases.

Wheel Checks. Most car owners take for granted the status of their tires. However, to ensure safety, they should keep tires properly inflated and watch out for signs of wear on the tire tread. Such practices prevent premature deterioration of tires as well as inefficient fuel consumption.

Properly inflated tires can therefore maximize fuel efficiency in Subaru cars. Experts advise that owners should abide by vehicle manuals when it comes to maintenance. They should educate themselves about basic facts like the proper tire pressure. After all, the tire pressure in a Subaru Forester Edmonton residents own may be very different from an Impreza or a Legacy.

Regular Oil Changes. Any Subaru Forester Edmonton residents own should get an oil change for every 3,000 miles travelled. Oil changes maximize the car’s gas mileage by preventing damage to the engine and keeping it running smoothly. With regular oil changes, Subaru owners should be able to drive their cars without any issues while maximizing fuel efficiency.

Drive Responsibly. Drivers should remember to drive in a calm, sensible manner not only to preserve their cool on the road but also to reduce fuel consumption. A United States Department of Energy study shows that aggressive and impulsive driving behaviors i.e. sudden accelerations, changing lanes, speeding and excessive braking lead to fuel wastage. They also greatly reduce the fuel efficiency of a Subaru Impreza Edmonton residents have by as much as 33%. Moreover, drivers who engage in such behaviors face a greater risk of accidents. Patience and maturity therefore go a long way in reducing accidents and inefficient fuel consumption.

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How do you get faster? One way to get faster is to learn how to increase your soccer speed in this week’sOnline Soccer Academy soccer training video. This soccer video will teach you ways to get faster and how to run fast! Description: These workouts to increase speed will help you increase running speed. Basically these exercises are sprinting training to increase your soccer speed and will show you how to run fast. Equipment Needed: Two Cones Exercise Player Can Do: Set up a start cone and end cone about 10 — 15 yards apart. We will now do 5 speed exercises to work on our proper running technique. 1st Exercise — Heel Over Knee Walking — 2 Sets Hands on your hips, drive your knee up and down, walk down to end cone and light jog back. Point your toe up when driving your knee up, come down on ball of your foot, do not let your heel touch the ground. When jogging back make sure you are jogging on your toes, not flat footed. A coach needs to look at you and think, that player’s got good technique. 2nd Exercise — Heel Over Knee Skipping — 2 Sets Hands on your hips, drive your knee up and down with a little skip in between. The faster our knee goes up and down the faster we will go. Make sure your knee is past your waistline. 3rd Exercise — Heel Over Knee Fast Knees — 2 Sets Hands on your hips, drive your knee up and down as fast as you can. 4th Exercise — Heel Over Knee Walking with Arm Technique — 3 Sets Does it matter what are arms are doing when we are running
Video Rating: 4 / 5