7 Weeks to 10 Pounds of Muscle: The Complete Day-by-Day Program to Pack on Lean, Healthy Muscle Mass

January 11, 2013 by  
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Step-By-Step Guide To Packing on 10 Pounds of Full, Lean Muscle In Under Two Months—Following a Simple, Healthy and Highly Effective Workout and Nutrition Program

Getting fit is tough, but taking off fat while packing on 10 pounds of muscle? That can be the ultimate challenge. And the truth is, getting a full, ripped physique is a lot more than just hitting the gym once in a while. Putting on and maintaining muscle mass is all about eating right, wor… More >>

7 Weeks to 10 Pounds of Muscle: The Complete Day-by-Day Program to Pack on Lean, Healthy Muscle Mass

This Aerobic Exercise Program Could Change Your Life!

October 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Article by Gene Millen

This Aerobic Exercise Program Could Change Your Life! – Computers

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It was about 100 years ago that I was first introduced to my first aerobic exercise program.

Coach Miller would “suggest” that we jog around the track for a while, suddenly break into a sprint for about 40 yards, and then slow down to a walk as our lungs cried out “Please don’t do that again.” In the beginning we looked upon this activity as an extreme form of punishment but we later learned that these alternating intensity workouts dramatically improved our energy and performance. Of the three key exercise variables…how often you exercise, how hard you work and how long you last, intensity has the most powerful effect.Your body responds to short bursts of intensity by releasing a cascade of fat-mobilizing hormones and anti-aging growth hormones that supercharge your metabolism and burn extra calories for 24 hours or longer.Here’s a good example of the powerful effect of exercise intensity on heart health. A new study by British researchers tracked 1,975 healthy men over ten years.

The men who exercised the hardest had a 47% percent lower risk of death from all causes and a whopping 62% lower risk of death from heart disease, compared with those who reported very little or no intense exercise. The best part however is that the benefits of this aerobic exercise program were achieved with as little as nine minutes per day of vigorous activity.

I’m Gene Millen. Fifteen years ago a heart surgeon, sawed open my chest and stitched in bypasses to six of my favorite heart arteries. It wasn’t as much fun as you might think…and started me on a journey to helping others avoid my mistakes.

My experience in aerobic exercise programs includes working with hundreds of people in the Vital Life Center, a health and wellness club for the “over 50 crowd. I thought I knew all the right aerobic exercise programs, but after trying Dr. Sears’ new PACE

Basics of MMA Weight Training Program

September 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Wayne

Basics of MMA Weight Training Program – Sports – Martial Arts

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Mixed Martial Arts is a relatively new sport, but combat sports have been around for many years. Each sport has their own specific training regimen scientifically developed to produce the maximal results. Consequently, the routines and principles have already been designed. It is only a matter of incorporating ones that are useful and discarding those that are not. The best weight training for MMA program increases strength, endurance, and explosive power.

What separates a fighter who has knock out power and one who doesn’t? Strength. I am willing to bet that a fighter with knock out power also has a better “MMA weight training program”. A Mixed Martial Arts weight training program sticks to the basics. The key is to strengthen the muscles involved in kicking, punching, grappling, etc. All big movements in MMA involve multiple muscle groups. So compound lifts are the best exercises for MMA. Here are the top exercises: deadlifts, squats, bench press, horizontal rows, glute ham raises. Having a stronger body with the same technique will always produce a significant increase in damage.

Circuit training for MMA has gotten the most attention. But the circuit training is inefficient. Circuit training is when one moves from one exercise to another with the focus on increasing strength and cardio. There are three energy systems in the body: Aerobic, Anaerobic and ATP-PC. Aerobic is the system that predominates when doing the workload doesn’t demand a large amount of energy. Think marathon runners. Anaerobic predominates when more energy is required, but the production limit is quickly limited. This is equal to doing 8 to 12 reps. ATP-PC produces the largest amount of energy for max strength and power, but is extremely limited. Imagine doing a sprint. Because circuit training involves doing many reps of a certain exercise, the aerobic system predominates. It is terrible for strength. This is not the proper way to train endurance.

A good MMA weight training program increases a fighter’s endurance through intensity. High intensity training means lifting heavy weights for low reps with shorter rest periods. Pick a weight that you can do for 4-5 reps, but do it for 2 reps as fast as you can. Then rest a minute before the next set. Work up to 8-10 sets. After all, your body adapts to the way you train. Fighting and combat sports is about constant output of energy. It is about quick bursts and rest periods in between. Therefore, we should lift with the intention to reduce our body’s recovery time while maximizing our explosive power.

One of the easiest methods to improve explosive strength is to buy resistance bands and hooking them onto the barbell. Or to buy powerlifting chains that will make regular lifts heavier at the top and lighter on the bottom. An economical way to make your own chains is to go to Home Depot and purchase their heaviest link-lock chains and stringing them together. The principle behind this is overloading the muscles. In order to complete a repetition, you must generate force greater than the bar because it gets heavier at the end of the motion. For example, let’s say you are capable of benching 300 lbs, but you lower the weight to 225 and put 120 lbs of resistance bands onto the barbell. If you were to bench the bar with 225 lbs of force, you will fail the lift as soon as the bands tighten. The same is true if you were to push with 300 lbs of force. In order to succeed, you must bench with at least 320 lbs of force and accelerate at a speed fast enough to overcome band tension. This forces your body to recruit and fire all your muscle fibers.

Putting it all together

The best MMA weight training routine has two types of lifting days. Days where we work on absolute strength and days where we work on explosive strength. The closer you are to a fight, the more you should focus on tailoring your training for explosive strength with the shorter rest periods. Weight training for MMA should be kept to two to three times per week, but try to avoid doing it on your sparring days. You must have enough strength left over to do sports specific training in MMA – sparring, padwork, grappling, etc.

Check out my web page for more information on how to set up a MMA Weight Training Program Weight Training for MMA

About the Author

When I was 18, I was extremely overweight. I decided I had to make a lifestyle change and became a gym rat when I started college. In my junior year, I was addicted to powerlifting and luckily I had met a someone who competed in Strongman competitions. I asked to join without hestitation. I have competed in many Strongman competitions, but after graduation I had to move back to my hometown. At that time, I started training Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and my obsession for MMA began.

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When I was 18, I was extremely overweight. I decided I had to make a lifestyle change and became a gym rat when I started college. In my junior year, I was addicted to powerlifting and luckily I had met a someone who competed in Strongman competitions. I asked to join without hestitation. I have competed in many Strongman competitions, but after graduation I had to move back to my hometown. At that time, I started training Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and my obsession for MMA began.

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Rotator Cuff Therapy – How to design an exercise program

September 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

Article by Steve Kaiser

Rotator Cuff Therapy – How to design an exercise program – Health – Wellness

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Rotator cuff therapy is the single most important issue affecting the treatment for rotator cuff tear injuries. What you do during rehab is the key to a successful result. Regardless of the type of injury you have suffered or surgery you have had performed.

It is important that it must be a bespoke program, not a generic one i.e. it must be tailored to you as an individual. The outline below is based upon a rotator cuff repair surgery rehab lasting up to six months.

So, just what should you anticipate from therapy? Well, you should expect a progressive program of exercises based upon your condition and level of healing. In other words it should get harder as you get stronger.

In the very early stages, exercise is so important, but it must be aided and as pain free as possible. A little discomfort is to be expected but stop on pain. If something hurts too much stop – it is that simple. A little discomfort is to be expected but stop on pain.

Start with Isometric exercises or assisted / passive. This is to allow the rotator cuff muscles to start working without being under any real strain.

Isometric exercises – for example, pushing against an immovable object, such as a wall, or holding the muscles under tension. Neither the wall nor the rotator cuff muscles actually move, they are not being stretched, but they are working and therefore getting a safety first work out.

Passive motion – Have someone else support your arm and move it gently. Do not allow any motion beyond pain free range. In this instance the muscles are moving but not actually working, so an increased range of movement can be achieved in a risk free manner. It can be utilised for movement in all planes.

The middle bit

Therapy / rehab can a long process and it can be boring. This is the point when so many people give up or stop taking things seriously. Please, do not give up your rotator cuff remedial work now; this is such a vital time.

The middle bit consists of slowly increasing the number of exercises you do. Increasing the number of repetitions (i.e. 8 – 10 – 12) and sets (i.e. 1×8, 2×8, 3×8, 1×10…..). At the same time very gradually build up the resistance. In other words make the muscles work harder.

You may also be ready to add some weights. Nothing too heavy, just simple hand held weights will increase the work the muscles are doing. The cuff muscles are small so start with nothing more than 1lb and an absolute maximum of 5lb.

Try resistance bands to slowly and gently increase the strength and durability of the muscles. Elastic based exercises for injured rotator cuff muscles are universally accepted as a vital part of any recovery protocol. The bands are particularly good because they hold the muscle under tension throughout the whole plane of movement.


Strengthening is the final phase of rotator cuff therapy. This should include not only the rotator cuff muscles, but also the muscles that surround the shoulder. The shoulder works most successfully when there is a balance between all of the separate components. By simply strengthening the cuff you can throw everything out of balance. This could lead to other problems developing.

Slowly increasing the weights used and / or the number of reps / sets will aid in strengthening. You will be able to feel the improvement by now and should be, pretty much, back to normal. The importance of strengthening is to ensure there is no repeat injury in the future.

This is just an outline of what you can expect. Join me here to learn more about rotator cuff therapy

About the Author

Steve Kaiser has used exercise to treat his own rotator cuff symptoms. Learn how you could do the same at Rotator Cuff Therapy Exercises . His new book “Natural Rotator Cuff Healing” a comprehensive guide to rotator cuff treatment is available for immediate download.

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Steve Kaiser has used exercise to treat his own rotator cuff symptoms. Learn how you could do the same at Rotator Cuff Therapy Exercises . His new book “Natural Rotator Cuff Healing” a comprehensive guide to rotator cuff treatment is available for immediate download.

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How to Do Isometric Neck Exercises

Isometric strength training promotes muscle toning and endurance. Learn exercises and stretches for your workout routine in this fitness video.
Video Rating: 3 / 5

Diet and Exercise The Best Weight Loss Program Ever

September 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Article by irawan udinsolo

Diet and Exercise The Best Weight Loss Program Ever – Health

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There are lots of diet plans in the marketplace it can be near on impossible to choose the correct one. Ladies create awesome statements of wonderful losing weight, guarantee you won’t ever feel hungry or perhaps actually require a different diet regime. Only when that have been legitimate. What lot of these kind of diets fail to do is actually make an effort to encourage a change in mindset in the direction of foods, slowly and gradually add eating habit alterations, contend with the particular lower falls if you run-a-way out of the eating plan, and also encourage action that can improve your metabolic rate. They’re essentials of any nutritious diet.

As a way to slim down you need to eat less calorie consumption, take in the right food and workout. It’s that easy.

Precisely why Food Count number?

Counting calories, healthy and balanced consuming along with a diet plan. eating habits are important for you to shedding pounds. Calorie counting is a great technique to assist you build knowledge and also understanding everything you consume. The other great advantage of counting calorie intake is that often it really is adaptable in order to almost any way of living and may participate in very own flavor. Another bonus perhaps there is are not any bad manners foods when you calorie depend,( though most of us highly recommend lower GI ingredients in addition to choosing the healthy option) everything is authorized provided consume inside the food range of waking time plus consume much less calories from fat as compared with a person shed. When you finally do that you may lose fat, it’s medically proven.

Consume the Perfect Food items

Taking in the right foods can easily encourage rapid weight reduction. As an example eating meals who have a new thermogenic outcome along with a lower Index list enable you to lose weight when having straightforward or even enhanced glucose never. Your Index list may be the price at which meals wear out to be released because carbs and glucose into the blood stream. According to their impact on insulin generation, foods is usually described higher, moderate or perhaps low on the GI. In reality maybe you have noticed that after you have taken specified food you sense more hungry as compared to so that you can had? Simply because the meals an individual consumed had been high GI food items that have an damaging relation to insulin shots output ( the hormone insulin is a body fat endocrine) in addition to continues excess weight.

As a result eating the correct foodstuff raises your efforts levels, as well as losing weight and also allow you to a new much healthier man or woman.

Physical exercise for Fast Weight Loss

It is actually approved that most folks hate the thinking behind workout but the truth is really need to get over of which which is a vital perhaps the fat loss method. We are really not recommending you must reach the gym and perform huge exercise, start with Quarter-hour associated with quick taking walks day-to-day along with construct in the item until you are generally exercising for a minimum of Half an hour everyday.

Why’s exercise essential? It is crucial as it enables you to lose weight quickly through boosting a person’s metabolic rate so you burn more calories for a lot of time when you finally finish off physical exercise. Nevertheless this could simply be accomplished by means of strenuous work out of which heightens your whole body heat and also enables you to sweat.

There’s 2 or maybe three diet plans such as the following the three important elements for losing weight fast, Jillian Michaels Absolutely free Plan to lose weight, Necessary protein Electric power and also the MetaBooster Fat loss Eating plan.

About the Author

Irawan Udinsolo writes informative and unique articles about Fast Weight Loss and Tips To Healthy.One thing that separates Irawan Udinsolo from others is the passion she puts into it, knowing full well and respecting the time viewers spend on reading his work.

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Irawan Udinsolo writes informative and unique articles about Fast Weight Loss and Tips To Healthy.One thing that separates Irawan Udinsolo from others is the passion she puts into it, knowing full well and respecting the time viewers spend on reading his work.

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Fitness and Lifestyle – Your Health Will Improve With A Regular Resistance Training Program

September 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Syefan Vijjan

Fitness and Lifestyle – Your Health Will Improve With A Regular Resistance Training Program – Health

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We should recognize those that beyond a shadow of a doubt engage themselves in strength training. This is simply due to the fact they must endure a rigorous regimen and devotion. But you can still do the same and get great results with a very modest program. Your accomplishment and achievement might shock you. Multiple assets are possible from a work out routine such as this. Plus it is well known that weight training helps maintain stronger bones and can improve joint health in later years. There are many great motives therefore, in incorporating a feasible and safe strength training routine. When you really think about it, accessible cialis in uk is something that can have a huge impact depending on the situation.

That’s the reason you have to consider all of the available information. If you mistakenly overlook something, the outcomes can be unpleasant, to say the least. That is exactly why we suggest you take a look at all of your choices as it relates to getting the most for your efforts.

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Constant weight training will organically enhance the strength in your hand. If you want however, you can use equipment that is made particularly for grip strength and hand strength. What we talked about earlier might be more useful in the martial art industry on the assumption they wish not to add bulkiness but rather more power in their hand and grip. The Power Ball exerciser is a device that has been around for a long time. This device makes use of a spinning gyro within it, and you twist your hand to maintain high RPM’s. Great for producing a grip that is powerful, this instrument is small but effective. A strength training program, as well as most other exercise routines, are great for physical advantages, and are also beneficial psychologically. It will depend on exactly what you do as well as other lifestyle behaviors. Exercising may speed up your metabolism, and allow you to lose weight, but without changing your unhealthy diet, the weight will come back. Bad eating is what will make you unhealthy, so to become healthy you will need good eating. When you are working on everything in your life, it doesn’t take that much exercise to make a difference. In order to keep on an exercise plan, in addition to eating right, most people will need to devise their own program. So go ahead and give this some thought and get started. There is so much for you to discover about getting cialis in uk, and we definitely can help you in this area. As always, though, much of what you determine you need is totally reliant on what you want to achieve. Just be sure you choose those items that will serve your needs the most. Exactly how they effect what you do is one thing you need to carefully consider. The remainder of this article will present you with a few more very hot ideas about this.

The muscles of the calf can be difficult for many people to develop, and part of the reason is they are so easy to neglect. The difficulty factor may play second fiddle to the fact that visible muscles on your upper body are simply more desirable to maintain. If you have muscular arms and a barreling chest, yet your calf muscles are puny and weak, it can be a very humorous sight to behold. Exercising your calf muscles doing calf raises with minimal to medium weight is the best place to start. By strolling around the block few times a week, you can successfully build calf muscles without that much effort. Doing weight training on a routine basis will give you a discipline that will change your entire life. When you are sitting on a weight machine, allow your mind to think of the many advantages that you will have by continuing the exercises for a long time. Being disciplined in one area should lead you to be disciplined in other areas. The first thing you need to do to change your life is to decide to do it. Once you get started on changing your life, then you need a little perseverance to keep going. If you keep taking bigger steps, then your life will begin to change, and possibly you will have a new life. We know you want to discover more about getting viagra in uk, and coming up next is one thing we believe will help you in ways you do not realize, yet. Research is time intensive and hard, but we think we have come across the very best as you will soon discover. It is through no fault of your own, but if you have not read through a lot about it, then you do need to be cautious.

About the Author

For additional details please visit cialis price for more information. Also take a look at tadacip.

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For additional details please visit cialis price for more information. Also take a look at tadacip.

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Bridge Exercises for Your Speed Training Program

September 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

Article by Rod White

Bridge Exercises for Your Speed Training Program – Health – Fitness

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Greater speed is obtained through reaching a full extension of the hips combined with the propelling power of the hamstring and glute muscles. Therefore, exercises need to be performed which target the further development of these areas.

Bridging exercises help you to obtain this goal by both building strength in and stretching the associated muscles so that maximum development can be achieved. You will also strengthen your core (back and abs). Following are several good bridging exercises to add to your speed training program that will help you increase speed.

It should be noted that when performing bridging exercises, the lumbar spine should not be flexed. Focus on using the strength of your hamstrings and glutes to elevate the hips. If you feel excessive pressure, discomfort or pain in your back when doing bridges then you are not using your glute and hamstring muscles adequately.Bridge Exercises

Isometric Bridge – Lay on an exercise mat with your knees bent so that you feet are flat on the floor. Place your arms at your sides with the palms of your hands on the floor. Raise your lower body by pressing with your heels and lifting your hips. Squeeze your glutes together as you make this movement. Your weight should rest on your shoulders, using your arms to maintain balance. Your body should form a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. When you reach this position, pull the abdominals towards your spine and hold for 30 seconds. Remember, do not flex the spine, but use your hamstrings and glutes to propel your bodyweight upward. Complete 3 sets.One Leg Bridge – This bridge exercise begins in the same position as the isometric bridge exercise except you extend one leg straight out while keeping the other leg bent and that foot flat on the floor. Lift your lower body off the mat by pressing down with your heel and engaging your glute muscles. Form a straight line from your bent knee to your shoulders and hold your other straightened leg still. Pull your abs in and hold the position for 15 seconds. Release and repeat with the other leg outstretched. Perform 3 sets with each leg.Exercise Ball Bridge – Using an exercise ball, lay on your back on the floor with your feet resting on the ball. Place your arms at your sides with palms facing down. Lift your lower body by pressing down on the exercise ball with your heels and raising your hips. Squeeze your glutes together as your raise yourself. Rest your bodyweight on your shoulders and arms. Your body should form a straight line from your feet to your shoulders. When you reach this position, pull in your abdominals and hold for 15 seconds. Complete 3 sets.Alternating Leg Raise Bridge – Follow the same instructions for the exercise ball bridge only when your body reaches the straight plane from feet to shoulders, raise one foot a couple of inches off the exercise ball. Hold for a count of 2 and change feet while keeping the body plane, glutes tight and stomach pulled in. Complete 5 holds of 2 counts with each foot.

Remember to use your glute and hamstring muscles and not your spine to perform these bridge exercises. Also, as you become adequate at completing the length of each bridge exercise, increase the time of your holds and/or increase the number of sets.

Original Article: http://www.muscleprodigy.com/bridge-exercises-for-your-speed-training-program-arcl-3045.html

About the Author

Rod White is a writer of muscleprodigy.com, an Everything Guide to Health, Fitness, Training, Muscle Building, Nutrition, Sports, Lifestyle and more!

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Fitness Training Program Pointers – Important Facts You Need to Know

September 3, 2012 by  
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Article by Dexter Provitt

Fitness Training Program Pointers – Important Facts You Need to Know – Health

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The fitness bandwagon has taken America by storm. Gym routines, workout videos and home workout programs have been developed by industry experts (and those proclaiming themselves to be such). However, not all training regimens are complete in themselves. For a fitness training program to deliver results, it has to be a well-rounded routine. Basically, this means that the elements of cardiovascular fitness, stretching, muscular fitness, core stability and balance must be covered in whatever routine you engage in. If only one part of the program is prioritized, say cardiovascular fitness alone, you won’t be able to get the toned muscles you want. The key here, really, is to balance the components.

Cardiovascular or endurance activity, also known as aerobic fitness, is the foundation of most fitness training regimens. By allowing you to breathe faster and more deeply, the amount of oxygen that circulates in your blood is maximized. This results in a more efficient circulatory system. Your heart rate increases as your blood vessels are able to transport oxygen throughout your body when you do such activities as walking, jogging and water aerobics. By exercising the large muscle groups for at least an hour a day throughout the week, heart rate is increased and cardiovascular fitness is enhanced.

Another key element of a well-rounded fitness training program is muscular fitness. Bone and muscular strength is developed through a thrice weekly strength training program. If you are trying to lose weight, strength training keeps you from losing muscle mass as you shed away the fats through vigorous aerobic exercises. While a gym often has the widest array of resistance machines, free weights and other tools for strength training, it is still possible to do strength training without paying for expensive gym membership. Home-made weights, such as mineral water bottles filled with water or sand, has a similar effect. If you don’t like the idea of lifting weights, you can always do bodyweight exercises like push ups, squats and crunches to train your muscles.

Stretching exercises give the needed balance to your muscles while improving the range of motion of your joints. Regular stretching exercises improve posture and relieve stress. Yoga and Pilates are great mind-body exercises that stretch and flex the body while centering the mind.

Core stability is another element in a comprehensive fitness training routine. The muscles of your abdomen, lower back and pelvis must be strengthened to enable you to do upper and lower body movements without strain or injury. Abdominal crunches and workouts on a stability ball all develop the core.

The final component of a complete fitness program is balance training. If you have poor balance, you are more prone to falls and fractures. Standing on a leg or engaging in tai chi exercises promote balance.

If you want to engage in a training program that provides your body a complete workout, make sure that you incorporate all these elements into your routine. By doing exercises that focus on each of the aspects, you also prevent boredom on your part since you will be doing different sets of movements everyday.

About the Author

Proud father of three boys, bodyweight training enthusiast, and sports nutrition expert.

Be sure to read our shocking TACFIT Commando review and find out how this intense home fitness program from Scott Sonnon can get you really fit, really fast.

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Proud father of three boys, bodyweight training enthusiast, and sports nutrition expert.

Be sure to read our shocking TACFIT Commando review and find out how this intense home fitness program from Scott Sonnon can get you really fit, really fast.

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The Best Chest Workout Program – The Best Chest Workout to Bulk Up Fast

August 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Chest Exercises

The Best Chest Workout Program

Have you grown tired of being called scrawny or puny? Or maybe you’re embarrassed by your weak and flabby chest. This can be a real confidence-killer, and produce low self-esteem. It’s time to turn things around, and take control of your fitness future. One of the most fulfilling and confidence-building activities you’ll ever enjoy is increasing your strength and building muscle in your chest. So, let’s get pumped up and build the spectacular pectoral muscles you’ve always wanted using the best chest workout techniques available today. The Best Chest Workout Program

There is a plethora of outstanding chest workouts to select from.

Deciding what the best one is for you will depend on your specific fitness goals. A number of variables come into play, like your gender and your current body mass index. Typically, most women do not desire to add bulk to their chest muscle, but prefer toning their muscles and losing weight instead. Men, on the contrary, are much more focused on increasing muscle mass and building strength.

With that said, let’s examine some of the best chest workout techniques that you can get started with.

Chest Workout Tips

One of the very best chest workout techniques to begin with is called the dumbbell pullover. This is an easy exercise to perform. It’s quite similar to the barbell pullover. To execute this chest exercise, you will just use a dumbbell instead of a barbell.

Start this chest workout by holding the dumbbell firmly over your chest with two hands while bending your elbows slightly. Next, you’ll need to slowly lower the dumbbell back, and stretch your arms behind your head as far as possible.

Reverse the motion and bring the dumbbell back to the first position over your chest. Be sure you’re keeping your elbows locked in the same slightly bent position during the entire routine. This is probably the best chest workout technique to build muscle in the upper chest. The Best Chest Workout Program

Another powerful workout that you should include in your chest exercise routine is the cable crossover (also known as the “standing cable crossover”). To successfully execute this exercise, you’ll need to move the pulleys to a high position, and select the amount of weight you’re comfortable with. Now, take hold of the handles that are attached to the overhead pulleys on your chest workout machine, with your arms parallel to the floor and the palms of your hands facing the floor. Bend your waist slightly.

Next, you’ll want to lower your arms in an arc fashion and bring your hands together. Perform the reverse movement on the way back up.

This is without a doubt one of the very best chest workout techniques for beginners. It’s also a great technique for advanced bodybuilders. After just a few repetitions of this exercise, you’ll begin to feel your muscles burn, and you’ll know that your chest muscles are working hard. If you’re truly committed to reaching your goal, then make this chest workout a part of your regular exercise routine. You will progress that much closer to getting the big, muscular chest that you’ve always wanted.

The dumbbell pullover and cable crossovers are two of the very best chest workout techniques you can begin with to build and maintain a big, muscular chest. The Best Chest Workout Program

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www.LeeHayward.com This is a complete chest workout that myself and Trish did the other day. We hit the chest from all angles and positions. Compound exercises, isolation exercises, stretching, peak contraction, etc. You gotta give this one a try! Start with a couple light warm up sets for each exercise. Then do 3 sets of 10-12 reps. Rest about 1-2 minutes between sets. If you would like to follow a complete workout program make sure to check out my 3 Day Bodybuilding Split Routine at www.youtube.com You can also follow along with my workout tips on Facebook at: www.facebook.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5

The Spencer Institute’s Online Mind Body Fitness Certification Program Provides Holistic Training for Healthy Living

August 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Article by Donald Hood

The Spencer Institute’s Online Mind Body Fitness Certification Program Provides Holistic Training for Healthy Living – Business

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(1888PressRelease) Recognizing that the mind and the body work better when they’re in harmony, The Spencer Institute now offers an online Mind Body Fitness Coach Certification program for coaches, trainers, yoga instructors and more. The self-paced program offers insight on mind-body training and exercises that can be used to boost and enhance performance.

“If you believe it, you can achieve.” “What you think, you become.” “Mind over matter.” All of these aphorisms point to one important thing – the mind and body are inextricably linked, and the mind can have a powerful impact on the body. In recognition of the importance of the mind and body connection, The Spencer Institute now offers a 100 percent online Mindy Body Fitness Coach Certification Program.

The only online mind-body fitness training available, this self-paced program is designed for fitness professionals, body workers, massage therapists, life coaches, physical and athletic trainers, gym owners and others interested in enhancing clients’ health, reducing stress and giving clients the tools they need for a healthier life.

“More and more, we come to understand how much our minds and bodies are linked, and how one can profoundly affect the other, which gives us the ability to harness the dual powers of the mind and body to create overall fitness, health and happiness,” said Dr. John Spencer Ellis, CEO and president of The Spencer Institute and creator of the Mind Body Fitness Coach Certification program. “Anyone who loves yoga, who loves running, who loves eating and living well likely understands how amazing life can be when the mind and body work in harmony for holistic health.”

The online certification includes digital manuals, video and audio PowerPoint lectures and an online exam. The Mind Body Fitness Coach online training program qualifies for continuing education credits (CEUs) for ISSA, the Spencer Institute and NESTA and does not have any prerequisites. The certification is valid for two years.

Topics covered included scientific mind-body practices to enhance health, tips on coaching clients, a variety of perspectives on mind-body fitness, details on yoga, meditation, bodywork and more.

“A Mind Body Fitness Coach is perhaps one of the most rewarding careers I can think of. It combines science with practical application, movement with breathing, not to mention helping clients find more joy, connection and fitness from the inside out,” Ellis added.

About the Spencer InstituteFounded by Dr. John Spencer Ellis, an international leader in wellness coaching, personal development and fitness, The Spencer Institute offers life coaching, holistic education, nutrition coaching, sports psychology and wellness training certification programs delivered in online and distance learning formats that are designed to provide a step-by-step blueprint to success. The programs were developed to help people find the career of their dreams while helping others live better lives. For more information about the Spencer Institute or the Mind Body Fitness Coach Certification Program, please visit http://spencerinstitute.com/mind-body-fitness-coach-certification/



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Donald Hood

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